Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Gundam Seed Destiny Fan Fiction ❯ White Symphony ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
The morning arrays of light from the brilliant sun showers a massive school that lay on the sea of grassy fields and lively forest beneath the lands of a secluded and private island of Orb. Students of various high classes, ranges from children of celebrities to heirs and off springs of company and government leaders, gather about on the premises of the courtyard in front of the massive private school.
Like any other normal teenage men and women, various cliques gather together to gossip over the latest achievements within certain families or the blunders they committed, as well as the latest `Hunk or Beauty of the month' magazines that seems to have a massive affect on most celebrity children and lesser on the heirs. Young men and women flirted one another in hopes of getting to spend the night alone with each other, as virginity seem to cease to exist on most snobbish and boastful teenagers, which happens to be ninety-four percent of the school population. The rare six percent happens to be the more disciplined celebrities and political-involved children, most of them are naïve to the word `sex'. Within this six percent, a group known as the `Archangel' gathers about near a tree at the very side of the courtyard, a place highly secluded to the snobbish ninety-four percent.
A teenage girl, probably at the age of eighteen, with long flowing silky pink hair and skin as pure as white-snow that seem to glow when the sun hits her albino-like flesh walks towards the group in a graceful and elegant manner. Many men, most are secret admirers and hitch-hikers, cannot help but ogle at the beauty before them, as the female gracefully sway her hips in a slow beat-like motion with every step she took. Her perfectly plumped kissable natural red lips and an adorably well-sculpted nose nearly made men go crazy with there fantasies, but nothing in her face is compared to the remarkably radiant and beautiful cerulean eyes that seem to drown the male race with fantasies and awe stature.
The group noticed the incoming goddess as they stop speaking on whatever topic and put their full attention to the pink-haired angel, a smile planted on their face as the male race of the group let out a small blush of admiration and crush to the girl. The female, in return, gave the group a smile of pure innocence, which many find adorable and slowly sat down beside the tree with her trusted close friends in an elegant and lady-like manner.
A female brunette of the same age as the pink-haired angel began spreading information over the latest news she receive from her father's article to the goddess, which made the girl gasp in shock and worry.
“So the Prince of Orb and Heir to the throne suddenly disappears without any trace a week ago, what caused him to commit such act?”
The brunette merely shrugs her shoulders, not knowing the answer herself.
“I don't know, and the problem is… almost all of Orb including the high ranking government officials, cannot determine his physical identity. The royals, much to our disappointment, refuse to show the public a picture of him; however, the good news is that the Prince is more likely here in Orb and not in a different country, so searching for him won't be that impossible.”
The pink haired teenager still could not let her worry slide off, as the thought of the young prince kidnapped or maybe probably held hostage by the spies or hired-mercenaries from the hostile organization called `The Alliance' within the lands of an even more hostile and ambitious country of the Atlantic Federation.
“The royals refusing to show their heir's identity is truly a mystery, but I believe in the King and his decisions. If hiding his son from the persistent eyes of the public are the right thing, then I believe in it; however I held second thoughts in this, which I regret dreadfully.”
The brunette shook her head in disbelief at the girl and places both her hands on the goddess's shoulders, with her eyes closed and a small sigh later released from her mouth.
“My dear Lacus Clyne, your heart is truly of pure gold, a rarity in this world, and loyalty and trust towards the King is something I truly admire, but what could possibly be so dangerous as to show a mere picture of the young prince? With such simple information, finding the prince will not be too hard.”
Lacus thought for a moment, finding some reasonable answer to the question, but her intelligent mind could not forge a believable answer or the true answer itself. She let her shoulders sag for a moment and later sighs in defeat, mumbling words of forgiveness to her friend.
“You are right, Miriallia, and the question… I cannot find the answer. I just hope the prince will safely return to his palace.”
Miriallia patted Lacus shoulder in satisfaction and victory, smiling brightly at the pink-haired angel before winking at her.
“It seems our little Lacus has a crush on the prince, didn't you tell me your father has great connection with the royal family?”
Lacus quickly whips her head away from her smirking friend, hiding a small adorable blush on her face that seems to put her already rosy cheeks a bright shade of clear red, which went noticeable to the brunette and intensifies her already smirking face. Lacus, not wanting to keep the question unanswered, slowly turn her head to her smirking friend and answer the question in a small, but audible, timid voice.
“Yes, Father has met his Majesty and his family plenty of times in many occasional royal balls, however meeting the Prince he was not able to do. An adventurous and Independent young man, so they say. It was truly disappointing when father invited me to attend a ball his Majesty held within his castle and never met nor seen the prince, I was looking forward to it as well.”
Miriallia just smirks even wider and nudges the still-blushing Lacus, teasing her and her crush on the young prince. She knew that out of everyone in this school, Lacus is most likely able to meet the prince, what with her father as the current Prime Minister of Orb, a respected Royal Advisor, and Baron of Copernicus, she hope within all her might that they would meet and wed. She has always believed that, though her friend's noble status may be of the lowest rank in the peerage, her kind soul and rare personality that seems to ease even the most tainted soul is truly the most fitting for the title Queen. However, though her friend's family may be an intimate friend of the Royal family, a persistent and annoying obstacle lies between the unification of the Clyne and Yamato family.
Miriallia's smirking face faltered as a glum expression slowly creeps to her face. This manifested the feeling of concern from Lacus, who, after her blush slowly wanes, observes her friend's face as it turned from a very amusing smirking face to a very thoughtful one.
“What's the matter, Miriallia?”
