Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 14: Inside Eternity ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Sorry for the very late update, but college has been a killer on me (ever since my winter break ended this year)! I have the next episode 50 percent done, so it should be posted soon by March.
Warp Ligia Obscuria: I did some critical thinking regarding the misspelling of the professor's first name used as a description of the Strike Gundam's Striker pack. For clarity's sake, “Aile” will be used (instead of adding the extra “e” in between). I hope that pleases you. I already corrected the name misspelling in the other episodes.
Also, according to the anime, this episode was intended to be a recap of episodes 1-10. For this story, it's not; rather it's a continuation instead. Understand?
With that said, readers, enjoy this episode!

Created Characters PROFILES (Update!)
Vann Falken(alias Masked Informant)
Allegiance: ZAFT, Three Ships' Alliance
Birthday: January 1, C.E. 45
Age: 26
Blood Type: AB
Hair: Long, blonde
Eyes: Red
Height: 183 cm
Status: Coordinator
Mobile Suit(s): CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack
Aside being a high-ranking ZAFT ace, he also works secretly as Siegel Clyne's informant, supporting his cause. He's distinctly viewed for his face mask, revealing nothing except his long blonde hair, red eyes, and mouth. He's often been mistaken for Rau Le Creuset.
Yuri Asimalov
Allegiance: ZAFT
Birthday: July 4, C.E. 19
Age: 52
Blood Type: A
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: Green
Height: 175 cm
Status: Coordinator
He's the researcher responsible for the development of the ZGMF-1017 GINN, the first combat MS developed by ZAFT and the backbone of its military forces. The MS's fighting strength is equivalent to 5 Earth Alliance MA, and can single-handedly destroy an Alliance escort ship. Although the GINN is classified as a Zero Gravity Maneuver Fighter, it can operate on Earth as well, and this versatile machine can be adapted to a wide range of mission roles and combat environments. Its standard armament consists of a machine gun and a blade for slicing apart enemy mobile armors, but the GINN can also be outfitted with a variety of heavy weapons and guided missiles.
Aside from that notable accomplishment, he then came up with the designs of various combat MS ranging from ZGMF-515 CGUE, ZGMF-600 GuAIZ, YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms, YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack, to the adaptable GINN variants (versatile GINN for use in air, land, and water battles).
He's noted for being the pioneer of combat MS, and his eccentric genius proves his worth. He's a valuable asset to ZAFT, for the organization depends on him to coming up with new combat MS for its military forces.
The various MS industrial companies responsible for mass-producing ZAFT's MS only took Yuri's MS designs; they're not labeled as the original creators, only the fact that they're MS producers and suppliers.
Created Mecha PROFILES (Update!)
CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack
Model Number: YFX-200bp
Code Name: CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack
Unit Type: Directional Energy Emission exPerimental Arms mobile suit
Manufacturer: ZAFT
Operator: ZAFT
First Deployment: C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, standard cockpit in torso
Height: head height 21.55 meters
Weight: gross weight 81.83 metric tons
Powerplant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown
Special equipment
--- Sensors, range unknown
--- Booster Pack
Fixed armaments
--- 2x JDP8-MSY02 directed thermal energy cannon
--- JDP2-MMX22 experimental 27mm armor assault rifle
--- MMI-M7S 76mm heavy assault machine gun
--- 2x MA-M3 heavy sword
--- 2x NOL-Y941 heavy beam sword
--- 2x beam rifle
Technical/Historical Notes
After the capture of four Earth Alliance prototype MS, several CGUEs were modified with the new beam weapon technology of the stolen suits. These units were redesigned as YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms, and were equipped with a pair of large shoulder-mounted beam cannons and a long physical sword with a beam blade edge.
One CGUE DEEP Arms was piloted by ZAFT ace Shiho Hahnenfuss of the Joule Squadron, who continued to use the suit even after the ZGMF-600 GuAIZ introduction rendered it obsolete.
