Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ When Keitaro met Julia ❯ Flash Forward to Kaolla ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When Keitaro Met Julia: Flash Forward to Kaolla



I do not own Love Hina or GTO. Love Hina is owned by Ken Akamatsu. GTO is owned by Tohru Fujisawa. The anime was produced by Studio Pierrot.

Notes: I do apologize for the one month delay. I got really busy. I hope to have more regular updates out.

It had been a week, and Kaolla was very nervous. She remembers the scoldings from Amalla, and she's not going to forget any time soon. She remembers being confined to her bedroom the entire time there. It was something she wasn't eager to do again. She really wasn't eager to have to be forced to do hard labor. That was no vacation for Kaolla. It was pure punishment for her actions. That also including jumping in Keitaro's face, kicking him in the head...and of course, her out of control experiments. Kaolla was very quiet. She was in no mood to raise Amalla's blood pressure. As for the Molmol embassy...Lamba had recalled all but the Janitor. That was for two reasons. The janitor didn't do anything wrong, and secondly...somebody had to keep the place occupied and cleaned. The new staff was moved in...however, severe punishment awaited if they even thought about entertaining Su's violent tendencies. It was recommended that she transfer into a school where there are children who were prodigies to challenge her. Amalla didn't allow it. However, she did want to make sure her younger sister was aware of exactly what was at stake this time.

"You are lucky," she said, hitting a button to put up the center divider to the car. "If it weren't for Haruka, you'd been in worse trouble."

"Y-Yes, sister," Su said nervously, "I understand."

"Let us review," Amalla said. "I'm in no mood to come back here, and find out you've been acting up."

"I-I know," Su said, semi-shaking.

"I don't want you to be the same time...I don't want you to harm the public either."

Su was silent. She understood exactly what Amalla ment. It was very silent. Amalla did have to take a moment to calm down. She knew she couldn't over do anything. At the same time, Kaolla knew what would happen if she continued to behave erratically. It was something that was setting in very quickly. Amalla cleared her throat. Su looked directly at her, and had her attention. Amalla frowned, and she knew she had to continue the conversation. Now was as good of time as any to continue.

" you know your restrictions?" she asked.

"I-I do," Su answered.

"Good, I'll more destructive toys, kicking people in the head, or ordering dangerous goods," she warned.

"Yes, sister," Su returned.

"Next...if you must use a power need to use city electricy...or use solar panels," she added.

"No more dangerous material," Su summed up.

"Yes...also, do not forget your dorm is now co-ed..."

"I remember," Su answered quickly.

"Good...I will be checking in with you every week...don't mess up your second chance."

Su was well aware her sister meant business. Not many people in her position would have gotten a second chance. Even so...she knew she has to make the best of it...or else. She shook thinking about what the alternatives would have been. Had the detectives of the Minor's bureau found out...that would had caused an international incident. That also would had swept up innocents into a situation that would have made things a lot worse. Amalla lowered the black divider...and they were almost there. The trip was very much quiet the rest of the way. Once to the top of the steps, they did meet up with Kunio who finished sweeping the steps. He looked up, but was more surprised but intimated.

"H-Hello," Kunio said, unaware that Su and Amalla came, "may I help you?"

"Yes, is Keitaro in?" Amalla asked.

"Oh, he's cleaning the springs with Naru," he answered. "He should be finished in a few minutes."

"That's fine," Amalla said.

"If you'd like, you can wait in the kitchen for him," he offered. He knew the look of there's further conversations with Su that needed to be taken care of.

"Thank you," Amalla said. "How did you know I wanted to get to the kitchen?"

"I know that look...mothers and older sisters have it," he said off-hand.

"Wow, what is your name?" Amalla asked.

"I'm Kunio Murai," he finally introduced himself.

"I'm Amalla...and this is my younger sister Kaolla," she answered.

"Right, she's your younger sister..." he said a bit nervous.

"She won't give you any trouble..." she said glancing at Su who just stood there quietly.

"May I talk to you in private?" Kunio asked.

"Sure," she said.

He leads her into the kitchen wanting to get a background on Kaolla. Amalla did say that Su is barely the princess of Molmol. Kunio nodded and paid attention. She also didn't want to tell Kunio exactly why Su had to go home for the week. Kunio saw Su reading a science magazine. He did put the puzzle together, and realized that this girl probably at one point or another blew up her middle school's science lab. Though, he was probably far from the truth. Keitaro came in, and Kunio left them to talk. Amalla wanted Kunio to listen in. She wanted him to hear everything. He nodded when he heard of the exploits of Su.

"Let me guess...the people who sent the stuff got punished severely..." Kunio said rolling his eyes.

"Yes they did," Amalla said.

"Well...if she has a scientific appetite...I can contact one of my teachers to see what we can do," he offered.

"Just as long as it's non-violent...then it's alright," Amalla warned.

"I still have those air-powered rockets from a while ago...I do need to actually find open spaces," Kunio said.

"Actually...that's not a bad idea," Amalla said.

