Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ CHAPTER FIVE: Act ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© December 31, 2002 By Rory V. Pascual


Hakkai stared at the gloomy scene outside the window of his room. The storm that suddenly blew their way shrouded the small town with appalling darkness and raging rain and wind, only to be illuminated by brief flashes of lightning.

Hearing the door creak open, he pulled the shutters close and twisted his body so that his long legs fell over the edge of the bed.

"Hai, Goku," Hakkai greeted, not looking at his roommate. "I'm just as worried about Sanzo as you. I know how much he hates the rain. Let's just hope that the weather is better where he is."

"Except for the effects it has on his mood, a little rain never hurt our Sanzo-sama."

Hakkai's eyes lifted to look at Gojyo in surprise. The half-breed has his hands behind his back, leaning against the door. He was dressed only in his loose, sleeveless white shirt.

"Gojyo? What are you doing here? Where's Goku?"

"Yaone misses Lirin," Gojyo replied. "She asked me if she could take care of Goku tonight. Jien has company and... Do you mind? Because if you don't want me here...."

", I don't mind at all!" Hakkai quickly shook his head. "You can sleep here."

For a moment, there was uncomfortable silence between them. Taking a deep breath, Gojyo pushed away from the door, leaving the latch locked behind him. Wordlessly, he went towards Hakkai, who in turn watched his friend's approach through wary eyes. He didn't realize he was holding his breath, until Gojyo sat down on his bed and seized his lips in a desperate kiss. Shock and lack of air caused Hakkai to pull out of that tight embrace.

"Gojyo..." he began breathlessly. "What's the meaning of this?"

The half-breed removed the monocle from Hakkai's nose and laid it carefully on the table. "I know you're feeling lonely, Hakkai. I feel the same way too."

"I could cope. And so could you. Didn't you notice how that buxom chambermaid was swooning over you?"

"I don't want her. I want...I want..." Gojyo's voice faltered as he turned his head away. "But he's not here."

Hakkai looked at his friend, startled. He had suspected it, but to hear it from Gojyo's lips... "You desire Sanzo."

"No, not desire. I love that corrupt priest. But...but...with him not here...I...I..." Quietly, he mumbled, "I desire you, Hakkai."

Before Hakkai could move, he was enfolded in a bold embrace and his lips claimed once more. As he was pushed down on the bed, his shirt was ripped open and the buttons of his jeans removed.

Jerking his head free, Hakkai gasped, "Gojyo, no! Please don't!"

"Ever since I met you," Gojyo mumbled in his ear, "I've always wanted to make love to you. I kept my distance, out of respect for your feelings towards your sister Kanan. But now... Hakkai, please. Just this once."

"I can't! Please! I can't do this!"

"We've been lovers once, Hakkai. Don't ask me how I know, but I could feel it in my heart. Don't you feel it too? There was a time in the past when we loved each other."

Hakkai knew it to be true, judging from the way his heart pounded like a hammer in his chest. He had seen it in his dreams -- of him lying underneath a tree from which fragrant pink petals fell, and ruby eyes staring down at him with warmth and longing. Something inside him willed him to lower his arms, letting them fall limp at his sides.

Gojyo was happy with the younger man's sudden acquiescence. Bending down upon that pliant body, he started to rain kisses upon the pulse point of Hakkai's neck.

"Arigato, Hakkai," the half-breed mumbled, fingers splaying over a firm pectoral, palm rubbing over a hardening nipple.

But then, a warm drop fell on his cheek. Lifting his head, Gojyo was dismayed to see the tears pouring from those troubled jade eyes. The sight of those tears tore into his already miserable soul.

" don't want me," Gojyo choked out, feeling his own tears rising up his throat.

He eased away from the younger man, getting up from the bed. He was about to leave, but a trembling hand closed around his wrist. However, in his shame, Gojyo could not look back at his friend.

"Gomen nasai, Gojyo," came Hakkai's soft voice. "I did not mean to hurt you with my...rejection. It's just that it wouldn't be fair to either of us to do this, knowing where our hearts truly lay."

"I've thought about this many times to the point that it made my head ache. To love Genjo Sanzo is a battle we are bound to lose. What we want from him...I don't think he's capable of giving."

