Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 4: Silent Run ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 4: Silent Run
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes com-link dialogue
Word denotes flashback thought
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1645 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
Amongst the debris that was once the neutral colony of Heliopolis, the Sword Strike Gundam floated aimlessly. Inside its cockpit, Kira was in a state of shock as he tried to accept Heliopolis' destruction.
“X-105 Strike, do you read? X-105 Strike, do you read? Kira Yamato, please respond!” Natarle's voice resonated from the com-link.
Slowly collecting himself, Kira responded.
“Yes, I read you!”
From the Archangel's CIC area beneath the bridge, the second-in-command sighed with relief as she stood next to bridge officer Dalida Lolaha Chandra II, specializing on communications and electronic warfare, lifting her finger from a switch to open com-link with the Strike pilot.
She then pressed the button again.
“Kira Yamato, return to the Archangel. You have its coordinates on your radar?”
The Strike pilot checked the EA ship's coordinates on his radar.
“I see you, I'm heading back immediately.”
Kira took a deep breath to calm down for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts. Then he hit a realization.
My parents! I wonder if they were able to escape from the colony.
He shook his head, shaking off his worry for his parents' safety, hoping they managed to escape alive.
He took the controls, finally moving the Sword Strike to return to the Archangel. After passing through the wrecked remains of Heliopolis, he spotted the EA ship in view.
Suddenly, a bright twinkle of light caught his eye from the left CIS.
The Sword Strike stopped and changed direction, heading towards the light. As it approached closer to it, Kira recognized it to be an escape pod, drifting aimlessly.
“An escape pod… it had to come from the colony! There must be survivors inside, I can't abandon it… I better bring it with me to the Archangel.”
The Sword Strike grabbed firmly the escape pod before proceeding back to its original destination.
From the Archangel's bridge, Mwu wondered at the next course of action of the ship and its crew. He then asked Murrue.
“Captain, what will be our next move?”
Murrue furrowed her eyebrows in consideration.
“We're still in battle alert, lieutenant. Our priority is to escape this area, now that the colony is destroyed.”
Mwu shrugged his shoulders.
“It's going to be difficult now with just having the Strike Gundam and the Moebius Zero. We're seriously undermanned.”
Natarle walked close to the Captain's side.
“Captain, I suggest that we head to the asteroid port of Artemis, which belongs to the Eurasian Federation.”
The Moebius Zero pilot complained, waving his right hand to halt Natarle's suggestion.
“Woah there… we could head to the Moon, where the EA space HQ is located. But judging from the distance here to travel there, it's a long route. Plus, we're sure to be attacked by ZAFT patrols in the area.”
“Understandable, lieutenant, but I'm sure Eurasia can understand our situation, and lend assistance to us. We don't have many options to consider. Captain, what will it be?”
Dalida suddenly interrupted from his post.
“Ensign Badgiruel, we've got a call from Kira Yamato. He says he's bringing in an escape pod he found as he was heading back.”
Natarle was surprised by the remark and walked to Dalida's post in the CIC area.
“Patch me through. Kira Yamato, who gave you permission bringing an escape pod back here! You're to return here this instant!”
“I can't just leave it behind! There're people inside… it was drifting out of control,” the Strike pilot replied from his com-link.
“Leave them! They'll be picked up by rescue teams heading here!”
“No, I won't!”
“Are you disobeying an order? Return here at once without them!”
“How can you say that? You're crazy!”
“How dare you!”
Murrue decided to break up the argument.
“Natarle… let him bring the escape pod here. We don't have time to handle petty issues such as this. It'll be a waste of time to argue, for we can't let them take up our time to plan a solution for the situation we're in now. I'll accept the responsibility in letting those civilians board here.”
Natarle sighed in defeat and cursed a bit deep down.
“I understand. Kira Yamato, bring that escape pod with you.”
Inside the Archangel's hangar, the Sword Strike parked itself for repairs after laying down the escape pod it brought along with. Murrue and company gathered about around it, with Murdoch tampering with the keypad shown outside trying to open it.
“Ok, I'm opening it now,” the chief mechanic remarked.
A confirmation sound was heard from the keypad as the hatch opened. One by one the civilians inside stepped out, relief and joy in their faces.
“Ensign Badgiruel, have some of the men help these people to the available rooms in the officers' quarters. Also call the cook to prepare food right away,” Murrue ordered Natarle, who saluted back and complied.
Kira smiled wearily at the sight, glad to have saved some lives, after exiting the Sword Strike and floating down to the ground. He then spotted his pet robotic bird Torii flying around the escape pod; he gave chase, trying to catch it.
