Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Reborn ❯ The Locket ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Saiyuki. Kazuya Minekura does …cuz she's AMAZING!!
The demons came at them all at once; there must have been more than twenty. Before Narine could react and defend herself, she was pushed unceremoniously against a tree by four very persistent hands. Sanzo glanced back at her, his violet eyes shining in the moonlight. “Stand back and don't do anything. I am not going to be responsible for your death.”
Narine pressed herself against a tree, her mind working furiously as she watched them fight the ongoing demons. The sting of Sanzo's words had penetrated deep into her heart and anger rose up in her once again. He thinks I'm weak. She detached herself from the tree and watched Sanzo; she had never seen him like this, fighting against demons. Though she might have liked to deny it, Sanzo was in fact a very skilled fighter, better than her, much to her chagrin.
He's changed, she thought as she watched the fight around her, He's become more like the Kouryuu I used to know…the Kouryuu before the death of master Sanzo. The one that I…She shook her head furiously. No, that was a long time ago. The 13 year old boy that I fell in love with is dead. But still…he's not like he used to be either….could it be that his companions. Those…demons…. Have changed him? Demons…demons have done in a short time what I, with all my years of knowing Kouryuu, never achieved.
Narine took a step towards the battle, her green eyes shining determinately, oblivious to the dark shadow that lurked under the cover of the trees. A shadow that smirked in the darkness and licked its blood red lips with a quivering purple tongue. Waiting…waiting patiently for the right moment. Time does great things to people. You might be stronger, quicker, and more determined Kouryuu. But you are not the only one who has changed. You might not think so, you might not even notice, but I'm not the weak, lonely, little girl that depended on you. I can walk on my own two feet now. I'll show you Kouryuu…I will show you to never underestimate me.
Narine took another step towards the battle, but just as she was about to purify all the demons present a hand shot forward and covered her mouth. She felt something creeping around her neck and suddenly her breath was cut off. She clawed at the hand that grasped her neck painfully, cutting off her air supply. The demon leaned forward, his hot breath brushing her ear, “ssshhh… be quiet now little priesssstesss. Or you jussst might find yourssselff, ssssurrounded by sssnakess”
Narine felt something climbing up her body and looked down her eyes full of terror. A black snake made its way up her arms and circled around her neck. Stopping momentarily to hiss at her, Narine shut her eyes as a bead of sweat rand down forehead. “Beautiful creaturessss aren't they priessstesss? One bite from thisss one and you'll be dead in 5 daysss. One move priessstesss and you'll die a ssslow painful death!” he chuckled into her ear softly, taking a moment to pass his forked tongue down her neck. “You tassssste good, priesssstessss…” he said before dragging her off into the trees. Narine stopped struggling and gave in to the insistence of the demon, turning back only once to look at the figure of Sanzo for one last time.
One by one the demons were eliminated until all that was left was a pile of corpses. Sanzo shot the last remaining demon and turned to face his companions, pushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Hn. Idiots” he stated calmly, he turned his gaze onto the spot where he had left Narine and cursed loudly when he found that the young priestess was gone.
“Damnit!” he swore, he turned towards his companions. “Split up” he said simply and headed north into the forest, leaving his companions standing in the moonlit glade. Sanzo pushed his way through the forest clutching his gun tightly in his hand. He stopped suddenly when he heard voices. He pressed his back against a tree and leaned forward slightly, hidden behind the shadows.
“What do you want?” He heard Narine say, she stood in the middle of the clearing, unrestrained, watching the demon that circled around her with hard, green eyes. The demon lunged at her and grabbed her chin roughly, tilting her face up towards the sky. “You have beautiful eyesss priessstesss. I ssseee why massster Kougaiji wantsss you all for himssseelffff.”
