Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Cats, Crutches and Babies? Oh My! ❯ Star Struck, Awe Struck ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ryuichi bounded out of the elevator and hopped down the hallway, shopping bags swinging and clicking dangerously from both of his arms.
The brunette came to a dead halt in front of his apartment. After fumbling the groceries around, he somehow managed to extract his keys from his overly large pocket without dropping anything.
Once he had located the correct one, he slid the gold piece of metal into the lock and turned it until he heard the familiar “click” resonate from within the door.
Ryu pulled the key out, shoved the set back into his pocket and turned the door handle to let himself in.
With a practiced flip of his feet, he flung off his runners and kicked them more or less out of the way into one corner of the entrance. He stepped up onto hardwood floors and walked through one of the recessedly lit archways into his kitchen. Kumagoro almost slipped from the jumble of things in the singer's arms as he moved toward the table, but was saved just before he fell.
“You almost fell Kumagoro!” Ryuichi exclaimed once he had set the bunny and the grocery bags onto the small metal and glass table, “You really need to be more careful na no da.”
Kuma just smiled, not saying a word.
The singer flew around the kitchen, throwing groceries in cupboards and drawers. He crumpled up the bags and threw them in the trash before hurrying out of the room to change.
When he reached his bedroom, he slid open the door and hurriedly stripped off his damp clothes. He threw the items onto his clothes hamper which, like most things in his house, needed attending to. Another mental note was made as he strode over to the room he referred to as a “closet”.
He slid open the beautifully decorated shoji screen doors and flipped on the lights. Walking down the first row of clothes, he began picking things off the racks; pants, shirts, hats and other various things with which to piece together an outfit. He tried on piece after piece, outfit after outfit, animal suit after animal suit until he finally settled on one he liked.
He walked out of the closet wearing a pair of flared denim jeans in a fierce red color that could put even the ripest tomato to shame. He accompanied the pants with one of his many loose, frilled and flared shirts as well as his favorite cowboy hat. He had picked out a black, rawhide wrap belt and this was tied on loosely over the waist of his pants, the long braided tassels hanging down at his left hip next to his finger tips.
Ryu stood in front of the full length bedroom mirror and admired his handy work. He never failed to dress nicely, but it was pretty hard to screw up when he had more clothes than there were days in a year, and half as many pairs of shoes for that matter. It also helped that, when you were famous, you could wear whatever you wanted too and nobody would question you.
Tohma always told him that he had too many of everything, though Ryu always argued that you couldn't have too many clothes. It was the singers simple philosophy that the more crayons you color a picture with, the prettier it becomes; the same thing goes for clothes, The more you have and have on the better.
Shuichi always agreed with him as well. The younger singer always dressed cool in Ryuichi's opinion and, except for a few pieces that he really liked, the kid didn't often wear an outfit twice in the same month.
Ryu was very satisfied with his choice of clothing and walked out of his bedroom humming. When he reached the kitchen however, his happy demeanor soon changed to panic when he looked at the clock above the stove hood. With a frenzied gasp he realized what time it was. Tatsuha's train would be arriving in ten minutes and he wasn't even out the door yet!
In a mad attempt to save time, he threw on a random jacket he had strewn over the back of a chair and raced to the front door. He slipped his shoes on and, not bothering to tap his toes inside the threshold for good luck, dashed out the door and down the hallway to the elevator.
Yuki took a drag on his cigarette before pulling his somewhat new red bathrobe tighter around his body. For some reason he had always been relatively impervious to the cold, though he suspected that it had to do with the self-discipline he had acquired during his years training as a monk. If you didn't allow yourself to believe you were cold, then you weren't; that was basically how it worked, though it was much more complicated then it seemed. His training had allowed him to somewhat separate body from mind in an un-literal way, something difficult for him to achieve on his best days of meditation, though it did happen once in a while.
Lost in his thoughts, Eiri didn't notice when two warm arms snaked there way around his torso. Not even bothering to look down, he moved his right hand so that is rested on top of the two Shuichi had clasped together around his waist.
“Aren't you tired Yuki?” The singer asked quietly as he removed his arms and moved around to force himself between Eiri and the ledge, “I know I would be.”
The blonde held his cigarette between his lips and moved both arms around Shuichi's chest, pulling the brat closer to keep him warm.
Shuichi snuggled back to keep as much of himself in contact with his fiance as possible. He wasn't very good at conserving body heat and was rather chilly.