“Torii… come here!” he exclaimed at his small robotic creation.
A distinct dark, long red hair appeared out of the pod, revealing a girl's face looking around. Kira stopped for a second and gave attention to her.
“Where am I?” she asked.
He thought back a bit before realizing it was Fllay, the girl he met in the auto-taxi stand before in Heliopolis.
“You're in an EA ship, the Archangel. Come on, I'll take you to Sai and the others.”
With that said, he took her left hand, leading the slightly confused girl to his friends.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1648 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
In the Vesalius's bridge, Ades was concerned with the present situation, stunned at the fact of Heliopolis' destruction by his ZAFT units.
“Commander, what are we to tell the Supreme Council about this… the destruction of a neutral colony?”
The masked Rau watched the debris that was now Heliopolis on the main screen, with his arms folded. He glanced at Ades and calmly replied.
“Neutral…? How can Heliopolis be neutral when it's revealed to be developing weapons for the EA? To remedy this, we'll just say that we were sent to delegate an inspection, and that they refused, opening fire at us.”
“Sir, regarding that legged ship, how can we continue pursuit of it? We don't have enough MS left to do so.”
“Hmm… I'm considering sending in the stolen G-weapons we acquired for that purpose.”
“It doesn't matter, Ades, besides, we have already have the data necessary to operate these machines. Have Athrun, Dearka, Nicol, and Yzak gear up and ready their respective MS. We mustn't let the legged ship escape into EA territory, or we'll be sure to face the consequences.”
Ades stood up from his seat and went toward a nearby table with an online space map. He placed his finger on a small image of rocks circling the area of the extinct neutral colony.
“Sir, amongst this debris in this area, our radar can't pinpoint the exact location of the ship. Because of this, it'll give them an opportunity to escape.”
Rau walked to the opposite side of the table, with a hand holding his chin, as he studied the map.
“Hmm… their escape routes are limited, given the circumstances. Out of these, there are only two possible ones they'd dare take. One, they'd head to the Moon, trying to contact the Atlantic Federation space HQ there, but that'd take them days. Or two, they'd head for Artemis, or the Eurasia Federation.”
“The asteroid port, you mean? If they're heading there, we'll have a tough time trying to go through, because of its famed “umbrella” shield.”
The radar operator suddenly reported from his post.
“Sir, heat sources launched from the legged ship! They appear to be heading for the Moon.”
Rau shook his head, his second assumption confirmed.
“No, they must be decoys. They're planning to run towards Artemis.”
Ades gazed at him, unsure.
“How can that be, sir?”
“I'm sure of it, Ades, there's no mistake. They were trying to throw us off guard by launching decoys. Begin pursuit!”
Inside his quarters, Athrun was lying down floating, hands behind his head, as he thought about his deceased comrades, Miguel and Rusty. His eyes fixed themselves on the ceiling.
He shifted to his side, as the image of the Sword Strike slicing Miguel's GINN in half popped in his mind back in Heliopolis.
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1650 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
The Archangel continued on course for Artemis.
Inside one of the officers' quarters, Kira and company wondered where the ship would be heading. The door then opened, with Mwu walking in and getting their attention.
“Excuse me sir, but where's this ship heading?” Sai asked the Moebius Zero pilot, who leaned himself against the opened door of their quarters.
“We're on course for the asteroid port Artemis, on the Eurasia Federation. We'll be lucky if we get there in one piece. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to ask you to join me outside,” he motioned Kira to follow after him as he exited. He placed an arm around him, dragging him a small distance away from his friends' quarters.
“Kid, you'll have to do maintenance on the Strike yourself, because we're running short of manpower. Murdoch isn't happy doing all the work on it.”
“Wait, why do you say it's my MS?” Kira asked warily.
“It's because nobody else in this ship can control it other than you. Not only that, but I see you have the power to do something you should do, and we two are the only ones who can protect this ship. You can make a difference with that MS. Right now, the only thing in your mind should be protecting this ship, and the ones you care about, your friends.”
“Do you understand now, kid?”
Kira clenched his left hand, taking a deep breath as he made his choice. He nodded.
“Good. Get geared up in the locker room, there's a spare pilot suit. Those clothes you're wearing now don't seem to fit right when you're piloting the Strike. I'll get ready as well in my Moebius Zero. Remember… guard this ship with your life. That's the only thing in your mind.”
Mwu then ran off, getting ready for battle. Looking at his retreating figure, Kira ran off to the opposite direction, heading for the locker room suggested.
After getting acquainted with the group, Fllay asked, “What's going on?”
Sai and Kuzzey replied one by one.
