Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ What I need ( Chapter 18 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat
Chapter 18: What I need
The morning arrived and Hiroshi wouldn't move away from Shuichi or even dare to fall asleep.
`It's my fault!'
He angrily punched the wall.
`Those bastards… Now what should I do?'
He sighed and softly caressed the soft pink locks spread over his pillow.
One lonely tear rolled down his cheek while he thinks of the solution.
`Please forgive me… I only want to protect you.'
Tohma was sitting on his office since very early waiting for some news about Shuichi. Eiri wouldn't answer his calls, neither did K, and so he waited impatiently to finally know the singer's location and status.
“If someone would respond my phone calls…hum…maybe I should call him.”
He dialed his former singer number to finally find out if he actually was with Shuichi. “C'mon…Ryu.” He nervously tapped his fingers on the table.
“MOSHI MOSHI!!!” The voice on the other side laughed happily. “Ohaiyo Tohma-san!”
The blonde was surprised to hear him so cheerful. “Humm…I can see you feel better.”
“HAI! How's Noriko and Mika-chan?” Once again a sing song voice answered joyfully.
“They're fine…I'm glad you're ok. I was starting to worry.”
“There's no need. Shu-chan helped me.” The singer smiled right after pronouncing the beloved name- Shuichi.
“Shindo-san…is he with you?”
“Shu-chan? Nah! He's probably sleeping after last night's concert. So, how was it?”
“You're clueless Ryuichi…haven't you watched the news? Shuichi was kidnapped last night.” He sighed and then finished. “We actually though he was with you.”
“Nani??? You though I kidnapped Shu-chan??” The only suggestion surprised him and most of all hurt his feelings. “How could you Tohma? And to think I was happy you called…You-you…” `He thinks I'm a kidnapper?!!! So cruel…he knows I'm innocent, doesn't he?'
“I'm sorry Ryuichi…” *Beep beep beep* “Ryu? Ryu? … He hung up.” He sighed. “Way to go Seguchi.” `You know Ryu… He's so fragile.'
“I wonder what K will say…he'll be angry…well angrier.” He was drinking from a cup of coffee when Shuichi finally moved and moan. “Shuichi!” The read head quickly sit beside him. “I'm here with you…no one's going to hurt you again. I promise.” `I'll do anything…anything Shuichi, even if it means…a breakup.'
“Ahhhhh.” He softly moans. “Hiro? Hiro, is that you?” Trying to open his eyes.
“Don't force yourself, rest. They beat you up pretty bad.”
“Hnnnn. Itai, itai.”
“I know. I'm so sorry I wasn't there.” The sadness in Hiroshi's eyes was very noticeable.
“I though it was Ryuichi… But it wasn't him. Someone fooled me. He even had a Kumagorou…he was dressed like Ryu-chan…I wanted to see Ryu-chan and then…hnnn…I don't know what happened, but it hurts now. Ryu wouldn't hurt me- I know.”
“It wasn't him…now try to rest. I've been trying to reach Yuki but he's not answering the phone.”
“I'll call again.”
“No…forget about Yuki.” Shuichi was silent for a few seconds. “Yuki doesn't care for me. I told him. I told him it was over if he didn't show up… And he didn't show up.”
“When did you tell him?”
“In the morning. He just hates Bad Luck, but if he hates Bad Luck, then he hates a part of me. I can't be with him if he hates what I do… I only wanted for him to like me the most, but…it's only my dream. Yuki. Yuki is cold hearted and doesn't care about how I feel.” Tears flow down his damaged face.
“Shuichi…” `He's more hurt emotionally than physically.'
“I don't think Yuki is what I need right now. I need someone who can support me in this process I'm going through. I want to live my dream, and I'm going to do it with or without him. And the truth is…he's getting on the way. All he does makes me walk a step backward and I need to go straight forward. I don't need his unsupportive attitude. I need someone who can understand me and share my happiness- Yuki is not that person. He will never be happy to see me singing, because…because he hates my music. That makes me wonder, how can I love someone that hates my music, when my music is only a reflection of my heart?”
“Shuichi…” `I guess he's right. Music does come from the heart- from Shuichi's big and beautiful heart.'
Hiro couldn't say anything in response, only get lost in his own thoughts.
`How can I hurt him even more then…? What I must do will break him- I know it will. This was OUR dream after all…not his alone. We were on this together from the start…I wanted to be there until the end. Now…things will change.'
“Hiro…what are you thinking? Do you think I'm being selfish?”
