Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Missing You ( Chapter 13 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
Kitty Kat =^.^=
Chapter 13: Missing You
It was late in the afternoon when Sakuma Ryuichi reached his destiny. His legs started to tremble while he stepped down the plane. He felt an immense fear developing from within that he could no longer control. The more he walked the paler his skin turned and the more his body sweated. He couldn't go any further anymore, so he turned around and held on to a wall while his body shook heavily.
“I can't!”
He cried. It was like all the memories he managed to burry deep inside his heart were suddenly floating in the air and playing in his mind over and over.
“I can't!”
Ryuichi tremble against the cold wall for a few minutes, and then gathered the strength to keep walking.
“I have to do it.” `I'm stronger now. I can do it.'
Hiro was starting to get desperate. Shuichi and he have been sitting on the floor of Sakuma's apartment for hours. The more he tried to take his best friend away, he wasn't able to do it because Shuichi refused and kept crying.
“Do you think crying will bring him back? If you want him to return, do something about it.”
The sobs ceased and the pink haired young man looked up to face his friend. “Huh? What are you trying to say?”
“I think you're hiding something.”
“Hey, it's just weird to see you so upset over nothing. It's not like Yuki left.”
Shuichi frowned. “I know what you're doing! You're trying to make me think this is not bad because it wasn't Yuki, so I'll stop crying!” He waved his hands in the air frantically. “Well, it's not working!!!” He begins to cry again.
“Oh man. Are we staying here forever? I'm getting hungry, maybe he left something in the kitchen.”
“POCKY!!!” Shuichi yelled while he ran to the kitchen running over the longhaired man walking the same way.
“Shuichi! You had to run over me???” Then he snickered when he saw his friend crying (again) while he stares at a cabinet. “Now what?”
“It's full. He left my cabinet full.”
“Your cabinet?” Hiroshi scratched his head.
“Yeah, Ryu-chan bought Pocky for me and filled this cabinet, so I would ALWAYS have Pocky.”
“He did?” Hiro peered. “He did.” The red head turned around thoughtful and then looked back to where Shuichi was standing. “Why would he do that? You came THAT often?”
“Well…sort of. He invited me to live here too, but the Pocky was here already.” It was then when Shuichi's mood changed a little bit and happily begins to fill his backpack.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm taking MY Pocky home. There's no use for leaving it behind. Besides, Yuki never buys Pocky for me.”
“Help me out Hiro!”
`He's starting to compare them already.' A small smile was drawn on his lips, and then he decided to help his friend since the backpack was already filled to the maximum.
`Every memory from this place is so painful.'
Soft winds begin to brush the brown locks of the young man staring at an old grave.
“It's been so long nii-chan, ne? You once left me and then I tried to do the same, but the truth is I always carry you everywhere I go. It wasn't you, but this toy made me feel like you were still beside me. It's been so lonely without you. I missed you so much.”
He sighed and held on to his tears.
“All these years I've been alone and searching for someone to love me, but I've failed. The more I try, the more I fail. I am a winner in front of everyone, a star surrounded by people, but…none of them love me. All they care is for my fame and money. So, in reality I'm a loser. I'm a loser with nothing.”
Ryuichi couldn't stop his tears from falling anymore, so he let them freely roll down his cheeks.
“Why live if there's no one to share happy moments and not so happy moments with? You left me and leave my life empty and loveless. I loved you and I hated you for leaving me nothing more than this pink bunny. This bunny…it made people make fun of me, but still I kept it because it was the last gift you gave me. But now…not even this can heal my broken heart. Day by day and year through year a tiny piece of me broke until now. But now, there's nothing else left. I'm completely broken, shattered into pieces. The worst thing is no one will help me gather them together again.”
Ryuichi bent down and left Kumagorou on top of the grave.
“Sayonara Jomei. I'm a grown man, but you're still a kid. I think Kumagorou will be better with you than with a bitter old man. He likes to play a lot and I can no longer play and try to be happy. My lips can no longer give another fictional smile. Sayonara Kuma-chan and please forgive me.” `I know I'll miss you too.'
Ryuichi ran away while he sobs. He ran and ran until his legs hurt and made him fall down to the ground only to let more tears escape.
Shuichi cried in his singing tone voice, but the writer didn't responded.
But that was not enough to stop Shuichi from calling and looking all over the apartment if it was necessary.
“Yuki, Yuki, Yuki, Yuki!!!” He found him on his office. “Finally! You were hiding from me, Yuki?” He quickly ran to the blonde's side and smile.
Yuki looked up and lift a brow when he saw his lover with his back pack, but that wasn't strange. What was strange was that it was filled to the maximum, so filled Shuichi fell back and his legs floated in the air while he cried for help .
“YUKI!! Help me!!!”
