Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 17: Cagalli Again ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 17: Cagalli Again
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 16; +0000hours
Location: Africa --- Libyan Desert
With the battle over, Mwu headed back to the Archangel onboard Skygrasper-1 after reporting the Lesseps' coordinates. He was surprised to see the said ZAFT land battleship damaged and sitting still like a lame duck moments ago.
As the Archangel popped in his view, prompting him to start landing procedures, he couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief at the current situation.
Weird… the Lesseps looked to fire its main guns. But, they were destroyed when I got there.At least, the Archangel wasn't bombarded byit.
The guerillas gathered around the deactivated Strike Gundam, along with the Archangel parked nearby. Inside the said ship's bridge, Murrue and Natarle were in the midst of discussion regarding the guerilla's unexpected help. They carried holster belts carrying automatic pistols as a precaution.
“Can the guerillas be potential allies, captain?” the first lieutenant inquired.
The captain furrowed her eyebrows, considering the possibility. She shrugged her shoulders, glancing at her.
“We won't know until we talk to them. For the meantime, we best arm ourselves just in case for the worst case scenario.”
The bridge door then opened, with Mwu walking in docked in his EA pilot uniform without his pilot helmet. Worn around his waist was a holster belt, holding an automatic pistol. He warily smiled at the two EA female officers.
“So, shall we have a talk with the new guests, captain?” he quipped.
Murrue nodded in reply, glancing at Natarle to follow after her. The ship's high-rank trio exited the bridge, heading for the ship elevator.
Escorted by the bridge crew of Arnold, Dalida, Jackie, and Romero (who were also armed with automatic pistols), the Archangel high-rank trio met up with the gathered guerillas outside the ship.
One of them stepped forward, approaching the high-rank trio. He sported a light green overhead bandana, brown eyes, and a grizzled brown beard. His attire consisted of an olive combat vest (worn over a pale blue undershirt), khaki leather gloves and pants, and military boots. Apparently it'd seem that he was either a representative or leader of the guerillas.
Murrue stepped forward, offering her right hand to him.
I'm Captain Murrue Ramius. Thank you for helping the crew of the Archangel. We're glad for your assistance.”
The man accepted her handshake, introducing himself.
“I'm Sahib Ashman, leader of the Desert Dawn, a resistance group opposed to ZAFT in the African Community area. There's no need for thanks, we're only fighting the enemy and had no intention saving the Archangel.”
The leader known as Sahib withdrew his hand after the handshake, then glancing at Mwu. His eyes widened little with amazement, recognizing him.
“You're Mwu La Flaga, the `Hawk of Endymion'…! I'm surprised to see you here in this area.”
The mentioned person grinned wryly at the remark, giving Sahib a small wave of acknowledgement with his right hand.
“Well… this sure is a small world we live in. Nice meeting you.”
Sahib turned to Murrue, his amazement dissipated.
“Why is your ship in this area, Captain Ramius?”
Would you consider allying with us, Sahib?”
The Desert Dawn leader rubbed underneath his chin, considering the offer. He looked over her shoulder, glancing at the bridge crew who had their weapons drawn.
“…I'll think about it as soon as your soldiers put their guns down and the pilot of that MS in front of us comes out.”
Murrue nodded in agreement, glancing back at the bridge crew and prompting them to stand down. She then walked over to the deactivated Strike, waving her arms to Kira, telling him to disembark.
Suddenly, the Seraph Gundam flew in view, then descending towards the ground. It began walking towards the Archangel, getting everyone's attention. It changed direction and knelt down next to the Strike, its PS armor deactivating.
Among the guerillas, Cagalli was shocked seeing the Seraph. She placed a hand over her gaping mouth.
Wait… this MS looks similar to the Strike! I didn't see it back in Heliopolis!
The Archangel crew shared her surprise as well, having similar thoughts. The ship's high-rank trio was stunned seeing the Seraph before them.
What in the world…! Kenji!
You're alive! I always believed that you'd be back with us…
Heh, heh, heh… that kid sure never ceases to amaze.
Kira was awed seeing Kenji back in one piece on the Strike's CIS.
Kenji…! Thank god you're back… I thought you're a goner…
Both Gundams' cockpit hatches opened, with the pilots climbing out and hooking their feet in the winch ropes provided, lowering them to the ground. They walked towards the group and removed their pilot helmets, tucking them under their left arms. Their eyes blinked warily, adjusting to the dim light of midnight. They then looked up, exposing their faces to everyone.
Gasps of shock sounded from all the guerillas at seeing Kira and Kenji, realizing the fact they were teenagers who piloted the two MS parked before them. They murmured loudly to each other.
“What the… they're just kids!”
“No way… they're the ones piloting those MS?”
“By the will of God… this is unbelievable.”
Sahib stroked his grizzled beard, observing the newcomer Kenji and his MS.