Sanzo started to move forwards but stopped in his tracks when he heard Narine's voice. “Kougaiji? You know Kougaiji?” she asked, the demon chuckled again, dragging a clawed hand down her neck. “ He ssssent usss to get you little priessstesss, it wasss a fine sssuprise for uss when we sssaw that you were with the Sanzo priessst, massster Kougaiji ssshould be very pleassed with us. You left him quite…messsmerized…lassst time, little priesstess. and now he hasss to have you all to himsseellff.” The demon ran a clawed thumb across her lower lip. “Me thinksss Massster Kougaiji is being awfully sssellffissshh, keeping ssssuch a….tasssty morsssel all to himssself. After all I had come all thisss way to get you, I sssshould be allowed a sssshare of the goodssss….itsss only fair”
Narine struggled against the hold of the demon, whose hands started to run down her body, hissing at the black snake to go on its way. The snake obeyed and slithered off into the darkness. A shot rang in the silence and the snake demon fell limp, sliding down to the floor. Narine looked up into angry violet eyes.
“You are worthless Narine” he said coldly, his anger getting the best of him for unknown reasons. Narine glared at him, “I am Not worthless Kouryuu, don't pretend to know me” She said firmly, her green eyes shining with anger. “I did not need your help; I could've killed him myself.”
“That's why you were standing there as he ran his hands all over you wasn't it?”
“Shut up! You don't know what you are talking about…” she said and looked away biting her lower lip. The truth was she was caught off guard by the mention of Kougaiji and the fact that she was scared, but she could never admit that to Sanzo. That would only prove that what Sanzo said was true, that she was worthless. He would not understand. She would die before she showed any weakness in front of Sanzo.
“Pch. I heard what he said Narine. What do you have to do with Kougaiji? What is he to you? Have you acquired a sudden taste for youkai, since I last saw you? Is that what you do now? Sleep with demons like a common whore-.” SLAP! Sanzo was cut off as Narine slapped him. Her eyes shining with anger.
“Don't you ever say that again! Don't pretend to know anything about me Genjo Sanzo. You have absolutely nothing to do with my life. What's it to you anyways? You don't give a rat's ass about what happens to me!” Narine shoved him away; clenching her fists tightly, trying her best to restrain the tears that threatened to spill.
“ The nature of my relationship with Kougaiji is none of your goddamn business! So stay out of my life!” she yelled at him, her anger getting the best of her. There was a rustle in the bushes and Hakkai walked out. Narine gave Sanzo one last cold look and then she shouldered past Hakkai and was gone into the woods.
Hakkai half-turned his head as she passed him by noticing at once the tears shining at the corners of her emerald eyes. He waited until he was certain that she was out of his earshot and walked towards Sanzo.
“Sanzo, I don't know what your relationship with that girl is but is plain that you have known each other for a long time. I heard what you said Sanzo and I must admit that what you did was extremely tactless not to mention cruel to that poor girl.” Hakkai looked at Sanzo with cool green eyes, “that was low, even for you.”
Hakkai turned his back to Sanzo and started to walk back to the camp. Sanzo lit a cigarette and leaned his back against a tree, his violet eyes washing over the star strewn night. A gentle breeze blew, disheveling his golden hair. He passed a hand gently through his hair, pushing back his bangs away from his eyes. “Pch.” He did not know what had come over him then, why he had been so angered when the demon mentioned Kougaiji and the fact that there was some hidden relationship between the demon and Narine that she would not talk about. His violet eyes shone in the night as he stared up at the star strewn canopy over head. It was a beautiful night, and as he stared at the stars a memory suddenly flashed behind his eyes unbidden.
The Memory of a night much like this one…
Kouryuu fingered the tiny locket that he kept hidden in his pocket as he walked through the apple orchard, a young girl chatting amiably beside him. The apple blossoms were in full bloom and shone with an almost ethereal light under the bright moon of that night. His heart thumped loudly in his chest for an unknown reason and his face felt flushed and hot.
`What's wrong with me? It's not as if this is the first time Narine and I come to this place at night. Why do I feel so nervous?' He thought shutting his eyes tightly in an attempt to control his feeling of increasing nervousness.
