Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Disclaimer: Notes ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression
Created by: Lonely-Avenger
All content of this anime originally belongs to Bandai and Sunrise Agency of Japan, with some exceptions of created characters by the writer. This story is created for the purpose of reading pleasure. All rights reserved.
I figured I'd write my version of GUNDAM SEED, after thinking much about its story and flow. Particularly, I was turned off with some elements found there, and decided to tinker with some interesting scenarios.
However, I must stress this: this story contains MAJOR spoilers for those of you readers who haven't watched this anime. I urge you to watch it first before reading this story! Otherwise, you'll be confused with the content I've made and make comparisons of them with the anime.
Created Characters PROFILES
Kenji Hyne
Allegiance: ZAFT, Earth Alliance, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: January 1, C.E. 54
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Hair: Light-brown, short, spiked
Eyes: Amethyst
Height: 174 cm
Status: Coordinator
Mobile Suit(s): CGUE Kenji Hyne Custom, Seraph Gundam, Absolution Gundam
He's a coordinator who was a former ZAFT soldier fighting against the EA after the `Bloody Valentine' incident occurred. Aghast at that event, he witnessed firsthand at the concept of war.
As a child, he was raised by foster parents Takashi and Eleanor Raine and was later trained to join the ranks of ZAFT military by the age of 15. After a number of difficult missions fulfilled, he rose quickly in the ranks, elevating to the position of Commander. His deeds were distinguished and admirable, gaining the respect of fellow comrades and high-ranking superiors, even with National Defense Chairman Patrick Zala and Commander Rau Le Creuset.
Also an ace pilot, he piloted a customized CGUE with improved features and added firepower, with a paint black scheme and an insignia of an angel with a cross embedded behind it. He gained the nickname `Dark Avenger' due to his CGUE's paint scheme and his exceptional fighting skill.
His success in missions is attributed to his piloting skills, but also stemming from a highly-evolved sense of intuition and insight in battle. He engages the enemy with swift accuracy and persistence. It was said by fellow ZAFT soldiers that “he fought like a man possessed… he was a demon in battle, no, more like… the searching avenger of his fallen allies.”
But as battles with the EA prolonged, Kenji witnessed first-hand atrocities some of his fellow ZAFT soldiers committed --- personally killing surrendered EA soldiers, extreme suicidal attacks on scores of EA forces, etc. He became disgusted with his organization's methods, and had doubts on his path as a ZAFT soldier.
After two years of serving ZAFT, he resigned and headed to Earth, settling down in the neutral Kingdom of Orb, believing it to be a safe haven from the EA and ZAFT. He settled there for quite some time, taking in a job as a freelance bodyguard. He managed to get by thanks to that, earning much due to the high rewards in dangerous missions assigned to him by his clients, that he was able to assume the noble title of “Lord”, becoming one of the few respected, high-class individuals in the kingdom.
He managed to reclaim his CGUE, thanks to a friend working in the MS division of ZAFT military who arranged it to be dismantled, with the parts packed in a container to be shipped off secretly to Kenji. In turn, he rebuilt it with help from a respected mentor of his, the mysterious masked informant, who surprised him with an existence of a living family relative, Peter Hyne, his uncle. Stunned by the news, Kenji decided to store away his CGUE in a secret location in Orb for safekeeping, and later reunited with his uncle, resulting in a heartfelt reunion.
Kenji was a close friend with Eiji Shinonome, also a fellow ZAFT soldier. Their teamwork in the battlefield was unmatched and wreaked havoc on EA forces during skirmishes. The two were also one of the few well-respected soldiers in ZAFT, due to their numerous achievements and contributions to their organization. However, their personal views and beliefs on war somewhat drove a wedge between them, and it also became a reason to Kenji's resignation from ZAFT. Adding his first love's death didn't help their friendship heal over time, enraging Eiji to view him as a traitor.
At present, he's working as a MS researcher in one of Morgenroete Inc.'s research facility branch located in the neutral space colony and satellite of Heliopolis.
