Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ I need Someone ( Chapter 7 )
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter #7: I need someone
He was inside of the apartment- this guy's apartment. 'What am I doing here?' He looked around, and just as expected; the place was a movie set- more like a World War III movie set, but a movie set. 'So many guns…'
"Sit down, you look…afraid?"
"Nah! I'm fine. I just never saw so many weapons together, it seems strange."
"You'll get used to it." He winked and offered a drink to his guest.
"What happen to Suguru you say?" He sat down after accepting the drink.
"He decided to leave, you know, he's still a kid. But I'm glad." He slid right next to Hiro. "I only wanted you to come."
*BLUSHED* "So it was an excuse to get me here?" The tall blond grinned and nodded. "You gotta be kidding me! What is it that you want?"
"Isn't it obvious?" He hit their glasses together and smirked. "Cheers."
The night ended, and morning took over. Bad Luck's lead singer opened the door of his lover's apartment and jump on the couch. He sighed and leaned his head down remembering the last hours. 'Ryuichi…' Shindo was exhausted, so he quickly closed his eyelids to start dreaming, but his heart was beating fast. 'What is it? Why am I so unease? Is it because of what Yuki will say or is there something else?' He kept thinking. 'It's probably the nerves to know, nothing more. But I have to admit tonight was special. Ryuichi is amazing, so sweet and gentle with me…so different.'
He started remembering some events.
~>> He was sitting on a swing while Ryuichi pushed it so he would go higher and higher, when suddenly it begin to rain.
"We have to hide Shu-chan or you'll get the flu!"
"You too!" He jumped from the seat, but the rain was falling strongly already. "It's so cold!"
Then Ryuichi reached him and took his hand dragging him underneath a large tree so they'll shelter from the rain.
"We can wait here till it's gone."
It all happen so fast he didn't even get the chance to register what was going on. He was trapped inside Ryuichi's arms! He was pressed against the truck of the tree and Ryuichi was covering him with his body to protect him from the falling rain. He could feel Sakuma's heart beating, in fact, he could hear it perfectly and it provoked a wide smile to suddenly appear on his lips.
'Even his heartbeat has rhythm.'
He put his arm around Sakuma's waist and felt how the water was running down his back.
"RYUICHI! You'll catch a cold yourself! You can't! You can't sing if you get sick."
"Don't worry about me; what matter is that you are safe and warm."
"Ryuichi…" His cheeks turn bright pink, just like his hair, and Ryuichi only smile while he looked down to his face.
Shindo could feel the other singer's breathing caressing softly his face and could smell the freshness of his breath- it was delicious. It felt so good that he buried his face in Sakuma's chest and waited until the rain stopped.
Shuichi was smiling while he stared at the ceiling, when suddenly a silhouette clouded his sight and become clearer turning his smile into a worried expression.
"So you came back. It's four in the morning; don't tell me you've been singing till now."
"YUKI!" He sat up in a quick jump. "You're awake…"
"I heard the door- you're so noisy."
"But I was careful!"
"Where you've been? Partying with Nakano?"
"Hum…not really. I was with Sakuma-san."
"Oh…well, good morning (Sarcastic)." He started walking away.
"Yuki, wait!" He stopped. "Why?" Shuichi, being the sensible guy he is, begin to weep. "Why didn't you go?"
"I had better things to do."
"But you promised! Then why?"
"I'm going to bed."
"NO! Tell me. I was expecting you and you never came, why. Tell me?"
"You really want to know?" He said while he turned around to face him and Shuichi nodded slowly. "I…I don't like Bad Luck's music- its lame. Your lyrics are terrible and you know it, so I decided to stay and write instead of listening to your junk."
"Yuki!" He was devastated; he never though THAT was the reason. "It's a lie. Tell me it's a lie."
"You can't even accept your own failures- pathetic." Then he walked out leaving a torn Shuichi sobbing on the couch.