Hakkai stood up and faced Gojyo. "That is true." He gave the older man a sad little smile, cupping that scarred, yet handsome, face in his right hand. "But I could hope, can't I? And dream? That things would change. That Sanzo would learn to open up his heart to us."

"We've been together for so damned long. He's never going to change. Even if he does eventually do so..." Gojyo gazed into his friend's wise green eyes. "Could we wait that long, Hakkai?" He laid his palm over the hand that was caressing his scarred cheek. "And while we're waiting, couldn't we learn to draw love and warmth from each other in the meantime?"

Hakkai wanted so much to tell him that his fragile heart could only handle one love at a time, not like the ero kappa who fell in and out of love so easily. But the pain in Gojyo's eyes stopped him from saying so.

Instead, he laid his hands on the half-breed's shoulders and whispered, "I'll try, Gojyo. I'm not promising anything, but I'll try."

Gojyo embraced Hakkai tightly, fighting the strong urge to kiss his kind friend. "I guess that's better than nothing."

Sanzo was cursing under his breath as he headed towards the tiny chamber that served as his meditation room. The pouring rain and the strong gusts of wind outside made him edgy. More than anything else, he needed cigarettes and a bottle of strong wine to calm his fraying nerves. But the Demon King had forbidden him from indulging in his favorite vanities. Although he knew that it probably wouldn't work, Sanzo hoped that meditating and chanting on a sutra would help him this time. He even dressed for the occasion, donning his golden robes with the veiled crown on top of his head. There was one difference though. He wore absolutely nothing underneath -- no body suit, no arm-length gloves, and definitely no jeans. Another of Gyumao's rules. Sanzo smirked at that thought. As if the Demon King could have his wicked way with him.

Poor Kougaiji, however, was a different matter. The youkai prince had been having difficulty in fending off his father's advances. If Sanzo hadn't decided to stick to Kougaiji like a leech, Gyumao would have succeeded in deflowering his own son.

Reaching the prayer room, Sanzo heaved a sigh. With the walls of the chamber so thick, at least, he wouldn't hear the annoying pitter-patter of raindrops.

In his desire for peace and solitude, the priest failed to notice the dark figure lurking inside. As he shut the door, the latch suddenly fell. A large hand was clamped over his mouth and an arm wrapped around his trim waist. Sanzo struggled furiously as he was lifted off his feet and carried towards the middle of the room.

As he was dropped painfully on the mat, the monk looked up to behold Gyumao standing above him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Sanzo demanded angrily. "You have no right to disturb me during my time of prayer!"

"I will disturb you anytime I wish, Sanzo-sama," Gyumao began, smirking, "because I own you." He looked the priest below him from head to toe. "You don't know just how beautiful you are, dressed in a monk's garb. When we wed, I would like you to wear these garments. Nothing would please me more than to tear them off your delectable body once we're alone in our bedchamber."

"Well, we're not wedded yet. So what the hell are you doing here? By the time we do get married, you won't have anything between your legs!"

The Demon King smiled at the priest, causing Sanzo's blood to run cold in sudden apprehension. "I may not be able to claim you in that way yet, but there are many ways for you and I to get to know each other better."

Dropping to his knees, Gyumao seized Sanzo into his not-so-tender embrace and pressed his mouth hard on those soft, yet tight, lips. Furious, the monk pounded his fists on the youkai's shoulders and chest, but the Demon King would not release him. Out of desperation, Sanzo brought his knee up hard to Gyumao's groin. As the youkai clutched his injured privates, the priest made to scurry away. But Gyumao grabbed his collar that his robe tore from neck to hem. That move stopped Sanzo's momentum that he fell a mere inch away from the door. He reached for the latch, but Gyumao jerked him back. Before the priest could break free, the Demon King slammed him hard against the wall, trapping him.

Still, Sanzo fought back, lashing out with fists and feet. In his impatience, Gyumao retaliated by backhanding the monk, so that blood was drawn from the corner of his mouth. As the young man sat there, dazed, the Demon King jerked the torn robes down Sanzo's arms and pinned those flailing legs between his knees. Arching the priest's upper body towards him, Gyumao seized a pink nipple inside his mouth.

"No! NO!" Sanzo hissed, enraged. "Get your fucking hands and mouth off me! I'm not a whore to be treated like this!"

Gyumao's answer was to sink his teeth into that nub while his fingers cruelly twisted the other, eliciting a cry of pain from the monk. "I will do whatever I please with you because you are my whore!"

