GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ what is happening ? ❯ the assignment ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/n : the third part.

Disclaimer : nah, not yet …..

The assignment :

Two perfect proffessionals... yet the perfect smiles were beginning to wear a little thin. The observer could not help the twinge of irritation that kept surfacing whenever he saw that serpent anywhere near the made him want to bring out a diamond shard ...a swift move... a beautiful red line across his throat and watch the blood trickle down....down and down forming a trail on his white coat ....he remembered the time Ban mido had hit him....a humilation...especially when he was way faster than him..but he couldnt , not in front of the elder....he did not like Ban Mido.
The transporter.....he measured his jobs by the amount of amusement he could derive from this...and no one could deny that the amusement quotient was at its height...whereas Kagami was turning a pretty green with envy, Mr Mido was making a perfect fool out of himself. He unlocked the door and entered his appartment and looked around approving, a dark and metal world. He sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs...what had he planned to do ? oh yes..He pilled out a vial from his pocket. Time to analyse......
hours passed...
Akabane looked up at the clock, it was almost 3 in the night...this last test...he had another assignment tonight...very carefully he added a grey fluid to a sample of the vial's contents...a silent reaction, no residue, endothernic. He looked at the contents of the testtube and smiled...what the doctor had taken for granted was his nickname... too bad...the smile suddenly dissappeared......concern replaced it. The components of the vial's contents were...disturbing. And it seemed that Ban Mido's life was in danger,
And why did he care ? Because he was in love? Far from it. One of his most precious enemies was in danger . That and the key to unlocking the true power of the man named Kurodo Akabane aka Dr Jackal.
And what about Ban Mido ? His Day was spent in thinking about Dr Jackle. His accepted good sense had taken a backseat and even Ginji seemed to be more sensible than him...but he could not help it . Now he understood why highschool girls giggled and blushed..he did pretty much the same nowadays, everything reminded him of the doctor , his rational part laughed itself to stitches and everyone sniggered and passed sly comments but nothing seemed to have an effect. His heart was officially controlling him....The bell rang and Ban jumped out of his Akabane themed reverie...oh only Kagami...if it was...and kept on staring at Kagami abstractedly, picturing Akabane's face and Kagami fought a dangerous war with his almost overwhelming urge to wipe that dumb expression off his face.
Kagami sat down at one of the booths, his face held the smile. His temper was reaching a boiling point as his imagination supplied beautiful scenarios concerning those two. the cool and impersonal observer was receding and in its place a human being was coming into human so as to completely raw. And Akabane observing this was getting a bit worried. He had entered the coffee shop and taken a booth and watching both Ban and Kagami. Ban was giving him those coy glances that made him really really ill and Kagami was staring into blank space , cleching and unclenching his would it be if he killed them right away? No worries, two beautiful corpses....and two people less in his deathlist.Wishful thinking...a sporting man he was to his fingertips..kill the small fry and keep the big ones.......that was his motto. But a way out of this ? he did not want Ban the stalker on his hands, or Ban the would happen if he did not step in. Ban needed an antidote , if that existed and Kagami ? He knew exactly what he needed. Kagami was getting a bit too sure of himself lately , this matter could well bring him about ,if Akabane procceeded carefully. A visit to the doctor was top priority, surely he loved his life ?
His scalpels danced wonderfully against the red and black background as a few guards fell down. Not that it was necessary, he had the passkey but he had not killed for such a long time.....the tangy scent of blood, he opened the door . A brightly lit white hallway equally white laboratory.......a sharp prick of the needle.....taken unawares...and silence.
Akabane sat on the sofa admiring his was a beautiful colour and the doctor looked stunning up there on the wall like a wall hanging, pinned firmly with scalpels, really it brightened his apartment. The doctor's face was contracted,pain evident on his face .Ofcourse pain was a reqiurement in a Dr jackal experience , and Akabane was taking special care of his guest.
" now " and he looked so happy, " will you kindly tell me about the antidote ?"
"" the doctor's reply was punctuated by gasps..." when the elders hear about this, they ....Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Another scalpel had entered his body.
" the elders have all my respect but they will not interfere where Dr Jackle is concerned...they wouldn't make such a mistake . and you know that just as well, oto-chan"
" Why Akabane ? why turn against your family to protect an outsider. Believe me...once i discover the secret of his evil eye, it will be yours .........."
"But Mr Mido will be dead ."
" what is it to you ? You will have no more competion . You arent in love.....Owwwwwwww. more...."
" That , is entirely upto you. But you know what ? I will make this more interesting ." and he produced another syringe. "This ", he continued conversationally, " is a synthetic poison , of my own making ofcourse. I used certain molecules of ........species of snail and replicated them . The poison is ofcourse very potent . And the moment it enters your bloodstream , it starts killing you ..very...very slowly . Antidote must be administered within two hours failing which death ofcourse. and since you dont have the antidote, i think will kill you . infact..." at this point he placed th tip of the needle on the skin and smiled. His brother writhed on the wall , to no avail and looked at him, the terror obvious in his eyes..." Wait, there is an antidote, its in my lab."
" I knew there would be ." and he pressed the end of the syringe.
He tossed the syringe onto the floor . And moved his hands. The scalpels returned to his body and he watched as his brother fell to the floor. He sat down on the sofa . " I suggest you get the antidote and by the way, no amount of research will help you. i made a few chemical additions of my own, you know. and if my dear brother , I do not get the antidote within the hour, even before the poison kills you, i will. You trust me , don't you ? Ofcourse you do . Kurodos are famed for their commonsense. " And he entered his kitchen . He had to cook the dinner. No takeout today. After all....
He surveyed the meal with satisfaction. He picked up the receiver. a cell phone rang annoyingly somewhere waking them from their beautiful daydream." Hello " Ban sounded irritated.
"Good evening Mr Mido ."
" What do you want ?" The words were rough but the tone was amazingly sofented in an instant.
" the pleasure of dining with you ofcourse ."
" Huh...wHAt ?"
" today , at my apartment ?"
" I d..don't know, i..uh..have plans, yeah plans"
Playing hard to get eh...
"Well , in that case, lets........."
" No , no , uh m.its all right , i'll come."
" But your plans........."
" , uh i will cancel them...uhh , i have to go ,bye"
" Mr Mido , do you know where i live ?"
" No...yeah..whats your address..uh yeah, yeah ,Kozomi Street, ok,yeah got it . yeah bye ."
From his position at the booth, Kagami overheard everything. Kozomi , he had invited him to the apartment....Kagami turned a pretty shade of purple .It almost matched his shirt.