Interesting… another prototype MS…? Plus, the pilot is just a teenager… unbelievable. There's no doubt that he's a Coordinator. But, why would he and the other MS pilot next him be siding with the EA? They're Coordinatorshuh… hmm…
Noticing mostly Kira, Cagalli pushed through the gathered guerillas and marched angrily to him, getting a surprised look on his face. She jabbed an accusing finger on his chest, then pointing him to the parked Aile Strike. She seemed to ignore Kenji standing next him, who stared curiously at her, aware of her attention span directed to the Strike pilot.
“Why are you piloting that thing…! she exclaimed in disbelief.
Kira barely had time to respond as she surprisingly tried to deliver a right slap to his face. He grabbed her right arm in time, stopping her intention. He did a double-take at her, studying her face. His eyes widen in realization, recognizing her as Professor Kato's guest from Heliopolis.
…You're that girl from Heliopolis! Why are you here?”
Taking advantage of his hesitation, Cagalli broke her right arm free and was about to deliver the sharp slap. With quick reflex, Kenji grabbed firmly her right hand inches near Kira's face, saving him from the painful slap delivered by the angry girl.
“I don't know what made you deliver that slap to Kira, but he sure doesn't deserve it from you. What did he do to make you angry?” the Seraph pilot inquired.
“What are you doing? Let go of me!” she exclaimed annoyingly, trying to break free from his grip.
Deciding she had enough, Kenji reluctantly let go of her right hand.
However, that proved to be a big mistake, for Cagalli tried delivering a slap to Kira with her other hand instantly. Giving an alarmed look, the Seraph pilot managed to grab it in time, delivering a threatening glare at her.
“You still want to do that? You're quite the stubborn one, he warned.
Cagalli shrunk back in fear at his gaze, surprised by his reflexes and strong grip, and decided to heed his warning. Feeling her resistance disappearing within his grip, Kenji released her hand, watching her stepping away from him. Kisaka hurried to her side, drawing her behind with an outstretched, protective hand. He glanced uneasy at Kenji, gauging his character.
At the second, the guerillas converged threateningly at the Seraph pilot, disapproving of his actions. Alarmed by their movements, the Archangel's bridge crew was about draw their weapons, but Murrue motioned them with an outstretched left hand to put them down.
“No…! Stand down! That's an order!” she commanded.
Sahib restrained the guerillas with an outstretched right hand.
“Stop…! He meant no harm to Cagalli. Stand down!” he warned.
At his cue, the guerillas reluctantly complied, watching warily at Kenji. Behind him, Kira placed a hand on his right shoulder, getting his attention. He gave a relieved smile.
“Thanks… I'm glad to see you ok.”
“It was nothing. But she didn't seem to like you at first sight.”
Glancing back at the Archangel's bridge crew to see them put down their weapons hesitantly, Murrue went over to Kenji, giving him a relieved smile.
“I'm pleased to see you managed to survive. I thought we'd lost you back there.”
The Seraph pilot smiled back, rubbing behind his head with his free hand, embarrassed.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 15; +2200 hours
Location: Europe --- Gibraltar, Spain
Meanwhile in a secured office of the Gibraltar ZAFT base, Eiji, Dearka, and Yzak were in midst of a video conference with the masked Rau.
Dearka was the only one seated, paying attention while Yzak stood behind him, with bandages worn around his injured right eye. Eiji stood opposite of him, with his arms folded, glancing uncomfortably at the masked Rau, who directed his attention to his two subordinates.
“I'm glad that you both managed to arrive safely on Earth. You must continue pursuit of the legged battleship,” he remarked, adjusting his mask with his right hand. He glanced at Eiji, noticing him.
“Commander Shinonome… the `Red Reaper'… this is a surprise meeting you here with my subordinates. To what do I owe you the pleasure?”
The Spawn pilot sneered deep down at the remark. On the outside, he put a passive face.
“You owe me nothing, commander. I strayed away from Captain Aster's unit, the Crusader Squad, during the attempted attack on the legged ship back in the Earth's atmosphere with the EA 8th Fleet. Then I met up with your subordinates after landing here in Gibraltar, finding myself survived from the atmospheric re-entry.
“Aster… ah, yes, he was cooperative enough to send his unit down there on Earth to continue pursuit of the legged battleship, which coincides with our objectives.”
Eiji was alarmed by the statement, taking in the facts.
Captain Aster probably listed me as MIA, but I think I can rendezvous with the Crusader Squad he sent to continue pursuit of the legged battleship. I have to find out their current location.
Rau stroked his chin in thought with his left hand, coming up with a plan.
“Since you're there with Dearka and Yzak, I'd like to ask for your assistance in the continued pursuit of the legged battleship. You three will form a team, and you shall lead them. Will that suffice with you?”
