Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 3: Ruined Homeland ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 3: Ruined Homeland
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1600 hours
Location: Heliopolis, interior
Inside his CGUE, Rau turned his attention back at the Strike Gundam.
“I shall take you down while I have the chance!” he remarked. The CGUE fired off shots from its heavy assault machine gun at the Strike as it resumed diving down at it.
Just at the nick of time, Kira activated the Strike's PS armor, deflecting the attacks. Gritting his teeth, he braced the attacks' impact.
“Interesting… a change of course will do,” Rau commented, with his CGUE then turned its sights on the Archangel, changing direction and target.
Inside the Archangel's bridge, Natarle issued commands to the newly formed crew to make countermeasures.
“Evade! Turn right, pitch 90 degrees! Load “Hell-dart” missiles… target is the enemy MS! Fire…!”
The Archangel took a sharp right turn, dodging the CGUE's attacks. It then fired several missiles at the CGUE in retaliation. The CGUE quickly dodged them, as each trailed past it and hit the central axial support shaft of the colony, damaging it.
Meanwhile on the ground, Kira saw the CGUE floating out in the open.
Now is my chance.
He moved the Strike to grab the “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon that was lain on the parked trailer next it and took aim, charging the weapon.
Murrue and the other teens noticed it, with the female EA officer being aghast. She flailed her arms to get Kira's attention.
“No, what are you doing? Stop! You're…!”
The rest of her words were cut off in an instant as the Strike fired off a massive shot from the “Agni”. The projectile went straight upwards at the CGUE; however, Rau noticed this and jerked the controls, managing to sidestep at a split second, but took some damage by having his CGUE's left arm blown off.
The streaking projectile then trailed through the colony's side, blowing a large hole near the MS.
A surprised look etched on Rau's face as he witnessed the attack.
“How can a MS have such a powerful weapon? No matter… retreat is the best option now,” he remarked. He then escaped through the now made hole, heading back to the Vesalius.
After spotting the Strike Gundam along with the group --- Murrue and the teens --- Natarle ordered the Archangel to land near them. The group was then brought aboard, with the Strike being towed inside the hanger. Everyone gathered outside.
Murmurs from the bridge crew sounded about, asking about the Strike, as they observed the deactivated MS. The cockpit chest hatch opened, with Kira stepping out. Everyone was surprised at the sight of a young boy piloting a mass-destructive weapon.
“What the… the pilot's a kid!”
“How did he come in control of this MS?”
“Amazing… it couldn't be…”
Kira looped his foot through the winch-rope that ferried him down on the ground, and he joined the other teens. Natarle was much astounded as the bridge crew, as her eyes took in detail of his profile.
He's only a kid… how is it possible?
Suddenly, she recalled her first meeting with him and his friends back in the auto-taxi stop moments ago.
Wait… he's the same one I bumped into a while back! Is it a coincidence?
She directed her attention to Murrue, who saluted her and offered her hand.
“Lieutenant Murrue Ramius, engineer supervisor of division 6. I'm glad to meet you.”
Natarle accepted her handshake and saluted back.
“Ensign Natarle Badgiruel, temporary captain of this EA battleship.”
Minutes later, Mwu appeared among the group, after managing to park his damaged Moebius Zero in the hangar. Carrying his pilot helmet under his left arm, he started, getting everyone's attention.
“May I ask who's in charge of this battleship?”
Natarle answered his question, glancing at him.
“Nearly the entire crew was killed in the explosion back ago, including the captain. Although I temporarily took charge of this ship a while ago, I think you're more suited to be captain, Murrue. That leaves you in charge.”
Murrue sighed, displeased at being assigned a delicate position in an instant. She glanced at Mwu, “You are?”
Mwu gave a small grin as he made his introduction with a small salute.
“Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga, squad leader of the EA battleship Enrylion --- the crew and the captain transferred from that ship and were supposed to operate here in the Archangel, but now I see that I'm the only survivor from their unit. I had to park my damaged Moebius Zero here for repairs, if that's ok with you.”
