Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ chapter6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
Chapter 6: The Grasper Magic
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
The week ended and the festival begins, many bands were there, but the special guest was Nittle Grasper. Unfortunately, Bad Luck was not the only NG artist invited beside Nittle Grasper, ASK was also there to show off.
"Let's go guys, time to shine." The lead singer of the band brushed his hair sensually and walked away in the usual snobbish way while his band mates followed.
While the black haired young man walked down the hallways he spotted Shindo-san and smirked; he couldn't miss a chance to upset the little guy. "Oh look, its Ryuichi Sakuma, oh no WAIT, it's his lame imitation, what's his name?"
"Excuse me, do I know you?" Shuichi replied with a devilish smile.
"What?" And angry vein begin to pop from his forehead. "You know perfectly well who I am; I am Aizawa Taki from ASK!"
"ASK? Am I supposed to know who you are?"
"YOUUUUU" He was angry because Shuichi was ignoring him and his usual jokes weren't bothering him like always, why? Where did he learn to ignore him??? "I'll get ya later. It's my time to sing- watch and learn how is done." He left and Hiro and Shuichi hit their hands together smiling.
"You were great!" Hiro assured him. "I am glad you've learn to ignore those brats."
"You and Ryuichi helped me with that. You first stood up for me and showed me a little how to handle it, and then Ryuichi give me a few pointers too. He told me that when he started in the business he also had envious guys trying to put him down." He smiled. "But of course Ryu-kun handled it; he's so cool!"
"You guys have become very good friends huh?"
Shuichi nodded but noticed Hiro's eyes were a little sad.
"Don't get jealous; you're still my number one friend." He nudges Hiroshi on the side and both smile and headed to the stage.
"That's better." Hiro finally declared wearing a victory smile, but suddenly a scream was heard and both jumped with the scared they received.
The one with screaming voice ran quickly toward them and jumped on top of Shuichi as soon as he reaches him squeezing the younger man tightly.
"Shu-chan I missed you." (SQUEEEEZE)
"Ryu-kun, you're squeezing too hard. I can barely breathe."
Sakuma giggled but didn't let go.
"Cut it out Ryuichi." Shuichi barely whispered- his face was starting to turn purple and then Hiro reacted.
"Woa, you're really making him lose his breath Sakuma-san. He got purple shades all over his face."
He let go.
"Really?" He begins looking worriedly at the now green face of Shuichi who was panting heavily. "OH! I'm sorry Shu-chan." He started fanning him.
"It's ok Ryuichi." He smiled. "So, are you ready for your come back?"
"Oh yeah! Kuma and I are very excited. I hope all the Nittle fans still love us."
"Oh, I know they do. I DO!" Both stare smiling sweetly.
"Ehem…" Hiro cleared his throat. "I do too you know. I am ALSO a Nittle Grasper fan. Jeeze." Shaking his head.
"Arigato Nakano-san!" Ryuichi said with a smile and then ran away, but suddenly stopped and returned. *Whispering into the other singer's ear.* "Break a leg Shu-chan; I know you'll be better than those ASK guys no da." *wink*
"Thank you Ryu-kun."
He starts to run away again and then he came back one more time. "I almost forgot!!"
'Now what?' Hiro mumbled mentally feeling a little left out.
"Here, wear this ring- it will bring you luck. I know you can do it Shuichi, so don't be nervous, ok? I can't go in every time you get all nervous na no da."
"Ryuichi…" The pink haired boy looked down to his finger where the ring was placed and smiled. "Thanks. I'll make you proud."
"I know. Gotta go!! But if you feel nervous look at the ring and think I'm right beside you, because I will be right next to you Shuichi- always with you." Reluctantly he left, but the sweet look on his dear Shuichi's eyes was kept engraved in his heart.
It was bad Luck's turn to play, right after ASK- something that bothered Aizawa BIG TIME, but it was Tohma's order so they had no other choice.
Shuichi stepped on the stage right in front of the microphone, he then looked over his shoulder and there they were, at one side his dear friend Hiroshi and in the other Suguru. He felt confidence to see Hiro right behind him and yeah, Suguru too- he was alright after all. He then looked to the crowd and started searching for blond hair.
