Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuichi's Love ❯ Phone Calls ( Chapter 17 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Ok this chapter has a lot of Yuki…and a lot of Yuki angst too…just don't feel too sorry for him, k? Because Ryuichi is our guy, k? =^.^=
Don't get me wrong, I do love Yuki, so it's very hard for me to decide the ending of this fic…I still don't know for sure. I promise more Ryu and Shu in the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy!
Ryuichi's Love
By Kitty-Kat =^.^=
Chapter 17: Phone Calls
`It is better this way, I hope you understand. I know I hurt you, but I'll hurt you more if I stay by your side…'
The novelist walked away from the entrance of the stadium where Bad Luck was performing. Of course he went, he wouldn't miss his hyper lover for anything in the world, but of course he couldn't tell him.
`You'll end up hating me… That's better than ending in a coffin.'
“Nakano-san! Where is Shuichi? There's going to be an interview! We're gonna be on TV! Where is he?” The youngest member of Bad Luck asked anxiously.
Hiroshi looked side to side. “I don't know; he suddenly took off… Maybe he saw Yuki.”
“Then let's go find him before Tohma gets upset.”
The two of them ran off to find Shuichi and be able to make it in time for the interview, but no matter where they looked, the boy was nowhere found.
“I give up.” Hiroshi finally said while panting for running so much.
“Call him!” Suguru frowned.
“Alright! Don't be so pushy!” But to his surprise, Shuichi didn't answer the call. “It's strange…he didn't answer. Well, maybe they're home already and want to be left alone, if you know what I mean.” He winked an eye.
Suguru's face quickly blushed. “AH! Why you had to say that?! Now I got a horrible image in my head!”
Hiro chuckled. “You have a vivid imagination then…for your age.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” And Hiro only answer with laughter.
Eiri was sitting on a table nonchalantly drinking a cup of coffee when he saw the news.
~“Shindo Shuichi kidnapped? After tonight's concert the leading singer of the new pop bad from NG, Bad Luck, has disappeared. Rumors said he may have run away with his lover Sakuma Ryuichi!”~
Yuki chocked and begin to cough after the shocking news. “What…? It can't be…!” Then he quickly ran away to make sure Shuichi wasn't at his apartment while he tried reaching him on the phone without luck.
“Dammit! Shuichi…” He drove away very fast trying to get there as soon as possible.
`He got tired of me? No… It can't be…or…was his love so weak?'
`There's got to be a mistake. Maybe not…I've made enough for him to hate me already and… THE CALL! Ryuichi called him and Shuichi did mention he was waiting for his call…'
“Shuichi…!” The novelist called his name with melancholy. “Shuichi…” He felt his chest constricting with an unknown pain that wouldn't let him breathe normally. His throat was hurting and to his surprise a tear escapes his eyes. It's been many years since he last cried, and now he was giving tears away for a young man that suddenly appeared into his life. “Shuichi…” He abruptly washed the tear away but deep inside felt a strong power that was consuming him, sorrow. `Don't leave me…'
“Eiri-san… well all we found was this.” Tohma showed him a replica of Kumagorou, Shuichi's Kumagorou.
“I see…but that's Shuichi's doll, not Ryuichi's- right? How can you be sure they're together?”
“Well, all the people that saw him after the show said he was calling Ryuichi…so we guess they were meeting after the show.”
“Why would he leave without trace?”
“Maybe they just went out for a walk or something…don't worry.” He smiled, as always.
“Then why I heard on the news he ran away?”
“I just though it was more dramatic…not to mention romantic.” He smiled again, but noticed Yuki was far from smiling back. “I never though it will upset you, after all you did say you wanted to break up with him…so here's your chance.”
“Don't ever interfere with Shuichi and me.” He turned around frowning and leaves.
Tohma sighed. “That went well.” Another smile appeared on his lips.
Yuki sat down on his couch with a beer in hand trying not to think about the possibility of Shuichi and Ryuichi together. “Doing what?” He suddenly imagined Ryuichi dressed like Kumagorou and Shuichi dressed like a puppy running in the park, and couldn't help but to sweatdrop. “Argh!” Something was below him and was making him uncomfortable, so he decided to take it out, and when he did it turns out he was sitting on top of Shuichi's Kumagorou doll. “Nani? Then…” His eyes widened. “Whose doll was that?!”
Ryuichi sighed and rolled over. “Shuichi…my beautiful; I'm so happy.” He smiled. “Today has been the best day of my life, so far. You are wonderful…thank you.” He kept smiling.
He stood up from the bed and decided to take a warm bath. “I really needed it…I'm so dirty, I even smell.” He giggled. “Funny…I never though this would happen, and now I feel the strength to live and to fight. Maybe…maybe I'll even sing again.” His smile widened. “All thanks to Shuichi, to my dear Shuichi.” He was thoughtful for a moment. “I just had an idea!!!!” He jumped and slip ending sitting down on his butt. “Ouch!” He laughed like he used to laugh, like that kid he had hid inside. “I'm so silly na no da!!”
“He's not home yet. Maybe he really left for good.” The novelist drank from his beer.
