Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 16: The Burning Cloud of Sand ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 16: The Burning Cloud of Sand
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback thought
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
-Word- denotes sound effect during flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 15; +2230hours
Location: Africa --- Libyan Desert
In another desert area not far from the Archangel's position, a particular ZAFT commander observed the ship with a pair of army-standard binoculars in hand. Increasing zoom on the ship, his eyes drank in the ship's form, taking mental note of every little detail. His lips turned into a small grin of satisfaction.
“Ah... so that's the legged ship from the reports. What luck,” he remarked.
Behind him, 5 ZAFT pilots stood by near 5 parked BuCUEs, waiting for their superior's commands.
The commander set down his binoculars, turning around facing the pilots. His distinct black-yellow uniform shifted in view, along with 2-red and yellow stripes on his left chest, indicating his rank as Commander. His long, spiky brown hair swayed fro with his movement.
“Alright, guys, we'll prepare to attack the legged ship that's just within a distance from us. We're going to test its capabilities first,” he stated.
One of the pilots raised his right hand, asking a question.
“Commander Waltfeld, can we destroy it?”
The aforementioned `Desert Tiger' Andrew `Andy' Waltfeld shrugged off the question with his left hand, shaking his head in disagreement.
“We'll do that when the time comes. Besides, Commander Creuset's team couldn't shoot down the ship, and the EA 8th Fleet's Admiral Halberton sacrificed his fleet to get it to Earth. The ship must be a valuable asset to the EA, and the EA 8th Fleet's sacrifice clearly confirms that. For now, we'll stick to checking the ship's capabilities first.”
The pilot nodded in reply, folding his arms.
Andy glanced back at the Archangel with a grim look on his face. His gut feeling was telling him something unexpected, and he could feel the thought working his brain into caution. He rubbed underneath his shaven chin with his left hand, raising a left eyebrow.
Something's not right though… but why's my stomach telling me a different story? I better keep tabs on this one… this may turn out to be more than I bargained for.
Meanwhile a few blocks away from the Archangel, the cloaked Seraph Gundam hovered about nearby the armed hovership of the small ZAFT unit it pursued before, monitoring it. Inside its cockpit, Kenji studied the ship's detail on the center CIS with folded arms.
Hmm… if my memory of ZAFT military serves me right, that's a land battleship, the Lesseps. It's the only land battleship to travel half-submerged in the sand, using the arrays of microscopic scale motors on its lower hull to liquefy the ground and propel the ship forward.
Wait… if that's the Lesseps I'm seeing in front of me now, that means…
An amusing conclusion from his mind answered the thought, prompting him to close his eyes and ponder on a flashback from his memory.
Timeline: C.E. 70August 10; +0100hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
16 year old Kenji Hyne, docked in a white ZAFT uniform designated for commanders, slung over his right shoulder a black duffel bag containing his personal belongings. He floated slowly to a shuttle prepared for him in the docking bay, feeling his heart sink slowly as the distance between him and the shuttle closed on each other little by little. His eyes focused on the shuttle's opened passenger door, beckoning him to step in for a new journey.
This is what I should do… I'm making the right choice.
A smiling face of his late first love etched on his mind.
Lunamaria… I'm sorry… but I can no longer follow this path as a ZAFT soldier.
Kenji's face etched in a passive look, hiding deep down a lingering regret since his first love's death in the `Bloody Valentine' tragedy. His eyes remained fixed on the shuttle, not minding few ZAFT officers nearby watching him pass by them. They whispered close to each other, initiating gossip on the famed ZAFT ace.
“So the `Dark Avenger' really resigned from duty? What's he thinking, doing this?”
“Yeah… it's unbelievable… but word has it that he got tired serving ZAFT.”
“It's more likely the `Bloody Valentine' incident that affected him most.”
Another small group of female ZAFT officers gazed Kenji with sad eyes.
“It's a shame… he's such a hottie to boot!Does he have to go?”
“Hey, not so loud…! He might hear you!”
“-Sigh- He's so dreamy…”
“But, still, there's also Commander Shinonome! Weren't he and Commander Hyne good friends?”
“…I heard they were on bad terms after a dispute.”
“No way…!”
Kenji slightly shook his head, amused by their gossip as he continued on. He could already make out what they were saying, thanks to his departure.
So much for a quiet departure
His instincts kicked in, feeling a certain presence approaching him from behind. He stopped his tracks and turned around slowly, facing Andrew `Andy' Waltfeld with a glamorous, coquettish young woman next him. They both were docked in pilot suits --- black-orange with stripes for Andy and black-white for the woman.
As Kenji glanced at the woman, he did a double-take, unfamiliar with her features --- long dark-blue hair with 2 gold highlights at the front sides, blue eyes, pleasing mouth, and clear, white skin.
“So… you're really leaving, huh? I didn't think you'd have the heart to do so,” Andy casually remarked. The woman smiled mischievously at his remark, placing her hands on his shoulders from behind.
Kenji looked passively at the two, his lips curving little upwards.
“Sometimes I surprise myself, Waltfeld-sensei. By the way, what are you and her doing here? Weren't you supposed to be on Earth for the northern Africa campaign?”
The woman pouted in disappointment.
“Shame on you, Kenji… you don't remember me? It's unkind of you to refer me as the `woman'.”
Andy chuckled, glancing back at his female companion.
“Come on, Aisha, he hasn't seen you with me for a long time.”
“-Sigh- I guess so,Andy.”
Kenji chuckled to himself deep down. He shrugged his shoulders at them.
“Sorry, Aisha, I couldn't help but pretend not knowing you. I wanted to see the look on your face when I did so.”
The woman known as Aisha pouted once more, and then smiled, wagging her left forefinger at Kenji and giving him a left wink.
“Smooth, Kenji, I'll remember that
With a nod to her, Andy motioned his female companion to follow after, as he approached the ZAFT commander standing in front of him. His eyes beamed with pride at his student, for having accomplished many feats and earning his just rewards for his service in ZAFT, and molding him into the image he was seeing now.
“To answer your previous question, Aisha and I were called in by the National Defense Chairman regarding the Northern Africa campaign. An abrupt call that is… but, it sounded pretty important, so no time to wilt away the chairman's patience.”
Kenji smirked little by the remark. Seeing one of his few mentors during his days in ZAFT Military Academy made him glad to meet him one more time before his departure.
“Your lectures on enemy recon are still on my mind when I see you, Waltfeld-sensei. You were always the intriguing instructor among the restback in the academy.”