“I was, but I'm not anymore,” The blonde stated before taking one final drag on his half-finished cigarette and crushing it out, “You're always tired because I'm just that good,”
“Why'd you do that?” Shuichi asked, ignoring the last comment about his lover's apparent skill, as Eiri put the butt into the ashtray on the ledge.
“Because,” The novelist said as he returned his arm to the place it was needed, “I need one hand to smoke, and two hands to keep you warm. The math just didn't add up so I got rid of one variable.”
`He gave up nicotine for me. That's so sweet!……wait a minute……Ah what the hell, it's sweet anyway!'
“So,” Shuichi started calmly, “…any particular reason for asking me too do you?”
“No,” The blonde answered simply, “Not really I just… Maybe, I don't know. It's just a feeling you get sometimes, you know?”
`Why did I tell him that? I never would have…I need a cigarette…'
Shuichi knew exactly what Eiri was talking about and he wasn't all that surprised that his fiance would feel that way about him. The pink haired singer knew how much he meant to his lover; He knew that Eiri loved him.
Now that they were engaged and the novelist wasn't lying to his heart anymore, anything was possible.
“Yah,” The singer concluded, “I know exactly how you feel. I…well this is either going to sound cliche or perverted, but …I pretty much feel that way about you every minute of every day.”
Eiri snorted and rubbed Shuichi's head. That was his baka all right, always thinking.
“Well, I certainly understand a few of those little episodes in the NG corporate bathrooms a bit better now.”
Shuichi was glad that Yuki couldn't see him blush. Those hadn't been his fault, he had been stressed out and horny and it wasn't everyday his super dreamy boyfriend came by to visit him at the studio just as everybody was taking off for lunch; Coincidence? I think not!
“You jerk! I didn't mean it like that!” Shuichi cried defensively,
“Those didn't count because I was stressed out and there wasn't anybody around and K was—”
Eiri didn't really want to listen to the brat babble away about nothing so he leaned over the singer's shoulder and turned his head sideways so that he was more or less looking at him.
The blonde blew at his fiance's face playfully to get his attention.
“Hey! Wha—”
As soon as Shuichi turned towards the distraction and opened his mouth to whine Eiri leaned forward and kissed him.
The kid let out a clipped whine from the back of his throat just as their lips met, but he didn't push his lover away either.
He turned his body around to the left so that Yuki didn't have to bend his neck all funny to keep kissing him.
The kiss itself was intended to be an apology for mocking the kid's feelings, though it was cut short as Shuichi moved his hands up to the blonde's face, gently pushing him away.
“What?” Eiri asked, his voice heavy with rekindled lust.
The singer just smiled and shook his head slowly.
“I wanted to see how you're face looked just now.”
Eiri was confused.
“My face? Why?”
Shu moved around to stand by himself.
“You're supposed to be able to tell how a person is feeling about you by how their face looks when you kiss them,” He explained shyly, as if for some reason it embarrassed him to talk about it, “I was just wondering how you felt about me right now.”
Eiri moved up along side his fiance and grabbed his left hand.
The blonde pulled it up and held it in front of Shuichi's face so the boy could see the ring on it.
“Look,” Eiri said softly.
Shuichi looked straight at the ring in front of him and smiled, he was still amazed that it took up residence on his finger.
“What? What am I looking at?”
Eiri moved around behind his lover and hugged his back tightly, his arm still holding up Shuichi's hand.
The blond brushed his lips over the back of his lover's neck, taking in the wonderful scent that he would never get enough of.
“You're looking at how much you mean to me Shu-han,” Eiri whispered into Shuichi's right ear, “That ring signifies not only to you, but to anyone and everyone that you belong with me and that I love you more than anything. The Money, the cars, the fame, I could give them all up in a heart beat as long as we could be together …and don't you ever forget that.”
The novelist placed a quick kiss of his fiance's cheek.
“Now let's get you inside before something important decides to fall off, shall we?”
Shuichi laughed and turned to plant a delighted kiss on his lover's lips. That was the second time in two days that his lover had confessed his feelings.
“I'll always love you too Eiri, I just wish I had something to give you that meant the same thing. It's not really fair that I get this,” Shu said as he wiggled his ring finger up beside his face, “and all you get is the bill.”
Eiri laughed and told Shuichi that unless he had a Porsche hidden away for him somewhere, he didn't need to worry about it. Shuichi blinked distinctively, wheels beginning to turn in his mind as he allowed himself to be led back into the room.
