Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ My Sun ❯ Games ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

OMG! It got so popular! Thank you my fans thank you -Cries- I can't believe this! I was just shocked…Yes its summer now and yes I SHOULD continue. I just haven't had any inspiration…but wow… Gah sorry about the LONG delay. Due to the hurricane, my house kind of got destroyed. A tree fell on the roof of my house and ripped the gutter off, along with knocking out our power, cable, and internet for two months. I'd post pictures if I could. All the reviews:
Knifebladenails: did you do that on purpose? I must have over ten reviews from you ^^'
Ban: Mwaha…Saying `cock' or `member' didn't seem right…
Autumn Baby: Ha-ha maybe I don't like you either! Teasing, yes I'll write more, that's what I'm doing now!
Sora no Leo: Well I just can't *Get* into fan fictions much and it's kind of HARD for me to try to get something I can't. And thank you about the poem…I wrote it for my boyfriend because he kind of helped me from nearly dying… (HE IS NOW MY HATED EX)
Koinu-chan: Hope you feel better! And yes I have more reviews…26! Thank you so much!
Koreyu-Sanzo: Ha-ha…Yes I owe you some chapters…Well the poem is an original creation by me and I didn't feel like tweaking it…Thanks for the criticism though!
Goku: How come you waited so long to continue!!! I wanted to actually get down to it with Sanzo!! -Whines-
Rena: I'm sorry…I was just…
Goyjo: Dazzled by my intelligence and good looks?
Rena: …No, busy with school since I had a lot to make up from being in that damned play.
Goku: No fair no fair no fair!
Rena: …Is it me or is he acting more like Shuichi from Gravitation?
Shuichi: What's wrong with that?!
Rena: I don't know you both are queer and sexy…
Shuichi+Goku: I don't do girls.
Rena: I can change that…*Holds whip*
Both: …AHH!!! *Whip smack Whip chain*
Yuki+Sanzo: Why didn't I ever think of that?
Rena: Cause blondes don't think.
Yuki+Sanzo: *pulls out gun and chases Rena*
Vio (PURPLE LINK FROM FOUR SWORDS): … You're all so goddamned stupid.
Was this bliss? Being with the one you truly love? Goku kept thinking to himself after Sanzo finished his business with Goku's first orgasm. It didn't matter…I'm happy anyway. I have Sanzo not hitting or yelling at me! Goku thought gleefully, laughing to himself.
Suddenly Goku felt something sharp hit his stomach. “Ow!!!” Is all he could muster. It felt much more painful than Sanzo's fan! When Goku had slowly opened his amber eyes he saw Sanzo holding a long whip, smirking some at Goku. (I DID NOT TAKE THIS FROM GRAVITATION MOVIE! I SWEAR!! >_>). Goku's eyes went wide.
“What the hell are you going to do with that?!!!”
“Discipline you, You Baka saru.” Sanzo grinning more as he sent the whip down to whip the poor little Saru King.
“WAHH!!!!!!!!! GOYJO! HAKKAI HELP ME!!!” Goku screamed, struggling to get away from his love.
Goku ran around the room to avoid Sanzo's whipping, not understand how he could suddenly turn from sweet and caring to…a dominatrix! Goku stopped to think, not sure what a dominatrix was, only hearing it from Goyjo when he ranted about girls he sacked. What did that mean also?
Sanzo caught Goku with the whip and pulled him close, grinning some at the Saru, finally out of his thought bubble, struggling and whimpering. He leaned down to kiss the lips of the struggling boy.
“I won't hurt you…It's just for fun. You can tell me to stop at anytime alright? I promise I'll stop”.
Amber eyes blinked into amethyst ones. Then they closed, completely trusting the Priest.
Sanzo laid Goku on the bed gently, making sure to nibble and kiss Goku a little, before getting up and holding the whip ready. Suddenly banging was heard on the door, followed by muffled screaming.
“Sanzo! Goku! What's going on!? We hear screaming!” yelled a concerned voice of Hakkai.
“Are you guys getting attacked by Kougaji's group? (AN: I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SPELL THE STUPID MOTHER *#%W*(#%'S NAME! but damn is he sexy….) “screamed Goyjo.
Sanzo and Goku stood there frozen as the door was knocked down. The sight…well was pretty, and not so pretty.
Goku laid on the bed tied up some (my amazing author powers made it so he was tied up! Nyah!) , completely naked with Sanzo standing at the front of the bed, somewhat fully clothed with a whip.
Goyjo and Hakkai couldn't utter a sound as they stood and looked at the scene, not knowing whether to be shocked or disgusted. Slowly they backed out of the room, shutting the door quickly.
“Damn that was awkward!”
“At least you're not holding the whip Goku”
“At least you're not naked!”
“Do you want me to be?”
A blush rose in Goku's face, looking at the gentle priests face. He slowly nodded, somewhat curious. Sure he glanced at them while they were bathing, but could only glance. But now he could watch his love, his sun undress. Sanzo slowly pulled off that black under shirt, wearing nothing as he completely pulled the robe off of him. Goku blushed at the sight of his sun. Sure he was pale…and on the scrawny side…But he was beautiful. He looked like a God with his soft blonde hair, and beautiful eyes.
Sanzo had leaned down and slowly untied his love, leaving soft kisses around his jaw, his chin and his neck. The little Saru shuddered and sighed, enjoying the feeling of the kissing, the nibbles, everything.
Then the priest was on top of Goku, leaving the little Saru confused.
“You know what I'm going to do now Goku?”
The boy shook his head.
“We're going to have sex…It's going to hurt you at first…but then it'll feel really good ok?”
“I don't mind the pain as long as you're with me Sanzo…”
Sanzo smiled, kissed his Saru's lips and was ready to enter.
MWAHAHHAHA LOL CLIFFHANGER!! I'm so evil…Sorry guys I'm spent I got to move furniture today…And this was all I could get. Lately I've been entranced with Zelda…thus why the purple Link inserted. I may write a Major Mask fan fiction or an Ocarina of Time. Don't know for sure. Thanks for reading…And yes I had to wait forever to get my power and internet back…I'm just glad to be home. If you wanna talk to me about anything here's my email: JA NE ANIME LOVERS!