Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 1: False Peace ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 1: False Peace
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Recap of Events
In the Cosmic Era (C.E.) 50, the burgeoning population of Earth was sent off to live in space colonies called PLANTs.
Those who lived in PLANTs were classified as Coordinators, humans whose genes were manipulated. They possess enhanced characteristics in intelligence and physical strength; put it simply, they lacked almost all flaws. On the other side, those who lived in Earth were classified as Naturals, regular human beings.
The origin of Coordinators and the conflict with Naturals began like this. Years ago (C.E. 36), a man named George Glenn graduated from MIT (Massachusetts of Information Technology), became a star American football player, Air Force pilot, and scientist. That was quite a feat for him to achieve many accomplishments.
For his next feat, Glenn designed a spaceship called the Tsiolkovskyfor a seven-year journey to explore Jupiter. While in Earth orbit, Glenn broadcasted a message stating that he was not born naturally and was the result of genetic manipulation. This manipulation is what gives him more intelligence and physical strength to allow humanity to reach its full potential. Glenn described himself as a Coordinator between humanity's past and future; moreover, he left behind the plans of his genetic manipulation in the hopes that others would become like him.
While he was gone, Earth fell into chaos with many demonstrations over genetic engineering. Fourteen years later (C.E. 50), Glenn returned with the fossils of a winged space whale identified as Evidence 01. As tensions rose, Glenn was assassinated, which set off a wave of anti-Coordinator violence.
In C.E. 70, tensions ran high between the Earth Alliance (EA) and ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty). After the 'Bloody Valentine' incident in which nuclear weapons were used by the Earth Alliance to destroy the PLANT space colony Junius Seven, an all out war broke out between the two forces.
However, despite the fact that the Earth Alliance outnumbered ZAFT, the war dragged on for 11 months. It was apparent that the war was in a stalemate, with neither side giving in to the other.
Meanwhile, ZAFT proceeded with the development of mobile suits (MS for short), humanoid machines that could be piloted and armed with a variety of weapons. This gave ZAFT an edge over the Earth Alliance's weapon technology of ships and artillery weapons.
The shadow of the war would soon creep in a neutral colony named Heliopolis…
End Recap
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0800 hours (Morning)
Location: Heliopolis, Residential area; Room 111, an apartment
Room 111 was a studio-type apartment consisting of a joint kitchen and living room, 1 bathroom, and 1 bedroom with a balcony.
Inside the bedroom, a sleeping figure was aroused by a ringing alarm clock laid on a small table next his bed. He slowly opened his dark blue eyes and switched off his alarm clock. Throwing aside his blanket, he got his woken body up, his sleeping attire consisting of a white tank top and shorts, and placed his feet in a pair of slippers.
After doing some light stretches, he grabbed a towel from his cabinet nearby and headed for the bathroom to shower up.
Taking in the lukewarm, refreshing water showering all over his medium-built body, he sighed relaxed, looking blankly at the wall in front of him. The young man then unknowingly punched the wall, snapping out of his trance-like state.
An image of a girl having blue eyes, long crimson hair, and a warm smile popped in his mind.
He shook off her image from his mind, and finished cleaning himself, turning off the shower faucet. He exited the bathroom and went back to his bedroom to change.
His part-time job was a field researcher specializing in mobile suit development at the research facility of Morgenroete, located inside the neutral colony of Heliopolis. One of his few relatives, his uncle and professor Peter Hyne, helped him land that job after noticing a potential in him because of his interest in experimental MS.
He changed into all black clothing consisting of a shirt, boxers, leather pants with belt, and leather shoes worn over a white lab coat. An ID was clipped to his left lab coat chest pocket, his name etched on it --- Kenji Hyne.
The telephone in the living room caught his attention, and he walked to it, picking up the receiver.
A calm voice replied.
“Kenji, this is Uncle Peter. Can you meet me in my office here in Morgenroete? I've been called in by Professor Kato; he wants to show me something.”
“Professor Aile Kato, chief researcher in MS technology?”
“Yup, he's the one. So, what do you think? You want to come along?”
Kenji paused for a moment, thinking briefly.
“Sure, I was about to leave now for work anyway.”
“Great, I'll see you here then.”
Kenji placed the receiver back to its place, hanging up. He ran his right hand smoothly through his short, spiky dark brown hair. He fished out his apartment key from his pants pocket and took along a small, black organizer with him.
Well, he sounds a little excited. I wonder why?
