Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Never Again ( Chapter 8 )
Ryuichi's Love
Kitty-kat =^.^=
Chapter #8: Never Again
"I'll find you."
They stared. The cold hazel eyes glare disgust to the young singer wearing pink pajamas- some other guy's pajamas.
"I can see I interrupt. My mistake, sorry." He turned around and starts walking away indifferently, but deep down he was VERY upset.
Ryuichi was silent looking at Shuichi's terrified face and the watery eyes. The young singer was paralyzed without knowing what to do or say.
"Go Shu-chan, don't just stand there." Sakuma encouraged him even when his heart ached.
"Hai." The pink haired boy ran quickly after his lover, leaving a sad Ryuichi in front of an empty apartment.
He turned around and look inside finding himself alone again. "It's awful."
"YUKI! YUKI WAIT!" He reached him at the elevator. "It's not what you think. Ryuichi let me stay because I didn't wanted to go back…because…because you don't like me." He looked down sadly remembering the event that hurt him so bad.
"How generous of him. If you want to stay it's fine. I'm happy. I don't have to worry about a brat like you anymore."
"Yuki…" His eyes turned blurry and there was immense sadness hidden inside his purple gaze. He did it again, another stab straight through the heart. "I… I want to be with you Yuki, but it seems like I'm in the middle all the time."
"And you are." He finally turned around to face him. "Why do you have to run to him every time we argue?"
"Because he is my friend."
"So is Nakano, why don't you go to him then?"
"He wasn't home. I called him but he never answered so…"
"So Ryuichi was available, how convenient."
"Yuki, why do you point at me when it was your fault for me to run away? You always try to blame me for everything. I-I only want to make you happy but nothing seems good enough for you." A lonely tear rolled down his face while he looked down painfully. "I'll do anything you want Yuki, please?"
There was silence for a few seconds. A few seconds that seem eternal to Shindo-san. Yuki was observing him, analyzing with his weird thoughts what decision to make. Then he finally responded.
"Take off those stupid pajamas and let's go."
"H-Hai!" He ran back to Ryuichi's apartment and shyly entered. "Ryu…Ryuichi?" He walked to the bedroom and found him inside the bed hugging Kumagorou and with his eyes closed, but Shindo knew he was awake. "I'm going home with Yuki. I'm sorry…I know we made plans and all, but…maybe we can decorate anyway."
"Its ok Shuichi, you go home. But please be happy." He whispered softly without facing the younger man- it was too painful.
"I will." He put his clothes back on and left the apartment to run to his lover's arms leaving behind a man who cherished him more than he could imagine. "Yuki!"
"Let's go home."
'He said home!' Shuichi smiled.
He sighed.
"I knew it was too good to be true Kumagorou. No one will ever live with us. But, I'm so lucky you're with me."
There was a tall young blonde man in front of an apartment door thinking about knocking or not.
'I made a fool of myself.'
Then he sighed and knocked.
The door opened moments after. "YOU!" And then it was slammed shut again. "Go away; you're insane!"
"C'mon Nakano…it was only a joke."
"Well, I didn't like it. Go away!"
"Are you sure? I was hoping we spend some time together."
"HA!" The guitarist chuckled. "Forget it K, we better keep our friendship only for business matters."
"If that's what you want…but I don't give up so easily. Bye!"
He left and Hiroshi slid down to the floor. "Man…" Then he lit up a cigarette. "It's better that way."
The novelist closed the door to the apartment slowly and started taking off each piece of clothing he had on while walking to the bedroom. Once he lay in bed he noticed his boy wasn't there.
The young singer walked in shyly. "Yes?"
"I want you in bed, now."
"Hai." Then he quickly sat next to him and the blonde pull him into his arms. "Yuki…"
*Whispering in Shuichi's ear.* "Now show me how sorry you are for changing me for that overgrown child."
"Yuki, I never changed you."
"Shh. I don't want you to talk; you know what I want." Shuichi shivered and nodded melting right after into the blonde's arms. 'Good.'
Two days after the couple's reconciliation…
"Hiro…don't you think is weird."
"Ryuichi… He hasn't come to the studio. Do you think he's ok?"
"Probably. Maybe he's lovesick." Wink.
"HIRO!" Shuichi's cheeks turned bright pink immediately.
