Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ In Sakurai's Confidence ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: In Sakurai's Confidence



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

It was late afternoon, the sun was at the highest point, and Sakurai was sitting in the dark. She wanted her office to cool down. Uchiyamada took his seat. He knew it would be important if Sakurai made him promise strict confidentially. He did adjust his glasses and his tie. Things weren't just the same, but he figured that it was very important. He looked out the window, and saw the sun at that was barely past the point of his eyes. He cleared his throat and started things off. He did decide to get right to the point.

"That was an interesting call," Uchiyamada said, rather bluntly.

"Yes...I'm not sure what's going on to be honest," Sakurai said.

"You did ask for action against a target, right?"

"I did...her name is Hinata Urashima."

"Why does that name sound so damn familiar...?"

"I had a run in with her Keitaro Urashima," she noted.

"This was a couple of weeks ago I take it."

"Yes...I have yet to check up with him."

"Tell me...why did you decide to help him out, if he pissed you off?"

"The same reason I hired Onizuka then...I believe he really was a good person."

"That's valid," he said. "Honestly, I'm not sure how you got that place as a co-ed dorm."

"I had him be tough, it is his responsiblity as landlord you know."

Uchiyamada smiled. He hadn't met Keitaro, but he decided he wanted to go with Sakurai to drop in on the Hinata for a visit. Sakurai did explain to him why exactly she had to get Minors Bureau involved. His sister, Kanako, was taken without consent of Keitaro's parents. The part that made Uchiyamada mad was that she was pulled out of school missing important instruction. He knew even college kids can ill afford to miss an entire year...he scowled and he looked over at Sakurai. He wanted to really to know exactly what was going on with Hina.

"I can't answer that honestly," she said. "I'm not a telepathic person."

"Right, you did have a conversation with the tenants there right?" he asked.

" was mostly piss and vinegar."

"I'm taking it that a couple of them really thought they were queen bees..."

"Yes, though there's one girl there that caught my attention...her name is Shinobu Maehara," Sakurai smiled.

"Well, she seems like she's a reasonable girl," he added.

"True...though...I do remember asking her on why she was there."

Sakurai smiled and thought back to the day where she had met the girls for the first time. It was after Keitaro was released from police custody. She also was there when he had the leases changed. Of course there was some serious opposition. However. Shinobu was the one who wasn't complaining, nor was she making a scene. She could ill afford to. Sakurai was able to catch Shinobu out on the front steps of the Hinata. She cleared her throat to get her attention. Shinobu jumped, surprised by Sakurai. She quickly got her wits about her, and decided to answer some questions. Though she knew some would be a little personal.

"Hello there," Sakurai said firmly, "you're one of the tenants here right?"

"I-I am," Shinobu stumbled.

"Good, I would like to know about you."

" name is Shinobu Maehara...and I'm a middle school student..." She started.

"I see, what brings you by here anyway?" she asked.

"I wanted to stay here to try to grow as a person...and to help my parents reconcile."

"They're going through a very dramatic divorce then," Sakurai noted.

"They are," Shinobu said, "it was very rough until I did meet Keitaro."

"The gentleman who is your landlord...though...I wonder something..."

"What's that?"

"Have you left him twisting in the wind," she started, "when the going got tough?"

"Oh...I think I have..." Shinobu said, realizing all the incidence of running away from Keitaro when they were involved in some misunderstandings.

"That's not being a good friend," Sakurai said firmly. "I think you owe him an apology."

"I do," Shinobu said rather sadly.

"If you do so with your head held high," Sakurai ordered. "You learn from your mistakes, and learn what not to do."

"You're right!" Shinobu said, bowing to Sakurai.

From there. Sakurai finished her story. Uchiyamada was very much impressed. He knew Sakurai was always close to the students. In this case, this girl wasn't even a part of Holy Forest, and she still gave valid advice. He did clear his throat to ask Sakurai about her plans. She did say she was going to take one teacher with her to make sure there were no surprises. Uchiyamada decided that wasn't going to do. He was going to actually take a chance, consequences be damned.

"Actually...I think I should go along as well," he said. "After all, I haven't been there yet."

"You're on to something," Sakurai said. "We'll go tomorrow morning."

"As for the teacher we're taking with us?"

"We're going to take Azusa with us," she answered.

"That's actually a very reasonable choice."

"We'll let her know soon..."

"If you can catch her before she leaves the grounds, then it'll be a lot sooner."

Sakurai made a call to Azusa on her cell phone. She explained what was going to happen. She decided that she was going to go tomorrow. She advised Sakurai that she's going to be taking notes on exactly what was going on there. While the three were planning, Keitaro was sitting in the common areas. He and Julia hadn't been able to talk to each other because of work schedules...and that made Kunio very upset.

