Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 9 )
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter 9: Betrayal
He couldn't believe it. It had to be a joke, a cruel lie. Yuki wouldn't leave him, he would not leave…
"Liar. Yuki, Yuki loves me. He loves me!" Shuichi cried loud desperately.
"Has he ever told you?" Shuichi was silent. "Then how do you know?"
He sadly lowered his head knowing it was true; there was no way for him to assure it. In fact, deep down there were doubts.
'Yuki doesn't love me at all…'
Tatsuha stood up, and tried to help Shuichi up, but the pink haired young man was so down he decided to wait for a while. Long minutes passed and Shuichi was still sobbing in the exact same position he last left him, but he couldn't wait any longer.
"We have to go Shuichi. I promised Eiri-sama you'll be out by now…and you're still here."
It was a shock. He even ordered his brother to kick him out? 'How cruel.' "Let's go then."
"Where should I take you?"
"Where's my stuff?"
"In my car." The singer nodded and walked outside. "Where to?"
"Just give me my things; I can walk."
"No. I'll take you. I cannot see you so upset… I'm really sorry, but Yuki…" He stopped talking and didn't finished the sentence.
"He's getting married."
"M…M-M-Married?" It was way too much for him, but he tried to hold on and not cry. Yuki betrayed him; he hurt him AGAIN, so he wouldn't give the satisfaction of letting him know he cried. "Then let's go. I have nothing to do here; on the contrary…I'm in the middle."
"Exactly." He glared at the angry face of the young singer trying to find out what he really felt. It was obvious he was angry, but…was he hurt? "So...where to?"
"Take me to him."
"I can't do that; I promised."
"Fine, then…let's go to my friend's place."
"Kuma-chan… Do you think they may be together now? Would they be kissing? Would they be eating? Would they be…loving?"
Kumagorou was silent.
"I think they are." He looked around the hospital room, the white cold walls were empty, the chair beside him was empty, and the entire room was empty. He was alone. "This room looks like me- empty, with nothing…loveless."
He curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed and squeezed his Kuma doll close to his heart.
"I wish someone stopped by. I'd feel better if Shu-chan were here."
But no one came by on the rest of the day, night, or morning…
Shuichi went back to his parents' house since Hiro had a guest. It was that same girl from the morning and he wondered what was with her, but still he paid no attention to her and went back home.
It felt lonely, even when his family was there, because Yuki wasn't there.
"Yuki…" A tear slid down the rounded cheek. 'I can't believe you make that scene the other night, ask me to stop seeing my friend, and then decide to get married. How could you? Why lie to me and hurt me so much. Looks like all you've done so far is break my heart…maybe Hiro's right. Maybe I should forget about him and…' "NO! I love Yuki!"
'Do I? I just don't know anymore. I'm so confused… I just don't know if he cared at all or just toy with me all this time.'
A creek echoed through the room after the door was opened. Quickly after a bag was thrown to the floor, a young man let himself fall against the couch. With him a pink bunny lay in the sofa while he sighed looking up to the ceiling.
"Back home." He chuckled. "Home sweet home." He sighed again and turned into his side. "So Kumagorou, what do you want to do today? Clean the rooms, do the laundry, write songs, or decorate?" He stopped talking for a moment, like he was actually listening to someone reply. "You're right, that one is not a good idea. It reminds me of Shuichi."
The phone rang and he quickly answered it. "Moshi, moshi?!"
"Ryuichi, it's me, Tohma. I heard you left the hospital, so I just called to remind you to drop by the studio tomorrow. We have to keep the schedule on time no matter what, and we have a lot of work behind. So don't forget, ok?"
"Sure, tomorrow."
"Bye." He hung up.
"He didn't even ask if I felt better… I guess I only mean one thing to Tohma…money. I guess that's all I ever was to him." He smiled. "I'm so pathetic…longing for love when I never had it. How can I miss something I never had? …What is love then? Does it really exist?"
He looked down to where Kumagorou was lying and took it in his hands.
"Not even you loved me. Maybe I should do the same you did…but I can't."
Bad Luck's leading man wanted to talk with his best friend, so he called him on the phone to see if he was finally free.
"Hiro, can I come over?"
"Can we meet tomorrow? I'm busy right now." He shamelessly replied knowing how terrible Shuichi most felt and he wasn't there. 'I should be there with you.'
"You're with her?"
"Yes, and K."
"He found us on our way and insisted on helping."
"That's weird." Hiro snickered knowing why K did it. It was no coincidence he was in front of his house when they went out, and less of a coincidence he insisted on coming along. "Well, then see ya tomorrow."
"Ok, and Shuichi."
"I'll make it up to you. I promise. I'm so sorry about this."
"Its ok, you have your own life too. I understand." He hung up the phone and as he pushed the button to turn it off he focused the silver band on his hand. "Ryuichi!" Then he ran out of the house and went straight to the hospital, but the good news was Ryuichi was already on his house; the bad news was he wasn't there when it happened. "I should make it up to him. I promised to be there."
So he decided to go buy some gifts to apologize.
"I hope he likes." He knocked, and a long minute after the door was opened by a sad Ryuichi. "Ryu-kun! What's wrong?"
"Shu-chan? Is this a dream?"
