Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Fractured Faith ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

[A/N] Life sucks. =.=;; My annoying prat of a cousin brother is still in my house. Damnit. Whatever...well, here's chapter 10! ^^;; Homura haters don't kill me...and to those who read the "Of One Christmas" fic...gomenasai, I think I drank too much of wine at the Christmas dinner...I do remember I was yelling my head off at my cousin, though...

Star-chan: Yep, evilness is my specialty! ^^ Mwahah!! I'm evil! Um...I doubt you'll forgive me now. *runs away*

Morikawa Sei: O_O And I thought Homura was tortured enough when Lirin found his baby photos *snicker* Ha, ha...Of course Konzen will be with Goku again! I'll be killed by the rabid KonzenxGoku fans and Homura haters if I don't put them together - which probably explains why you people are all gonna kill me after reading this.

M-i: Ruthless is my middle name. ;) Heh, I know how you feel. I actually cried when I wrote this...and...erm...I hope it has a happy ending *sweatdrop*

kaen-chan: I know! T_T But there's no other person in Tenkai that evil! *sobs* Sank yuu!!

chris: *cough* He, he...I dunno why but after writing this fic, my hate for Homura seems to have gone up one tiny notch...

Saiyuki-gal: Sank yuu!!!

Cutie-pie16: Hmm, yeah, thought of the title already. ^_^ Ehe...*sweatdrop* Yes, there is a Konzen/Goku reunion...good, I drew another person to the rabid increasing world of lime scenes! XD Hehe...Ne, o-nee-sama...bila kau akan datang on9 again? Ne? Ha, ha...see you soon! -.^ Quickly update YOUR fic!

kawaii-kirei: Please do. ^^ You'll make our job of disposing of Homura much Ehe. *sweatdrop* Sank yuu! ^^ Seriously, my writing skill's NOT good...

jashuang: O_O You must be the umpteenth person who said that they hated Homura...don't worry, everyone experiences internet problems. *glares at her modem, who quivers in fear* For example, this modem just recovered after SIX MONTHS! SIX FREAKING MONTHS!! *strangles modem* Otherwise I could have posted this fic sooner!

zero-talent: Ha, ha...*sweatdrop* Kenren and Tenpou will come soon...I hope...thanks for the pic! ^_^

Aki Rei: Yep. *sobs* Even the evil authoress here who tortures them also feels sorry for them...

Keitsu Han'ei: *runs from the volcano and godzilla* Okay, you're gonna kill me with this last word is GOMENASAI!! *scuttles off*

sTrAwBeRrYfAnSz: There'll be a sequel, and I can promise that Sanzo and Goku will MOST DEFINITELY BE TOGETHER. About, there will be what seems like a happy ending...(I hope)

gallatica: Yeah. ^^;; And this is another fic that uses the idea...*sweatdrop* Thanks! But my fic isn't gr8, you know...T_T it's crap!

Darklighter: Lol, okay...but if I don't drop hints, it just won't be me. ;)

M-i [again]: *reads all the reviews for chapter 9* My gosh, yes, they are accumulating! *sweatdrops* I'm perfectly sane now, don't worry...

Yokira: O_O's chap. 10!

Goddess of Trickery/ Mischief/ Jokes or all Insanity: *backs away* Um...*whimpers* I'm scared. Uh...don't kill me after you read this. *grovels* But my last will is: GOMENASAI!!!! *runs off*

'deru: *cowers* IIIYAAAAAAA!!! DON'T KILL ME!!! Ehe. *sweatdrops* Gomen...purple cauliflower? Yep, my gran's cooked that before too...*sweatdrops* Ne, my obsession with Shandy that bad? Ahaha...Sumimasen. ^^ Hope this chapter is okay...I doubt it will be...*backs far, far, far away*

THANK YOU so much to those mentioned above for reviewing! *glomps* This chapter is dedicated to y'all! ^_______^ Love ya guys!