Kagami remained seated at the booth, a mini turmoil raging inside him. He had recently before this assignment , fought with Akabane...a trivial thing that blew all out of proportion.And they had not tried to resolve it. Being the professionals that they were, they had accepted the assignment but it was like the Artic when they had to meet or dicuss strategy. neither had condescended so far and if he did, it meant that Dr would get the upper hand,and if he did not , Ban Mido would replace him. That two timing psycho ! Suddenly , Kagami calmed down.

The doorbell rang and Akabane opened it. Almost immediately , a pungent smelling gas began to filter into the room. The gas covered almost everything with its dark fumes, blocking out the light . Akabane lay on the floor , unconscious. His brother entered the apartment , wearing a gas mask.
So, oni-san, you did not expect this, huh ? Poor little powerless right ? Lets , see.the antidote.....He bent down to extract the vial from his pockets, and inexplicably he found a glass shard sticking in his hand. It took a moment for the pain to register. the shard had had gone right through . He began screaming and got up, trying in vain to get the shard out. He looked up and saw himself surrounded by his reflection, all of them screaming in pain , the the reflection changed and he saw Kagami all around him , approcahing him from all directions holding a very sharp glass shard in his hand. He screamed and tried to back out and bumped into he raised his hand.....

The doctor fainted and The images vanished. The apartment came into view. And Akabane was leaning against the wall , watching him. " How ?"
" i think you have seen how i remained unaffected by Diamond dust it so hard to explain ?"
" Then you were just pretending ....?"
" Observing is the word i had in mind ."
Kagami turned on his heel and walked out. He would deal with him later, He still had his brother ro deal with.
And there he was , stirring. He opened his eyes slowly , then , as memory returned to him , he clutched at his hand and stared at it , he sat up and looked around and his eyes rested on his brother . He was smiling and transferring the scalpel from one hand to another....
"So, dear brother, you hoped to kill me, i must say , i am very pleased with you..a fine display of spirit which i previously thought you lacked , and dont take the trouble of searching your pockets, i already took the gun and the vial....its the antidote i presume? Thought you would play it safe ? Well, i will soon administer it to Mido and if i do not see the effects i desire......." He smiled. He had been approaching his brother and his brother had been moving back, ultimately hitting the wall...He now looked up into Akabane's face as he held the sclapel....the doorbell rang.
Akabane seemed to be in no hurry to answer it , he still smiled sweetly at his brother ......such an exhilarating reaction...eyes dilated with fear, eyes on the scalpel, he had seen the reaction so many times and it never failed to entrance him...the power he held over people...his brother....He turned around, and sharp glowing things left his body.......

Ban stood ringing the doorbell, once , twice , thrice ..........uh door opening ........say something,,,uh... ""
"Come in Mr Mido .... glad to see you sit down...anything to drink ? How about wine ? Yes?.allright."