“Baka.” It was all he said, but he eventually helped the singer up. “What are you carrying in there anyway?
“Pocky?” Yuki rolled his eyes. “Is that how you're spending your earnings?”
“OH! No, no, no! I didn't buy them…I…well…technically, I found them.”
“Found hem? Where could you possibly found a Pocky treasure?” He eyed Shuichi with a questioning look.
“Well…you see….I...I…I…”
“Oh, I see….” He stood up and took a drag from his lit cigarette. “Sakuma Ryuichi, am I right?”
“I though he was gone, or was it all just an advertisement technique from Tohma?”
“NO! Ryu-kun, I mean, Sakuma-san left. I couldn't find him anywhere!!!”
Then Yuki turned around even more pissed off.
“You went out looking for him?” Slowly the pink head nodded. “That's it; you can pack your bags and all your Pocky boxes and get the hell out of my apartment.”
“Why? Ryuichi is gone and there's no reason to be jealous.”
“Jealous? I am not jealous, JA, jealous of that silly singer.”
“Yuki is jealous…” Shuichi nudge Yuki a couple of times. “Come on, accept it Yuki. You are jealous because you're afraid to lose me to Ryu-chan.”
“Please…like you are irreplaceable.”
“Yuki…” The young singer looked sadly to the floor. `He's always so mean. Can't he see those are the things that hurt me the most?'
After looking at the sad rounded face of his lover for a few moments, he coldly ordered: “Take a bath and go to my room.”
“Are we…?”
“Just do it.”
Long reddish locks of hair were slowly caressed without warning, and it made the young guitarist to jump from his seat.
“What the fuc- ..?” But when he looked up to find out who was being so familiar, his face turned even angrier. “What do you want?” He frowned.
“So, where did you left your boyfriend?” The question was followed by an evil smirk.
“I have no boyfriend, but since you asked…where did YOU left your two lovers?”
“Oh…they're around.” To Hiro's surprised, the black haired young man sat on his table. “Nakano, why are you wasting your time with Shindo-san? Why don't you play with us? ASK is a lot better than Bad Luck and with a promising future. You are a smart guy, so do yourself a favor and quit Bad Luck before is too late and you drown on Shuichi's shit too.”
“So Taki… Why don't you do you a favor and get a life?” Hiroshi smiled calmly, but Taki's face started turning red. “You're just afraid to get beat up by us; because you know Shuichi is better than you. So pathetic, trying to break his group so you won't have competition. But let me tell you something, Shuichi doesn't need me or anyone to shine- he got his own light. So, no matter if I stay or quit Bad Luck, he'll always go above you.”
Hiroshi stood up and left the money of his coffee on the table, but left behind an angry young man.
“You two will pay…no one speaks to me like that.” He chuckled. “And to think I was going to make a move on you. What a waste!”
Yuki left the room after making love with his little lover to smoke another cigarette, while Shuichi wondered about them.
`He's cold…even in bed. Yuki…how can I tell you? I wish I could tell you something, but you'll probably get upset.' He sighed. `I wish you were a little more careful…you sometimes hurt me.' He sighed again. `There's no use…there's no way I'll tell him. Like there's no way he'll let me be on top.'
After a few minutes Yuki came back and sat next to Shuichi.
“Aren't you going brat? I don't want you next to me tonight.”
Shuichi was a little surprised, even when it wasn't the first time he said that. “But why?!!” Yuki was silent. “I didn't please you?” Still there was silence. “I promise Yuki, I'll work harder until I make you feel good.”
“It has nothing to do with that.”
“I just can't stand you.”
“YUKI!” As always, Shuichi's eyes gave a rain. “That's not true! You said you wanted me back the other day!!”
“I made a mistake.”
“But Yuki-“
“Get out, I said.”
And with the saddest face in the world, he left the room and lay on the sofa.
“I don't understand you…”
`Sometimes I feel like running away- just like Ryuichi.' He sighed sadly. “I miss you Ryu…I wish we could talk right now…” Suddenly he sat up and hit his head. “I can call him!” So he grabbed the phone and call to Ryuichi's cell phone, but the recorder was on.
“Sakuma-san is not available right now, he must be playing with his Kuma-doll, but don't worry! He won't be playing forever…probably. Leave a message and he or Kuma-chan will answer shortly. AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
While he listened to the recorded message, Shuichi smiled but then turned sad again after remembering what Yuki did and that his friend was gone. “Ryu, is Shu-chan… I can't find you anywhere…why you left? You didn't even say goodbye, please call me.”
After hanging up he threw himself back to the sofa and closed his eyes. “I miss you.”
Hiya! =^.^= Sorry for the delay!!! I forgot to finish uploading this story! I finished this ages ago! My apologies, but hope you all like!