"Yuki….Yuki…." His arms trembled while he hugged himself and then he called once again to his beloved wishing it was only a joke. "Yuki." But he was ignored and left with his tears.
It was another lonely morning, even when he was just getting in bed, in his silent apartment. A sigh was the only sound heard through the almost empty walls. "No one's home Kumagorou…like always." He took a bath and went to bed without really wanting to, all he wanted was to think of the hours before. "Shuichi…" He smiled. "Your presence feels so good…too bad you're not here now." He shut his eyes to make a wish. "I wish you were here, Shuichi." But deep down he knew it was just a dream. "If I open my eyes, will you be there? I don't want to open them and see you're not here."
A loud noise echoed through the apartment, it was a knock, an insistent knock.
"Huh? Kumagorou are you feeling sick? Did you fart?" But the knock was heard again. "It's the door!" He sat up quickly. "Someone's here to see me?" In less than a second he was at the door greeting his guest. "Welcome, na no da, to the Sakuma playground!" He cheerfully yelled while he smiled, but when he saw the sad face in front of him his expression changed. "What's wrong na no da?!" And the body slumped into his arms. "Shu-chan…" 'If this was the only way for me to see you…then I don't want to see you at all. I want you to smile not cry. Shuichi, how can I make you happy?'
"Can I come in?" The pink haired boy whispered between sobs.
"Of course na no da! Feel at home." He then closed the door behind them. "I'll make you some tea."
"No. Just…let me stay here for a while, please?"
"You can stay forever if you want." Gently he lifted the young man's face and washed the tears away. "I am please to have you here, but would be happier if you wear a smile. Now, would you tell me what happen?"
Shuichi nodded and cleaned his face again with the back of his hand. "I know why he didn't show up."
The sunlight came through an open window shining directly into the young man's eyes and it provoked him to wake up from his deep dream. "Awwww." He yawned and then opened his eyes slowly trying to focus. "Where am I?" He looked around without remembering much, but when he saw a gun on the carpet he remembered where he was. "K!"
"You were calling me?" The blonde peered through the door wearing a smile and a cute blue apron- apparently he was cooking some breakfast. "I though you'll sleep till late."
"Why am I still here?"
"You mean…you don't remember??" He covered his mouth with a hand looking VERY surprised. "How can that be, after all we did last night!"
"WHAAAAT???????? What EXACTLY happened last night??? Was I drunk?"
"Well, technically…yes."
"Wait a minute…you didn't raped me, do you?"
Then K begins to laugh like crazy.
"Did I say something funny?" Hiro snickered feeling stupid.
"You think I raped you?" He laughed some more.
"Silly huh? I just…got the impression you liked me or something. Sorry."
"Oh, but I DO like you. That doesn't mean I'm going to take advantage of the situation."
"Then what happened?"
K smiled mischievously. "You have to find out on your own."
"But-" The blonde left the room again and go straight to the kitchen. "Aren't you answering?"
From the kitchen a chuckled was heard.
"I guess that means no." Hiroshi whispered silently, but then he heard a 'no' yelled from outside and another chuckle. "Wow, he got incredible hearing!" The guitarist smiled and lay back. 'Well at least my ass doesn't hurt.' He closed his eyes softly, but then another though ran through his mind. "OH MY GOD! Did I rape you????"
Even a louder chuckle came from the kitchen and Hiro felt even sillier than before.
'Now he may ACTUALLY think I want to sleep with him…or do I?' He was thoughtful for a moment. "Nah!"
"That baka is gone again." He sighed and sat on his computer. 'Why he has to spend so much time with Sakuma-san?' He kept writing. "Not good. My muse is gone. I don't think this book is coming out right. Its Shuichi's fault- he's always annoying and loud. I better get out of here for a few days or I'll never finish this." He chuckled. "Now I'm talking to myself?"