Dearka and Yzak glanced awed at one of the legendary ZAFT pilots standing next them. Aside from their Commander Creuset, having the famed `Red Reaper' leading their team was an honor. The Buster pilot grinned cockily, eager to impress Eiji with his skills, while the Duel pilot held him in consideration, gauging his worth. They awaited his reply.
Eiji furrowed his eyebrows in thought, weighing his options.
An enticing offer from that masked fool…? I don't know… I was originally assigned to Captain Aster for this task.
…What the hell, I won't be able to rendezvous with the Crusade Squad anytime soon. And Captain Aster probably has the Geneva return back to ZAFT for repairs and supplies, based from the recent battle with the EA 8thFleet.
But then again, Kenji is definitely onboard that legged ship. After our recent fight, it's clear that he's siding with the EA. The fool…! First he leaves ZAFT, only to join the enemy! What's he thinking…?
I'll get to the bottom of this. I have to find out his intentions.
He looked up to the masked commander in front of him, nodding.
“I accept your offer, commander. But, I'll just lead the team temporarily for the time being, until I can meet up with the Crusader Squad.”
An enigmatic smile etched on Rau's lips at the reply.
“Thank you for considering and accepting it. Dearka, Yzak, you two will be under Commander Shinonome's command temporarily, seeing that you three will be in his team.
Dearka and Yzak saluted their superior.
Saluting them back, Rau turned to Eiji.
Please continue pursuit of the legged ship with Dearka and Yzak under your command. I'd like to join, but unfortunately I've been called back to ZAFT and have to dispense formalities with the National Defense Committee Chairman, who has requested my presence.
The Vesalius will have to be re-supplied, and it can't remain on standby here in the Earth's atmosphere. However, I'll be dispatching my other two subordinates who're onboard with me in the Vesalius --- Nicol Amalfi and Athrun Zala --- and send them to rendezvous with you. Their ETA should be in a matter of days.”
Eiji scratched his right cheek with his right hand, shaking his head in disagreement.
“Well… it can't be helped then… what happened to the Geneva by the way?”
“The ship left a few days ago, heading back to ZAFT. Captain Aster had already notified me that he deployed his unit, the Crusader Squad, to continue pursuit of the legged ship. According to him, they're expected to rendezvous with the `Desert Tiger' in his area at the African Community.”
“I see… I'll send you word regarding the team's progress at the pursuit of the legged ship. Consider the job done.”
-Snicker- Interesting… you always were the optimistic type, I can see why you're regarded with a 95 percent chance of success in any of your missions. Dearka, Yzak, make sure you follow his orders. That's all.”
With that said, Rau's image flickered off from the video screen. Eiji smirked to himself deep down, disregarding further dislike for the masked commander.
The `Desert Tiger'…? Waltfeld-sensei… I wonder how you're doing out there.
Dearka set his hands behind his head, swiveling his seat facing him. He looked up the ceiling, letting out a disappointed sigh.
“Well, I see his command clarifying that we're not allowed to return to space then. This sucks… I'm more used to the easy feel of zero gravity, rather than this stiff normal gravity of Earth.”
Eiji looked up at him, unfolding his arms and pocketing his hands in his pants.
“There's always a first time for everything, officer Elsman.”
Dearka stood up from his seat, shrugging his shoulders at him.
“Commander Shinonome, you wouldn't mind calling us by our first names instead? Yzak and I just don't like formalities, you see. And frankly speaking, I think you're about the same age as us. It feels weird having to address you formally, knowing you're still young like us.
He glanced at the silver-haired Duel pilot standing next him, who suddenly began removing his bandages.
Their interest raised little at the sight before them, Eiji and Dearka watched in silence as Yzak removed the last strip of bandages, then dropping them to the floor. He then looked up at them with a determined resolve in his eyes. A large scar ran underneath his right eye, a testament to the defeats he suffered from the Strike and the Seraph Gundams. He clenched his left hand into a shaky fist, throwing it up the air.
“I swear… I'll make sure the Strike and the Seraph pay for my humiliation!” he cried in pent-up fury.
Eiji raised a right eyebrow at the mention of the Seraph. He walked up to Yzak, getting his attention.
“The Seraph…? Was that another MS from the legged ship?”
“Yes, commander… it was fighting alongside the Strike when Dearka, Nicol, and I tried to delay the legged ship from meeting up with the EA 8th Fleet's escort ships a few days ago.”
The `Red Reaper' stroked underneath his chin in silent contemplation.
So that's Kenji's MS… the one I fought with before. Why does its design look very similar to the Spawn, along with firepower as well?
Somehow, I get the feeling there's a connection to our MS.
Dispensing the thoughts from his mind, he glanced back at his new subordinates standing attentively in front of him.
It looks like I'm entrusted a team already, thanks to your masked commander. As you know, I've been given the nickname `Red Reaper' because of my red CGUE I used to pilot during the Grimaldi Front. Adding that was my tenacity to not spare the enemy, and proceeding to finish an entrusted mission, with any means necessary.”