'Where are you Yuki?'
The crowd cheered and he felt a little nervous because he couldn't find Yuki, but he knew the people were waiting. The music started but he still couldn't find his beloved novelist and more tremors grew up inside him. Hiro was staring at him with that WHAT THE>> look on his face.
'What am I doing?'
He though while clinching his right fist, it was then when he saw the ring his idol gave him.
He remembered what he said and also remembered the last time he sung in public- when he first met Sakuma-san.
'He's right beside me.'
He could almost see him standing next to him with his enchanting smile- it gave him strength- so he begin to sing.
'I'll make you proud.'
"Obieta mezuki de iradatsu omoi uwaki na kaze ni hakisutete hibi-wareta rojou ni toketa shigunaru wa kizuato dake nokoshite-iku."
'I'll make you proud. I'll be as good as you. One day-someday- I will.'
He kept singing and thinking a million things at once. His head wanted to explode with the many thoughts running through his mind at that moment when he was SUPPOSED to be concentrated on his singing- but he wasn't.
'Where are you Yuki? Why you promised if you weren't coming?'
"…doko ni mo tomaranai mitasanai Emotion shikato kimete oikose yo
furueteru shai na seikai no nuke-michi o neratte
tadoritsuku basho e I Want New World."
'I want you to care for me Yuki, why can't you care for me the way I care for you? Sometimes I wish you were more like…'
Even when he was so distracted thinking and looking for Yuki, he did pretty well. It was obvious he could do better, but considering how emotional this young man was- he did great.
The crowd cheered when they finished and he happily said good night and ran out still looking for Yuki.
'Maybe he's backstage with Tohma and that was why I couldn't find him!'
"Hey, Shu-" Hiro was trying to catch up with him since he ran away so quickly. "He's too fast." But couldn't reach him.
"So what's up with him?" Suguru frowned. "He just left us like that- so typical."
"He was very distracted…I wonder what happened."
"Look, Nittle Grasper is next!"
"Let's go watch!" Both ran closer so they could see the show. "Shuichi should be here; he's been waiting for this moment for years! Maybe I should go look for him."
"Then hurry up or you'll miss it too!"
He ran away searching for his best friend and found him sitting on the floor looking at nothing. "Shuichi, Nittle Grasper is playing- come on!" The pink haired boy nodded and followed the long haired guitarist back to the stage so they could watch together the so waited moment. "Great, we haven't lost a thing." He smiled trying to cheer Shuichi; he knew perfectly well he was sad and though maybe watching Nittle Grasper would cheer him up a bit and fortunately it did.
Shuichi had his eyes shining like two bright stars when he saw Sakuma-san singing the way he was, like no one else did.
"Tooku de me o hikarasete mezameru monotachi matte iru yoru no jouheki sasowarete utsurisumu mure no nukegara ni"
It was like the music suddenly possessed him and took life by transforming into him- it was amazing, indescribable. He was the music; he became music; music loved him; music loved becoming him; he was the face and body of music; music definitely meant Ryuichi Sakuma. 'It should be on the dictionary. Music- meaning- Sakuma Ryuichi!' Shuichi though while smiling at himself.
"Umarekawareru anata yo hitori hohoemanaide hitomi o irodoru nozonda sekai ga totsuzen hai ni natte mo kiseki ni mada meguriaeru"
"Sakuma-san…" *the younger singer whispered.* Just like everyone who laid eyes on Sakuma Ryuichi, he was enchanted by his charms and glorifying voice. "He's unreachable…" He looked down to his finger where he have been rubbing the silver band around it and a though ran through his head. 'I have a lucky charm, no, not any lucky charm- Ryuichi's lucky charm! I can't believe Sakuma Ryuichi is my friend- MY FRIEND!' He then begins to grin and Hiro smiled to wonderful sight of Shuichi's smile.
"That's better."
Shuichi looked up confused. "Huh?"
"You're face; you're smiling."
"Oh!" He blushed. "It's the Grasper magic."
