Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 15: Each Alone ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 15: Each Alone
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 15; +2100hours
Location: Africa --- Libyan Desert
After successfully making its atmospheric re-entry, the Archangel was abruptly off-course to its original destination, Alaska. The ship and its crew ended up in Libya instead, which was the territory of the ZAFT-controlled African Community.
The legged battleship was now perched amongst an area of the wide expanse of the Libyan Desert. The dim, evening sky reigned with endless stars. All was quiet, save for the occasional cold, crisp breeze of the wind.
Inside his quarters, Kira was having fever dreams of the recent battle with the Duel Assault Shroud Gundam in the Earth's atmosphere, followed by the civilian shuttle he had failed to save. He thrashed about on his bed he was lying on.
“No…!” he cried out in agony, then opening his eyes and waking up. His weary eyes fixed on the white ceiling of his quarters, squinting from the ceiling light's brightness.
He found himself unable to sit up, still fatigued. He looked down to find himself in a blue shirt and shorts. His eyes scanned the room for his civilian clothes, only to find them folded neatly and stacked up on his chair just nearby.
Innocent people were killed in that shuttle… I wasn't able to save them! Why did they have to die before my eyes?
From his eyes, small tears trickled down on his cheeks.
Inside her office, Murrue was currently discussing the present situation behind her desk with Mwu, who stood facing casually at her with folded arms. The Moebius Zero pilot started pointing out the present situation first.
“Though our original target was Alaska, it looks like we're diverted off course and have ended up in Libya, which is ZAFT territory.”
Murrue rubbed the temples of her forehead, closing her eyes momentarily. She opened them after a few seconds, looking back at Mwu.
“We had no other choice we can't go to Alaska without Kira and the Strike Gundam, lieutenant.”
A recent flashback surfaced in her mind after her remark.
She remembered arguing with Natarle during the recent battle about Kenji, Kira, and Mwu going out to fight. When Kira tried returning to the ship, the differences in the Aile Strike and the Archangel's thrusts meant that he'd land somewhere else on Earth, so Murrue had the ship's course changed, allowing Kira to land. This caused its re-entry angle to change from Alaska to Libya.
We sure picked the time to land on ZAFT territory, though. That reminds me… has there been any sign of Kenji?” the Moebius pilot inquired, feeling concerned for the Seraph pilot.
Murrue furrowed her eyebrows worriedly at the mention of his name. After managing to successfully let the Aile Strike land on the Archangel after its atmospheric re-entry was completed, the ship ran routine radar sweeps throughout its landing area. However, there were no signs of the Seraph Gundam since the recent battle.
Murrue sighed tiredly, her hands forming into a temple and resting them on her desk.
“We're doing routine radar sweeps throughout this area we're on as we speak. But, I'm afraid there's still no sign of him.”
The Moebius Zero pilot ran his right hand through his hair, shaking his head slowly. Regaining his optimistic nature, he went over to Murrue's left side, placing his right hand on her left shoulder.
“I'll go pay Kira a visit and see what the doctor has to say. Meanwhile, you get some rest.”
With that said, he retracted back his right hand, grinning at Murrue and waving her off before exiting her office. As the door closed after his retreating form, Murrue gladly smiled, shaking her head.
He sure never changes much… I guess I could take a break now.
…By the looks of his condition it seems he's having a fever,” the ship's doctor, Kei Reinhardt, remarked inside Kira's quarters, after checking up his temperature and pulse. The Strike pilot thrashed about in his sleep with his blanket tucked in, sweating with a small, lukewarm towel placed on his forehead, which was to lower the temperature of the fever he was suffering from currently.
Gathered near the ship's doctor were Miriallia, Sai, and Fllay, concerned for Kira's ailing health.
Will he be ok, doctor?” Miriallia asked, feeling hopeful for Kira's recovery.
Kei twisted his lips, pursuing the right choice of words for his response. Standing up from a small seat next to the ailing Strike pilot, he pocketed his hands in his lab coat. He couldn't help but feel uneasy regarding Kira's condition.
“Hmm… I'm not really sure this is my first time examining a Coordinator's body. According to their genetics, they're supposed to be vastly immune to disease and are physically stronger; also their bodies are vastly different than Naturals. Despite the fever, I'm certain he'll be recovering well. Right now, he needs to sleep it off.
He blew the front bangs of his long blonde hair, adjusting the thin silver-framed specs he was wearing. Beneath them, his blue eyes fixed themselves on the teens facing him. Glancing at Kira, he decided to exit his quarters, but hesitated to do so as he neared the door. He glanced back at Kira's friends.
I'm afraid that's all I can do for him. He'll need to be kept in his quarters for observation, just to monitor any changes in him. You all should leave him be, you can visit him another time. I'll be at the medical bay for the meantime.”
With that said, he exited Kira's quarters. As the door closed after him, Fllay sat down on the small seat Kei previously sat on, softly running her right through her new love's hair. Her eyes were near the brink to tears, as she frowned sadly.
Kira… you can fight this! Please get well.
Noticing her reaction, Sai couldn't help but feel jealous. His eyebrows cast down, as he stared at her intently.
Fllay… does this mean what I think it is? You like Kira… more than me?
Shaking off the thought from his mind, he placed his right hand on Miriallia's left shoulder, getting her attention.
Let's leave Kira to rest. We can visit him another time.
