GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ The Merry Month of Fuyuki Fanfic! ❯ Day 3: Tea Time ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Tea Time
Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess
Rating: PG for innocent smoochies
Pairing: Shido/Kazuki
Summery: Shido and Kazuki have lunch
Warnings: None really, except very slight and minor spoilers for the manga (again, Shido and Fuuga butted heads a few times before Shido and Kazuki joined the Volts, so I play with that a bit), and, uh, Kazuki and Shido have smoochies?
Disclaimer: GetBackers isn't mine, I just like to borrow them and torture them for a bit.
After he started renting from Madoka, Shido and Kazuki got together for lunch once a week, just to talk. The whole thing was Kazuki's idea, Shido only agreed so Kazuki would shut up about it.
It was during one of these little get togethers that Kazuki kissed Shido for the first time in about six years. And they weren't even fighting! Shido just stared at him as Kazuki explained that he had been thinking that maybe he and Shido could be a little more than just friends?
Shido's answer was a shrug and a "Sure, why not?" which made Kazuki laugh and swat at him, but Shido caught Kazuki's wrist and placed a kiss on the inside of it, an awkward and shy gesture that made Kazuki blush and smile.
They never did get around to finishing their tea time lunch that day.