This version of the CGUE DEEP Arms was piloted by mysterious ace Vann Falken, who was given the MS by research scientist Yuri Asimalov in PLANT Aprilius One.
Increasing its effectiveness, a Booster Pack (similar to the functions of the Guul sub-flight lifter) was added, giving the MS better mobility and with two mini-power packs for energy refill. The MS can also commit atmospheric re-entry, thanks to a dual heat coating applied throughout its body. The coating acts a shield to negate the heat intensity of the atmosphere.
For extra firepower, two beam rifles and two heavy swords were equipped. The beam rifles have their own beam magazines, along with the heavy swords instilled with beam blade edges (battery packs added), which meant that they needn't be connected to the MS's battery. This meant less power consumption for the MS.
To distinguish itself from the CGUE DEEP Arms piloted by ZAFT ace Shiho Hahnenfuss of the Joule Squadron, this version was painted in a gray color scheme.

Episode 14: Inside Eternity
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +1300hours
Location: Earth, Atmosphere
Half an hour passed by after the decisive battle between the combined ZAFT units (the Vesalius, the Geneva, the Gamow) and the EA 8th Fleet. Casualties weren't much fatal to the ZAFT units compared to the complete decimation of the EA 8th Fleet, but a major blow was landed to them: the successful escape of the legged ship, the Archangel, into Earth.
Space debris reminiscent of the battle floated about in the area, as the Vesalius and the Geneva hovered outside the Earth's atmosphere, avoiding the planet's gravitational pull.
Inside the Vesalius, Rau was in the midst of writing a report in his office. The report described the battle with the EA 8th Fleet, and more particularly, the mission failure of capturing or destroying the legged ship. After finalizing the report, the masked commander set down his pen on his desk. He reclined back in his chair, staring up the ceiling, pondering his thoughts.
Humph… it seems there've been unexpected developments with this legged ship. To think that was the starting cause of this war.
His lips curved upwards with mock delight.
Suddenly, an intense pain surged in his heart, prompting him to clutch at his chest with his left hand while hastily opening his middle desk drawer with his right hand, revealing the small box of pills. His right fingers gingerly picked up a piece and he immediately threw it in his mouth. He stood up from his seat, heading towards a small refrigerator containing bottles of water. Flinging it open, he grabbed one bottle and opened it instantly, then gulping down the liquid of life, swallowing the pill along. A minute or two, he calmed down, closing the refrigerator.
He went back to his seat, letting the water bottle in hand floating, closed.
These heart attacks are getting more intense. I'm not sure how long Gilbert's pills can alleviate them.
Not yet… I'll see this war to the end… and generate mankind's fall.
He closed the middle desk drawer, then drawing open the left desk drawer showing a small test tube containing dried blood. A label taped on it was marked “GENE SAMPLE - SUBJECT 1A”. The masked commander gingerly picked it up with his right thumb and forefinger, then eyeing it intently.
His lips curved into a devilish smile.
“This war has yet to end… bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!” he laughed to himself.
Inside the Geneva, activity was on a quiet pace as the ship's crew worked round the clock. Seated on his spot, the ship's captain drummed his fingers on the armrests of his seat, his eyes glued on the main screen showing Earth.
In truth, Lloyd had nothing much on his mind, and strangely zoned out, as if a trance. Around him, the bridge crew stole quick peeks at their captain, some raising eyebrows and with wonder on their faces.
“What's up with the captain?” one of the communication operators murmured next to his colleague, who shrugged his shoulders while resuming his assigned task of typing on his keyboard terminal, sorting out communication lines displayed on his terminal monitor.
“I'm thinking he's sorting out his mind. He must be stressed out from the recent battle with the EA 8th Fleet.”
“You think so?”
“How would I know? Just get back to work.”
That said, the communication operator sighed tiredly and went back to work.
