Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Obession Meets Reality ❯ Clubbing Can Be Hazardous To Your Health ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Obsession Meets Reality - Chapter Four
Authors: Dark Nuriko and Mayhem's Angel
Disclaimer: We still don't own Gravitation.
Warnings: YAOI!! Hot gay man sex! If you don't like it, why are you reading Gravitation fanfiction?
Notes: Nuriko did Tats, and Mayhem wrote Ryu.
Ryuichi untangled himself from Tatsuha, settling the boy back on the bed. Slipping quietly off the mattress, so not to wake the younger male, he padded over to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he stripped out of his boxers while the water heated.
Washing up quickly, he stepped out of the shower. He wiped away the steam on the mirror with a towel, getting dressed while it cleared. Gazing at his reflection, he sighed. He was so... old. And Tatsuha was so young. Just out of high school. It seemed so wrong; but he couldn't deny that he loved him. Rubbing his hands over his face, he tried to clear away the depressive thoughts. Tying his red bandana over his still wet locks, he left the warm bathroom. Writing a note for Tatsuha, he left on the pillow where he had lain earlier, and kissed his cheek before leaving for work.
Tatsuha awoke a few hours later. The first thing he did was reach for his lover. Yet when he felt nothing, he lifted his head and saw the note. With a soft smile, he read it, before holding it to his chest and flopping back on the bed. "So, all alone," he sighed. He then got up and headed for the shower. He washed up, thinking about what had happened in here just the day before, and smiled.
This place was already his home, and he loved it. Washing up, he soon was dressed and headed for the grocery store. He made friends with several of the workers there, wanting to get to know the people he would be around the most. Walking around the many streets near Ryuichi's apartment, he found one of his favorite stores. He wanted to buy a new outfit for his lover's next concert; dress to impress and all that. While shopping, Tatsuha talked several women into getting a handful of clothes apiece, showing which items looked best on each and how certain aspects of their figures were enhanced.
The manager of the shop noticed his knack for sales, and offered the teen a job on the spot. Glad to have something to do as well, he accepted it. Tatsuha took the groceries and his new outfit home with him, having finished his errands for the day. He put things away before settling into the home routine and checking the clock, he knew he should start dinner for his lover. Setting to work, wearing a comfortable black shirt and black jeans, he began making a meal to beat all meals.
Ryuichi slumped against the wall of the elevator as it carried him up to his apartment. Some days running around like a crazy kid really took it out of him. Patting Kuma absently on the head, he put his rabbit friend in a pocket, stepping out of the elevator and searching for his keys. Opening the door, he was greeted by wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. He placed his shoes neatly next to the others at the door. Walking into the kitchen, he found Tatsuha humming to himself while Nittle Grasper played in the back ground. Stepping up behind the youth, he wrapped his arms around the slim waist. "Smells good." He said, breathing deeply of Tatsuha's own scent and leaving a kiss on his neck.
Tatsuha moaned at the kiss on his neck and turned, kissing his lover deeply. "Hey lover. I missed you. I hope you like American... cause I decided to have fun cooking tonight... we have a lot to celebrate..."
He returned the kiss, "I love anything you make... what are we celebrating?"
"I got a job today..."
"That's great! Where?" The singer asked, rather surprised.
He nodded, smiling softly as he moved to stir the sauce he was making. "You know the clothing store on Fifth and Harcourt? I sold some items to a couple ladies shopping there, and the manager offered me a job."
"Mmm. Yeah, I like that store. What'd you get?" He asked, getting a glass of water and leaning against the counter with it.
He smiled. "An outfit to wear to your next concert. It's sitting on the bed, awaiting your approval."
Ryu arched an eyebrow at that. "Oh really? Guess I'll have to check it out then. You can model it after dinner."
He smirked. "Sure... if you let me out in it..."
"Is there a reason I shouldn't? I want to show you off, don't I?" He asked, extremely curious now to know what this outfit looked like.
The young monk smirked, dancing around the kitchen as he finished up dinner. "Oh... you'll see."