`It's my fault. I make his life miserable.'
“Baka.” And another drink.
`I'm the baka.'
“If you return…I'll kick you out myself.” He opened a new can and drink straight through it.
`I hope he returns…soon.'
“Shuichi…Shuichi…” He threw the can against the wall and opened another one.
`Is he making love with Ryuichi?'
“NO!” At the same time the can hit another wall.
`He can go to hell if he wants to.'
“Shuichi is mine.”
`Screw him, who needs an annoying brat like him.'
`Who needs him?' Tears.
“I do.” He crashed down to the floor sadly, feeling pitiful for himself. “I do.”
Hiroshi couldn't sleep that night. No matter how much he called Shuichi, he never answers, but still he insisted.
“Why don't you cut it out for tonight? If he's with Ryuichi…he'll be exhausted.” K mumbled annoyed by the attention Hiroshi was giving to Shuichi. `He still loves him…'
“I'm sorry K, but I'm truly worried. Shuichi never disappears like that- never! He always answers his phone…I think even when he's having sex wit Yuki.”
“I doubt; that guy would probably kill him. He got a maniacs look on his face...or should I say…a killer's look.”
“Look who's talking! Rambo!”
“It's actually different. I'm in the military.”
“Oh please, just shut up. I'm trying to think.”
“Well, sorry if I bother you.” He sat down next to him. “Will you stop calling Shuichi?”
“Fine, then I'll leave.”
“FINE!” The blonde stood up trying to get the young male's attention, but it didn't worked. Hiroshi wouldn't stop dialing Shuichi's number. “If you ever get tired of following Shuichi give me a call.”
“Bye.” He quickly walked away very disgust.
“Damn…I blew it. But…I need to find Shuichi.” Then he saw K left his cell phone behind and smiled. “He probably has Ryuichi's number, ke ke, and he wouldn't give it to me, huh?” He chuckled and searched for the number. “Here it is!” So he quickly dialed and waited.
And a new messaged was heard.
~Sakuma-san is unavailable, please leave a message after the tone.~
`A serious Sakuma-san?'
But after hearing the tone he hung up and sighed.
“Then they must be together… I wonder how Yuki is taking it.” He sighed once again. “I should call K and apologize.”
Yuki was drunk; he drank so many beers not even he could take it. He believed this time he really lost Shuichi.
“Go to hell Shuichi. I hope you have tons of pink bunnies with Ryuichi and jump all over town with your stupid outfits! I hope you start a new band together call Kumabobos (hint: bobos means silly or stupid in Spanish :P) and sing songs about the Eastern bunny.” He begins to laugh sarcastically. “The Eastern bunny…baka.”
While he agonize thinking the worst, he decided to call Shuichi and tell him just the way he felt, so he did. After the tone, he left his message.
“I hate you Shuichi. I hope you go to hell. Go far away from me and don't ever return! Screw your dirty ass with Ryuichi if you want to, have pink bunnies as sons and daughters, and sing silly Eastern songs for the rest of your life if you want to…but don't ever show your face! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!”
He hung up, and then begins to cry hard. “I hate you…I hate you…Eiri-san. I hate you.” Now only his sobs could be heard inside the empty walls of his apartment. Yuki Eiri had a heart after all, a broken heart.
Mika was frowning. “How could you Tohma? Eiri is not even answering my calls!”
“Tohma sighed. “Has he ever listened to you anyway? I though it was good publicity, K did too.”
“What if something really happened to him?”
“I doubt it. Ryuichi and Shuichi are very close friends, so…he's probably with him. I mean, Ryu probably needs someone to talk to…after all he did.”
“Ryuichi was depressed, that's all. But I do believe he'll return…soon. AND if he takes Shindo-san away from Yuki…he's welcome. You know I don't approve their relationship.”
`Me neither.' Tohma though.
“So…did you called Ryu-chan?”
“Nope…I won't call him.”
“How immature, it's not like you, but fine.”
Bad Luck's new manager was cleaning his toys while he argues with nothing but an imaginary Hiro.
“Always Shuichi…what does he see in him anyway? He's cute and all, but…he's so immature and annoying! Not to mention adorable, sweet, and loving- BUT THAT”S NOT THE POINT!”
He frowned.
“I'm an older man…just what he needs. Hiro is a mature young man intelligent enough to know the difference between a boy and a MAN!” He laughed while he pointed to Bad Luck's promo poster, exactly to Hiro's forehead. “Better notice me you idiot!”
He sighed and let his gun fall down to his side. “Who am I kidding, Shuichi will always be first for him. After all, he IS his best friend. I just hope he thinks about me too…at least sometimes.” He smiled sadly. “How pathetic I sound. Thank God no one can hear me say something like that.”
Hiro was tired of calling Shuichi, so he finally put his phone down and sighed. “Maybe I should really call K…nah! It will make me look desperate, right?” He lay back and put an arm over his face. “But I feel lonely already.” It was then that his phone rang and the read head end up sitting straight in less than a second and answering the phone without even looking at the number. “Shuichi??” His eyes widened when he heard the voice in the other side, but he listened and then ran outside alarmed.