After a few seconds of drumming his fingers, Lloyd shook his head, snapping out of his zoned-out state and realizing his recent behavior. He massaged the temples of his forehead with his left hand, sighing deep down.
What's wrong with me all of a sudden?
He then surveyed his surroundings and the bridge crew, quickly noticing weird looks directed at him. He raised an eyebrow, clicking his tongue annoyed.
How long have I been sitting on this chair? God, my ass is beginning to feel sore from being sat on for a long time.
I'm getting restless… blast it. I guess the failure of destroying the legged ship still lingers on my mind.
To top it off, Eiji is MIA. Blast!
Making up his mind, Lloyd stood up from his seat, instantly getting the attention of the bridge crew.
“I'll be at my quarters. Notify me of any changes,” he remarked before turning around leaving the bridge via the ship elevator. The bridge crew saluted his retreating form as the ship elevator's doors closed after him.
Inside the hangar bay, boredom was the word that best described the state Barry was on, as he lazed about in the cockpit of his GINN High Maneuver Type unit. His legs were propped up on the keyboard interface of his CIS, while his hands were behind his head. His eyes were focused on the small, compact ceiling of the cockpit.
“Man… it sucks to be on standby,” he commented to himself.
Two knocks rasped on the cockpit hatch, getting his attention. He threw up his hands, groaning.
“This had better be good. Jeez, can't these engineers leave me be in my MS?”
There were few places in the ship Barry preferred to spend time alone relaxing, when off-duty. Aside from his quarters or the cafeteria, taking a nap inside his GINN High Maneuver Type was also a good choice.
It would be the top pick where he preferred to relax, hadn't be for the ship's team of MS engineers constantly disturbing him by working on the repairs of his MS.
Sitting himself upright, he opened the cockpit hatch, which revealed his calm-looking captain of the Crusader Squad with his arms folded. He cocked a raised left eyebrow at him.
“So this is where you are. One of the MS engineers pointed me out that you'd be sleeping inside your GINN High Maneuver Type when I was merely passing by here in the hangar bay,” Ryu started.
Barry rubbed the back of his head with his right hand, grinning sheepishly at him.
“Eh… heh, heh... you're looking for me, captain? What's up?”
“…Lots of things in my mind. First off, our recent skirmishes with the legged ship, then some peculiar behavior of Commander Shinonome, and now the complete destruction of the EA 8th Fleet.”
“From the tone of that remark, you sound tired, captain.”
Ryu sighed quietly, trying to set his mind in ease. He unfolded his arms and scooted inside the cockpit of Barry's GINN High Maneuver Type, sitting down and letting his legs dangling outside the cockpit. His back faced Barry, while his view directed on the other GINN High Maneuver Type units parked in nearby spots of the hangar bay.
“Physically, I'm good. Mentally, that's a different story. I haven't much time pondering on the recent events happening to us.”
Barry scooted next to his teammate and squad captain, sitting down and joining him. His mouth twisted, as he tried finding the right words to reply.
“Maybe Captain Aster is feeling the same way.”
“I guess so. Tell me, Barry, have you noticed Commander Shinonome behaving strangely ever since we first encountered the enemy MS that looked like his?”
Thoughts of his and Miho's GINN High Maneuver Types sliced up in a moment from the recent battle pictured in Barry's mind. Deep down, Barry grimaced at the feeling, placing his left hand over his heart.
“The unknown MS that's a copycat of Commander Shinonome's MS… it really took down Miho and me in one fell swoop. I still get shivers thinking about it.”
Ryu glanced momentarily at his squad mate, patting his right shoulder.
“Relax, there's no need to get jittery over that. You and Miho didn't see it coming. And besides, the pilot in that MS seems to be highly-skilled as Commander Shinonome. Those aerial maneuvers make me think he used to be a ZAFT soldier like us.”
Barry's eyes bulged out in surprise, as they looked at the Crusader Squad leader. His mouth was agape, which then switched to chuckling.
