Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Forever Smiling ( Chapter 19 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter 19: Forever smiling
It all suddenly turned gray. The time stopped forever…
There were two men looking at each other with surprise. What is he doing here? Both wondered at the same time, and then another question with the same answer also crossed their minds.
Should I go? No…I want to be beside him- because I love Shuichi.
The time stay still -only stares across the room from golden eyes to blue- and a sleeping body healing the deepest wounds. But for Shuichi was the same, the time didn't continue because in his heart the same wounds kept bleeding.
Finally, the blonde made his move forward deciding to ignore the other male sitting next to his pink love. Each step echoed inside the room screaming in Ryuichi's ears -he's mine! The look in the blonde's eyes also yelled he's mine - go away! But Ryuichi swallow hard and stay silent waiting for was about to happen.
`This is it.' The blue eyes closed slowly with sadness. `You better make him happy Yuki…I'm tired of seeing him sad because of you. But…I won't leave him again, not this time Yuki. This time I'll be beside him for real.'
“What the doctor said?” The writer asked seriously and coldly toward the other singer.
“He'll survive. No broken bones…just a few cuts- nothing serious.”
The blonde sighed in relief. “How long he's been sleeping?”
“About an hour- he was tired.”
“Well…you don't have to stay. I'll take care of him.”
“I want to stay. I won't leave- I promised Shuichi.” Ryu acted serious all the time, not even once he let out that kid that suddenly took over his body and made him look silly- but no, not in front of him. Not in front of the man that had stolen the love of two men he had also loved. He wanted to be mature, for once, and acted like the 31 year old he was. “Shuichi… Shuichi is hurt Yuki. More than he looks like. His wounds are not only superficial.”
“The one that hurt him the most wasn't the idiot that beat him up. It was you; you tore his heart.”
“I ripped it in million pieces- I know. That's why I'm here… Will you please let me talk to him?”
“When Shuichi wakes up…I'll leave. Only because it's the first time you asked nicely.”
Meanwhile Hiroshi drank from his coffee cup in the cafeteria trying to calm his stress away.
`When ? When should I tell him?...And how?'
He sighed in frustration and recalled that phone call.
~Don't forget my offer if you don't want something worse to happen to him. *Laughter was heard* Come see my work of art Nakano-san it's right in your doorstep.~
“Damn.” He whispered right at the same moment a tall longhaired blonde sit in front of him. “K!” He was surprise to see him.
“So, how's Shuichi?”
“Not so good, what do you expect.”
“I guess. Look, I'm sorry. You were right- he was in trouble after all and I didn't believe you. I guess no one knows Shuichi better than you do. Friends?”
“Look K… I don't think this going to work. You and I are completely different and I…I'm not into older men.”
“Oh… So now you're not into older men, huh?” He frowned. `That's not what you said the other night when you shiver with passion in my arms…' He sighed. “Fine, I'm not begging a brat like you to like me. If you want to be Shuichi's napkin all your life, that's fine. Just…forget what happened. Now our relationship is strictly monetary.”
“I'm sorry K…but I will no longer play in Bad Luck. Last night's show was my last as a Bad Luck member.”
“What???! Hiro, I think you're exaggerating!”
“It's not because of you…it's me. I have to go away from Shuichi. You're right; I better part my own way so I can forget. He has Yuki or Ryuichi…whoever he chooses. I will always be just Hiro.”
`He'll never love me…Shuichi is a thorn in his heart.' “So…you're really leaving?” `Please say no.'
“Yes. I just don't know how to tell him. He's very hurt right now.”
“You know Shuichi, one moment he's sad and the other he's all excited. So don' worry about him and Yuki.” `Hey and don't worry about me either! Huh, like you even care.' “They probably make out by now…he came with Tohma and me.”
“He did?!” K nodded. “Then it's final…I quit Bad Luck.” He stood up and looked down at K's sad face. “It was a pleasure working with you. Please make sure Shuichi goes straight to the stars and take good care of him. I'll tell him myself as soon as he recovers.”
“Sure…good luck to you too.” `And good luck to my broken heart.'
Hiroshi left with sorrow but it was something he had to do. `I hope you're happy Aizawa.'