Miriallia snaps from her thoughts and gave her friend an amazingly bright smile that seems to creep Lacus out a bit.
“Nothing, I was just thinking, nothing to be concerned about.”
Lacus comprehends her friend's statement and nodded, standing up, along with her group, when the bell rang signaling the whole campus students to rendezvous with their principal, who stood with high authority within the school's auditorium inside.
Lacus and her friends lined up on the auditorium's narrow entrance hall inside, squeezing through the crowds and avoiding anyone who tries to push them, however a massive force roughly pushes the group aside, as a group of teenage women in school uniform that they altered to fit their taste, which happens to be disgustingly revealing, walk pass them without the care in the world. Lacus, who was pinned on the wall by her friends, in an attempt to hide her, grunted as pressure was applied to her back.
“Mir, what are you doing?” Lacus grunted as her friend used her back to cover the pink-haired girl from the female group, but Mir merely covered her mouth with her hands to silence her.
“Shh, if she finds you then you're in trouble.”
“Flay Allster that is who.”
The name shook the pink-haired angel in fear. She knew of Flay Allster as both of their fathers opposes greatly to one another, both in political and military decision. Many have considered the Allsters as a radical family, with their ways of treating the lower classes like dirt and their ambition to become a part of the Royal Family. They nearly succeeded in doing so when George Allster, Flay's father, manage to convince the Royal Family in an arrange marriage with their eldest son and his daughter, for he believe that it will greatly benefit the nation, what with George being a wealthy noble and Duke of Artemis.
The arrange marriage would have boosted the country's capitol and land, but the sudden disappearance of the prince left the Royal family to refuse the proposal. They knew that once their son done something drastic, he greatly opposes their idea, which they are thankful for. Like the Battle of Gibraltar when George proposes an all-out attack force to a small hostile nation that constantly ravages and plunders the farm area nearby. The Royal family nearly approved it when the Prince suddenly appeared with the force, dressed in military uniform and weaponry. The King, not wanting to stop his son, approved the Head of the Royal Guard's, Mu La Flaga, proposal, which states a wave of squads to demolish the small forces and castle of the enemy.
If the King would have approved George's plan, the Royal army would have been reduced by half, and as evident to this theory many surprises that lies ahead when Mu's wave-by-wave squads destroyed the opponent. Nine out of thirteen squads were greatly destroyed once they near the castle, as traps of all kinds were hidden on the fields of battle and boiling-hot oil pits lay buried and hidden a few meters away from the castle. The nation of Orb was victorious afterwards, gaining the land of the former nation Gibraltar, but the casualties left the King to thank his son, who was still at standby with the remaining twenty-four squads.
Miriallia used nearly all her body to hide Lacus from Flay, who became suspicious of the antics Miriallia and her friends committed. She was about to give the group a dirty look, one that states she looks down on them like a dirty stray dog, but a small, but highly visible strands of pink hair hidden behind the brunette female caught the girl's attention. She saunters towards the group with a smirk, letting her hips move side-to-side in a model-like way. Her long shiny, but somewhat dead red hair sways side-to-side, the tip touching her rear.
As the red-head came to stop in front of Miriallia, she roughly shoves the girl aside, who stumbled to one of her friends. Lacus, who was once hidden, gasp in shock before being roughly pushed to the wall with enough force to cause pain.
Lacus gasp and struggled to breath for a moment. Flay, amused to the predicament she committed to the Pink-haired girl, roughly slaps Lacus across the cheeks. Miriallia, along with her other friends, attempted to rush and aid Lacus, but Flay's party held them in place against the wall. The group may be plenty of times stronger than Flay's party, but with the status Flay has, along with her Father, they commit no act that may endanger their family and themselves.
“What is a low-life doing here at MY school? Did I tell you before that if I see your ugly face near my school, you'll regret it?”
Lacus, not wanting to argue, refuse to speak and focuses her gaze on the floor. She just bears all the slanders and abuses Flay gave her, she knew that reporting this to the school will put herself and her friends in trouble. The spectators, having seen all the abuses Flay has done to poor Lacus, wished they could report this as well, but like Lacus, they do not want to mess with the Allsters.
“Answer me, you dog!” Flay whipped her hand on Lacus's cheek, but she was not done yet as she back-handed her after the slap several times afterwards. Lacus flew to the side in pain as she felt her skin burning, but thankful when neither her blood nor broken mouth was seen of felt.
Flay, enjoying the abuses she gave, was about to kick Lacus when a booming male voice echoes throughout the narrow wall.
Flay stops mid-air and witnessed as the group split in half to reveal a male with chocolate hair and lively lavender eyes. He strides to the side of Lacus, as if gliding, and knelt before her.
“Are you alright, my Lady?”
Lacus painfully looks up and gasp at the shades of lavender hues on his eyes. A small blush slowly creeps on her already red cheeks and looks away in embarrassment.
“Yes, I am alright.”
The boy smiles at this and stood up, glaring at the red head. Flay, who was now mesmerized to the boy, gave him a seductive smile, which disgusts the boy in many levels.
“What's this, what is a cute boy doing with the dog? You shouldn't touch her; she might have some ugly disease.”
Flay motioned the boy to come to her, moving her index finger in a slow and seductive motion, but the boy merely glares at the red head in anger and disgust as he helped Lacus properly stand up and walks towards the nearest clinic.
Flay fumed at this, no one has ever ignored her and her seduction, and screamed at the boy to come back, but the brunette merely ignored her and walks away with Lacus by his side, supporting her, along with her fellow friends.
Flay's fuming face was later altered with a smirking one.
“hmm, this boy interests me.”