Noticing their slightly shocked expressions by his last remark, Eiji waved off his right hand at them.
-Chuckle- I'm not that ruthless, in case you're wondering, when it comes to battle. Sometimes, I delight in the thrill of it, because it gives me such a rush of excitement. But now… all that's changed.”
Dearka and Yzak stared at him with raised eyebrows.
“What do you mean by that, sir?” the Duel pilot asked.
Eiji grinned wryly, looking intently at them.
“What if I say I had a chance encounter with the Seraph?”
Dearka and Yzak arched their eyebrows higher, widening their eyes in surprise.
Exiting the office, the three ZAFT pilots headed outside towards the base's hangar bay, where the Buster, the Duel, and the Spawn Gundams were parked. Several ZAFT soldiers saluted them as they passed by, but most notably at Eiji, who returned their salutes with his quick ones.
As they stepped inside the hangar bay, several mechanics were already at work, making repairs to their MS. Others off-loaded their MS's weapons on small trucks, intent on refitting them back in mint condition.
Eiji glanced back at Dearka and Yzak, who stood behind him attentively.
“You two can do what you like. We won't sortie until we get further notice from the base commander; I already contacted him to inform us of any news regarding the legged ship and Commander Waltfeld. Meet me at the base commander's office after 4 hours, you're dismissed.”
He then waved them off with his right hand, then walking towards his MS.
“Sir!” they exclaimed, saluting his retreating form. After watching him nearing his MS and gazing up at it, they eased up.
“Well, we've got 4 hours to kill. Phew… speaking of which, my stomach's grumbling. I haven't had a meal for days since we got so busy pursuing the legged ship. Why don't you join me, Yzak?” Dearka chimed his best friend.
“…Tch... you're always thinking about your stomach. Bah… I guess I can join you, I don't have anything to do either.”
“That's the spirit! Come on, don't be such a grouch!”
Dearka snaked his left arm around Yzak's shoulders, pulling him close and earning an annoyed grunt from him. He rolled over his eyes at his comrade's brash behavior, not in the least fazed by it.
They then exited the hangar bay, heading for the base's mess hall.
As Eiji continued his staring at the parked Spawn in front of him, the head mechanic approached him, getting his attention.
“Commander Shinonome how's your stay in this base?” he asked, starting a conversation with him.
“…This is my first time staying on Earth. I've been so used to the freedom of space.”
“Well, you'll get used to the Earth's gravity quickly, you won't notice it. Anyways, sir, these 3 MS standing in front of us is a sight to behold for our forces.”
The head mechanic turned to the Buster, the Duel, and the Spawn, gazing awed at them. He shook his head amused, grinning to himself.
Eiji glanced from the Spawn to him, pocketing his hands in his pants.
“How long will the repairs take for them?”
The head mechanic snapped out of his reverie, bringing out a small, white pad of paper from his chest pocket. He plucked out the pencil sandwiched on his right ear, checking the written content on the paper.
“2 hours the most, sir… they also need some polishing all over. As to your MS, we're almost done cleaning the external body frame, seeing it charred… speaking of which, how did it happened?”
“I had an accidental atmospheric re-entry… it was forced due to a battle up there in the Earth's atmosphere a few days ago.”
“Well… judging from this, I could guess it can attempt a successful atmospheric re-entry then?”
“Correct… I learned it the hard way unfortunately.”
The head mechanic chuckled lightly at his remark.
“It won't be long until they're all up and ready. I'm having my crew speed up the weapons loading as I speak.”
“…I see. Leave me be for the moment. I desire some time alone observing my MS.”
Giving a nod of reply, the head mechanic walked away from Eiji, resuming his original task. He bellowed out more orders to his crew of mechanics spread all over the three MS.
Eiji's eyes narrowed at the Spawn.
Soon… we'll meet again, Kenji. This time, I'll be ready for you.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 16; +1600 hours
Location: Africa --- Libya
After its crew met up with the guerillas and obtained a temporary alliance from them, the Archangel flew low through the crag walls of a canyon, landing at the guerilla base, which was secretly stationed amidst a small canyon area.
From key areas of the canyon, several guerillas were at work lodging a huge makeshift desert camouflage blanket over the legged battleship, concealing it from obscure view of enemy units.
As the Archangel landed on the ground, its crew immediately exited, preparing maintenance and finalizing docking procedures. Soldiers amongst them shifted to high alert, heading over to every exit point of the ship, standing guard.
Entering the Desert Dawn resistance base, Sahib led Murrue, Mwu, Natarle, and Peter into a communications room filled with computers and maps of the Africa continent. Walking to a wide table with a map spread out on it, he pressed his hands on the table, looking around the four guests, who gathered around him.