Miriallia nodded, and then glanced at Fllay, tugging at her left arm to get her attention.
“Fllay, let's go. He needs rest right now.
The dark red-haired female teen reluctantly stood up from her seat. She stroked his right cheek with her left hand, feeling the context of his face.
She withdrew her left hand, letting out a defeated sigh. She glanced back at Miriallia, nodding to her, prompting her and Sai to leave Kira's quarters, leaving him to sleep off his fever.
As she was last to go, she reached for the light switch, turning off the light. She looked back at the ailing Strike pilot, sadly smiling at him before finally exiting his quarters.
Meanwhile in a small oasis located not far from the Archangel's current location, a small, dense black smoke wisped upwards from it, indicating crashed wreckage.
Upon a bird's eye view, the wreckage showed the Seraph Gundam lain on its back, with its arms and legs entangled with the small shrubbery partially covering it. Its entire form was partly charred, thanks to the intense atmospheric heat it endured recently.
Its cockpit hatch then opened, with a shaky, leather-covered right arm snaked in view, gripping on the cockpit opening. Slowly Kenji's covered head peered out. He gave a small grunt as he struggled dragging his entire body out of the cockpit. With a few more drags and pulls, he succeeded, then exerting his remaining energy to tumble down to the ground.
Kenji felt his body aching all over after the impact. He then reached out to remove his pilot helmet. His perspired face was greeted by the crisp, cool air of the night, as he let out a relieved sigh. Throwing away his helmet aside, he dragged his body near his MS's left side of the body, his back leaning against it.
“Ugh… that was a bumpy landing,” he remarked. His survival instincts kicked in, as he surveyed his surroundings, realizing that he was inside a small oasis.
An oasis… I must have landed in a desert?
His blue eyes gazed up the moon, with the midnight sky decorated with glittering stars. It seemed peaceful at least. The only sound heard was the cold, crisp breeze of wind going through the palm trees and other greenery in the oasis.
The Archangel… I hoped it managed to land safely in Alaska.
I hoped Kira and Lieutenant La Flaga were able to return to the ship before it completed its atmospheric re-entry. I was too caught up fending off Eiji.
His thoughts then turned to the EA 8th Fleet. His eyes mirrored regret, realizing a particular friend's loss.
The EA 8thFleet… I forgot about them.
The fleet's flagship… Admiral Halberton, your fleet stayed behind and fought till the end, giving time for the Archangel to make its atmospheric re-entry.
Damnwhy didn't I realize that sooner?
At that instant, Kenji sat up and punched helplessly at the sandy ground, mourning briefly for a good friend he recently lost.
“Admiral… your sacrifice won't be in vain. Thank you,” he remarked sadly. He looked up to the moon, thinking of the former enemy he made as a friend during his days in the Grimaldi Front. Wasting a minute or two for mourning, he shook his head, regaining his composure.
There's no moretime for mourning. Right now, survival is a priority.
He ran his left hand through his short, spiky brown hair. He felt his sweat cooling down, thanks to the cool, crisp breeze of wind. He zipped his pilot suit partially down to his waist, letting in the cool air to his civilian clothes worn beneath.
…I better check the Seraph's status. I've got to contact the Archangel.
Feeling a little relaxed, he slowly picked up to his feet, grabbing his pilot helmet set aside. He slowly climbed back inside the Seraph's cockpit, bringing up the keyboard interface and activating the Seraph's OS. From the small interface screen located just above the keyboard interface, a buzz of electronic life appeared.
No external or internal damages. The hydraulic joints on the Seraph's chassis seem to respond normally.
Radar systemsit seems to have a shorter scanning range than usual.
Weapon systems… just as I thought, the “Gunbarrel Pods”took hits from Eiji's beam rifle shots. They'll be out of commission for the meantime.
N-Jammer canceller, checked.
Mirage Colloid Shift, checked.
His face mirrored disappointment as he noticed a slight decrease in the power input, which showed 90 percent.
Less power input...well, I'll live with that until I get the Seraph fixed again in the Archangel.
Satisfied by his checking, he activated the com-link, sending a transmission to the Archangel.
Archangel, this is Kenji Hyne. Archangel, please respond.”
Static was heard as a response, along with it displayed on a small sub-window on the lower left corner of the CIS.
Kenji berated his annoyance, not getting any response, and decided switching off the com-link. He took a deep breath, calming down and staring at the switched-off CIS. His recent battle with Eiji was still fresh in his mind.
Feeling a small headache sweeping in, he rubbed the temples of his forehead with his left hand to ease the pain.
I never believe that I'd attempt a stuntlike thatin the Earth's atmosphere.
Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of machine movement approaching nearby. Wasting no time, Kenji immediately started up the Seraph's OS, activating his MS. Within minutes, the Seraph began to sit up, then standing upright. Its thrusters kicked in, from which it began to hover off the ground, gaining altitude slowly. Then, the Seraph was immediately cloaked invisible after Kenji switched on the Mirage Colloid Shift.
Checking his CIS left to right, Kenji typed in the keyboard interface, controlling the camera angles and views from the main camera on the Seraph's head. He quickly zoomed in at one particular area showing a small group approaching the oasis.
Enemy units
His suspicion was immediately verified as 5 BuCUEs were in view, escorting a land battleship, along with attack helicopters from above. He rubbed his chin and furrowed his eyebrows, pondering his observation.
