Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.

Eiri's back arched, head thrown back. His arms reached high above his head and his fingers interlaced, bending his hands insistantly until quiet pops reached his ears. As he settled back into his chair, he noted the absence of sound in his apartment and briefly wondered if Shuichi had already gone to sleep. He hadn't even noticed if his young lover had come home from work, so engrossed was he in his latest plotline. The blonde woke up that morning with a sudden burst of inspiration, and promptly locked himself away in his office until night time.

He glanced at the digital clock on his taskbar, somewhat relieved that it was only around eight o'clock. There wasn't any need to worry if it turned out his lover hadn't gotten home yet.

Eiri stood, intent on grabbing a bite to eat and then settling in for an early night. He wasn't sure what exactly was sitting in his fridge right then, but surely there was something edible, right? It didn't matter. If there was nothing but rotted cheese and stale beer in the kitchen he could just order take out. Would Shuichi want anything?

There was a portable radio sitting atop his counter when he reached the kitchen. Shuichi must have sat it there, he figured, and maybe forgot to put it back where it was? He'd move it later, he thought, flicking the small device on.

As he opened the door to the fridge, glad there was some bread and sandwich meats there, he started to idly whistle the tune playing on the radio. It was a song he liked, coincidentally, and by the time he'd gotten out a plate and put two slices of bread on it he was humming to himself and wiggling his rear without realizing it.

His back was to the door when Shuichi walked into the kitchen, pausing and gaping at the novelist. An impossibly amused smile crept up the singer's face as he got a good look at the half-dancing Eiri in his kitchen, backing out and going back down the hall quickly before the blonde noticed his presence. He coughed into the palm of his hand a few times before sputtering and bursting into outright laughter.

Eiri thought he heard something in between putting lettuce and mayo on his meal, but dismissed it when the noise didn't persist. However, it shook him out of his contemplative mood and he was suddenly aware of what his body was doing. He immediately went stiff with embarrassment, glad no one had caught his slip.

On his way back to his office, carrying his prized sandwich, he caught sight of Shuichi's jacket haphazardly tossed on the arm of the couch. So he was home, after all, Eiri confirmed.

The blonde settled back into his chair and began picking at his food. He jiggled the mouse on his laptop, erasing the default screensaver and bringing his word document back into view. He wondered if maybe he should work a bit longer.

The subtle protestations of his sore muscles were the only reminders of exactly how long the novelist had been sitting so still, and as soon as he'd finished his sandwich he was too uncomfortable to even move, much less write. A stumbled sound in the next room, his bedroom, alerted him to Shuichi's presence. He'd almost forgotten, with how quiet the boy was being. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, somewhat disconcerted by the lack of sound with his lover in the apartment. What was he doing?

A pair of arms coiled around his chair and clenched his shoulders firmly. His head turned just the slightest and watched subtly tanned hands bare down on him, fingers pressing into agitated muscles rhythmically. Almost as soon as he was touched, his shoulders sank with relief. Shuichi kept finding knot after knot unerringly, Eiri's body loosening from long hours of tension with each movement of the younger man's hands. His own arms dropped between the armrest and the back of his chair as manicured fingernails crept lower, down his chest, over his sides and his forearms until he was nothing more than a puddle of Eiri-goo in his seat. The smaller boy's head came to rest on top of blonde hair, working his way slowly down the older man's arms. When he reached his wrists, he pulled away for a second before returning; there was something cold in his hands, but before Eiri had time to think about what his lover may have, his arms were snatched backwards and there was a deafening 'click' that resounded in the room momentarily.

His body instantly went ridged again, this time in something akin to fear. He was pretty sure it was Shuichi behind him, but as of yet the other boy hadn't spoken or turned to face him. God, he would kill himself if he found out he'd let a burgler come into his house, massage him, and then take him hostage. That's not something I want to see in the tabloids, he mused. Award-Winning Novelist Seduced By Axe Murderer! He tugged gingerly at his wrists, and sure enough, he couldn't move them. The cold ring of metal confirmed he'd been handcuffed to his chair.

"Shuichi," he called out, uneasily, "what are you doing?" The warm presence at his back removed itself, and Eiri sucked in a breath as his chair was abruptly swung around.

He was facing away from his desk, towards the door now. His lover stood there, a strange expression in his eyes. It was something between fear and want, intensified by the tension and stillness in the air around them. The way Eiri was cuffed, his body slouched half off the seat and head resting completely on the back of his chair, left him with no option but the look up at the younger boy to clearly see his face. He wasn't sure what Shuichi was planning, but the idea of being rendered completely immobile was doing wickedly strange things to his body. He didn't like it.

"Whatever game you're playing, forget it. Uncuff me." He demanded, showing his impatience by rattling the chains irritatedly. Shuichi didn't say anything, but he backed away, that strange expression still on his face. Only then did Eiri notice what his lover was wearing.

His shirt was button-up and collared, pristine white, the sleeves just a little too long. He hadn't bothered rolling them up, however, his fingers peeking out from beneath the seams. He wore a pair of black dress pants that molded to him perfectly, just between being a smart fit and outright indecent. The ensemble, coupled with the expression on Shuichi's face, made him look

Eiri's eyes smoldered predatorily. Shuichi looked like a virgin.

He cursed inwardly. His lover knew exactly how the novelist would react to such a sight, and played on it to the best of his abilities. Eiri imagined that behind that facade of sexual innocence, Shuichi was smirking.