“Welcome to the Desert Dawn resistance base. Our guerilla group is made up of volunteers from various cities in the African Community fighting against ZAFT occupation of the entire continent,” Sahib started, showing the guests around the room.
Murrue took the time observing the room, mentally noting to herself the small level of organization the guerillas had formed.
Standing face him with his arms folded, Mwu voiced out a question that was bugging his mind.
“I hope you don't mind me asking, Sahib, but who's this Cagalli we've seen moments ago trying to slap Kira?”
Peter raised his left eyebrow with interest at the question, while he pocketed his hands in his lab coat standing next to Natarle. A moment ago, after taking a hurried shower and getting dressed in his newly-washed researcher attire, he decided to join the Archangel high-rank trio, and obtained directions to the communications room from one of the guerillas standing guard at the base.
Natarle noticed his wonder and whispered close to him, explaining briefly the slapping incident between Kira, Kenji, and Cagalli witnessed before. He nodded with a small hum of understanding, getting the clear picture. He chuckled deep down, amused by the account.
Ha, ha, ha… you're quite the bold one, Kenji, I'll give you that.
Sahib glanced at the Moebius Zero pilot indifferently.
“She's our goddess of victory, Lieutenant La Flaga.”
Going outside of the base, Cagalli looked around for one particular person, Kira. She walked to the Archangel's opened side doors, noticing along the way some of its crew chatting amicably with each other, some moving supplies to another area of the ship, while others standing guard in the entrance/exit points.
Where is he?
She turned to her left and cried triumphantly deep down, spotting her intended target seated alone on a small sandy hill. His legs were propped against his chest, his arms rested on them while he stared blankly straight ahead in thought.
“There you are… I've been looking all over for you.”
Kira turned around at her voice, acknowledging her presence. She seated herself next him, copying his seated position. She took a few seconds picking the right words to start.
“Um… listen. I'm sorry for my outburst back there. I was worried about you after the Heliopolis incident… I'd never expected you'd become a pilot for the Alliance.”
He shook his head, smiling little.
“That's ok… much has happened to me after Heliopolis was destroyed by ZAFT. I just needed time to cope up. I was surprised to see you back there in the desert tell me, why are you with the guerillas?”
Cagalli fidgeted with her hands, trying to come up with a good answer.
“Well… you see…”
“Where could have she gone to?” George wondered, as he paced around a winding corridor of the Archangel. Hours had passed by, with no word from his daughter, and he had begun to worry about her. He then started looking for her, with the intention of checking up on her and having a serious chat regarding her arrangement with Sai.
Docked in his business attire (minus the overcoat), he headed over to the Hynes' quarters, approaching their door. He lightly knocked it.
“Peter? Kenji? Are you in there?” he asked. He waited a few seconds for a response from within.
Silence reigned, telling him the answer. He scratched his head, dismayed at himself.
“Hmm… it must be locked. Ah, I got it… maybe if I can find Kira's friends and ask them about Fllay's whereabouts…”
Nodding to himself, he stepped back from the door, making his way out of the ship and continuing his search for his only daughter.
Clad in his EA uniform, Kenji stepped outside of the Archangel's hangar after making a routine check-up of the Seraph Gundam's OS from inside its cockpit. As his feet touched the sandy ground of a nearby set-up camp, he looked up to find Arnold, Dalida, Jackie, and Romero gathered around for a deserved break, starting their meals consisting of rations and water. He walked up to them, getting their attention.
“Hello, Mr. Arnold, Dalida, Jackie, and Romero… you all are taking a break?”
Dalida adjusted his big black-tinted specs, glancing wryly at the Seraph pilot. He took a sip of his bottled water before speaking to him.
Hey, no need for the formalities, Kenji. You can call us by our first names. We're all good buddies, now, you hear? Answering your question, yup, we obviously are.”
Romero took a bite of his rations, munching quietly. His face etched with slight disgust, indicating his dislike of their flavor as he forced himself to swallow his eaten ration.
-Gulp- I don't know how long we can eat these… my tongue is stricken dull of taste because of them. But, they're food at least.”
Jackie chuckled lightly at his comrade's remark, covering his grinning mouth with his left hand.
Arnold tore up his rations bit by bit, eating the pieces one at a time. He sat down on the sand, leaning against his makeshift seat for support, relaxing himself.
Kenji shook his head with an amused smile at the sight before him. He ran a hand through his hair, looking back at Dalida.
“Well… if that's fine calling you all by your first names, then I won't mind at least. Mr. Dalida... um, I mean Dalida, have you seen Kira around? I'm looking for him.”
“Oh, him…? I last saw him walking alone to a secluded spot near the Archangel's side doors. I guess he wanted to be by himself for a while.”
Waving the bridge crew a small good-bye, Kenji turned around and left, heading for the described location given by Dalida.