Eiji Shinonome
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: December 25, C.E. 54
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Hair: Silver, long
Eyes: Baby blue
Height: 174 cm
Status: Coordinator
Mobile Suit(s): CGUE Eiji Shinonome Custom, Spawn Gundam, Retribution Gundam
Like Kenji, Eiji is a coordinator serving as a ZAFT soldier. He grew up with a foster mother and was trained during childhood ready to join up ZAFT military by the age of 15. He participates in nearly any mission, and got first taste in dealing with EA forces. This changed his view on war, and slowly he grew a sense of commitment and loyalty to ZAFT.
The `Bloody Valentine' incident affected him much as the rest of his fellow comrades. It fueled his hatred for the EA, harboring distrust and personal vengeance. He had more reason to do so, because it took away the life of a loved one named Lunamaria Minami, who happened to be Kenji's first love. Due to deep thinking and realizing not to jeopardize his friend's happiness, Kenji sacrificed his by letting Eiji be with her instead. Deeply heartbroken by this, Lunamaria understood, and learned to love Eiji well.
He grew to be a battle-hardened soldier and developed an interest in strategy; one thing clear to him is victory. It's this concept that whets his appetite for battle, and he shows his enthusiasm and enjoyment through his CGUE's actions.
He prefers working on dangerous missions that were deemed impossible to win, but in the end and through sheer perseverance, he'll always find a way to turn the tables on the enemy and bring victory. Enemies fear him as the `Red Reaper', due to his CGUE's red paint scheme and his tenacity to engage any enemy. It was said by fellow ZAFT soldiers that “much alike the `Dark Avenger', he's like the grim reaper of battle… he delights in the complete decimation of the enemy, sometimes chasing them relentlessly.”
Because of his successes in missions, he quickly rose in the ranks, elevating to the position of Commander just as Kenji.
Also, it was there that they formed a close friendship with each other, like brothers. But unfortunately, it was also at that time when they had their differences regarding on their different views on war. And also Lunamaria's death brought up didn't help matters either. Finding out Kenji's disgust with ZAFT military methods, he tried to persuade him that it was a matter of survival: the weak perish, and the strong prevail (in other words, the Coordinators shall be deemed as the strongest race). This line also stemmed from the same POV of the National Defense Chairman, Patrick Zala.
In the end, Kenji decided to lay down arms and quit ZAFT military. This enraged Eiji, who now viewed him as an adversary, and saw it as an act of betrayal.
Currently, he's just on a routine up-for-grabs mission, a routine where he picks out a mission, accomplishes it, and moves on to the next one.
Peter Hyne
Allegiance: Earth Alliance, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: September 31, C.E. 33
Age: 38
Blood Type: A
Hair: Dark-brown, long
Eyes: Black
Height: 176 cm
Status: Natural
An uncle to Kenji, he's the only family to him. He regards the young soldier as his son, for he's an image of his parents, who were believed to pass away in a mysterious accident while he was a baby. His occupation is a researcher specializing in electronic warfare, working in the research facility of Morgenroete, located in the neutral colony and satellite of Heliopolis.
Unknown to Kenji, he hides a dark secret, one which he can't afford to let the young soldier to know… for it might break him.
Aile Kato
Allegiance: Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: June 1, C.E. 21
Age: 50
Blood Type: A
Hair: Gray, short
Eyes: Azure
Height: 176 cm
Status: Natural
He's a researcher responsible for the G Project, a crash program to develop mobile suits that could be piloted by Naturals. First-generation mobile suits were too complex for Naturals to control, and could only be piloted by Coordinators. The G project began in C.E. 69 under the guidance of Admiral Lewis C. Halberton to produce G Weapons and reached fruition in C.E. 71.
The G mobile suits eventually became known collectively as “Gundams” after the acronym for their mobile operating system --- General Unilateral Neuro-link Dispersive Maneuver.
The five mobile suits developed under the G Project were: GAT-X102 Duel, GAT-X103 Buster, GAT-X105 Strike, GAT-X207 Blitz, and GAT-X303 Aegis.
Several later mobile suits were derived from the G Project, all designated GAT-01 with a suffix to indicate which suit they were developed from. "A" or no suffix designates mobile suits derived from the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, "D" designates mobile suits derived from the GAT-X102 Duel Gundam, and "E" designates mobile suits derived from the GAT-X103 Buster Gundam.