"I will never be your whore! NEVER! A youkai yaro like you will never claim me!"

Fingers dug into his cheeks, forcing his mouth to open. His eyes widened, seeing the Demon King fumble with the ties of his trousers, pulling out his massive member.

Pushing Sanzo's head down onto his lap, Gyumao muttered, "Let's see if that mouth of yours is good for something else other than spewing foulness."

"Put that thing inside my mouth and I swear I'll bite it off!"

It was a clear challenge that the Demon King could not resist. However, before he could thrust his erection deep into the priest's throat, with his inner vision, he saw that Sanzo's lips began to glow with a menacing golden aura. As he suspected, the shields of the Three Aspects prevented him from taking the monk through penetration.

Abruptly, Gyumao pushed Sanzo back. Pressing his body close to the young man, he took Sanzo's hand in his own, forcing it to encircle his cock.

"Nani..." the priest asked in confusion, staring at the slab of man meat in his hand.

But then, with his own hand guiding Sanzo's fingers, the Demon King proceeded to pump his aching rod. Disgusted, Sanzo tried to jerk his hand away, but Gyumao held on tightly. The priest could only watch in silent horror as his unwilling fingers stroked that enormous shaft, tips tracing the veins. The youkai came explosively, spilling semen all over Sanzo's hand and lap.

"WARO!" the monk cried out in abhorrence, pulling his hand back as if burned.

However, Gyumao parted his long legs, letting come-slick fingers caress Sanzo's inner thighs. Going up to those limp genitals, he asked, grinning, "I'm sure no one has done this to you before, my blond beauty. Let me show you the technique so that you would know how to perform it well when it's your turn."

Seeing the Demon King about to seize his flaccid member inside his gaping mouth, Sanzo began to struggle anew. "No! Never! I won't let you do this to me!"

"Would you rather that I did this to Kougaiji? I could do this to him, you know, before I fuck his brains out." There was a lascivious grin on Gyumao's lips. "Or maybe I should have my men search for your friends. In retrospect, I made a mistake in letting them go so easily. They were all pretty young men, if I remember correctly. One with hair and eyes the color of blood and fire. The other with eyes as green as the most precious emeralds. And that sweet little boy, that saru..."

For a moment, Sanzo stared in horror at the Demon King, shocked that he would even dare threaten his friends. But the firm determination in those mad eyes only confirmed his fears that Gyumao had every intention in making good on his threat if he did not cooperate. Defeated, Sanzo let his body fall limp, his head bowed, golden bangs shielding his eyes. The only response that Gyumao got was a soft gasp as he gripped the priest's flaccid cock.

"Now, this is so much better," the Demon King said happily, as he wolfed Sanzo's member down to the root.

Gojyo was jolted to wakefulness by Hakkai's scream. He turned his head to see his friend thrashing on his bed, the blankets kicked off. He saw that Hakkai's legs were bared, hands flailing at...something...between his thighs.

Before Gojyo could go and help Hakkai, a strong force pushed him down on the pillows. To his shock, he felt invisible lips capture his cock, his entire length engulfed by searing heat.

"No!" he shouted at the ceiling, feeling himself forced to respond to whatever...or whoever... it was that was sucking his member. "Stop this!"

From the other bed, Gojyo heard Hakkai cry out in terror, "Make it stop, Gojyo! Oh, please! Make it stop!"

In the other room, he could hear poor Goku screaming as well. Gojyo's eyes flew wide, suddenly realizing who it was that was sending them.

Tears streaming from his crimson eyes, the half-breed sobbed, "Don't fight it, Sanzo! I swear it will be over soon. Just hang on."

Hakkai gazed at his friend in shock. "Sanzo?"

Gojyo nodded, hissing in pain as invisible teeth scraped his length.

Following, Gojyo's lead, Hakkai reached out to Goku in the next room. "It's Sanzo, Goku. He's afraid. He needs give him courage and strength to endure this."

At that vocal and mental entreaty, Goku's screams ceased.

Together, they rode through the waves of fear and the unwanted pleasure that was being forced out of their friend. As one, they screamed as they reached the climax, their bodies shuddering as their seed was released in pulses, as though their juices were being sucked out of them. They thought it was over, but then, their legs were squeezed close and they could feel something distinctly large pressed between their thighs.