“Hiro-kun…I guess this is goodbye.” K looked at the dissolving silhouette walking away from him. He wasn't that far, but the droplets blurring his sight made him look like he was in fact disappearing. `I'll miss you.'
Purple eyes finally found the light again and with the light the sight of two beautiful faces looking down at him. Both looked really worried and both took his breath away.
`Ryu…Yuki…! Oh God, I can't breathe!'
“Are you alright?” Both males asked simultaneously and the pink head nodded.
“Do you want something? Anything?” Sakuma asked quickly.
“Yes. Don't go anywhere…” He slowly reached for Ryuichi's hand. “I want you to stay every minute by my side from now on.” He didn't look to where Yuki was, even less to the blonde's eyes.
`He's ignoring me?'
“I won't go Shu-chan. I'll take good care of you.”
“Shui-“ Yuki tried to speak up, but Shuichi quickly started talking so he wouldn't hear him.
“Where's Kuma-chan? I want to play Ryu.”
“I'm sorry Shu…Kumagorou is no longer with me. I left him home where he belongs.”
“Too bad…” He was silent, so Yuki tried once again to talk.
“Shuichi, I-“
“But we can color something, right?” Ryuichi nodded. “You have colors?”
“…” Yuki was getting irritated.
“I think I may have somewhere…let's see.”
“Alright!” Shuichi tried to act perky.
“Shuichi! Stop acting like a baby!” He didn't answer. “Stop ignoring me- I know you're aware of my presence.”
“Did you hear something Ryuichi?” Ryuichi didn't dare to answer. “Better close the window.”
“The window is closed Shuichi.” The brunette practically whispered.
“Great, now you just turn even more immature than this big-kid beside you.” His voice sounded ruff and angry.
It bothered him, the hard tone of his voice and the insults toward Ryuichi. “Get out!” Shuichi finally looked his way revealing the redness and tears inside his pretty rounded eyes. “I though I told you it was over between us. I waited like the idiot I am, but you obviously never show up. I don't know why you even bother when you are disgust by my presence and my music!”
Yuki's eyes widened with surprise. “You're wrong!”
“No I'm not! You're annoyed by me all the time and you hate my music and lyrics. You hate the music of my heart Yuki…you hate me. If you hate my music, you hate me as well because my music is what I really am. My music is the reflection of my soul, the mirror of my heart…the only way to understand it it's trough it and you obviously don't understand it. I want to start a new life without you.”
“Is it about the phone call? Look I was drunk and angry because I though you left with Ryuichi.”
“What phone call? I don't know what you're talking about.” Yuki was surprised to hear that. “It's about you and me, nothing else. Ryuichi has nothing to do with it. I'm tired Yuki. I'm tired of trying to make you like me to only receive abuse and mistreat. I deserve better Yuki…I deserve better than the life you've given me. I'm only a sex toy for you…there are plenty on the streets, go get a new one.”
Yuki was surprised to hear his cute little lover yelling to his face with such anger and pain. It was torturing to see how hurt Shuichi was, it was so clearly written all over his face and Yuki could only feel destroyed for all the sorrow he planted on his lover's heart. “Shuichi…” His eyes gave up and the tears started flowing endlessly down his cheeks. “I only came to say…” But he couldn't finish, so he turned around and covered his mouth with a hand while his body shook heavily for holding back his tears so much. `I can't tell him. I can't keep hurting him.' “It doesn't matter…” `You have Ryuichi now…'
Shuichi and Ryuichi were under a shock, they never saw Yuki cry and he really looked broken after hearing all the words his beloved yelled to his face. It was all true, Shuichi deserved better than him- that was the writer's last though.
“Sayonara.” He walked out and closed the door behind leaving two frozen bodies inside the room. `It can't be true. It was too late…I already hurt him too much. But he is wrong…about all; he's wrong. I love his music…I love his smile…I love his smell…I love him completely, but that is something he'll never know. I just didn't know how to show him, and was scare to accept that in fact he was my universe. My only universe.'