Aside from the first five mobile suits mentioned above, Aile also began a personal MS project, spearheading the design and development of the GAT-XP01 Seraph and the GAT-XP02 Spawn. He first came up with the concept of the N-Jammer Canceller, which could negate effects of the N-Jammer. He took a step further by installing them into their reactors, making them the first nuclear-powered mobile suits created. This meant they'd have far greater power output than the previous generation of battery-powered mobile suits, as well as virtually unlimited operating time.
The N-Jammer is a device which suppresses nuclear fission reactions by blocking the movement of free neutrons. Its effective range is so great that even a handful of these devices are sufficient to cover the entire Earth, nullifying all nuclear weapons and powerplants on the planet's surface. The N-Jammer also has the side effect of disrupting radio waves, thus rendering radar and conventional communications useless, and for this reason space warships are equipped with these devices as an electronic countermeasure.
Why this researcher came up with the idea of two nuclear-powered MS is a mystery, but it's safe to assume it was for personal reasons.
Lloyd Aster
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: March 3, C.E. 31
Age: 40
Blood Type: A
Hair: Blonde, buzz-cut
Eyes: Red
Height: 180 cm
Status: Coordinator
He is a ZAFT captain of a Nazca-class battleship, the Geneva. He's seen his share of battles, including the Grimaldi Front, where it took place in the EA's lunar base. However, unlike Rau Le Creuset, he opted not to take glory for his deeds. An imposing and built man, he's a seasoned war veteran. His red eyes brought him the nickname `Captain Devil', added with his die-hard attitude and devoted loyalty to ZAFT.
All that would change when the mysterious masked informant, known later as Vann Falken, required his help. Working for an unknown employer, and as well hiding beneath a mask to conceal his identity, he'd be giving a mystery for the captain to unravel.
Knowing well it'd involve the secret MS project carried out in Heliopolis, he'll try to follow up his investigation to the end.
This is a small squad of GINNs in service under the Geneva, commandeered by Captain Lloyd Aster. The GINNs in this squad are white-painted High-Maneuver Types, and are customized to the pilots' liking. They are represented with an insignia of a caped knight wielding a large sword and shield painted in a crucifix. Its pilots are:
Ryu Katsuragi
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: January 31, C.E. 54
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Hair: Black, flat-top
Eyes: Black
Height: 175 cm
Status: Coordinator
The leader of the squad, he's a serious and determined person who'll make sure that his team gets the job done. He's fiercely loyal to the Geneva's captain, for he was his mentor back in his days in ZAFT military academy; he looks up to him as a role model. He cares for his squad, and will always put their safety ahead of his. He hopes to help end the war between EA and ZAFT.
Barry Walters
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: July 4, C.E. 55
Age: 16
Blood Type: B
Hair: Azure, short-spiked
Eyes: Green
Height: 175 cm
Status: Coordinator
An easy-going, laidback person, he provides the squad with his cheery nature. He never fails to bring smiles to the squad. Even when going into battle, he'll find an opportunity to crack a funny remark or two. Humor aside, he provides the much-needed moral support to the squad, and his piloting skills back him up, proving he's no pushover in MS battle.
Lisa Sanada
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: May 5, C.E. 54
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Hair: Dark-brown, long with ponytail
Eyes: Brown
Height: 171 cm
Status: Coordinator
When it comes to fighting, she dedicates herself to be the best of the best. She used to be an unstoppable ZAFT ace, beating other aces and smashing their MS out of their misery in duels. Hoping to find a real challenge among any ZAFT pilots, she issued a challenge. Ryu came along and answered the challenge, soundly defeating her in a duel with his customized GINN. Due to this, she regards him as a worthy adversary, and she often takes spare time sparring with Ryu, training herself. Competition aside, she holds him in respect. But lately, that respect gave rise to mixed feelings for her squad leader.
Miho Lenore
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: November 9, C.E. 55
Age: 16
Blood Type: AB
Hair: Purple, short
Eyes: Purple
Height: 170 cm
Status: Coordinator
Although not wanting to become a pilot to fight the war, she nevertheless became one at her parents' request. A soft-spoken, kind person, she's the type to provide a soft spot at heart and in her actions. She's not that hyped up into fighting like other ZAFT pilots. She hopes to continue her piloting to help end the war between EA and ZAFT.