Back in the base communications room, Murrue, Mwu, Natarle, and Peter were discussing battle plans with Sahib. Gathered around the map table, they carried on with their discussion. The map lain before them was that of the world map.
So… how can we escape to Alaska? Any ideas, people?” Mwu piped, looking around everyone in the room.
“Is there a way to cross the desert?” Natarle asked, laying her finger on the continent of Africa.
Sahib shook his head in disagreement, looking closely at Africa.
“The desert is too big for ZAFT to cover, but their attacks have increased for the past days since they occupied the Victoria spaceport three days ago.”
He then folded his arms, looking grimly at everyone.
“The South African Union, or SAU, has been fighting ZAFT since their first annexation of this continent. They believed that the EA would continue their support for them in this war… until they were abandoned by them at the start of this year. In my eyes, the EA and ZAFT are the same, because they only come to pillage and conquer.”
The Archangel high-rank trio stared remorse at the guerilla leader, understanding the harsh reality of their organization. Murrue and Natarle understood their organization's intentions, using whatever means for them to gain victory in the present war, even at the cost of innocent lives. The captain couldn't bring herself to accept the fact in mind.
Yet… does serving the EA mean the right choice for me at this time of my life? I've come to obey all orders… this is after all the military.
Her counterpart had a different view instead.
If that means to carry out orders to ensure success for the military… I'll do my utmost best to see them through.
Mwu ran a hand through his hair, letting out a worried sigh.
Hmm… a soldier always got to carry out his orders, regardless of what they are.
Peter, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms in thought.
The EA and ZAFT… well, he does hit the point… they're the same, but with different opinions and views of each other. This war started because of this seething hatred between Coordinators and Naturals.
Bah… it's stupid… Coordinators, Naturals… they're all human for God's sake!
He kicked himself deep down, unable to picture a solution to the dilemma in his mind.
Unfolding his arms, Sahib continued, looking at the Archangel high-rank trio.
“How high can your ship fly?”
Natarle shook her head in disagreement, shrugging her shoulders.
“The Archangel can't fly too high in the atmosphere. It was designed mainly for space flight, not for atmospheric flight.
Sahib furrowed his eyebrows in thought, then laying his right forefinger pointing at Africa. He first traced an imaginary path to Europe, coming at Gibraltar, Spain from below. Next, he traced another path east of Africa, following the Indian Ocean, then to the Pacific Ocean.
You'll have to either break out through Gibraltar, or find a way to the Indian Ocean, then to the Pacific Ocean.”
Peter piped in a question from his spot.
“What about the governments of those areas? We have to know how we can deal with them.”
Sahib stared closely at him, surprised by his appearance. He stroked his grizzled beard, pondering on his identity.
“Hmm… you look familiar to me, sir. May I ask who you are?”
Peter shook his head with a small smile.
“I'm sorry… it was rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Peter Hyne, research scientist specializing on electronic warfare.”
The Desert Dawn leader gave a small smile to him.
“Hmm… it's nice to meet you, Dr. Hyne. I must have mistaken you for someone else.”
I prefer `Professor Hyne' better than the one you mentioned. I'm more adept in teaching rather than researching. And lastly, no apology needed.”
“Very well… professor. I take it you're part of the crew of the Archangel?”
“Yes, but only until the ship reaches into EA territory and its main HQ. A temporary thing, you see.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 16; +1800 hours
Location: Africa --- Libya
Meanwhile, onboard the ZAFT land battleship Lesseps, ZAFT officer Martin DaCosta stepped inside his commander's room, wanting to voice out a report to him. He found Andrew `Andy' Waltfeld amidst in brewing coffee while seated down behind his desk. The short red-haired junior ZAFT officer gave a quick salute.
Andy glanced at him, acknowledging his presence, and continued on with his brewing. As his dark-brown eyes eagerly hoped for a delicious taste of the latest exotic coffee brewing in front of him, he beckoned Martin to start his report.
“Sir, the mechanics have managed to get the Lesseps in working order. The weapons have been repaired as well, so we're ready to move out.”
The junior ZAFT officer hoped that his commander would be concerned with the report, but now found his hope dashed as Andy was more concerned with the coffee brewing in front of him. He stood up from his seat and went over to a small drawer, getting a green mug for his coffee, and closed it after. He went back to his seat and laid his green mug on the desk.
“Hmm… I wonder how this batch of coffee should taste like. DaCosta, would you like to have a taste of this coffee I'm brewing?” Andy offered.
“Uh, no thank you sir.”
Andy shrugged his shoulders at him, with a disappointed look on his face. He turned facing his coffee brewer.
“Oh well, suit yourself. By the way, DaCosta, we'll be attacking the town of Tassil to pay back the guerillas for yesterday.”
The `Desert Tiger' casually glanced at his subordinate.