"If you don't unlock these things, I'll..." The blonde's eyes dropped when the same slender fingers that had been touching him so casually just moments before drifted up towards the top of his lover's shirt, the shirt that was buttoned so primly all the way to the neckline. Inwardly, Eiri was hoping he would unbutton it. He wanted to lay his eyes on Shuichi's naked chest right then.

The teen cut his sentence short, his voice barely a whisper when he spoke, "What will you do to me, Yuki?" His voice was filled with fake apprehension and underlying smoke. His eyes were still wide in that expression of fearful lust when he stepped away from the novelist, backing himself into the wall as if being cornered by the other man. When his back hit the wall, his fingers-- usually so practiced and confident, a trait which the older man was sure he'd gotten from playing his keyboards for years-- fumbled with the top button, not quite threatening to undo the shirt, just sliding over plastic as though he were anxious. "Would you push me into the wall like this?" His voice trembled just slightly, genuinely inquisitive. What excellent acting, Eiri thought. He was already half hard, squirming slightly from the pressure building in the lower parts of his body. The next few words out of his lover's mouth nearly undid him.

Shuichi's legs spread and bent slowly, sliding his body down the wall. He looked Eiri dead in the eyes when he rasped out, "Would you take my clothes off of me," he sounded as though the idea of being naked in front of the other man unnerved him, "would you leave marks on my body...with your mouth..." His bottom abruptly met with the floor, knees spread wide and pulled almost against his chest, "Touch me in places that no one should touch, make my knees buckle like this...?" His head leaned backwards into the wall, breath catching as he imagined it. Eiri could see the warm lust pooling through violet eyes, and knew then that in his lover's mind, he was doing all of those things. Behind him, his hands tingled and clenched. He wanted to run them over Shuichi's body.

It seemed the teen wasn't finished with his act yet, his shoulders arched upwards against his body and his eyes closed, lips parted slightly as his breath sped up. "Would you spread my legs wide, lift me high off the floor...and take me hard, Yuki? If I don't uncuff you...would you make me scream until my throat is sore?" Shuichi's eyes opened and rested indiscretely on Eiri's crotch. Even though the singer was the one playing the virgin, the older man felt extremely vulnerable knowing that hot gaze was focused on the most sensitive part of his body while his hands were immobile. He had the crazy urge to cover himself, yet at the same time the feeling stirred his desire. Suddenly he saw himself, crushing Shuichi's smaller body into the wall hard enough to leave bruises on the boy's back, long, voluptuous legs tossed around his neck and pressed against the teen's chest. In his mind, Shuichi's mouth was opened wide, screaming until his lungs wore out.

Eiri attempted to leap out of his chair, startled when he didn't succeed in going anywhere. Shuichi was already sliding back up the wall, eyes on the blonde man the entire time. He was quiet for a moment, then he said, "Do you wanna do it to me, Yuki?" Oh, jeez. The novelist was already straining against his pants, his arousal peeking over the waistband. Shuichi was watching his reaction eagerly, as though he weren't already aware of the effect of his words. "Yuki..." his voice was a breathy whine, "Do you wanna..." one of his hands raised to grasp the top of the opposite arm, eyes downcast as if in embarrassment, or awe, when he finally ended with a hoarse, "...fuck me?"

"Let me go!" Eiri's voice boomed in the small office, but even the intimidating shout was dampened by need. Shuichi's eyes glistened with what looked like amusement before he resumed his act, one well-toned arm reaching next to him. Only then did Eiri recognize the portable radio from the kitchen, sitting innocently on an end table.

"No." Shuichi's answer wasn't clouded with uncertainty this time, the word coming strong and determined. As soon as it left his mouth, his wrist flicked and the room was filled with a steady beat. It was a song Eiri hadn't heard before, but when Shuichi's voice piped through the speakers he understood his lover's intentions.

The pink-haired boy didn't start a raunchy dance, which Eiri was thankful for. The teen's head turned to the side with a kind of shy inhibition as his hands returned to the buttons on his shirt, tugging the first three down and pulling the cloth aside, rewarding Eiri with a small wedge of smooth chest. The blonde took it all in, savoring every slow, intentional move of his lover's body. He thought of his own hands caressing Shuichi's sides, under his shirt, his own lips fastened to that meager section of chest. His sex throbbed painfully.

He was disappointed when Shuichi refastened two of the buttons, his head lolling back as his fingertips brushed over sensitive skin with each movement. A quiet sigh passed his lips as his own hands played over his body, exploring, as if he'd never been touched before. He teased over particular parts of his body, skirting around places which were sensitive as though he didn't know they were there. There was a patch of skin on his belly, near the sides and just above his hips that Eiri knew drove him wild. His hands traveled all around it, and, as if by accident, he found the spot. He played the part of a shocked virgin well, something between a gasp and a yelp emitting from pouted lips as his back arched off the wall and his fingers tightened, stimulating the skin to the point of hypersensitivity. There was a bulge in his lover's pants, now, noticeable enough through the cloth of the shirt that Eiri's eyes lowered to stare just as Shuichi had. If he looked closely enough, he could see the boy's member twitching under the thin fabric as his hips rolled and bucked. The blonde's eyes narrowed with passion as he payed the utmost attention to every squeeze of muscle on the boy's belly, the movement under soft skin captivating him

Shuichi's hands drifted downwards, over his crotch, where he unbuttoned the very bottom of the shirt. His fingers stilled, pressed against the bulge in his pants. Violet eyes closed, and his breathing picked up, before undoing three more buttons on the shirt, revealing his stomach to just above his navel. Eiri squirmed in his chair uncomfortably; if the younger boy ever got around to undoing the cuffs on his hands, it wasn't going to last very long. He cut off a whimper as his member rubbed against the cloth of his pants.

