Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Louts blossom and Hidden subbmissons ❯ Craving passion ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Minx_faye_tatsu
Category Anime
Subcategory Gensomaden Saiyuki
Rating: X
Warnings: M/F, D/s, Language, and Lemon in later chapters
Pairings: Genjo sanzo/ Markia Tala
Summary The Sanzo party finds themselves at a small inn run by a women named Markia Tala. Sanzo seem to have noticed she has some interest in him but does he have the same interest in Her? Credits: Saiyuki is an anime series by kazuya Minekura /AVD films. I am just borrowing them for my own guilty pleasures.

When the journey takes a surprising break, Sanzo and the gang find themselves looking for an inn to rest and relax. They come upon the inn of the lady Markia Tala; the towns most dislike women for reason no one can understand. Sanzo and the gang decide to take up room at the small inn for the night. The sanzo gang decides to go to sleep for the night all but sanzo who finds himself wondering on many personal thoughts since meeting the mysterious inn keeper along with himself, Markia finds she cannot sleep as well but she find peace in the gardens of inn back sanctuary. When mysterious noise in the garden frighten Markia and She is found shot, What happens when a cold and somewhat mysterious priest find himself wanting her more then he thought as well as question the reasons for her mysterious gunshot wound. Is someone after the sanzo party again or is someone after the inn owner leaves the priest to go on a personal mission of Self-discovery for answers to his questions.but will he find the answers he wants?
Chapter 2: Craving passion
The moon was bright as it shone into the rooms of the inn. Hakkai Goku and Gojyo had just finished up their meal that had been prepared by Miss Tala. Markia was leaning on the wall looking out the window as she sighed softly her mind on so many thoughts of the day one was the question that Sanzo had asked her earlier about why she had given him the room. She could not get that out of her head, softly she bit onto her lip as she stood there. The moonlight shimmered so gently on her in the golden kimono she wore as she heard Goku speak.
“ Wow that was the best meal I had in weeks,” He said happily, Gojyo smiled as well looking over to Markia seeing her looking out the window as he pulled out a cigarette.
Hakkai looked up from his tea and over to her when he notices Gojyo watching her so intently for a moment as Hakkai spoke softly smiling as normal.
“ Miss Markia is you okay? “ Hakkai asked as Gojyo leaned back in his chair. Gojyo then spoke up winking his eye to her.
“ Yeah you seem kind of spacey Markia you feeling alright?” Gojyo chuckled at his own words as Goku looked up to them and then over at her. Goku notice the look in her eyes and then began to chuckle as he looked at her. Markia turned her head and looked at Goku Gojyo and Hakkai as she smiled gently then sighed. She walked over to the table picking up the dishes and walked into the kitchen. Goku leaned into the table and spoke in a whisper to Hakkai and Gojyo,” Markia likes sanzo.”
Hakkai looked up and Gojyo looked over his shoulder to her as they both looked back to Goku like he was lying to them. As Gojyo blunt said out whispering,” Yeah right Goku how who you know who she likes.” Hakkai looked at Gojyo and waved his hand telling him to keep his cool and his voice down as Hakkai asked Goku,” Please Goku tell us how do you know she likes sanzo?” Goku looked up to see if Markia was looking at them, she was washing the dishes as she was humming softly to herself. She Smiled as she looked up to the hallway looking at sanzo door and blushed then shook her head. Goku smiled then said softly to them,” Cause she told me, She said his eyes remind her of flowers she had seen in her past growing up.” Both Hakkai and Gojyo looked at one another then chuckled as then stopped went they heard her voice.
“ Would any of you like some more drink or even dessert?” she smiled as Gout's head popped up and he smiled. Gojyo looked over at her waving a can of beer and Hakkai nodded softly. She smiled as she turned slowly pulling out a chocolate cake and placed it on the table. She walked over and kneeled down getting Gojyo a beer and placed it on the table for him as he winked she sighed and rolled her eyes away from him. Hakkai gave Gojyo a look of disapproval. Goku asked for some milk as she got him a glass and Hakkai had tea as she placed it on the table. After they had their fill they all got up from the table and walked to there separate rooms for the night to rest for the up and coming day.