“Not at all Shuichi…you've give enough already and…what exactly did he gave you in return?”
“Exactly.” He softly rolled to the side to get a better look at his best friend's face. “Do you mind if I stay a few days…I'll get a room of my own- I promise.”
“You can stay all you need- you're my dearest- you know that, don't you?”
Even when his face was swollen and the skin was broken in some areas the pink shades on his cheeks were noticeable. “Hiro…” And then he tried to smile. “Arigato.”
“There's no need to thank me.” Hiroshi held his hand for a moment. “You are special to me…you've always been.” His other hand softly caressed the pink locks of Shuichi while this one opened his eyes in confusion. “I just wish you've seen me, but it didn't turn out that way, but it's ok…as long as you are happy. NOW we only have to make that one a fact. I want to see you happy Shuichi, truly happy.”
“Arigato Hiro…I want to see you happy too.” Then both smile. “We'll make it.”
“Baka…baka…baka…” `You're the number one idiot Eiri-san. Number one idiot.'
He rubbed his golden head trying to ease the pain away. `And you are still hoping he'll show up- but you though he wasn't serious. It's your fault…now he must be in that bigger idiot's arms.'
He sat up and felt dizzy for a while. `I think I need to lie down again.' So he did. “Baka!” His face reflected intense sadness. `Maybe I should call…' Then he had a flashback. “OH GOD!” He remembered the phone call and the horrible message he left. `If he heard that by now… “Baka, baka, baka, baka…BAKA!”
Back in Tokyo the ex-leading singer of Nittle Grasper went straight to Hiro's apartment without even stopping to leave his luggage on his own apartment. `I need to see Shu-chan! I hope he's ok.'
He knocked the door insistently. “Hiro, it's me Sakuma-san!”
“Coming!” A voice responded from inside. “Good eve-“ He didn't let him finish; Ryuichi ran straight inside to go find Shuichi and left Hiro greeting the air. He snickered. “Oh, good to see you too. NOT!!!!!” Then he followed.
“SHU-CHAN!!!!” He yelled in horror when he saw the bruises on the skinny boy's face. “Shu-chan, who hurt you?” His eyes were already a river. “Shu…whoever did this will pay- I swear, baby.” Shuichi had his eyes half opened since the eyelids were a bit swollen and hurt. “Did you go to the hospital?”
“No, he won't let me take him or even call someone for help. In fact you are the only one besides me that knows what happened.”
“Shu-chan, we have to take you to a doctor na no da! What if you have something broken inside?!! We'll call an ambulance!”
“There's no need Ryuichi…I feel better already.” Ryu was silent. “I'm so glad you made it back to Tokyo…I missed you lots.” He managed to smile- Shu was happy to see him.
“I missed you tons Shu-chan…but I won't leave you again.”
“You better not.” He lifted his hand slowly and showed him the ring. “You promised.”
“I know. I'll be beside you- always.” Ryuichi grabbed the younger singer's hand and smiled. “But…” He turned into the serious Sakuma. “We have to attend your wounds; don't refuse to go treat yourself anymore. You're not a spoil baby. Hiro, call an ambulance!”
Hiro opened his eyes in disbelief. `He's giving me orders in my own apartment? Jeeze!' “Ok.” `Just because it's for Shuichi's own good.' He sighed. `Am I jealous or what?'
“Ahhh I'm relief.” Tohma and K sighed. “Thank you Nakano-san.”
“So he's with Hiro and Ryuichi at the hospital. Does Yuki know?” The taller blonde wondered.
“Probably now if he's not there.”
“The question now is…who would want to hurt Shuichi and why?”
“We'll find out, and then…whoever did it must prepare. No one messes with Seguchi and even less with Eiri.”
“But, no one touched Yuki.” K mocked.
“Not directly, but they touch the one he loves. Knowing him, that's even worst than hurting him directly. Let's go get him.”
Eiri was running through the white corridors accelerating his speed more and more with each step. `Shuichi!' What he doesn't know is that Shuichi isn't alone. Tohma was about to tell him when they got to the hospital, but he quickly step out of the car and leave them behind without letting him explain. Finally he reached the room and stopped to gasp for some air. `This is the moment of truth. I must confess or lose him forever.'
He felt his heart accelerating and his hand shaking while it reaches the knob to open the door. He shut his eyes for a moment before finally turning the knob of the barrier that was keeping him away from his beloved. He opened them again and took a deep breath.
`This is my last chance.' And he opened the door.
MEOW! So, who is it going to be? Ryuichi or Yuki???
Please R+R! =^.^=