-Chuckle- That's a good one, captain, maybe he was a former ZAFT soldier? If that's the case, why couldn't we identify him? And why do we always leave him to Commander Shinonome to fend off?”
Ryu rolled over his eyes at him.
“The pilot is an unknown enemy we're dealing with, Barry. That was a surprise.”
Suddenly, the remaining members of the Crusader Squad, Lisa and Miho, quickly approached them in view from below, getting their attention and startling them little.
“Finally found you both!” Miho exclaimed, setting her hands on her hips.
“What's up, Miho?” Barry greeted, shrugging his shoulders.
“Captain Aster has requested us a meeting in the briefing room. It's urgent,” Lisa replied, arranging her hair.
Ryu gave a quick tug at the collar of his uniform, dusting himself off. He looked at his squad.
“Let's get a move on, team,” he remarked.
“About time, you all assembled. Gather around,” Lloyd commanded the arriving Crusader Squad who stepped inside the briefing room and complied. The briefing room's door closed after them.
“Is there something wrong, captain?” Ryu inquired, folding his arms.
Lloyd cleared his throat with a few coughs.
“Room lights off,” he ordered. In an instant, the briefing room dimmed, save for the glaring lights of the overview map table, which displayed a close-up view of the Earth. Along with it, two bright red blips with two captions marked as the Geneva and the Vesalius were displayed.
“We've suffered major damage in our recent battle with the EA 8th Fleet. Despite managing to annihilate them with help from the Vesalius and the Gamow, which I regret saying it was destroyed after doing a suicide run on the EA 8th Fleet's flagship, the Menelaos, the legged ship managed to make its atmospheric re-entry into Earth,” he started the briefing.
Miho slightly gasped in shock, covering her mouth with her left hand.
“The Gamow… what happened to Nicol, sir?” she worriedly asked.
Lloyd waved off her worry with his left hand.
“Relax, Miho, according to Captain Ades, whom I had a small chat with a moment ago before calling all you here, pilots Amalfi and Zala managed to stay in one piece after the battle. They're currently onboard the Vesalius. Pilot Amalfi was originally assigned to the Gamow, but now that it's gone, he's been moved back to the Vesalius.”
“Thank goodness… he's alright then,” Miho remarked, relieved. Barry playfully nudged her right side, glancing mischievously at her.
“Well, well… it seems you have a thing for Nicol, eh, Miho? He's a good catch.”
Miho felt her face flush deeply in embarrassment while looking down on the overview map table.
Lloyd coughed loudly on purpose, emphasizing attention.
“Ahem… putting personal matters aside, I'll continue. On a side note, there's been no sign of Commander Shinonome since the battle with the EA 8th Fleet. We've done numerous radar sweeps for his ID signal up until now. I can only hope that he'd be able to land on ZAFT territory. So, for the time being, he's declared as MIA.”
The Crusader Squad gasped in shock at the news.
“No way… the `Red Reaper' isn't the type to go down easily,” Lisa remarked doubtfully.
“I agree with you, I know he's alive down there, somewhere. Captain Aster, we'll do our part to track his whereabouts,” Ryu stated.
Barry and Miho respectively nodded.
Lloyd shook his head, smirking at them. He let out a small sigh.
“It seems “doubt” is in your dictionary. Figures… I understand your reasons, but for formalities sake, Eiji will still be labeled as MIA until further notice or when you find him. Are we clear?”
The Crusader Squad nodded in reply.
“Good. Onto other matters, our analysts have finished making necessary calculations regarding the expected trajectory the legged ship is supposed to land on. Its target is Alaska, where the EA main HQ is located.”
Lisa punched her opened left palm with her right hand, clicking her tongue in disbelief.
“Great… that makes matters difficult.”
After regaining composure from Barry's teasing just now, Miho shared Lisa's feeling.
“So it intends to head directly to the EA main HQ? What are we to do about it?”
Lloyd looked grimly at his specialized MS squad one by one, pausing to choose his words. He placed his hands behind his back.