"Well, you left him when you were about to cuddle in bed. He must be frustrated. Yuki surely ruin his plans. Kekekeke."
"Baka." He was thoughtful. "But what if something happened to him."
"You're beginning to worry a little too much about Sakuma-san, huh Shuichi?" Hiroshi smiled mischievously.
"He's my friend Hiro. If you were missing…I would worry too."
"And you better. Ok…so you want to go see him?" Shuichi nodded vigorously. "Then go; I'll cover for you."
"Honto ni?"
"Arigato!!" The young man quickly ran off and left a lonely Hiroshi sitting on an amp.
He smirked. "There's love in the air."
"Oh yes there is!" Hiroshi looked up to where the voice come from and found a blond tall man wearing a huge smile and holding a HUGE gun.
"Oh, it's you."
"You're not happy to see me?"
*Whispering* "Not at all…lunatic."
He pointed the gun to the young male's head. "Don't ever call me like that again." The guitarist nodded fearfully. "Where is Shuichi; we have to work."
"He left. Something important came up."
K sighed. "Again?" He sighed again. "This boy has lots of inner conflicts."
Hiro looked to the taller man's face amused. "Look who's talking!" Then the blonde sheepishly smiled.
There was an attractive young man walking down the streets searching for someone. His good looks made lots of women to stop doing what they were doing only to stare at the black haired male. But no matter how many women got interest in him, he seemed to ignore them all.
"Where are you…?" He sighed. "Why do I have to find a spoil brat like you…? Oh well."
Shuichi make it to Sakuma's apartment and started regretting it after he was in front of the door. 'What if Yuki finds out and gets mad at me again?' He turned around and started walking back to the elevator. 'What if he needs me?' He reached the elevator and sighed. 'He's so lonely…' He then pressed the button to go down remembering the words of his lover the night of the incident.
~* "I don't want you to see him again." *~
When the elevator opened he stepped in. Then the doors begin to close and suddenly he jump off and ran back to his friend's apartment. 'I can't just ignore him when he took care of me when I was sad.'
He knocked.
"Ryuichi! Ryuichi open up; it's me Shuichi!"
No one answered.
"He must be very upset."
He tried opening the door by turning the knob, and to his surprise the door was open-just the way he left it the other night.
"It's open? Weird."
He walked in slowly and begins to call Ryuichi, but no one answered, so he walked in to his bedroom.
He found him.
"Why don't you answer me?"
He waited for his reply. The brunette was lying in bed but he said nothing and not even moved.
"Ryu-kun, are you angry at me? We can decorate today, what do you say?"
Slowly the younger male approached the bed and touched the sleeping man but he didn't move.
He shook him again and again, but no answer came from his mouth. Shuichi searched for the pulse and fortunately he was alive, but he felt how hot his body was, and then noticed the sweat.
"He's burning up!"
He didn't know what to do, so he called Tohma to ask for help. The blonde asked him to watch over him till he gets there and so he did.
"The rain!"
Shuichi remembered how soaked Ryuichi was the night when the rain caught them and he, Ryuichi, protected him from it.
"I have to protect you now Ryu-kun."
Tenderly his hand raked the brown sweaty hair.
"I can't ignore you Ryuichi…I can't." 'I'm sorry Yuki, but I can't stop seeing my dear friend.'
Ring, Ring, Ring.
"Yes?" The voice on the other side replies and explains a few things to the blonde. "I see." Then he hung up. "Baka." 'I told you to stay away from him.' He sighed. "Is their friendship stronger than our…" '…love? Is not love, that's why, isn't Shuichi. That's why.'
As expected Yuki was furious, not only because Shuichi disobey him by seeing Nittle Grasper's leading man, but because he also had to stay in the hospital with him to make sure the singer was ok.
"I made a decision."
He puffed on his cigarette one last time and then threw the butt to the floor.
"So, Yuki…are you sure?"
"Yes. Any luck yet?"
"No. But I'll find her."
The younger man walked away to go find the missing girl one more time.
"Shuichi…" The blonde whispered for no one else to hear but him. "Let's see how you handle this."
Hiro was riding his bike and made a stop in front of the hospital where Ryuichi was- and also Shuichi. After he got off, he saw a young lady sleeping behind a tree and it got his attention.
"Huh? What is she…?"
He touched her arm to try waking her up and she begins to open her eyes slowly.