Andy laughed, shaking his head in amusement. He folded his arms, with Aisha gripping him affectionately close from behind.
“You and Eiji were among the few who could understand my knack for recon. Besides, it's always interesting to gage your enemy up-close before the battle. But still… your batch was the top class graduating rapidly within 2 years instead of the regular 4. You two were mostly recognizable for your achievements.”
Kenji waved him off with his left hand.
“…You certainly didn't come to see me and talk about the good old days in the academy, Waltfeld-sensei. What is it you want to talk to me about?”
Aisha smiled mischievously.
“My, you're always straight to business, Kenji, you're no fun.”
Andy chuckled, not bothering to remark on the amusing interaction between Aisha and Kenji. He extended his opened left hand to his student, opting for a handshake.
“Well… we've come at least to see you off. What, there's no farewell party?
Not wanting to incur another flirty remark from Aisha, Kenji accepted the handshake, gripping firmly on his mentor's hand with respect. As he retracted his left hand, his mentor placed his right hand on his shoulder, looking sagely at him with a curled lip, withholding few words to say.
Take care, Kenji. It's been a privilege having you as a bright student.”
“Waltfeld-sensei… thank you, I will.”
Andy let out an exasperated sigh, shrugging his shoulders.
“If you're ever on northern Africa, you're always welcome in my base at Banadiya. In just a matter of days, my unit might be assigned to take on EA ground forces to begin attack on the South African Union. Right now, Aisha and I will head over to the National Defense Chairman for clarification on the campaign.”
Kenji raised a left eyebrow, glancing at his mentor wonderingly.
“Why personally meet with the chairman when you can do video-conferencing? Surely that will save you the trouble getting here to meet up with him.”
Aisha shared the same feeling, shrugging her shoulders in resignation.
“Yes, that's true, but… Andy here always prefers to dispense with the formalities.”
Andy patted her hands rested on his shoulders, glancing back at her.
“It can't be helped, Aisha. You know how Patrick Zala is, ever since the `Bloody Valentine' sparked him to be a war-hawk in the Supreme Council.”
Kenji patted his mentor's left arm, reassuring him.
“Good luck with him. By the way… what flagship will you be commandeering again? It's just out of curiosity.”
“Oh that… it's a land hovership actually, named the Lesseps. Well, we don't want to hold you any longer, your shuttle is waiting.”
Aisha then walked over to Kenji, surprising him with a kiss on his right cheek. His face flushed up, prompting him to stagger back in embarrassment from her.
“W-What was that for, Aisha?”
“-Giggle- A good-bye kiss, silly Kenji. I'm going to miss you.”
Kenji glanced back at his mentor, fearing a jealous response coursing him by the kiss. Instead, he found him rolling over his eyes, drawing Aisha close to his side with a smile.
“Relax, I'm not the jealous type, I trust Aisha. I'm not that easy to provoke, you know?”
“-Giggle- Oh Andy… you…!”
An anime-style sweatdrop could be formed behind Kenji's head as he stared peculiarly at the two people in front of him, flirting openly with each other.
“Right… I'll be leaving then. Take care, you two.”
With that said, he turned around entering inside the shuttle, with its door closing after him. As the shuttle slowly pulled away from the docking space and into the launching area, everyone in the docking bay watched silently its retreating form with mixed feelings.
Andy folded his arms, with his lover standing close by his side.
“Aisha… I don't think this is the last time we'll see of the Dark Avenger. My gut feeling is telling me that.”
“Of course, Andy dear… I share your sentiments exactly.”
End Flashback
“Waltfeld-sensei…” the Seraph pilot sadly remarked. His right hand reached for the small crucifix necklace worn, clutching it with an enclosed fist.
The Seraph continued hovering motionlessly, perched high in the sky like a silent ghost.
Meanwhile in the Archangel's hangar, Mwu and Murdoch were at hard work preparing the two Skygrasper units for the Moebius Zero pilot to use.
Checking up Skygrasper-1's controls, Mwu looked down at Murdoch's legs, finding him lain on a rolling cart underneath Skygrasper-1 body, opening it up and adjusting some screws with a wrench. Sweat trickled down his head, mixed with some oil from the special fighter unit.
“How's it going down there, Murdoch?” Mwu asked.
“Hmm… this will take longer than I thought, lieutenant, we might not be able to finish repairs on Skygrasper-1 at this hour.”
The Moebius Zero pilot blew the front bangs of his blonde hair in tired dejection, throwing his hands up in the air. He looked at his Moebius Zero parked facing the Strike Gundam.
“Oh boy… I might be a delivery man for Kira starting after the next sortie. Man… I miss piloting the Moebius Zero… if only it could perform well here in Earth, not just in space.”
In her dimly-lighted quarters, Murrue was asleep, dressed in a white tank top with bra worn underneath, and white panties. She curled about in a fetus position lying on her bed, her hands grasping a pair of dog tags. Her blanket was set aside, minding the rising temperature of the outside environment.
In her mind were her thoughts of the late Admiral Halberton, one of her close mentors during her EA academy days. Her lips curved downwards, with a single tear trailing down from her right eye on her cheek.
Her hands grasped firmly on the dog tags in reflex.
In her quarters, Natarle was restless on her bed, dressed in a black bra and panties. Her hands were rested behind her head, as she stared up the dark ceiling. Her blanket was pulled down, thanks to the present hot temperature of her room.
Her mind was filled with concerned and worried thoughts regarding Kenji. Deep down her heat ached, and she was already missing his presence onboard the ship.
Her black eyes shimmered. With a restless sigh, she got up from her bed, walking up to her window, with her hands resting on its glass. She watched the dim morning of the desert outside.
Deep down, she was amazed by the contributions Kenji made for the ship and its crew up until present. Slowly and surely, she was entranced by the Seraph pilot's unique personality. It seemed there was more to him than meets the eye, and a lingering air of mystery from him continued to attract her even more.
To think I'd be so interested in him since his first appearance in this ship.
An image of Kenji, docked in his EA pilot suit and smiling genuinely popped in her mind.
-Chuckle-Is that a compliment, ma'am? Why, thank you.”
His smile and the tone of his voice was enough making her cheeks flush. Her heart sped fast, echoing her developing feelings for the Seraph pilot. Natarle shook her head, trying to calm herself down.
Not again…! Damn you, Kenji Hyne, for making me feel this way now!
Her lips curved upwards into a sad smile as she stared up at the sky.
I think… I'm falling for you.