"I'm sure I will." Ryuichi muttered, getting out a couple plates from the cabinet
He smirked and finished cooking. He then dished it out on the dishes his lover had pulled out and served the both of them. "I really hope you like spaghetti."
"I like all kinds of noodles. It doesn't look too different." He copied what Tatsuha was doing, twirling the pasta around on his fork.
Tatsuha smirked, using his spoon to twirl his spaghetti around the fork. He then took a bite of the home made garlic bread before looking toward his lover. "I hope you like it."
He tentatively took a mouthful of the spaghetti. It was... spicy, and tangy, and really good. "This is good. I like it." He smiled at his lover, "Thanks, for doing all this. It's great."
He smiled. "Oh, I love it. It was a lot of fun to clean up and cook for you."
Ryu laughed. "I don't how much fun it is, but I'm glad you enjoyed it."
Tatsuha felt his chest tighten at the sound of his laughter. "Hmm, it's not that bad. I'm used to cooking and cleaning around the shrine. So cooking and cleaning here... along with the music turned up... is a lot of fun."
"Ah. So it's the music that makes all the difference, eh?" Ryuichi broke off a piece of the garlic bread, dipping it into some of the extra sauce on his plate.
He smirked, taking a bite of his salad and nodding. "Yeah, it's all about the music." Tatsuha finished up, and then glanced at Ryuichi, who had some sauce on his lips. Leaning in close, he licked it off, before kissing his lover deeply. "What would you like to do tonight?"
"Anything you want to. Did you want to go anywhere?" The singer asked, responding to the kiss and the question
Tatsuha thought it over. "I was thinking… I wondered if you'd like to go dancing at a club with me."
"Sounds like fun. I don't really go clubbing much, but it will be better with you there to keep it interesting." He said, a husky tone in his voice at the images going through his mind, at the idea of Tatsuha in club gear.
"Really? Eiri told me about you going with Tohma at one point."
"I did. I said I didn't go often, not that I've never gone. And Tohma's not that fun anyways."
"Always obsessing after my brother. I couldn't see him as much fun."
"Heh. It wasn't. We actually ran into Yuki-san and Shu-chan there... And then Tohma kept staring at Yuki-san all night. Not much fun at all."
"I really don't know what Tohma-san sees in my brother. I mean, he has my sister."
"Yes, but that was an arranged marriage. Neither of them wanted it. He's always wanted to be with Yuki-san since the incident in New York; wanting to help him."
"But... Mika... loves him," Tatsuha said, surprised to hear such a thing from Ryuichi.
"Maybe she's learned to. But I don't think he loves her. Cares for her, yes, love - I'm not sure."
Tatsuha sighed. "I feel sorry for them, then. Both of them."
"I do too. I'm glad I've found my someone to love."
Tatsuha blushed, nodding in agreement. "I'm glad I could be the one you love."
The singer smiled, giving his lover a gentle kiss. "Still want to go out? We should go get ready."
He nodded. "Yeah, let me go change. I'll wear that new outfit I bought."
"Mmhm. Can't wait to see it." Ryuichi said, following him to the bedroom to find something suitable to wear.
Tatsuha grabbed up his outfit and dashed into the bathroom. He pulled it on and with a last minute check he walked back out. What he wore was more than he had ever dared before. Skin tight black leather pants caressed his long legs, almost as if they had been made for him. They hugged every curve and seemed to nearly be painted on him. His black shirt was tight, and made of a smooth silk that seemed to mold to his chest muscles and define them through it. As he moved, the edge of the shirt would ride up, showing off his flat stomach in teasing glances. "How's it look?" he asked, standing in the doorway.

Ryuichi looked up, reacting in more ways than one to his lover's outfit. "Gorgeous." He said, blue eyes drinking in the sight.

He smirked softly, not missing the slight bulge in his lover's pants. "Gonna let me out in this?"
"I don't know. We may just have to stay in tonight." Ryuichi suggested with a seductive tone to match the lust and desire in his eyes.