Ryuichi ran panting up the stairs into the train station, his heart pounding heavily in his ears. He had never run so fast in his life, not even to get away from fans. He was glad that the trains were always on time, but at the moment their promptness was more hindrance than help.
He entered through the station gates and looked for an information booth. A few glances found one sitting in a corner of the platform, relatively out of the way and secluded from the crowds. He decided it would be his best bet if he wanted to find Tatsuha, so he began walking over, being extremely careful not to knock any of the older pedestrians on the way.
When the singer reached the window he found himself staring at a book. He recognized the harsh, but warm looking face on the paperback to be Shuichi's lover, Eiri Yuki. Ryu didn't much care for the man because he was grumpy, mean to Shuichi's friends and didn't appear too like Kumagoro very much at all. Kuma also failed to see exactly what was so damn appealing about the guy, though you'd think the universe revolved around him from the way Shuichi went on and on and on.
`Shuichi wasn't kidding when he said Eiri-san was popular. He's everywhere there's girls, no matter what age they are.'
Slowly, cautiously, he peered around the book to find the warm looking face of a middle-aged woman. She had a streak of premature gray arching gracefully through her hair from her left temple, but she was still nice looking.
“Um… Excuse me,” Ryuichi said politely to the book covered face.
The woman looked up quickly as if she had been awoken suddenly from a very pleasant dream. She noticed Ryu's coy smile in front of her and she calmly marked her place in the book using a long waxy looking blue string with bead work at both ends. The book was placed under the counter and the women's attention focused fully on Ryuichi.
“Hello there, How can I help you?” She said cheerfully, a sign to Ryu that it was safe to being Kumagoro out from inside his jacket.
Some times people looked at his friend funny so the singer liked to keep him hidden away when he was in close contact with strangers. This lady was nice and even winked at Kuma so both of them decided that they liked her.
Ryuichi smiled back and asked the woman if the Kyoto train had arrived at the station.
After checking a small computer screen to her left, the women said that it had only just arrived and that passengers could be located at platform D-6.
“Thank you very much!” Ryu exclaimed as he raced off from the booth to locate Tatsuha's platform. The woman just shook her head in happy disbelief as she watched the singer dash away.
“Hitomi's never going to believe this,” she said quietly through a smile, as she returned to her book. It was mere moments before she was again immersed in the blinding detail and delicious passion of Yuki-sensei's world, her encounter with the rock stars all but forgotten.
`Maybe if I come looking for him out of the crowd he won't know I was late. Just lost…maybe…'
Ryuichi was almost always glad that Kuma was a special smart bunny that could read his thoughts. It was easier to have his friend follow along with him, rather than Ryu having to relay the information.
Kumagoro nodded his head in approval, saying that the plan was brilliant. He began motioning this way and that, making suggestions on which way he thought Tatsuha was.
“No Kuma didn't you hear the lady?” Ryu asked calmly, “She said that Tatsuha is on platform G-6. That's uh…. over there!”
Ryuichi craned his neck to look for Tatsuha as he wove in and out of the crowd and over to the platform.
“Maybe he isn't— Oh wait there he is!” The singer exclaimed as he saw Tatsuha practically towering over the rest of the crowd. The teenager was rather tall and he stood out from the crowd of marginally short salary men in their blue suit's and black ties.
“Tatsuha-kun~!!! Over here~!” Ryuichi sang as he waved Kumagoro over his head to attract the kids attention.
Tatsuha heard a familiar, bird-like voice float to him over the wordless murmuring drone of the station. It was a voice that he could pick out anywhere. His idol, Sakuma Ryuichi was calling to him. He turned his head quickly from side to side, looking to try and find the source of the chirpy, bittersweet voice.
“Over here~!!!” The brunette sang again when he saw Tatsuha's head begin to turn in his and Kuma's direction. He waited and a few seconds later he managed to catch the monk's eye.
Tatsuha picked up his small bag and shifted through the crowd, muttering apologies and bowing as he squeezed by people.
“Tatsuha!” The singer cried vehemently as he lunged at the kid in front of him.
The young monk staggered back and cried out when he was hit square in the chest by one hundred and thirty pounds of rock star.
“Uh Saku—Ryuichi-san!” He laughed as his idol clung to him, hugging him.
People on the platform gave them nasty looks and glares as they walked past, but Tatsuha really didn't care. He was in complete fan-boy heaven!
After Tatsuha had gotten up off the ground and the two men had exchanged greetings formally, they walked down the stairs together and out into the cold street.
It was raining much worse then when Ryuichi had run over and Tatsuha suggested they get a cab.