Gojyo knew what Sanzo's ravisher intended to do, unable as he was to take the priest through actual penetration. This time, the half-breed had no intention of letting Hakkai and Goku experience this as well.

:Sanzo, I know you can hear me: Gojyo called out to his friend, using his mind. :Hakkai and Goku...they know what you're going through. They could feel what he's doing to you. Give me all of your fear, your pain. I could take it. Please try not to send these negative emotions to the others, especially to Goku. He's just a child. Let me share your anguish with you.:

Sure enough, Gojyo felt the sudden flare of guilt inside his heart, followed by a smiling image of Goku inside his mind. Then, there was a blinding flash of light, causing the half-breed to squeeze his eyes shut against the glare. When he opened his eyes once more, he found himself staring into dark, mad orbs.

"So..." Gyumao whispered to him. "I see you've decided to share your friend's...pleasure."

"I have to," Gojyo replied through Sanzo's lips, trying so hard to sound flippant, although he too was being overwhelmed by fear. "I doubt it if you could get any pleasure out of this namaguza bouzu. At least, I have experience." The half-breed wanted to laugh at that last. He may have experience in making love with women, but he was clueless with regards to sex with men.

"Then, would you be willing to take his place for this evening? As much as I desire to sheathe myself into his tight little ass, I'm afraid I am unable to. But at least, in some way, I could do it with you."

Gojyo had an idea of what Gyumao had in mind. Like a succubus, the Demon King would use his astral form to sate his lust upon him, using the priest as a conduit but without making actual physical contact with Sanzo.

:GOJYO, DON'T! I know you're still...:

But the half-breed had already made up his mind. "Go ahead," he said firmly. "Do as you will with me."

Hakkai had been listening to Gojyo speaking to open air. Great was his horror, however, when he saw a dark cloud form over his friend, shrouding him in a malevolent pall. Then, Gojyo was stretched out on the bed, with his hands pinned on top of his head. As he looked on, the half-breed's legs were pushed close to his chest, the mist converging at that small opening hidden between. Hakkai gasped as a scream was torn from Gojyo's throat. Helplessly, he could only watch as his friend was brutally taken by that invisible entity, his poor body rocking with every thrust.

Suddenly, the door to their room banged open and Goku ran crying inside. "Hakkai! Gojyo!" Shocked golden eyes focused on the figure writhing on the bed. Hakkai quickly embraced the saru, shielding his face from that terrible view. But he could do nothing to stop Yaone and Dokugakuji from following after Goku. Dokugakuji paled, seeing what was happening to his younger brother.

Just as quickly as it began, the attack ended, although to the helpless onlookers it seemed like an eternity. Curling up onto his side, Gojyo winced as a heavy hand slapped his left thigh. Sure enough, a dark hand print materialized on his skin.

:You're a wonderful fuck, boy: he heard Gyumao's lecherous whisper inside his mind.

Dokugakuji hurried to his brother's side, wrapping the blanket around his trembling form. He was stunned to see a thin line of blood trickling between Gojyo's legs.

"Let me go and fetch my medicines," cried Yaone, as she hurried back to their room.

"What the hell's going on?" demanded Dokugakuji, glaring at Hakkai. "Who did this to him?"

"Sanzo..." It was Gojyo who answered weakly. "Gyumao had him trapped and he was frightened. Although he could not claim Sanzo completely, he had figured out a way to get pleasure out of him. Sanzo couldn't take what was happening, so he all of us. I...I told him that I could endure this for him, but I never thought that Gyumao could...." He broke into sobs. Tears filling his crimson eyes, he raised his arms to Hakkai and Goku, "Are you two all right? Please tell me that I spared you from this."

Goku threw himself into Gojyo's arms, as Hakkai hugged them both. He even leaned down to kiss the half-breed's brow, knowing the terrible sacrifice he had to make to save them from this humiliation.

"Let's go back to the castle, Hakkai, Gojyo! Please!" Goku begged in earnest. "Sanzo...SANZO!"

Sanzo lay curled up on the floor in a tight ball, his torn clothes pulled close to his body. He was disgusted by the feel of come on his thighs, when Gyumao had squeezed his erection between his legs and eagerly thrust along his limbs to fulfill his desires. While it was true that Gyumao had not claimed him completely, he still felt so filthy. But his shame was incomparable to the humiliation that he knew Gojyo had gone through.