Tatsuha smirked gently before softly winking and looking sad. "But, you said we could go to a club."
"I did, didn't I? Well, then we have to go." Ryuichi noticed the sad look, knowing it wasn't really a true emotion, but wanting to bring back his beautiful smile.
Tatsuha's lips curled up into a deep grin and he cheered, acting like a little boy this time instead of Ryuichi. "Yay! Come on, Ryu. Let's go!"
Ryuichi found himself being dragged out of the room by his boyfriend, pausing only so they could put their boots on. Hailing a cab outside the apartment, Ryuichi climbed in after Tatsuha. Giving directions to a club that he knew, he then started nuzzling Tatsuha's neck, unable to keep his hands off the teen for long in that outfit - or any outfit for that matter.
Tatsuha moaned softly, arching into his touch. "Mm, Ryu, this is fun," he whispered.
"Hmm. It is, but we'll have more fun at the club." He sat back against the seat, looking out the window at the Tokyo nightlife that was spilling onto the streets.
Tatsuha was bubbling with happiness. He was going out with Ryuichi and on top of that, he was enjoying himself. He was going out on a date with the most wanted man in the world... and he was all his.
They arrived at the club shortly, taxi drivers in Tokyo being as crazy as the ones in New York. Stepping out, he offered a hand to Tatsuha, pulling him up beside him. Ryuichi smiled at his lover before leading him into the large club.
Tatsuha's eyes seemed to widen in surprise. "Ryu... there's a huge line... we'll never get in," he whispered, leaning in close to his boyfriend.

"Yes we will. You just have to know the right people." He smirked, walking up to one of the bouncers, his lover tagging along behind. "Towa! Good to see you." The famous singer greeted the man.
"Ryo! Got yourself a new boytoy, ne?" Ryuichi laughed, "No, this is my boyfriend. We're very much in love." He said, drawing the monk close to him and nuzzling his neck. "Ah, I see. Go right in." The bouncer opened one of the heavy doors and waved them in.
Tatsuha's whole jaw felt like it had fallen onto the floor as his eyes widen to the width of his face. That... that had been incredible. Looking over his shoulder at the bouncer once he was inside with Ryu, he gaped. "Th - that was... amazing."
Ryuichi shrugged. "It's nothing that hundreds of celebrities don't already do. He knows who I really am, and gets me in whenever I come here. In return, he gets free concert tickets to anyone under NG's label."
Tatsuha's jaw finally closed and he looked away. "Oh, I see. That's kind of cool then."
"Yeah." He noticed Tatsuha's look. "Did I do the wrong thing? We could have waited like everyone else... "
He shook his head, almost too quickly. "No, it's nothing like that. I was more surprised by it. Eiri and Tohma would never help me get into a place like this."
Ryuichi frowned. "Well, I wouldn't expect them too. But why wouldn't I? You don't want me to do things for you?" He was worried that he was messing things up with Tatsuha. Maybe this wasn't the right place for this conversation, but he needed to know if anything was wrong.
He laughed softly, shaking his head. "No, it's all right. I like you doing things for me."
"Good. Cause it's going to happen a lot more." He smiled. "Come on. Let's dance." He dragged Tatsuha after him onto the busy dance floor.
Tatsuha smirked and danced sensually against his lover as they made their way onto the dance floor.
Ryuichi danced against Tatsuha, grinding their hips together as he moved to the beat of the music pouring from the speakers around the stage.
Tatsuha kept pace with his hips, enjoying the music while his moves were just as sexual as they had been that morning in the shower.
Sliding his hands over the teen's sides, he rested them on his waist, pulling the younger man closer to his body. Ryuichi ran his long, slim fingers over the skin that showed when Tatsuha's shirt rode higher. Dancing to the same rhythm, their movements nearly mirroring the others, they lost themselves in the music, only seeing each other on the pulsating dance floor.
Tatsuha let the music pulse through his blood. He let the bass carry his movements and lead him. With a soft smile, he trailed his fingers over Ryuichi's hips and down across his ass. All the while, his eyes were closed as he danced with him.