Markia began the dishes again washing them by hand while in sanzo room, Sanzo lay on his bead thinking about Markia, He found it rather strange as why he was but when he compared all the other women he seen epically the ones Gojyo was around all the time she was just different. She was gentle soft graceful kind, just so different the all the others as he turned on his side taking out a smoke and sipping on his saki again finishing it off. He was amazed at how every time he asked her for something she didn't hesitate to get it for him or complain about it. It surprised him that she offered to get things he requested and she made him food as well along with being so kind. His mind thought on things she might be good at in other areas but caught himself as he took a drag on the cigarette.
Markia sighed softly as she walked back to the window standing under the moonlight again as she finished the dishes and tiding up the kitchen for the next day. Her Small hands lifted up to the glass window as she touched it looking to the stars. She wondered about sanzo as she looked to the garden door and walked over to it slowly. She noticed she was still in the kimono sighing she walked to her room. She turned just left of the garden door and then right next to her door opening it walking inside as she shut the door. She slowly peeled off the kimono as she put each layer on the bed along with the center wrapping and ties. She stood there nude in the dim candlelight as she walked over to her closet and opened it slowly. She pulled the white sheer gauzelike blouse from the depths and a purple emeboried vest showing butterflies on it. Along with the vest and blouse she pulled out a long flowing dark blue skirt that covered most of her legs. She put the skirt on first covering her long legs and thin tapered waist and hips. Slowly she pulled on the sheer top slipping it over her head and down on her breast then tucking it in the skirt as she pulled the vest on over it. She slowly unbound her hair from the bun she had it in and let it fall down her back. She turned and walked out the room and then out into the garden it was dark more then likely the middle of the night everyone would be sleeping she hoped. She looked up at the stars as she felt the cool breeze caressing her body along the clothing as she smiled.
She walked around the building to the main part of the garden that faced sanzo window; she slowly sat down in front of it as she looked at the starry sky the cool grass under her. She saw the moon full and bright glowing around her as she smiled watching it as she heard the koi fish splashing around in the pond. Slowly making her way up she stood and moved next to the pond, looking down in it she sat down by the waters edge her skirt formed a circle around her as she leaned over touching the water surface. Unknown to Markia even as she sat under his window Sanzo had been watching her. He seen her playing in the garden knowing she didn't know he was there watching her under the moonlight seeing the fish jump in the pond. He leaned on the doorway seeing her sit there at the ponds edge as he began to move not sure why he did but he felt as if something was calling him to get closer to her. He stopped thinking to him-self why am I acting like this? Why am I acting like Gojyo? Sanzo turned his head and shook it softly then turned around and walked back inside his room and over to his bed sitting down on it then laying down.
Markia smiled gently as she was watching the koi fish swimming around in the pond seeing the sliver white one swim up to the waters surface as it fins gently touched her hand. She giggled softly lifting her eyes up to the moon as she smiled hearing something behind her as she turned her head slowly. She didn't know that sanzo had been outside with her watching her as she slowly stood up and looked around in the inky darkness of the night. The moonlight dimly lit the garden as she walked back to the building her hands touched the bricks first then moved to the cold glass window belonging to the priest Sanzo. She looked inside as she saw him awake lying on his bed slightly lifted up reading the paper with his glasses on. He looked like a god so lovely and handsome laying there reading his chest smooth and hard under the black turtle neck shirt his arms lean and strong as she blushed looking at him. Her mind caught her thoughts as she gulped. She looked to the side for a split second seeing something move in the distant grass under the heavy moonlights glow as she put her hand to her chest. Her breast pushed up against the window unexpectedly causing it to rattle as her sheer blouse tighten and her vest pushed away from her breast. Her hair framed her face as she looked around the garden in the dim moonlight seeing shadows around her watching the grass line for movement her eyes showed fear as she bites her lip.
