Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Gundam Seed Destiny Fan Fiction ❯ White Symphony ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1
The Moon releases its blooming rays of white light, showering a lone mansion beneath a deep sea of grassy plains and forest over yonder as crisp cold wind brushes through its field of fine green grass and ageless evergreen trees, evidence of care and purity. Beneath this palace-like mansion, resides a lone figure, aside from his fellow servants and various bodyguards, sitting by the hearth of his mansion, thoughts engulfing his young mind. He leans back on his single-couch in front of the fireplace, the fiery blaze of light touches his youthful and handsome face. A single-puff emerges from his perfectly shaped mouth, as he let out a somber sigh. He quickly shot his beautifully blended lavender eyes at his right hand, a letter tightly grasped between his powerful yet gentle fingers.
“Why has it come down to this?” He asked, though he knew none would listen to him but the ember in front. The letter tightly held between his fingers, as if nearly crumbled up, as the boy let out a grumble of frustration. He ran his free left arm through his silky and slightly long brown hair before brushing it to his face and to his neck in thought. He hunched a bit forward and switches his violet orbs to the now dying ember, proof of his long stay in his comfort and study room, and then to the painting above the hearth.
It was an elegant painting of his family. His mother standing upright beside his sitting father, as she held the hands of his tomboy sister, her face beaming with happiness, but deep within that face, sadness lurks. His childish state lay positioned on the other side of his father, and then his other sibling, his twin, sat in front of him, legs either crossed or folded together in a “royalty” like way. His father, with a powerful face and neatly groomed newly developed blonde beard and mustache, sat in a straight 90 degree angle with his back arched up straight and his hands positioned on the butt of his saber handle that lay on a vertical position from the floor. All the family members wore very elegant and noble clothing, apparent that nobility reside in their position in society.
The young lad once again sighs, as his face, a clear trace of a mix Scandinavian and Japanese genes, scrunched up in frustration and anger. The letter within his hand held his future that his parents decide without his consent, and it angered him deeply; and as evidence of this rare emotion that held unknowingly within his lavender orbs, he angrily compressed the letter into a messy ball and threw it in the hearth. His angry eyes and emotionless face stare at the cinder of burned paper, as a decision finally came to him. He abruptly stood up, his long silky-blue robe touching the floor and his well-built chest lay bare to the crisp air, and yelled in a commanding tone.
“Bring me Sir Edward!” The butler that was standing beside his master jumped in surprise and stares at the boy in shock, but later gulps and nodded when his master's eyes turned into a really deep shade of violet. A scene never witnessed by anyone, even his master's family.
“As you wish, my Lord” With the thought of losing his life, he hurriedly scurries through the door.
The boy watch as the servant exits the room, and sits once again on his sofa. He brought his head back, resting it on the head of the couch. He slowly closes his eyes and let his anger drain from him. He must act swiftly before his parents investigate his manner and find out his plan.
A quick ten minutes passed and the door slowly opens to reveal a youth, similar to the boy in age and physique. He quickly walks towards the couch his master occupies and stands in an attention a few feet away before kneeling.
“You called, my Lord?”
The boy lifted his gaze from the ember of the hearth and to the blonde youth. He quickly smiles at him and acknowledge his show of respect.
“Rise, I have summoned you here to accomplish a personal mission.”
The blonde stood up and gave his full attention to his master.
“You are hereby stripped from your rank as captain of the royal guard-“
The blonde gave his lord a horrific face. Expressing his disappointment and surprise, the blonde retorted to his master for the sudden demotion from his previous rank.
“But my-“
The boy quickly held his hands up, gesturing the blonde to cease talking.
“I am not done speaking, Sir Edward. As I was saying, you are hereby stripped from your rank in the premises of the White Symphony Private High School.”
This confused Sir Edward. “Pardon, my Lord?”
The boy slowly stood up from his seat and walks up to the blonde, standing before him with all his pride, his noble aura of high class behavior and intelligence emanating ever so proudly from his youthful and divine-like form.
“I, Kira Yamato, hereby secretly enrolled myself in the said school, and you are coming with me as a student as well.”
The blonde gawked at him, as if his master grew three heads before him. “What are you saying, my Lord, you are already embarking yourself in a Ph-D degree in computer engineering, biology, and law. Are you saying you will throw all that away? Think about your achievements, you have more things to do than merely playing around in high school. What will your parents think of this, what about your reputation and position in society and government? What-”
Having enough of the babblings of his personal bodyguard, the boy quickly interrupted with a booming commanding voice.
“Silence, my words are final; if you highly disagree in this matter, then do not accompany me!”
“But my Lord, as your personal guard, I cannot let you go off alone.”
“Then do not question me of my motives.”
Edward nodded, wanting to end this senseless argument in which he will not win, and kept silent. But a thought quickly emerge from his thoughts and gaze at his master with question, which went noticeable to the boy.
“My Lord, why do you wish to attend this high school?”
The boy slowly let his face form a smirk, which confuses his guard.
“Simple, I will find my bride.”