[WARNING] This fic isn't PG-13 for now reason. There's the three big L's: Lime, Language...wait, I forgot the third. And this is Shounen-ai/Yaoi, in case you don't know. -.- And a very horrible...scene between Homura and Goku...just to specify, the main pairings are [KonzenxGoku] and [KenrenxTenpou]. Thank you.

[Disclaimer] Well...*turns to readers* Okay, I have some questions. Does Sanzo go around in leather? No. Does Goku swear? Iie. Do Sanzo and Goku have wild sex in every episode? *sweatdrops and blushes* Oops, shouldn't have asked that...well, heck, no! There you have it, I don't own Saiyuki. Woe betide if I'll have to be rated R or more on TV because of the...scenes, and AXN certainly wouldn't have showed it. And we wouldn't want that, would we?

On to the fic, peeps!


Of Golden Eyes

#10 - Fractured Faith

"I can help you ease the pain."

That was the last thing Homura did, before he captured the latter's mouth in a shattering kiss.


"Konzen?" Tenpou asked uncertainly, his emerald gaze fixated on the motionless figure before him, the amethyst eyes blazing silently as they moved, barely, to meet Tenpou's own green.

"What?" the blonde murmured inaudibly, his gaze strangely hostile.

Before Tenpou could speak, a flash of red streaked past him, and in a matter of seconds, Konzen was sprawled on the floor, utterly astonished, unknowing what had hit him. His question was answered as a pair of rough hands grabbed his robes, and in that awkward moment, stunned violet met furious scarlet.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Kenren spat in his face, his ruby orbs hard and merciless as they connected with Konzen's cool lavender. "Why in the name of bloody hell are you brooding over that two-eye-colours bastard when you should be worrying about Goku!? You - " Kenren's words were cut off, and no wonder, for Konzen chose that very moment to kick Kenren in the stomach.

Kenren gaped, and his crimson eyes widened as he fell rather ungraciously to the ground, clutching his pained belly. Tenpou rushed immediately to his side, before glaring up at Konzen. "He's right," he whispered softly, the expression in his jaded eyes unreadable, and the brunette stood up.

"Excuse me."

Konzen felt a fist connecting with his right cheek as Tenpou punched him, causing him to fly backwards. Rising in anger, Konzen wiped his mouth with the back of his gloved hand, tasting blood. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" he yelled at the wordless Marshal, who hadn't budged an inch. "What the hell do you want!?"

The blonde immediately regretted what he said, for Tenpou's eyes were calm no longer, and he looked murderous. And sounded it - "I want you to get the hell out of your brooding daydream!" Tenpou shouted at the lavender-clad blonde, "When will you finally get over him? Another ten years? Perhaps in a century? Millennia? Or after you die?" The dark-haired one stopped for breath.

"I just want you to know that," the Marshal muttered. " 'Truth will not be altered by means of escaping it. Fate shalt not be fluctuated shall you meddle with her woven threads. Time shall not be returned to thee, for shall Man intervene with her, shall Man sought to turn back Time, Man shall be punished.' Most of all," he paused.

" 'Naught shall be changed should you escape Truth, Fate and Time, for these three weave together to compose the Great One by the name of Love; shalt you attempt to fluctuate the Great One, you seek out to destroy no one; for once Love is lost, she shalt return once more, greater and stronger than ever before.' "

Kenren gawped, looking at Tenpou in disbelief. "God, Tenpou, where the hell did you get all these philosophies?" he winced. When he got no response, Kenren looked at Tenpou, only to watch Tenpou step forward and shake Konzen's shoulder, hard.

"Goddammit, Konzen! Just bloody wake up! Can't you even realize some simple truth?" he said desperately. "Stop brooding about your past with Homura and what he did to you! Face reality! Goku's in fucking danger!" At this, Tenpou surprised even himself, for he was well known for his lack of foul words in conversation. "If you love him, you could at least - "

"I do love him!" Konzen snapped at the Marshal, taking the brunette by surprise, while Kenren found himself goggling at Konzen at his bold words. The blonde's expression softened.