ZAFTunits… damn, I must be in ZAFT territory.Have I seen that battleship before? Ihavea vaguefeeling about it.
The cloaked Seraph approached the small ZAFT unit warily from a distance. It kept constant watch on them, as they passed by the oasis, heading forward on their path.
Where are they headed? I better follow them.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +2130hours< /div>
Location: Earth, space
Meanwhile, the Vesalius remained stationed about in space just outside the Earth. The Geneva had immediately departed hours ago, after launching the landing re-entry capsule containing the Crusader Squad.
Inside the ship's bridge, Ades sat up in his seat, waiting patiently for the masked Rau to give out new orders. His old friend, Lloyd, notified him and Rau regarding his continued assistance with the mission regarding the Archangel, before his ship, the Geneva, headed back to ZAFT for repairs and supplies.
Aster sent down his Crusader Squad to continue pursuit of the legged ship, before he headed back to ZAFT. Well, now that I think about it, ever since he first lent his assistance in the legged ship's pursuit, he seemed very cooperative.
Hmm… does he have an ulterior motive helping out Commander Creuset with this mission regarding the legged ship?
Ades shook his head, doubting his last thought. He and Lloyd were close comrades since the Grimaldi Front, and he knew better than to have second thoughts of him.
Inside the ship's lounge area located facing above the hangar bay, stood a reminiscing Athrun Zala staring intently at his Aegis Gundam. In his mind, thoughts of his past battles with Kira and his many fruitless attempts persuading him to join his side ran about. He floated near the lounge window, pressing his left hand against the glass. His eyes then focused on his reflection.
Kira… why can't you understand what I'm trying to say to you all this time?
The lounge door suddenly opened, letting Nicol floating inside and spotting his squad mate. He joined him by his side, glancing at the reminiscing Aegis pilot.
“Yzak and Dearka landed safely on Earth. They'll be staying at the ZAFT base in Gibraltar, Spain,” he informed, relieved.
Athrun felt glad hearing that. He furrowed his eyebrows, pondering his words to reply.
“Hmm… was that the latest word from them?”
“Yes, according to Commander Creuset, he received an incoming transmission from the ZAFT base in Gibraltar, Spain yesterday. He'll contact Yzak and Dearka soon and check up with them.”
“I see…”
The last time Athrun bumped into the Duel pilot, he was in an angry mood. The reason became obvious when he noticed his right eye covered in bandages. It happened during the time when the Gamow was supposed to continue pursuit and attack on the Archangel. However, a report reached the Vesalius regarding the legged ship meeting up successfully with the EA 8th Fleet, forcing the Gamow to retreat.
However, Yzak, being the stubborn individual, pressed on his attack against the Aile Strike and the Seraph, which resulted in them cutting his MS near its cockpit, damaging it. Followed after was a piece of shrapnel piercing through his pilot helmet; with pieces of sharp glass injuring his right eye.
“What about Yzak's scar?” Athrun inquired.
The Blitz pilot patted his right shoulder with a smile.
“It should be ok, I wouldn't worry about it. You know, I wonder about our orders to return home, since we failed to get the legged ship and the Strike Gundam.”
“…I don't think it's a problem, Nicol. We'll probably be sent out on another mission.”
Nicol stared at his Blitz Gundam parked alongside the Aegis in the hangar bay.
“Well, I'm going to check up on the Blitz. I'll see you later, Athrun.”
With that said, he waved Athrun good-bye, exiting the lounge area, leaving the Aegis pilot alone.
Watching the lounge door closing after his squad mate's retreating form, Athrun looked back at his reflection. His mind then recalled Rau's warning regarding the Strike Gundam.
“Remember what happened to Yzak. You could be the Strike's next victim.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +2145hours< /div>
Location: Africa --- Libyan Desert
Inside his quarters on the Archangel, Kira woke up from his sleep with his pet robotic bird Torii sitting on his shoulder.
“Birdie…?” it chirped, tilting its head at its creator.
“Huh? Torii…?” Kira wondered, then feeling the small, lukewarm towel on his forehead. He removed it, placing it aside. He drew aside his blanket and sat up, his legs about to dangle off his bed. Torii immediately flew off from his shoulder, then landing on his small table. His door then opened, with Fllay coming in to check on him. She quickly approached his side, halting him in his tracks.
“Where do you think you're going? You're in no condition to get up now!”
“Fllay…? What are you doing here?”
The dark red-haired female teen stifled a giggle.
“I'm here to check up on you, silly. The Archangel already landed on Earth, and you're in your quarters.”
Satisfied hearing out the answers to the two immediate questions forming in his mind, the Strike pilot tried getting up and walk around. Fllay gently pushed him to lie back down on his bed.
“You shouldn't… don't push yourself!”
Kira tried to struggle, but noticed her concerned look, her eyes a little watery. Sighing resignedly, he stayed lied down on his bed, smiling weakly at her.
“Ok… I'll do as you say.”
Relieved hearing his response, Fllay drew up his blanket, tucking him in. She placed a kiss on his forehead, which earned a slight blush from the Strike pilot. She smiled warmly at him.
“I'll go get your food, just stay there and relax. Don't get up, you hear me?”
Kira nodded in reply, then watching his crush leave his quarters. One thing he noticed about her was her cheery disposition, making him raise a left eyebrow.
Wow… she kissed me? I wonder what this means…?