"'re not going to be lazy," Kunio warned.

"Wait, what's going on?" Keitaro asked surprised.

"It's only 6:30...and my mom has been home from work an hour ago..."

"OH! I NEED TO CALL HER!" Keitaro said snapping back to reality.

"Honestly, sometimes you are a flake," Kunio said. " least you actually will take action reasonably quickly."

Keitaro did make a call to Julia on his cell phone. She was surprised that he was able to catch her after work, and at home. While they talked, Kunio went outside. He got a call from Miyabi. He really was genuinely concerned about her. He did talk to her seeing how she was doing. She wasn't all that well. He decided he was going to talk to at least see what he's able to do. He didn't really want Miyabi to be in a situation where she could be put in Jail, or at the very worst, prison.

"Miyabi, what's going on?" Kunio asked.

"I'm just troubled by what's going on is all," Miyabi said, she was apprehensive.

"Don't worry about it...I'm pretty sure it's going to work out."

"You shouldn't get to close..." Miyabi warned.

"Wait, what am I supposed to...?" Kunio started to protest.

"No...this isn't your problem," she said, though it was a bit coldly.

"Fine...just stay out of trouble..." Kunio said.

"I know you want to help...but this is my fight," she said softly.

Kunio was upset. He ended the call knowing he couldn't do anything about it. He knew Miyabi was right. This was something she knew she had to actually had to deal with, though it was on her own. He was frustrated after all that. He hated being in a zero win situation. It was the worst possible thing to happen. Motoko happened to find him, and she knew something was wrong. She decided she was going to talk to him, even if it is for a bit.

"What's the matter?" Motoko asked.

"To be honest...I hate these zero win situations," Kunio answered.

"Sometimes, you are going to have to let your friends figure things out on their own," Motoko warned.

"I still is frustrating knowing I can't help."

"Come on inside...dinner is almost ready."

Keitaro saw Kunio and how frustrated he was. He decided to let him tell him what's on his mind on his own. It wouldn't help if he pressed the situation unnecessarily. While Onizuka did book a date with Julia. He also didn't want to go in a downer. The Dinner was very quit. Keitaro saw that Kitsune was noticeably absent. She was in her room sleeping off a very hard day of work. It was a busy day at the tea shop. Naru was uncomfortable with the silence, but she decided to bring up a topic, that would surprise everybody. It was about Hina. She was concerned about what Hina might do next. She finally did wake up to the possibility that she wasn't exactly who she seems.

"Keitaro," Naru started. "I'm very worried..."

"What about?" Keitaro asked.

"I'm afraid Hina might do something to get arrested..." she said honestly.

"I wish I knew what to do about that," he said bluntly. "If she's done something, she's entitled to a fair trial."

"I suppose so," Naru said.

It got quiet again. Su was very bothered by the silence. She gave a loud sigh wanting to know why everybody was so quiet. She, unlike Keitaro, was not going to let the issue just go under the rug. In fact, her insistence on it...actually gave Keitaro an opening. Kunio fessed up and he told everybody about Miyabi. He really didn't want to go into detail, but he felt he had no choice. Keitaro then remembered the news reports on Onizuka leaving town for the stabbing of the teacher's Union member, but he was nowhere near the offices. Kunio nodded. This was a clear case of Onizuka having to sacrifice himself, even though he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Little did they know. There were going to be some visitors to the Hinata in the morning. After dinner. Kaolla helped Shinobu to clean up the kitchen, without even being asked. Later, Kunio was on the rooftop, he still was worried about Miyabi. Naru came up, she decided she was going to at least try to make Kunio less anxious.

"Kunio...what's going on?" Naru asked.

"It's my friend...she's not in the mood to accept help..." He said flatly.

"She's in a zero win situation...and she feels she needs to do this on her own," She said.

"Why would she want to do this on her own...?" he asked.

"She doesn't want you, or anybody else, to get hurt," Naru warned.

"I suppose so..."

"It'll work out," Naru warned, "for her sake...I hope it works out for the best."

Kunio hadn't heard that tone from her in a while. In fact this is what woke him up to the fact that this was Miyabi's fight. He sighed. He knew both were right. He let Naru go back inside. He needed some time to think. He could never imagine himself in a situation like Miyabi's. She's accused of assault with a deadly weapon...but Onizuka took the blame wrongfully, and he's out of Japan for his own sake. He sighed, and went down from the roof. He calmed down, and realized that things might eventually go Miyabi's way. He just wasn't sure where and when it would, or what evidence would be introduced to help things out. He passed Kitsune on the couch in the common area. She was killing herself trying to make sure her rent was paid up on time. She got it in, but it was just rough. Either way time was going to march on. However...the next was going to be interesting.