He shook the thought off his mind and exited his apartment, locking the front door after him. He headed for his automatic car parked inside a garage, located next to his apartment.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0815 hours
Location: Heliopolis, park
16-year old engineering student Kira Yamato worked on his laptop, typing up calculations in a diagram of a mechanical exoskeleton as his HW (Homework). His dark purple eyes were glued to the “blue screen of death” (his laptop's screen), as one of his friends remarked to him after noticing his diligence directed on his laptop.
“Hey, there you are! We've been looking all over for you, Kira!” a voice called out to him.
Kira looked up to find two of his friends, Tolle Koenig and Miriallia Haww, approaching him. He waved at them, acknowledging their presence.
“Oh, hi guys. What's up?”
Tolle looked at his friend's HW, then laying his left hand on Kira's right shoulder.
“Kira, you've got to learn to take a break once a while.”
“Yeah, I know… I want to finish up these calculations today before handing it in to Sai.”
Miriallia giggled at his reply. She noticed another screen popping out in Kira's laptop, showing the news.
“Look guys, the latest news,” she pointed it out.
The news reporter was describing another ZAFT attack on the Taiwanese city of Kaoshiung. The footage provided showed a couple of GINN MS attacking the city.
Miriallia was worried at the latest event.
“I wonder if we'll be all right here in Heliopolis. I'm afraid of what to do if ZAFT would attack here.”
Tolle shrugged off her worry with a wave of his hand.
“Don't worry about it Mir, we'll be alright here because Heliopolis is a neutral colony. They wouldn't take sides with either the Earth Alliance or ZAFT.”
“I sure hope so.”
A robotic pet bird was flying around Kira, prompting him to look at it. He thought of the time when his childhood best friend named Athrun Zala gave it to him as a parting gift during his prep schools days in the lunar city of Copernicus.
“Come here, Torii,” he commanded, patting his left shoulder for his pet bird to land.
“Torii?” it chirped. It was the only word it could speak.
Kira shook his head, sighing. He reminded himself to program more words for Torii to speak in the future.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0830 hours
Location: Heliopolis, spaceport
The Enrylion, an EA Agamemnon-class battleship, went on with docking procedures. Inside, it carried ace MA (mobile armor) pilot Mwu La Flaga and five test pilots for an experiment housing five secret prototype MS.
At the bridge, the captain received news of ZAFT's latest attack in Earth. The 50-year old war veteran was in thought of the matter.
“Something troubling you, captain?” a voice spoke out to him, catching his attention. He looked to see Mwu La Flaga standing at his side, with a raised eyebrow on his face.
“Oh, it's you, Mwu. I'm just pondering a while here after hearing news of ZAFT's latest attack in Earth.”
“You're thinking they may strike here, sir?”
“Well, that's impossible. I don't think ZAFT will attack one of Orb's neutral colonies. If they attempt so, that would be a breach in diplomatic laws.”
Mwu shook his head, snorting in disgust. He was sick of hearing that.
“Sir, to me, I think they might be planning to attack here, not giving a damn about diplomacy. We best be on guard for the meantime.”
-Chuckle- I admire your cautious nature, Mwu. Well, in the meantime, we should board that secret warship the EA's been kept their lips shut right now. Have the pilots escorted to the warship, and ask one of the engineers here in the port for directions. I'll round up the crew and meet you there.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0835 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
2 ZAFT space battleships, a Nazca-class destroyer battleship, Vesalius, and a Laurasia-class battleship, Gamow, were parked hidden behind an asteroid.
Inside the bridge of the Vesalius, a masked man named Rau Le Creuset was discussing intelligence on the Earth Alliance's secret MS with Captain Fredrick Ades.
“I'm sure that the EA is hiding these secret MS according to intelligence from our recon group.”
“But sir, even if they should possess these mobile suits, how can we confirm them?”
“We'll send in two infiltration squads to sneak in Heliopolis. Their mission is to capture these mobile suits and destroy a new battleship in construction as well, so that we can have the upper hand in this war. We mustn't let the EA have an advantage over ZAFT. It'd be a disaster if they should mass-produce these mobile suits.”
“But sir, Heliopolis is a neutral colony. We can't attack it… that'd breach diplomatic laws established by the EA, Orb, and ZAFT.”
Rau turned his back on Ades, floating with a smile on his face.
“It can't be helped. Let's just say the EA and Orb have to answer for their actions.”
He tossed a picture showing reconnaissance of one of the five secret prototype MS to Ades.