Meanwhile, Shuichi was busy trying to contain his glee. On the day when he'd first kissed Eiri in the elevator, he went home and the first thing he'd done was locked the door to his room and touched himself. It was something he'd done before, but normally it was a release of tension, when that had been the first time someone inspired that kind of reaction in his young body. He mimicked those motions now as best as he could, the same as the first time...with a little added jazz, he thought, as three more top buttons were tugged open. He left them this time, turning his body towards the wall and gently lowering one side of the shirt, giving his older lover a teasing look at his back and shoulder, soon pulling the shirt back up and turning again. He frowned slightly; was Eiri closer to him than before?

He copied his movements from before with the other shoulder, but instead of pulling it back up, he left it loose and turned around quicker than he had before, catching Eiri moving towards him slowly with an awkward crab-walk, his legs spread wide to avoid the wheels on his chair. He was moving sideways, for what reason, the singer wasn't sure. "Hey!" Shuichi sputtered, "Get back there, you idiot!" He knew he shouldn't have handcuffed him to the computer chair, of all places.

Eiri looked at him with the expression of a convict who'd been caught trying to escape prison. Instead of warding him off, though, he just started waddling towards Shuichi faster, forcing the smaller boy to dart off to the side before the older man could catch him.

"Stop! You're going to ruin it." But the younger boy was laughing. Eiri grumbled, but complied, settling into his chair. The mood wasn't lost, thankfully, as Shuichi now had access to the blonde's desk, which he promptly hopped up onto.

His thighs slowly spread, the sound of cloth on wood louder than it really should have been due to Eiri's now heightened senses. The boy was opened wide, the only thing shielding his most private parts from the blonde's gaze being the thin pants. Dusky nipples had peaked, just barely visible through the flimsy shirt that hung off of one of the teen's shoulders. Shuichi's head tipped back with a quiet inhalation as the top of his arm brushed over one of the pert nubs as he reached to free himself from the constraints of his pants, the snap of the button and a rasping zipper perking Eiri's ears.

Sweat was pouring down the older man's face, tensed and strained from lack of relief. He could just barely make out the soft skin of Shuichi's sex through the thin opening of his pants, and the singer waited for just a moment too long, teasing the novelist with harsh breathing as he worked his own body, rolling his neck in distracted ecstasy as he stimulated himself, hips rocking out of pure, carnal instinct. The boy's voice coming through the radio was sultry and it launched into a short rap, whispering that he knew what Eiri wanted...and in the background he could vaguely make out rapid panting at the exact moment Shuichi reached down and pulled himself from his pants, gripping his member hard.

Right then, everything compiled into one single second in the blonde's mind. He saw the fantasy of himself grinding Shuichi into the wall. He saw the boy as he was now, silky thighs encased in black and parted to reveal everything he wanted to see, to white shirt hanging off one side of his body, so cute, while the teen aroused himself with teasing touches until he couldn't resist reaching down to grip...

On the desk, the boy's head raised in time to see Eiri's fling back against the leather chair and release an agonized groan as the front of his pants dampened considerably. Shuichi gaped as he watched his lover's body tense and shiver, toes curling against the floor and hips raising. He stayed like that for long moments, eyes squeezed shut, face flushed and dripping sweat from his chin. Then he slumped back into his chair, still and quiet.

Shuichi rubbed the head of his erection to relieve some of the recently built up pressure from watching his lover orgasm. God, that was so hot, he mused.

When Eiri finally realized what happened, he was mortified. His head raised and he stared at his lover, outraged. "Get out. You'd better undo these cuffs and run for your life. Get out!" His face was practically glowing from his blush.

Those harsh words seemed to pull the other boy out of his awed silence, as he hopped off the desk, creeping towards the growling author. Shuichi couldn't just let this opportunity pass. Eiri had just come...without his lover even touching him! His ego soared.

The blonde was sure that when Shuichi stepped behind him he was getting ready to unlock the cuffs. He took Eiri's hands in his own, but instead of freeing him, he guided them to his erection, pressed and held them there. The novelist snarled, but didn't miss a beat as he wrapped long fingers around the base and squeezed. When a loud groan sounded right next to Eiri's ear, he jumped, both at the feeling of hot air against such a sensitive place and the surprise at Shuichi's proximity. He started to reprimand the boy for not doing as he was told, when warm lips closed over his lobe.

"Ahhh!" Was the hoarse response from the novelist as his lover started to move his lips in a massaging motion over his ear, sucking just hard enough to leave a mark there tomorrow. He was gradually forgetting his embarrassing incident from just moments before. Behind him, Shuichi was pulling back and letting his hands, still cuffed, fall back where they were. Eiri flexed his fingers-- his hands were slightly wet and sticky from the pink haired boy's desire.

He circled the author, eyes directed downwards so he could look his lover in the face as he deliberately placed a knee on either side of his waist. At the feel of the teen's still-covered thighs sliding against his body, Eiri lifted his hips abruptly until his crotch pressed tightly against his lover's rear. Shuichi let him, watching curiously as his face contorted while he rode out the last few shocks of his orgasm. The younger boy jerked his hips down and back, a quick rub over the blonde's member. Eiri gasped as Shuichi's weight bared down on his hips when he sat down fully.

