Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ My Sun ❯ Poems ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Weeeheee! Hello again viewers! I wrote a beautiful poem, in dedication to Goku's feelings for Sanzo. It's only one shot so sorry!

Another long, hot, day passed finally, but it sure left the Sanzo party exhausted. But when there were hot days, there were certainly hot nights. Yet…Tonight was sure different then the rest.

"SAAAANZO! I don't wanna share a room with Goyjo! He does funny things while I'm sleeping."

"Baka saru! Why are you listening to my personal……"Goyjo coughs,"Business…"

Suddenly a WHACK is heard as Sanzo diminishes his paper fan upon Goyjo and Goku's heads, which both in return fall to their knees holding their heads. Cho Hakkai smiles still, cooking on a stove that the inn keeper lent him so he can make dinner for everyone. At the smell of food, Goku runs to Hakkai, cheeks rosy red and drooling. "Hakkai…It smells so good…Is it almost ready?"

Hakkai smiles and shakes his head, "Not yet Goku…Wait a few minutes…Why don't you go relax in your room for a bit. I gave you that note pad and pen remember?"

"You can't expect that baka saru to be able to read and write can you Hakkai?" Goyjo states, raising an eyebrow.

"I can too write Goyjo! Hakkai's been teaching me how too!" Goku says, almost complaining.

At this Goku storms off to his room, slamming the door behind him. Cho Hakkai shakes his head, sighing at Goyjo some. "Must you always tease him? He's only trying hard to be a little normal and you shoot him down."

Goyjo looks down to his feet, sighing some too, "He's just so fun to pick on. At least I don't physically abuse him like some…people"

Sanzo narrows his eyes, putting his paper down and mutters under his breath, "I'm going to kill you…"

"When hell freezes over my friend…"

Sanzo growls getting fed up with all the little side comments and throws his paper down. Storming off to his room he slams the door behind him, walking to his bed. When he plops himself down on it, he can hear the sounds of a scratching pen on paper. Gently getting up, he peers over to the other bed, looking over the side. Goku sits there, trying to write something on a paper with a look of displeasure and concentration.

"Damn it…I'll never get it right…I wish Hakkai taught me better at writing…'Cause then maybe Sanzo would CONSIDER reading this…"

"…….Consider reading what saru?"

Goku looks up quickly, his eyes wide as he covers what he's writing. "S-S-S-Sanzo what are you doing here…?"

"This is my room too you baka saru…Now show me what you're writing." Goku looks down, reluctantly handing over a piece of paper to Sanzo. Sanzo snatches, reading the contents to himself.

"My Sun"

"You lighten my day,

You make me smile,

Even though you beat me with your rays,

You are my golden light,

Your bright shine,

Is a love of mine,

You brightened the darkness,

Saving me from the evil shadows,

You are my golden light,

You may bless us, with gentle warmth,

Or abuse us, with cruel radiation,

But your violet rays never lie,

My sun,

My Savior,

Your beautiful rays,

Saved me from my loneliness,

My sun,

My light…"

Sanzo looks at Goku, who's sniffling in shame. Sanzo's cold violet eyes soften as he gently pats Goku's brunette head. Goku looks up quickly, looking into Sanzo's eyes. Sanzo gets on his knees, hugging Goku to his chest, smiling softly.

"You know Sanzo…You are my sun…"

"And you're my baka saru"

Yay! Go me! I love this poem and don't anyone send me flames pleeease!