"I know. The Grasper magic…you haven't said it in years. I guess that means the magic has return." He winked and the pink haired young man blushed.
"It's not like that…well, I don't know."
"It is, just look at the stage. The magic has returned."
Shuichi glance back at the stage and focus his sight on his idol- Ryuichi. When he sees him like that it was like that man was someone else, not the same upbeat guy that was always smiling and playing with his pink plush bunny.
"He's amazing."
"Todokanu hikari no yukue azayaka ni mau omoi o egakou michibiku kotoba ga koborete shimawanu you ni utsuru toki o osorenaide"
Hiro studied Shuichi's face, and even when he didn't liked what he was about to say, he did. After all, all he wanted was to see him happy. "You should give HIM a chance. I think you two are perfect for each other."
"Hiro!" His eyes turned sad and he lowered his head. "I…"
"Yuki, I know."
And the sadness returned.
~*~*~ The festival was over; all the bands were practically gone but Bad Luck's lead singer was still there sitting sadly on the floor wishing HE had come. "Why?" (Flashback) *~~~~ I'll be there.~~~~* "Then where were you?" He let his head fall on his folded knees and also let his tears escape. "Yuki…where are you?" The lights went down and only a few footsteps could be hear, it was obvious they were about to close, but Shuichi didn't bother to move and stayed still on his position. His sobs were echoing through the now empty hallways catching the attention of a particular young man. "Huh?" He looked to the blonde's face, he was apparently explaining something important, and excused himself for a moment. "I'll be back." "Ryuichi! Where are you going?" But he was a goner. "Why can't he pay attention Noriko?" "You know him…how about we wait over there (Pointing at some chairs.); I really need to sit down, my heels are killing me." "I bet they are." Tohma smiled as he looked at the four inches heels of the lady and then walked away, leaving behind their lead singer. The brunette followed the cries and end up finding a pink ball of hair stick to two slim and short legs. "Shu-chan? Shu-chan, is that you?" Shuichi didn't move, but knew who it was. "What happened? Why are you crying? Did Aizawa bug you again?" "No." He managed to reply between his sobs. "Then? Would you tell Ryu?" "Yuki." The brunette's expression changed to disgust. "Yuki didn't come and he promised." 'That Yuki…' "Maybe something came up." "More important than me?" "Maybe…something happen to Mika." "She was here Ryuichi." Ryuichi snickered knowing the boy was right. "Well, maybe he felt sick or something. Why don't you ask him yourself?" "I don't want to. I'm tired of trying- I feel like I'm trying too hard and he…he just doesn't care at all." "Have you told him this, the way you feel?" "No. It's hard to talk to him about this things- he would say I'm annoying. I just don't want to upset him." "Shuichi…if you want to be on a relationship you have to talk things over. Communication is a very important key to success in a relationship. When one of the partners is not true to the other…it ends." Shuichi looked up alarmed- he didn't want it to end. "No. I don't want it to end." "Then talk to him. Maybe you are crying over nothing." "You know, you are right Ryuichi. Maybe he is on a deadline or something. Thank you!" He hugged his dear friend and the older singer almost faint with excitement. 'Shuichi, hold me forever. Don't let go…' But the younger male eventually let go of the embrace. "Where is Nakano anyway? He left you all alone?" "I told him to go. K and Suguro invite him some place." "They didn't invite you?" "Yeah, but I refused and K insisted on Hiro, so…" "Oh…let's go Shu-chan; I'll take you home." "Thank you." Sakuma offered a hand to help up his beloved Shu-chan and he smiled when he felt the warmth of his hand against his own. 'So warm and soft; I wish we could always hold hands, just like we are doing right now.' He didn't let go after Shuichi was finally up and begin to walk away with a tight grip on the younger man's hand. Shuichi looked down to Sakuma's hand provoking a soft shade of pink to suddenly adorn his cute rounded face, but he didn't let go and smiled at the view of holding hands. 'I wish Yuki held my hand too.' ~*~*~*~ End of Chapter 6! Thanks for everyone reviewing. I really appreciate it. =^__^ =
Chapter 6: The Grasper Magic
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
The week ended and the festival begins, many bands were there, but the special guest was Nittle Grasper. Unfortunately, Bad Luck was not the only NG artist invited beside Nittle Grasper, ASK was also there to show off.