“Have the infiltration units begin their operation. Until they give us the signal, we'll remain here for the moment.”
“Yes sir!”
Within minutes, two smaller vessels launched from both the Vesalius and the Gamow, heading for Heliopolis.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0840 hours
Location: Heliopolis, park
“Kira, we've got to visit Professor Kato today, remember?” Miriallia reminded him.
“Alright, I'm done here,” Kira finished typing his HW and switched off his laptop, closing it. He placed it in his backpack and wore it behind him. He motioned his two friends to follow.
The three left the park, heading to an auto-taxi stop nearby. As they approached it, they bumped into a girl talking to her friends. She sported bright, long red hair, blue eyes, and a fairly attractive curve.
“So it's him all along, Fllay! Why didn't you tell us sooner?”
-Giggle- I wonder what Sai Argyle wrote you?”
The girl blushed in embarrassment, clutching at her attaché case containing her textbooks.
“You guys, quit it! It's not that big of a deal! He was only writing me how I was doing. Oh… hello Tolle, Miriallia, and, um, who're you?”
Kira was at a loss for words at the beauty before him. Before he could reply, Tolle answered for him, doing the introductions.
“This is Kira Yamato, Fllay. Kira, this is Fllay Allster, daughter of the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister.”
“It's nice to meet you, Kira. Come on you guys, where do you want to go?” Fllay asked her friends.
“Why don't we go to the shopping mall? They've got the latest trends there!”
“Oh, that's a good idea! -Giggle-
Fllay and her two companions boarded in an auto-taxi. She swiped her personal ID on the car's start-up slot and voiced out her destination, speeding off.
A military officer stood behind the three teenagers, along with two male escorts. She coughed to get their attention. She wore an EA uniform with hat on her short jet-black hair. She glared at them with her dark purple eyes.
“Excuse me, can you let us through?” she abruptly asked.
The teenagers moved out of her way, with Kira apologizing to her, but she merely walked past him and ignored his apology, with her escorts following behind. They then got in another auto-taxi and sped off.
“Jeez… what a grouch,” Tolle commented looking at her retreating form.
“Come on, guys,” Kira motioned his friends to hop in another auto taxi that he hailed and got on. He swiped his personal ID on the car's start-up slot and voiced the research center of Morgenroete as his destination to the automated driver. With that said, it took off, heading to its passengers' destination.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0850 hours
Location: Heliopolis, spaceport
Several ZAFT soldiers consisting of the infiltration unit, sent from the two small vessels launched from the Vesalius and the Gamow, snuck inside the colony through one of the secured air ducts, with its laser-wired security deactivated. The unit split themselves up into two teams as they neared an intersection after a while.
Five of them wore particular ZAFT red spacesuits and were assigned to Team2 to scout out and capture the new secret MS developed inside the colony.
Team1 headed for the spaceport where they spotted a prototype EA battleship docked alone.
“So that's the new battleship recon gathered info about. What was the name… ah, Archangel. Alright, men, spread out and set the bombs all around the area near that ship. Once done, we'll retreat,” the Team1 leader commanded his men, who proceeded to do the task.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0855 hours
Location: Heliopolis, Morgenroete Research Facility
The auto-taxi Kira and his friends were on approached the front gate. A card reader was placed next to the driver's side, prompting Kira to take out his ID card and sliding it through the reader.
From the monitoring tower above the gate, gate personnel checked the information the card reader picked up.
“Kira Yamato, 1st year Engineering student… ok, he's cleared,” one of them remarked, opening the gate for the automatic car to pass through and closing after it.
The car parked at the main entrance after its arrival. Kira and company got off and headed inside, walking to their respective classroom.
Aside as serving as a research center on technology, this Morgenroete branch also served as a school for the young generation living in the colony.
The three students stepped inside their classroom, and noticed Sai Argyle working on a robotic exoskeleton that matched the diagram on Kira's HW. Another person was “wearing” the exoskeleton, possibly for a test run.
“Well, there you are! What took you so long?” Sai asked his arriving classmates.
“Sorry for the delay, Sai. Here's the diagram with the calculations you wanted. Hey there, Kuzzey, you look like you're having a hard time with that,” Kira commented to the said person “wearing” the exoskeleton while handing Sai his HW. The short, blond-haired boy wearing tinted red spectacles looked at it momentarily and smiled.
“Thanks, Kira. Professor Kato should be pleased with this.”
Kuzzey Bushirk, who was testing the exoskeleton, gave an awkward smile to Kira as he tried to control it with a failed attempt.