In the ship's hangar, Mwu and Murdoch were examining the two Skygrasper units brought in, courtesy from the late Admiral Halberton. Inside Skygrasper-1's cockpit, the Moebius Zero pilot folded his arms, shaking head in disbelief at the sight of them after playing around with its controls. He stood up, noticing Murdoch approaching him.
“Hmm… it's interesting that they can mount the Strike Gundam's weapons packs. Does this means I'm becoming a delivery man now for Kira? Speaking of which, Murdoch, why does he call the Strike a `Gundam'?”
The head mechanic/engineer wiped his greasy hands with a white rug, shrugging his shoulders.
“Kira probably made an acronym out of the words 'General Unilateral Neuro-Link Dispersive Autonomic Maneuver' that appear on the start up of the Strike's OS. To him, it's better calling his MS the Strike Gundam, rather than just the Strike. I think that name suits better.”
Mwu twisted his face in amazement, rubbing underneath his chin with his right hand, pondering on the word `Gundam'.
In the ship's mess hall, Fllay walked in, noticing Miriallia, Sai, Tolle, and some of the ship's crew eating their meals. Noticing the newcomer's appearance, Sai looked up from his tray meal, then standing up from his seat to meet her.
“Fllay, you should take a break watching over Kira,” the yellow-tinted spectacled boy remarked, concerned for her well-being. He reached for her right shoulder, about to hold it, when she shrugged it off.
“He has to heal strong, Sai, please move aside…”
Sai shook his head, trying to say something else to her, prompting her to give him an angry look.
“Sai… I'm sorry. But our relationship was decided by my father, and now that the situation's changed, I don't think I should be bound to it. If you'll excuse me…”
Pausing to eat their tray meals, Miriallia and Tolle watched the red-spectacled boy speechless, startled by this turn of events. They then watched Fllay walk past him, proceeding to take a covered meal tray prepared for Kira by Chef Carte, who greeted her amicably behind the food counter.
“Here you go, miss, this should fill Kira's stomach well.”
-Giggle- Thank you, Chef Carte, he'll be glad to have this.”
With Kira's meal tray in hand, Fllay exited the mess hall, ignoring Sai, Miriallia, and Tolle. She headed back to Kira's quarters.
After watching her retreating form, Miriallia and Tolle looked back at Sai, who wore a pained look on his face. He adjusted his yellow-tinted specs, and gritted his teeth in frustration. He then left the mess hall.
“Sai…” Miriallia uttered, concerned for her friend.
“Woah… were they an item? That's news,” her boyfriend whispered amazed, sitting close to her.
Walking through the ship's halls with a tray meal in hand, Fllay took slow, steady steps on her way back to Kira's quarters. Her face twisted in annoyance after her recent outburst with Sai.
Honestly... what business does he have asking me about my well-being? I'm more concerned with Kira's health than mine.
She was so caught up pondering the thought that she didn't notice her father approaching her in view.
“Fllay…? Where are you going with that tray meal you're holding?” George Allster inquired, catching his daughter's attention. He gave a raised left eyebrow at her, with his hands on his hips. He was docked in his business attire (when he was first rescued and brought aboard the Archangel), but without his overcoat.
“…Oh, hi Daddy…! I didn't notice you just now. Um… it's for my friend Kira, who's resting in his quarters. He needs to eat something.”
“Well… okay… I'm just wondering what you're doing with that tray meal you're holding, that's all. I'm heading to the mess hall to grab a bite to eat, want to join me?”
Fllay shook her head in reply.
“Sorry, Daddy, I'm watching over Kira, maybe some other time. Well, I'll be leaving!”
Giving her father a quick smile, she continued on her way. Folding his arms, George watched her daughter's retreating form.
Hmm… it seems she's spending more time recently with that Strike pilot. Funny, she looks happy talking about him.
Letting out a tired sigh, the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister shook his head, then resuming his trek to the mess hall.
As the hours passed by, around the ship, its crew continuously changed shifts, giving each other ample time for the small breaks in between.
Everyone patched in to accomplish their assigned tasks, keeping the Archangel up and running, leaving no tasks unturned ranging from monitoring the ship's engines for its power supply to constant watch patrol of the ship's current location, keeping a lookout for enemies or suspecting elements.
In the hangar, one of Murdoch's mechanics found an origami flower in the Strike Gundam's opened cockpit, as he was cleaning it. He picked it up with his right thumb and forefinger, looking peculiarly at it and scratching his head.
“Huh… what's this doing here?” he wondered. He was about to discard it when he heard someone approaching him from behind.
“Wait! Please don't throw that… it belongs to Kira,” the newcomer spoke with a feminine voice, making the mechanic jump slightly in surprise. He turned around to find Fllay snatching the origami flower from his right hand.
“Jeez… it's only you. Don't come up to me like that! You startled me, miss.”
The red-haired female teen bowed slightly in apology, tucking the origami flower on her EA uniform's left chest pocket.
“Um… sorry, I just came to check if Kira dropped anything there in his MS's cockpit. Wow… so this is what's like to pilot a MS?”
“Uh-huh. I'm just cleaning up any rubbish this Kira might have left behind after he parks the Strike here in the hangar bay after his sorties.”
“Oh… ok, let me help out with that.”
