Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Reborn ❯ Unexpected Meetings ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Hey people how is everyone doing today? I'm really exited!!! YAY!! SNOW DAY FOR ME!!!!! Ok I would like to take this time to apologize if I do not update frequently cuz I'm really busy with work and school but I will try my best! Also please review! I love constructive criticism but understand that flames only serve for my entertainment. I do want you guys to tell me If I can improve anything or if you are confused.
Disclaimer: THEY ARE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!.....*sees blood thirsty layers banging on her door* Ok, OK , I lied I do not own them…sadly…=( The amazing Kazuya Minekura does! =) Oh how the world is cruel….obviously any OC characters are my own creation.
“Kouryuu look!” she exclaimed, half turning to look at a young boy a few years older that herself with blond hair and the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. “Isn't it beautiful?” she whispered, leaning her chin forward unto her palms.
The soft breeze caressed their hair as they sat at the edge of the river, the water lapping gently at their bare feet. They could see the town and behind it, in the distance, the sky was painted in the beautiful colors of early morning. The boy leaned back on his hands, his eyes closed, an annoyed look on his face.
`Pch. You woke me up at this insane hour for this Narine?” he hissed, turning his head towards her. Narine half turned and smiled at him briefly before turning back towards the sunrise, her green eyes sparkling in the half darkness of that hour. Kouryuu sighed and turned to look at the sky as well. They were silent for a long time, then in a voice that was barely a whisper Narine started to talk.
“You want to know what I like about sunrises Kouryuu.” Kouryuu cocked his head sideways and watched her silently. Narine hugged her knees to her chest. “It's always there. It never changes, people around you leave you, they disappear and die, but you can always count on the sun to rise in the exact same place, everyday” She suddenly turned towards him and grabbed his hand between hers. “Kouryuu I'll be your sunrise. I want to stay by your side for always” She leaned forward and kissed him softly on his cheek. Narine stood up and dusted off her worn clothes, suddenly giving him a cold glare. “Now don't you be thinking anything stupid now, you hear!” Her cheeks were starting to turn pink now, “It's not like I like you that way or anything, we're friends alright? I don't care what you say and friends are always there for each other”, she smiled radiantly at him, “just like the sunrise”
She kicked on her shoes and with a single wave was off running down the hill at top speed. Kouryuu stared after her, his hand touching the spot where she had kissed him.
Narine wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her wrist, cursing the heat under her breath. She half turned and stared with longing at the cool mountains that she had left a few days ago. She leaned heavily on her staff as she contemplated the small town before her, full with bustling activity. With a heavy sigh Narine moved slowly down the hill.
Days under the sun had turned her skin an itchy, painful red. Her plain clothes where covered in sooth and grime, and her normally glossy hair was matted down with dirt, leaves and hay. All in all she did not look her best. Miserable and hot she continued to walk down the seemingly endless hill amid the strange looks from passerby's.
Her vision swam for a moment and she almost fell over but caught herself in time. Damn this heat, it's making my head swim, she though miserably wiping more sweat from her forehead. Several hours later, she had still not arrived at the town. She could barely see anymore, it had been days since she had last eaten and she suddenly felt very weak.
“I'm hungry! Hakkai what's taking you so long?” She heard a voice say not that far off. The delicious smell of cooking hit her nose and she moved towards it. Through her blurry vision she could make out the shape of four people, men by the looks of it. Her practical side told her it was dangerous to approach such men; surely they could not be human if they were out here in the woods instead of in a nice cool house. Who in their right mind would want to camp out while there were demons on the rampage? Her stomach growled and her other mind, the one that was not so smart, took over. Narine dragged herself towards the campfire her eyes locked on the fish that circled around the fire roasting, their bodies impaled by sticks.
The men spun around quickly once they heard the dull thud of her worn staff. Violet eyes connected with Green and her head spun. It can't be…. She thought as she felt her body falling. They were saying something, but she could not hear them. Warm arms surrounded her, catching her before she fell. The last thing she remembered was warm crimson eyes and a kind, cocky smile.
Sanzo sat staring at the sleeping form of the young woman that had stumbled into their camp earlier that day. He frowned, thinking back on the strange dream that he had had the night before. He knew who she was; he had known the moment he had set eyes on her. She was taller, and her hair had grown long over the years not to mention that she was filthy, but nevertheless those intense green eyes that had always mesmerized him remained unchanged. Those green eyes that belonged to only one person in this world. Narine.
What was she doing out here? Filthy, her skin burned and peeling from long days in the sun. Unconsciously he stared at her hand. There was no marriage ring. His violet eyes trailed back up to her face. He had forgotten about her. A picture flashed in his brain; there she was smiling at him just as she had been then, short, smiling Narine. With short raven hair and beautiful green eyes, the picture in his brain grew and there he was, his dead master, smiling a hand around the young girl's shoulders.