Kira noticed a boy standing at a corner of the room. He wore a short buttoned-up, dark blue overcoat over a dark green shirt, khaki pants, and brown leather shoes. His face was partly hidden by the short dark blue hat worn on his head. He had short, blonde hair and golden-brown eyes.
“Who's that over there?” he whispered to Sai, who looked at her for a second.
“He's a guest of the professor's,” Sai quietly replied.
Kira nodded understandably, not taking his eyes off at the boy.
Meanwhile, from the researchers' offices section in the building, Kenji stepped at front of a door to his uncle's office, knocking on it twice.
“Enter,” Professor Peter Hyne motioned his visitor to step in.
Kenji opened the door, walking in and closing it after him. He looked up to find another research scientist standing next his uncle, studying Kenji's features. He was around 50-years old, sporting short, gray hair, azure eyes, and a gray beard. He wore a lab coat like his uncle's.
“Ah, you must be Peter's nephew… my, you bear a resemblance to your uncle here. And even following in his footsteps!” he remarked jovially.
“Kenji, glad you could drop by. Meet Professor Aile Kato, field researcher in MS technology,” Professor Hyne introduced his nephew to his fellow workmate.
Peter Hyne was a contrast to Aile Kato's physical features, but at a slightly younger age (mid-30s). He had long, dark brown hair, black eyes, a hawk-like nose, and a pleasing mouth.
Kenji shook Professor Kato's extended hand offered to him.
“It's nice to meet you, sir. My uncle told me over the phone that you'd be showing him something,” Kenji started, placing his hands in his pant pockets.
“Yes, I was getting to that point. Please follow me, you two,” Professor Kato beckoned the two, exiting the office. Kenji closed the door after them.
After passing through several mazes of hallways, the three people stopped at front of a gate marked RESTRICTED AREA 1. Professor Kato took out his personal ID card from his right lab coat pocket and slid it on the card reader provided.
The sound indicated an affirmed response from the ID. The gate opened, with the hydraulic locks emitting pressurized steam. The three stepped inside, with Professor Kato leading. The gate closed after them in a few seconds.
“So, where are we?” Kenji asked, looking around the room, which seemed to be big and wide because of his voice's echoes resonating. The lights were dim, and he could make out a giant humanoid shape standing nearby.
Professor Kato chuckled little.
“You'll find out in a few seconds. Peter, can you switch the main lights on? There's a nearby pc console to your left.”
Peter walked to the indicated pc console and typed in a few commands on the keyboard.
“There, that should do it.”
Suddenly, the main lights brighten, with the dim lights switched off.
The sight in front of them suddenly stunned Kenji and Peter. Aile chuckled again, outstretching his arm to the shape as if offering it to them.
“Gentlemen, I present to you my latest creation, a new MS… the Seraph Gundam.”
The revealed humanoid shape Kenji noticed before was a towering MS. Its design was extraordinary and slick.
“Amazing… what kind of MS is this, Aile?” Peter inquired, studying the MS alongside his nephew with an astonished look on his face.
“This is one of two experimental MS I've personally developed, not counting the five main prototypes EA and Orb requested.”
“'Personally'… you mean as your own project?”
“Yes… I wanted to see for myself how far I could go to create two superior MS that I'd consider the best.”
Aile stopped talking, catching his breath, before resuming on.
“It was at Orb's request that they wanted to test these prototype MS. They're top-secret and classified as G-Weapons.”
“When you say Orb, you mean the Kingdom of Orb? Why are they conducting this in secret?”
“Yes, that's right. I'm not sure, but probably because it was mainly with collaboration with the EA in order for them to counter ZAFT's mass-produced GINN MS, and have the upper hand in MS technology. However, Orb had an ulterior motive for this… it seems they're planning to steal the designs from EA engineers, who originally planned them, and construct their own brand of MS.”
“My God… where did you get that info from?”
Aile waved his right hand in a nonchalant way at Peter.
“I have my own sources, Peter. Let's just leave it like that.”
“This is an interesting design for this MS; it seems perfect in a way. What's with the name?” Kenji commented while gazing at the MS.
Aile smiled at the young man's observation.
“I figured I got creative for this design. The first thing that popped into my mind while I was thinking about it was a seraph.”
“It's a higher class of angel in heaven, according to legend and myth.”
“What about its OS (Operating System)?”
“I'm still calibrating it for bugs and errors. It hasn't gone into test run yet, for I had the five main experimental MS shipped off to the testing area. I've been informed that the test pilots for them arrived just now.”