"I love him," he whispered, at the incredible realization of it. "Goku makes me love like I have never before, he stirs feelings in me I never knew I had. His naïve and mischievous nature draws you to him, like a silver cord... His innocence is astounding," Konzen sighed.

"And the child is amazingly strong of heart. Facing such detestation and despise in the face as a child, just for his scandalous golden eyes and heretical nature, he does nothing about it, but just smiles and carries on with life, his happiness never fading."

Tenpou smiled gently, and Kenren sniggered. 'Typical Konzen to go into his lecture,' the redhead mused.

"The cold shackles on his neck, wrists, feet...they are marks of Heaven's hate towards him, but he bears them...hell, Tenpou, he calls me his sun, yet, he is the one little ray of sunshine that is still shining through Tenkai. I would say he is the only one who is fit to actually live in Heaven, if you consider his pureness and innocence, not unlike the other corrupted souls we have in here - blinded by means of power, desire and riches...they are as unfit to live in Heaven as anyone in Hell.

"He calls me his sun," Konzen repeated, and even Kenren shut up. "He is mine. My one sunshine that lights up my life."

"And I love Goku. With all my heart."

There was a silence, and Tenpou was the first to break it, his trademark smile back on his face. "So..." he turned to the eager redhead and the collected Konzen.

"Shall we go and do some rescuing, minna-san? [Everyone]"


Goku let out a cry of shock as Homura's lips met his own. He tried to push Homura off him, but to no avail, for the older man had him pinned to the ground with an unwavering grip so strong, it rendered Goku helpless.

Homura could only smirk as he forced the child's lips to part, and savored the delicious taste of Goku's mouth, relishing in the mix of lustful sensations it brought to him. He tasted of Eden's fruit, Goku did, and a simple, sweet taste that was Goku's.

God, no wonder Konzen couldn't get enough of him.

His lips reeked of softness, and his mouth was a wild, excruciating cavern of forbidden flavours, each flavour more delectable than the last. Surely enough, Homura felt the feeling of dominance surge through him as he controlled the lip-lock, and even more so as he continued to attack Goku's mouth aggressively; mercilessly.

Goku didn't want this. He refused this to happen. The thought of another touching him other than Konzen made his stomach lurch and his mind reel. Yet here he was, his mouth being ravaged by none other than his new master, whose lips were cold and relentless to the touch. And as that pair of callous lips continued to ravish his own, he felt tears brimming in his eyes. Fluttering his eyes shut, Goku closed out Homura's gaze, and let the tears fall.

Feeling wetness on the younger one's cheeks, Homura was more than a little surprised, but didn't hesitate. Instead, the fact that he knew Goku was hurting only fueled his desires even more, and he licked at the saltiness on those smooth cheeks.

And as Homura left the child's tantalizing mouth with much reluctance, he realized, to his anger, that Goku had closed his eyes, trying to block him out.

He wanted those eyes, those beautiful eyes to look at him, gaze at him in hazy passion while he worked his magic on him. Look at him and gaze dreamily into his sapphire and gold eyes while he ravaged him.

"Open your eyes," the raven-haired one whispered, his voice a silent command.

Goku refused to oblige, keeping his eyes stubbornly shut. He wasn't going to give Homura the pleasure of seeing him afraid and helpless; he wouldn't allow him to take the one thing that he allowed only Konzen to take...and most of all...

He wouldn't betray Konzen by succumbing to another's lust.


A tight slap connected with his cheek, jerking him back to reality. But still, Goku refused to open his eyes, ignoring the stabbing, burning pain on the left side of his face as it reddened considerably. The child tilted his head to another side, and he winced as Homura slapped him. Again.

Feeling his eyes burning with hot tears again, Goku reluctantly allowed his eyes to flutter open.

Smiling in self-satisfaction, Homura found himself lost in those luminous golden orbs, drowning in the breathtaking innocence and purity that those eyes held within them, that beautiful aura of serenity that clung around Goku, the unbroken one.

How he longed to break that innocence.