Shuichi was a half head taller than his lover when he sat like this, so he leaned down with his mouth open, capturing the novelist's lips briefly before pulling away. He reached out and grasped the front of Eiri's shirt as his hips started moving, bringing back his lover's erection quickly as he pulled him forward into another short kiss, tongue sweeping through his mouth and pulling away, leaving the author unsatisfied with each encounter. The kisses were coming faster and more passionate as he moved in Eiri's lap urgently, thrusting down and nearly tearing the fabric of the older man's shirt with his fists.

Shuichi released his lover's shirt and reached behind the chair for the author's hands, bringing his lips level with the blonde's ear. "You have to be responsible for this." He whispered, pressing a hot kiss against Eiri's ear as he spoke the last word. The handcuffs clicked and fell to the floor.

Suddenly, everything clicked. Shuichi was reenacting their first time together. The preshow had been to represent the time before he and his lover slept with each other, how the teen had been innocent in the ways of sex between two men. He was impressed by how imaginative it was-- even the handcuffs played a part, to show how Eiri had restrained himself around Shuichi before finally giving in.

This should definately be interesting.

"Okay." The excitement was building up in him as he caressed the smaller boy's cheek. "From now on...I'll become your lover." The rocking motion of Shuichi's hips hadn't ceased as he spoke the familiar words, and with newly freed hands he stilled the boy.

"You..." Shuichi raised himself standing before the author, "Until now, your attitude has been the same. But, you're the one with the terribly weird compulsions..." Eiri stood as well, looming over the other boy threateningly as he steadily backed him out of the room.

"Stop babbling. Didn't I already promise you that I would become your lover?" He gripped the teen's shoulders as they walked out into the hall, Shuichi still moving backwards and looking up at him with that fearful expression. "You're not being're not being true to yourself."

"What I want--" Just outside the bedroom, Eiri shoved him against the wall, cutting him off with a hungry kiss. His erection pressed into Shuichi's stomach, coaxing a moan from the other boy as his arms reached up to wrap around the blonde's neck and clasp the back of his shirt in a tight fist. He almost decided to forget the act right then and there and just screw his lover right through the wall.

Shuichi pulled away, however, reciting his lines as though he'd practiced them all his life. "It was my goal, but..." His head turned to the side, cheek pressed to the wall. Eiri made an inquisitive noise, and his lover continued, "I know I can't reach Seguchi-san's level, now...but, someday, without me surpass him, that genius Tohma."

At the time, Eiri had believed Shuichi's goals to be foolish jabber meant to delay the inevitable: the two of them on the floor fucking like bunnies. "Oooh...the figure of that woman. She's got a nice body, don't you think?" He repeated, eyes stripping Shuichi of what little clothes he had left on.

Eiri pushed him into the bedroom swiftly as the other boy replied, "...Are you listening to me?"

"Never mind that." He threw the boy down on the bed, his body bouncing on impact. "I'll listen to you after we finish our business." He crushed his lips against the other boy, pressing down on him with his body.

"Hey! Wait a sec!" Even breathless, Shuichi managed to sound outraged. He really could be an actor, Eiri thought. A couple of moments and rustling around and the smaller boy was sitting in his lap again, with the blonde's hand down his pants. "It hurts...Yuki!" But his eyes were smoldering with lust. "Stupid hurts!" He was shouting now, gasping as the older man stroked roughly, "A little more...gentle..."

"Shut up." Eiri was enjoying this immensely, speeding up his hand. He could feel Shuichi's muscles tensing in his lap, his hips lifting periodically to match his lover's pace.

"Ahh..." Breathy, sexy virgin sounds. Eiri wanted to ravage him. "Ahh." A little more insistant, but stifled, "Ahhh." just the slightest bit frantic, from lust or fear, the novelist wasn't sure. "Ahhhhhh!" Forced out of him by his own release, and his head dropped to Eiri's shoulder, panting.

"Mm..." Eiri glanced at his lover, devilish. "Too fast?"

"Shut up! You're damn right, too fast!" Shuichi's face was starting to show his own excitement at this little play. He shrugged his shirt the rest of the way off his body.

Eiri reached for his own shirt, pulling the buttons loose and parting it to reveal his chest. "I'm young..." He layed on top of Shuichi, "You didn't expect me to be as good as this?" His hips thrust eagerly against the boy, "Let's do it again!" He taunted.

"You're really going all the way with this!" Shuichi's voice wasn't as surprised as he had been back then, the emotion that filtered through more on the lines of anticipation. He still managed to school his features in that same shy, untouched expression.

"Well, duh, we can't stop if you're the only one finished." As he spoke, his hands reached down to pull the black dress pants from the teen's body.

"B-but!" Shuichi's eyes widened dramatically.

"Don't worry." Eiri cooed, as he removed his belt. Shuichi's eyes dropped to the waistband of his pants and his breath hitched. As a child, seeing his father remove his belt usually meant he was in for a spanking. Because of that, every time someone took their belt off a thrill went through him, that same instinct whispering: You're going to be punished. Now, the rattling of metal on Eiri's belt suggested something else, and the combination of emotions created a wonderful feeling. Yes, punish me...his mind whispered.

"Yu...Yuki...I'm scared." Eiri groaned quietly, and the singer knew it was in reaction to his words. Inwardly, he smirked. Eiri liked innocent things.

"I'm already smiling so sweetly at you, why are you still acting like that?!" The blonde was already adjusting Shuichi's body to fit the position they'd taken the first time they'd had sex. Shuichi's eyes squeezed shut; it had been a painful pose that first time. It allowed the author to plunge in deep and still leave him extra room to move if need be.