With that said, Fllay began rummaging for any rubbish in the Strike's cockpit, not giving the mechanic time to protest. He rolled over his eyes in resignation, and resumed his trash cleaning of the Strike's cockpit.
“Here's your meal I promised you,” Fllay cheerfully remarked as she stepped inside the Strike pilot's quarters. She placed the covered tray meal on a small table next to Kira's bed, then remembering the origami flower she found back in the Strike's cockpit a moment ago. She plucked it out from her EA uniform's left chest pocket, walking up to Kira and sitting on his bed.
“Oh, by the way, I found this in your MS's cockpit… is this yours?” she asked, giving the origami flower to him.
Seeing it, memories flashed in his mind.
First, it was that of the little girl named Yumi giving it to him before she boarded the civilian shuttle bound for Orb.
The mentioned girl giggled at his question, taking out a small, yellow origami flower from her pocket and giving it to him, who warmly accepted the gift.
“This is for protecting everyone, Kira! Thank you!” she exclaimed happily.
“Yumi…! There you are! I've been worried about you running off like that!” a woman's voice spoke. Its source approached the little girl, grabbing her left hand, and looking at Kira. Wearing civilian attire, the woman had short, black hair, and green eyes; she looked to be around her early 30s, and was fairly beautiful.
“You must be Kira she talked to me about. I can't thank you enough for your help in protecting us in this ship. You have my gratitude,” she spoke, smiling at the teen.
“Ma'am… there's no need for thanks. I did my best protecting everyone here,” he replied, little embarrassed at being thanked.
The woman laughed, amused by his reaction. She looked at her daughter.
“Come on now, Yumi, we're leaving now.”
Yumi nodded, then giving one last smile and a wave of good-bye to Kira.
“Bye-bye, Kira…! Thank you!”
The Strike pilot watched their retreating forms joining the line of civilians entering the shuttle as he waved back at Yumi with a smile.
End Flashback
The next memory was that of witnessing the civilian shuttle destroyed before his eyes.
Kira looked firmly and grimly at the Duel Assault Shroud pointing its beam rifle at him on his CIS. He flexed his fingers before gripping the control sticks, his feet poised to floor the thrusters. Sweat trickled down on his face as his constant breaths slowly fogged his pilot helmet glass visor.
I must stop him from firing at the shuttle then.
The Aile Strike moved a short distance away from the shuttle, facing-off the Duel Assault Shroud.
Suddenly the face off was broken when 2 beam shots appeared from below, cutting through the shuttle like a hot knife through butter. Kira and Yzak stared in amazement and shock at the shuttle, which instantly erupted in an explosion.
“No…!” Kira exclaimed in horror, moving the Aile Strike to reach for the shuttle. But it was already too late.
The explosion's impact had enough force knocking away both the Duel Assault Shroud and the Aile Strike, sending them plummeting deep in the atmopshere.
“Oh shit…!” Yzak cursed under his breath, as he tried regaining control of his unit. Warning alarms buzzed throughout the Duel Assault Shroud's cockpit, as the intense g-forces of the atmopshere rocked his unit back and forth, whilst engulfing it in a shield of heat.
“Ah!” Kira cried, staring upwards in the Aile Strike's cockpit, while his unit suffered the same fate as the Duel.
End Flashback
Kira then sat up, trying to take the origami flower from Fllay's hand. Tears slowly built up in his eyes as he felt his arms going limp. He found himself unable to control the harbored guilt and sadness in his heart, as he let out his waterworks. His shaky hands gripped his blanket, with his eyes shut and flooding with tears.
-Hic- I… I couldn't save them… -Hic- those civilians in the shuttle… -Hic- it's my fault…!” he cried.
Noticing his emotional breakdown in front of her, Fllay scooted close to him, her hands cupping his face and slowly bringing him to face her.
“It's alright… no one blames you… Kira, my feelings will protect you… always.”
Brushing a strand of his front bangs, she then sealed her lips with his, closing her eyes. Kira widened his eyes in shock.
He began slowly accepting her kiss, amidst his tears.
Meanwhile, from a long distance, a small group of men were observing the Archangel through binoculars. They were in combat attire, with 3 military standard 4x4 jeeps parked behind them.
One particular individual stood out among the group, docked in full combat attire --- a combat vest worn over a red shirt, brown leather gloves, khaki pants, and semi-green boots. Her short, blond hair weaved about with her back and forth pacing, waiting. Her age seemed to be around 16, given her tomboyish features.
She then walked over to a tall, light brownish-tan man, docked in similar combat attire --- black tank top, black wristbands, green pants, and black boots --- and using a binocular watching the Archangel. A quiver of specialized-explosive arrows was worn on his back, along with a sturdy bow slung along his left arm.
“Let me check, Kisaka,” she remarked, motioning for the man's binoculars.
The man named Kisaka stopped his observation, glancing at the girl and handing her his binoculars. Placing them firmly on her eyes with her left hand, she could make out the Archangel's notable features --- its two front `legs'. She increased magnification, getting a closer look. Satisfied with her checking, she nodded, handing back Kisaka's binoculars to him.
“Is that one, Cagalli?” Kisaka inquired.
“Yeah… that's the legged battleship from Heliopolis, there's no doubt about it. I recognize it anywhere,” the blonde female teen named Cagalli replied.
Behind the group of guerillas, another military standard 4x4 jeep approached near, with its engines instantly switched off by two guerillas. One of them quickly climbed out of the jeep, hurrying to Cagalli and saluting her in one motion.