"Let's go guys, time to shine." The lead singer of the band brushed his hair sensually and walked away in the usual snobbish way while his band mates followed.
While the black haired young man walked down the hallways he spotted Shindo-san and smirked; he couldn't miss a chance to upset the little guy. "Oh look, its Ryuichi Sakuma, oh no WAIT, it's his lame imitation, what's his name?"
"Excuse me, do I know you?" Shuichi replied with a devilish smile.
"What?" And angry vein begin to pop from his forehead. "You know perfectly well who I am; I am Aizawa Taki from ASK!"
"ASK? Am I supposed to know who you are?"
"YOUUUUU" He was angry because Shuichi was ignoring him and his usual jokes weren't bothering him like always, why? Where did he learn to ignore him??? "I'll get ya later. It's my time to sing- watch and learn how is done." He left and Hiro and Shuichi hit their hands together smiling.
"You were great!" Hiro assured him. "I am glad you've learn to ignore those brats."
"You and Ryuichi helped me with that. You first stood up for me and showed me a little how to handle it, and then Ryuichi give me a few pointers too. He told me that when he started in the business he also had envious guys trying to put him down." He smiled. "But of course Ryu-kun handled it; he's so cool!"
"You guys have become very good friends huh?"
Shuichi nodded but noticed Hiro's eyes were a little sad.
"Don't get jealous; you're still my number one friend." He nudges Hiroshi on the side and both smile and headed to the stage.
"That's better." Hiro finally declared wearing a victory smile, but suddenly a scream was heard and both jumped with the scared they received.
The one with screaming voice ran quickly toward them and jumped on top of Shuichi as soon as he reaches him squeezing the younger man tightly.
"Shu-chan I missed you." (SQUEEEEZE)
"Ryu-kun, you're squeezing too hard. I can barely breathe."
Sakuma giggled but didn't let go.
"Cut it out Ryuichi." Shuichi barely whispered- his face was starting to turn purple and then Hiro reacted.
"Woa, you're really making him lose his breath Sakuma-san. He got purple shades all over his face."
He let go.
"Really?" He begins looking worriedly at the now green face of Shuichi who was panting heavily. "OH! I'm sorry Shu-chan." He started fanning him.
"It's ok Ryuichi." He smiled. "So, are you ready for your come back?"
"Oh yeah! Kuma and I are very excited. I hope all the Nittle fans still love us."
"Oh, I know they do. I DO!" Both stare smiling sweetly.
"Ehem…" Hiro cleared his throat. "I do too you know. I am ALSO a Nittle Grasper fan. Jeeze." Shaking his head.
"Arigato Nakano-san!" Ryuichi said with a smile and then ran away, but suddenly stopped and returned. *Whispering into the other singer's ear.* "Break a leg Shu-chan; I know you'll be better than those ASK guys no da." *wink*
"Thank you Ryu-kun."
He starts to run away again and then he came back one more time. "I almost forgot!!"
'Now what?' Hiro mumbled mentally feeling a little left out.
"Here, wear this ring- it will bring you luck. I know you can do it Shuichi, so don't be nervous, ok? I can't go in every time you get all nervous na no da."
"Ryuichi…" The pink haired boy looked down to his finger where the ring was placed and smiled. "Thanks. I'll make you proud."
"I know. Gotta go!! But if you feel nervous look at the ring and think I'm right beside you, because I will be right next to you Shuichi- always with you." Reluctantly he left, but the sweet look on his dear Shuichi's eyes was kept engraved in his heart.
It was bad Luck's turn to play, right after ASK- something that bothered Aizawa BIG TIME, but it was Tohma's order so they had no other choice.
Shuichi stepped on the stage right in front of the microphone, he then looked over his shoulder and there they were, at one side his dear friend Hiroshi and in the other Suguru. He felt confidence to see Hiro right behind him and yeah, Suguru too- he was alright after all. He then looked to the crowd and started searching for blond hair.