“I see.”
“If you're interested, I can give you a copy of the report detailing from operating it to its weaponry data.”
“Really… Uncle Peter, is it alright with you?”
Peter looked at his nephew and noticed a sense of passion in his dark blue eyes. He smiled slightly, nodding in approval.
“Thanks, uncle.”
“This is just between us here, Kenji. Keep this a secret from everyone else, well excluding your uncle here, who's already a witness -chuckle-.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
Aile clasped his hands in agreement.
“Excellent, I knew you'd understand. Here, take this,” he took out a small black booklet with an insignia of a cross at the front cover and handed it to Kenji.
“What's this?”
“Consider it a present… I entrust this to you,” Aile said. He checked his watch for the time: +0900 hours.
“Oh dear… I forgot… I should be meeting with my students about their project, and my personal guest.”
“Something wrong, Aile?” Peter asked his workmate.
“It looks like I'm needed somewhere else, Peter. Kenji, if you like, you can stay here for a while and give the Seraph a test run.”
Kenji nodded in reply, “Thanks, Professor Kato.”
“Peter, I'll leave you to discern the details of that G-weapon to Kenji.”
With that said, Professor Kato left the experimental hangar in a hurry. Peter scratched his head, pondering why his fellow workmate entrusted a top-secret weapon to his nephew.
Aile, what's going through your mind giving Kenji this mobile suit?
“Uncle, what's wrong?” Kenji asked, snapping his uncle from thought.
Peter turned his back at him with a serious face.
“It's… nothing. Kenji. Are you interested in this MS?”
Kenji clenched both of his hands into fists, his eyes glued to the Seraph.
“I was an ex-soldier without a purpose. But seeing this MS brought back memories... that I wanted to forget.”
Peter sighed, shaking his head and looking away from his nephew.
Brother… you've made a terrible mistake… and he's suffering because of it.
“Come on then, we'll check the cockpit,” he motioned his nephew to follow after him. He went back to the pc console (where he switched on the main lights) and typed in a command.
A winch popped out from the Seraph's torso, lowering to the ground. The two Hynes hooked their feet around the foot opening of the winch, riding it. It carried them back up to the torso, where the cockpit was located. They got inside, with Kenji taking the pilot's seat and controls. Peter crouched next him due to the cockpit's small space.
“Aile did an impressive control interface for this MS,” he commented as he observed the pilot controls and the interface system in display at front of the pilot. He was surprised when he saw Kenji taking the keyboard interface to him and began typing rapidly, starting the OS.
G.U.N.D.A.M Complex
Series AVTC-XP1 Seraph/Spawn
Please register pilot ID:
Peter noticed the acronym mentioned.
So that's what GUNDAM stands for… wait a sec, `Nuclear'? What! No, it can't be…
“Interesting… a nuclear-powered mobile suit… now about that pilot id,” Kenji remarked, and remembered the small booklet he received from Professor Kato.
Maybe Professor Kato wrote something about this here.
He took out the booklet, flipping through the pages until he found a section labeled REGISTRY OF PILOT ID. A provided pilot ID was listed on the mentioned page.
“This will do.”
Please register pilot ID: Aile-1
Registration validated.
MS-OS Menu
The young researcher checked up each selection in the OS menu, typing up numerous commands at a rapid pace, surprising his uncle further. He talked to himself as he was focused on his task.
“Calibration seems normal. Adjusting the hydraulic joints of the body… this should make it easier to move. Reconfiguring the OS for a quicker and secure access… done.”
Suddenly, the cockpit hatch closed, and the three screens (left, center, and right) comprising the CIS (Cockpit Interface System) showed the view of the hangar's inside. The Seraph's eyes flashed bright yellow, indicating its activation.
Kenji closed his eyes, taking in the feel of piloting the MS. He clutched a small crucifix worn around his neck. Peter noticed it with a sad look in his eyes.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0900 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
Inside the bridge of the Vesalius, Rau checked his wristwatch --- +0900 hours.
It's time…
One of the bridge operators suddenly informed Captain Ades.
“Sir, a beacon signal has been received from the infiltration unit.”
Rau rubbed his hands in anticipation, smiling.
“Very good; Ades, send an order to the Gamow to move towards the colony. We shall move the Vesalius as well. Launch our GINN squadrons along the way.”
Captain Ades nodded in reply before bellowing out a command to the bridge operators.