“We've spotted a small group of BuCUE MS --- 5 of them exact. Moving with them is the land battleship, the Lesseps, with escort fighter copters,” he reported.
The entire group was alarmed by the statement. Cagalli punched her left palm with her right hand, clicking her tongue.
“So, the `Desert Tiger' is on his way then…”
After successfully landing from their atmospheric re-entry in another desert area, the Crusader Squad gathered, assembling into formation. They stood by, except for Crusader-02, who seemed to sink into the sand
“Woah… the sand is dragging me down!” Barry exclaimed, as he tried steadying his MS. Crusader-01 grabbed hold of Crusader-02 for support.
“Relax, Barry, just modify your MS's OS and its motion control system, so that your MS can step on the sand without sinking into it,” Ryu wisely explained, calming him down.
“Uh… ok, give me a few seconds…”
Sounds of systematic keyboard typing were heard in the squad's com-link, followed by a triumphant cry from Barry. In seconds, Crusader-02 was able to firmly step on the sand. Crusader-01 checked on the squad, looking at them from left to right.
“Good… the atmospheric re-entry was a success. Crusader Squad, status…!” Ryu exclaimed.
“Crusader-02, ready and waiting…”
“Crusader-03, ok…”
“Crusader-04, awaiting orders…”
Crusader-01 nodded its head in acknowledgement and turned around with its back facing them. Its right arm stretched out with its hand pointing forward.
“Let's move out! Keep an eye on your radar for Commander Waltfeld's unit, which is reported to have located the Archangel's position. Once we find his unit, then we'll find the legged ship as well. Let's go!”
The Crusader Squad then moved out, their MS's thrusters boosting them towards the air and flying forward for a headstart.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 15; +2210hours< /div>
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius-One colony, Aprilius City
Back in the colony's military HQ, where “RESEARCH AREA-21” was located, a moderate-sized experimental area was found beneath the room, where it contained the YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack MS, activated. Behind its controls was the masked Vann, who was strapped with his arms folded waiting.
In front of him, the CIS displayed the inside interior of the experimental battle area, which was a `blue room' where virtual imaging would take place, mimicking a mock battle.
Professor Asimalov's face then appeared on a small pop-up window located on the lower left-hand corner of the center CIS.
“Forgive the delays, it seem there was a technical difficulty with the dummy targets. It took my technicians an hour or so to remedy the problem.”
Vann shrugged off the professor's apology with his left hand, smiling little at him.
“It's understandable, it couldn't be helped. I was fine just relaxing.”
“…Ok, everything's set. The test run will commence in 5 seconds. A pop-up display screen will show the countdown in about… now.”
On the area's ceiling, a countdown display popped out from above and in view.
YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack
In seconds the entire area was illuminated in a mocked battleground of space. Asteroids were spread out all over, with pieces of space debris mixed in. The prototype MS's thrusters activated, as it floated under the influence of zero gravity.
“Can you hear me, Vann? For this battleground, it'll be a space setting. And to mimic the real-life setting of it, this area is now on zero gravity, thanks to a gravity system installed in this area,” Professor Asimalov informed, his com-link with the prototype MS still open.
“...Interesting… so the test run has started?” the masked ZAFT commander inquired.
“Yes. Keep your com-link open at all times, just in case of further announcements from me. Good luck… and show me that you're worthy of the YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack.”
Hovering about, the prototype MS looked around its surroundings, its arms folded. Inside its cockpit, Vann monitored closely the CIS, alert.
Meanwhile in a carefully concealed control room of the experimental battle area, several operators monitored the prototype MS's initial test-run, typing in their keyboard terminals. Pacing behind them with his hands behind his back, Professor Asimalov observed the prototype MS's image displayed on the main screen.
“Run the stage 1 program,” he ordered.
Several target drones popped in view from among the asteroid-debris belt. The prototype MS then quickly dispatched them with a burst of fire from its heavy assault machine guns.
Smoke wisped out from their muzzles as the prototype MS let its arms hanging down and holstering its machine guns.
Vann shook his head in disappointment.
Child's play... I suppose this is a start.
Seconds after the thought, more target drones appeared from the asteroid-debris belt, swarming around the prototype MS. In its radar, Vann could make out multiple targets, then bringing up the targeting reticule aiming at each of them, one at a time in rapid succession. He shifted the control sticks, making the prototype MS unsheathing both its heavy swords. Next, the beam blades infused with the metal blades of both heavy swords were lighted up, turning them into beam swords.
Vann's eyes focused intently on the swarms of target drones on his CIS. His lips curved little upwards.
Let me see what this prototype MS can do, then.
The prototype MS then immediately charged past the ones in its front path.
Several explosions erupted, a result of their destruction. The prototype MS quickly shifted to its left, twirling its beam swords before charging past another group of target drones.
Not hesitating to witness their destruction, the prototype MS then threw both its beam swords at two target drones, piercing them upon impact and halting their movements. Electricity cackled all over them from the damage suffered.
Next, the prototype MS back-flipped, its thermal cannons fixed at another group of target drones. It brought out its beam rifles, holstered on its ankles, and aimed them to its left and right. The thermal cannons charged for a few seconds before firing off the shot.
