Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Surprise Visitation & Hina's Karma Part 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: Surprise Visitation & Hina's Karma Part 2



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

Keitaro, who was dressed in just his normal sweater, and slacks, had made plans to go into town to get himself a cell phone. After all, it seemed like almost everybody had one. Kunio was staying back because he had to take care of some business. Then again, he hadn't heard from Miyabi in such a long time. It's been some time because of that incident. It seemed like it probably wouldn't be resolved. His cell phone buzzed, and he answered. It was Miyabi. He knew she wouldn't call him unless she had a good reason too. Today, just happened to be that one day where he would have to listen from Miyabi. He wanted to help...but he knew it would be worthless.

"Miyabi," he started, "it's been a while."

"I know...sorry if I was so..." Miyabi returned.

"It's okay," he said. "On my end it stinks..."

"There's nothing you could have done anyway," she returned.

"Did you figure things out yet?"

"No...that's the most frustrating part."

"Trust me, it's not exactly easy on my end either...and I can't at least give you an idea."

Miyabi knew he was right, he couldn't help. In fact, from her tone, he knew he couldn't actually help her out at all. Miyabi had said as much in without really saying it. Either way, she had two problems to deal with, that were major. First...she needed to actually to get her cheating father. She knew he was sleeping around behind her mother's back...and her mother's refusal to do anything about it was wearing on her nerves. Secondly, and the most pressing at the moment, was to save herself, and Onizuka from the teacher's union's assault charges. Onizuka didn't do anything wrong, but still taken the fall. Either way, there was nothing Kunio, or anybody else could do to help.

" a tall older," Knio remarked.

"Yeah...I'm not even near a solution yet," she admitted.

"Honestly, if in your shoes...I'd have dealt with my parents first," he pushed.

"It's funny you say that...I'm trying to figure what to do,"

"You need to be honest with the both of them," Kunio said. "Trust me...if it were up to my mom...both would be grounded for two weeks."

"That's not a bad idea at all...though I won't be meeting them on the school's rooftop," Miyabi joked.

"If so just stay on the roof, and not the other side of the fence," Kunio returned.

Both did share a chuckle, but Miyabi did have to leave. Thankfully, when he ended the call, there was nobody around to listen in. He really didn't want the task of having to keep the rest from interfering. He knew that Naru and Motoko could get gung-ho if they heard, and wanted to help. Instead, he knew this was the best way for Miyabi. In the end of the day, things were going to work out some way. He had figured at this point he'd have to move on. Meanwhile...the cops were waiting at the airport. Hina was to be questioned. Charges against Hina were filed thanks to the detectives who found evidence against her, but also took statements. Prior, they took statements from Keitaro, but they also took statements from Kanako, and their parents. Also, they took statements from the tenants prior to Kunio. He really wasn't involved, so they couldn't question him. Either way...the Detectives took Hina to the station and took her to Interrogation. Sakurai decided not to arrive for the confrontation, because she didn't want things to be tainted. The lead detective spoke up.

" you know why you've been brought in?" He asked.

"Yes...some misunderstanding about Kanako," She answered directly.

"Okay...first regarding Kanako...did you have permission to take her out of school?" he asked directly.

"No, but..." she started.

"You did interfere with her education...particularly if she was on her final year of middle school," he returned.

" did allow some very shady things to happen at the Hinata...even to the point of your eldest tenants encouraging violence," the second one started.

"Wait...they're all sweet..." Hina started.

"Save the spiel," the detective said. "We know exactly what happened...and you're facing serious charges."

"Now...we can help you avoid an effective life sentence in jail due to age...but..."

Hina heard enough. She cut off the interview and demanded a lawyer. The detectives complied and got her paperwork ready. They threw some serious charges against her regarding Kanako's schooling to what happened at the Hinata. If that wasn't enough, she was going to get tagged for providing an unsafe habitat through the behavior. At this point, Keitaro, Naru, Kitsune, and Haruka cut a deal to stay out of jail. Motoko also cut a deal to stay out of Juvey. Su, she got the promise of a harder punishment if she acted up again...and this was from her sister, Amalla. Either way...the detective spoke up...and he was brutially honest.

"HIna...Keitaro and everybody else...have decided to cooperate," he said.