“We don't need one!” Ryu said as he headed for a covered metal bench on the sidewalk, “I'll just call Gintaru-san and he can come and get us!”
Tatsuha wondered who this Gintaru-san was, but he really didn't want to have to walk however far it was to Ryu's home in the downpour so he let it go.
`That still sounds weird!' He thought dreamily ,'It's like I go there all the time or something. Man I mean I hardly know him enough to be having a “sleepover” at his house unless...'
The brunette singer hugged Kumagoro to his chest and reached inside his pants pocket, grabbing out a very thin, very sleek looking red cell phone whose shade matched it's owner's pants almost perfectly. He flipped it open and dialed a very long number on the glowing blue number pad.
Tatsuha was about to get up and leave the bench so as to give Sakuma-san some privacy, but he was pulled back down. Ryuichi's hand was gripping the monk's jacket distractedly as he rapidly talked into the phone, his sharp blue eyes focusing on something across the street as he spoke.
`He's touching my jacket! Sakuma Ryuichi is touching my jacket…With me in it! Gods kill me now if you want to!'
Tatsuha sat there looking up at the metal roof above them while he tried to keep from acting like a stupid, star-struck teenager.
He managed not to drool or look retarded or faint, which were all very huge accomplishments on his part. How long had he wished for moments just like this one? Well, his dream moments contained a lot more touching and kissing and naughty things, but he was far to close to turn hentai on his idol now. He decided to just act like himself, he felt that Ryuichi deserved at least that much from him all things considered.
A few minutes passed by and finally the brown haired singer finished his call.
“Okay,” He said as he flipped the phone closed with his fingers,
“Gintaru-san will be here right away to get us.”
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& amp; gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hi everybody! Long time no talk! Before you kill me though I want to say in my defense that I was in Florida for like eight days and I didn't get any time to write! I typed like a mad woman as soon as I got home though and this is the result. I am feeling that I might have made Eiri a teeny bit OOC in this chapter, but his speech about the ring was far to adorable to cut, OOC or not. I'd like to know what you guys think though…If you think at all…Who knows you could all be a bunch of Yaoi addicted zombies or cucumbers or something. We live in a pretty messed up world you know! Lol j/k Anyway I like this chapter and Traumatic BunnyRabbit I am deeply sorry that I still have not written your lemon, but have no fear, Citrus man is here! and he says, “Fear not, hentai minded yaoi addicts, for there will be lemons a plenty in Baka's next chapter, enough to make a wonderful uh….well you know those pies with the graham cracker crust and that fluffy…(script guy runs over, holding his ear piece so it doesn't fall out from his jostling jog over) * whisper* Lemon Meringue Bob, it's called a Lemon Meringue *whisper* (Guy runs back into his hiding place) Ah, Yes! Thank you oh valiant Tim! There shall be enough to make a sumptuous lemon meringue pie! Citrus Man, Away!!!!! (Throws smoke bomb and starts running for the hills)
Lol! Well you all heard Citrus man! The lemon you are all so desperately wanting, well all of you who like the idea of Tatsuha and Ryuichi being “together” together if you know what I mean, should be coming up very soon!lol!
R&R *ahhh the wonderful burn of Royal Reserve lols j/k (It's nasty, very funny story about the first time I drank it…)*
Angela: Disney WORLD, dude...Disney land is an ant compared to it... noticed some wrong grammer but other than that it's all good... *yawn* I had a rough day...I got 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night, I'm fresh manga deprived, and my friends boyfriend tried to kill himself...stabbed himself in the stomach twice..
Yes I know it's Disney World, I fixed it. See see!! *points at fixed place* I don't like ants, their really tiny and crawly and you never know where they're gonna go! looks around for ants. I miss grammer a lot don't I. You should really beta man you're good. Why would he try and kill himself? Which friend?
Lain_chan16: *_* you updated! yay! aww that was cute, and definatly the best YukixShu lemon I've ever read :P keep up the awesome work! I love it so much!! (more RYU AND TATSUHA! ^.^) - ta ta
Awww!! You make me blush! I wrote that lemon partially because I was insane that night and obviously feeling very naughty in my mind and also because My friend Kurtus has always wanted me to write one like that. I'm still flatered that you think it was the best. I can barely read through the whole thing without blushing! And I wrote it! How pathetic is that? Lol
eien_ni_kawaii (not signed in): that was a hot chapter hehe. keep updating!
I agree and of course I will!