Murrue saluted back.
“We're glad to have you onboard, lieutenant. As you can see, we're on a tight bind now,” Natarle commented.
Mwu looked at the stationary Strike Gundam and whistled softly. He turned his attention to Kira and walked towards him.
“So, you're the pilot of this MS, huh?”
“No… it was like I had to,” Kira sadly replied, looking at the ground.
“I see… tell me, would you happen to be a Coordinator?”
“…Yes, I am.”
In an instant, several soldiers among the crew suddenly pointed rifles at him.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1610 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
Meanwhile, inside the Vesalius's hangar, Athrun was on work modifying the Aegis Gundam's OS from inside the Aegis's cockpit.
A mechanic floated by, his face popping out in view.
“Athrun, why don't you take a break? You can modify the OS of this mobile suit later! Its repairs aren't done yet.”
Athrun looked up him and gave a small smile, pausing from his work.
“Thanks anyway, but I have to finish calibrating the OS so I can pilot this mobile suit properly. Besides, I'm almost done with it; just give me five minutes.”
“Well… alright. See you!”
The mechanic shrugged his shoulders and left. Athrun resumed his task, typing consecutively and quickly on the keyboard interface while glancing at the small screen interface showing the inputs to make changes in the OS.
The rest of the secret MS --- Blitz, Buster, and Duel --- were parked deactivated alongside the Aegis, and were in the midst of repair and tune-ups.
Five minutes passed by. Finally, Athrun finished adjusting the Aegis's OS. He outstretched his hands and stretched a bit, running a hand through his hair.
“Whew… that should do it.”
Suddenly, the same mechanic who checked up on him came back, popping his face in view. He snapped his fingers to get the Aegis pilot's attention.
“Hey, Athrun, Commander Creuset wants you on the bridge, double-time.”
“Alright, I'm on my way, thanks.”
Upon entering the bridge, Athrun found Rau, Captain Ades, and Miguel watching a video footage of Miguel's battle with the Strike.
Rau looked at the Aegis pilot, greeting him.
“Welcome back, Athrun. This video you're seeing is that of Miguel's battle with one of the five prototype MS. I'm surprised at the potential power it has, able to bring down Miguel's GINN in a single blow.”
Athrun was shocked, recalling his recent encounter of his childhood best friend.
Kira… why?
He turned facing Miguel.
“Is that true? Are you ok?”
“Tch… yeah, I'm alright. Damn MS, it sure was very maneuverable. It disabled my GINN by cutting off the power source at the sides. I had no choice but to self-destruct and escaped with the other infiltration units.”
Ades interrupted.
“What should we do now, commander?”
Rau rubbed his chin in thought, looking at the footage, which was being replayed.
“Miguel, take Aurol and Matthew with you; you'll be dispatched back in the colony. Your orders are to capture or destroy that mobile suit and the legged warship. You'll be given a new GINN to start with… dismissed.”
Miguel saluted, before leaving for the hangar.
“Yes sir!”
Athrun was instantly disappointed that he wasn't included in the mission. He stared in shock at the masked commander.
“But, commander, why leave me out of this mission? I must deploy along with Miguel,” the Aegis pilot then faced Captain Ades, “Captain, permit me to sortie for this mission!”
The Vesalius captain shook his head.
“Negative, Zala. I'm afraid you'll have to sit this one out. Besides, Miguel has to release his frustration in dealing with that MS.”
“That's final, Zala!”
Athrun gritted his teeth in defeat and clenched his hands into fists. He saluted his superiors and left the bridge, heading for the hangar. As the bridge's doors closed after him, Ades let out a tired sigh, folding his arms.
“He's quite a handful, I say. We should watch him carefully, commander.”
Rau chuckled little, adjusting his mask.
“I wouldn't worry, Ades. He knows what he should do in this kind of situation.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1615 hours
Location: Heliopolis, interior
Inside the Archangel, Kira's teen friends were shocked at seeing the soldiers among the crew pointing rifles at the Strike pilot. Tolle stepped in front of Kira, outstretching his hands to protest.