That statement seemed to reassure her of her feelings.
I know you're here in Earth… somewhere… alive. I just know it.
In the Hynes' quarters, Peter was fast asleep in sleeping attire consisting of pajamas, with his blanket tucking him. Deep down, a memory locked inside began to surface.
Timeline: C.E. 56, January1; +1800hours
Location: Lagrangepoint 4, Mendel Colony
23 year old research scientist Peter Hyne knocked twice on the door leading to Ulen Hibiki's office.
“Enter please,” a feminine voice beckoned inside.
Peter raised a right eyebrow in wonder and opened the door, allowing himself in and closing the door behind. He found a woman garbed in lab coat attire as him, standing to the side with two pictures in her hand. Her head whipped around slowly, facing him. Her long, orange hair swayed about with her movements, her yellow eyes shimmering with pain and sadness.
“Peter… I'm glad you received my call,” she started.
What happened? Is something the matter?”
The woman walked slowly towards him, handing him the pictures. Peter glanced at them, noticing one to be a picture of her holding two babies tucked underneath her arms. Upon closer inspection, they were a boy and a girl --- the boy having brown hair and amethyst eyes, and the girl having blonde hair and golden-brown eyes. Peter looked up at the woman in astonishment.
“Twins…? Via, that's wonderful!”
The woman, Via Hibiki, smiled at his remark.
“Take a look at the second picture, Peter.”
Peter did as instructed, observing the second picture showing a baby boy held in an incubator with life-support. The male scientist's eyes widen with surprise, and he let out a shocked gasp.
“What's this? Another baby…? But, when…?”
“He was born a year before the previous two, whom I named Kira and Cagalli. His name is Kenji.”
“Splendid! So that makes 3 children! But, what's with the sad disposition?”
“…Kenji… was the first baby born from an artificial womb.”
The statement stunned Peter, prompting him to drop the pictures floating down to the ground.
“No… it can't be…”
In the colony's docking bay, the doors leading there closed after Peter Hyne and Via Hibiki hurriedly entered in, with the female research scientist safely holding two bundles of baby twins --- a boy and a girl --- wrapped around in small blankets. The twins were amazingly asleep, devious of the chaotic situation their mother was at present.
While on the other hand, Peter was holding a bundle of a baby boy sleeping peacefully in his right arm. Running up to the keypad lock posted on the side, he furiously keyed the door lock, sealing the doors from within.
“Via, run for thatshuttlenear you!” Peter exclaimed to the said woman.
The two research scientists were on a mad dash to a shuttle parked in the colony's docking bay, running from their pursuers sent by Ulen.
“But, Peter…! What about you?” Via exclaimed helplessly, after she was steps away from an unmanned shuttle parked close to her.
Gunfire was heard from outside the doors, along with gruff voices.
“They've locked the doors! Open fire!”
“Damn it…! It's reinforced steel! Bring in the heavy weapons!
Peter stared alarmingly at the banged up doors, then to her.
“Forget me…! I'll take care of Kenji! You escape with Kira and Cagalli!”
“NOW…! GO…!”
Giving one last worried glance at him, Via climbed in the parked shuttle, activating its controls. As her shuttle whirled into life and slowly pulled away from its parking space, Peter searched around the docking bay for another shuttle. His eyes then caught one parked in a far corner.
I have to hurry!
Fishing out a small-sized device of his right lab coat pocket with his free hand, he pressed two blue buttons on it, with a countdown display etched on it as well.
He laid the device a few inches away from the doors, and picked up his pace, hurrying to the parked shuttle. He took a quick glance along the way at the other shuttle which finally made it out of the launching bay.
Good… she finally made it out.
Finally climbing inside the shuttle, he seated himself in the pilot's seat, strapping the bundle to the co-pilot seat with a seat belt. He flipped open the switches, starting the shuttle's ignition, which gave a hum sound of activity.
He looked at the tiny bundle, smiling little at the sleeping baby.
Hang on tight, Kenji, this is going to be a wild ride.
Peter's shuttle then pulled away from its parking space. At the same time, the doors suddenly burst open with a big explosion.
Several guards quickly stormed in through the opened door with rifles in hand. Among them, a male research scientist forced his way out, and spotted Peter's shuttle, pointing at it. His blue eyes mirrored anger and frustration at the shuttle's pilot, with his short, blonde hair swaying fro.
“Curse you, Peter! How dare you and my wife make off with my success projects?”
Ulen Hibiki looked around at his guards, exasperated at seeing them standing by his side, waiting for his orders.
What are you all standing for? Stop the shuttle!Open fire at it!
“But sir…we can't! One of your projects is on aboard!”
“You moron, use your brain! Seal off the docking bay gates!”
At his cue, the guards quickly fled to the docking bay control room, leaving a few of their buddies in guard of Ulen.
Peter glanced back at the pursuers, and floored the shuttle's speed to the max.
Sorry,Ulen… but I won'tlet you have your way with this baby's life!
Ulen's ears then caught a beeping sound below, prompting him and few of his guards looking down on the device Peter had lain before. His eyes widen in shock at the countdown display.
AH…& #8230;! the scientist let out a shriek of horror, flailing his arms to shield himself from the inevitable. The guards started to back away from it, sharing the same feeling.
But it was too late.
The explosion took him and his small cadre of guards out instantly.
In another few seconds, multiple explosions erupted from well-placed areas in the colony, where Peter had attached C4 explosives, just before Via's and him planned escape attempt with her newborn children out of the colony. The explosions' impact rocked the colony interior.
Just in time, Peter's shuttle barely shot out of the docking bay, with its doors closing after it, and into space. As it jettisoned far away from the exploding colony, the research scientist stared back at it with a heavy heart, his face turning regretful.
I'm sorry it had to come to this, Ulen. But your wife can't bear the overwhelming subjugation of Kenji and Kira… the Ultimate Coordinators.
Timeline: C.E. 56, January 10; +0000hours
Location: Lagrange point 3, Heliopolis
10 days after their escape attempt from the Mendel Colony, Peter Hyne and Via Hibiki sought shelter in the resource satellite, Heliopolis, bringing with them the female Hibiki's three children.
Having secured a temporary apartment in the residential area, Peter ushered in the female Hibiki and her children, closing and locking the front door after them. Inside, the apartment was moderately furnished, having a joint living/dining room, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, and 1 bedroom with a balcony.
“Let me take your coat, you must be tired from the trip. Please, sit down,” Peter beckoned, taking his guest's lab coat and hanging it on a coat racket near the door. He had also placed down her babies on a small crib he found in the bedroom after her entrance.
