GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ what is happening ? ❯ the consequence ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n : Ban + Jackal.
Discalimer : don't own em.
What is happening ?
Dr Jackal was having a hard time breathing. Kyoji-kun , in a sudden display of
forethought , had filled the air with diamond dust and then invited him for the
fight. He had discovered that a nanosecond too late. By then , he had been
slashed conceivably every where by mirror shards. He smiled wryly into the
darkness and shook his head. Too careless. Footsteps were heard. Maybe Kyoji-kun
was coming to kill him...or for that matter somebody else ? he did not have many
friends, that was well known.
" Well, well ...if it isn't the famous doctor "
The sneering voice was well known. Too bad , Mr Mido should come just
then...what x pity.
Ban looked down at him with that insolent gaze of his. Akabane looked up at him
with his usual freeze-your-blood glance and even managed his trademark smile
even though he felt far from smiling.
" I would love to exchange barbs with you Mr Mido but as you can see i am a
trifle incapacitated. Kindly leave me alone"
Ban appeared to be smirking but at this , very strangely he became serious. "I
will do nothing of the sort "
" Taking pity on me , Mr Mido ? should not have this , a cry of pain
shattered the tense silence as Akabane pulled out another shard from his person.
His breath became more constricted. It was sometime before he could speak again,
blood loss was weakening him and his polite mask slipped away for an instant as
he snapped at Ban.
" leave me alone Mr Mido. Go away"
" and if I do not "
with x lot of effort ,Akabane pulled out scalpel and threw it at him. The speed
was insufficient and he fainted away from sheer exhaustion.
I woke up in what appeared to be moderately lighted room. I seemed to be lying
on bed. My hand went over my body cautiously as the memory of my wounds came
back to me. I was clothed in bandages, amateur ones, as the medical instinct in
me took over. I tried bringing out my scalpels...They came out easily slicing
through bandages. Good, at least my defense mechanism was intact.
" so you finally woke up . How do you feel "
I started at the sudden sound and looked round . Mr Mido had been standing at
window behind my bed looking at me with very strange expression...almost relief
though that is very unlikely. I shook of the thought and decided to be polite to
my preserver.
" Fine , thank you. " It was all I could manage at the moment . Mr Mido 's
expression was getting harder for me to understand. He looked hurt. Interesting.
"Great, I thought for moment you wouldn't pull through "
I was confused.
" You actually worried bout me ?" My voice held disbelief. It was obvious. No
one bothered bout my well being since I started my career. I didn't particularly
give them reason to.
" I guess I kind of was"
I shook my head. Ban Mido wielder of Jagan and Snakebite , whose pet hobby was
to hate me was actually worried about me. Maybe it was dream. One of those
famous one-minuters the guy usually doles out. As the minute dragged out , I
shut my eyes . I kept on repeating to my self that this was dream but two things
happened. One : a strange feeling crept over that I had never
experienced before. Two :Mr Mido kissed me.
I saw Jackal close his eyes and murmur something, as if he was struggling to
convince himself about something. It was then I did something totally out of
character with me . I leaned over and kissed him. His lips were just as I
expected- warm and full of life.. I saw his eyes flutter open in shock and
disbelief. I waited for few scalpels to come out , yet he remained strangely
still, the expression fixed on his face.
I was disappointed. Trust this guy to behave like that. I should not have pulled
his sorry ass out of hot water. I sighed and passed into the next room . In the
mirror I caught his expression. He was motionless like statue . I could not have
achieved better effect if I had Jaganed him. But that wasn't what I had wanted.
I wa too dazed to move . The shock was immense. In slow motion, I saw Mr Mido
wait and then that expression of hurt on his face again, something clutched at
my heart and seemed to be twisting it round...then he left the room...before I
could react or reciprocate. Did I want to reciprocate ? I don't know. I just
don't know. What I do know is when I got up and went to the next room , he
wasn't there. I discovered it was a hotel and that Mr Mido had paid for
everything I would require. But he had left. That strange twisting feeling in my
heart became more pronounced somehow .
I decided to leave . Jackal could doubtless take care of himself. I went back to
Honky tonk but apparently my heart and mind were left with him because all I
remembered was his labored breaths as he slept through the night and my anxiety
about him. That bastard almost made me panic when he stopped breathing for sec.
and as I sat there by his bedside, it was then I realized that my hatred for him
was just cloak. He was right. We re the same and I loved him for that. I
examined the word in my head...yes I did. And Jackal would be after me with
fangs and scalpels as soon as he is fit. But will I be able to fight him ? I
don't know.
I took two days to recover physically but mentally I seemed to have retarded.
Day in, day out , those two eyes haunted me . I could not eat , sleep or
breathe. It was high time I did something before my life goes completely out of
control. I smiled at my reflection. A few scalpels came out . They were so
attuned to me.
I went to the Honky Tonk after a week . My quarry was absent. A shivering Ginji
transformed into tare and revealed that his precious Ban Chan had gone to the
park . Very unusual . I assured Ginji with my sly smile that I was not planning
on killing him...I spoke truth but Ginji misunderstood me . I wonder why ? Maybe
, it was because I was transferring a scalpel from one hand to another.
At the park , I saw Ban sitting on bench with his back to me . I knew he sensed
me but he did not react...time for my surprise...
I brought out few scalpels and before he could realize , I had pushed him to the
ground and pinned him firmly with my blades. The blades cut through his
shoulders, wrists and thighs and I used unnecessary force because I wanted to
see if that twisting pain in my heart would leave. But as time went on , Ban did
nothing to free himself, I got more and more confused. That feeling returned
with inexplicable ferocity. In anger more scalpels left my body and pierced his.
The pain had to be immense. Still he did not move. He just endured the pain and
as I continued to watch , two large tear drops rolled out from his eyes and
marking their path down his cheeks, they fell to the ground. What is happening ?
enjoy :)