Sanzo sighed to himself think again why she had to be different what caused her to be so different. Was it cause she was kind, she didn't fight back, what was causing him to like her, was it merely the fact that she was different. Sanzo sighed taking out his cigarette and putting it out when he heard the rattling at the window He reached over to his nightstand and pulled off his gun turning over to shoot he see Markia again at the window. He looks at her standing there pressed up against it her head turned away from him as he looked at her looking down her hair covered neck, His eyes noticed her breast pressing to the window. His heart raced suddenly he felt sudden warmth by the site of Her breast almost exposed and the nipples cold almost hard. He felt breathless but quickly recovered from the shock of the site getting up from his bed. He slowly walked over to the window standing there as he undid the latch and opened it. Markia still watched the grass line as sanzo undid the latch her body pushed up against the glass window only to suddenly feel herself falling downward. Sanzo arms captured her as she felt his hard chest against her soft breast. Her eyes turned upward seeing sanzo She blushed to him turning her head away from him her long hair brushed his face. She looked down at the earth as she then lifted her head hearing the noise again this time louder. She looked around the garden knowing something was wrong as she shivered against sanzo. Sanzo looked down at her feeling her shiver as he saw her back to him remember the sudden brush of her breast on him. He then heard the sound and looked up scanning the bushes as he saw it, a youkia demon preparing to attack Markia, Sanzo noticed the fear in Markia eyes knowing she felt it as He watched her bite her lip unsure of what she was hearing unable to make the sounds out in the night air.
Sanzo moved back letting her stand slightly on her own as he watch the youkia jump out the bushes towards her. Markia looked up seeing it her eyes widen as she gasped. Sanzo reacted quickly pulling his gun out and shooting right next to her. He watched her shocked face seeing that if he had not shoot it when he did she might be dead now. He looks down at her as he takes out another smoke and says in his normal tone,” I `m done with my saki bring me more.” He turned slowly looking at her standing there still shocked as he slowly walked away. Markia touched her hand to her lips as she stood there wondering how the youkia was in the village in the first place, they were forbidden from entering the village ever since her grandfather cast the protection charms on the outside perimeter. She snapped out of it as she turned her head to sanzo and blushed under the moonlight looking at him from behind. He was very handsome and strongly built as she blushed at her thoughts about him in the moonlight remembering his request. She then softly spoke,” As you wish Genjo sanzo and thank you.” She turned slowly from him putting her hand on the wall as she suddenly heard another shoot fired. She sudden felt her side hurting in a stabling pain begin the shot didn't come from behind her but somewhere in the surrounding area. Markia began to fall slightly forward as her hand held her side pulling it out she found blood on it, Her eyes widen as she then closed them and walked slightly forward. Sanzo had heard to shot and ran out side again he saw her out the corner of his eyes turning around he See her falling to her knees and sees her side in blood. He runs over to her As Hakkai Goku and Gojyo coming running to sanzo room pushing the door open. Hakkai sees the back door open to the garden as he and the other run out it, He stops seeing miss Markia on the ground injured sanzo over her Hakkai as well as Gojyo and Goku both run over having shocked expression on there faces as Hakkai looks at sanzo asking in a panic laced voice,” What happen here Sanzo We heard shots.” Sanzo looking at Markia in a state of shock himself as well as panic yells to Hakkai, “ I have no FUCKING Idea! I turned my head for two bloody second to come back inside after asking her fro more saki to find her shot and on the ground.” Hakkai looks at sanzo and without hesitation he gooses over to Miss Markia and leans down over her on the other side of her body.
He sees the wound as well as sanzo. Sanzo watched as Markia eyes were closing little by little until she slipped into unconsciousness Sanzo had to act quickly without a thought or slightest of hesitation pulls the vest off her and rips her shirt off to get to the wound. Hakkai looks at him along with his comrades Gojyo and Goku who both stare in shock seeing Markia chest. Sanzo still slightly turned on by this slightly looks away as Hakkai leans over healing the wound that was just under her right breast. Hakkai sighs as he looks at sanzo whose eyes were looking away as he held the vest. Hakkai cleared his throat as sanzo handed him the vest. Hakkai slipped it back on the unconscious women tying over her chest. Hakkai looked back at sanzo who was now looking at her again seeing her rest soundly as the one that had shot her ran from the site in under the cover of the bushes while the window blew against them the others focused on her all but Goku notice the sudden movement but made no mention of it cause of there concern for her well-being. Hakkai asked sanzo to pick her up gently by the legs as he got her arms and they took her inside to Sanzo bed and lied her down on it till she woke up. Her breathing was slightly rough before when the shot had first hit her but it was now much softer and easier.