And then, Homura saw the unmistakable trust and burning devotion for Konzen flaring in that brilliant gold, the intense love he held for the blonde reflected in his eyes. The love he held for Konzen. Only Konzen.

How Homura ached to break that trust, that immense loyalty, that unwavering love.

And how he thrived to make it his.

And make it his he would.

****[*cringes* Horrible LIME scene here...can't believe I wrote this.]****

Homura stroked one devious finger down Goku's perfect cheek, feeling the child quiver uncontrollably beneath him as he trailed a teasing path down Goku's jawbone. And cupped Goku's face in his hands, lifting it up. Baring two golden orbs, which were blazing with unguarded fear and disbelief, yet still blissfully innocent.

Ah, how he loved that trait of Goku's.

Homura reached behind him, and brought upon Goku a dagger. And then ripped apart Goku's black top, baring the beautiful bronzed skin. Ignoring Goku's cry of shocked fury, he placed one hand on that lovely chest, caressing the golden skin lovingly and lustfully, exploring every inch of skin within his touch. Sensing Goku's silent shaking beneath him, he smirked, and leaned closer to Goku.

Before burying his teeth into Goku's neck.

Goku screamed in agony, and cried as Homura continued to bite deeper into his neck, before feeling thick liquid cascading down his skin as blood seeped out of the wound. The black-haired one licked the trail of crimson, relishing in the taste of Goku's blood, and felt uncontrollable lust surge through him as Goku whimpered in pain, creating soft, anguish moans that were incredibly arousing.

Standing up again, Homura pinned Goku on the bed, disrobing himself. And brushed his lips over the younger one's chest, ignoring the soft sobs that were spilling quietly from Goku's mouth. Homura straddled him, before disposing what remained of the child's pants.

"No," Goku whispered silently. "No..."

Feeling his lustful desire mount at the wanton sight beneath him, he settled himself in a good position. Before ramming into Goku with one full thrust.

Goku cried out, sobbing hysterically at the unbearable pain. He sensed the dam breaking as his tears began to flow freely down his cheeks, and he felt his vision blurring, his mind reeling in torment. Homura did not pay any attention to him, and simply ignored his pleas, as he continued to slam mercilessly into Goku's being, ignoring the thrashing that Goku was putting up, from the sheer agony of it.

The child continued to scream in pain as Homura didn't stop, but only resumed with much more forcefulness than before. "Shut up!" Homura ordered, his hazy mismatched eyes glittering in fury. "Shut up or I'll fuck you till you can't walk!"

Goku did shut up, biting his lips a tad too strong, as he felt blood seep through his bruised lips. And let the silent tears flow. Very well, he doubted he was still able to walk anyway, if he even survived this ordeal.

****[SHORT BREAK! 'Tis OVER - for now.]****

Homura shook his head, and looked down at the pathetic figure under him, totally at his mercy. Homura stroked those soft chocolate locks, before dragging Goku up by the beautiful long hair to meet his face. "See how pathetic you are now, Son Goku?" he murmured, his eyes glinting insanely, similar to those of a madman's. "You can't even fight me off. Which is just as well..." He stroked one finger down that perfect chest.

"And you know one thing, Son Goku? Konzen lied. He lied about using you...he had feelings for you, and he wasn't using you. He loved you, you know," there was a dreamy look in his eyes now. "But to keep me from hurting you, he had to say those hurtful words, hmm? But it wasn't any use, was it, now...?"

Goku looked up at him, his dulled golden eyes shining with a faint light called hope. And finally, Goku spoke. "He did?" he whispered, his voice barely heard.

"Oh, he did, Goku. He did. He loved you so much he was aching, and he actually demanded me to not lay a finger on you. And you something, Son Goku? Konzen was once my lover. He was once my angel. But of course," Homura let out a cold laugh, a laugh that didn't suit him.

"I was only using him. It was a dare, you see, a dare from the others. The other gods who looked down on me. They dared me, to see if I could bring the almighty Konzen Douji to bed, and if I could make him succumb to my wishes.