"Of course! I'm about to be raped! I'm supposed to be scared!" Shuichi's body shivered underneath the older man at the thought. Both of them had experienced rape and knew how horrible it was. But play rape was fine. Pretend rape was hot. The teen was just coming to grips with his masochistic side.

"That's not what you were saying a while ago." Eiri undid his pants, relieving his member. "You said you wanted it."

"I did wants..." Shuichi's eyes squeezed shut as one warm finger slid inside of him. He wasn't sure when Eiri had gotten the lube, but he was grateful he remembered.

"Yeah, and here is what you want." He pumped the single finger steadily, biting the inside of his lip at the feel of Shuichi's muscles clenching around him.

"You're wrong!" The smaller boy even put in a token struggle. "What I want...isn't your body." Eiri's heart warmed. He remembered the first time he heard Shuichi say that, not understanding the concept the boy was proposing.

His expression was shocked when he respond with, "Then what do you want? Stop making nonsense."

"Yu..." Eiri's hand gripped a handful of Shuichi's hair and pushed the side of his face into the bed, roughly shoving another finger inside of him almost simultaneously. "That hurts!" He shouted.

They'd done it three times, Eiri remembered. The first had been with one of Shuichi's ankles tucked behind his neck, raising the boy's hips to the perfect angle as one leg lay sprawled half off of the bed. He wasn't used to dealing with virgins, figuring that it would be better to just hurry up and get inside of him to prevent any prolonged pain. He'd been wrong.

Shuichi had quieted, dropping the charade. His face was one of deep concentration as Eiri wound him up with each insistant push of his fingers. He finally pulled away, generously coated himself with lube, and was deep inside the boy in one swift, rough thrust.

On cue, Shuichi screamed bloody murder. "Ow, Yuki! Oh, God! It hurts!" He pounded on the other man's chest, but there was no malice in his hits. The only thing in his eyes was pleasure.

When Shuichi had done that all those years ago, Eiri panicked. He didn't want to hurt the boy, but he hadn't known what to do back then. Now, the blonde copied his movements, thrusting in and out as quickly as he was capable. Each thrust came harder than the last, and Shuichi's lithe body shook every time their hips met.

As he had done before, the singer's body flailed, gripping the bedsheets and screaming. He'd cried then, but the tears leaking from Shuichi's eyes now weren't as much from pain this time around. Unable to help himself, Shuichi fell out of character and grunted with pleasure at a particularly hard thrust, quickly picking up where he left off.

"Y-Yuki! Ah, It hurts! Ow, ow-- you MORON!" He grabbed the pillow from behind him and beaned his lover right in the face. Eiri almost couldn't contain himself and chuckled just the slightest; Shuichi had done that, too.

His hand tightened around Shuichi's calf and he leaned down, nearly folding the boy in half. His other hand pressed down on the thigh that was still on the bed, keeping it from raising to join the other. Shuichi moaned, his thigh quivering under that large hand as the novelist picked up the pace. The teen's hips were being pressed deeply into the mattress now, the springs protesting the abuse. Pink hair spread across the sheets as his breath picked up, faster and harder with each thrust, a steady crescendo.

"Ahhh...AHHH!" A hoarse cry escaped his mouth as Shuichi came with such force that his entire body was shaking when he came back down. Tears were steadily streaming down his face as Eiri refused to relent, making him ride out his orgasm as long as he could. He almost couldn't take it, his eyes starting to roll back into his head just as Eiri reached climax.

Shuichi's body dropped, boneless, onto the sheets. The blonde slowly, carefully pulled out and settled beside him to rest before round two.

He reached out beside him to stroke Shuichi's sweaty face. "Are you alright?" He inquired, forgetting about keeping up with his lines. He hadn't been nearly so considerate when they'd done it the first time-- he was genuinely concerned about the tears still leaking from the younger boy's eyes.

"I'm great." Shuichi managed a weak smile. He reached for his shirt and tugged it on, as he had the first time. "Just...need a few minutes." He flopped back down onto the bed.

They stayed that way for long moments, before Shuichi remembered the TV across the room. "Where's the remote?" He sat up, craning his neck to look around the room.

"On the end table next to me." Yuki mumbled into his pillow, making no move to get it for him. Shuichi pouted, dropping to his hands and knees and leaning over his lover. Yuki seemed to take notice of him then, eyes narrowed on the shirt tails that just barely managed to cover his ass. He reached out, his hand squeezing and rubbing the skin of his lover's rear gently.

At first, Shuichi hadn't reacted. After being with someone so uninhibited for a long period of time he'd gotten used to lewd caresses, but when a slick finger poked inside of him, he jumped and turned his head so he could glare at the older man. "So I guess this means you don't want to watch TV with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, not at all..." Eiri removed his finger-- Shuichi was still loose from their last bout. He wouldn't need any preparation this time.

He flipped the boy onto his back, pushing aside stray hairs and pulling the collar of his shirt away from his neck, gripping the thin material in one hand as he descended on the teen's throat, mouth open. He pressed down just hard enough with his teeth to redden the skin, sucking harshly. Shuichi moaned and his legs came up on either side of Eiri's body, bent at the knee. When the blonde's tongue swept over his skin, the singer's legs raised up higher to wrap around his waist and lift him upwards to press his awakening erection against him.

Eiri groaned, his knees dropping until their erections were pressed together. Only Shuichi's shirt kept them from touching skin on skin, and as Eiri's hips started rocking the teen made sure to rectify that, reaching between them to hike it up to his belly.