“Stop it! Kira isn't an enemy! What did he do to you for him to deserve this?”
Murrue ordered the soldiers to lower their weapons.
“Enough! Lower your weapons this instant!”
The soldiers looked confused by her order, but reluctantly complied. Natarle placed her hands on her hips.
“What's going on, Murrue? An explanation is needed.”
Murrue looked sadly back at Kira before replying.
“It's true. Kira here is a Coordinator, and he was able to control this MS. He destroyed a GINN that attacked us moments ago, and it's thanks to him that he managed to save everyone onboard this ship.”
Clenching his hands into fists, Kira looked up and spoke reluctantly.
“I'm a first-generation Coordinator, meaning that my parents' genes weren't modified.”
Murmurs were heard among the group.
“Unreal… a Coordinator… and first-generation, huh…”
“He destroyed a GINN? That's awesome!”
Mwu mentally slapped himself for placing the Strike pilot in an awkward position. He then tried to redeem for that mistake.
“You know, kid, there were intended pilots for those five secret prototype MS built here; that MS standing behind you is one of them. In the simulations, they could barely do more than move them.”
He glanced at Murrue and Natarle.
“Oh boy… who'd have thought this might happen?”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1616 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
Meanwhile inside the Vesalius's hangar, three GINNs were outfitted with heavy missiles in preparation for the mission assigned to ZAFT pilots Miguel Aiman, Aurol, and Matthew.
From the lounge area above and facing the hangar, Dearka, Yzak, and Nicol watched the weapons being loaded onto the GINNs and wondered. Dearka gave a low whistle as he noticed the heavy missiles. He folded his arms, floating about.
“Well, I guess things are getting serious in this situation we're in.”
Nicol pressed his hands against the lounge window, staring intently at the three GINNs.
“What's with the heavy missiles? They look geared up for an assault rather than just a simple skirmish. And why attack Heliopolis? Aren't they a neutral colony?”
Yzak folded his arms with an annoyed look on his face, looking away from the window.
“Bah… it's ridiculous for Heliopolis to consider themselves as a neutral colony, seeing that they we're developing those secret prototype MS that we captured a while back. What were they thinking?”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1618 hours
Location: Heliopolis, interior
Inside the Archangel's hangar, repairs were being made on the Strike Gundam and Moebius Zero. Head Engineer Kojiro Murdoch bellowed out orders to his crew of mechanics and engineers to speed up repairs and weapon loading.
“What the hell are you stopping for? Keep on with the repairs! We haven't got much time to dawdle around!”
“Speed up repairs on the Moebius Zero and the Strike! I want them ready soon!”
Available supplies from the nearby factory (where the Strike and the Aegis were previously stored) were being ferried in quickly as repairs commenced. Every available personnel pitched in to help.
From one of the officers' quarters inside the ship, Kira was taking a nap on an available bunk bed, exhausted from his first battle. In another room next him, Kuzzey, Miriallia, Sai, and Tolle were gathered about, having a conversation about their friend's revelation as a Coordinator.
“You know, I never thought Kira would be a Coordinator,” Kuzzey started, “I mean, it somewhat doesn't seem right about him.”
“Kuzzey, Kira is our friend. Him being a Coordinator has nothing much to affect us with. He is a good person from what I can remember about him.”
“How is he able to move that machine? I don't recall him knowing about it and hiding it from us. And how did he modify the machine's OS quickly? Only Coordinators could possess that skill and talent like he has. I've heard stories about them --- how they possess extraordinary skills, be stronger and faster, and absorbing knowledge as much as they could than an ordinary human.”
Miriallia and Tolle huddled close, holding to each other, while Sai contemplated in silence. They were beginning to have doubts and getting another perspective on Kira.
With a sigh, Kuzzey added, “I wonder… can Naturals win a war against ZAFT's Coordinators?”