“Activate engines! Set speed to maximum thrust, and turn to port! We're heading to the colony!”
The two ZAFT ships proceeded to the colony. Several GINN MS were launched from the Vesalius, heading towards Heliopolis.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0901 hours
Location: Heliopolis, command center
“Sir, two ZAFT battleships are approaching the perimeter!” one of the operators reported as he checked two blips registering on his radar.
“Open communications!” the Heliopolis minister in charge exclaimed.
“They're broadcasting interference waves, jamming our radar systems!”
“Blast! What's ZAFT thinking? Send out our Mistral worker pods for defense!”
Numerous Mistral worker pods were deployed to defend the colony.
After escorting the five test pilots of the MS project to the secret EA battleship Archangel, Mwu immediately deployed in his MA Moebius Zero along with two Moebius units. Those three units comprise of the MA corps of the Enrylion.
“It's just as I feared, ZAFT was planning to attack this colony with no qualms,” the Hawk of Endymion remarked to himself as he and his MA corps approached the two ZAFT battleships.
Meanwhile, in the docking area where the secret EA battleship Archangel was parked…
Explosions erupted from various locations on the ship, notably the bombs Team1 of the ZAFT infiltration unit placed.
Most of the crew/personnel of the ship were killed, including the captain, after they just transferred from the Enrylion.
The battle wasn't going well for the colony's defense line. All of them, including the Moebius MA, were destroyed by the small group of GINN MS with the exception of one, the Moebius Zero, piloted by Mwu La Flaga. He lined his sights on an attacking GINN.
“Got you!” he exclaimed, destroying it with a well-placed shot from his MA's linear gun.
“That's one down,” he turned around to find the other GINNs entering the colony, “Damn! They're entering inside!”
He quickly gave chase, heading back inside the colony.
Upon arriving inside the colony interior, the GINNs began attacking the factory area where a transport team carrying the five main prototype Gundams, supervised by Lt. Murrue Ramius, was on route to the testing site.
Three of the Gundams --- Buster, Duel, and Blitz --- had left, and were on route.
ZAFT soldiers flew down to the ground, attacking EA ground forces guarding the remaining Gundams --- Aegis and Strike --- with machine guns and grenades.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +0915 hours
Location: Heliopolis, Morgenroete Research Facility
Explosions resonated, rumbling the building. In the classroom, where Kira and company gathered, a sudden jolt alerted the occupants.
“What's going on?” Sai exclaimed.
“It sounds like explosions of a battle… quick, we better evacuate!” Kira warned, prompting his friends to follow after him, exiting the campus. He noticed the professor's guest running to the opposite direction from the exit. He caught up to him, grabbing his right arm with his left hand.
“Hey wait!”
The boy annoyingly shrugged off his hold, forcing his left hand to let go and swat away his hat. It revealed a girl's short, blonde hair.
“What the… you're a girl! Where are you going? The exit is this way!”
“No… I have to confirm something!”
Suddenly, the way to the exit was blocked by falling rubble.
“We should head to the factory and find shelter there! Come on!” Kira took hold of her right hand, pulling her along with him as they headed to the opposite direction of the hallway.
As the rest of the group exited the main entrance, two GINNs were spotted in view attacking ground artillery forces. Several students were also gathered here.
“ZAFT is attacking us!” one cried in fear.
On his hurried way to meet his Engineering students for their project, Professor Kato caught sound of the PA (Personnel Announcement) announcing civilian evacuation to emergency shelters
“What… it can't be… an attack?” he wondered, heading back to Kenji and Peter to warn them.
Meanwhile, in RESTRICTED AREA 1, Kenji walked the Seraph Gundam back and forth, getting the feel of its movements. He checked up the rest of its weapons system.
This is amazing… this MS has a different feel from the one I piloted a few years ago. The weapons system looks standard though.
“Kenji, I think we have had enough for this test run,” Peter reminded him.
“Hmm… I'm almost done, uncle. Just let me test its weapons system first.”
The floor beneath them jolted for a few seconds, knocking them off balance.
“What's happening? Kenji, did you do something?”
“It's not me.”
Explosions and gunfire were heard faintly outside.
“Hmm…?” Peter saw the gate open, with Aile coming out in a hurry, “there's Professor Kato! Quick, get the Seraph to kneel down and open the cockpit!”
Kenji complied with his order. The two got out the cockpit and used the pull-down winch to meet the arriving professor.
-Huff- -Puff- I'm glad I made it back… Kenji, Peter, there's an evacuation order requested. All civilians are proceeding to the emergency shelters.”
