Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ What ifs ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hakkai: Gojyo

Hakkai: Gojyo?

Gojyo...[Sulk, sulk, sulk]

Hakkai: Gojyo? It's bad for your skin to keep it all inside.

Gojyo: [He exploded.] That was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me!!!! Never before has girls, ladies even old grannies laughed at me!!!!

Fluffy: Hahhahhhahahahah!!!!!!! [Wipe tears of laughter.]

Gojyo: It's your entire fault! [Death glare.]

Fluffy: Hey, I changed you back, didn't I? Baka saru!!!!

Gojyo: You could have changed me back WHEN I'm not surrounded with the babes!!

Fluffy: Here I thought I was helping you. How was I to know that you
will be naked? I mean you were wearing your boxers. Uummm, what was it again?

Hakkai: Hello Kitty! {Trying to be helpful as usual in his nice way, NOT!}

{Since they got turned into monkeys the only thing that they could fit in are their boxers' shorts. Because of that, they look really cute that all the townspeople came to see them. And Gojyo just happened to be naked when he got turned back. Not my fault.} [Looking Oh-so-innocent.]

Gojyo: Hakkai!! What about you?! You were wearing smiley faces!

Hakkai: What's wrong with it? A smile a day, keeps the doctor away. @-^

{Goku was wearing pork buns motifs. Sanzo was wearing one with the slogan 'I'm a cursing, alcoholic, chain-smoking monk, so what if I'm killing you too?'}

Fluffy: Hmmm. what else? Ah ha! [Got the idea.] Can't stay to chat with you guys, I have to pay Kanzeon Botsatsu a visit. Poof!

Gojyo: Diiiid she said she is going to see that old hag?! [Trembling. Oh, help! Someone!] They are planning something I know it.

Hakkai: I like to say that you are just being paranoid but…what a peaceful day. @ ^

Gojyo: Don't change the subject!!! I'm panicking here!!!

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In Tenkai,

Fluffy: Hey, beautiful. I have an idea on how to make your Sanzo-ikkou
watching more interesting and entertaining.

Kanzeon: Oh? [Raise an eyebrow.]

Fluffy: It's like this. [Whisper, whisper, giggle, whisper, giggle.]

Kanzeon: All right. I'll be looking forward to this. [Evil smile.]
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Sanzo-ikkou was traveling as usual when,

Fluffy: Hey, guys! Kanzeon Botsatsu has decided to make your day more
interesting by [being cut off]

Gojyo: Giving me lots of babes?

Goku: Food?

Sanzo: Knowing her, she has sent you to torment us into another degree of hell.

Fluffy: How pessimistic, you are. But as usual you are right. She decided to make this day into a Ópposite day'!

Everyone: Opposite day?!

Fluffy: It's the day when everyone says the opposite of what they actually mean. [Turns to look at Gojyo.] That means you should be calling Goku a clever boy on opposite day so that you are actually insulting him. Get it?

Goku: I don't get it! [Scratch his head.]

Fluffy: See, Goku got it already. Poof!

{From now onwards everything they say means the opposite.}

Hakkai: [@-^] Such a chaotic day.

Sanzo: I'm not going to play along with whatever that old hag thought up!!!

Gojyo: Not actually.

Sanzo: I know what the heck I said!!!!!

{Apparently, everyone but for Sanzo. And Goku cause he still didn't get it.}

Goku: Ne, Hakkai, when are we going to reach the town?

Hakkai: Not now. Bang! Crash!

{Actually, he meant now. He doesn't know that since its opposite day, the brakes means go. Sorry, I don't know much about cars. I just ride on them.}

Gojyo: What a careful driver you are!!! Don't watch where you are going! If I known worser, you are not drunk!!!

Goku: Harahetta!!!!!

Gojyo: Let's unfed, this clever boy.

Hakkai: No, no.@-^

Goku: I want dumplings, fried chicken, pizza, siu mai, and pork chop!!

Waitress: Not ok. Get up and leave and I won't be back with anything
you ve ordered.

Goku: Huh?! [Before he can say anything else, she went off.]
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Waitress: Not here are your orders, Scum. [Carrying a tray.]

{She's talking as she is serving.} This is not your pork chops (rock chops),
dumplings (ducklings) [still alive and quacking!], pizza (a leaning
tower of Pisa.) [Or was it, Pizza?], siu mai (Burnt rice)[more like
what's left of it.] and first but not the more is the fried chicken (a convicted chicken for killing a 1000 worms for no reason. The sentence - fried to the death.)

Gojyo: Way not to go, clever boy. The only thing that's not edible is the chicken except it doesn't have any feathers. [Poking at the poor creature with his chopstick.]

{Sorry, if I offended any vegetarians.}


Fluffy: Do you know what day today is?

Gojyo: [Red roses and sparkling lights in the background.] Saturday. The best day for babe searching.

Goku: My birthday? [Thinking of his birthday cake.]

Gojyo: Baka sarus don't have birthdays.

Goku: Do too and I'm not baka and I'm not a saru!!!!!

Hakkai: 24th?

Fluffy: No, it's opposite day!

Everyone: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!