With that attack, almost all the target drones were wiped out instantly, leaving behind the pierced ones remaining. The prototype MS flew to them, pulling out its beam swords from their frozen forms and slicing them up into two. It jettisoned back immediately, avoiding their expected explosions.
Back in the control room, operators started gathering the prototype MS's test data, typing in their terminals. Professor Asimalov stopped pacing around, heading back to his seat on the center of the room. He crossed his legs, pocketing his hands in his lab coat. He dryly grinned, seeming pleased with the prototype MS's performance shown on the main screen so far.
-Chuckle- Initiate the stage 2 program!” he exclaimed.
The experimental area was then turned into a battlefield setting in Earth. The prototype MS looked around, finding itself on an EA supply base.
“First space, then Earth… is this the next run?” Vann wondered. He then realized the gravity in the area had changed as well, mimicking Earth's. The prototype MS's thrusters kicked in, landing down to the ground.
Cannon fire greeted it in an instant as it barely touched the ground, targeting the spot the prototype MS was on previously after it boosted backwards avoiding it. It turned to find multiple tanks wheeling out from the base, heading towards the prototype MS.
The masked ZAFT commander shrugged his shoulders, gripping tightly the control sticks. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Humph… tanks are such a bore and old-fashioned.
Just then, several missiles trailed towards the prototype MS. Vann felt his senses kicking in, alerting him of them.
Behind me!
The prototype MS performed a back-flip, turning face around at the missiles. It then started boosting away from them, bringing up its heavy assault machine guns to pepper the projectiles with bullets, spraying its fire in a wide arc to hit all of them.
Alarms buzzed inside the prototype MS's cockpit, warning its pilot of incoming enemy fire coming from all sides. Vann glanced quickly at his radar, noticing many heat signatures trailing towards him. He lurched the control sticks firmly, prompting the prototype MS to pause and boost up, bringing out its beam rifles. Then, rapid beam fire streaked out from them, trailing towards each of the tanks in succession.
Hit in succession, the tanks blew up instantly. The prototype MS quickly holstered its beam rifles, replacing them with its heavy assault machine guns. It turned around to see fighter jets zooming past by.
So that's where the missiles are coming from.
With a hefty boost from its thrusters, the prototype MS met up close with the fighter jets, zooming past and peppering each with bullets.
The prototype MS left behind a trail of explosions in its path, with its heavy assault machine guns in hand. Smoke wisped out from their muzzles, as it hovered for the moment.
Back in the control room, the operators could hardly contain their amazement and interest in the prototype MS's test run, while they continued with their work.
“Woah… he's skilled, man!”
“He makes piloting a MS easy, I say.”
“Ironically, he's the first test pilot for that MS. Unbelievable!”
“He's just cleaning house of the target drones… what else can we deploy against him?”
Professor Asimalov's ears perked up by the operators' remarks as he continued monitoring Vann's piloting of the prototype MS on the main screen. He drummed his right fingers on his seat's right armrest, forming his opinions.
There's no doubt about it… he's the ideal pilot for the YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack.
“We'll commence the last stage of the test run. Initiate the stage 3 program,” he remarked to his operators, who glanced at him and nodded in reply, complying with his command.
After dispensing several SAM (Surface-to-Air-Missile) sites around the base, the prototype MS remained still on the ground, switching off its thrusters. Smoke wisped from its experimental armor assault rifles' muzzle, before it holstered them and folded its arms, standing upright amidst the destruction it caused single-handedly.
“Tch… out of bullets… there's no use for the machine guns and rifles then,” Vann commented, after checking the prototype MS's weapons status. On the interface screen, the OS was running, showing the remaining weapons left for use.
I only have 1 more shot from the thermal cannons. Next, I'm down to the last magazines for the beam rifles. That leaves the heavy swords as my last offense.
Professor Asimalov's voice then sounded from the opened com-link.
“Remarkable performance, Vann, I see how highly your skills are when it comes to MS.”
-Chuckle- Save the flattery, professor, I'm just doing what's needed.”
“Really… anyway, the test run is almost complete. Only one more run left for you to accomplish, that's final.”
“…Then precede with it, professor. I don't like to wait very long.”
Vann could make out a faint, stifled chuckle from the professor after his reply. He smirked to himself, thinking the professor also added a smirk as well.
Within seconds, 5 MS slowly popped up from the ground throughout the base. Vann recognized them as 4 GINNs, along with 1 CGUE. The 4 GINNs were outfitted with heavy assault machine guns and heavy swords, along with the CGUE also, plus with its vulcan-shield system.
“Well… a decent challenge at least. I thank you, professor.”
“For this last run, you'll be facing 4 GINNs and 1 CGUE. All of them are set in auto-pilot, but are also inputted with the latest combat data gathered so far. Don't expect them to be pushovers… the CGUE is fitted with Commander Rau Le Creuset's combat data, after I received permission from him to obtain it.”
“Rau Le Creuset… interesting, I might as well make the best out of this.”
“In 5 seconds, they'll start to attack you. Well, good luck.”
As soon as the professor's transmission ended, the 4 GINNs immediately engaged the prototype MS, with the CGUE remaining behind as a spectator. Vann noticed the behavioral pattern of the CGUE, taking a mental note.
Hmm… it certainly mimics Creuset's style, letting his subordinates do all the fighting. Well, I don't want to disappoint it.