“Pch” Sanzo frowned taking a drag out of the cigarette and blowing the smoke away. His other companions were silent, watching the sleeping form of the girl as well. Gojyo blew a puff of smoke and watched it swirl away into the night sky.
“I wonder what she was doing out here all alone” he said quietly, throwing the dying cigarette but into the fire. “She's been traveling for a long time by the looks of it” The girl groaned in her sleep, her eyelashes trembling. Slowly her eyelids opened and her green eyes washed over the camp.
“Where am I?” she said softly sitting up drowsily and reaching a pale hand up to her forehead. She turned her head and suddenly her breath caught in her throat as she stared at Sanzo, recognition hitting her like a rock. Sanzo lit another cigarette and took a long drag waiting for her response.
Narine gave him one of her best glares. “Hello Kouryuu” she said coldly, pulling her hair back up into a ponytail.
“Narine” he replied equally as cold. Unable to stop it, her heart skipped a beat and it took all the self control she had to keep from throwing her arms around him. He left you remember, he betrayed you. It's his fault you got caught and sent to the Miko School. He left you when you had no one else. She thought desperately, as she continued to glare at him fueled by her anger. She looked away and her vision settled on a small plate of food and a single fish left roasting by the fire.
Hakkai smiled nervously at the new arrival, noticing the tension between the Sanzo and the young woman. He also noticed how she looked at the food longingly, obviously hungry but too modest to ask for food if she was not offered any. Hakkai smiled kindly at her, “Do you want any food Miss Narine?” he inquired, instantly her hand shot forward and she grabbed the plate and the chop sticks that Hakkai offered her in a flash.
She gulped down the food at lighting speed, noticing the stares of the men she stopped mid chew and straightened her back, her cheeks turning a light pink and wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. She smiled sheepishly at the men and bowed her head. “I'm sorry” she said laughing, “I'm just so hungry!”
The men laughed and then an awkward silence filled the circle as Narine continued eating. Finally, unable to stand the silence anymore Narine spoke up looking at the handsome red headed man who had been watching her in a way that made Narine feel dizzy. “I'm sorry Kouryuu must've forgotten his manners” she said smiling at the men, “I doubt he had any to begin with” she muttered under her breath.
“My name is Narine, it's nice to meet you all um…men…..guys….” she drifted off unsure of what to call them. Hakkai smiled stretching his hand to her and giving it a firm shake. “My name is Hakkai, this is Goku and the Red-head is Gojyo. I see you already know Sanzo” he said kindly, Narine gave Sanzo a cold look. “Quite” she said simply.
“So what are you doing way out here honey? Young girls like you shouldn't be out alone” Gojyo said giving her a cocky grin. Narine laughed lightly, “Don't worry about me, believe me I can take care of myself” she winked at him, “demons don't scare me” Gojyo's grin widened, he pushed his long red hair out of his face, leaning back on his palms. “Really though it's not safe for you out here”
Hakkai nodded looking at her with a serious expression on his face. “Gojyo's right Miss Narine it's not safe for a young girl your age to be traveling all alone” Sanzo reached for another cigarette and lit it blowing the smoke out. “What are you doing out here Narine?”
“Well….I'm traveling what else do you think I'm doing? Seeing the sites you know, after all you only get to live once. Demons aren't going to stop me” she laughed waving their worries away, “Besides what would they want with me anyways-----
“Cut the crap Narine. What's the real reason?” Sanzo cut her off testily, catching her eyes with his violet ones and keeping them there. Narine bit her lower lip and looked down at her hands which rested on her lap. “Well…I'm looking for someone” she said softly.
Gojyo whistled, “You must really care about this boyfriend of yours to be risking your life to go see him” Narine blushed furiously, wringing the hem of her long red skirt. “He's not my boyfriend.” She stated matter-of-factly, “Actually he's a demon”
Gojyo spit out the beer that he was drinking and stared at her incredulously. “A what?” Narine sighed heavily and buried her face in her hand. “It's a long story you guys and I really don't feel like telling it right now.” She looked up at Sanzo, “So what are you doing here Sanzo?” she inquired leaning forward attentively.
Sanzo sighed and blew out another puff of his cigarette. “I'm on a mission. Going west.” He said simply, Narine rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah…that tells me a lot. But whatever I don't care what you do anyway” she stood up and looked around the camp, gathering her things with her. “Well, it was nice meeting you all. I hate to eat and run but there are things that I must attend to” she turned towards Sanzo, her eyes washing over his face and committing it to memory. Her heart was as heavy as a stone in her chest but she did not let it show through in her face, though her eyes betrayed her. “Unlike you Kouryuu, I do not leave without saying goodbye. So farewell, hope you find whatever you are looking for” she said trying to put some ice into her voice but what came out sounded weak even to her own ears.