Eiri's lips caressed his neck as his thrusts sped up. He could come just from this alone, with Shuichi hot and writing under him, but he was much more interested in their current game. Their second position had been with the smaller boy in his lap, so he pulled the his lover upwards and started moving them towards the edge of the bed...

"No, I wanna do it over there." Shuichi insistantly pulled him the other way. Eiri raised an eyebrow, but moved anyway. It didn't matter to him, though it seemed odd that the younger boy would have such a particular preference. The blonde's knees swung over the edge, legs spread wide when he welcomed the smaller boy in his embrace. Shuichi straddled him and Eiri leaned back just the slightest as he slid down on the blonde's member slowly. The teen groaned as he finally settled, almost forgetting his role. "God, Yuki..." Oh, he was so deep. A strangled whimper was the only noise he made as he slowly rose again.

Eiri's hands steadied his hips, laying kisses all over his chest as his pace sped up. He gradually leaned until his back touched the bed, Shuichi never breaking his rhythm. Eiri closed his eyes and focused on the sounds of Shuichi's hard breathing, the wet noises they made every time their hips met, the occasional hiss or sigh. He didn't open his eyes until the younger boy slowed, then stopped.

Yes...that was exactly what he'd done. Eiri tensed, well aware of what was coming. Huskily, he asked, "Why did you stop?"

"Just now..." Eiri's eyes were still clouded with pleasure as Shuichi continued, "I wanted to look at your face." One hand rested on the blonde's cheek as the singer leaned down and slid his tongue inside of his lover's ear.

It wasn't so hard for Eiri to act out his next part as he jumped, "Ahh!" hands reaching up to grip Shuichi's shoulders tightly. When he first found that spot back then, he'd latched on and refused to let go after he saw the effect it had on the older man. Eiri's hips were raising steadily as he attempted to dislodge the boy, but he knew it was futile. Shuichi pulled his entire ear into his mouth and practically fucked it with his tongue, each lash inspiring a harder buck from his lover. The pink-haired boy soon rejoined Eiri's efforts and met him thrust for thrust as he concentrated on the blonde's ear.

The novelist was having a hard time controlling himself. Small noises escaped him, gasps and moans and whimpers that he couldn't contain. He knew Shuichi had to be sore by now, surely he'd release his ear in order to get Eiri to maybe slow down a bit--

But the older man knew that logic didn't prove true. Shuichi loved it when he was rough.

Shuichi was moaning at the deep penetration, the vibrations on his ear sending Eiri over the edge quickly. His fingers tightened on the boy's hips and thrust inside of him wildly, over and over again until he came with a loud gasp.

The singer finally released his ear just to utter a deep-throated moan as he climaxed. He sat up painfully, and Eiri rolled them over and pulled out.

Shuichi scooted closer to the other man, who'd turned away from him. He nuzzled his back apologetically. "I'm sorry, Yuki. I know you don't like it when I do that." A grunt was the only answer he recieved.

The pink haired boy frowned and rested his head between his lover's shoulders, his legs stretching out to tangle with Eiri's as he waited on them both to regain their senses.

Shuichi took the time to think about his next move. They hadn't done everything exactly the same, but things were too different now to go back to the way they were when they first met. Eiri had softened towards him and with that, their relationship had changed. There were things they had done that night to each other that they would never do now-- the younger boy recalled when Eiri'd taken him so callously the first time. If he'd had another chance at it, Shuichi was sure it would go differently.

So, did that mean other things in their relationship changed as well? It was okay to change the rules a little bit...wasn't it? The last time they did it that night had been with Shuichi's face buried in a pillow, biting down and crying softly. Eiri was perched over him with his legs spread wide on either side of the smaller boy, Shuichi's own tucked between them and bent up at the knee so his heels cradled Eiri's hips. The novelist took him slowly, but urgently, each movement intense. The singer only wished he'd been able to see his lover's face that last time...

Eiri was stirring next to him, obviously ready for the last act. Shuichi was quick to voice his opinion, "Yuki?" The blonde man hummed in response. "I...we haven't exactly been doing this like the first time, I know, so--" The teen swallowed hard, "I wanna do something different."

The novelist was silent, and Shuichi took that as a sign to continue, "I, well...I wanted...I wondered if you'd..." Oh, just spit it out, he griped at himself. "I want to take you."

Eiri didn't respond for a few seconds, then he pressed backwards, his rear coming in contact with Shuichi's limp member. "Then why don't you?"

A bit caught off guard, but ultimately pleased, the boy responded, "I didn't think you'd want me to..." But he didn't hesitate to roll the older man onto his back and climb on top of him.

"What would make you think that?" Eiri's hand ran up the boy's thigh, knowing the answer before Shuichi said it. "You idiot, I'm not afraid of being submissive."

The singer wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. Eiri's knee rose and rubbed deliberately against Shuichi's nether regions, and the smaller boy's head dipped forward and hung there for a second while he struggled to catch his breath.

"Does it feel good, Shu-chan?" He smirked wickedly as the teenager leaned down to lick at his neck, almost compulsively. Of course it did, Eiri was well aware it did, just as he knew the effect such an innocent question would have on his lover.

The boy exhaled forcefully and squeezed his eyes shut when his lover's knee persisted, picking up the pace and pressing hard enough to rock Shuichi's lower body with each movement. He was caught between thrusting back against that knee and pulling away from it, it was so nice...

The smaller boy's body loosened at the release of sexual tension, slumping over Eiri's chest and biting down on the older man's shoulder as he relished in the sensation. He tasted blood.