“We continue pursuit of it. The EA 8th Fleet sacrificed themselves making sure it landed safely on Earth. This shows that this secret battleship is a valuable asset to the EA.
Ryu nodded, agreeing with his mentor.
“That ship carries two confirmed prototype MS, one which we had an opportunity encountering and witnessing its tremendous power. They're not to be taken lightly.”
Barry shrugged his shoulders, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Ok, we've pretty much grasped the important facts. So, Captain Aster, you intend to deploy us down there to continue pursuit of the legged ship, I guess?”
Lloyd smiled in reply, pointing his right forefinger at Barry, adding a left wink of his eye. Needless to say, the Crusader Squad looked at him wide-eyed with little surprise.
“Is that so, sir? Then what about the Geneva and the Vesalius?” Lisa inquired.
“Unfortunately, there's no point for both ships to remain here longer. We'll pull back and return to ZAFT, and plan our next course of action. I'm sure Commander Creuset is thinking the same thing, so I'll send word to Captain Ades of the Vesalius regarding the matter. However, I have a different course of action prepared for you all.”
On the overview map table, there was a mini touch-screen menu, which contained functions for analysis of diagrams displayed, such as zoom features, playback, course layout, etc, located on the bottom left corner of the table, where the Geneva Captain was standing near.
Pressing a few buttons on the touch-screen menu, Lloyd increased zoom on the diagram of the Earth. Then, the planet rotated right, showing the continents of North and South America, West Asia, and Southeast Asia. Next, a small, red ship symbol representing the Archangel was shown marked on Alaska.
Placing his left forefinger on the Archangel, Lloyd continued the briefing, with the Crusader Squad paying utmost attention.
“By now, the legged ship should be in EA territory…”
Suddenly, the briefing room's door opened, with an anxious male crew officer hurriedly stepping inside and searching for Lloyd. In his right hand held a written piece of paper.
“Captain, there's been new developments!” he cried out, waving the held paper and walking up to him. He immediately handed the paper to Lloyd, who quickly scanned it. His eyes widen with amazement.
“What is it, sir?” Ryu inquired, while his squad mates looked at Lloyd curiously.
Lloyd failed fighting the urge to chuckle, which escaped his lips.
“It seems the legged ship will experience a delay getting to Alaska.”
“Why's that?” Miho asked with a raised left eyebrow.
Lloyd placed down the paper on the overview map table, which covered over partially the zoomed-in diagram of the Earth. He folded his arms, then looking around everyone.
“It will be landing on Libya, which is located at the African continent as we speak. And as you know, that's ZAFT territory.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +1400 hours
Location: Europe --- Gibraltar, Spain
Meanwhile, a small, secluded forested area on the outskirts of Gibraltar was partly defaced, thanks to a MS which crashed there moments ago. From a bird's eye view, the dark silhouette of the MS revealed that to be of the deactivated Spawn Gundam. The Spawn's dull gray armor was charred all over, due to the intense heat of the Earth's atmosphere from its high-speed atmospheric re-entry. Faint smoke from the Spawn trailed up the sky.
The Spawn's cockpit hatch suddenly opened, with a dazed Eiji shielding his eyes from the sudden glare of the afternoon sun's rays. It took his eyes a minute or so adjusting to the light, and he dragged his weary body out of the cockpit. He then removed his pilot's helmet, with his perspired face being greeted with a cool breeze of air, his hair swaying little.
Eiji sat himself down on another area of the Spawn's body, setting down his pilot's helmet next him. He took slow breaths, trying to relax his weary body. He clutched at his chest, where his heart was supposed to be.
The atmospheric re-entry wasn't I hoped to be, that's for sure. Shit… that was intense.
He looked around his surroundings, trying to figure out his current location.
I must be in a forest. Where?
Feeling part of his stamina returning from his short rest, he slowly stood up. His eyes then caught view of several mountain peaks far beyond. It was then his nose picked up a distinct, unusual smell.