Yoshi Moshikoko : Sorry about not reviewing in a while. I got married the weding was insane we (Justin and I) live in Canada so we can legaly get married. We were looking for honeymoon spots, so who helps us Bakayasha we read you story and got good idears so we have to read the other chaps to find out what happens they are really getting good.The lemons are really turning hot. (I can window shop as long as i purchase at home) Well we are going on a date now g2g ttyl.
That's okay Yoshi, I understand how hectic weddings can get. I was semi involved with my aunts a while back and boy do you get tired of fluffing flowers fast. After the first hundred or so it just sort of drags on and on… I'm glad you took my advice, though I believe the places I gave you were in my e-mail not in my story. Glad you like you're lemons sour! Thanks for reading!
Yoshi Moshikoko: Um hello again. Bakayasha you are so mean i want to read more and i would if i didn't have wedding photos to pic up. I love your story i'm so happy its finally happening. I piece of advice I miss the little action bits before the story with Inu, of ryu og mr. bear well g2g Loves yah Yoshi
More reviews from you already! I'd love to see your pictures, you should scan them to me! Yah I miss writing those too but they take up to much space before the story.
YAOIFANGUY06: Have you ever considered writing for Maki Murakami. I know I am not an expert, but I could definately see Maki drawing that into her Manga. And you have such a gift. Not many people can make me visualize something that is going on, besides Dr. Seus, and that's because that man's a genious. Anyways, this fic was real good, and I can't wait to see what happens between Ryu and Tatsuha. Keep writing and update soon. :)
Blush I'm honored to be used in the same sentence as Murikami-sensei. I just write what I see. If you've ever read Maki's Gravitation remixes then I can deffinetly see where you're coming from, if not then good for you for using your imagination! I know it took a lot out of mine to write that! Oh and if you haven't had the opportunity to read the remixes, head for www.pixiesticks.organd he has the first three scanned there (argh!! I wish he had the fifth one!!) and their even translated right onto the actual manga pages so you don't have to download a separate dialogue word doc! Very convenient! Thank you for the compliment I'm certain that I have talent to some extent as well, though I am in no way as talented as Murikami-sama and her noble team of henchmen (assistant works too but in this case I like henchmen better! He he he!) I love Dr.Seus as well! The Lorax is my favorite book of all. It is just so sad and painful and just…oh it moves me every time I read the book or watch the cartoon. It has such a deep running meaning to it that…I'm getting carried away again…Lol I LOVE that book! You shall all see what happens between Ryu and Tatsuha soon enough my beauties, soon enough. He he he Mwuhahahahahahah!!!!!
Demonic KareBear : Hey I went to the A-Kon and people asked about the ring and I told them about this story. You might have some new fans! Whoa, I feel loved and A bit special, I got lots of attenchin didn't I? I have already read What If? It was really good I didnt know you wrote that one! I cant stop blushing from that whole thing... *Hides* Im have some pictures, but my scanner isn't working and I didnt bring my digital camera. Im really sorry about that... Anyway, I hope you update soon and another thing. GO RYU! Have a good day.
I'm glad you're out there spreading the word!!I feel like Jesus or something here! Lol j/k! Anyway I hope I get new readers, not that they could ever replace you guys *tear tear *I'm glad that you read and liked “What If?” I'm actually quite proud of that one and I'm surprised that you didn't know I wrote it, but glad you liked it al the same! I have a few others that I want to post, One is only a couple of chapters long and there is another short I want to add, once it's finished! You did get a lot of attention but it was justly due to you after the honor you bestowed upon me with your cosplaying charade! Lol!
Traumatic BunnyRabbit: OMG... You did that again. Now I'll be wearing that stupid smile whole day long.XD I love when Shuichi is suddenly on top, I really love it! And the lemon itself was as good as always. Now I'm waiting even more impatient for what you'll do with Ryu and Tatsuha. You really made my day!XD Now go to take another shower and write some more! Hungry Traumatic BunnyR =3
Lol! I always do it again don't I? I'm glad I can induce such idiotic facial features in my readers, I get that way when I read something that truly makes me happy. I like to read those just before I go to work so that it's not so evil! Glad you liked the lemon.