The prototype MS's eye flickered a menacing bright red at its targets, as if it was a demon eyeing intently at its foes. Then, it brought up its beam rifles, crossing them over its chest, and stood its ground.
2 of the 4 GINNs went for close combat, throwing aside their heavy assault machine guns and unsheathing their heavy swords. They rushed at the prototype MS, both landing an overhead slash.
At that instant, the prototype MS whirled into action, delivering a left savage kick to the first GINN's body and knocking it far back. Thanks to an instant boost from its thrusters, it quickly backed away from the second GINN, as its heavy sword landed to the ground, missing its target. Before it could recover its momentum, a well placed shot from the prototype MS's right beam rifle went dead center through its body, destroying it within seconds.
The first GINN, regaining balance from the prototype MS's left kick, had its head shot by its left beam rifle, stopping the GINN in its tracks and making it drop its heavy sword before swaying back and forth, with its head then blown off. To end its misery, the prototype MS rushed up to it…
…leaving it sliced in half, with both of its halves explode.
Machine gunfire from the other 2 GINNs greeted the prototype MS, prompting it to take evasive maneuvers. As it ran around them avoiding their gunfire, it brought up its beam rifles, pulling their triggers.
“How unfortunate… out of beam ammo… well, time to get up close and personal,” Vann remarked with a new resolve.
The prototype MS threw aside its beam rifles, unsheathing its heavy swords and turning their beam blades on, making them into beam swords. The GINNs continued their futile firing assault, as the prototype MS inched closer and closer. Then, with a sudden boost from its thrusters, it neared them.
Crouched down on its left leg with its beam swords in hand pointing to the ground, the prototype MS eyed the CGUE. Behind it, the GINNs were sliced in half like the others, but this time vertically. Electricity cackled throughout them, as sparks from their crumbling halves triggered them to explode.
The prototype MS stood up, approaching the CGUE slowly, step by step.
“Well… will you really fight like Creuset?” Vann asked amusingly, waiting for the CGUE's move.
Answering his question, the CGUE immediately boosted away from the prototype MS, triggering the start of the battle. It went into hiding behind one of the base's defaced buildings, with the prototype MS in pursuit. As it approached its hiding spot and peeked warily, a looming shadow was over it.
Vann wryly smiled, knowing the answer to his question.
The CGUE attempted a surprise overhead slash with its heavy sword. However, the prototype MS then drew up both its beam swords, forcing the two MS in a deadlock. With its left hand, the CGUE had its heavy assault machine gun aimed at the prototype MS's cockpit while being held in the deadlock.
The prototype MS applied more pressure on the deadlock, then breaking it and leaving the CGUE staggering back and dropping its guard.
In one fluid motion, the prototype MS sliced off both the CGUE's arms, then dancing behind it, forcing it to turn around facing the prototype MS's thermal cannons' end barrels.
The CGUE's eye flickered, seeming like it was blinking.
“Unfortunately… you're not Creuset,” the masked ZAFT commander commented, pulling the triggers of the control sticks.
A big explosion erupted, rocking the experimental area.
In the control room, everyone could feel instant rumbles of the explosion, as the main screen flashed bright white, forcing them to shield their eyes. Waiting a few seconds for the brightness to subside, the main screen showed smoke clearing, revealing the charred form of the prototype MS standing still, its beam swords in hand. Around it was the burnt remains of the auto-pilot MS.
The operators' gaping mouths were a sign of their disbelief at the sight before them.
Professor Asimalov stood up from his seat, bracing for the worst. Fortunately, it wasn't to be. He let out a sigh of relief deep down, then clapping his hands to get the operators' attention.
“Establish com-link with the test pilot!” he bellowed.
The operators immediately shook out from their dazed stupor, resuming their work and typing in their terminals.
“Com-link established, professor!” one of them reported.
“Vann, are you alright?” the professor started.
-Cough- Yes, there's no need for concern. Well, that turned out more than I could bargain for, to say the least,” Vann replied.
Several of the operators found the reply amusing, prompting them to stifle their laughter. Professor Asimalov ran his left hand through his hair, blowing its front bangs.
“...Well, the test run has turned out to be a success. Deactivate the gravity and background systems at once, operators. Vann, this concludes the test run for the YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack. Proceed to the nearest exit and park the prototype MS there, and deactivate it.”
“Understood… I'm signing off.”
With that said, Vann's transmission ended. The professor sat back down on his seat, propping his right arm and hand holding underneath his chin.
“Compile all the test run data immediately. I want its results saved in a mini-disk and given to me when completed,” he remarked to the operators, who nodded in reply and continued their assigned tasks.
A female secretary walked in the control room, then approaching the professor with a cell-phone in hand, getting his attention.
“Sir, there's a call for you, it's urgent.”
“I'll take it, thank you. Yes…? Well… it went better than you'd hope for, sir. No, there were no problems encountered, I'll have the results of the test run ready for you soon. When do you need them? I see… I'll make sure of that. Yes sir, that's all, thank you.”
The professor ended the call, handing the cell-phone back to his female secretary.
“Have all my calls forwarded to my office, Irene. I'll take them from there. I'll be at my office by half an hour.”
“Yes sir.”
Giving him a polite bow, the professor's secretary named Irene walked off, exiting the control room. The professor let out a tired sigh, closing his eyes.
Aile Kato… I'm not to be taken very lightly. I'll make sure of that.