Lunamaria Minami
Allegiance: N/A
Birthday: February 14, C.E. 55
Age: 16
Blood Type: A
Hair: Crimson, long
Eyes: Blue
Height: 159 cm
Status: Coordinator
A cheery, polite girl like Lacus Clyne, she was full of life. She and her family settled in PLANT Junius-Seven a few years back, before the `Bloody Valentine' incident occurred. It was there that she met up with Eiji and Kenji at college. At first sight, she developed an interest to Kenji, which over time, blossomed to love. She confessed her feelings to him at one special day, February 14, when she was 14 (C.E. 69).
However, Kenji was a thoughtful person who valued friends highly. Seeing his best friend Eiji having a romantic interest with Lunamaria as well, he too also had the same feelings; he considered her his first love. But, he didn't want to jeopardize their friendship by breaking Eiji's heart, and so, sacrificed his happiness to be with Lunamaria, leaving her to Eiji up for grabs. This broke the girl's heart, but she understood his reason. In return, she slowly learned to love Eiji instead.
But a lingering wish was in her heart: to attend military academy, enlisting in ZAFT with Eiji and Kenji. Unfortunately, it couldn't be fulfilled, due to the `Bloody Valentine' incident.
Her death brought down Eiji and Kenji's spirits. It also became part of the reason for Kenji's resignation from ZAFT and his friendship with Eiji shattered.
Masked Informant
Allegiance: N/A
Status: Coordinator
Nothing much is known about this mysterious figure, except that he's a spy working for an unknown official in PLANTs, who's developed an interest in the secret mobile suit project rumored to be developing in Heliopolis.
Created Mecha PROFILES
Seraph Gundam
Model Number: GAT-XP01 + AQM/E-X04
Code Name: Seraph Gundam
Unit Type: prototype assault mobile suit
Manufacturer: Morgenroete Inc.
Operator: N/A
First Deployment: January 25, C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 18.10 meters
Weight: gross weight 73.6 tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact nuclear fission reactor, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Phase Shift (PS) armor
--- Neutron Jammer Canceller
--- Mirage Colloid Shift
--- 2 fold wings, wingspan 30 meters
Fixed armaments
--- “Igelstellung 75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS; fire-linked, mounted on head
--- Angelus” offense/defense system; mounted on both arms, featuring:
“Swallow Edge” double-sided beam saber, hand-carried in use
57 mm high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown
--- 2x “Armor Schneider” combat knives; holstered in hip armor
--- MA-M757 Hell Fang heat rod; produces electrical shock, mounted on right forearm
--- Agni 320mm hyper impulse cannon; power rating unknown, mounted behind right arm, hand-carried in use
--- M58E4 Gatling machine gun; mounted on AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker
--- 4x Gunbarrel pods (includes 4x GAU-758S rail gun; 8x M70AMSAT missile); mounted on AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker, can be detached and controlled through wires connected to main body
--- Panzer Eisen rocket anchor; mounted outside on the left “Angelus”, can be fired out on a line
Optional hand armaments
--- Anti-armor shotgun; hand-carried in use
Technical/Historical Notes
This MS is one of 2 prototype models created secretly by Professor Aile Kato, field researcher of mobile suit technology in Morgenroete Inc., with a research facility in Heliopolis. Aside from being responsible for the development of 5 other main prototype MS --- Aegis, Blitz, Buster, Duel, and Strike --- he decided to take a step further in engineering two separate models --- Seraph and Spawn --- w/c were an idea from his religious belief in heaven and hell. The two models were his personal project.
Seeing ZAFT's mobile suit development progressing effectively, Aile incorporated new technologies into the 5 main prototypes (w/c they were to be the basis for the EA and Orb's mobile suit development), while adding an exclusive dangerous new technology to his personal project: the N-Jammer Canceller.
ZAFT originally developed the N-Jammer to prevent the EA from using nuclear weapons, but this meant that mobile suits had to be powered by short life energy batteries. By creating the N-Jammer Canceller, a mobile suit can use a nuclear fission reactor and function for a nearly unlimited amount of time even with Phase Shift armor activated. Unfortunately, the N-Jammer Canceller technology proves to be a Pandora's Box that falls into the wrong hands due to unforeseen circumstances.