By the Gods, what have I done? Sanzo thought in horror. How could I let this happen? Why did I have to make them feel what Gyumao's doing to me?

"SANZO!" Goku's heartbroken plea seemed to echo in the empty chamber.

The priest shook his head. No! Not Goku! Not Hakkai! I didn't mean for you to suffer along with me! And Gojyo... Poor Gojyo! How could I do this to you? I should never have let you take the full brunt of Gyumao's lust! Why didn't I do something to stop him? Maybe I am a selfish bastard! If I wasn't, I would never have let Gojyo be hurt in my place!

Somehow, he could feel the pain that the half-breed was trying to endure. Unconsciously, Sanzo's hand drifted down to the region between his legs and suffused it with a healing aura of gold, sending the power through the bond they shared. In his mind, he heard a relieved sigh. The monk was thankful at least that he could give his friend this meager comfort.

Then, Sanzo remembered Gyumao's threat to find his former road companions -- to find them and abuse them at his whim. Gyumao had already hurt Gojyo through him. He cannot allow anymore atrocities to be inflicted upon them.

There must be some place where they could be safe, the monk thought frantically. A haven where Gyumao could never find them.

Just as suddenly, it came to him -- what was probably the safest place on this troubled earth. A city in the heart of the desert. A city sealed away from the evil consuming the world. A city inside a tiny marble.

"Gojyo, Hakkai, Goku..." Sanzo's voice rasped in the darkness, his soul reaching out desperately to his friends. "Eden! You must go to Eden. It's the only place where you'll be safe."

Gojyo stared down at himself in stunned disbelief as an aura of gold caressed his body and healed his hurts. Even Yaone, who was tending to his injuries, was shocked to see him mending before her eyes.


He started, hearing that word breathed inside his mind. "Sanzo? This...Eden...where can we find it?"

At that same instant, Hakkai's green eyes flew wide as his mind was inundated with visions -- of a deep chasm, of rolling down a very steep embankment leading to a darkness-shrouded valley. Of a silent city filled with youkai statues. The memory had been blocked out of him, probably by the pretty youkai they had picked up on the way. After he and the others had been turned to stone.

Getting out of bed, he gave Goku into Gojyo's arms, and grabbed the road map on the table. For a long while, he stared at the map and at the route they had taken. So engrossed was he in his search that he did not notice that his companions had gathered around him.

Surprisingly, it was Goku, probably guided by Sanzo, who found it for him. The saru pointed to the map, and at the name of a city that supposedly existed in the desert, but which they had not found.

Or had they?

Hakkai looked up at Gojyo, Dokugakuji, Yaone and a confused Goku. Raising the map to them, he said, "Behold...Eden!"

Kougaiji ran desperately through the hallways on bare feet in search of the monk, ignoring the soreness of the member between his legs.

Earlier, while he was talking to Lirin, Kougaiji found himself shoved by an invisible force to the carpet, as wave upon wave of fear, pain and pleasure washed over him, all concentrated on his groin. When the attack ended, what remained was a profound sense of shame. The youkai prince had no doubt as to who had sent those frightening signals to him. Although he was shaking in terror, he forced himself to stand and barked at a petrified Lirin to stay inside the chamber.

Kuso! Kougaiji cursed himself for the umpteenth time. I should never have let Sanzo talk me into leaving him alone.

At last, he saw the open door of the meditation chamber and went inside. He found a trembling Sanzo huddled in the corner.

Hugging the priest, Kougaiji whispered in guilt, "I am so sorry, Sanzo! This is all my fault. I should've been with you. I should never have permitted you to go to this room alone."

"It's all right, Kougaiji," was Sanzo's soft reply.

The youkai prince stared in surprise at the radiant smile on the monk's lips. He seemed greatly relieved about something.

As if reading his thoughts, Sanzo sighed and said, "Our friends... They're going to be fine now. We won't have to worry about them anymore. Gyumao will never find them."

"My Touchan? Sanzo, I don't..."

"He threatened to find Hakkai, Goku and Gojyo, and hurt them. Because of me, because of the bond I share with them, Gyumao succeeded in...damaging...Gojyo. I told them to go to the safest place on this earth. I told them to go to Eden."


Falling into the peace of unconsciousness, the last word that Sanzo breathed out was the name of a missing city.



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