“Have the Lesseps mobilizing to Tassil at once. We'll prepare our attack once we arrive within a distance from it.”
Martin gave a quick salute before exiting the commander's room.
“Yes sir!”
Hearing his door closing after his subordinate, Andy turned his attention to his coffee brewer, which finally brewed his latest batch of coffee. He poured out the contents in his green mug and set down his coffee brewer. He smelled the indulging fragrance of his hot, black coffee.
“Mmm… it's too hot though. I'll save this for another time, I guess.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 16; +1830 hours
Location: Africa --- Libya
Back at the set-up camp, just near the Desert Dawn resistance base, the Heliopolis teens (minus Kira and Fllay) sat around discussing the recent turn of events leading up to their present situation.
“I wish I hadn't stayed onboard the Archangel,” Kuzzey started regretfully, playing around with his hands in nervousness.
“Dude, you would have died if you went on that civilian shuttle. You count yourself lucky at least,” Tolle reminded him, patting his back in support. Seated next him, Miriallia huddled close, snuggling for his warmth.
Kuzzey gave a worried look at Tolle, taking a small stick of wood and toying around with the small campfire on their center.
Meanwhile, Sai was quiet, pondering on his fragile relationship with his supposed-to-be fiancé. Behind his yellow-tinted specs, his eyes focused on the small campfire, its image reflected on his eyewear.
Fllay… if that's how you really feel about him…
Gritting his teeth in frustration, he clenched both his hands into shaky fists.
Just then, the mentioned dark red-haired girl walked by, approaching the teens and getting their attention.
“Um, have you seen Kira?” Fllay asked.
Kuzzey shrugged his shoulders at her in response. Tolle and Miriallia shook their heads. Sai didn't bother looking at her, having mixed feelings about her.
Seeing their negative response, Fllay then left them, continuing her search for the Strike pilot.
In the Archangel's hangar, Murdoch found Kira working inside the Strike's cockpit, while making his usual rounds in the area.
“Hey Kira, what are you doing there?” he asked, taking a mental note of the Gundam pilot's dedication and diligence to the maintenance of his machine.
Glancing up at him for a second then back to his typing the keyboard interface, Kira furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.
“I'm refining the adjustments I made to the Strike's motion control system during the last battle. The ones I temporarily made to it weren't complete, so I'm filling up the gaps.”
The head mechanic/engineer glanced indifferently at him.
“Oh, I see.”
Approaching another set-up camp, Cagalli stumbled upon a good friend, Ahmed El Fasi, chatting amicably with another Desert Dawn member. Their attention gotten by her, Ahmed was little surprised seeing her.
“Hey Cagalli, what's up?” he asked.
The blonde-haired female teen folded her arms. Remembering her recent talk with Kira, she forgot one little thing about him: his name.
“Have you seen that Strike pilot around? I forgot to ask his name again.”
Sporting a brushed-up, brown hair, and beady eyes, Ahmed was docked in similar attire as his poorly-disguised crush, who was none other than Cagalli. Shaking off sweet thoughts of her from his mind, he shook his head in reply, shrugging his shoulders.
Seeing his response, Cagalli was unsatisfied with it, and turned around to leave. However, she then bumped into Kisaka, whose eyes bore seriousness at her.
“Cagalli, we need to talk.”
With that said, he then took her aside to a quiet spot of the set-up camp, making sure no eavesdroppers were present. Satisfied, he turned his attention on her and began.
“I've seen you talking with that Strike pilot earlier. Don't slip, for people would bound to figure out who you are, understand?”
Cagalli's face twisted into annoyance, her lips curling downwards.
“I know, I know, Kisaka. Jeez, I'm being careful about it. I just wanted to check up on him and how he was doing with that mobile suit. Well, I'm leaving.”
With that said, she walked away from him, leaving the serious man looking worriedly at her retreating form.
“Really now, Kisaka, he's too wary,” Cagalli remarked to herself, as she continued her search for the Strike pilot. Approaching a side entrance of the Archangel's left port side, she ran into Sai and Fllay having an argument, and immediately hid behind some rocks nearby, watching on their conversation.
“Fllay, why won't you talk to me about this? I have a right to know!” Sai exclaimed exasperated, flailing his hands to his supposed-to-be fiancé, who seemed perturbed by his question.
You'd never understand, Sai! Oh…! Kira…!” Fllay cried, relieved, at the Strike pilot who happened to pass by and ran into them. She quickly grabbed onto him from behind.
Noticing the instant physical attraction between them, Sai stared annoyingly at his friend.
“Kira, you should mind your own business! I must talk with Fllay!”
Realizing his friend's change of attitude, Kira eyed his yellow-tinted spectacled friend warily, being protective of Fllay, who then let out a surprise.
“It's Kira's business because I slept with him the night before!”
Sai's eyes immediately widened with shock.