As Via sat down on the living room sofa, a wave of nausea swept in her, knocking her faint, but not before being caught in time by Peter, who was instantly alarmed by her condition. He gently laid her down on the sofa, propping her legs on it from the floor.
“Via…! Are you feeling well? What's the matter?”
The female Hibiki opened her eyes slightly, smiling weakly at him. She shakily reached for his hands, grasping them over with hers. Peter knelt down, facing her at her level.
“Peter… I… didn't tell you this… but… I'm dying.”
No… why…?”
Via coughed little, trying to get her breath. Peter checked her pulse, placing his right forefinger and middle finger on her neck and wrists. His eyes widen with alarm as he noticed her skin turning slowly into a pale blue. He checked the temperature on her forehead with the back of his right hand. It was slowly cold.
“Your skin…! It's turning into pale blue! And your temperature… it's dropping slowly! What'shappeningto you?”
“Peter… I've contracted a disease during my pregnancy… when I first had Kenji before Kira and Cagalli. It's incurable… I'm afraid.”
Peter gritted his teeth in despair, clasping tightly her hands with his while staring at her calm, peaceful face.
“I have only a few years to live… after I gave birth to Kira and Cagalli, my condition turned for the worse. Ulen… he tried to find a cure for my condition… but alas, he gave up in defeat, deciding to continue ahead… with his maddening project.
“But… how can this be? You're a Coordinator! You should be vastly immune to any form of known disease!”
“-Chuckle- You should know better to be content with the facts in hand. I guess… when I had my pregnancy… I felt changed… I didn't know if it's for better or worse. Now, I know.”
The said female Coordinator looked at the mourning research scientist with pleading eyes.
“Peter, promise me one thing… I only ask that you take care of my children. They deserve a better future.”
“…I promise… they'll be well taken care of by me.”
“Good… do you regret all this… brother?”
Peter's eyes shimmered, blinking with small tears trailing down his cheeks. He shook his head with a poignant smile.
“No, I don't… my little sister.”
At the mention of that address to her, Via Hibiki weakly smiled.
“…Brother… I'm glad to hear… that.”
With her last breath, her arms fell limp, with her hands still held by Peter's. Her eyes slowly closed her last trace of sight of her only living family, her brother.
Peter's head lowered, his hair covering the darkened face with small tears.
End Flashback
In an instant, Peter's eyes opened to reality. He quickly sat up, feeling a trickle of sweat tracing down on his left cheek. His heart pounded quickly, as he took slow breaths calming down. He swallowed saliva in his throat, then looking around to find himself in him and Kenji's quarters.
“A dream… no… a memory,” he painfully remarked, closing his eyes.
Fresh and dressed in their EA uniforms, Miriallia and Tolle came out of their quarters to head to the bridge for their morning shift. As they traversed through the ship's hallways, they spotted Sai hailing the Allster's door. They stopped in their tracks, backing away from a distance and not to be seen by Sai.
The door opened, revealing a sleepy George Allster in sleeping attire consisting of pajamas with slippers. He rubbed traces of sleep from his eyes, blinking them at the guest hailing on his door.
“Yes…? Oh… it's you, Sai! We haven't talked for a long time. What brings you here?”
Sai adjusted his yellow-tinted specs, glancing worriedly at the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister.
“I'm sorry for waking you sir, is Fllay there? I'd like to speak with her.”
“Hmm… I'm afraid not, I haven't the faintest idea where she ran off to now. She didn't turn in for the day, getting ready for her shift.”
George noticed his daughter's fiancé's worried behavior, prompting him to place his left hand on Sai's right shoulder and eyeing him concerned.
“Is something the matter, Sai?”
The said male teen looked down on the floor, clenching his hands tightly. Deep down, he was having mixed feelings on Fllay's statement to him before.
“Sai… I'm sorry. But our relationship was decided by my father, and now that the situation's changed, I don't think I should be bound to it. If you'll excuse me…”
He let out a hurtful sigh.
“I… it's about Fllay, sir.”
George's face turned into a worried one. He stepped aside for his daughter's fiancé, allowing him in the Allster's quarters.
“Come in, then, let's talk.”
As the door closed after them, Miriallia and Tolle stepped out from their hiding place, looking at the door.
“I didn't realize Fllay and Sai were engaged. You know, ever since that recent battle up in the Earth's atmosphere, Fllay's been acting weird, having a soft spot for Kira. I hope things don't become strange around in this ship,” Tolle remarked, glancing at his girlfriend.
Pondering on her boyfriend's words, Miriallia nodded in agreement.
Back in the ship's bridge, Dalida showed Kuzzey a map of Earth displaying Neutron Jammer activity, deciding to teach him an important lesson regarding the N-Jammer.
“What about removing all of them…?” Kuzzey asked curiously, pointing to each blinking red dots representing the N-Jammer activity inside Earth.
“That's impossible, they're buried too deep. The N-Jammers disrupt all nuclear reactions, making nuclear weapons impossible to be created and used,” Dalida stated the fact, disagreeing with the Heliopolis student seated near his terminal.
“…So they're lodged in there forever?”
“Yup… unless the EA can come up with something to dig all the way to them, they'll remain there dormant. That explains why also the EA has to come up with different sources of energy with nuclear energy being impossible.”
Kuzzey furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing underneath his chin and taking in the knowledge imparted to him by his superior officer.
A female crewman entered inside the bridge, giving Arnold a bottled drink of water with straw. He gladly accepted it with a small nod to her.
“Thanks… what's this drink by the way?”
“Water… that's the only drink we have onboard this ship.”
After taking several sips from his drink, the ship's pilot habitably let it drop, thinking it might remain afloat, and watched the main screen.
“Huh? What the…?”
The female crewman bent down picking up the fallen bottled drink, handing it back to its amazed owner.
-Giggle- We're in Earth, now, so the gravity's changed. It's not like space where you can leave anything afloat.”
Arnold rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, clutching his bottled drink.
Just then the bridge doors opened with Natarle stepping in, garbed in EA uniform. She walked towards the ship's driver, who waved off the female crewman, and who in turn nodded to her meekly and scuttled hurriedly out of the bridge.
“What about your report, Ensign Neumann?” she inquired.
Arnold typed in his keyboard terminal, with its screen displaying the Archangel and its position in the current area.
“Ma'am, the land in this area is unstable. Radar is mostly affected, due to the outside environment. I'd say the radar's range is limited, and it will occasionally be interfered thanks to the N-Jammers,” he reported.