"No dream, it's me. I'm sorry. But…I came to keep one promise." He showed him the box he was carrying and then Ryuichi's expression changed from a sad one to and excited one. "So, you like what I brought?"
"A KUMAGOROU LAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A wide smile spread across his face. "I LOVE IT! Where you get this?"
Shuichi smiled. "Around, but that's not all I brought, come, let's see and decorate, ok?" Ryuichi nodded happily just like a little boy and then yelled even happier.
"Ok na no da!"
The entire day went by and the two singers finished most of the decoration in the apartment. The boxes were emptied and all the things were put in place. The living room walls had portraits and awards, and the bedroom was jolly and fun. The colors were bright and beautiful and it made Ryuichi feel enthusiastic.
"I love it! What do you think Shu-chan?"
"It's awesome, really cool. I wish I had a place like this, but I don't even have a place to stay besides my parents' house. At least that's better than living with Yuki. He was mean to me, AND a liar."
Ryu blinked a few times, he didn't know Yuki and Shuu broke up.
"But you know Ryuichi…I don't feel that bad because…because I have a friend like you." His eyes looked deep inside the brunette's blue eyes and then his lips draw a smile.
The older singer was speechless wondering what happened. 'Do they really break up?' But when he saw the brightness in the purple gaze and the white smile gifted to him he could only smile back.
"Say Ryuichi, want to go out for dinner? I'm starving."
"Sure. Where you want to go- I'll pay." He smiled playfully and then grabbed his doll before walking outside. 'Is this a date? Nah, I can't ask…I'm just going too fast, he, he.'
Eiri was smoking in the balcony waiting for his younger brother to come back. After a few minutes he went back inside and sat in front of his laptop. Silence was all he could hear; the apartment was SO lonely and tranquil. It was almost… "Annoying." The novelist chuckled after that remark. How can he suddenly think silence was annoying when all he ever wanted was silence? Could it be that he got used to Shuichi's constant noisy behavior? "Impossible." But then why he felt so unhappy, so lonely, so stupidly needy and longing for the smell and sight of the young male that always annoyed him but that now was missed so bad it hurt even in the bones. "Shuichi…" He sighed and looked sadly around the room. 'It's so empty.' He tried to write, but the pink hair and happy smile were all he could think of. "I made a mistake."
It was then that his brother appeared.
"Eiri-san?" He walked inside and spotted the blonde brother sitting miserably on the chair with his hands against his face looking deeply depressed. "Eiri? Are you ok? You look…depressed."
Yuki looked up and shook his head denying it. "I'm thinking. I'm blocked, I can't write."
"You miss him?"
"HUH!" He chuckled. "Are you serious? I couldn't be happier." But he couldn't fool his brother.
" eat dinner yet?" Eiri didn't answered and fake being writing something on the computer. "How about dinner, there's nothing on your fridge. You ever eat?"
"Shuichi probably eat what was left." 'Shuichi…' He shook his head to take him off his head and then replied. "Ok, let's go then." 'Maybe I just need a little air.' "Let me get my coat."
After he left the room, Tatsuha quickly peep on the monitor to check what he was writing, and then he smiled when he read the name his brother repeatedly wrote. "Shuichi."
"Where would you like to be seated?" The waiter asked the two young singers.
"On the window!" Ryuichi quickly replied without giving the younger male the chance to answer. "You'll like it; we get to see the lights."
"Ok." He softly smiled back.
They were guided to the second floor of the restaurant where the tables with windows were. It was a beautiful place with soft music, flowers, and a pretty fountain with a nice sound of falling water.
"It's so pretty Ryu... I've never been here before."
"Really? This is one of my favorites."
"Well, I can't afford it. He, he." He giggled softly so no one could hear him.
They got to their seats and Ryuichi helped Shu-chan sat down. Shuichi giggled feeling silly by such gesture that was usually done with the ladies, but then he guessed it was Ryuichi's way to flatter him with attention.
"You're so silly Ryuichi. You don't have to pull my chair."
He blushed. "Oh, sorry na no da!" He then quickly sat across him. "So, you saw the view?" Shuichi nodded staring out the window. "It's nice and pretty…but you, you are even more." The pink haired boy widely opened his eyes in shock since he didn't expect the flirting so soon. "Sorry…am I going too fast?" Shuichi didn't answer. "Sure I am. You just break up with Yuki; you're probably hurting and I just say the wrong words. Please forget what I just said." He looked down sadly and shamefully knowing the young man probably felt uncomfortable.
"Ryuichi…I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel bad or anything, but I need some time before trying something new. You are wonderful, and…you're number one on my list of possibilities if that's encouraging."
The brunette looked up a little excited and slowly nodded.
"You've been all he'd never been able to be, gentle, loving, sincere, and true. Ryuichi…thank you."
"You don't need to thank me, just…hurry up and love me." He smiled and Shuichi smiled back.
"I'll do my best. I promise."
The older singer took the younger hands with his while they share a loving smile, it was then that they were seen by other two young men.
The hazel eyes gleam with anger when he recognized the two lovely men sitting by the window. His brother was shocked and almost fainted when he saw his beloved Sakuma-san with another man, not only another man, but his brother's little man. And then both softly pronounced a name with intense anguish.
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