Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ My Sun ❯ Surprises ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alright I gave in. I had to make more chapters for My Sun. I promise this to you, eager fans! Alright, I'm also using some terms from the show so….If you don't know what they mean just look up here.

*-ecchi kappa= perverted kappa/nymph

**-baka saru= stupid monkey, idiotic monkey.

Here is chapter two! X3

As the stars in the sky began to twinkle, the night finally seemed to cool down, bearing mercy upon the garish sun's victims. Everything seemed to take shelter, animals, people, and even youkai. But thankfully, some people, like our heroes, are smart enough to get shelter for the night.

"Hakkai…I'm hungry. Is the food ready yet?" Goku whines.

Hakkai smiles, patting Goku's head gently, "No almost though, just be patient for ten more minutes."

Goku pouts, his amber eyes narrowing in frustration. He storms off to the bedroom, sulking on his bed. Amber eyes close as Goku lies back, remembering he just told Sanzo how he felt. And Sanzo…Sanzo felt the same! A smile plays across the monkey king's face as those amber eyes opened. Goku sat up, wondering how Sanzo was going to return the affection.

(Earlier) "Since you wrote this…I'll have to do something in return."

"What'cha going to do Sanzo?"

"You'll see. Just be patient."

Goku pouted again, hating surprises and waiting. He probably never will like waiting for a long time…The fact he had to wait five hundred years to be freed from his prison will probably be a scar on him for the rest of his life.

"Goku! The dinner is ready."

In an instant Goku rushes out of the room, running to the kitchen area, plopping himself in a chair; his eyes full of hunger. Hakkai chuckles and puts the food on the table, sitting himself down next to Goyjo. Goku grabs food on his plate and begins to eat, as Goyjo mimics Goku's actions. With head in hand Sanzo eats slowly, a vein appearing on his head. With his usual smile Hakkai eats, feeding Hakuryu every now and then. Thing seem to be quieter than usual, as if the heat is getting to our heroes and causing them to calm for one night. But…that all changes.


"How would you know you baka saru**?"



The two begin to fight only to be whacked by Sanzo's infamous paper fan. Holding their heads in pain they growl at Sanzo, who in return gives them an evil glare. A silence creeps across the table as Goyjo and Goku sit down, eating their meals quietly…Although it doesn't last for long.


"THAT'S IT!" Sanzo stands up from his chair and drags Goku from his chair, and out of the kitchen, leaving Goyjo and Hakkai in a very confused state. They look at each other, their eyes blinking in confusion.

Sanzo looks down at Goku, shutting the door behind him. Goku looks up with golden eyes in fear, thinking Sanzo is really going to hit him with the infamous paper fan. Sanzo sighs some and pulls Goku on his lap on his own bed. Golden eyes widen, then close in a relaxed state and snuggles close to Sanzo, his head resting on Sanzo's chest, arms wrapped around him tight but not too tight. Sanzo smirks, rubbing Goku's head softly, tilting the brunette's chin up to look up at him. Amethysts eyes meet golden ones, each pair showing extreme passion for the other. With one last smirk Sanzo leans down, placing his lips on Goku's, leaving a very shocked monkey king. Both eyes close as the kiss deepens, tongues intertwining with each other, leaving both Sanzo and Goku quite breathless. But the kiss doesn't stop, instead it goes farther. Sanzo lies Goku down, still kissing him passionately. When both our heroes cannot breathe properly anymore, they pull away, hearts beating fast, and breath going faster. Golden eyes look back at the beautiful amethyst eyes, both closing again. Only this time Sanzo lies down next to Goku and pulls him into his arms, Goku's head on his chest. Both eyes remained closed, as both figures stay still; as if time had stopped…

The night was getting better outside, the heat finally disappearing completely. Yet…for some reason this hot night was a night that no one wanted to be out, but inside…

Finally! Sorry it took so long people! I had a bit of trouble over the summer with writers block, then school was starting and I had to do book reports. Well I'm in school now, and I'll still be having some trouble writing…Due to my evil classes! I swear to god Home Economics is evil…Ja ne anime fans!

Rena X3