“You see Fllay, Kira is the one who piloted that MS. He founded the escape pod and brought it here.”
“And also, he's a Coordinator.”
Surprise etched on Fllay's face as she took in those words.
Kira, a Coordinator, was the one piloting that machine?
Just outside the Archangel, the Seraph Gundam was flying alongside it undetected. Inside its cockpit, Kenji had programmed the OS to maintain speed with the EA legged-warship, and set the controls to autopilot for the time being. He yawned, stretching his arms, as he watched a recorded video clip displayed on the right CIS of the Seraph's battle with the GINN it fought before.
Crouched behind him, his uncle watched it with great interest as well, but remembered to ask his nephew something.
“Kenji, why are we moving along with the Archangel undetected? We need to board it and meet up with its superior officers.”
“Uncle, I have a hunch that the ship will be going into battle soon with the enemy. It's safe to assume that ZAFT started the attack, and we need to get a better look at the commandeering ships that deployed those GINNs and the Aegis Gundam.”
“Could I examine that black booklet Aile gave you?” Peter asked, startled little by his nephew's Coordinator abilities, and also his hunch on the reason behind the attack on the neutral colony.
For answer Kenji flipped open a page from the booklet given by Professor Kato and showed the contents. Peter studied it and was slightly startled at the blueprints of the other prototype MS Professor Kato planned and developed --- Aegis, Blitz, Buster, Duel, and Strike.
“Then those must be the five prototypes Aile had sent to the testing site back in the colony. And if I remember correctly, then the Aegis, Blitz, Buster, and Duel were captured and can be used by those ZAFT units you're talking about.”
“Correct. There's a high possibility that they'll be deployed to capture or destroy this EA ship we're tagging along with. The only one not captured was the Strike, and I believe it's in operation by the crew of this ship.”
“Well, that clears up the reason why the colony was destroyed then. How can you be sure that ZAFT is behind this?” Peter wondered. He sat down on the cramped space of the cockpit, tired from crouching up for a long time.
Before Kenji could reply, beeping sounds emitted from the radar, forcing the pilot to take a look. Aside from him and the Archangel, two triangular green blips appeared, slowly closing in on them. He nodded to himself as he switched off autopilot and regained the controls.
“We're about to find out, uncle.”
Meanwhile in the Vesalius, Athrun was summoned to the commander's quarters. He stepped inside, saluting to the masked commander seated behind his desk as the door closed after him.
“Athrun Zala reporting… you wanted to see me, sir?”
“Yes, I do. At ease, report on the mission.”
“…Yes sir. The operation to destroy the legged ship was a failure. We managed to secure four out of the five reported G-weapons; however, the remaining one was used to fend off our attacks.”
“I guessed it pretty much so, after witnessing its firepower firsthand; speaking of which, if you noticed the missing left arm of my CGUE when I escaped before the colony collapsed, then you'll know what I mean. As to the ship, it seems it'll take more to destroy it.”
Athrun made a mental check, surprised at hearing that tiny detail regarding his commander's MS being partially damaged, and not knowing about it sooner.
“Yes sir.”
Rau noticed his officer's sad disposition judging from his face.
“Is there something else you wanted to tell me?”
“…Actually, there is, sir.”
“Go on.”
“The pilot of the Strike, it's my old friend Kira Yamato. I was surprised to see him in that machine.”
Rau stood up from his chair and walked up to his officer, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“That is… unfortunate. Then this means you'll have to be excused from the next battle.”
“No sir! I can't!”
Athrun clenched his hands into shaky fists while he paused, thinking the next words to say.
“I mean… I need to sortie on the next battle, if I can hope to meet and talk with Kira. He's a good friend, but he's naïve… he's being exploited by the Naturals to fight for them! I want to convince him to join us.”
“Hmm… I see. But if this Kira should refuse to join, then what will you do?”
Athrun reluctantly answered with a heavy heart.
“Then I have no choice but to shoot him.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, January 25; +1700 hours
Location: Heliopolis space
The Vesalius pulled up into a parallel position with the Archangel, catching up with it. Inside the EA legged-warship, everybody immediately entered into battle stations. In the main bridge, Murrue and Natarle were hearing out a battle strategy by Mwu, who was in his Moebius Zero, readying preparations in the hangar bay. His image appeared on the main screen.
Dalida reported his radar verifications from his post.
“Two heat sources closing in our position… a Laurasia-class Gamow, and a Nazca-class Vesalius. The Vesalius will be catching up to us within minutes!”
The Hawk of Endymion started.
“The Gamow will catch up to us if the ship stays still, but if we start up the engines and make a run for it, the Vesalius will match our speed. This looks like no-holds barred, captain. But, I've got just the thing that could change all that.”