-Sniff- -Sniff- It reeks of… salt water? Is there an ocean nearby my location?”
Eiji shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He quickly formulated his next course of action, while grasping underneath his chin with his right hand and stroking it with his right thumb.
First course of action, I must determine my present location.
If I'm on ZAFT territory, there should be a base I can establish contact with. If I'm on EA territory, I'm in hot water.
Well, I better get my MS running again. There's no way I'm abandoning it.
Letting out a sigh, he climbed back inside the Spawn's cockpit, starting the process of operating it up and running again.
Not far from Eiji's position and in a mountainous area, the Buster Gundam and the Duel Assault Shroud Gundam were in the same status as the Spawn. The Buster was kneeled down on its left leg while the Duel Assault Shroud was sat upright against a big rock. Both of their cockpit hatches were open, revealing their pilots laboring to get their respective MS up and running again.
“Man, I didn't think we'd land on Earth like this,” Dearka wondered, as he got the Buster's OS activated and displayed on another small window panel near the CIS. He systematically typed at the keyboard interface with quick speed, checking his MS's status amidst many categories ranging from its weapons to its controls. They each were displayed in small pop-up windows, each popping up in view or closed, letting another set of windows in their place.
On the other side, Yzak was muttering curses for his another defeat at the hands of the Strike Gundam moments ago, while he typed feverishly at the Duel Assault Shroud's keyboard interface, also checking his MS's status. He gritted his teeth as his mind replayed images of his recent encounter with the Strike.
“Damn that Strike! Curses!!!” he exclaimed, instantly ceasing his typing and banging his hands into fists on his seat's armrests hard, releasing his pent-up tension and frustration. At the instant, he felt his bandaged left eye throbbing in pain, prompting him to clutch it with his left hand.
“Argh… my eye…!” he cried deep down in pain.
Surprisingly, Dearka's head popped in view, noticing his best friend's condition. He immediately went up to him, laying his left hand on Yzak's right shoulder.
“Hey, you can't be pissed off all the time!”
“Tch… Dearka, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Jeez… I'm checking up on you, sorry for my concern! Anyway, I got the Buster nearly running, am just waiting for you to get the Duel Assault Shroud running as well, Yzak.”
“Yeah, yeah… just give me a few minutes. I already got the Duel Assault Shroud's OS running, so I'm just finalizing last checks.”
Giving his best friend a smirk and patting his left shoulder once more, Dearka gingerly exited the Duel' Assault Shroud's cockpit, jumping down to the ground in one swift motion.
Yzak gave a low grunt, smiling little at his retreating form.
It's not like him to be so concerned over me. Bah… never mind.
Picking himself up to his feet, Dearka climbed aboard the Buster, with its cockpit hatch closing after him. He picked up his pilot helmet laid on his seat, putting it on and sitting down on the pilot's seat. He drew the keyboard interface to him, systematically typing and bringing up the Buster's OS menu. He quickly skimmed through the necessary details, making quick checks of approval in his mind.
Weapons… checked. Lock and load!
Hydraulic systems okay. No structural damage.
Remaining power is 75 percent. Well, that's enough to get to another ZAFT base.
Okay, everything's set!
Finalizing his checks, he placed back the keyboard interface back to its place. He then flipped on all the switches, with the CIS displaying the outside environment. A big hum sounded throughout the cockpit, indicating the Buster's ignition. The Buster's eyes flickered bright yellow, as it slowly stood up from its kneeled position. Its PS armor then kicked in, sporting its bright colors.
The Duel Assault Shroud was then activated a few seconds after the Buster stood up, having the same condition as well. As it picked itself up to its feet slowly, its PS armor kicked in, sporting its bright colors.
“What now, Yzak? Where do we go?” Dearka contacted his best friend via com-link.
The Duel pilot sighed annoyingly, shaking his head.
“Jeez… why are you looking to me for directions? Bah… let me bring up my radar.”