Back in the desert area where the `Desert Tiger' and his small ZAFT unit were posted, the said ZAFT commander took one last glance at the legged EA battleship a short distance away.
He glanced back at the 5 BuCUE pilots, nodding to them.
“Alright… it's time we move out with the attack, guys. DaCosta,” he beckoned his personal aide Martin DaCosta, a short red-haired, junior officer, “Notify the attack copter squad to initiate engagement ahead of the BuCUE MS.”
The assistant ZAFT officer nodded in reply, taking out a walkie-talkie of his pant pocket and issuing out his superior's orders.
Within minutes, groups of attack helicopters flew above them, heading straight for the Archangel.
A deafening battle alert sounded throughout the Archangel, rousing its crew up and about, after several of the bridge crew in their morning shift detected activity on radar.
In her quarters, Murrue's head shot up, her ears perked up by the battle alert, and she immediately jumped out from her bed, dressing into her EA uniform hurriedly. After accomplishing the feat in seconds, she hurried out of her quarters to the bridge.
In Kira's quarters, the said occupant quickly got out of his bed, docked in white boxers, and flinging aside his blanket. Amidst the scattered articles of clothing on the floor, he reached for his EA uniform lain on his chair, dressing in it while the second sleeping figure on his bed roused slowly from slumber.
The room's dim light revealed a mass of long, red hair belonging to Fllay, who sat up, covering her naked self with the blanket. Her weary eyes focused on the hurried Strike pilot getting dressed.
The said male teen glanced at her, walking up to her and sealing her lips with his. He then broke the kiss after a few seconds, not giving her enough time to wrap her arms around his head to draw him close to her. The lingering feeling of desire was enough to give her a pleasant shiver on her back.
“A battle alert, Fllay… I've got to sortie. Don't wait up for me.”
“Kira… I love you.”
Kira gave the red-haired female teen a brief sincere smile, melting her inside.
“I love you too, Fllay.”
With that said, he immediately ran out of his quarters, leaving a flustered, but happy Fllay staying on his bed. She then laughed out her bottled emotions deep down, crying little.
You don't know how much I wanted to hear you say that to me, Kira.
In the Allsters' quarters, George and Sai looked up at the sound of the battle alert. The Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister glanced grimly from his seat on the bed at the yellow-tinted spectacled male teen seated facing him.
“You better head over to your post in the bridge, Sai. We'll continue this discussion at another time.”
“Thank you for your time, sir.”
With that said, Sai quickly exited the Allsters' quarters. As the door closed after him, George furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing underneath his chin in thought.
Fllay… what are you thinking, hurting your fiancé's feelings?
“I better have a word with my daughter once I see her,” he reminded himself, shaking his head in disappointment.
In the Hynes' quarters, Peter looked up at the sound of the battle alert. He got up from his bed, reaching for a blue wardrobe hanged in his cabinet and wearing it.
“So… we're attacked again,” he remarked tiredly.
With that said, he exited his quarters, heading over to the ship's bridge.
One by one, the attack helicopters started their assault, unleashing a barrage of missiles at the Archangel, which gladly retaliated with bursts of its CIWS, gunning down the missiles, and sending its own micro missiles at them.
In the ship's hangar, Mwu and Murdoch already heard the sound of battle outside. The Moebius Zero pilot glanced down on the head mechanic/engineer from Skygrasper-1's cockpit.
“Murdoch, I need to sortie now in Skygrasper-1!” he exclaimed.
The head mechanic/engineer gave him a look of disbelief, placing his hands on his hips.
“No way in hell, lieutenant! Skygrasper-1 isn't ready yet, we're still making adjustments and repairs to it! And don't even think about Skygrasper-2, it's in the same condition as well.”
Letting out a grunted cry of dejection, Mwu threw his hands up in the air, seating himself down on Skygrasper-1's pilot seat.
The two officers didn't notice Kira's hurried figure, docked in an EA pilot suit, making its way to the Strike Gundam and jumping inside its cockpit, activating its controls from within. In seconds the cockpit's door closed before him. The Strike's eyes flickered bright yellow, indicating its activation. It slowly walked to the linear catapult, locking on to it.
Mwu and Murdoch turned around noticing the MS ready on the linear catapult.
“What the…? He sure is fast! Damn, I better hurry!” the head mechanic/engineer exclaimed, leaving Mwu staring helplessly at the MS and rushing up to the hangar control room, where several of his team were already behind their terminals, operating them.
“Quick, mobilize the Launcher-Strike components!” he bellowed.
By his command, the engineers typed on their keyboard terminals, activating robotic arms carrying the Launcher-Strike components --- 75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS "Igelstellung" x 2, assault knife "Armor Schneider" x 2, combo weapons pod (120mm anti-ship vulcan cannon, 350mm gun-launcher x 2), and a 320mm hyper impulse cannon "Agni".
The components were then attached to the Strike.
In the ship's bridge, the entire bridge crew was assembled and ready on their posts. On the main screen, Kira's image was displayed.
“Captain Ramius, I need to sortie in the Launcher Strike right now!” he demanded.
From her seat, Murrue flinched annoyingly at the tone of his voice. Shrugging off the rudeness received from Kira, she waved him off with her right hand.
“Very well… you're cleared to launch, Kira!” she stated.
Kira nodded in reply before his image flickered off the main screen. At the same time, Peter stepped in the bridge, walking up to Murrue by her side.
“Captain Ramius… are we under attack?” he inquired, glancing from her then to the main screen showing the attack helicopters begin their assault on the ship.
Murrue glanced worriedly at him.
“It appears so, professor. Please, return to your quarters, I'm afraid there's nothing much you can do for us at this time.”
Back in the ship's hangar, the Launcher Strike was perched ready on the linear catapult. The launch sequence window popped in view from above as the launch doors opened.
“Kira Yamato, Launcher Strike… is taking off!” Kira exclaimed, as his MS was shot off into the desert, with its PS armor kicking in. After launching a distance away from the Archangel, the MS crashed into the sand instantly, sinking into it.
The attack helicopters began to attack the Launcher Strike, bombarding machine gun and missile fire at it, as the MS sunk deeper into the sand.
“Tch…! Come on, move, damn it!” Kira exclaimed, gritting his teeth in frustration, as he shifted the control sticks desperately to move his MS out of the sinking situation it was in, amidst enemy fire raining down on it.