Inside the room silence was king and bitterness was queen. Shuichi felt unhappy and even selfish for not giving Yuki a chance to say a word. He wasn't sure if he made the right choice or if he just ended his last chance of happiness with Yuki.
“Yuki…It can't be true…he's gone. Gone.” Finally his eyes gave a river away and his body crumbled against Ryuichi as he sob hardly and painfully trying to wash away the pain trapped inside his heart.
“Shuichi…do you want me to call him back?” `I can't see him cry. I only want to see his smile…even if he doesn't smile for me.'
“No…you heard him this was goodbye.”
But it made Ryuichi felt terrible. `This is wrong…Yuki loves him for real. I can tell; he was torn.'
Days rolled by and Bad Luck had their first rehearsal after the concert. Sakano was there, K was there, Suguro was there, and even Shuichi was there, but someone was missing.
“Ano…where's Hiro?” Shuichi sadly asked. “He told me he'll meet me here.”
“It is weird; he's always the first to get in here.” Suguru assured. “Maybe he felt sick.”
“But he looked fine this morning.” K was silent all the way and Sakano started wondering all the horrible possibilities, from maybe he got hit by a train and his motorcycle fly and crashed against his head, to he went swimming on the lake and drown because of cramps. “Oh stop it Sakano-san…you're not helping, you know?”
A few minutes after, Aizawa walked in smiling evilly with Ken, Ma, and Hiro. “I just came to give you the good news Shindo-san. Nakano-san is my new guitarist. He decided to join ASK since we are better than your silly little band, so say goodbye to your old buddy.” He smirked while Hiro looked down shamefully.
“Nani??!!” Shuichi couldn't believe it. “It's a joke, right Hiro? Right? Tell me it's a joke!” But Hiroshi didn't reply. “Hiro…? Hiro?” His eyes were already blurring with tears.
The read head cleared his throat and whispered. “I'm sorry Shuichi, its true.” But he couldn't look at his dear friend's eyes, so he ran away while Shuichi tried to follow but Aizawa hold him back.
“Hold it! Just face it Shuichi, you stink. Even your best friend thinks you stink.” He laughed and walked away with the other two guys and Shuichi fell down to the floor crying.
“Baka…” He whispered. “BAKA!” He screamed loudly. “BAAAKAAAAAAA!!!!!!”
Everyone looked down to where he was sitting, yelling, and crying for the stabbed he just received from behind. No one said a word, and everyone pities him for the many losses he had in the last few days.
“It's ok now…” K kneeled down. “You don't need him to succeed. You can shine with your own light Shuichi.”
“I can't…I can't sing anymore.”
“Don't say that!” Suguru exploded. “We'll prove him we can do it without him.”
“You don't understand…this was our dream, without him it doesn't make sense anymore. It just doesn't.”
Someone entered the room a few minutes before Hiroshi left and was silently watching, and it was now when he decided to make his entrance. “Shuichi…”
“Ryu!” He slump to his arms. “Ryu, Hiro..Hiro…”
“I know. But you don't need him to be successful. It will be sad for a while, but you'll get use to it. I had plans for you…and me, but I was going to wait. Now…I think it's the right time.”
Shuichi looked up confused and Ryuichi answer with a smile. “Do you want to join in a band with me? I think we can be an awesome combination.”
“I'll give you some time to think about it. You'll probably want to talk this over with Hiro and all.”
“No. He made his decision, from all the groups in the world he chose ASK. I won't forgive him.”
“It means…?”
“You got yourself a partner.” He offered Ryuichi his hand and this one quickly grabbed it to seal their contract with a handshake, but Shuichi's eyes were still dripping.
The older singer washed the droplets falling from Shuichi's eyes with his fingertips. “We'll have fun- you'll see.” Ryuichi couldn't help but to smile so maybe Shuichi follow him and smile as well.
“We will.” But Shuichi's eyes were still sad for his best friend's betrayal.
Everyone was surprised with all the news, and then Suguru asked sheepishly. “What about me?”
Meanwhile Hiroshi was locked in the bathroom hating himself for hurting Shuichi, and hating Aizawa even more. `This won't end like this…I'll prove you were the one that kidnapped Shuichi. I'll prove it.'