'Where are you Yuki?'
The crowd cheered and he felt a little nervous because he couldn't find Yuki, but he knew the people were waiting. The music started but he still couldn't find his beloved novelist and more tremors grew up inside him. Hiro was staring at him with that WHAT THE>> look on his face.
'What am I doing?'
He though while clinching his right fist, it was then when he saw the ring his idol gave him.
He remembered what he said and also remembered the last time he sung in public- when he first met Sakuma-san.
'He's right beside me.'
He could almost see him standing next to him with his enchanting smile- it gave him strength- so he begin to sing.
'I'll make you proud.'
"Obieta mezuki de iradatsu omoi uwaki na kaze ni hakisutete hibi-wareta rojou ni toketa shigunaru wa kizuato dake nokoshite-iku."
'I'll make you proud. I'll be as good as you. One day-someday- I will.'
He kept singing and thinking a million things at once. His head wanted to explode with the many thoughts running through his mind at that moment when he was SUPPOSED to be concentrated on his singing- but he wasn't.
'Where are you Yuki? Why you promised if you weren't coming?'
"…doko ni mo tomaranai mitasanai Emotion shikato kimete oikose yo
furueteru shai na seikai no nuke-michi o neratte
tadoritsuku basho e I Want New World."
'I want you to care for me Yuki, why can't you care for me the way I care for you? Sometimes I wish you were more like…'
Even when he was so distracted thinking and looking for Yuki, he did pretty well. It was obvious he could do better, but considering how emotional this young man was- he did great.
The crowd cheered when they finished and he happily said good night and ran out still looking for Yuki.
'Maybe he's backstage with Tohma and that was why I couldn't find him!'
"Hey, Shu-" Hiro was trying to catch up with him since he ran away so quickly. "He's too fast." But couldn't reach him.
"So what's up with him?" Suguru frowned. "He just left us like that- so typical."
"He was very distracted…I wonder what happened."
"Look, Nittle Grasper is next!"
"Let's go watch!" Both ran closer so they could see the show. "Shuichi should be here; he's been waiting for this moment for years! Maybe I should go look for him."
"Then hurry up or you'll miss it too!"
He ran away searching for his best friend and found him sitting on the floor looking at nothing. "Shuichi, Nittle Grasper is playing- come on!" The pink haired boy nodded and followed the long haired guitarist back to the stage so they could watch together the so waited moment. "Great, we haven't lost a thing." He smiled trying to cheer Shuichi; he knew perfectly well he was sad and though maybe watching Nittle Grasper would cheer him up a bit and fortunately it did.
Shuichi had his eyes shining like two bright stars when he saw Sakuma-san singing the way he was, like no one else did.
"Tooku de me o hikarasete mezameru monotachi matte iru yoru no jouheki sasowarete utsurisumu mure no nukegara ni"
It was like the music suddenly possessed him and took life by transforming into him- it was amazing, indescribable. He was the music; he became music; music loved him; music loved becoming him; he was the face and body of music; music definitely meant Ryuichi Sakuma. 'It should be on the dictionary. Music- meaning- Sakuma Ryuichi!' Shuichi though while smiling at himself.
"Umarekawareru anata yo hitori hohoemanaide hitomi o irodoru nozonda sekai ga totsuzen hai ni natte mo kiseki ni mada meguriaeru"
"Sakuma-san…" *the younger singer whispered.* Just like everyone who laid eyes on Sakuma Ryuichi, he was enchanted by his charms and glorifying voice. "He's unreachable…" He looked down to his finger where he have been rubbing the silver band around it and a though ran through his head. 'I have a lucky charm, no, not any lucky charm- Ryuichi's lucky charm! I can't believe Sakuma Ryuichi is my friend- MY FRIEND!' He then begins to grin and Hiro smiled to wonderful sight of Shuichi's smile.
"That's better."
Shuichi looked up confused. "Huh?"
"You're face; you're smiling."
"Oh!" He blushed. "It's the Grasper magic."
