Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Obession Meets Reality ❯ Morning Showers Are Such Fun ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Obsession Meets Reality - Chapter Three
Authors: Dark Nuriko and Mayhem's Angel
Disclaimer: We do not own any part of Gravitation.
Warning: YAOI!!! Hot delicious gay man sex!! If you got a problem with that, take it elsewhere.
Notes: Nuriko is Tats, and Mayhem is Ryu.
Waking up for the second time that morning, Ryuichi stretched and opened his eyes to the bright sunlight. He rolled over and reached out for Tatsuha. He sat up, frightened when he didn't encounter another warm body. Quickly sliding out of bed, he grabbed his discarded boxers, before looking for the teen. Trying the bathroom first, he fought back his fear that something had happened, and opened the door.
Tatsuha danced around the shower with the radio on. Nittle Grasper was playing and Tatsuha was singing along, even though his voice could never properly carry a tune. Yet as he washed up, all the while his body moved almost sinfully in time to the song.
Ryuichi stood in the door way, watching the way Tatsuha's body moved to his song, glad that he was safe. He noticed that he was singing along, out of tune, but not terribly harsh on the ears. A particularly sexy move had his cock twitching in arousal, and he decided to join his lover in his morning shower.
Tatsuha gasped as Ryuichi joined him and he stopped singing, his voice cracking as he tried to end the note too quickly. "Ryuichi... I was just... taking a shower..." he gasped out, his cheeks pink at being caught acting like a fanboy.
"Mmm....morning." The vocalist said, dropping a kiss on his shoulder. "You can keep singing if you want... and dancing." He smirked as the pink darkened on his lover's cheeks.
Tatsuha didn't even think about singing again, but he did keep dancing. He danced in a sexual manner, a smile on his lips. All the while, he wanted to keep his lover on his toes, and make his mouth drool.
Ryuichi's hand reached out to run over the slick skin, but the teen danced away, wiggling his hips around to the beat of the music.
"It's, kind of embarrassing... to be seen like this, you know. This is me as the fanboy."
"Yes, but I love all of you, fanboy or otherwise. You don't have to be embarrassed with me, and you don't have to do anything you don't want too."
Tatsuha laughed softly while he continued to move with a seductive sway. "Oh... I don't mind dancing for you. But I won't sing. I can't carry a tune."
"That's fine. I'm enjoying the show..." He teased, moving closer and running his hands over the teen's sides.
Tatsuha smirked and danced closer, his body grinding against him with a low moan falling from his lips.
Dropping his hands lower, the singer caressed the globes of his lover's ass, pulling him closer against his body. Long fingers dipped into the crack of his ass, teasing the entrance. Ryuichi smirked in pleasure as his lover jumped at the intrusion, and then pressed back onto his fingers.
Tatsuha, with consummate grace, danced on those fingers, all the while, still keeping time to the music, and the fingers inside of him.
Plunging them in and out in time to the beat, he began his own dance against Tatsuha's body. Leaning in for a kiss, he pushed his fingers upwards, hard, stroking his prostate.
Tatsuha cried out at the pressure, against the feeling. He loved it. The dancing combined with Ryuichi was great. He seemed to cry to the same notes as the music.
Ryuichi drank it all in. This had to the most erotic thing he had ever done. Pulling his fingers out, he lifted his lover up, drawing the teen's knees around his waist. Positioning him against the wall, he began to enter Tatsuha, unable to wait longer for him to be ready.
Tatsuha was more than ready, the water from the shower aiding to slick him as his lover's fingers worked in him. He groaned before dancing slightly on the singer's lap, shifting with the music and pushing his lover's cock deep inside. "OH! RYU!!" he cried, feeling the music pound through his body while he still moved on his lover.
Ryuichi growled, long and low in his throat as Tatsuha continued to dance upon him. "Unhh... Tats!!" He called, thrusting deep within the willing body. The singer pounded him into the wall, water beating down on his back.
Tatsuha moaned, arching into the thrust while his body still moved to the music. God this was heaven and bliss, all at the same time. "Ryu! Mmmm! More...!"
Pushing in harder, he quicken his pace with the tempo of the music, the beat swelling and washing over them, intensifying the sensations. Capturing Tatsuha's lips, he parted them with his tongue, sharing more of this burning passion, unable to get enough.
Tatsuha could hold back no longer, and with a low keening cry that matched the notes Ryuichi was singing on the player, Tatsuha came; his seed spilling out over them to be washed away by the water. All the while, his inner muscles grew tight on his lover.
Ryuichi moaned, feeling the hot muscle tighten on him. He came, spurting his essence inside his lover. Resting his forehead against Tatsuha's, he panted for breath, taking in the air that Tatsuha expelled, so close they were. Kissing his forehead, he drew out, placing his lover's feet back on the shower floor.
Tatsuha smiled, kissing Ryuichi softly. "Who knew those dance moves would be so addictive?"
He smiled in return. "I didn't think they could be quite that addicting... or erotic."
"Oh, I used to study dancing while I was hiding from my father at the shrine. I liked to see how naughty I could make them."
"Really? You're going to have show me some more... might come in handy when I'm on stage." He winked and reached past him for the soap.