Yuki was drunk- again. Wondering if Shuichi will ever forgive him, but then again…he had Ryuichi, right? It looked like he was happy to have Ryu beside him instead of him. “Sakuma…Sakuma Ryuichi. You won't ruin my life- you won't.” He begins to laugh. “I don't need that brat, you can have him. In fact you're doing me a favor! I'm perfectly fine by myself…no one to make noises all the time and say stupid things constantly…and…kiss me…and…hold me…and…love me…and simply…care for my existence. Simply care…for me- for this imbecile. What a fool, wasting my time thinking about a phantom when I had all I needed right beside me. He was waiting impatiently for me to simply look at him and embrace his love. Embrace his love…forever.” He laughed again and sat up in front of his laptop and begins to write a new story. “Pink.” He smirks. “Sound silly…I like it.” But yeah, he was drunk, so he'll probably regret all he wrote in the morning. After all, it was not like him to write about himself and his personal affairs.
“Don't look so sad Shu-chan…” Sakuma knew it was almost impossible to make him smile. “Look, I know you're going trough a hard time- loosing your best friend and…your lover, but life goes on and you can't give up now. You may think it's easy for me to say it, but I've been there, you know. I know you think the world ended and you think there's something wrong with you…but there's nothing wrong sweetie. I know how it feels to think you're better off dead that you have nothing, and your life is empty. But you know what, it's up to you to fill it up again- that's what I'm trying to do now.”
“Ryu, were you depressed? When you left? You took a while to answer my calls.”
“I was more than depressed, but you saved me. You don't know it, but you saved my life Shuichi- I mean it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just trust me on that one. Now…lets get you comfy in your bedroom, k?”
“I really don't want to be a bother, but I couldn't stay with Hiro anymore.”
“You are NO bother to me at all. I appreciate a little company.”
“You're lonely, right?” He asked concerned, and since he really, really wanted to ask him for some time now.
“Yes, very lonely, but its ok- I guess I already get used to the idea of being alone…forever.” He smiled sadly. “Maybe it's the destiny of all successful artist…well maybe not, but I've heard plenty feel lonely too. Maybe you will at some point, but hopefully you won't.”
“I already feel lonely Ryu…but you know what.” Ryu looked down to him and cocked his head while waiting. “I don't feel lonely when I'm with you.” Shuichi lean down his head against Ryuichi's shoulder in a tender way and the older man felt his heart accelerate for an instance, but then he only caressed the pink locks he adored and smile.
“Shu…me neither.”
“Will you tell me everything? All that happened while you were gone? I want to know.”
“Ok, but you'll be disappointed in me.”
“I won't- I promise.” Both walked to Shuichi's bedroom and sat on the bed. “Ryu…?”
“Now we'll have each other…is that ok?”
“...” He nodded. `He's so sad… I know his eyes won't shine for me the way they shine for Yuki. I don't think he'll ever love me the way I love him. But it's ok, as long as he's my friend.'
“Thank you- for your kindness.”
“No Shuichi…thank you for living.” He smile to him sweetly and held his face with both hands, but Shuichi's eyes were still sad. “I'll do my best to erase the sadness in your eyes. I want to see them shining again, like they used to.”
“Maybe with time and care…from you they will.” Shuichi took his idol's hands and looked deep into his eyes. “You're the only one I have now.”
“Don't say that. I'm sure Hiro loves you, there's got to be something BIG behind this. We must figure it out- you can't just give up on your best friend, can you?”
“…” He looked down. “I'm just so sad, and hurt right now. I don't know what to think, it was all so sudden and with no reason at all. He never said he had problems with Bad Luck…”
“That proves I'm right Shu-chan! How about we play a game?”
“A game?”
He smiled. “Yes, we'll be private investigators.” He wink and Shuichi giggled. “HA! I made you smile na no da!!!!!!” Then they both burst with laughter.
`That's how I want you Shuichi, smiling, forever smiling.'
Ok this is it! You see, no cliffhanger! Just to show you guys my appreciation for all your wonderful comments. They make me a happy kitty. =^.^= *purr* Meow!
=^__^= see ya next chapter na no da!!!!! MEOWIES!