Hours passed. He looked at his watch and then looked at the door. 'Still gone. Maybe I hurt him for real. He's too sensible. Everything it's a drama for him. He exaggerates. It's not like his music is that good. It was just an excuse...a hurtful excuse. Maybe I'm too hard on him…' He sighed and stopped writing, and then placed his hands on his face in frustration. "I'm sorry."
Purple eyes were revealed, only to found blue ones observing back intensely. "Ryuichi!" He blushed. "What are you doing here?"
Sakuma looked at him thoughtful and started wondering if he knew where he was at all. "What am I doing here? Well…I moved here a while ago, so…I can be here na no da." He gave a mocking smile to the young singer since he was still out of it. "This is my apartment na no da!"
"OH!" His cheeks turned even redder. "I forgot…I'm sorry."
"You know, I was starting to get worried; you slept for hours!"
"What time is it?"
"It doesn't matter, do you feel better?" Tenderly, he caressed the sweet face that was still laid against his big white pillow and smiled to the view of his beloved Shu-chan.
Sakuma's smile was gentle and his hands felt very warm against Shuichi's skin provoking the young singer to smile and nod vigorously.
"I'm glad Shu-chan. You can stay as long as you please, ok?"
"Thanks…I think I'll stay for a few days then…if you don't mind that is."
"NOT AT ALL! It would be…GREAT!" He grabbed the pink bunny and agitated it happily. "You heard that Kuma-chan? We'll have a guest; it would be like a slumber party!" He ran around jumping and picking up some of the clothes he had around the room. "Lets clean up a bit, or he'll think we're slumps!"
"Ryuichi…" The pink haired boy smiled and then started helping. "It's not that dirty you know, but I though you had more decoration. The walls are empty!"
"Well, as you can see most of my belongings are still in boxes. I haven't got time to organize it, besides…I'm not sure if I'll stay here or buy a house. What you think Shu-chan? Do you like it here?"
"It's perfect Ryuichi; it only needs decoration like I said before."
"Would you help me decorate? It would be fun! That way you'll be distracted too!"
"Sounds good to me, yeah, that way I won't feel so bad for intruding here."
"You're not intruding. For me is wonderful to have someone with me; it gets lonely at nights, you know?" Ryuichi ran outside the room since he knew he was starting to feel sad and he obviously wanted to hide his pain, but even when he escape from showing his real face, Shuichi noticed the sadness in his voice.
'Ryuichi…you feel lonely?' He shook his head and smile thinking it was ridiculous, how can someone like Sakuma Ryuichi feel lonely? He had it all and everyone loved him! How can someone famous, sweet and good looking be alone? It was impossible. 'He probably has lovers.'
Tohma was reading the news, the show biz session, checking the reviews on the festival and, of course, about Nittle Grasper and the other NG artists performance.
"Hummm…not bad."
"What's not bad honey?" Mika sat next to him and caressed his back gently.
"The reviews, but I know Shindo-san can do better. His performance was…empty. He was singing the right notes, but he wasn't enjoying it. He was singing more like…Aizawa."
"I wonder what happen to him. Do you think it was because Eiri-sama wasn't there?" Tohma nodded. "I'm going to call him. Eiri always do what he pleases! He's a spoil child and that is YOUR fault Tohma."
"Mine? I'm not his father." He smiled knowing how much he had spoiled Eiri all his life. "I guess I did spoil him some, but…he needed attention. Now, how about dinner?"
"Ok. Will Noriko come too?"
"Let's call her and see."
The blonde looked at his watch for the hundred times and sighed in desperation. After a warm bath, he took the phone and dials a friend. "Can you give me Sakuma's address?"
"What for?" The gentle voice answered on the other side.
"Just do it."
"Is about Shindo-san, isn't it?" Yuki didn't answer, but Tohma knew better than to ask more. "Ok." After he hung up, he quickly dial Ryuichi to find out what was going on. Like always, Tohma wanted to be IN CONTROL. "Ryuichi?"