"What brought this on, anyway?" The novelist was speaking to him as if none of this were happening, like his lover wasn't nearly limp with pleasure on top of him, as though his knee weren't doing delicious things to his body..."I didn't figure you were interested in fucking me, Shu." He emphasized his point with an almost painful jab from his leg.

Shuichi's body spasmed once before his head rose and he caught Eiri's lips. They were pliant under him, opening on contact and slick muscle squirmed it's way into his mouth. The singer sucked on the appendage rhythmically, caressing the underside with his tongue before releasing.

"I've thought about it a few times..." He finally lifted himself away from the blonde's knee, painfully erect. "But I didn't say anything, because I didn't think you'd want it."

Eiri thought about that for a second. He could definately see why his lover would believe such a thing, but it still sounded awfully silly. Sex was sex, wasn't it? His circumstances, his past with Kitazawa, shouldn't have effected him like that. Granted, he was a little uneasy about being vulnerable, but there were no emotional sentiments tagged onto that response, just plain instinct.

Shuichi didn't seem to expect an answer, already laying biting kisses along Eiri's jaw and slowly making his way down. Warm hands threaded through his hair gently, and unexpectedly, they tightened and forced his head back so all he could see was the ceiling.

This was strangely appealing, he thought, as Shuichi's warm lips pressed to the skin of his neck and opened slowly. He couldn't see a hint of what was going on, just the strong pulling motion of the singer sucking on the cord of his throat, and the feel of his body, hot from arousal, pressed tightly into his own. Eiri couldn't resist frowning, however, as he realized: This is the second time tonight that punk did something weird to me. What am I, his personal sex toy? I get no respect!

He knew that wasn't true, but the thought was funny, anyway. And he kind of liked the idea of Shuichi owning him. He decided not to reveal this bit of information to his lover.

"What was I like?" He asked suddenly, as Shuichi's teeth were starting to press just a little too hard on the vulnerable skin of his neck. The singer made a noise that sounded a little confused, a little preoccupied, as he made his way down to nuzzle Eiri's collarbone.

"You said you thought about it. Meaning, you had to have fantasized about what I'd be like playing the submissive role...what was I like?" The novelist was suddenly more interested in Shuichi moving lower. But there was no noise in the room except for the rustling sound his lover was making and Eiri couldn't stand it. If he was going to do the kinky thing and let the pink haired boy manhandle his hair, he wanted a little auditorial stimulation to go with his lovely view of the white ceiling.

Shuichi paused, considering. He'd gotten off to the idea of his dominant lover writhing underneath him, of course, but should he tell the man? Eiri might just laugh at him...

But then again, he might be turned on by the thought that his lover couldn't think about him for five minutes without reaching for his pants and jacking off. The singer snorted. He may be hot for it now if I tell him, but I'll never hear the end of it after this. "You weren't really yourself when I imagined it." He finally said at length. "At least, you didn't do things that I could actually see you doing...then again, I didn't exactly see you letting me fuck you, either."

"So maybe I was more myself than you thought." Eiri's body stretched like a cat when Shuichi's mouth fastened to a sensitive nipple. The blonde's hand reached down and stroked the back of his lover's head.

"You were shy." The smaller boy said pointedly, leaving a warm, moist spot where his lips had been before. In his fantasies, Eiri had also been sixteen. Shuichi decided to leave that detail out, almost sure it would upset the novelist.

Eiri snorted. Well, his lover had been right about that. He didn't even think he was capable of pretending to be shy, much less actually feeling that way. "What else?"

Shuichi was losing interest in the conversation quickly. Why did he need to talk about his fantasies, when the reality was right in front of him? His teeth nipped at a section of his lover's chest, a subtle reminder that they were doing something more interesting at the moment.

"Did you touch yourself?"

The singer froze for a second, putting a halt to his gentle teasing. After a moment, "Yes." He replied honestly, reluctantly. He felt like he was being interrogated. Even when he was topping the novelist, they both knew who was the one in control.

Eiri's hand was rubbing his back in soothing motions, now. "When you did it, you thought of me?" He asked, just a little insecurely. "Tell me what I did."

Shuichi's face rested against the blonde's neck as he released his hold on the other man's hair. His cheeks were burning when he rasped, "You...uh..." He didn't know how to explain to his lover the kinds of things he'd done in his fantasies. Eiri prodded him gently.

"Then tell me when you did it, and we'll work our way up to that."

Shuichi pressed his face deeper into the blonde's neck, whispering, "Mostly when the band went on tour, and sometimes when you were out of town or not home one night while I was" Eiri could barely hear him when he ended it with, "...sometimes when you were here..."

The novelist closed his eyes, and in his mind, he could see it: Shuichi with his hands all over his own body, struggling to keep from making any noise and disturbing his lover. "While I was working?" He asked, faintly. The other boy nodded against his neck.

"And once, while you were in the shower..."

Eiri chuckled; he could imagine what the pink haired boy had been thinking to bring about such a reaction. "Well, that's understandable. I'm normally quite gorgeous, so of course I'm hot when I'm wet."

A fist pounded his chest. "Don't tease! I knew I shouldn't have told you..."

"Consider it payback for the striptease from earlier, you ass." Eiri's hand grasped the back of Shuichi's thigh and tugged, pulling him closer. His fingers drifted up under his lover's shirt and fluttered over the subtle line that seperated each cheek as if to demonstrate his point. "Tell me about one of them."

"No! You'll just be a jerk and make fun of me and I'll never be able to do it again because you'll *know*..." He sounded like he was going to continue, but Eiri interrupted him.