Tatsuha shook his head, sticking out his tongue. "Hell no. My moves stay here... out of the reach of your crazy fans."
"Look whose talking." Ryu teased, starting to wash the monk's smooth abdomen.
"Yes, but I'm your personal fan, who loves you and would still be with you, even if you were a bum."
"Good to know for when I'm a burned out rock star."
He laughed softly, helping to clean Ryuichi as well. "Never happen. But if it did, I'd still be yours. As long as you wanted me."
"I'll always want you... forever.... I love you." He kissed him again, firmly, showing he meant everything he said.
It wasn't until much later when the water began to run cold, that they got out of the shower and went to find something to eat. Tatsuha danced around the kitchen as he smiled over at Ryuichi. "What would you like...? I'll cook."
"Mmm... are you sure you can? Why don't you surprise me?" He watched lovingly as Tatsuha made himself at home in the spacious kitchen.
He grinned. "Father made certain us Uesugi men can cook... so we are all good at it," he said, beginning to whip up breakfast.
"Well, that's good. It's useful talent to have."
"Eiri hates it, but it helps, because Shuichi can't cook. While I can cook the best... and Mika... well, thank god Tohma is rich."
"That's why they have such an excellent chef then... I'm not surprised. Shuichi seems dangerous just walking." He giggled, enjoying hearing about his family.
Tatsuha laughed. "There is nothing much about Shuichi that works out right."
"He sings wonderfully though. I'm glad that if any band had to knock Nittle Grasper a little lower on the charts, that it was Bad Luck. At least they have talent. Not like some performers these days."
He laughed. "He takes after his idol."
"Heh... I suppose he really does.” He stared off into space, thinking about that. It was the price of being a superstar. Everyone loved you, emulated you, desired you, and wanted to be with you. He glanced over at the one he was in love with. The one he wanted so much. "I really love you, you know."
Tatsuha smiled softly, while cooking. "I really love you as well, Ryu."
The vocalist stared out the window, lost in memories of the past, quickly shuffling past the unpleasant ones. Startled, he jumped slightly when Tatsuha placed a plate before him. He looked up and offered a thank you, pressing a kiss to his cheek and pulling him onto the stool next to him.
Tatsuha smiled. "I had to make due with what we had."
"Yeah, I don't go shopping much. Guess that will change, huh?"
Tatsuha smirked. "Yeah. I love to cook, so I'll handle the shopping and taking care of the house."
"You don't have to. I have someone who comes in to do all that stuff. I'm not very good at it, and most of the time I just come home, make some tea and crash." He felt odd having his lover offering to do all that. He shouldn't have to.
Tatsuha's expression fell. What was he going to do if he couldn't do that for his lover? Was he going to freeload like Shuichi did with Eiri? "Oh... okay."
Noticing the look, Ryuichi quickly spoke again. "But if you want to... I wouldn't mind. It would make this place feel more like a home than a hotel. You can do whatever makes you happy."
Tatsuha's smile came back, but it was subdued. "Is that what you want?"
"I want the same thing you want: to be with you no matter what, to love you always, and make you happy." Ryu smiled at him, reassuring him.
He smirked. "Then I don't mind playing the happy wife at home, Ryu. I want to make this place our home. You want me with you, so I want to be with you. I love you so much."
"I love you too..." He leaned over, stealing a small kiss before returning to his breakfast, truly happy and enjoying it.
Tatsuha grinned, enjoying the stolen kiss, before going back to his food.
Clearing up the dishes when they finished, Ryuichi left them in the sink to be taken care of later. Dragging Tatsuha out to the living room with him, the singer found that his suitcase had been left there. Telling Tatsuha to choose a movie, he took it into his room and dumped it on the bed before rejoining his lover in the living room.
Tatsuha picked a concert series movie, which had Nittle Grasper singing the song Eiri had written.
"One of my concerts? You really are quite a fan, aren't you?" He laughed, sitting down on the plushy couch and drawing the teen to him, snuggling him to his chest.
Tatsuha smiled. "I am. But it was more for the song my brother wrote."
"Oh yeah, I really like that one. It's one of my favorite songs." Ryu said, watching the opening credits.
He laughed. "Eiri hated the fact he had done it for Nittle Grasper instead of Bad Luck... but it's about Shuichi."
"Yeah. It's really nice, a good way to show his love." He started thinking. Maybe he should write his own song for Tatsuha and give it to him sometime... but then he would feel like he was stealing Eiri's idea. It was something to think about though.
Tatsuha smiled softly, nodding, the strains of the song beginning. "It is. I would love to have it done for me." He blushed and looked over at Ryu. "I - I don't expect it, of course..." he stammered out.
Ryuichi smirked. "Of course you don't. It's only one of the things you've been dreaming about since forever." Ryuichi teased lightly, enjoying seeing him blush.
He flushed even more. "It has been a dream, but I would never use my position as your lover, to get that. Never."
"I know. I was just teasing. I'm sorry; I shouldn't joke about things like that." The singer apologized, drawing the younger man closer, and kissing the top of his dark head.
Tatsuha sighed, leaning back and watching the show with him, a soft smile on his lips.