Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The war of Megazords VS Gundams! ❯ Moments like this ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Galaxy Megazord, The Time-Force, and Time-Shadow Megazords were ordered into the offense… to go after the Archangel and Eternal.
The Ninja-Falcon Megazord and the Omega Megazord stayed in Defense around my Ship.
And the Max-Solar Zord was in the middle of the way as a second line of offense and Defense.
The DINNs began charging forward.
“Hmm…m…m…m! Silly fools, when will they ever learn?” Davis said to himself, “Galaxy Crossbow… armed and ready!”
The Galaxy Megazord held up the Condor in one hand, which meant is was actually a Neutron Cannon!
“Ready, Aim, FIRE!!”
He fired a giant stream of energy destroying at one quart of the DINNs in one shot. This gave the TK and Kari a chance to proceed.
On the Archangel
“Aim Valiants… FIRE!” cried Murrue.
The ship fired it's wing lasers at the Time-Shadow, but the Time-Force Megazord just moved up in front of it and held up a shiny shield.
Not only did it shield them both… “Admiral… their coming back at us!” cried Sai.
Too late to move out, they were hit, but not too much damage!
Aboard the Eternal
Cagali couldn't believe it, “That Megazord…” she said I thought it was supposed to be Blue, not Red!”
“It must be a mode changer!” cried Andrew.
“Here I come!” said TK as his Megazord pulled out it's sword and charged straight at the Eternal only to be confronted by the JUSTICE!
“You're not going anywhere!” cried Athurun. The Justice pulled out it's double-sword.
“Oh ho… you like to play with knives too, eh?” said TK, “Let's get it on!”
“Kira… you try and go for the Ship, I'll stay here and shield the Eternal!” replied Athurun.
Kira already knew of Athurun's strategy to beat these things, even if it was risky, he had to take the chance.
The FREEDOM rocketed towards my Ship only to bump into the Galaxy Megazord.
“No, no, no… that isn't nice!” said Davis, and his Megazord pulled out his sword.
Meanwhile the Time-Shadow Megazord was already on the Archangels front and hacking away at the Hangar bay doors.
“DIE BASTARDS… DIE!!!” screamed Kari.
Suddenly, she was hit from behind by the BUSTER. “You die first!” said Dearka.
Kari leaped her Megazord up higher and tried to swing at him with her shadow blades, But Dearka also knew of the plan.
All three of the Megazords were firing their guns, and swinging their blades at the three mobile suits.
But as quickly as they were able to attack, the Mobile suits dodged and evaded all the blasts.
“STAND STILL ALREADY!!” growled TK, but the JUSTICE just evaded out of the way again.
“What you have in power, you lack in speed!” cried Athurun.
The Archangel and Eternal saw this as a good opportunity to open fire. “Target Mykan's Ship!” said Mwu.
“Aim Helldarts… FIRE!!” cried Murrue.
The Archangel fired its missiles while Cagail fired the Eternal's Proton-Cannon.
“What… Oh no you don't!” cried Ken. He moved his Max Solar-Zord into the line of the Proton blast.
The beam did get a direct hit, but it didn't seem to damage him at all but just be absorbed by it's solar panels!
The Ninja-Falcon, and the Omega Megazords took care of as many of the Helldarts as they could.
Cody used his Megazords's Falcon wings to blow them away, and Yolei used her machine blaster to shot them down.
“Good work you guys, great work!” said Ken.
On the Archangel
“Not one of our missiles went through!” said Kazui. “And the Proton blast was absorbed!”
Mwu looked as though he was going to burst. “DAMN!!... What the hell's going on here!!”
Meanwhile outside… the BUSTER and the Time-Shadow were still at it, Dearka was getting weak, but wasn't down yet.
The Time Shadow was running low on power too, but even it wasn't ready to quit.
“I'LL GET YOU YET!!” screamed Kari!
He fired his Buster-Cannon, and knocked Kari's weapons of her Megazord, leaving her weaponless as in her normal forum she hand no guns.
“Somebody help me!!” cried Kari.
Davis had the FREEDOM in blade lock with his Megazords sword. “Whoa… Kari… I'm coming!” he cried.
He kicked Kira away and began to fly over only to see TK was already helping her out.
“I'll take it from here, Captain!” he said. Davis just growled under his breath, but then turned right back to the FREEDOM.
“It's not fair!” he grumbled, “IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!”
The Time Force Megazord picked up the Defenseless Megazord and carried it up even higher.
“Hey come back here!” yelled Dearka!
“NOW…KEN!!!” cried TK.
Mir saw on screen… “Ah… BUSTER, LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!” she screamed.
Dearka turned around… too late. The Max Solar-Zord had snuck up from behind and thrust the blades on its hand right into the BUSTER'S chest.
The BUSTER began sparking up, and this caught everyone's attention, even the other Megazords.
Mir, started at the screen as though her eyes were going to pop out from her head.
KABLAM!!!... When the smoke cleared, the BUSTER was gone, and Mir's screen said… SIGNAL LOST!
“No…NO!!!” she screamed! “Not again!”
Kira couldn't believe his eyes, He was gone. Mykan and his army made a threat and carried it out.
Athurun however, was the most upset. First Miguel was killed in battle, then Nicol was gone… and now…!
Tears of Anger and sadness streamed down his face. “No… DEARKAAAAAAAAA!!!!”
On my ship
You can bet your boots that I was indeed pleased. “That's one down!” I said. “Oh… I live for moments like this!”
“BAH, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!”
Back outside… The Team shared a good laugh too, and the Max-Solar-Zord began jump about while still on the arch angel.
While on the Archangel, Something inside Mir had Snapped.
She leapt up out of her seat and over to the fire panel. “Lieutenant Haww… what are you Doing!!” snapped Murrue.
Ken was so busy in his little victory that he didn't see behind him that the ships lasers were targeting him.
“KEN… WATCH OUT!!” cried Cody!
Ken looked behind him just as the lasers opened fire on him. His Panels did protect him fro the blast, but the light was blinding him.
“AH… MY EYES!!” he cried.
“DIE… DIE… DIE!!” screamed Mir.
Murrue had asked Mwu to escort Mir off the bridge as she seemed way out of control.
Ken's Megazord wasn't damaged at all, but his hands were practically glued to his visor.
“KEN…HANG ON!!” cried Davis but as he turned around… the FREEDOM had struck it's sword right into the Galaxy Megazords Chest!”
“ENOGUH…I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!!” Screamed Kira, and then… that little spark in him went off.
And that glow in his eyes appeared. “YARGH!!!”