“An evacuation order… is it an attack?”
“Most likely, judging from the explosions and gunfire heard about outside.”
“What do we do?”
“You need to leave Morgenroete with the Seraph, it must not fall into the wrong hands! I'll open the exit hatch first, you two go ahead!”
The two Hynes nodded and headed back inside the Seraph. Professor Kato hurried back to the pc console, typing quickly commands to open the exit hatch.
“Come on… come on… blast it!” he banged his left hand into a fist onto the console's screen, which displayed an error message.
Suddenly, a section of the wall behind the Seraph was blown open. A GINN stepped inside, its machine gun in its left hand. The pilot scanned the room and noticed the Seraph facing its back on him. He switched on his com-link, contacting the Vesalius.
“Commander Creuset, this is Benny, I've spotted a MS prototype! What should I do?” the pilot inquired.
“Record footage of it with your surveillance camera, and proceed to capture it. I don't want it destroyed,” Rau replied.
“Yes sir.”
Cutting the transmission, the ZAFT pilot named Benny moved his GINN warily around the Seraph.
Professor Kato was aghast at the situation. Using the pc console, he typed to the Hynes inside the Gundam:
Kenji, don't let that GINN capture you and your uncle! I'll distract it while you activate the Seraph's controls. You need to escape Heliopolis. I'll find my way out of here, so leave me. Peter, I leave the Seraph to you and Kenji --- Aile
“Professor Kato…” Kenji quietly said to himself.
Peter shook his head with worry.
It can't be helped then…
“Let me, Kenji,” he took control of the keyboard and typed his reply:
Alright, Aile, but please make it out of here safely. I have so much to talk with you regarding this G-Weapon. By the way, Kenji activated it after you left and got the feel of piloting it just now --- Peter
Aile smiled at the reply. He typed in a command, activating a construction crane near the GINN, swiveling and knocking it backwards.
“What?” Benny exclaimed surprised, noticing the crane.
The GINN took out its heavy sword with the right hand and sliced the crane into two pieces. It looked around until it spotted Professor Kato near the pc console.
“Why you…!” Benny exclaimed angrily, pulling the triggers of the control sticks. The GINN fired its machine gun at the wary professor.
Aile quickly ducked beneath the pc console, avoiding the gunfire.
“Professor Kato!” Kenji exclaimed, starting the Seraph up.
Benny heard its activation, prompting him to turn around his GINN to find a right punch launched at him.
“Ugh! What this? When did it start up?” he exclaimed surprised, managing to regain his MS's balance after it stuttered a few steps backward from the blow.
“You picked the wrong target to shoot at,” Kenji muttered angrily.
The Seraph moved quickly to the GINN and knocked away its machine gun with the left arm. At the same time, it grabbed the GINN's left arm carrying the MS up around, and delivered a kick to its body with the right leg.
The GINN was knocked back outside the entrance it made a while ago.
“You'll pay for that!” Benny exclaimed angrily, getting his GINN up from the impact. With its heavy sword unsheathed in the right hand, the GINN got back up and rushed at the Seraph.
Kenji eyed his enemy and brought up the keyboard interface to him, rummaging quickly through the Seraph's weapons system.
These will do.
He selected an option from the weapons system labeled Swallow Edge. On the Seraph's right arm, the double-sided beam saber attached inside the “Angelus” was ejected and held by the right hand, activating it.
With its beam saber in hand, the Seraph then charged at the GINN. As the two MS neared contact, the GINN raised its heavy sword overhead and slashed downwards at its target.
However, the Seraph deflected the attack using the “Angelus” on its left arm. At the same time, it slashed horizontally at the GINN's body with its “Swallow Edge”, slicing the MS in half with one blow.
Benny flailed his arms, shielding himself for the inevitable explosion, and shrieked in fear.
The Seraph used its wings, enveloping them around itself, shielding from the explosion's impact. Peter struggled to keep up his balance as he and Kenji looked away from the CIS that was brightened by the explosion.
After a few seconds, the smoke cleared away, showing the remnants of the GINN. The Seraph unraveled its wings and set them back to normal position. Its right “Swallow Edge” was then deactivated and tucked back inside the right “Angelus”.
“Kenji…” Peter uttered, looking concerned at his nephew, who was breathing heavily. Kenji's face darkened as he felt something deep down surfacing to life.
Lunamaria… will another tragedy start again?
