GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ what is happening ? ❯ what is going on ? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer : nope , i dont own em but they certainly own me.

Ban's POV:
I had sensed him approaching...his pungent yet powerful aura.i could almost
taste the blood in it, it was coming closer and closer...
And then he attacked me... the wrenching pain as the blades sliced through skin
and bone , i almost blacked out but those eyes ...they held me back. I could
read the question in them as clearly as though it was said aloud but then i saw
that he was in denial, to be exact he had not even accepted me. He denied what
his heart was telling him and i could do nothing...absolutely nothing... I could
not bear it any longer and i...Hell. I could immediately tell that that had
disgusted and confused him. He stood up and adjusted his hat. The scalpels
returned to him causing fresh wounds as they left my body and then he just
walked away...just like that.
Akabane strode away. He had to admit that Mido's reaction was beginning to freak
him out. Just when he thought that he could not be suprised anymore...well , no
use in thinking. What disturbed him even more were his own reactions to the
whole affair. Maybe he had underestimated his abilities. It seemed that Mr Mido
was in love with him . He examined the sentence again. Love...He had to admit
that this was a novel experience, amusing in a way.And the worst part of it was
that he could not help but reciprocate...though not in conventional ways. No,
that would never do. He smiled. So Kurodo Akabane was in love huh ?
But if it interfered with his career, well...
But he could not help feeling that something was very wrong...
This wasn't the way things were supposed to happen...
Most importantly , he wasn't supposed to care.
"And that is how the matter stands at present ...Sir ."
The Sir was added a little later .It was accompanied by a sarcastic smile. The
other man stood with folded arms , frowning...he was plunged into deep thought.
So deep was his reverie that he did not notice the intent gaze of a man, attired
in pristine white.
Kagami stood watching his superior as he paced about the room. He pushed his
hands into his pocket as he waited...not that he minded waiting , after all ,
when one is here to observe, one does not mind waiting specially when the
assignment is so interesting... not to mention the the subjects.
Kagami , in general , was a dispassionate observer. Ever since his descent from
the superior Babylon City , he had found nothing to interest him personally.
Humans and their petty emotions were mundane , good to observe but nothing to
arouse except contempt . The ex volts members were different ofcourse but it was
not that interesting. However , he had to thank Makubex for the introduction to
two very arresting personalities namely Dr Jackal and Mr Mido.
A personal interest...?
Perhaps that wpould explain why he took up the assignment.It was quite amusing
at first but now , things seemed to be getting out of hand.
Kagami could not remain dettached any he ?
Hope you like how its going so far. please review.