Inside the Archangel's bridge, Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle were having a discussion about the current situation happening in the colony.
Seated on the captain's seat and wearing an EA officer uniform, Murrue recalled a fact.
“Fortunately, all the citizens have been evacuated to the shelters, which can separate from the colony like escape pods. Civilian casualties aren't an issue now.”
Standing in front of her, Mwu wondered about the teens.
“So what will you do with the kids?”
Natarle answered instead, seated next to Mwu.
“Since they saw the Strike and this ship, which are considered military secrets, they'll have to remain on board. There's no question to that.”
Mwu ran a hand through his blond, long curly hair.
“When this ship leaves the colony, there'll be a long battle ahead. And we're short of manpower to maintain this ship.”
Rubbing her chin with one hand, Murrue then thought of Kira and his piloting skills in the Strike.
“I'm thinking of asking Kira to be the Strike's pilot.”
Natarle stared at her ridiculously and objected, “A MS can't be entrusted to a kid! Besides, I think Lieutenant La Flaga here should be the pilot for the job.”
Mwu chuckled a bit at the suggestion, declining the offer.
“Are you kidding? I can't pilot it, because the kid modified the OS in such a way that a Natural can't handle it. And if we ask him to reprogram it to its original settings, I doubt I could get that MS running, nothing more than just budging a step.”
Natarle groaned, shaking her head in disappointment at Mwu's reply. Murrue looked at the Moebius Zero pilot.
“Lieutenant, can you bring Kira here? I'd like to have a word with him.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 26; +1620 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
In the Vesalius's hangar, the three GINNs were launched into space. They quickly headed towards the colony, looking for their assigned targets.
Seconds after their launch, Athrun quickly snuck inside the Aegis Gundam, closing the cockpit hatch after him. He quickly activated its OS, getting the MS up and running, with its PS armor starting up. Several mechanics who were in the midst of fixing it, noticed the action, surprised.
“Hey, what's going on?” the head mechanic wondered, looking puzzled at the Aegis while making his inspection on all MS in the hangar.
The Aegis then broke free from its constraints.
“Whoa! Get out of the way…!” one of the mechanics exclaimed.
The rest of the mechanics quickly backed off from the Aegis, as it headed to the launching pad for take off. Meanwhile, the head mechanic floated quickly to a paging phone posted near the hangar doors, picking up the receiver and pressing the “PAGE” button.
“Get me bridge, right now!” he exclaimed.
In the bridge, the communications operator relayed the news to Captain Ades.
“What in the world? I didn't order Zala to launch! Seal the hangar doors!” he bellowed, slamming his hand on his seat's armrest.
“Wait a minute, Ades, let Athrun go,” Rau interrupted.
“But commander…?”
“This might prove to be interesting.”
The masked commander grinned slyly as he awaited expectations from the Aegis pilot.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 26; +1622 hours
Location: Heliopolis, interior
Meanwhile, inside the Archangel's bridge, Kira was brought in before Murrue. The temporary captain looked at him with a hint of desperation before she started.
“What do you want from me, Miss Murrue?” the Strike pilot asked, confused and despondent.
“Kira… I ask that you be the pilot for the Strike when this ship is ready to leave the colony.”
Anger mirrored in his eyes as he took in those words. He clenched his hands into shaky fists, cutting the air with them.
“No! I refuse to pilot that MS! Why do you ask me to do this? I hate this stupid and senseless war you're fighting and don't want to be dragged in it! That's why I came here in this neutral colony!”
“The radio…” Mwu wondered looking at the direction of the sound, which happened to come from one of the communication operators' terminal. He went up to one and checked radio communications, trying to get a frequency, flipping switches and pushing buttons. All that was heard as a response was garbled static.
“Hello, hello! This is Lieutenant Mwu La Flaga speaking, anyone!” he exclaimed in a headphone mic.
No response.
Setting the headphone mic down, he looked back at the group.