Markia could hear voices as she faded into the darkness just before she blacked out she thought she head Hakkai and sanzo both talking heatedly around her, As she was blacked out sanzo watched over her sitting by her side as he leaned on the bed looking at her. Hakkai walked in with wrapping and looked over at him as Goku stayed by the window watching the grass for movement. Gojyo watched all of them as well as he then asked Goku why he was watching the outside so intently? Goku looked over to the water sprite and sighed as he pulled up a chair and sat down. Goku sighed and looked down as he spoke,” I saw something move in the bush just after Markia was shot it looked like it was leaving but I wasn't sure the wind made it hard to tell guys.” Gojyo become seriously unhappy at this so did Hakkai as he put the wrappings down on the bed. Sanzo looked at Goku and sighed as he spoke,” Did you sense anything Goku?” Goku looked at sanzo and nodded his head to him. Hakkai looked over at sanzo as well as Gojyo. Hakkai looked at sanzo and then asked him,” What you think sanzo?” Sanzo looked up at Hakkai as Gojyo then spoke,” Seems like to me we have a maiden in distress who trying to keep it under wraps.” Sanzo nodded to this as he took the wrapping and raised miss Markia up placing the warpping on her body his hands brushed her skin as he gulped trying to ignore the sensation of the soft skin turning him on more.
Sanzo been bi once in his life but this was hard for him, He found himself wanting her and he found him self in situations were he been with his male comrades but this was different her situation was a bad one and she need help. He had to resist taking her even in her stat. Hakkai noticed sanzo unease as he walked over and moved to take over wrapping sanzo stopped Hakkai from doing so taking a deep breath to ease himself. Sanzo looked at Hakkai and nodded as they continued talking about Markia situation and sanzo kept wrapping her wound. Goku continued as he watch sanzo trying not to laugh,” well I never saw anything of who it was but I got the feeling its someone in the village that did it to her.” Hakkai looked at Goku strangely along with Gojyo. Hakkai then asked Goku,” are you sure Goku “ Goku nodded to him. Gojyo looked at sanzo who had fallen asleep on top of Markia as he then put his finger to his lips for Hakkai and Goku to be quite. Both Hakkai and Goku looked at him strange then turned their heads to see sanzo laying his head on Markia over the covers her vest tied back up.
It was on an Hour later when Markia woke up her hand moved her side as she held it feeling it. She blinked feeling the wrapping as she looked down seeing her vest tied up over her breast as she lay back down. She looked around realizing she was not in her room but lifting up painfully as she winced to see she was in the guest room of preset sanzo. Her faced flushed as she looked down to the warmth next to her seeing Sanzo sleeping beside her hunched over the bedside while sitting in the chair beside the bed. Markia eyes lifted up to see his comrades around the room as well Goku by the window Hakkai next to the door and Gojyo in the corner in a separate chair as well as Goku the only one among them standing seemed to be Hakkai his dragon Hakuryu, on his shoulder. Markia looked at them for a long while as she then spoke softly as Hakkai lifted his head from nuzzling Hakuryu on his shoulder along with Gojyo who looked over at her when they heard her voice Goku had been watching for some time, when she finally spoke softly,” Has Sanzo been here watching over me all this time?” Hakkai smiled as he normally did as Goku just looked over to Gojyo who chuckled and leaned back in the chair saying causally,” yes he has and he the one that wrapped your wounds, Hakkai healed you.” Hakkai smiled still while Hakuryu flapped his wings silently. Markia blushed as she noticed sanzo hair out of place on his face while he was sleeping, Sanzo wasn't in a deep enough sleep though as she looked down at him. Goku watched as she moved her hand to brush the stand back whispering out,” don't do that he smack your hand.” Markia hesitated as she caught his words but then moved the hair slightly only feeling her hand get slapped away.