"Excuse me, are you ok? Do you want me to take you inside?"
She moved away from him looking a little nervous with the presence of the stranger.
"Go away!"
"I won't hurt you. I only want to help. You shouldn't be sleeping on the grass you know."
The young girl blushed and nodded.
"I know."
"So, are you sick?"
"No. I'm looking for someone."
"I see. Well, I'm going to visit a friend now. You want to come along? I can take you anyplace after, ok?"
Then both went to Ryuichi's room. When they walked in Shuichi was awake and so was Ryuichi. Shindo was trying to convince the older male to have his breakfast, but the brunette refused to eat unless Shuichi also had something to eat.
"Don't be silly Ryu-kun. I'll eat later on the cafeteria."
"No. I have manners na no da and Kumagorou too. I taught him to be a good boy."
"I see." Shuichi snickered after glancing at the pink bunny sitting beside Ryuichi with a napkin on his lap like was actually about to eat too.
"Hey Shindo-san, Sakuma-san." Hiroshi smiled to both of them. "I can see you're feeling better."
"Oh yeah, Shu-chan is a great nurse na no da."
"I'm not a nurse Ryuichi!" He complained and both Ryuichi and Hiro laughed. Then Bad Luck's singer noticed the young girl behind Hiroshi. "Ano...who's that girl Hiro?"
"Gomen, I forgot. You must be thinking where my manners are." He apologized to the girl. "This is Ayaka-chan, she's lost and I'm helping her find a friend."
"Ayaka, this is my best friend Shindo Shuichi, and this is Nittle Grasper's Sakuma Ryuichi."
"SAKUMA RYUICHI!!!" She yelled and all order her to quiet down. "Sorry. I though your face was familiar…I have a fried that has all your records. He's a big fan."
"Arigato." He smiled happily to know he had fans. "Sit down, you all. I love having visitors na no da! And Kumagorou too, right Kuma-chan?" Then he answered in Kuma's voice.
"I sure am, Ryu-chan."
It was then when Ayaka snickered and wonder if he was in the hospital for mental problems.
"Oh, but we are in a rush. We only stepped by to see if you were ok. I'm glad you are. Hope to see you at the studio soon, ok?"
"Sure na no da!" He waved and then they were gone.
Hiro and Ayaka were silent all the way to the elevator and a few seconds after they were in, she couldn't help it but to ask.
"Is he crazy? He talks to a pink bunny!"
"Hey, hey, don't say that. That's his trademark."
Later that afternoon Shuichi went back home, and after he opened the door he saw a black haired Yuki sitting on the couch watching his NG video.
"Yuki…you colored your hair? Why?"
Tatsuha looked up and smiled.
"You must be Shuichi, as cute as Mika described you. Come sit here."
'This is not Yuki.' "And you are?"
"Uesugi Tatsuha, Yuki's younger brother."
"Brother? Yuki never mentioned you."
"I'm not surprised. Where you get this video?"
"Ryu-kun gave it to me."
"Ryu-kun? HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM SO FAMILIAR??????" He was hysterical.
"Well, he is one of my best friends, you know."
"REALLY???" Shindo nodded. "It's not fair!!! I don't even know him!"
"How come? Mika is married to Tohma-san."
"I know…life isn't fair. I live so far away!!!!!" He cried a little more and then looked up and down to Shuichi. "Demo…you look like Ryuichi. I'm so lucky!" And then he jumped on top of him.
"He won't come, he's not here. Which is good…he doesn't have to know."
"WHAT? Get off me!"
"What difference does it make; he's going to leave you anyway."
Shuichi froze and then cried louder.
"You're lying!"
"I'm not. He told me he doesn't want to see you ever again."
Shuichi's eyes widened with the shock. He was paralyzed and breathless. The words Tatsuha said couldn't be true, they couldn't.
"I…I…I…" He was silent again, but his eyes were overflowing with tears. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!!!!"
"I am not. He said never again."
Shuichi stopped yelling and looked up to Yuki's brother's eyes sadly. "Never again?"
"This is it! Tune in for next chapter na no da!!! " -Ryuichi
@(")_(") "See ya next chapter!" - Kumagorou
You guys are not supposed to be here. This is my session! =^.^= meow!
There will be more Ryuichi next chapter, PROMISED! -Kitty-kat
"You better na no da! I'm the star!!!" -Ryuichi