Another cry of shock sounded from behind Kira and Fllay, prompting them to turn around facing a surprised George Allster stopped in his tracks. Seeing him in person, Fllay covered her gaping mouth, fearful for his next action.
“Fllay…?” he uttered.
Meanwhile, Andrew Waltfeld's forces gathered about just a perimeter away from a town called Tassil, which was believed to be in league with the Desert Dawn resistance group.
Fishing out his army-standard binoculars, the `Desert Tiger' observed the town, and then let down his binoculars in hand.
“Hmm… it seems quiet. Ok…”
He glanced back at his forces, which were on standby, waiting for his orders.
“We'll give the citizens of Tassil a warning. I don't want the civilians involved, they should be evacuated. If they don't respond to the warning, proceed to attack the town. Destroy all munitions and other weapons stored hidden there.”
Upon his cue, several of his men hopped aboard their BuCUEs, which leapt into action, and made their slow approach of the town.
Cagalli covered her gaping mouth with her right hand as she looked on the small soap opera brewing before her.
“Daddy…?” Fllay stammered, with Kira and Sai sharing their surprise as well.
The Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister shook off his surprise and went into seriousness, placing his hands on his hips. He eyed his daughter, then Kira.
“So… that's where you've been all this time! What's the meaning of this? Kira, isn't it? You have the nerve to taint my precious daughter! What have you done?”
Looking away from him, Kira had a pang of shame deep down. While on the other hand, Sai was infuriated at Fllay's revelation, clenching his hands into shaky fists. His face darkened.
“Is that true, Kira…? Why…? You… were my friend!”
Fllay then answered for her boyfriend's defense, holding closely onto him. She looked defiantly at her father, then at Sai.
“Yes, it's true, daddy, Sai. I slept with him, but I didn't force him to! It was my decision to make! He's not at fault. I did so because I love him!”
George had a stammered look on his face.
“Fllay…! What if you were pregnant by him? Then, you'll have his baby! And why didn't you come to me before you did all this?”
Fllay shook her head in disagreement.
“Daddy… we used protection, so don't worry. I…”
Before she could continue, Sai angrily leapt at Kira, forcing him to let go of Fllay and grabbed his right arm, twisting it behind his back.
“Kira…!” Fllay cried out.
An angry look etched on his face, Kira explained his reasons to his frustrated friend.
“Sai… she was the only one who cared deeply for me during the last battle! I love her.”
Behind him, Fllay's eyes shimmered slightly with happiness, along with a glad smile.
“Oh Kira…”
George gauged the Strike pilot's character, momentarily forgetting his admonishment of his daughter. He furrowed his eyebrows deeply.
Kira Yamato… I highly disapprove of his relationship with my daughter, but still, there's something about him that strikes me clearly…
It was then that Kenji passed by the area, stumbling upon the scene. He watched Kira knocking down Sai into the sand, then letting out an intense remark.
“You must know that you'd lose in a fight between me and you! Don't even think about it!” the Strike pilot exclaimed at his yellow-tinted spectacled friend.
“Kira…?” Kenji spoke aloud, getting everyone's attention. He went up to Sai and helped him up to his feet, then walked between him and Kira, looking back and forth at them.
“What's going on?” the Seraph pilot asked, concerned and hoping to diffuse the tense situation at present.
Sai looked down at the sand, unable to stare at the Strike pilot and his fiancé in the eye. He then immediately walked inside the side entrance of Archangel, stepping inside the legged EA ship and leaving the scene.
“Sai… I'm sorry,” Kira quietly uttered at his retreating form.
Letting out a huff of breath, George took hold of his daughter, dragging her along with him and prompting her to cry out in protest.
“Let's go, young lady, you and I have much to talk about in our quarters,” he objectively spoke.
“Daddy, please…!”
Kira reached out to grab her, but was stopped by Kenji, who placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Fllay…! Kenji, please let go!” he exclaimed.
The Seraph pilot shook his head in disagreement.
“No… don't make it worse than it is. I know it's not my business to say so, but let her and the Vice-Minister work it out first. This could get out of hand if you interfere.”
Examining his eyes closely, Kira reluctantly stopped in his tracks, sadly looking down at the ground. He clenched both his hands into tight fists, expressing his confusion.
Amidst this, Cagalli eyed the two Gundam pilots interestingly. She felt sorry for the Strike pilot, her face mirroring sadness.
Meanwhile, back in the communications room of the Desert Dawn resistance base, the Archangel high-rank trio, Peter, and Sahib continued on their planning regarding the present situation.
Suddenly, the room's door opened, with a Desert Dawn guerilla entering inside and getting everyone's attention. He went up to Sahib.
“Sahib, we've gotten word that Tassil is under attack by the `Desert Tiger'!”
The Desert Dawn leader widened his eyes in shock, with his mouth agape. A second or two, he recollected his composure.
“What…! Impossible…!”