Natarle looked at his face with a raised eyebrow.
“And just what'd that be, lieutenant?”
Mwu shrugged his shoulders with an easygoing smile.
“Did I tell you I could make the impossible possible?”
Meanwhile, Kuzzey, Miriallia, Sai, and Tolle decided not to sit around while seeing Kira fighting, so they contacted bridge officer Dalida, who rushed to see them. Meeting them on a hallway, he was a bit surprised as he heard their volunteerism.
“You guys sure you want to?” he asked one more time for their confirmation.
The teens nodded.
“We want to help, Mr. Chandra. We can't just sit around while Kira is out there fighting to protect us in this ship,” Miriallia remarked.
“I agree with Mir, Kira's our best friend. It's time we pay him back for saving us,” Tolle supported his girlfriend, his right arm holding by her waist.
“Plus, we'd be useful in running this ship, so I wouldn't mind,” Sai added, tilting his yellow-tinted spectacles to eye level.
“It's the least we could do I guess,” Kuzzey finished for the group.
Along his way to the locker room, Kira noticed his friends in EA uniforms. Floating to them, he started, “How come you all are in those uniforms?”
“We want to do our part while you fight, Kira. It can't be you doing the saving all the time,” Miriallia replied.
Sai placed his right hand on Kira's left shoulder.
“Kira, do your best out there. We'll be doing ours too.”
Tolle did the same action.
“Same here, buddy!”
Kuzzey hesitantly added.
“Yes, please, um… be careful out there.”
Kira nodded with a smile, before resuming his way, leaving them.
As soon as he was out of sight, the teens proceeded to the bridge, filling in their newly assigned jobs, to the amazement of Murrue and Natarle. Of course they explained their reasons in doing their new jobs first to her before starting, thanks to Dalida.
Minutes later, Kira made it to the locker room, entering inside. He looked around the lockers and saw an opened one, with a spare pilot suit hanged. Floating to the locker, he grabbed the suit and started wearing it. Zipping up and wearing the pilot helmet provided, he quickly headed to the hangar bay, where the Strike Gundam was waiting.
“Here's the plan. Since we're surrounded in a debris field, I'll sneak in my Moebius Zero through there and launch a surprise attack on the Vesalius, also, I'll radio in its coordinates for you to target and blast it to smithereens. Meanwhile, Kira, piloting the Strike, will stay behind near the Archangel, for defense,” Mwu finished, adjusting his pilot helmet.
“Hmm… sounds like a half-baked plan, lieutenant, but I'll have to agree with you here. Captain, anything you want to add?” Natarle asked her fellow captain seated. She nodded in reply.
“We'll proceed with that plan! All stations, battle alert! Have the Moebius Zero and the Strike launch on the double!” Murrue commanded.
On the linear catapult, the Moebius Zero was first to go. The launch sequence window popped out from above.
“Mwu La Flaga, Moebius Zero… is ready to go!” the Hawk of Endymion exclaimed, as his MA was launched into space.
Last to follow was the Strike, as it perched its feet on the linear catapult. A female computerized voice spoke through the speakers as the Aile-type parts were being fitted on the Strike --- a booster pack attached to the back, while a beam rifle placed on the right hand with a shield on the left.
Inside its cockpit, Kira finalized preparations and was raring to go.
Remember… guard this ship with your life. That's the only thing in your mind.
Mwu's voice echoed in his mind as he remembered those words.
“That's the only thing I have to focus on,” Kira repeated in a slow mantra.
Suddenly, Miriallia's image was displayed on the CIS. The Strike pilot blinked twice in amazement.
“Miriallia, what are you doing there?” he wondered.
The said girl smiled as she replied.
“This is my new job now. I'll be guiding you through the battle, so make sure to keep communications open all the time, ok? Get ready for launch then.”
“Ok… thanks for the help,” Kira smiled a bit.
“Kira Yamato, Aile Strike… let's do it!” he exclaimed, as he was launched into space. He quickly activated the Strike's PS armor along the way.
The Archangel began cannon fire at the Gamow, signaling the start of battle.
The Gamow and the Vesalius launched their respective recently owned Gundams --- the Aegis, Blitz, Buster, and Duel --- as well.
The Seraph Gundam began a slow approach on the ZAFT-controlled Gundams. Inside its cockpit, Kenji clutched at his crucifix necklace, with his eyes closed.
An inevitable fate… is escape… possible?
He then opened his eyes, seeing an answer before him. He glanced back at his uncle, who nodded to him and braced ready for battle.
With no other words said, he began his assault.