Closing his eyes, he let the music guide him. This was his life and it thrummed around him, beating the tempo of his very soul. He felt every note in his heart, creating a new song as it sung through him, stirring up his emotions. The strongest, the love he had for the man in his arms. Wrapping his arms tighter around the teen, he sighed in contentment, leaning his head on Tatsuha's shoulder. "I love you." He whispered, meaning it more than anything he ever had before.
Tatsuha moved with the music, a soft, dreamy look crossing his face. He was dancing with the man he had always dreamed of being with. He was in arms he had always wanted around him. And the most precious and yet magical words in the world had just been whispered into his ear.
"I love you too, Ryu," he said softly, leaning in closer to kiss him as they danced.
Moaning into the kiss, he deepened it as they moved together, the music wrapping around them, drawing closer until it was all the felt other than the press of their lips against the others.

The teen whimpered; pressing closer against his lover, his tongue teasing Ryu's as they seemed to move more with the kiss and the call between their bodies than with the music.
Ryu slid his hands down over Tatsuha's back, running them over his ass, pulling him up against his arousal. He wanted his lover, now. Pulling back, he rested his forehead against Tatsuha's as he spoke. "We should leave soon... unless you want to give everyone a show."
Tatsuha pouted softly. "But... we just got here."
"We can always come back another time." Ryu told him.
Tatsuha was torn. He wanted to be with his lover. So badly he ached with it. Yet he also felt the music calling him as it always did. He didn't know what to do.
"But, we can stay a little longer. I can make love to you anytime." The vocalist knew that his lover wanted to stay, and that Tatsuha felt the music pulling him, like it did himself.
Tatsuha smiled softly, kissing Ryu delicately. "I do want to stay, but I want to make you happy to."
"I am happy. I'm happy as long as you're with me." He returned the kiss.
Tatsuha sighed softly, moving the dance into a sweet slow song as the music changed. It was actually a Nittle Grasper song, one of their ballads, and as Ryuichi's voice came out of the speakers, he closed his eyes, placing his head on his lovers shoulder.
Wrapping his arms around his young lover's back, he held him close, listening to his own voice singing of love and loss. This song actually brought back memories he'd rather not remember, so he focused on the man in his arms instead.
Tatsuha felt a slight tensing in his lover and he hugged him tightly. "Ryu-chan... are you all right?"
"Eh? Uh. Yes, I'm fine. Just thinking too much." Ryuichi quickly brushed it off. It wasn't that he didn't want Tatsuha to know, he just hadn't found the right time or words to tell him; that there had been someone else, someone he had written this ballad for. He squeezed his eyes shut as the words of the song reverberated in his mind, dredging up old memories and feelings. The happy, carefree times, when all was well, and the sadder times; when he hadn't been able to save his lover from the jealousy that flowed around them, tainting the happiness. A single tear slid down his pale cheek, cutting deep into the ache in his heart.
Tatsuha didn't like what he was feeling. It was like Ryuichi was trying to push him away. To set him aside. "Ryu," he whispered softly. "Do you not trust me?"
"No! I trust you. I do. I just... I can't... I don't know how to tell you. But I will. I promise. Just trust me on that."
He sighed, nodding. Yet his feel for the music was gone. Instead, he felt a little cold inside.
"I'm sorry. I've ruined our night out. I've hurt you." He drew Tatsuha closer to him, tears leaking from his eyes. "I'm so sorry!" He whispered.
Tatsuha shook his head. "You didn't hurt me. And you didn't ruin the night. It's more my own thoughts. Don't worry so much, please, and don't cry," he whispered softly.
Ryuichi covered his face with his hand; trying to regain control of his emotions. "I'm sorry. So sorry." He repeated over, the words becoming a mantra. Not sure what he was apologizing for any more, or to whom, as his thoughts ran quickly through his mind, swirling the past with the present, until he couldn't be sure which was real. Murmuring another sorry, and heaving a sob; it overwhelmed him. Falling to the floor, he passed out into blissful black unawareness.