Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ White Butterflies ❯ a job offer ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer-Gravitation is not mine, not by any means!

White Butterflies-by Charlottlette

There was just something about Ryuuichi Sakuma that aroused him. It probably had something to do with that video, the one for their song White Butterflies. That was the one that all the music video stations refused to play, the one that was only avaible on copies of Nittle Grasper's live concert DVDs as a hidden feature.

Even though it had been at least six years since he'd first heard the soft ballad, the video itself had definitely made it's imapct on him. It was as vivid now as it had been then, the angst ridden ballad about unrequited love.

The video had started out with his honey Ryuuichi sitting at his keyboardists' instrument, dressed in a see through white mesh crop top and loose black silk pants. Tatsuha had always preferred his idol in much tighter clothing, but he wasn't about to complain.

Ryuuichi's shoulder length shaggy brown hair framed his youthful face as he began to sing. Fondling his chest as he did so, his long fingers eased down across his flat stomach to fling the shirt over his head. Tatsuha's breath had caught the first time he had seen this, watching as Ryuuichi's hands went next to the waistband of his loose pants. Easing them down his narrow hips and long legs, Ryuuichi panted, leaning against the keyboard as the song entered it's first chorus.

If that hadn't been enough, at that point, Touma Seguchi, his fellow bandmate's voice joined Ryuuichi's. The two singers' eyes locked and held as Ryuuichi arched towards the platinum haired musician to entice him. Touma smiled then and walked towards the object of Tatsuha's affection, taking in his dishelved state and the noticeable rise in his barely there white silk boxers.

"Oh wow..." Tatsuha had breathed, as he watched the two men come together in a hungry embrace.

Touma had quickly claimed the dark haired singer's mouth in a deep, sensual kiss, the two men melting into each other. Seeing this made Tatsuha's ache tighten to the point of being painful, and was only made worse when Touma cupped Ryuuichi's covered arousal with his hand. Ryuuichi gasped loudly as Touma loosed his firm grasp to invade beneath the material to touch him. Ryuuichi and Touma finished the song in unison, with Ryuuichi bemoaning the fates and allowing Touma to bring him to a swift completion off camera.

Tatsuha had assumed that Touma had gotten something out of it too, even though he had stayed full clothed. It wasn't hard to believe that Touma would be the more aggressive one, and Tatsuha had often wished it had been him with Ryuuichi instead...

Tatsuha considered Ryuuichi to be his first sexual experience, since he had not yet been with anyone the first time that video had made him take matters into his own hands, so to speak.

He had even found a kindred spirit who loved Ryuuichi as much as he did. It had been in the form of Bad Luck vocalist Shuichi Shindou, his brother Yuki's ex-lover. The redheaded singer idolized Ryuuichi to the point that he had made himself into Ryuuichi's very image almost.

He had been stunned the first time he had met Shuichi, and had wanted to claim the petite vocalist for his own. The brief kiss they had shared out of his own pent up frustration had been bittersweet, a reminder of the unattainable. After that, he and Shuichi had become good friends.

He still considered Shuichi to be one of his closest friends, even if he and Yuki weren't together anymore. They had decided to end their relationship a year before when Shuichi had chosen the affection of his lifelong best friend Hiro over the sometimes stormy love of his lover Yuki. Although he knew Shuichi still cared very much for the blonde. their relationship had been a hardship for both of them and even Yuki knew that Shuichi's childhood best friend had been the better choice.

It had been a year since his brother Yuki had settled in Tokyo in that big empty house of his, content to spend his days concentrating on his writing. As for himself, now that he was on the verge of becoming eighteen, and getting as their father would say, "as stubborn as both your brother Yuki and sister Mika combined" Tatsuha had decided he needed a break from being a monk at their family's temple, opting to spend the long, hot summer at his brother Yuki's house. The always cool, serious Yuki had been less than thrilled at his raven haired brother's insistance on staying, but relented in the sake of keeping peace in the family.

Tatsuha suspected it also had something to do with his best friend Touma's encouragement. Touma Seguchi, the keyboardist for Nittle Grasper, had been friends with Yuki since they had been children and very rarely did Yuki refuse him anything, considering that Touma was also his brother-in-law.

It was no secret, not even to Mika, that Touma loved Yuki as more than a friend and Yuki the complete opposite. Yuki did care for Touma, but not like he had for Shuichi. Touma had accepted that over the years, willing to accept whatever Yuki had to give.

Tatsuha could certainly understand that. He knew he would feel the same if he ever got the chance to be close to his Ryuuichi. He envied his brother, Shuichi and even Touma for their closeness to Ryuuichi, knowing until a year before he had been too far away in Kyoto and too young to be with the older man. He knew Ryuuichi was somewhere in his thirties, but he didn't care. He would still love the man if he were in a wheelchair!

Yuki had met Ryuuichi before in passing, barely acknowledging him out of general disinterest. Shuichi had gotten to know him much better, since Ryuuichi claimed to be Shuichi's and Bad Luck's biggest fan. He coveted the redheaded vocalist because of his hero worship and because he was someone he could hang out with and sing onstage with. And Touma...well, it was obvious that he and Ryuuichi had once been a couple, even if they weren't now.

The last he had heard, Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck were in negotations to tour together in the fall. It was something that the two lead singers had wanted and he had no doubt that it would happen. He had gotten used to Touma Seguchi's presense in Yuki's home during the process, and especially the day that he had been deeply engrossed in his latest copy of Nittle Grasper videos while his brother was working in his office.