After a long distance of running in the hallway, Kira and the girl came out and found themselves in the factory area. They noticed the remaining two Gundams.
The girl was wide-eyed and quickly ran to the railing.
“Father… I knew you were a traitor!” she cried aloud, teary-eyed.
On the ground and crouched against the Strike Gundam restrained, a woman wearing an orange engineer uniform was holding off the ZAFT soldiers with a pistol. She had long, dark-brown hair, marigold eyes, and a nice figure. She caught sound of the girl's voice and turned around at her direction, immediately firing off a shot.
The bullet hit the railing, missing the girl by inches. Kira quickly pulled the girl close to him, dragging her along to a nearby shelter.
The woman recognized them as civilians.
Civilians… what are they doing here?
She continued her previous task at hand.
Kira pressed a button on an intercom of the shelter.
“Hey, we're civilians! Do you have room for two people?” he asked.
-BZZT- Sorry, kid, we've got room for one more person!” a voice spoke out.
“That's ok! I'm getting my friend in!” Kira shoved the girl inside the shelter's glass elevator that opened in front of them.
“What are you doing?” the girl struggled to get out. Kira pressed buttons on the intercom, closing the elevator. She banged on the glass with her hands.
“You'll be safe there! Don't worry I'm going to the next shelter!”
“No, wait!”
The elevator started moving, with the girl banging the glass helplessly, disappearing below. Kira headed back to find another shelter on the other side.
Nearby the factory area, ZAFT soldiers Dearka Elsman, Yzak Joule, and Nicol Amalfi captured the three Gundams --- Buster, Duel, and Blitz --- that were on route to the testing area. They each rode respectively in the Buster, Duel, and Blitz after activating them. The EA ground forces guarding them were taken care of a moment ago.
“Dearka, how're you holding up?” Yzak radioed the Buster Gundam pilot.
“No problem here. Nicol, how're you doing?” Dearka radioed the Blitz pilot, who was quickly typing in his Gundam's keyboard interface, wrapping up the basic operations.
“Almost done… there, it's finished. What about Athrun?” Nicol replied.
“Athrun should be done by now. We have to head back to the Vesalius with these MS!” Yzak ordered his two teammates.
The three Gundams launched from their restraints, proceeding back to the Vesalius.
As Kira rushed back to the other side, he spotted a ZAFT soldier about to take a shot from the side at the woman, who fired at him before. She was busy holding off the front.
“Behind you!” he shouted to her. Her ears perked up and she turned around at his voice, then spotting the ZAFT soldier and shooting him down in a second. She collected her composure.
“Where you going?” she shouted to Kira.
“I'm heading for the shelter on the other side!”
“You can't! That shelter is destroyed!”
Suddenly, the area nearby Kira exploded in flames, forcing him to jump on the Strike Gundam the woman was taking cover from. She was surprised at the height of his jump as she watched him land on the Strike's opened cockpit and knelt close to her side.
A fellow engineer nearby shot a ZAFT soldier named Rusty Mackenzie who was attacking them, killing him. His fellow comrade, wearing a bright red ZAFT space uniform rushed in with machine gun in hand.
“Rusty! Damn you!” he cried, pumping bullets into the engineer. He fell down in an instant. The woman noticed his demise.
“Edward!” she cried at her co-worker's demise. However, a bullet from the ZAFT soldier nicked her right arm, forcing her to drop her handgun. She clutched at her injury with her left hand, kneeling down to catch her breath.
The ZAFT soldier jumped towards them, flying over with his small jetpack worn behind him, drawing out a combat knife from his right leg holster to finish her off when he noticed Kira looking aghast at him. His eyes widen, instantly taking in his features, and he stopped suddenly.
“Kira?” he asked.
Kira looked at the ZAFT soldier's face closely beneath his helmet and was surprised as he recognized the long, dark-blue hair and green eyes of his childhood best friend, Athrun Zala.
“Athrun… is that you?”
The moment was broken when the woman gingerly picked up her handgun with her left hand and began shooting at Athrun.
The ZAFT soldier jumped back, dodging her shots and escaped nearby to the Aegis Gundam.
The woman then shoved Kira into the Strike's opened cockpit and jumped into the controls. She then immediately activated it, breaking the Strike free from its restraints and closing its cockpit.
The Strike's eyes flashed bright yellow, indicating its activation, as it picked up to its feet slowly. Its dull, gray body was engulfed with bright colors of white, blue, and red. As it finally stood up, it looked more to be an awakened being amidst the chaotic environment around it.