Sanzo slightly woke up looking up to her as his friends chuckled looking at her seeing the surprised on her face. Hakkai noticed the look of sanzo sleepy and half awakened state as he looked to Gojyo and Goku. Both the other two noticed How Hakkai wasn't smiling and got the quick hint it was time to leave as they got up. Gojyo was the first to walk out the door waving his hand to Miss Markia telling her to take care then Goku who was chuckling behind him at miss Markia blushing face as Hakkai hurried him out the open door with Hakuryu on his shoulder. Sanzo looked at her sapphire eyes for a few moments his purple eyes watched hers as he got up slowly. He spoke in his usual tone but a hint of softness was synced in his voice,” your fine now so rests.” He turned from her pulling out his cigarettes lighting one up as he made his way out the door taking a drag he pulls it out saying over his shoulder to her watching her reaction from the door, “ Like I thought before you have nice breast.” He smirks on the inside.
Markia blushed seeing his eyes looking at her. She looked into those purple hues. Her mouth gulped as she looked at him, She turned her eyes away when he spoke telling her to rest being ashamed that she was so weak before him. She looked back to him when he began to leave as she started to move from his bed wincing in pain from the wound Her nose smelled the cigarettes he had just lit. She just gotten to her feet and was moving to the door where he stood when her head bolted up to his words. She was trembling her lips especially at those words. Her mind raced at the thought of him having seen her breast. She hurried painfully past him as she spoke blushing to him her eyes made contact with his,” I am sorry you had to see such a site priest sanzo must go to my room you need your rest.” She turned her eyes from him looking down her hair falling into her face. He moved out her way seeing how she looked. His heart thundered but he resisted touching her as she walked past him and turned closing the door behind her.
Sanzo stood in his room looking at the door as he smirked getting the reaction he had wanted from her. He thought about it while he finished his sake. Markia was shy this was something that made her different then the rest. He pulled something from his robes as he looked down at it; it was Markia's black lace bra the one she was wearing when she had been shot just an hour before. He taken it off her so he could help Hakkai get to her wound as well as wrap it. He smirked to himself and tossed it to the side of the room as he walked over to the candle and blew it out then lied back on the bed going to sleep.
Markia stood by the door for some time unaware her bra was missing being the wrapping was so secure it held her chest in place quite well. She was still blushing at his words as they played so well in her mind she looked at the hardwood floors. She then recalled his request for more sakis as she walked down to the kitchen silently. She kneeled down to the cabinet where she kept the saki and pulled out a bottle of the best brew saki. She stood up slowly wincing only once. She smiled looking at it as she walked silently back to Sanzo room. Markia looked down seeing is light were out as she sighed. She truly wanted to thank him for what he and his comrades had done for her saving her life was something she could not pay back. She bent down and left the saki there with a small note attracted to it reading on it for sanzo, “ Thank you for saving me.” She knew he would find it in the morning leaving it behind as she walked down the hall and past the kitchen and garden door to the left then right entering her room.
The nightly hours passed into wee hours of the early morning as Genjo Sanzo found him waking up early. He lifted up and looked out the large window that leads to the garden where the shooting had happened last night.
He sat in his bed pulling out a smoke his mind couldn't shake the odd feeling something was wrong and the other problem was he couldn't get Miss Markia out of his mind ever since last night events. Sanzo took a drag from his lit cigarette and got out of the bed. He began to walk around the room for a bit. He sat down on the rug for some brief mediation but he found no relief in the effects. He slowly gets up and walks to the door opening it to go out, he looks down he finding the saki that he requested from last night when he saw her outside his window with a small note. He bends down grabbing it and puts it on the dresser in the room. Sanzo hears someone in the kitchen thinking it might be Goku or someone else maybe a youkia demon. He walks back in his room and grabs his Shourejyu and his paper fan. Walking down the hall to the kitchen, He sees miss Markia in the kitchen just coming back from outside in a kimono of Gold and red with white peeking out around the top edge around her middle a wrapping of red tied with a gold and red silk scarf and black robe black lower hip sash. Markia looks up to see Sanzo blushing as she stands noticing his gun in hand she puts the herbs down on the kitchens counter and moves to wash her hands softly asking him, “ did you sleep well Priest Sanzo?”