"I know. The Grasper magic…you haven't said it in years. I guess that means the magic has return." He winked and the pink haired young man blushed.
"It's not like that…well, I don't know."
"It is, just look at the stage. The magic has returned."
Shuichi glance back at the stage and focus his sight on his idol- Ryuichi. When he sees him like that it was like that man was someone else, not the same upbeat guy that was always smiling and playing with his pink plush bunny.
"He's amazing."
"Todokanu hikari no yukue azayaka ni mau omoi o egakou michibiku kotoba ga koborete shimawanu you ni utsuru toki o osorenaide"
Hiro studied Shuichi's face, and even when he didn't liked what he was about to say, he did. After all, all he wanted was to see him happy. "You should give HIM a chance. I think you two are perfect for each other."
"Hiro!" His eyes turned sad and he lowered his head. "I…"
"Yuki, I know."
And the sadness returned.
~*~*~ The festival was over; all the bands were practically gone but Bad Luck's lead singer was still there sitting sadly on the floor wishing HE had come. "Why?" (Flashback) *~~~~ I'll be there.~~~~* "Then where were you?" He let his head fall on his folded knees and also let his tears escape. "Yuki…where are you?" The lights went down and only a few footsteps could be hear, it was obvious they were about to close, but Shuichi didn't bother to move and stayed still on his position. His sobs were echoing through the now empty hallways catching the attention of a particular young man. "Huh?" He looked to the blonde's face, he was apparently explaining something important, and excused himself for a moment. "I'll be back." "Ryuichi! Where are you going?" But he was a goner. "Why can't he pay attention Noriko?" "You know him…how about we wait over there (Pointing at some chairs.); I really need to sit down, my heels are killing me." "I bet they are." Tohma smiled as he looked at the four inches heels of the lady and then walked away, leaving behind their lead singer. The brunette followed the cries and end up finding a pink ball of hair stick to two slim and short legs. "Shu-chan? Shu-chan, is that you?" Shuichi didn't move, but knew who it was. "What happened? Why are you crying? Did Aizawa bug you again?" "No." He managed to reply between his sobs. "Then? Would you tell Ryu?" "Yuki." The brunette's expression changed to disgust. "Yuki didn't come and he promised." 'That Yuki…' "Maybe something came up." "More important than me?" "Maybe…something happen to Mika." "She was here Ryuichi." Ryuichi snickered knowing the boy was right. "Well, maybe he felt sick or something. Why don't you ask him yourself?" "I don't want to. I'm tired of trying- I feel like I'm trying too hard and he…he just doesn't care at all." "Have you told him this, the way you feel?" "No. It's hard to talk to him about this things- he would say I'm annoying. I just don't want to upset him." "Shuichi…if you want to be on a relationship you have to talk things over. Communication is a very important key to success in a relationship. When one of the partners is not true to the other…it ends." Shuichi looked up alarmed- he didn't want it to end. "No. I don't want it to end." "Then talk to him. Maybe you are crying over nothing." "You know, you are right Ryuichi. Maybe he is on a deadline or something. Thank you!" He hugged his dear friend and the older singer almost faint with excitement. 'Shuichi, hold me forever. Don't let go…' But the younger male eventually let go of the embrace. "Where is Nakano anyway? He left you all alone?" "I told him to go. K and Suguro invite him some place." "They didn't invite you?" "Yeah, but I refused and K insisted on Hiro, so…" "Oh…let's go Shu-chan; I'll take you home." "Thank you." Sakuma offered a hand to help up his beloved Shu-chan and he smiled when he felt the warmth of his hand against his own. 'So warm and soft; I wish we could always hold hands, just like we are doing right now.' He didn't let go after Shuichi was finally up and begin to walk away with a tight grip on the younger man's hand. Shuichi looked down to Sakuma's hand provoking a soft shade of pink to suddenly adorn his cute rounded face, but he didn't let go and smiled at the view of holding hands. 'I wish Yuki held my hand too.' ~*~*~*~ End of Chapter 6! Thanks for everyone reviewing. I really appreciate it. =^__^ =