"Tohma!! I can't believe you called me! Don't tell me, we have some photo session or something."
"No, actually I wanted to ask you a question."
"Sure!" Then he heard female voices from afar and could have sworn Noriko was there with Tohma. "Is Noriko with you?"
"Yes. We're having dinner right now, why?"
"No, nothing. I though I heard her. So what was your question?"
"Ryuichi! Hurry up! Kumagorou is getting bored, and me too!" Shuichi yelled from the floor where he was sitting next to Kumagorou since they were playing cards. "Who is it?"
"Never mind." The voice on the phone replied. "I can see you're busy right now."
"Oh yeah, Shu-chan and I are playing cards, what to come?"
"No thanks have fun." He hung up; all he wanted to know was answered. Shuichi and Eiri had a fight- AGAIN.
"That was weird." He quickly sat down again and took his cards. "My turn!" But Shuichi noticed something was wrong.
"Who was that? You look upset."
"It was Tohma, but I'm not upset."
"Then why your eyes seem sad?"
"It's just…"
"Tohma, Mika and Noriko were having dinner."
"They didn't invite Ryuichi." 'I guess they don't see me as a friend anymore. Maybe…Nittle Grasper is really over. It was over a long time ago- I shouldn't have returned. But…I met Shuichi.' He then smiled. "I'm ok! You are my friend, right?"
"Right!" 'He feels left out! Ryuichi…Ryuichi is really a lonely man! It can't be! Ryuichi's lonely? He can't be lonely, can he?' Shuichi search for an answer inside the blue eyes before him, but he couldn't see anything. 'Does he hide it? I must be making wrong conclusions.'
'I wonder what actually happen. Maybe he's just mocking me. Yeah, that's it!' He sat down on his bed to brush the long locks of hair before going out. 'Should I go?' Then he finished dressing up and headed out. 'Maybe I shouldn't- he's my manager. Well, it's not like we're going out, right? Then why does it feel that way?'
After a long ride on his motorcycle he reached the place and parked his vehicle. "I need to brush again. Look at my hair!" He sighed. "I'm worrying too much- its K!"
He was standing right in front of the entrance, but then decided to leave.
"This is wrong; I better go."
When he turned around a gun was right between his eyes.
"Where do you think you're going? Tsk tsk. You don't run away from me."
"I…I was just going to my motorcycle- I think I left the keys on."
"And what is that on your left pocket?"
He snickered knowing he couldn't fool K. "Fine- I was running away."
"Turn around! Get in!"
"Alright, alright."
The blonde smiled and guided him in. (He was still pointing the guitarist with his huge gun).
"So, you figured it out smart guy?" The taller man asked after they seated on a stool.
"Yeah. You're just mocking me."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I am! You're always fooling around with that gun of yours, so you're probably doing the same."
"You mean…YOU THINK MY GUN IS A JOKE?????" He yelled hysterical. "I'll show you how serious I am!" K turned around and took out a machine gun and started shooting to the ceiling like a maniac. "AHH HAHAHAHA! Now who's joking?"
Everyone started yelling and running away from the place, and then K noticed Hiro was gone too. "Huh? Hiro? Hiro? HIRO!!!"
After lots of playing and dinner the two singers were ready for bed.
"Can I wear your pajamas? I have nothing to wear." He asked shyly to the older man.
"Of course Shu-chan! I'll get you clean ones.
Shuichi bath, changed and snuggled on Ryuichi's bed right next to Kumagorou (Who was also wearing pajamas) and waited for him to come, but time passed and he didn't returned.
"Where is he? Ryuichi! Ryuichi, where are you? Aren't you coming to bed?" Since he didn't answer he walked outside, still calling on him. "Ryuichi, where are you?" When he stepped on the living room he saw Ryuichi at the door arguing with a tall blonde man.
That's it for now! R+R!! =^.^= MEOW! (That means thanks)