Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Surprise Visitation & Hina's Karma Part 1 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: Surprise Visitation & Hina's Karma Part 1



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

The very next morning, Keitaro was up early to sweep the porch. He also was looking forward to today since he and Julia would be going on another date. They were talking to each other on the phone a lot. However, Kunio frowned when they still was using that old-fashioned rotary in the commons. The phone company did have to come again to re-wire for the most common phones for dial tones. He looked up and he saw Sakurai. He quickly looked up, and he actually was a lot more confident. Kaolla came out and she wanted to help Keitaro. She saw the visitors, and she remembered her sister's very fair warning. She bowed to the visitors, and she instigated the greetings.

"Good morning to you," Kaolla greeted.

"Good morning to you," Sakurai greeted with a smile.

"Welcome to the Hinata," she continued. "We have started our morning chores just a while ago."

'Whatever Amalla said to's gotten through,' Keitaro thought.

"Wow, this is such a grand place," Uchiyamada spoke up, since this was his first time there.

"Hello there," Keitaro spoke up. "I don't believe I've met either of you before."

"This is Azusa Fuyutsuki," Sakurai started, "and this gentleman here is Hiroshi Uchiyamada."

"Nice to meet the both of you," Keitaro said shaking their hands firmly.

"Are you the landlord here?" Uchiyamada asked.

"I's interesting how I came here," Keitaro said, though he was hesitant.

"Shall we go inside?" Sakurai requested.

"Kaolla would you take them to the kitchen?" Keitaro requested. "I have to finish up out here."

She nodded and she took them in. She pointed out where the springs where, and they cut through the common area. Kitsune had a day off to rest, and to help out. She decided to clean up the common areas in Kunio's place. In the kitchen, Kanako was with Shinobu who had the breakfast going. Kaolla had them sit down. Motoko was the first one down, and she saw Sakurai, and she bowed. She also knew her sister, Tsuruko was going to be coming to visit, so she had to be on her best behavior. She started the greetings, since she remembered how forceful Sakurai was from only a few weeks ago. She also frowned, she knew her summer break would be over.

"What's the matter?" Sakurai asked.

"It's just summer break will be over very soon," Motoko remarked.

"Ah yes," Uchiyamada spoke up, "summer break...even in my youth I looked forward to it."

"Sir, even though it goes quickly...I still have learned about life," Motoko admitted.

"That is very interesting...I'll talk with you later," he promised.

"Thank you," she returned.

"Oh! We didn't notice you there!" Kanako said taken by surprise.

"Sorry we didn't mean to scare you," Azusa said.

"I do apologize, this is my first time meeting you all."

"It's quite alright," Sakurai said.

"I take it you're all here on a surprise health and welfare inspection," Naru came in, yawning.

"Narusegawa, how are things going for you?" Sakurai asked.

"They've been going well...I've been studying for my entrance exams...I hope I can pass..." Naru said getting tense.

Sakurai calmed down Naru. She knew that college entrance exams were the roughest on those who just wanted to get into college. Naru explained she wanted to get into Tokyo University to get into the education fields. Sakurai noted this, and she gave her some sound advice. Listen, and things will fall in place. Keitaro came back in and offered coffee to the three. They declined, as it would seem they would be imposing. Keitaro also noted that there would be more major work being done. He took them on a tour of the main house to see what was going on. It was quiet, as Kunio got off the phone with his mom. He knew what was going to happen. He turned around and recognized the three.

"Wow, I think this would be called...different circumstances," Kunio said.

"Exactly," Sakurai said. "I see you're getting along with everybody here."

"I am," he said.

"That's good young man," Uchiyamada said.

"I do have to get going though...I did ask Keitaro to come with me to town in a few minutes."

"Oh! That's right!" Keitaro said, knowing exactly what he was supposed to do.

"We shall not keep you both any longer," Sakurai noted.

Keitaro went to clean himself up. A few minutes later he was ready. Kunio asked Keitaro if he had his cell phone ready. However...Keitaro didn't have one. Kunio looked at him like he had lobsters growing from his ears. He decided the first thing was to have Keitaro sign up for a cell phone plan. They left for town, as Sakurai, Uchiyamada, and Azusa decided to stay back, just to rest. Uchiyamada saw Kaolla reading over a science magazine, and he was very awestruck at how quickly she was getting, and understanding the information. It brought a tear to his eye to see such a young student with that much passion. She reminded him of Onizuka when he started at Holy Forest. Very head-strong, but still have some very passionate.