“The radio's been blocked. Damn, it must be N-Jammers ZAFT is using. Well, they're not playing around, that's for sure. They're going to attack pretty soon. Lieutenant Ramius, you'll have to be the captain of this ship. Although my rank is higher than yours, I absolutely know nothing of this ship.”
“I agree with Lieutenant La Flaga. What are your orders?” Natarle asked.
Murrue looked at the rest grimly. She took a deep breath before starting, accepting her role as captain and preparing to carry out her new duty.
“Kira, I order you to launch in the Strike immediately, no excuses! I want everyone on battle-stations! Lieutenant La Flaga, is your Moebius Zero ready?”
Mwu shook his head and threw his hands up in the air.
“Are you kidding? It's badly damaged and its repairs aren't done. I can't launch yet!”
“Natarle, contact the operators to return to their posts!”
Natarle gave a quick salute before executing her order. She took her seat on the deputy and combat commander's chair situated on the CIC (Combat Information Center) area beneath the bridge.
“This is the bridge speaking, operators, you're to return to your posts immediately!” she ordered through the ship's intercom.
Sneering with disgust, Kira had no choice but to comply with the newly appointed captain's order. He exited the bridge and headed for the hangar.
In the hangar, head mechanic/engineer Kojiro Murdoch was waiting for Kira, seeing that he was the only person capable to pilot the Strike. He spotted him running inside as he arrived.
“There you are, kid! Hurry up!” he exclaimed to him as he made a mad dash to the Strike, jumping in the cockpit.
“Don't push me around!” Kira retorted as the cockpit hatch closed after him.
Murdoch raised a right eyebrow in confusion, and scratched his right cheek in wonder.
“Jeez, what's with him all of a sudden?”
Inside the Strike's cockpit, Kira quickly dragged the keyboard interface to him, starting up the Strike's OS. The CIS was turned on, with Murrue's face appearing in a sub-window located at the right CIS.
“You're despicable!” he exclaimed at her with more disgust.
Murdoch meanwhile ordered his crew to load the Sword type parts, as the Strike was getting ready for launch. Kira noticed them on the CIS, a bit surprised.
“Sword type parts… hmm… I'll have to learn to use this quick.”
The launch sequence window popped in view from above as the launch doors opened.
“Kira Yamato… Strike Gundam: let's go!” Kira exclaimed, as the Sword Strike was instantly launched from the linear catapult, with its PS armor kicking in.
Meanwhile, the GINNs blasted a hole into the colony. Miguel noticed in his radar the Aegis Gundam following behind and smirked at himself.
“Athrun, show us what a ZAFT squad leader is made of!” he remarked via com-link to the Aegis pilot.
Athrun's face was grim as he prepared to brace himself to face his best friend who was supposedly piloting the Strike.
The ZAFT attack squad quickly flew in, heading straight to the Archangel.
“Four heat sources detected… three GINNs and… it can't be… it's the Aegis!” bridge officer Jackie Tonomura, specializing in enemy search and detection, reported from the CIC area as he monitored four green blips popping in radar, heading straight to the ship. A small diagram of the Aegis Gundam with small details was displayed for a few seconds before disappearing.
Murrue quickly took charge and ordered counter-measures.
“Prepare for MS combat! Fire off anti MS guns at them!”
The Archangel fired off its CIWS at the oncoming MS, barely hitting them. Their shots ricocheted into the colony interior, damaging it.
Miguel motioned Aurol and Matthew to attack the ship as he noticed the Strike Gundam approaching.
“Aurol, Matthew! Go after the ship! Athrun and I will take care of the MS!”
Two of the three GINNs broke off, beginning their attack on the Archangel with heavy missiles and peppering it with bazookas.
The ship lurched inside within each impact, shaking the crew.
Miguel motioned Athrun to follow him as his GINN recklessly took aim at the Sword Strike with its heavy ion cannon.
The Sword Strike dodged the shot and charged head-on at the GINN. The shot trailed to the central axial support shaft of the colony, damaging it.