Kunio did leave them to go talk to Su. She was still energetic. She just didn't want the wrath of Amalla to be a lot worse than it already was. Still, she was restless, and wanted something to do. She just didn't want to have been made to clean for punishment again. Kunio decided he'd have to take her to the arcade. While his summer break is wiling away because of homework...he reasoned she'll at least be out of the house, and will be out of trouble. Naru came by and she saw Kaolla and Amalla Amalla did have to take her leave, with Su standing there bowing properly to Amalla. Everything did sink in that things could had been a lot worse for the Princess of Molmol. Still, Kunio decided to let Su get some rest. He was well aware of the jet lag. He'll deal with her very much later. He did run into Naru who really was bored.

"Naru? Are you alright?" he asked.

"Oh..." Naru answered. "I'm just a little bored is all."

"If you want, I can tak you to the arcade with Kaolla when she wakes up," he offered.

"That won't be for a while yet."

"Right...she'll be down for the rest of the day."

Naru did blush. She did walk away from Kunio. He didn't exactly know what was going on. He decided to catch up to her. There was no way on God's green earth he was going to lead her on. After all, he did have his own crush, but Naru wasn't it. He caught up with her, and had her sit on the bench. He told Naru exactly that he couldn't return whatever feelings she had for him. She was disappointed, but she understood. She took it in stride.

"Thank you," Naru said, "I actually needed to be brought back down to earth."

"You're welcome," Kunio said. "It does suck being a teen with a crush."

"It's bad yes, but once you get the feelings's not so bad," she said.

"Oh! I nearly forgot about the arcade!"

"Hey, there's no need for you to go by yourself."

Naru decided to accompany him as a friend. He actually liked that idea. Though, the day did go fairly quickly. Once they returned home, Kaolla was up. The trip back took a lot out of her. She did frown. She was looking for something nondestructive to do. The very next day. Su was back to her old self. She saw some kids who wanted to use a remote control rocket in the park, but they couldn't make heads or tails of the instructions. She stepped up.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I join you?" she asked with a genuinely sweet smile.

"Thanks," a boy said, who was comically turning the schematics, "we can't make heads, or tails, of these."

"Let me see," Kaolla said.

She took a look at the instructions and things came together for her. It only took her about a half hour to put it together and set it up. They were in a secluded area of the park, and it was all set. Su hit the button...and well...nothing happened. She followed everything to the letter. She didn't take into account of a delay that was built in if something went wrong. As soon as she went close to the rocket...she was blown back and she fell on her backside. The Rocket flew up in the air. The kids noticed only Su who was embarrassed, and she blushed. However...she started laughing at her own misfortune. This was a lot easier than to throw a fit, or to pout in her mind.

"Are you okay?!" a couple of girls asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I broke the first rule of rockets...stay away," Kaolla said owning up to her mistake.

"It's actually our fault," the boy said, "I probably should have set the delay for a little longer."

The rocket floated back down to the launch pad with the parachute. Su smiled and she talked with the kids. They were genuinely interested in science and rocketry. She offered to hang out with them so they could do safe experiments. They accepted, and Su smiled. It still was early in the day, but she was now back on her form. She didn't kick the kids in the head. She actually shook their hands. While Su was being punished back in Molmol...Amalla had to teach her exactly what to do in social situations. This too was a lot easier for her because she didn't have to use too much energy. This had turned out to be exactly a week that Su actually enjoyed. When she got home, she called Amalla and told her of her day, and she was in high spirits.

"That was quick," Amalla said in pure surprise.

"I know, I still have a lot to learn, huh?" Su asked sweetly.

"You do," Amalla said, just as sweetly.

"I'll be honest, it's a lot easier to do things the right way."

"Be careful," Amalla warned, "sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing to do."

"RIght, I can't get lazy."

"How are you in chores by the way?"

"Keitaro...those's very hard work," Su noted.

"Hard work will make you a better'll have an advantage over those who...don't really care."

Su took the words to heart. She still was her energetic self...however, she now was growing up. She bid Amalla a good evening, and ended the call. She yawned after a long day to change into her pajamas. Her bedroom was very quiet. She was thinking on what to do to help the entire Hinata, and not just herself. Su had a thought. She thought that her week in Molmol wasn't just only a punishment...but a very hard lesson on life. She just smiled and laid in her bed. Though her pajama tops were a little too small. She didn't care as she was in the privacy of her own room. She fell asleep, excited for what the next day was going to bring. Meanwhile...Sakurai was in her offices at Holy Forest, talking with a guy on the phone. It was the same detective of Minors Bureau who hauled Keitaro in not too long ago.

"Do you have any new information?" Sakurai asked.

"Yes, Hinata Urashima is in Atlantic City, New Jersey," he answered.

"She'll be at the gambling meccas for a while," Sakurai noted.

"She'll be taking a detour to Cleveland, Ohio..."

"Thank you...keep me posted," Sakuari requested.

"You're welcome," he answered. "Are you sure this is okay though...?"

"I'm not exactly sure myself...but Hina had ruined he life of her granddaughter...and has nearly ruined more lives in the process," Sakurai answered.

The detective accepted that Sakurai still had doubts on what she was asking. However, he knew his job was to make sure to get to the truth. He ended the call, and allowed Sakurai some time to herself. Uchiyamada came in, and he didn't know what was going on. Sakurai would have to explain to him eventually her plans. She knew he'd probably object, but she'd expect it by now. She was still thinking back to that day where she met Keitaro and everybody. She saw him shuffle in from the corner of her eye and had him sit down. She was going to explain herself, in the strictest of confidence.