On the Duel Assault Shroud's right CIS, its radar was displayed. Two triangular green blips representing the Buster and the Duel Assault Shroud appeared on the center. Variable radar waves swept throughout the radar's limited area, detecting for other heat sources.
Hmm… it's just us then. Wait… I got it!
Yzak drew up the keyboard interface to him, bringing up the Duel Assault Shroud's OS menu and selecting radar layout. Its right CIS was then replaced by a map of the Earth.
If I'm correct… this is where we are now.
He typed in another set of commands, this time activating map functions. In a few seconds, the map swiveled to Europe, zooming focus on it. Coordinates of he and Dearka's current location was then pointed out to Gibraltar, Spain, thanks to the estimated calculations he inputted.
“Ha… I thought so. We're in luck!” Yzak cried in triumph.
“Huh? What do you mean, Yzak?” Dearka wondered, raising a left eyebrow at his remark.
“I figured out our current location here in Earth. It seems we're in Gibraltar, Spain.”
“Wait, how did you figure that out? Then that means…”
“We're on ZAFT territory! There has to be a nearby military base near our location. Let's go!”
The Duel Assault Shroud then started a quick boost up the air from its thrusters, with the Buster catching up after. From there, the two Gundams assumed flying with their remaining power of their batteries feeding them.
“Yzak, do you even know where to start to begin with?” Dearka asked, uncertain of the direction they were heading in.
“Just zip it, Dearka, and follow me! I know of a military base that's stationed around the coastline of this area we're on,” Yzak replied, blowing out a small breath of air.
The Buster pilot felt a gut feeling telling him to trust his best friend's sense of direction. He let out a defeated sigh, shrugging his shoulders.
He better be right.
“Activity spotted in the radar?” Eiji wondered surprised inside the Spawn Gundam's cockpit, when his radar suddenly picked up two heat sources a block away from his current position. They appeared to be traveling away, rather than approaching him.
If they're EA scouts, I'll have to take them out. I can't let my position be known to the enemy.
He quickly finalized last-minute checks on the Spawn's OS, going straight towards fully activating his MS. Flipping on switches around him, he then got the CIS working, which displayed the outside environment from left to right. A big hum sounded throughout the cockpit, indicating the Spawn's ignition.
Picking itself up to its feet, the Spawn's body was then engulfed with bright colors, indicating its PS armor activation. Its eyes flickered bright yellow, making it look like a menacing demon. Its hands then clenched into fists, as its wings were instantly outstretched.
Gripping tightly the control sticks, Eiji exclaimed, “Spawn, we're moving!”
With that said, the Spawn's thrusters activated, propelling it upwards to the sky, along with its wings giving an extra hefty boost, thanks to mini-thrusters attached on their main parts. After gaining the necessary altitude, the Spawn hovered momentarily, looking around the area.
“Hmm… judging from their direction, they were last spotted north of my current position. Time to get down to business,” Eiji remarked affirmatively, switching on the Mirage Colloid Shift.
In seconds, the Spawn was basked invisible to the naked eye and all forms of radar. Then, it jettisoned off in pursuit of the two enemy units.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +1500hours< /div>
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs; Aprilius One colony, Aprilius City
Inside the colony's military HQ, a certain masked individual paced about on a long hallway, with doors leading to different rooms. He wore a white ZAFT uniform with three stripes (two red and one yellow in between) etched on the left chest (signifying the Commander rank).
He looked around from left to right, checking the doors while military personnel walked past by him. His red eyes were then fixed on the base elevator located at the end of the hallway with an intersection. He headed towards it, pressing a button at its side to call for the elevator. In an instant, its doors opened, allowing him to step inside and closing after him.
The masked individual checked the limited number of floors on the elevator panel to his right. His eyes skimmed for one particular floor and he pressed it. In a few seconds, the elevator proceeded downwards to his destined floor.