“Take this!” Kira exclaimed, the Sword Strike taking a massive swing at Miguel with its “Schwert Gewehr” anti-ship sword.
The GINN sidestepped quickly, avoiding the attack. The Sword Strike then took out its “Midas Messer” beam boomerang and flung it towards the GINN with one swift motion.
Miguel easily dodged it, knowing it was coming.
“Ha… nice try, punk, it's my turn! Athrun, you come at it from behind!” he exclaimed, the GINN preparing for a counter-attack with its heavy sword, unsheathing it. Athrun took position heading for the Strike, as he prepared to grab hold of it.
However, Miguel forgot to notice the beam boomerang coming back to its owner, as it sliced his GINN's right leg off in its return path.
“What…!” he exclaimed.
With a quick turnaround, the Sword Strike charged at the GINN and sliced it in half with its “Schwert Gewehr”.
Electric sparks sprang about inside the GINN's cockpit as Miguel was aghast at the outcome. He flailed his arms helplessly, shielding himself from the inevitable.
“Ah-----!” he shrieked.
Miguel's GINN disintegrated into pieces amongst the explosion. Athrun watched his comrade's demise with teary-eyes, clenching his hands into shaky fists.
“MIGUEL!” he cried out at his comrade's instant demise.
After a staggering ten minutes, the Archangel managed to bring down the other two GINNs with its CIWS and missiles combined.
However, just as the last GINN was being destroyed, it launched its heavy missiles intended at the ship. Unfortunately, they trailed past for the central axial support shaft of the colony.
With that final attack, the main support holding the colony was slowly crumbling apart.
The Aegis and the Sword Strike hovered in the air facing each other from a short distance, its pilots fathoming each other's identity.
“Kira… Kira Yamato, is it? It's you all along!”
“Athrun… can it be… you're Athrun Zala!”
“What are you doing in the mobile suit? Why are you with the EA?”
“I should be asking you the same thing! Why are you with ZAFT? Why did you attack this colony?”
Around them, the colony was crumbling apart.
Suddenly, a portion of the colony wall crumbled, with a huge hole created near the Sword Strike. In an instant it was sucked into the vortex of space.
“Ah…!” Kira exclaimed in dismay.
“Kira…!” Athrun cried out, watching his best friend being sucked in space.
Meanwhile, the Seraph Gundam was approaching the Archangel when suddenly, the colony started crumbling apart. Peter was aghast at seeing the beginning of Heliopolis' destruction.
“My God… this can't be happening,” he remarked, stunned.
Aile… I hope you're making your escape now.
Kenji tightened his grip on the control sticks with anger. Whoever started attack on the colony would pay. He spotted the Archangel on the CIS.
“Uncle, worry about the colony's loss another time. There are more important things to think about!”
Peter shook his head, clearing off his amazement and despair. He noticed the Archangel displayed on the CIS.
“We're in luck. But I'm afraid we don't have time to ask them letting us board in.”
“No problem… that can be arranged.”
Kenji smirked at his uncle's perplexed look as he flicked a switch marked “Mirage Colloid Shift”. In seconds, the Seraph became transparent, invisible to the naked eye and all forms of radar.
“We'll have to get on undetected, hang on!”
With a hefty boost from its thrusters and now invisible, the Seraph quickly headed for the Archangel. Peter was amazed more at the Mirage Colloid System, and at his nephew's sudden adaptability to the MS.
Mirage Colloid System… I've heard of this technology from Aile, but I never expected him to implement it in this MS.
Ulen… you may have created a cursed being sitting next me now.
Meanwhile, inside one of the escape shelters the mysterious girl was pushed into by Kira moments ago, she looked around at the rest of the gathered civilians who were seated with safety locks strap to them and close to each other, terrified.
“What's happening?” one man wondered.
A little girl was crying on her mom's shoulder.
“Mommy… I'm scared!”
The mysterious girl could do nothing but sigh beneath the safety lock strapped in her seat as she waited for the shelter she was on to make its escape from the crumbling colony.