Kohaku: As said in the title, I only read the first chapter. I'll review what I've read so far. First off, congratulations on so many reviews! o_o I've only dreamt of having this many with all the stories I've written. (It's every writer's dream; trust me.) Now to the actual story: I was able to enjoy the first chapter for what it was worth. So far, I'm not seeing a solid plot, but the events were enough to fill a chapter and make it interesting throughout. I don't usually read blatant yaoi fics, and as with anything I read, I was skeptical; but you did a good job to successfully grab my attention with just the first two lines. They were written with style and a firm grasp of... hm... *thinks of the right word* ... finesse? Yeah, that'll work. xD Also, as a random side note, I was very into Gravitation a little over a year ago so this isn't exactly me just paying you back for reviewing my Panzer Dragoon fic. I did have some incentive to read it due to actual interest. (Btw, I haven't read enough Gravitation fics to rate it on originality, so I'll wait until I read more of your fic to do that.) Well, I've babbled on enough. In short, it's piqued my curiosity, so I'll check it out more when I have more time. It did enough to make me curious to see where it's going, but I wouldn't say it hit me in the face with how great it was. That's not an insult, btw. =D All in all, good job so far. ^^
I'm glad that you liked it. I appreciate the time you took to read it and write this fabulous review. It is very helpful and it's not everyday that I actually get constructive anything! Usually people just tell me they like it, but the true mark of a good reader is when they can see the writer's faults. I love the word Finesse and I must apologize sincerely for the crappyness of the first chapter. I was very naïve and new to Yaoi writing back then and have not had a chance to revamp it. I hope that you will read the improved edition when it gets posted. Thanks for the encouragement and I hope you enjoy the rest of the fic!
inumoon3 *not signed in*: Keep it up your story is one of my all time favorites! I hope Ryu and Tatsuha relationship helps Ryu!!! And I thought it was so sweet that Yuki let Shu have him...that's love! Well update soon, I'm dying to know what happens next...and as for Hiro anybody can be his lover but Ayaka and Fujisaki because that's just nasty!!!
I'm honored to be a favorite in your books! I love to hear that! I believe that it will precious, it will help Ryu quite a bit. He seems to be a very sad person hiding behind a mask of happiness, even in the real story. That's why he feels the need for Kumagoro. I mean I'm wondering just what happened to him in to make him this way. did some research and I believe that he suffers from Disassociative Identity Disorder (DID), a mental process, which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. During the period of time when a person is dissociating, certain information is not associated with other information as it normally would be. For example, during a traumatic experience, a person may dissociate the memory of the place and circumstances of the trauma from his ongoing memory, resulting in a temporary mental escape from the fear and pain of the trauma and, in some cases, a memory gap surrounding the experience. This disorder, joined with his apparent case of schizophrenia creates his protector, his punisher, and everybody's favorite, Kumagoro. ( I would say he has four different personalities as opposed to the favored two. Inspired (focused), childish (happily focused and unfocused at once, not really caring much at all), sad (could be focused or unfocused), and aggressive ( angrily focused) All of these switching back and forth at lightening speeds also suggests that he is slightly Bi-polar as well). Ryu uses Kumagoro to speak things and do things that he himself cannot/shouldn't say or do. (His childish personality controls him almost indefinitely, though I've noticed three of the four personalities cycle through Kuma andRyu as if he were one man with two bodies each capable of working the same things out independently at the same time in two totally different mind sets.(Happy, sad, aggressive (angry).Kuma has yet to be inspirational in any form.) Why can't he do or say some of these things? Well that's the mystery trauma locking into his mind. Kumagoro allows Ryu to still be “safe” from whatever he's hiding from, while at the same time expressing himself as he needs to, whether he knows he `s doing it or not. Kuma can be blamed for anything bad that is said or done, because in Ryu's mind, Kuma really is another person and heis the innocent one. He didn't do anything, it was Kumagoro and Kuma receives the punishment from the invisible assailant that Ryu created in his mind due to the trauma. It is this invisible, threating being that keeps Ryu from doing certain things or saying certain things. Kumagoro also acts as a sort of parental figure, keeping Ryu from doing the bad things, saying the bad things and threatening people who get too close to him that could make him do something that Ryu might “get in trouble” for doing. This points me in the direction that perhaps a parent traumatized Ryu, either through abuse to Ryu, himself or another parent or tragic loss of his parents through murder/accident at an impressionable age. Any of these could be the reason, though we never find out do we? Oh I should write a story about this! *gets ideas *
Anyway this is way to long I could go on forever…Don't take anything I said to seriously I mean to be frank, it makes Ryu a very interesting person and, though he doesn't apparently suffer from this, he is seriously disturbed. He must have been this way for a long time and this is just the norm. He is who he is and that it that. I love Ryu!!!* Wonders just what Kumagoro is capable of doing… * See knowing all this just makes watching him all that more interesting! I love it!
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