From nearby, the `Desert Tiger' observed the battle with folded arms.
“Well… let's spice up the event. You five, launch in your BuCUEs immediately! Your target is the enemy MS,” he ordered, glancing back at his 5 BuCUE pilots complying with his command in an instant.
As the Launcher Strike continued struggling to move in the sand, the 5 BuCUEs moved in to attack it. In the MS's cockpit, Kira detected them in view on the CIS, shifting the control sticks to bring up his MS to shoot them down with the “Agni”.
Unfortunately, the BuCUEs high level of mobility allowed them to dodge the shots with ease.
“...Is that supposed to hit me?” BuCUE1 pilot teased.
“Too slow…!” BuCUE2 pilot exclaimed amusingly.
“I've got to move…!” Kira exclaimed.
With a hefty boost from its thrusters, the Launcher Strike leapt up in the air, able to get out of the sand. At the same time, it brought up its “Agni”, taking aim at the BuCUEs.
However, the ZAFT MS were still able to dodge them.
“Come on, my grandma can shoot well than that!” BuCUE3 pilot mocked.
-Snicker- You think you can hit us, punk!” BuCUE4 pilot taunted.
“We'll show you that the BuCUE is the best ground MS!” BuCUE5 pilot stated proudly.
The `Desert Tiger' continued watching the battle from nearby. He whistled jovially, impressed by the Launcher Strike's performance.
“Well, it seems that MS and its pilot are both pretty good.”
Behind him, DaCosta looked on at the battle, waiting for the outcome.
After the Launcher Strike took another leap in the air, Kira quickly brought up the keyboard interface to him and typed systematically with precision and speed. His eyes glued at the small interface screen below the center CIS, which displayed computer commands and statements being inputted.
“By modifying the Strike's OS and its motion control systems, I can finally get it to run on the sand without sinking into it,” he reminded to himself, finishing up his typing.
As the Launcher Strike managed landing firmly on the ground, it kicked away BuCUE1 as it leapt up to charge at it from its right side.
“Ugh…!” BuCUE1 pilot grunted with surprise. He watched with horror at the CIS showing the Launcher Strike stepping on his unit with the right leg, trapping it firmly, and bringing out its “Agni” pointed down on him.
“Have some of this…!” Kira exclaimed triumphantly, pressing the triggers on the control sticks.
With a massive shot from the “Agni”, BuCUE1 was blasted into pieces.
“This looks serious… DaCosta, have the Lesseps fire its main guns at the legged ship immediately,” the `Desert Tiger' ordered his aide, who stood by behind him waiting for further orders.
The short red-haired, junior officer took out his walkie-talkie from his pant pocket, speaking out his commander's orders to his said flagship.
A few blocks away from the Archangel, the Lesseps prepared its main guns, ready to fire.
Inside the cloaked Seraph, Kenji unfolded his arms, gripping the control sticks and watching on the Seraph's CIS activity from the land battleship --- its 3 dual-cannons swiveling to the side, tilting in a small arc aimed at a particular direction.
Activity…? Now is my cue…
He flipped off the `Mirage Colloid Shift', rendering his MS visible.
Inside the Lesseps' bridge, radar operators detected the Seraph's nearby signal.
“C-Captain…! Enemy MS detected just above us!”
The temporary captain left in charge looked flabbergasted by the report.
“What…! Direct all weapons at it and fire!”
“But, sir…! Commander Waltfeld has given us an order to fire at the designated coordinates!”
“Screw that order! There's an enemy MS just above us!”
The Seraph drew out its beam rifles from both “Angelus”, aiming at the Lesseps's 3 dual-cannons and opened fire.
Small explosions erupted from the destroyed 3 dual-cannons, rocking the armed hovership. Inside, its crew braced the impact, holding on for support. The operators frantically made their reports.
“All 3 dual-cannons are destroyed! Torpedoes can't be fired…! Torpedo rooms have been torched with fire!”
“We're left with chaff dispensers! Captain, we're virtually defenseless!”
The temporary captain let out a series of profanities after listening to the reports.
“Put out the fire immediately! Notify the commander of the ship's status!”
What…! Impossible!” DaCosta exclaimed, stunned by the latest transmission from the Lesseps.
Andy glanced at his aide concerned, noticing his stunned demeanor.
“What is it, DaCosta? Why hasn't the Lesseps fired its main guns?”
“Captain… it's because the ship is attacked to begin with!”
The `Desert Tiger' was awestruck by the statement, widening his eyes.
“Well… that should put the ship out temporarily. Hmm… more activity on the radar…?” Kenji asked himself, checking up his radar, which displayed more heat signatures a few blocks north from his current position.
Looks like I'm in luck… I better hurry.
Extending its wings, the Seraph left the damaged Lesseps with an instant boost from its thrusters, heading towards the Archangel.
Back in the battle, the Archangel quickly took off at Murrue's order. Inside the ship's bridge, its operators made their findings from their terminals.
“Detecting a small explosion a few blocks from our position…! Analysis indicates to be a land battleship… id signature unknown! Jackie confirmed from his terminal in the CIC area.
Natarle pondered from her seat in the CIC area. She glanced up to Murrue.
“Captain, it must be the enemy's flagship! What are your orders?”
The ship's captain gripped firmly the ends of her seat's armrests, furrowing her eyebrows in thought.
Captain, Skygrasper-1 has taken off! It's Lieutenant La Flaga behind its controls!” Miriallia reported from her post.
On the main screen, Mwu's image popped in, showing him clad in his EA pilot suit.
“I'll go find the enemy's flagship, in the meantime, keep the enemy busy!” he suggested, ending his transmission and not giving Murrue a chance to protest.
“Captain… 4 more heat signatures closing on our position at fast speed!” Jackie reported a new finding from his post.
“Getting their id signatures… they're 4 GINN High-Maneuver Types!” Dalida reported, getting data on the enemy MS from his post.
Natarle cut the air with an outstretched hand from her seat.
“Prepare to initiate counter-measures!”
With 4 BuCUEs and several attack helicopters remaining, Kira suddenly saw an amethyst SEED in his mind. It dropped from above within his mind, then exploding in a shower of light just above his eyes. His pupils shrank and irises grew large.
Kira found himself entering in a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability. His reflexes and extremely quick information processing heightened. A different course of action ran through his mind.
Dodging another hail of machine gun fire from the attack helicopters, the Launcher Strike used its combo weapons pod, returning back the favor with its own fire.