"I think you may know our songs better than we do, Tatsuha." Touma laughed softly as he walked into the living room, cellphone in hand.

Before he could respond, Touma resumed the call he had been on, having been on hold moments before. "Look, K, I appreciate the fact that you left a lucrative positition as Sakuma-san's manager in the states to help out Bad Luck, but really! Ryuuichi is still your responsability until his contact is over with you. Yes, I'm sure Shuichi-san would be thrilled to babysit his idol until we work out a deal, but you know how Ryuuichi is about being recognized in public. The two of them together would just be a diaster in the making. I'd think you'd be able to find someone to put up with Ryuuichi's demands. All I need is for someone to keep an eye on him for the summer, someone I can trust to make sure he shows up for band meetings and recording sessions, as well as personal appearances..." Touma began.

Yuki walked into the room to grab himself a drink, cocking an eyebrow out of mild interest that Touma had stopped talking for a moment and was staring thoughtfully at his dark haired bother on the floor.

"Yes, yes. I'm still here. What? No, I was just thinking for a moment. Let me call you back, okay?" Touma asked.

Returing form the kitchen, Yuki leaned against the living room wall as he lit himself a cigerette.

"I can't wait to hear exactly what you were thinking about just now." he said.

Touma smiled at him. "Cynical as always, Eiri-san, but this...I think just might be a good idea." he said.

Tatsuha turned to face the pair, pausing his DVD as he did so. "Okay. I don't mind being the center of attention, but I have a feeling this has something to do with me." he said.

Touma smiled again. "As a matter of fact, it has. Since I'm under the assumption that you'll pretty much be mooching off your brother Eiri-san for the summer, I thought I might have an offer that might interest you." he said.

"Really? I'm interested. What do you need me to do?" Tatsuha asked.

"I'd like to hire you as a bodyquard." Touma said.

"A bodyquard?" Tatsuha asked.

"Yes. There will other duties too, of course, like escorting my client to various places, making sure they show up for events, whenever and wherever they are needed, and to keep them entertained. I want you to be Ryuuichi Sakuma's bodyquard for the summer." Touma said.

Yuki braced himself for Tatsuha's euthastatic response, only to find him staring up at Touma with widened eyes, his hands clamped over his mouth out of shocked surprise. Moments later, Touma reeled with a nervous laugh as Tatsuha launched himself at the blonde musician.

"Mr. Seguchi! Are you serious?! This would be like a dream come true for me! Of course I'll accept!" Tatsuha shouted.

"Please call me Touma. This is of course is depending on Ryuuichi's consent too, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. So consider this pretty much a done deal." Touma said.

"Wow! This is so great! Thank you, Touma, for giving me this chance to get to know Ryuuichi better. I won't let you down." Tatsuha said.

Touma laughed. "I trust you completely, Tatsuha. No one from your family has ever let me down. Eiri-san, I'll contact you when I finalize everything and work out the details with you since you're his guardian for the summer." Touma said.

"Lucky me. As if I don't hear enough about your obnoxious lead singer to begin with." Yuki complained.

Touma shrugged off his best friend's comment as he always did, leaving his brothers alone with a jaunty wave goodbye. Yuki snorted and headed back to his office.

"Think all you want about this deal with you and Ryuuichi, as long as you do it quietly. I'm going to bed." Yuki told him.

Although it was normal for Yuki to be more standoffish the closer it got to his deadline, his cold, tempermental brother seemed even grouchier than usual today. He wondered sometimes if it had anything to do with the leftover emotions he hadn't dealt with from his failed relationship with Shuichi.

Yuki had barely spoken about his trip to the states to make peace with his past, after which he had bought the house, only to find that the young singer had chosen someone else. Yuki had always seemed happy for Shuichi and his best friend Hiro, and never had a harsh word to say about either of them.

Despite what everyone thought, Tatsuha actually worried about his brother's welfare and he hoped that, if and when he himself got involved in a serious relationship, he would be able to handle all that came along with it.

Having come out when he was only thirteen, Tatsuha had caught up with the younger gerneration's habit of disappointing their parents, Mika for marrying a musician, Yuki for abandoning the temple, and now Tatsuha for taking several lovers while studying as a monk.

Tatsuha found that he rather enjoyed the dual lifestyle, having the skills to run the temple and it's ceremonies as well as his family, and being able to enjoy his free time searching for his soulmate at the same time.

Although he preferred the company of men over women, Tatsuha had made it a point not to pass on a pretty face and he had never regretted any time he had spent in pursuit of companionship.

Somehow though, despit the fact that he had made many good friends and some repeat customers, he had never really connected with any of them. He was sure it had something to do with his obsession over Ryuuichi.

It was okay to have high standards. Mika had had them when she had gone after Yuki's best friend Touma and when Yuki had risked his writing career to accept Shuichi's love a year before. Tatsuha knew though that it was unfair to expect anyone to be as perfect as his honey Ryuuichi.

Discovering his affection for his idol at thirteen, his comfort in adoring Ryuuichi had allowed him to be comfortable in loving either a man or a woman and he probably would never love anyone like he did his idol. Perhaps it was a unhealthy obsession, but thoughts of the Nittle Grasper vocalist comforted him when he was alone and gave him a reason to keep searching.

He had been awestruck when he had met Shuichi and would have gladly added him to his list of interests if the teen hadn't been with his brother. Shaking himself out of his daydreams, Tatsuha found he preferred the welcoming sounds of Nittle Grasper over the cold silence of Yuki's home and he resumed watching the DVD, silently occuping his mind with thoughts of Ryuuichi.

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