Silence reigned between the two as they regarded one another. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Sanzo spoke. “You too”. Narine started to walk down the road, her green eyes downcast. Hakkai glanced at Sanzo briefly and then called out to her, “Miss Narine wait!”
Narine turned around and walked back towards the camp. “Yes, what is it?” she said raising an elegant eyebrow. “We can give you a ride to the next town if you would like, it's about a day away by car so you will have to spend the night here with us, if you want of course” Narine gave him a genuine smile and bowed her head to him.
“Thank you. I would like that very much” She set her things on the ground and rummaged through them, taking out the utensils she needed in order to take a bath. Draping the towel over her shoulder, Narine started to walk off into the woods alone. “I'm going to take a bath now. I thought I saw a lake around here somewhere.” She half turned around and captured each and every one of their eyes with her own, sending a very clear warning to each of them. Follow me and you'll die. She lingered the longest on the red head and then when she was satisfied that she had scared them enough, she turned her back on them and went in the forest.
Hours had already gone by and still Narine had not returned. The men in the camp were starting to get worried; Hakkai had turned his head and looked at the place where they had last seen Narine at least a thousand times. Goku kept jumping at every noise that was heard, and Gojyo kept opening and closing his lighter. They only relaxed person in the camp was Sanzo, who so far had not shown any signs of impatience and merely sat reading the newspaper with his blond hair tied in a small ponytail.
“You think she's ok Sanzo? I mean she would have screamed if a demon got her right? We would've heard something by now.” Goku questioned the older man nervously. When Sanzo did not reply he stood up and ran into the forest, yelling behind him. “I'm gonna go look for her”
He had not gotten far when suddenly he felt himself being lifted and turned upside down by invisible strings that wrapped around his wrists and ankles and burned his skin. Goku tried to call out but his mouth was wrapped by those invisible strings as well. Try as he might he could not liberate himself from his bondage.
He heard some rustlings in the bushes, and his heartbeat sped up. Sweat running down his face. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the deathly blow to fall on him. He knew he was going to die but all he could think of was. Oh crap.
“I didn't expect to find you here Goku. I was sure it would be the red head” Goku's golden eyes shot open and stared incredulously at Narine who was standing a few feet from him wrapped only in a towel with her long raven hair dripping down her back. Shaking her head she waved her hand in front of Goku and he fell to the ground with a loud thump.
“Ow” he said sitting cross legged on the floor, rubbing his injured wrists. Narine knelt in front of him with a sigh. “Don't you know it's bad to spy on people?” she said, Goku looked up at her and blushed deeply, waving his hands frantically. “No, no! I wasn't I was just worried so I came to look after you, I thought some demons had got you or something because you took so long”
Narine's eyes softened and in one swift motion she took his hand and ran her hand over the singed part. Her hand glowed blue for a moment and then the marks on Goku's hands were gone, he watched in silent amazement as she continued to heal his wounds. “That was sweet of you Goku but you don't have to worry about me you know. I can take care of myself” When she had finished, she stood up and helped Goku up.
“Actually I've spent over an hour looking for my spare robe only to remember that I left it in my bag.” She said sheepishly, smiling at Goku. “ I was just going back to get it when I felt someone messing with my barrier”
Goku looked at her as they walked back towards the camp. “How did you do that? You're not a demon are you?” he said confused, as far as he knew the only person who could create barriers and heal people was Hakkai but that was because he was also a demon, but Narine didn't have a demonic aura around her at all, so how could she still create barriers and heal wounds?
Narine laughed merrily, “No I'm not a demon Goku. I'm a priestess” she said simply. Goku stopped in his tracks, “So you're like Sanzo?” he asked hurrying to catch up with her. Narine shook her head and smiled down at him. “Yes, and no, I do different stuff than your Sanzo does. I don't have any sutras either” she added her lower lip pouting a little. “It's a shame really…”
Their conversation came to an end when they reached the camp and Hakkai, Sanzo and Gojyo caught sight of the young woman dressed in a towel. Narine, completely oblivious to the shocked looks the other's where giving her walked calmly past Sanzo and rummaged once more through her pack until she found her clean Miko garb. She made a bundle under her arm and walked behind some trees. Silence reigned over the camp for a few minutes as Narine dressed and when she came out, the men averted her gaze.
“What?” she said shrugging not really noticing how she had disconcerted the men, even Sanzo who was usually stoic could not help but feel a little twinge in his stomach. An embarrassed silence ruled over the camp as Narine realized what she had just done and stood, staring a hole into the ground with flaming cheeks. This was however short lived because just at that moment a hoard of demons attacked the camp.
AN: MUAHAHAHHA!! That was the end of the Chapter 1 I hope you liked it!!! R& R! =)