"Sir, is everything alright?" Kaolla asked concerned.

"I'm just reminded on why I became an educator," he admitted.

"Oh, did you burn out before?"

"I have, sadly," he said. "Back when I was younger, like Azusa...I was idealistic, thinking I could change the world."

"What happened to your passion?"

"In life, we do get burned out," he started, "it really is's worse when you're only concerned about petty things."

"What one petty thing were you concerned about?"

"My Toyota Cresta...that car has been replaced, repaired and wrecked so many times," he started.

"I see those all the time, they're cool cars!" Kaolla exclaimed.

"They more attention to'll alienate the people who care for you the most," he warned. "You won't realize it until it's too late in some cases."

"Were you the case of too late?"

"Actually, on a class trip...I ran into a former student of mine," he started. "I was in the infirmary...but we did talk...and she did give me a new lease on life."

Kaolla actually got it. She decided that while she did enjoy science, and helping out with non-lethal experiments...she still need to remember what's most important. She did hug Uchiyamada and thanked him for the advice. He found it unexpected, but he was glad. He saw Motoko, and she sat down next to him. He did promise to talk to her. Motoko ended up sitting next to him, and he spoke up.

"I did promise to talk to you," he said.

"Oh, that's right," Motoko said. "I saw what you did with Kaolla..."

"As a human...I have to share my experiences, and learn from the past," he said.

"I've done a lot of that," Motoko said. "I just need to jettison that fan club that keeps following me around..."

"This is very serious," he said. "My advice probably would rub you the wrong way."

"I can handle it," Motoko warned.

"You'll have to be straight out honest with them, and cut ties."

She nodded. However, she decided she needed a second opinion. Uchiyamada saw Azusa and called for her. He got a call on his phone from his wife. He knew he had to get home as quickly as possible. He took the call in private. Azusa did hear of Motoko's problem. She knew a fan club like that was not what she needed. Motoko also expressed a desire just to have somewhat of a normal teenage phase. Azusa did speak up to that effect.

"You'll have to tell the fan club to back off," Azusa said. "If anything...I think they're instigating."

"You're right..." Motoko said, thinking about what happened.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I am thinking about the very first time I met Keitaro...and how foolish I was..."

"I see...that kind of sexism has no place in society," Azusa said. "Sadly, it will continue to happen."

"All I can do is learn from it and make right," Motoko said, realizing she had little recourse.

"Yes," Azusa said, then she smiled, "you're a bright'll end up making some true friends."

"In a way...I have," Motoko said smiling.

Azusa got up. She thanked Motoko for her time and she met with Uchiyamada. Sakurai came from the Kitchen, and she announced she had to get to the police station. They did end up catching Hina, and she's being held in Las Vegas after a warrant for her arrest was issued. The Americans found her in Las Vegas at the international airport, and are holding her in the county jail...until extradition could be quickly arranged. Sakurai just nodded, then ended the call. Uchiyamada and Azusa knew that look, and they had to end the trip. The detectives were going to keep Sakurai in the loop. She knew Keitaro didn't have a cell phone, so she'd call him at home. Meanwhile, Keitaro was sitting on a bench, and he had no Idea who the girl was next to him.

"Hello," Keitaro said.

"Hello," the girl said, "it's not really a nice day out."

"Depends," he said, "if you've been out all day shopping, it'll get to be a little much."

"I'm just out here thinking."

"Well...I'm going to be here a while," Keitaro said. "If you'd like to talk..."

"Sure, let's talk."

Keitaro knew exactly what he was doing. He couldn't help but notice this girl was connected to Kunio in some way. He also saw that she was hurting from what was going on. He knew that look in her eyes. He saw it with Kanako, and that was a look he'd sooner wish he hadn't caused. That was something he had to help as best he could. Kunio stayed back. He knew it was Miyabi. He was afraid of what Keitaro would do. He was very much in fear thinking that Keitaro would mess it up. He knew that much from history, even occasionally calling him a flake. If it weren't enough, Julia randomly was there. Kunio had her hang back and be quiet. He knew this was something that probably would go bad. He had no idea...that a lot of events were going to conspire to shape up where one person's life would be saved...and one person's life would be over.