All of the attack helicopters were showered with machine gun fire, then instantly blew up. That left now the 4 BuCUEs to deal with, which continued harassing the Launcher Strike with charging attacks, going for close combat. The Launcher Strike, dodged their frantic charge, like doing a dance move.
4 white GINN High-Maneuver Types approached the battle in view.
“Woah… looks like the party's started!” Crusader-02 remarked eagerly.
“So that's the MS known as the Strike from the reports… as well as the legged battleship. 4 BuCUEs… it must be what's left of Commander Waltfeld's unit! Crusader Squad, let's go!” Crusader-01 stated, diving headfirst for the Launcher Strike with the rest of the squad following behind.
“Captain, what about the legged battleship?” Crusader-04 inquired.
“Forget it, we'll concentrate on the Strike first!”
“No way out for ya…!” Crusader-03 exclaimed confidently, flooring her MS's thrusters to the max and watching the Launcher Strike on the CIS.
As the Launcher Strike continued dealing with the 4 BuCUEs, Kira noticed the power beginning to drain slowly, displayed on the left CIS.
Tch… down to 30 percent… I can't fight much longer!
Warning sirens buzzed throughout the cockpit, prompting him to check his radar and spotting 4 more MS closing on him from behind.
More enemy units…? I've got my hands full with these 4 MS I'm dealing with now!
The Launcher Strike barely dodged sideways in time, avoiding an overhead slash from Crusader-01's heavy sword. It leapt up in the air, dodging another slash from Crusader-02.
Machine gun fire poured trailed from behind, as the bullets ricocheted off the Launcher Strike's PS armor. Unfortunately, it proved to add burden maintaining the PS armor, causing its power draining down to 20 percent. Kira checked behind to find Crusader-03 and Crusader-04 emptying out their experimental armor assault rifles.
“Damn… our weapons have got no effect on that MS!” Crusader-03 cursed annoyingly.
“We must continue giving support fire for the captain and Barry!” Crusader-04 commented with a resolve.
From his observation area, the `Desert Tiger' used his binoculars to zoom in at the new arrivals.
“4 white, GINN High-Maneuver Types… there's no doubt, it's the team sent by Commander Aster. It looks like fate is smiling on our side,” he commented, putting down his binoculars and continued watching the battle.
DaCosta furrowed his eyebrows, his mouth twisting to form a proper reply.
“But, Commander Waltfeld, what about the Lesseps…? Norton reports that the ship is badly damaged, and unable to fire its main guns!”
Andy stroked underneath his chin with his left hand in thought.
“Tell the ship to standby at their current position, and continue with its repairs. For now, we can only count our new guests and what's left of our BuCUE force over there.”
The two ZAFT officers continued to look on at the ensuing battle before them.
“Have the ship move forward to cover Kira!” Murrue ordered.
Arnold gave a hard steer to the side, propelling the Archangel to slowly approach the ensuing MS battle.
“Captain, according to Kira, the Launcher Strike doesn't have much power left for operation!” Miriallia reported from her post.
Murrue's face turned more concerned, furrowing her eyebrows in thought of her next course of action to remedy the dire situation.
Natarle cut the air with an outstretched right hand from her seat in the CIC area.
“Fire `Hell-dart' missiles and `Valiant Mk.8' linear cannons…! Targets are the enemy MS attacking the Strike…!”
A multitude of SAMs trailed from the Archangel, raining down on their targets.
Kira jerked the control sticks, propelling the Launcher Strike to take evasive maneuvers dodging friendly fire while fending off the enemy MS, who were doing the same course of action.
“Wah…!” BuCUE2 pilot shrieked with shock, flailing his arms to shield himself from the inevitable, as several of the SAMs nailed his MS.
“Too many… I can't dodge all of them...!” BuCUE3 pilot shrieked with shock as his MS was nailed down.
Crusader-01 boosted backwards, zigzagging away from another group of SAMs directed at him. It brought up its experimental armor assault rifle at the same time, blasting them into pieces.
“The legged ship is providing cover fire for the Strike! Miho, we'll attack the Strike! Barry, Lisa, direct your attacks at the legged ship!” he ordered.
“Understood, captain…!” Crusader-04 stated, joining the squad leader in the attack on the Launcher Strike.
Crusader-02 and Crusader-03 turned around, heading for the Archangel, bringing up their experimental armor assault rifles and started a strafing run on the legged battleship.
“Man… if we knew we had to take on the legged ship again, we should have brought in the heavy artillery!” Crusader-02 groaned, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“Quit your whining and keep firing! We do what we must!” Crusader-03 retorted.
The Archangel rocked about due to several small explosions from some of its CIWS destroyed by Crusader-02 and Crusader-03. In its bridge, the crew held on for support.
“Concentrate the CIWS on the two enemy MS! Divert some of the missiles to them!” Natarle ordered her CIC staff, her hands slamming on her seat's armrests in tension.
“No good… CIWS 6 and 8 are down! The missiles can't keep up with them!” Romero reported from his post.
“Decks 10 through 13 are on fire! The engineering crew has their hands full!” Dalida reported from his post.
On the main screen, a sub-window appeared on the southeast corner, showing the image of Murdoch, who was sweating profusely and looked grimly at the ship's captain. Behind him, several of his mechanic/engineer crews were fending off fires on another part of the ship.
“Captain, the fire seems to be spreading through out the other decks! We're doing all we can to put them out!” he exclaimed, his face drenched with sweat from the high temperature of the fire behind him.
Murrue gritted her teeth in disdain, looking back at Murdoch.
“Then continue with your efforts! We have to hold on longer to cover Kira!”
The head mechanic/engineer nodded in reply before his image flickered off from the main screen.
Jackie stared surprised at his radar terminal showing another incoming heat signature heading towards the ship. He glanced back at the ship's captain.
“Captain…! Another incoming heat signature heading fast towards us!” he reported.
Murrue and Natarle stared at him staggered from their seats.
“More enemy units…?” they cried out at the same time.
While in the midst of another strafing run, Crusader-03 pointed out the legged ship's `Valiant Mk.8' linear cannons on its sides.
“Barry, let's attack those two linear cannons! That should cripple the legged ship a little!” she exclaimed.
“Fine by me, Lisa…! Lead the way!” Crusader-02 replied earnestly.
While they changed direction and focused on the Archangel's `Valiant Mk.8' linear cannons, multiple beam shots trailed fast at them out of nowhere.
Followed next was a massive cannon shot.