"So, maybe next time you do it you can let me know and we'll both touch ourselves..." He paused, letting his words sink in, "Maybe I'll hold your hand and we'll stare at each other's faces when we come?" He chuckled when Shuichi's member twitched against his thigh.

"Weren't we doing something more important than picking on me?" The singer demanded, lifting himself away from Eiri's neck. He started to sit up, then paused. Well, it seemed that little chat did benefit them after all. He grinned at the feel of the blonde's hard sex throbbing against his tummy.

"I hadn't noticed." Eiri lied through his teeth, his neck and chest seething from the bruises Shuichi so pleasantly gave him. He got a pinch to his hip for that, and he jumped a bit.

"Asshole." Slender hands were kneading Eiri's thighs, lifting them and his hips off the bed. "You will be, anyway." His partner growled ferally, just as his calfs rested on the boy's shoulders.

The blonde's tongue swept over his lips, wetting them, his eyes on Shuichi's face. He was already excited at the thought of what they were about to do, heart pounding wildly in his chest. The novelist chastised himself; there was no reason to be going back to his days of teenage hormones just because of a simple change of positions.

He'd expected Shuichi to just take him and get on with it, but his lover's head fell forward and lowered to take Eiri's member deep inside his mouth. The novelist yelped and his hips rose instinctively.

The singer let him, still keeping a firm grip on the other man's legs. Eiri's thighs were soft in his hands, he noted. For some reason he thought they'd be hard and unrelenting from muscles, even though he was well aware of how his lover felt as many times as they'd had sex. It didn't matter, though, he liked it better this way. His fingers tightened and sunk into plush skin, careful to keep Eiri's lower half raised off the bed. It strained his arms a bit, but he ignored the slight discomfort and started an agonizingly slow rhythm with his mouth.

His lover's thighs clenched around his head and he realized he couldn't play for very long. He couldn't resist savoring the feel of silky skin against his face, though, just barely managing to keep himself from nuzzling the blonde man's legs. His eyes rose and settled on Eiri's body, slickened with sweat and breath coming fast and hard. His head was tilted back, eyes closed and cheeks flushed from pleasure, hands gripping the sheets until his knuckles were white. Shuichi's eyelids lowered sensually and a moment later, Eiri's head rose and he glanced down at his lover, watching his sex slowly disappear inside the singer's mouth. The boy's hand crept underneath him and tugged, carressed, rubbed at his sac, still staring right into the blonde's eyes.

"Stop!" He protested, trying to ignore the wanton look on Shuichi's face. He wasn't going to last much longer.

The pink haired boy obliged, pulling away and moving easily to obtain the forgotten tube at the edge of the bed. One slick finger rubbed at the blonde's entrance, making a move to slide through the ring of muscles--

"No." Eiri demanded, "Don't do it. Just use the lube on yourself and take me like this." He could see the hesitation in his lover's eyes, and the novelist gave him a slow, sexy smile. "I like it rough, too." He had to restrain himself from laughing when he could practically see the drool dribbling down Shuichi's chin.

Eiri's eyes were on him while he quickly passed a well-lubed hand over his own erection. He moaned at the contact, lingering just a little too long before the blonde reached out and pulled his fingers away from himself. "You can't even wait to get inside me?" He accused, scooting forward just the slightest to give his lover better access as he positioned himself. Shuichi's hands guided his sex as he started to slowly penetrate the blonde.

"Do it fast." Eiri said through gritted teeth, and as soon as the words left his mouth he found himself filled almost to the hilt with Shuichi. "Ahh!" His hips bucked at the strange mixture of hurt and ecstasy. Apparently his lover finally got the hint, only waiting a few seconds before pulling back and slamming it into him again. His pace was hurried, not quite frantic, and Eiri's head dipped back and he closed his eyes, sighing with relief as his body shook from the force. Lips were on his, then, ravaging him, nipping at the tender skin and Shuichi's tongue slithered into his mouth, filling it just like he filled Eiri...

The quiet sounds of satisfaction coming from the blonde's lips were steadily increasing, his hips raising and lowering in time with every thrust. Shuichi's fingers were brushing his erection, just feathery soft right at the tip when he came with a loud shout, moving quicker as he rode his orgasm. Shuichi groaned, loud, as Eiri's muscles clenched around him tighter than a vice, following his lover as his body tensed.

They kept moving a few short moments after they came down off their high, ridding themselves of the electrified feeling their climax left behind. Slowly, they stilled, and Shuichi lowered himself to lay on the novelist's chest. Their bodies were unbearably hot, and the singer was sure they were both so slick with sweat that he was going to slide off his lover and there wouldn't be any traction on the floor so he'd end up in a pathetic, satiated heap on the other side of the room...

Eiri nudged his head and kissed his cheek before pulling away, and they both shuddered as Shuichi slipped out of him. The blonde made his way to the shower, and as the door closed behind him, the singer jumped up and ran, naked, towards the dresser.

Above it, a camera was balanced precariously, with a lovely view of the bed. A red light was active, showing that it was in the middle of recording. Shuichi was surprised his lover hadn't noticed it, but then, they'd been a little distracted...

He shut the record button off and hugged the tape to his chest. It wasn't the same as his first time with Eiri, but he had something like it on this very tape that he could see anytime he wanted...he just wished he'd caught the little foreplay in the novelist's office. He pouted. And that weird conversation about him touching himself was on there!

"Let's wait until tomorrow before you put that tape in." His lover called from the bathroom.

The only reply was a thud as Shuichi's head hit the wall in exasperation.