"Yeah," his partner said, "your only chance to save to cooperate..."

"If not...then it's out of our hands," the first added.

"Enough," Hina hissed, "I will clear my name..."

"Okay, since this interview is over...we'll give you time with a lawyer," the detective said.

"I kinda wish you did cooperate," the second said. "You will go down hard..."

"It's not a matter for you to judge," Hina snapped.

"You're's up do the judge," he returned. "Unfortunately Phoenix Wright doesn't exist, so you're fucked."

The detectives did try to get Hina to cooperate, and maybe save her life. Unfortunately for her, she decided to be stubborn. From there...they had no choice but to arrest her and book her. The charges were pretty extensive, including corruption to the morals of minors to name one. The detective called Keitaro telling him exactly what waas happening. Instead of trying to actually defend Hina...he took a different tack. Espcially since Julia was by his side.

"No...I will be cooperating to the fullest extent," Keitaro said. "Just come down to get a statement at your earliest convenience."

"Do you think anybody else will?" The detective asked.

"Kanako will definitely cooperate...and everybody else has been instructed to do the same," he answered. "I also told them to be exactly honest."

"Thank you...I'll be there as soon as I can."

The detective ended the call, and he and his partner...after Hina was booked, went to the Hinata. There Keitaro and everybody else cooperated fully. They were beyond honest with what happened. Su...she had to leave out the fact that she had nuclear materials. That would had gotten her into trouble. She also felt like she has to try to force herself to forget about that part of her life. Even Haruka decided it was in her best interests. She had already made clear to Seta that she would continue to help him out somewhat...but she's not going to date him, nor get married to him. He did accept that fact. He also noted that Sarah's behavior had improved since Keitaro was able to scold her had she gone out of line. Still the detectives continued to find evidence against her. It just snowballed out of control for her. About a couple of weeks later, she was offered a deal...but she stubbornly rejected it. Her attorney had tried to talk some sense into her. the end...the Tribunal came back with the verdict.

"We find Hinata 'Hina" Urashima...guilty!" The lead judge declared.

"Oh no..." her attorney groaned out.

"T-This is a misunderstanding..." Hina said quietly, but sadly.

"Mrs. Urashima...your appeal will be heard 30 days from are remanded to custody," The lead judge boomed. "This Matter is adjourned!"

With that he banged his gavel, and that was that. Her Lawyer did all he could to try to at least shorten the sentence in 30 days. However...during that time...he had to rethink it, and tell her straight out. There was no way he could win. Even with a technicality and a retrial, the result would definitely be the same. Hina now is forced to spend 30 years in prison. Which for her, is a life sentence, because of her age. After, things slowly started to actually calm down. The Dorm did take in a couple of more tenants who were boys. In fact, a room became available once Kitsune moved out, and found a very nice apartment. Keitaro looked up and he saw a kid with Glasses. Kunio came and he instantly knew.

"Kikuchi, you finally came out to visit!" Kunio said.

"Well now," Kikuchi said, with a slight smile, "this is where you've been staying?"

"Of course!" Kunio said. "It's finally great to actually have another guy from school here."

"Wait a sec if this is co-ed...?" Kikuchi said confused.

"Nah, it's okay," Kunio said. "We're all human so."

"This guy's your landlord?" Kikuchi asked.

"Yeah, this is Keitaro," he introduced. "He's rather busy with his college work, so we all have to help out."

"Well, if that's the case, then let's get down to the brass tacks," Kikuchi answered.

"Kikuchi," Keitaro said, "nice to meet you."

"Oh, sorry," he said.

"It's okay, it's a bit rude for me not to offer you anything."

Keitaro took Kikuchi through the dorms, and gave him a tour. After he had the lease ready. He did still need his parents to sign for it. Kikuchi did call his parents who just walked in. They were lead into the kitchen. Kikuchi got a rules sheet just the same as Kunio did. It outlined exactly what was expected of him. From there, his parents signed the lease. They also didn't waste time, to get his things moved into Kitsune's old room. It was repaired, and cleaned to be safe. Once set up, Kikuchi was very surprised at how fast things went. However...a couple of years would have passed, when things were starting to be getting interesting.