It sports a white-luster with 2 wings, its form resembling that of a seraph, a heavenly being in legend and myth. The wings can envelop the mobile suit, serving as an extra plate of armor; moreover, they help increase speed thanks to small thrusters etched secretly on their main parts. In comparison to its brother, the GAT-XP02 Spawn, it packs the same features and firepower, so the only noticeable difference is their painted body schemes --- white and black.
The AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker docks with the GAT-XP01 Seraph & GAT-XP02 Spawn, the GAT-X105 Strike, and the GAT-01A1 Dagger. It features wire-guided Gunbarrels similar to those used by the mobile armor TS-MA2Mod.00 Moebius Zero. Because spatial awareness required to control the Gunbarrels is a rare ability, only pilots such as Morgan Chevalier and Mwu La Flaga are capable of using them. However, pilots Kenji Hyne and Eiji Shinonome are soon able to develop that mentioned ability as they assume control of the GATX-P01 Seraph and GATX-P02 Spawn respectively.
Phase Shift Armor (PS Armor) is the most distinctive feature of the prototype Gundams developed by the Atlantic Federation. While active, this special armor nullifies all attacks by physical weapons, including blades, projectiles, and conventional explosives. However, it has no effect against beam and laser weapons, so most of the Gundams also carry shields treated with anti-beam coating. And because PS Armor consumes large amounts of energy, it cannot be used for extended periods lest it drain the mobile suit's energy battery. PS Armor changes color upon activation. The Gundams which use this technology thus sport brilliant colors while in their Active Mode, and turn a dull gray when they switch to Deactive Mode.
Mirage Colloid Shift is a system installed which renders the mobile suit invisible to both radar and the naked eye. The Mirage Colloid even blocks infra-red emissions, giving perfect stealth capabilities. However, the mobile suit's Phase Shift Armor must be deactivated while this system is in use, so it becomes highly vulnerable while in its invisible form.
The Mirage Colloid itself is a particulate gas made up of microscopic prisms which absorb and refract light and radio waves, bending them around the outside of the mobile suit. This colloid is held in place by a powerful magnetic field, but it gradually dissipates over time, so the system's operating time is limited to 80 minutes.
Spawn Gundam
Model Number: GAT-XP02 + AQM/E-X04
Code Name: Spawn Gundam
Unit Type: prototype assault mobile suit
Manufacturer: Morgenroete Inc.
First Deployment: January 25, C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 18.10 meters
Weight: gross weight 73.6 tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact nuclear fission reactor, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Phase Shift (PS) armor
--- Neutron Jammer Canceller
--- Mirage Colloid Shift
--- 2 fold wings, wingspan 30 meters
Fixed armaments
--- “Igelstellung 75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS; fire-linked, mounted on head
--- Angelus” offense/defense system; mounted on both arms, featuring:
“Swallow Edge” double-sided beam saber, hand-carried in use
57 mm high-energy beam rifle, power rating unknown
--- 2x “Armor Schneider” combat knives; holstered in hip armor
--- MA-M757 Hell Fang heat rod; produces electrical shock, mounted on right forearm
--- Agni 320mm hyper impulse cannon; power rating unknown, mounted behind right arm, hand-carried in use
--- M58E4 Gatling machine gun; mounted on AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker
--- 4x Gunbarrel pods (includes 4x GAU-758S rail gun; 8x M70AMSAT missile); mounted on AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker, can be detached and controlled through wires connected to main body
--- Panzer Eisen rocket anchor; mounted outside on the left “Angelus”, can be fired out on a line
Optional hand armaments
--- Anti-armor shotgun; hand-carried in use
Technical/Historical Notes
This MS is one of 2 prototype models created secretly by Professor Aile Kato, field researcher of mobile suit technology in Morgenroete, the main research facility in Heliopolis. Aside from being responsible for the development of 5 other main prototype mobile suits --- Aegis, Blitz, Buster, Duel, and Strike --- he decided to take a step further in engineering two separate models --- Seraph and Spawn --- w/c were an idea from his religious belief in heaven and hell. The two models were his personal project.
