Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The war of Megazords VS Gundams! ❯ Operation: Split up ( Chapter 19 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
As Takato and Henry marched the crew down the corridor to the airlocks the computers already viewed the same message.
“Core-Overload… Emergency Shutdown Overwritten… Core Implosion estimated in Ten Minutes!”
That was bad… it meant that they couldn't shut down the core by radio beam, or by computer, and because the two ships were linked together, if the Astro Mega ship exploded, the Delta ship would go with it.
Not that it mattered anyway, The Crew had had reached the Airlock bay near the edge of the ship… Almost ready to be tossed out into the Nothingness of Space, with no suits on.
“Well, Kira… looks like this is it!” Athurun said Softly, “Friends throughout the ages we'll be now.”
The girls had tears of woe in their eyes, even Murrue, who also had anger mixed into her eyes.
No… Kira wasn't going to let this happen. He started Athurun Dead in the eyes. “Maybe it's time you thought positively… You Thick headed ZAFT Boy!”
“Kira…!” snapped Lacus and Cagali.
Athurun looked straight at Kira, “You what?!” he asked sounding offended, but he caught the twinkle in Kira's eye… just play along.
“You're starting to act like we were when we enemies.” Snapped Kira, “You Back stabbing Murderer.”
Athurun winked, showing he was playing along. “Ohh… Right!” He said angrily. “Well how does it feel Kira Yamato, was it worth you siding with the Earth forces!”
“Shut up!” growled Kira.
Henry opened the inner door to the airlock and ushered them both inside, as the first ones to go, but right after that, the boys broke into a fist fight.
Kira Shoved Athurun into the wall, and then both boys winked at each other at the long pipe that was behind Kira.
Athurun gave him a huge shove towards the other wall; Kira grabbed the pipe but instead of going for Athurun he spun round quickly and bashed Henry clean in the head knocking him into the Airlock.
Athurun quickly ran towards Takato and tackled him to the ground, after Mir and Kazui stripped him of his weapons, Lacus and Cagali threw him into the airlock too.
“Ms. Murrue… NOW!!” cried Kira.
Murrue nodded and shut the Airlock trapping Takato and Henry, and then opened the outer door sucking them into Space. Luckily they still had their suits on.
“You guys, that was awesome.” Said Mir.
“You should have seen Kira, in gym class at prep school!” said Athurun.
They all shared a good laugh, but then Cagali called their attention to the screen that showed the Barracks on the Delta Ship. All the Civilians inside were suffocating, including Ms. Jule and Sai.
“Core-Overload… Emergency Shutdown Overwritten… Core Implosion estimated in Nine Minutes!”
They may have escaped custody, but they were nowhere near out of the woods yet. “Let's go!” cried Kira.
Meanwhilein the sick bay…
I had typed into the main ops to jam the door to the Barracks on the Delta Ship, so none of the civilians had a chance to get out.
“General…!” said Matt, “You're transport is ready for departure!”
My crew and I headed out of the sickbay, leaving Mwu and Andrew to lay their, colder than ice.
“Core-Overload… Emergency Shutdown Overwritten… Core Implosion estimated in Eight Minutes!”
Kira and friends made it up to the bridge and armed themselves heavily, but Shutting down the core proved to be difficult.
Cagali tried the computer again, and again, “It's no good!” she said “The Memory checksum is invalid, and Core systems hardware are damaged!”
“Admiral… what are we going to do?” asked Kauzi, “What can we do?”
“The only thing we can do!” said Murrue, and after a short brief, the crew split up into separate groups.
Kira and Lacus were assigned to get the core and shut it down Manually.
Athurun, Cagali, and Kauzi were assigned to find the valve to the Oxygen seal and shut it off before the Civilians ran out of air.
Murrue assigned herself to get to the Delta Ship Barracks and wedge the door open in case Athurun's team failed.
Mir was to stay on the Bridge and direct Kira and Lacus to the core, and to look after the ships pilots.
As for them, Murrue assigned the pilots to use the ship's Simulations and practice driving… She had an idea for later… if there would even be a later.
With all that settled, they split up.
Kira and Lacus ran down the corridors. “Okay… listen up!” said Mir over Kira's radio. “When you reach Level-C, Hallway number five, go to weapon storage, second n the left through the passage.”
“It leads to a system of utility corridors through the bowels of the ship.”
“Right… we're on our way.” Said Kira.
Athurun's group made it up to the entrance point of the main ops where the valve to Delta's Barracks was.
The problem was, they saw two more of Takato's guards in the room watching over the controls.
Murrue had safely made it aboard the Delta Ship, but was finding it hard to sneak past all the guards.
Suddenly, she hear the pipes above her clang together, she look up and saw Yzak. “Admiral… Well at least one of us made it out.”
“Ensign. Jule?” asked Murrue, “What are you doing up there on the ceiling?”
Yzak hopped down from the ceiling and told her that he managed to fool the guards by playing Double-Agent.
Murrue assigned him to follow her, as he knew more of the ship than she did, and help her in her mission.
The ship pilots were getting better and better at the feel of their simulated steering.
It turned out that the Astro Mega Ship, as well as the Delta ship had the exact same speed capabilities as my ship did.
Not to mention, the ships could connect together, the Delta ship on top of Astro Mega, and become even more powerful.
But, those weren't the only thing they discovered…
My ship was standing still just outside, about five-hundred yards from the other two ships.
I wanted to have a front row seat when those vehicles blew up, and those pests put out of my misery… However, Tai came onto the bridge with bad news.
“General…!” he said, “We have just received word that Admiral Ramius, her command crew, and the coordinators have escaped custody!”
“What…?!” I snapped, then I saw Takato and Henry on the view screen. They were outside and wanted in.
“Find them!”
“But, Sir…” said Tai, “You are aware that the core implosion is becoming imminent.”
“I know that, Stupid… We can use the transporter, now do as your told… AND FIND THEM!!!
“Yes, Sir!”