“Kouryuu are you Ok? You seem kinda flushed!” Kouryuu opened his eyes to glare at her. “Shut up Narine!” He elbowed past her and sat down with his back against a tree. The young girl shrugged good naturedly and continued on with her story, settling into place beside the boy.
“And then that stupid MELINA said--
The sound of laughter interrupted her story, as a young couple burst through the trees laughing, hugging, and kissing each other all at once. Kouryuu and Narine glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes and looked away quickly. When they looked up again the couple was gone. Narine scratched the back of her neck, her face slightly flushed and laughed nervously. “Right. So what time is it now Kouryuu?” she said trying to wave off the embarrassed silence that had enveloped both of them.
The young boy looked at his watch, well the watch that he had “Borrowed” from a monk. “Its 12:01, happy birthday Narine” he said with a small smile. The girl stood up and twirled around laughing gleefully. Kouryuu stood up as well, leaning his back against the tree and watching the girl twirl in the darkness. She stopped and swayed lightly, her laughter ceasing momentarily.
She held up a peace sign and stuck a pose. “HA! I am officially 12 now” she grinned at Kouryuu and crossed her arms. “That makes you only a year older than me so there! You can't boss me around anymore!”
“Pch. Technically I am still 2 years older than you, you forget I'm turning 14 in a few months” he said nonchalantly, Narine stuck her tongue out at him. Swallowing a knot in his throat, Kouryuu walked towards her, drawing out the small silver locket from his pocket and holding it out to her.
“Here” he said stiffly, Narine looked down at his hand and took the locket gingerly. Kouryuu looked away from her, his cheeks slightly pink. “If you don't want it just give it back” he said angrily. Narine shook her head, and threw her arms around his neck unexpectedly.
“Thank you Kouryuu! I love it!” Kouryuu wrapped his arms around her slowly, and closed his eyes relishing in her presence against his. Narine detached herself from him slowly, her green eyes two shining emeralds in the moonlight. His heart began to throb again as he grabbed her shoulders.
Narine stared back at him with trusting green eyes and smiled, clutching the small locket to her chest. Slowly she closed her eyes and waited. Something inside of him softened. Narine trusted him…trusted him…wholly and completely. Slowly he closed the distance between them, his heart thumping so hard that he was sure that Narine could hear it, he frowned deeply even as he leaned in toward the girl, internally shouting at his heart to cease its unceasing thumping. Surely Narine would hear it and his cool and aloof demeanor would be shot!
Their lips met chastely under the vast indigo sky, the apple blossoms falling around them….
Kougaiji sat on the windowsill staring out at the full moon his violet eyes reflecting the stars above. The castle was unusually quiet at this time of night and he relished these times when he could be alone, away from the insistent voices, and the inevitable battle that was taking place around the country. It was during these moments that he could think about things other than the fight.
During this particular night, he thought about her, oblivious to the fact that thousands of miles away the object of his thoughts was silently crying under the same moonlight sky. Thinking about him, just as he was thinking about her.
He held up the small silver locket up so that the moonlight fell on it, sending small ripples of light shivering up the wall. Memories of the emerald-eyed priestess took possession of his mind as he
Slid his claws along the edge, the locket fell open and a picture of a smiling young boy stared him in the face. He crushed the locket in his hand and let the pieces fall to the floor.
“Stupid woman” he spat out, walking away into the darkness once more.
AN: Ohhhh…the plot thickens…what exactly is this relationship between Narine and Kougaiji? Muahahaha you're gonna have to read to find out! =)
I realize that Sanzo is acting a bit OCC but that's because even though he doesn't want to admit it he still remembers the feelings that he had for Narine when he was a little boy. If any of you are wondering no, neither Narine nor Sanzo feel anything towards the other ...except friendship…if you can call it that. What's happening is that they're experiencing a lot of forgotten feelings that they once had for each other. Kinda like when you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you see them with someone else after you have broken up. You may not like them anymore, but you still remember that at one point you did and I can lead you to acting differently and even jealously. I mean it really depends on the person but in any case this is what's happening between the two.