Seeing ZAFT's mobile suit development progressing effectively, Aile incorporated new technologies into the 5 main prototypes (w/c they were to be the basis for the EA and Orb's mobile suit development), while adding an exclusive dangerous new technology to his personal project: the N-Jammer Canceller.
ZAFT originally developed the N-Jammer to prevent the EA from using nuclear weapons, but this meant that mobile suits had to be powered by short life energy batteries. By creating the N-Jammer Canceller, a mobile suit can use a nuclear fission reactor and function for a nearly unlimited amount of time even with Phase Shift armor activated. Unfortunately, the N-Jammer Canceller technology proves to be a Pandora's Box that falls into the wrong hands due to unforeseen circumstances.
It sports a black-luster with 2 fold wings, its form resembling that of spawn, a hellish being in legend and myth. The wings can envelop the mobile suit, serving as an extra plate of armor; moreover, they help increase speed thanks to small thrusters etched secretly on their main parts. In comparison to its brother, the GAT-XP01 Seraph, it packs the same features and firepower, so the only noticeable difference is their painted body schemes --- white and black.
The AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker docks with the GAT-XP01 Seraph & GAT-XP02 Spawn, the GAT-X105 Strike, and the GAT-01A1 Dagger. It features wire-guided Gunbarrels similar to those used by the mobile armor TS-MA2Mod.00 Moebius Zero. Because spatial awareness required to control the Gunbarrels is a rare ability, only pilots such as Morgan Chevalier and Mwu La Flaga are capable of using them. However, pilots Kenji Hyne and Eiji Shinonome are soon able to develop that mentioned ability as they assume control of the GATX-P01 Seraph and GATX-P02 Spawn respectively.
Phase Shift Armor (PS Armor) is the most distinctive feature of the prototype Gundams developed by the Atlantic Federation. While active, this special armor nullifies all attacks by physical weapons, including blades, projectiles, and conventional explosives. However, it has no effect against beam and laser weapons, so most of the Gundams also carry shields treated with anti-beam coating. And because PS Armor consumes large amounts of energy, it cannot be used for extended periods lest it drain the mobile suit's energy battery. PS Armor changes color upon activation. The Gundams which use this technology thus sport brilliant colors while in their Active Mode, and turn a dull gray when they switch to Deactive Mode.
Mirage Colloid Shift is a system installed which renders the mobile suit invisible to both radar and the naked eye. The Mirage Colloid even blocks infra-red emissions, giving perfect stealth capabilities. However, the mobile suit's Phase Shift Armor must be deactivated while this system is in use, so it becomes highly vulnerable while in its invisible form.
The Mirage Colloid itself is a particulate gas made up of microscopic prisms which absorb and refract light and radio waves, bending them around the outside of the mobile suit. This colloid is held in place by a powerful magnetic field, but it gradually dissipates over time, so the system's operating time is limited to 80 minutes.
AQM/E-X04 Gunbarrel Striker
Model Number: AQM/E-X04
Code Name: Gunbarrel Striker
Unit Type: support fighter for use with GAT-XP01 Seraph, GAT-XP02 Spawn, GAT-X105 Strike, and GAT-01A1 Dagger
Manufacturer: Morgenroete, Inc.
Operator: N/A
First Deployment: January 25, C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, standard cockpit
Weight: gross weight 11.87 metric tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
--- 1x M58E4 Gatling machine gun
--- 4x GAU-758S rail gun
--- 8x M70AMSAT missile
Technical/Historical Notes
This design originally came from the Moebius Zero, taken first by Professor Aile Kato and later on by the EA. It's used as the basis for the Striker pack, which can be docked with the GAT-XP01 Seraph, GAT-XP02 Spawn, GAT-X105 Strike, and GAT-01A1 Dagger (later rolled into mass-production in post-battle of the first Bloody Valentine war, during Operation Elvis, a mission dubbed by the EA in invading PLANT homeland and taking the fight to ZAFT territory).
When not docked with the 4 mentioned mobile suits, it can function as a support fighter. Unlike its counterpart, the Moebius Zero, it can perform well in space and in Earth's atmosphere.