"And I did," he muttered. "I did. He actually let me take the reins, and I have to say, he's one hell of a guy in bed. And after he spilled his undying love on me, I broke him," he laughed bitterly. "He must have realized that, for he came storming up to me, and yelled at what a fucking user I was, and that I was using him for sex. And the truth was, I was just using him for sex."

"You bastard," Goku murmured inaudibly, his eyes blazing. Homura ignored him.

"But I wasn't satisfied." Homura's voice was low. "I wanted to be the one doing the breaking up. And he was the one who thrashed me, flinging me away like I was some commoner. I lost that one chance, that only chance, to break him once. And now, now I'm determined to make him lose everything." He paused. "Especially those that he held dear." And his mismatched gaze met a furious gold.

"Son Goku."

And Homura brought down the dagger upon Goku's skin.


"Well, I'll be leaving," Homura whispered into Goku's ear, and tossed the child back on the bed, ignoring the child's cry of pain and the heavy thud of Goku's shackles.

And Goku could only look at his retreating shadow, before lying back. He was a mess, he knew...the foreign intrusion of his being had left him a bloody mass, his body now stained and dirty from the red cuts on his being. Crying softly, Goku gathered up the remains of his clothing, and began to put them on, excluding his top, which was in a mess of shreds.

Ignoring the dull throb that was resonating in his lower body, the child sobbed quietly, burying his head in the pillow. His golden eyes fluttered closed, and the image of his golden-haired lover flashed in his mind.

"Kon...zen..." Goku murmured unconsciously, crimson blood seeping onto the silken sheets.

'Konzen...where are you?'

'Help me, Konzen...'

' hurts...'

'Please, Konzen...'

'...I love you, Konzen. Forever.'



[A/N] Somebody kill me for writing something like this. *sobs* Poor Goku!



Konzen flung open Homura's door, only to be greeted with darkness.

What he didn't expect was, when the candle lit itself, was the horrible and mortifying sight that came to his eyes. There was a bloody mess everywhere, red blood staining the ground, the silken bed...along with hideous white stains that Konzen could not - would not - name. And his body shook as he came upon the unconscious figure in the bed, hidden underneath the thick silken covers.

Raising one quaking hand to lift the cover, Konzen felt his heart break at the sight of the bedraggled figure, who was curled up tightly. Goku...the poor child was a mess. A definite mess. His beautiful chest was marred with bloody cuts, and as the child turned his back to Konzen, so was his back. But his back was even worse...the inhuman slashing had produced one particularly horrendous cut, thin and long, down his back. Pressing his quivering finger to that delicate skin, he felt something inside him shatter as Goku let out a moan of pain.

"Konzen!" Tenpou called, reaching the door, Kenren following shortly after. "Have you found - " his sentence was stopped mid-way, and he placed one shocked hand to his mouth, taking in the scene before him. It wasn't long before Kenren repeated his actions, his scarlet eyes reeking of disgust at the mess that was portrayed before his eyes. "What the hell," the red-haired general muttered softly, as hatred for Homura mounted in his heart.

Konzen did not say anything to the two. Slowly, but surely, he reached out for Goku, and brought Goku close to him, embracing the child gently. The child's golden eyes fluttered open, and brimmed with tears when he recognized his lover. Wrapping his hesitant arms around Konzen's waist, he brought himself closer to the lavender-clad deity, and buried his face in that broad chest. And felt strong, warm fingers settle themselves in his chocolate locks, ruffling his hair affectionately.

Goku couldn't control himself any longer. Letting the tears fall, Goku began to cry, wordless sobs that told of his tale, pitiful and aghast. And let himself melt in Konzen's embrace, as the blonde deity nuzzled his hair softly. Holding Goku at arm's length, he brushed a tear off Goku's cheek, and smiled lovingly, his amethyst orbs shining silently.

"Sleep, love. I'm here," Konzen murmured, repeating exactly those same words that he had whispered to Goku, on the night of their first kiss.

