Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Goodby Shuichi ( Chapter 14 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter 14: Goodbye Shuichi
“Good morning, Hi-chan.” *wink*
The redhead sighed and rolled over to the other side, and then it happened. He realized he wasn't alone and in just one second he was up and with his eyes popping out. “What are you doing here????” He quickly asked while covering his bare chest after realizing he wasn't wearing much.
“Oh, come on! Don't play innocent again.”
“I said, what are you doing in here? How you get in?”
“Hello, you opened the door, remember?”
“No…” He was thoughtful for a moment and then his face gave all the red shades that ever existed. “You mean…IT WASN'T A DREAM??????” *shakes*
“Nope.” He smirked and got closer. “It was all real.” The blonde ran his fingers down the long reddish locks and steal a kiss while he waited. “So?”
“Oh God…I am officially bi.”
“Hey, I though you and Shindo-san…”
“Shuichi and I?? Are you crazy, I mean… Well, I-I-I…”
“You like him but he is clueless huh?”
“How do you know? I mean…” *sweatdrop* “Damn.”
“You are so cute, he he, but not as smart as you think.”
“So, K…if you're going to hang out for a while…would you make some coffee?”
“Coffee, huh?” Hiroshi nodded. “I'm no servant! Get it yourself!” And then he lay down again wearing a devilish smile.
“You baka!” Hiroshi stood up and sighed once again when he saw the tanned skin completely revealed to his manager. “Damn.”
“Don't worry; I already memorize it.”
His face blushed once again, and then left to make some coffee.
“Don't forget mine!!” K happily added.
“Jerk!” He mumbled a few non-sense and then added. “Cream? Sugar?”
“Yes please!”
“How many sugars?”
“Two, thank you.”
“Next time, you'll do it!”
“Oh, great! There will be a next time!” *Wide smile*
*Sweatdrop* “I didn't say that!”
“Oh, yes you did!”
“I'm such a fool.” Hiro sighed feeling stupid.
“At least you accept it.” And he burst into laughter.
Since Shuichi couldn't close his eyes the night before, he entertained himself by calling his two best friends, but none ever answered. He left one message on Hiro's mail box, but since he was too worried about Ryuichi he left enough messages to fill the entire memory of the mailbox.
The last call was made around four in the morning, but still Ryuichi never answered, and he finally went to bed surrendered.
It was only obvious he wouldn't be able to wake up early the next day, so when the novelist get out of his room, he found a sleeping Shuichi with the phone in his hand.
“Baka.” Was all he could say, and then decided to wake him up. “Shuichi, Shuichi wake up.” He shook him softly.
“Yuki…” Shuichi mumbled in his slumber while he turned to the other side.
“Shuichi!” He sighed. “Looks like he didn't sleep at all.” So he decided to let him be and prepare some breakfast. “Why do I bother?” The novelist asked himself. `Why do I care for him? It hurts to care.'
But with the smell of food the genki singer woke up. “Hummmm… Yuki? Yuki, is that you?” He ran to the kitchen excited. “You made some breakfast?” The blonde nodded. “For me too?” He asked wishfully with bright eyes.
“Oh YUKI!!!” He tried to hug him, but he was pushed away. “Yuki?”
“Don't get too excited. You were lucky because you are still here.”
“I know I should be gone by now, but…I couldn't sleep last night.”
“Of course, you were in the phone all night. Who were you talking to, Nakano? …Sakuma?”
“None…I tried to call but-“
“So you were trying to call…” He didn't like it. “…to tell them our problems? You are just like a girl.”
“Huh? A girl?”
“No, you're worst.” He sat down and began to eat and then looked up to where Shuichi was standing. “It's getting cold.”
“I'm not hungry anymore.”
“Definitely a girl.” He shook his head. “Eat.”
Sakuma Ryuichi's life was going down the drain. He felt lonelier than ever, not only because he had no one by his side, but because Kumagorou wasn't there either. No one, not even the pink bunny was there to give him some company and comfort. Since he returned from the graveyard he's been locked up in his hotel room for many hours thinking over and over what to do with his life. But the more he thinks, the less he knew and the more desperate he become.
“All I know is how to sing…” He sighed. “But I can no longer do it again. I retired and I won't sing ever again. I won't sing; I won't!” He closed his eyes to let the tears escape his eyes. It hurt. Knowing he would no longer sing was tearing him apart. Knowing he won't even have Kuma-chan beside him was tearing him apart.
“I'm torn. I have nothing.” He was silent for a few minutes and then another tear escaped his eyes. “Maybe I should join you nii-chan. Maybe you are right and the only way out to suffering is death.” His body begins to shake after listening to his last words. `Do I want to die?' He sat up and looked around the room. “This is not what I want, all I want is…” He closed his eyes and the only think he could see was pink. Beautiful pink hair and big purple eyes looking at him, and the rounded face before him was wearing a smile. “Shuichi…” He shook his head heavily many, many times. “He can't love me; he won't ever love me. I'm loveless…loveless. Forever loveless. Forever…forever…”
He rocked on the bed while his tears bath his beautiful face. He rocked and rocked until his body was shaking so strongly he couldn't even rock anymore.
“I want to die. He doesn't care…he probably don't even remember me or care that I left. Actually…he must be happy that I won't be between him and his precious Yuki.”
Sakuma-san stood up to search through his bags. “Where is it?” All the clothes were flying like a rocket, and all his belongings as well. He grabbed the cell phone and threw it to the side until he found a bottle of pills. “Here it is. This should do it.”
The saddest face in the world was wear by Bad Luck's leading man- Shuichi Shindo. He had many things on his mind, first Yuki and his rollercoaster attitude. One day he was `lovable' and the other he was painfully hard on him.
“Yuki…I wonder if you truly care for me or I'm just a toy for you?” He sighed while walking extremely slowly through the streets that would lead him to NG Studios. “Maybe all you want is someone to fuck with.” He decided to sit down on a bench to think a little more. “It can't be that.”
`At least, I don't want to believe that.'
“I wish Ryu-chan was here- he always made me feel better.” He scratched his head. “And where the hell is Hiro when you need him???” He cried hysterically on the bench while shaking his hands in the air like a lunatic. It was then that he decided to give another try and call Sakuma-san on his cell phone. “Maybe he finally decided to answer.”
Sakuma has been staring to the bottle of pills on his hand for a few hours by now. He wasn't sure if it was `the right thing to do' or if he was just acting like a coward by running away from life.
“There's no other way out…it's not like someone is going to truly miss me.” He sarcastically begins to laugh at himself. “I'm so pathetic, not even one single person loves me in this world. All my fans just love the music or the way I sing, but none of them love the real me. The man I am or the child in me.”
`It is the best. I'll do a favor to the world by disappearing.'
He opened the bottle and wondered how many would be enough to stop his heart for beating again, how many will stop his breathing forever.
“I'll take them all, just to make sure I won't be here tomorrow.” He stood up look at his reflection in the mirror one last time. “You won't be alone anymore, Sakuma-san…” He smiled, filled his hands with pills and then looked up to his reflection once again. “Don't be scared, you'll be alright. You'll be with your brother, with your nii-chan.” He closed his eyes while he placed all the pills he could inside his mouth and before swallowing had a last though.
`Goodbye Shuichi.'
That's it for now, tune in for the next chapter soon! I think I will be ending this story soon. :P Well I hope everything flows in my brain naturally. Please don't hate me people!!!!!!
=^.^= meow!