CGUE Kenji Hyne Custom
Model Number: ZGMF-515
Code Name: CGUE Kenji Hyne Custom
Unit Type: commander type mobile suit
Manufacturer: ZAFT
Operator: ZAFT
First Deployment: C.E. 70
Accommodation: pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.43 meters
Weight: gross weight 80.22 metric tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments
--- MA-M4A heavy sword, stored on back, hand-carried in use
--- M7070 shield-plus-28mm vulcan system, mounted on left arm
Optional hand armaments
--- MMI-M7S 76mm heavy assault machine gun
Technical/Historical Notes
ZAFT's ZGMF-515 CGUE is an improved version of their standard ZGMF-1017 GINN and is designed for use by commanders and ace pilots such as Rau Le Creuset. The CGUE is faster and more maneuverable than a standard GINN, and their armament differs somewhat. It's armed with a heavy assault machine gun and heavy sword similar to that of the GINN, but it can also be equipped with a combination shield and vulcan-gun system on its left arm. In addition to the standard CGUE, ZAFT also creates the experimental design YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms.
During the first Bloody Valentine war, ace pilot Rau Le Creuset, in many duels with famous enemy ace Mwu La Flaga, uses one unit. However, after the attack on Heliopolis, Rau usually stays behind on the battleship Vesalius and lets his subordinates do most of the fighting with their four stolen Gundams.
As to this unit, Kenji Hyne tunes it for higher speed and mobility than the standard mass-produced units. It's mostly noted for the black-painted scheme, signifying the famed `Dark Avenger' nickname given to Kenji by allies and enemies alike, and also by his team-up with Eiji, the `Red Reaper' during skirmishes with EA forces. So feared they were by enemies that the mere sight of them would scare off small numbers of EA forces during battle.
CGUE Eiji Shinonome Custom
Model Number: ZGMF-515
Code Name: CGUE Eiji Shinonome Custom
Unit Type: commander type mobile suit
Manufacturer: ZAFT
Operator: ZAFT
First Deployment: C.E. 70
Accommodation: Pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.43 meters
Weight: gross weight 80.22 metric tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments
--- MA-M4A heavy sword, stored on back, hand-carried in use
--- M7070 shield-plus-28mm vulcan system, mounted on left arm
Optional hand armaments
--- MMI-M7S 76mm heavy assault machine gun
Technical/Historical Notes
ZAFT's ZGMF-515 CGUE is an improved version of their standard ZGMF-1017 GINN and is designed for use by commanders and ace pilots such as Rau Le Creuset. The CGUE is faster and more maneuverable than a standard GINN, and their armament differs somewhat. It's armed with a heavy assault machine gun and heavy sword similar to that of the GINN, but it can also be equipped with a combination shield and vulcan-gun system on its left arm. In addition to the standard CGUE, ZAFT also creates the experimental design YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms.
During the first Bloody Valentine war, ace pilot Rau Le Creuset, in many duels with famous enemy ace Mwu La Flaga, uses one unit. However, after the attack on Heliopolis, Rau usually stays behind on the battleship Vesalius and lets his subordinates do most of the fighting with their four stolen Gundams.
As to this unit, Eiji Shinonome tunes it for higher speed and mobility than the standard mass-produced units. It's mostly noted for the painted red-scheme, signifying the famed `Red Reaper' nickname given to Eiji by allies and enemies, and also by his team-up with Kenji, the `Dark Avenger', during skirmishes with EA forces. So feared they were by enemies that the mere sight of them would scare off small numbers of EA forces during battle.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Ryu Katsuragi Custom
Model Number: ZGMF-1017M
Code Name: GINN High Maneuver Type Ryu Katsuragi Custom
Unit Type: high mobility mobile suit
Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau
First Deployment: May 3, C.E. 70
Accommodation: Pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.13 meters
Weight: gross weight 80.41 tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments
--- JDP2-MMX22 experimental 27mm armor assault rifle x 1
--- MA-M3 heavy sword x 1
Optional hand armaments
--- 2x M66 “Canus” short-range guided missile launcher, two missiles per launcher
--- M68 “Cattus” 500 mm recoilless rifle
--- M69 “Barrus” heavy particle cannon
Technical/Historical Notes
As tensions increase between the Naturals of the Earth Alliance and the Coordinators of ZAFT, military development also continues. Whereas the Alliance concentrates on mobile armors like the TS-MA2 Moebius, ZAFT instead develops the first humanoid mobile suit, the ZGMF-1017 GINN. The GINN is vastly superior to the Moebius, as illustrated by the poor performance of the Moebius line in most conflicts following the GINN's introduction.