“What the…!” they exclaimed together, stunned. They quickly dodged the cannon shot. However, two of the beam shots landed their marks, nailing Crusader-02 and Crusader-03's experimental armor assault rifles, and forcing the 2 ZAFT MS to throw them aside before their destruction.
They then looked up to find the Seraph Gundam charging at them, holstering its “Agni” back in place and firing off its beam rifles from both “Angelus”.
Argh…!” Kenji exclaimed a battle-cry, flooring his MS's thrusters to the max and shifting aggressively the control sticks forward and pulling their triggers.
“Holy… it's that unknown MS from before!” Crusader-02 cried out in fear, recalling his previous battle with the Seraph.
“No… we were so close! Ugh… we have to pull back!” Crusader-03 stated.
The 2 ZAFT MS quickly pulled back from the Archangel, dodging more beam shots from the Seraph. It paused momentarily in view, hovering in front of the ship's bridge.
Looks like I've found the Archangel. Those white GINNs again… I better drive them off,” Kenji commented cautiously.
Doing a quick turnaround, the Seraph headed towards the nearby ensuing battle.
Meanwhile, Kira detected few remaining attack helicopters in his radar as he continued fending off the 2 BuCUEs and GINN High-Maneuver Types before him.
Didn't I take out all of those helicopters?
Before the attack helicopters could fire, they were instantly destroyed by trailing bazookas coming from four 4x4 military standard jeeps, driven by the guerillas from before, cruising fast towards the battle. Kira caught glimpse of them from the right CIS.
Who are they?
Suddenly his com-link received a radio transmission, getting his attention.
“Attention, pilot of the Strike… if you want to live, listen to my instructions,” a feminine voice spoke.
On the left CIS, a map of another desert area was displayed. On the center of the area, several blinking, red x marks appeared.
“A trap has been set up on that area, symbolized by those red x marks you see. You need to lure the BuCUEs and the other MS there. Understood…?”
Kira replied reluctantly, “Yes. I'll follow your instructions.”
Crusader-01 and Crusader-04 charged together at the Launcher Strike with an overhead and horizontal slashes from their heavy swords. The said MS boosted away from them, firing off its “Igelstellung” to drive them off.
It then did a quick turn around, doing bunny hops (jumping over the sand) to the designated desert area, running away.
“Where's he going?” Crusader-04 wondered.
“After him…!” Crusader-01 exclaimed, pointing its heavy sword at the retreating Launcher Strike.
The two BuCUEs were on quick pursuit of the Launcher Strike, going ahead of them. Before they could follow, beam shots landed in front of them, throwing sand up the air.
Crusader-01 and Crusader-04 shielded with their arms from the sand cloud, boosting back a few steps. The looming figure of the Seraph was in view, standing firmly on the sand.
“I'm afraid you can't follow,” Kenji stated, prompting his MS to point its beam rifles from both “Angelus” at them.
“It's that unknown MS from before! Captain…!” Crusader-04 cried out warily.
No, not now! Tch…!” Crusader-01 cursed. His com-link then received transmission from his other squad mates.
“Captain, it's that unknown MS! It disrupted our attack run on the legged ship!” Crusader-03 reported.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but let's run away… and live to fight another day!” Crusader-02 exclaimed, anxiously.
Crusader-01 sheathed its heavy sword, boosting up to the air.
Crusader Squad, pull back immediately!” he ordered.
The Crusader Squad then flew off from the Seraph, making a hasty retreat. The Seraph then lowered down its arms, standing upright on the sand.
Kenji took a deep breath, letting go of the control sticks. He removed his pilot helmet, wiping off sweat drenched on his face.
Well, that went better than I hoped.
Back with Launcher Strike, it arrived in the designated desert area, jumping over the supposed traps placed on the center. The 2 BuCUEs cruised fast behind, finally reaching the spot.
Meanwhile from among the four 4x4 military standard jeeps following them, Cagalli took out a small remote control with a red button on it. She extended the short transmitter and pressed the button.
Powerful explosives hidden in the center of the area were set off, destroying the 2 BuCUEs.
The guerillas let out a triumphant cheer at the sight of the explosion, then putting on the brakes. Cagalli looked back at the hovering Archangel nearby, slowly approaching her and the guerillas. She then glanced back at the Launcher Strike from the other side of the area, crashing into the sand and kneeling down on its right knee, with its PS armor down.
“Unexpected… another MS...? DaCosta, we're pulling out our forces. We've suffered a minor defeat,” the `Desert Tiger' stated, satisfied seeing the outcome of the battle. He turned around, heading back to his nearby parked 4x4 military standard jeep.
DaCosta nodded in reply, taking out his walkie-talkie from his pants right pocket.
“We're pulling back! All forces retreat!” he exclaimed to it, then pocketing it back. He hopped in the jeep, starting the ignition. In seconds, the jeep drove off, heading back to the Lesseps and leaving the battlefield.
Back in the Archangel, the bridge crew were little ecstatic seeing the successful outcome of the battle and more particularly, the Seraph standing nearby, displayed on the main screen.
“So that heat signature a while ago was the Seraph. Unbelievable,” Jackie stated, stunned seeing the sight of the MS.
“Cool… Kenji's really something!” Tolle cried in glee. His girlfriend smiled in agreement, starting to be intrigued by the Seraph pilot.
Amazing… he really survived. I have to talk to him when he comes back in the ship.
Sai tilted his yellow tinted-specs, sharing Miriallia's intrigue deep down.
“The fire has been put out! We can resume normal operations and repairs on the CIWS!” Romero reported from his post, pressing firmly his headset to his ears, listening closely to a call from Murdoch.
“Radar detects no other enemy units in the area! It's all clear!” Dalida reported from his post, checking his radar on his terminal.
Natarle felt her heart beating quickly at the sight of the Seraph. Deep down, she let out a sigh of relief, folding her arms.
Iknew you managed to survive, Kenji.
Murrue let out a small breath of relief, resting her arms on her seat's armrests. Her face etched in amazement.
Kenji Hyne… you're really something, I'll give you credit for that.
Suddenly, the main screen then switched to an image of Mwu behind Skygrasper-1's controls. He looked grimly at the ship's captain.
“Captain, I've spotted the enemy flagship… it's the Lesseps. Oh, and another thing, it suffered minor damage. It was just sitting there like a lame duck. It seems like it came under attack by an unknown source.”
Murrue let out a shocked gasp, her eyes widening by the report. She placed her right over her gaping mouth.
“The Lesseps… that land battleship belongs to the `Desert Tiger', Andrew Waltfeld.”