Hearing that soft, reassuring husky voice that was so dark and familiar, Goku whimpered softly, and buried himself in Konzen's chest, more tears running down his cheek. Konzen responded by pulling Goku closer, and let him hear to the calming sound of his heartbeat, and felt his soft, silky brown hair against his neck.

He held Goku like that for a long time, and felt the child's sobbing gradually decrease into soft breathing, and felt Goku's chest heave up and down slightly on his own. He slowly lifted the broken child in his arms, and gestured for Tenpou and Kenren to be silent, bringing Goku to his own room, Tenpou and Kenren following quietly behind him, as Konzen placed a soft kiss on Goku's forehead.

'I'm here...'


"That fucking bastard raped him."

These words were uttered by Kenren, fury lacing each word. "That fucking good for nothing dared to touch Goku," he continued, ignoring Tenpou's warning stare. "He dared to lie his bloody fingers on the kid, he dared to hurt him! Goku's a fucking twelve years old!" he yelled, slamming his fist on Konzen's desk.

A ringing silence soon followed.

"Kenren," Tenpou whispered quietly, going over to his lover, placing his arms around the redhead's neck. "I know how you feel, but," he looked pointedly at Konzen. "Try keeping your voice low," he muttered quickly into the general's ear. "Let's leave them, for now." Kenren obliged, sighing in exasperation, his scarlet gaze shifting to Goku's sleeping form, whose arms were still locked around Konzen's neck, refusing to let go, even in his sleep.

Refusing to release his love, for fear that once he did, it would never return.

And only then did they leave the room, closing the door quietly behind them.

Konzen rustled the child's hair softly, feeling the silky russet strands he loved under his fingers, and stroked Goku's back tenderly, massaging that fragile skin under the layer of thick, white bandages. Unable to bear the sight of Goku's delicate bronze skin being marred by the hideous cuts, he had insisted on wrapping the bandages around Goku's person himself, shaking in quiet rage, and he felt horribly angry. Angry at Homura, angry at the Gods, angry at Tentei, angry at everyone...

But most of all, he was angry at himself.

Why, oh why did he utter those hateful words at the young child? He should have known that Homura was going to break his promise anyway.

Why did he stop to talk to Homura? He should have just stormed into Homura's room earlier without bothering to exchange words with the other god.

Why didn't he even think of following Homura back to the room for Goku?

Why, why had he even let Goku out of his sight in the first place?


So many whys...

And so many of them unanswered.

He was whipped back to harsh reality when Goku began to shake uncontrollably, his body quaking as he began to cry again, those quivering, violent sobs that shook Konzen's soul. Gathering the child in his embrace, Konzen cooed softly, stroking Goku's back tenderly, trying to soothe the young child that was shivering fearfully in his arms. To comfort the broken, tormented soul.

And sighed in relief, as Goku relaxed into his arms, in peaceful slumber again.

God, Homura will pay.

Two bright violet eyes narrowed, their depths glistening with silent fury, but softening as that amethyst gaze settled on Goku's placid form, the youth's expression serene and tranquil. Konzen sighed again, before pulling Goku deeper into the embrace, feeling the little bundle of warmth that was Goku.

"Aishiteru, Goku," Konzen murmured quietly. "With all my heart."

Homura will pay.



[A/N] GOD! I can't believe that I, of all people, wrote this! My gosh, Hell has frozen over. Definitely. *shudders* Well...*looks around, and gulps* Something tells me that all the Homura haters have accumulated in one place...*sweat drop* I'm dead. But don't kill me! XO ...I finally posted this. =.=;; Gah -

[Note] so...does anyone want a pic of Sanzo in a sleeveless shirt with a silver cross adorning his neck? Well...that pic was originally from my other fic, "Of One Christmas", but uh - just asking. ^^ Anyone? Just drop me your email and I'll send it over. ;___; And I noticed that those who asked for the Goku/Konzen hugging pic and the Kouryuu pic haven't got it! T_T Gomenasai! Can you tell me again? Because its either the connection sucked or I missed you



27 December 2002