The GINN's basic armament consists of a 76mm machine gun and a heavy sword, but it can also be equipped with a wide variety of weapons for specific battles. These optional weapons include leg-mounted missile launchers, handheld missile launchers and heavy particle cannon. As a general-purpose mass-produced suit, the GINN is deployed by ZAFT in space as well as on Earth. Because of the versatility of its design, ZAFT creates many variants based on the basic GINN design.
The GINN High-Maneuver Type was first rolled into production during the battle of Endymion Crater, taking place on the Moon. At that date, ZAFT's ultimate target was the Ptolemaeus lunar base. A ZAFT base was established in the Lorentz Crater, and the moon is divided along what becomes known as the Grimaldi Front. The final battle of the Grimaldi Front took place at an EA resource base in the Endymion Crater. The EA loses its 3rd Fleet, but is able to use a Cyclops System to wipe out the ZAFT forces. Many EA forces were also sacrificed in the process. Notable ace pilots such as Mikhail Coast and Rau Le Creuset piloted this mobile suit.
Unlike the standard production units, this GINN design is tuned for higher speed and mobility. Painted in white, it symbolizes the elite GINN task force, “Crusader Squad”, commandeered by Captain Lloyd Aster, in his Nazca-class destroyer ship, Geneva. They are represented with an insignia of a caped knight wielding a large sword and shield, painted in a crucifix, which is marked on the left shoulder. It can also wield the same weapons (with exception of the M68 “Pardus” 3-barrel missile launcher mounted on the legs) the GINN possesses, on need for specific battles.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Barry Walters Custom
Model Number: ZGMF-1017M
Code Name: GINN High Maneuver Type Barry Walters Custom
Unit Type: high mobility mobile suit
Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau
First Deployment: May 3, C.E. 70
Accommodation: Pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.13 meters
Weight: gross weight 80.41 tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments
--- JDP2-MMX22 experimental 27mm armor assault rifle x 1
--- MA-M3 heavy sword x 1
Optional hand armaments
--- 2x M66 “Canus” short-range guided missile launcher, two missiles per launcher
--- M68 “Cattus” 500 mm recoilless rifle
--- M69 “Barrus” heavy particle cannon
Technical/Historical Notes
Refer to ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Ryu Katsuragi Custom for info.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Lisa Sanada Custom
Model Number: ZGMF-1017M
Code Name: GINN High Maneuver Type Lisa Sanada Custom
Unit Type: high mobility mobile suit
Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau
First Deployment: May 3, C.E. 70
Accommodation: Pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.13 meters
Weight: gross weight 80.41 tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments
--- JDP2-MMX22 experimental 27mm armor assault rifle x 1
--- MA-M3 heavy sword x 1
Optional hand armaments
--- 2x M66 “Canus” short-range guided missile launcher, two missiles per launcher
--- M68 “Cattus” 500 mm recoilless rifle
--- M69 “Barrus” heavy particle cannon
Technical/Historical Notes
Refer to ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Ryu Katsuragi Custom for info.
ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Miho Lenore Custom
Model Number: ZGMF-1017M
Code Name: GINN High Maneuver Type Miho Lenore Custom
Unit Type: high mobility mobile suit
Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau
First Deployment: May 3, C.E. 70
Accommodation: Pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.13 meters
Weight: gross weight 80.41 tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments
--- JDP2-MMX22 experimental 27mm armor assault rifle x 1
--- MA-M3 heavy sword x 1
Optional hand armaments
--- 2x M66 “Canus” short-range guided missile launcher, two missiles per launcher
--- M68 “Cattus” 500 mm recoilless rifle
--- M69 “Barrus” heavy particle cannon
Technical/Historical Notes
Refer to ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type Ryu Katsuragi Custom for info.