He poured out the glasses and emptied the contents into one of the glasses. If his brother had given him the wrong thing, well, knowing his brother , he did not think,,,, but he had tried to..still...
Ban's heart gave a leap as he saw Akabane at the doorway with the two, no,....yet....
Ban accepted the glass and turned a brilliant red as their fingers touched and it was all Akabane could do not to break into his smile . He watched as Ban slowly sipped his wine.
He smiled in encouragement and raised his and drank some. Red wine was Mido 's favourite and a particularly fine wine it was. Ban slowly drank of the whole .....and fainted....hmm similar reactions to the original lets see the aftereffects. He stood by the sofa and watched the limp form .

I wonder if he will be grateful? probably not. but his ego will definitely suffer when his friends tell him how he behaved. And that in his opinion would do the invincible Ban mido a world of good. ofcourse, he would be mad and if he wanted to fight...A scalpel flew from one hand to would be his pleasure... Time to see if his brother was to live or die. He shook Ban. "Oh Mr Mido...wakey, wakey........."
" Huh..ummmm...where..argggggggghh, you ???? psycho freak ...wait, where am i ? Where is Ginji ? If you hurt him, you are in so much trouble.....where am i ?"
"You are in my apartment ."
" What ? how did i get here? where is ginji ?!!!!!"
"Relax, why do you assume i would hurt Ginji ? Ginji kun is fine."
"Relax, ? with you around ? Are you kidding ? tell me the truth or i will choke it out of you ."
Akabane turned to face the screaming Ban. " I will accept the second proposition."
Ban suddenly relaxed and lit a cigarette. "Thats what you want isn't it ? Give it up , i already beat you didn't i ?"
" Admittedly yes, in a semi virtual world but in the real world? Lets put it to test . I warned you, you shoould have finished me when you had the chance."
" And i told you that i will always beat you ....see ya "
Akabane smiled at the open doorway....
you can run but.........

" Breaking up so soon ? Really, you must treat your boyfriends better, Dr Jackle. They all run away...."
" Not all. why are you here ? "
Ahh yes, as i expected....
I won't let you have it so easy , my dear Kyoji-kun.
"Just dropped by to observe."
"well, the party is over . "
"I guess i shall be leaving then." The last words were addressed to Akabane's back.
"Shut the door behind you."
Kagami stood at the doorway thinking...if he walked out now, he would lose the doctor but if he ......well , he would never be able to command respect in the relation again, Akabane would take advantage of the situation and make a puppet out of him and yet , what did it matter ? He wanted to be near Akabane, with him and if for that he had to swallow his pride, well.......
"What are you thinking about ? He looked upto see Akabane had reappeared with a glass of wine and was observing him from over the rim....not a trace of emotion in them....yet.
" I ...i ...uh ....Akabane."
"What ?"
" I am ...that is ...i didnt mean to..about that matter...i am sorry. please if..."
" But, Kagami , you said that you want to have nothing to do with me and when i asked you if you were sure, you said yes?"
" Uh..i ...actually was pretty angry then...please ?" He looked up and saw Akabane.the same fixed stare in his eyes.
" You do realize, Kyoji-kun , what this means ?'
He said Kyoji-kun. There may still be.....I kept quiet....he would mete out some kind of punishment, i waited.....
Finally , Kagami -kun is breaking down......i dont mean to draw this out , so i go and hug him, and he is very struggles.
I dare not make a sound and then he leans into my ear." Kyoji-kun, i will pay you back later on." The voice, the very tone makes my blood freeze.
He drew away from me and smiled. Just one more matter to deal with and took me into the kitchen. There, on the wall, glaring at us.....
" I knew two would betray me."
" Betray ? not at all, doctor..sorry sir.Perhaps it would interest you to know that the elders asked me to observe you ."
" And dear brother , we were asked to play had become extraordinarily secretive of late. You see, you are completely at my mercy and i have more than enough reason to carve a j on your body. But i choose not to. you should be grateful to Kagami for that. "
Two men appeared at the doorway. "And ,ofcourse the elders want to talk to you." The scalpels returned to him as his brother slumped to the floor. He was hauled of the ground and escorted out of the apartment.
Akabane turned to Kagami.

At the Honky Tonk.
Ban opened the door and immediately everyone stopped talking. He was surprised. Everyone was staring at him. "What ? "
" Nothing ...." Kazuki smiled brightly at him.Shido sniggered. Himiko smiled sweetly, Ginji slyly...
" What ? whats wrong ?"
" Is that colonge i smell ?" That was Hevn.
" Huh ? yeah...howd this stuff get on me ? and why was i wearing a damn tux ?"
" How was your date , Ban ?" Natsumi asked .
" Date , what date ? "
" Your date with Akabane ........dont tell me you forgot ?"
"Arrghhhhhhhhhhhhh.....are you crazy ? Me go out on a date with him ? "
"But ban -chan , you said you were in love with him..."
" What ??????!!!!"
" Yeah even went shopping with Kazuki bought the tux...said you wanted to look good for the occasion, and...."
And as Akabane had predicted, his pride took a severe beating......