Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The war of Megazords VS Gundams! ❯ Plans are simple, Thoughts are not! ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Next day…
My crew and I had beamed down to Earth using a matter transporter I had designed, and were hiding out at my other Power-plant… Somewhere in Alaska!
But you can bet your boots that when I heard that two of my Megazords were stolen, and another one shot down… I was angry!
Takuya stood before me and in front of the rest of the team.
“Captain Takuya!” I said in my deep voice, “I hired you because I saw you as a brilliant ground force leader to help me in ridding coordinators from this world.”
“In the past, you have made several mistakes, and even though it was planned… having those coordinators stealing my creations and using them against me… That disturbs me very much, Captain!”
Takuya kept his eyes focused on me and tried all he could to shunt his fear of my voice away.
“The next launch will be your last chance to fly right, Takuya!” I said. “If you fail to destroy even one coordinator, and come back with less mobile suits… you will subject to the Death penalty as punishment!!”
There were a lot of pitiful voices escaping from everyone's throats as they couldn't believe this fate would befall Takuya.
Nevertheless, Takuya understood, and he was even willing to accept the consequences if he were to fail.
I dismissed the assembly, and marched off for my office with Ken and Yolei, following.
“Sir, do you actually know when the next battle will commence?” asked Yolei.
“Of course I do… it's all part of my Master-plan.” I said.
We took a small detour at the other side of the plant and looked over into the hangar bay where Megazords and two Huge Ships sat in the dark.
“If I know those pests, they'll be coming here to stop this place, and even if they manage to succeed, they'll be sure to go after the Atsro Mega ship, and the Delta Ship.”
“And if they do… Hmm mm mm… We'll be ready!”
* * *
Meanwhile, at the desert base…
Kira and friends were briefed by Commander Jule…
“We have established that Mykan's second power plant is located somewhere in the Alaskan mountains.”
“Even as we speak, he completed construction of two new warships we believe that can aid us in our quest to stop him once and for all.”
Yzak came forward and inserted a disk into the hard drive, which showed the blue prints of two huge warships, about the same size as my ship, each.
“Incredible.” Said Murrue, “They have over ten times the Archangel's capabilities.”
“Yes… that is correct.” Said Ms. Jule.
“That ship is also believed to house several Megazords designed for space battles…”
She pressed a switch, and the screen showed the images of four Megazords.
The Astro Megazord…???
The Delta Megazord…???
The Mega Winger…
And The Mega Voyager…
Mwu noticed the question marks by the top two, “So it would seem that those two Megazords have not been located.” He said.
Ms. Jule nodded, “We have been unsuccessful in locating their whereabouts… but nevertheless… if we can get our hands on all this… we should be able to put an end to Mykan!”
“Any questions?”
Athurun stood up, “Are we actually going to be the ones piloting the megazords?”
“Indeed you are.” Said Ms Jule, “We have studied the Megazords functions and they appear to be nothing to different from the mobile suits you've controlled in the past.”
“In fact… it is also noted that even a child may be able to pilot one of these massive machines.”
The Archangel's crew stared in awe at on another.
“However… due to the dangers and inexperience's of battling out there you have… we shall only accept all coordinators here to pilot them.”
“Now hold on a minute!” said Mwu, “I may not be any coordinator, but I did a damn fine job in piloting mobile suits before.”
“Captain, please do not speak out of term.” Said Murrue, but Ms. Jule just put up her hand stopping her.
“People… if you will let me finish… ” She said. “I was about to inquire… that we will only allow coordinators, however…”
“Since their design is so simple, all Non-Coordinated personal are permitted to volunteer to pilot a Megazord.”
This made a big difference… and the crew stared in awe again. “You may volunteer if you wish… but be warned!!”
“There is no turning back once you have been assigned a position, and if you go into battle you may lose your life out there!”
Everyone stared at Murrue, “Well… as it is out of my hands, and we are rather desperate to end this war.” She said, and turned to her crew.
“Anyone who wishes to volunteer for this upcoming battle, you may do so, but there is nothing I can or will do to stop you.”
Well… Mwu and Cagali were the firsts to sign up. “Cagali, are you sure about this?” asked Athurun.
Cagali winked at him, “I'll either help protect you Athurun, or die trying.” She said.
Sai stood up, “I'm in!” he said and signed up. This made everyone gawk at him in shock.
“Look… I won't be of much use if I don't do anything to help out.” He said, “For the first time in my life, I want to do something I never thought I even dream of… Becoming a pilot!”
Their faces faded into smiles of support, “Go get them out there, Sai!” Said Mir.
“We're with you all the way.” Added Kazui.
Kira couldn't help but feel great for Sai, and shook his hand, “Welcome aboard.” He said with pride, “You'll make a great pilot.”
Sai smiled, “Thanks Kira!”
Two days later…
Tests and simulations were made for all the points and their megazords… for tomorrow, they would destroy this base, and make it to Alaska, and take out the rest.
If their plans were successful, they'd be able to steal the two ships there, and with the Megazords on board it. They would return to Space and face me off.
Kira was lying in the room he shared with Lacus, studying the manual for the Megazord he was assigned to use in the upcoming battles.
He was piloting The Titan Megazord.
One of the latest Zords ever made, and it had the power to take on so many fighting forums… it was virtually unstoppable.
Athrurn was in control of The Thunder Megazord...A Mighty Samurai-class Megazord with a mighty Trydon, and silver blade, and a hidden secret under it's amour.
Cagali was in control of The Wild force Megazord… that was recovered from the previous battle.
Mwu La Fllaga took command of The Zeo Megazord… and discovered that it's battle helmet actually had five separate levels.
Andrew Waltfeild took control of another Thunderzord… The White Tigerzord… after all, he was the desert tiger.
Finally, after the base would be destroyed, the civilians and the rest of the crew would need transportation… which was where Sai came in.
He was in control of a special Thunderzord called Tor… A mighty turtle shaped tank which could carry all the others inside, like a ground ship.
Still… Kira wasn't all choked up about going into showdown tomorrow, and you couldn't blame hi either.
They were deliberately heading into the jaws of the enemy, and he if he knew my mind, he knew I would be expecting them.
Kira didn't know how much more of this he could take!
True that with the Megazords at their use, they would stand a fighting chance, but it didn't change the fact that people could and would still be dying tomorrow.
Suddenly, he could swear he heard Athurun and Cagali making out in the room beside his, and that made him think of Lacus.
He stared down at his fiancée who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and smiled. “I'll do this Lacus… for us!”