Folding his arms, he waited, leaning against the elevator wall behind him.
The elevator immediately stopped, opening its doors to his destined floor. He exited the elevator, finding himself in another long stretch of a hallway with various doors labeled “RESEARCH AREA” with ascending numbers in order. He walked about and stopped in front of one, “RESEARCH AREA-21”, whose doors automatically opened for him to enter.
The sight in front of him intrigued his curiosity, prompting him to raise his right eyebrow.
Various prototype MS were parked, each with a team of engineers catering to them. Construction machinery carried different MS parts, each heading towards the prototypes. A small group of researchers were gathered in a corner, near two particular MS colored blue and gray respectively. They were lectured by an old researcher, who was pointing out the MS designs. He wore a thin-frame silver eyeglass, adjusting it as he continued on with his lecture.
The masked ZAFT officer then approached them, getting their attention. The old researcher ceased his lecturing, clapping his hands twice.
“Gentlemen, ladies, we shall continue this discussion at another time. You're all dismissed,” he remarked.
The small group immediately dispersed, some conversing with others, while the rest spread out in the area, taking notes. The old researcher scratched his gray, long hair, sighing tiredly, before facing the masked ZAFT officer.
“So you received my message, Commander Falken? It's about time you showed up.”
“You're still an oddball I see, Professor Asimalov.”
The old researcher known as Professor Asimalov waved off the masked ZAFT officer's witty remark with his right hand.
“Save this kind of remark for another time, commander. Anyway, let's proceed to business, shall we?”
The professor turned around, outstretching his right hand to the two MS parked in front of him.
“These are a variant design of the ZGMF-515 CGUE. As you can see, the notable features are their body chassis, which have been slimmed down for maneuverability. Their armaments are a latest addition --- beam-incorporated weaponry, thanks to the design data of the four prototype MS sent by Commander Creuset, who spearheaded a recon mission on the neutral colony Heliopolis.”
The masked ZAFT officer known as Commander Falken placed his hands behind his back, glancing at the MS up and down. His lips mirrored a smirk.
The professor never ceases to amaze when it comes to combat MS.
Professor Asimalov continued on with his rambling.
“Usually beam-incorporated weaponry has a major setback: it has to be linked to the MS's power supply, which are energy batteries. Extreme use of them in such short time can deplete all of the energy battery. So, to tackle this problem, I decided to set the MS's beam weapons to have separate magazines, rather than have them linked to their power supply.”
“Impressive, professor.”
“The design of the blue MS to your left is the YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms. After the capture of the four EA prototype MS, several CGUEs were modified with the new beam weapon technology of the stolen suits. These units were redesigned as YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms, and are equipped with a pair of large shoulder-mounted beam cannons and a long physical sword with a beam blade edge. For that MS, it's assigned to ZAFT ace Shiho Hahnenfuss.”
At the mention of the name, Commander Falken glanced back at the professor with interest.
“Shiho Hahnenfuss… elite pilot, she's one of the top cadets of ZAFT military academy. How was she assigned this prototype MS?”
The professor smiled dryly to himself, clearing his throat before replying.
“I handpicked her from among the few elite pilots who participated in test runs of the prototype MS I had developed, before they went into production. She piloted the ZGMF-515 CGUE, and when I checked her records, it was an instant hit. Her performance with the CGUE was outstanding, and almost comparable to Commander Creuset's. It seems she has high adaptability with the CGUE, so it was natural I compelled her to test run this CGUE variant.”
The masked ZAFT commander looked back up at the MS in front of him, bringing up his left hand to rub underneath his chin.
Hmm… that reminds me… two notable elite pilots also took on this MS.
Kenji Hyne and Eiji Shinonome…
The professor then shifted his rambling with the gray MS, standing next to the blue one, which seemed identical to it.
“As to this CGUE variant, it's comparable with the left one you see. The design is the YFX-200bp CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack. I made some changes to boost further its maneuverability and firepower. I added two beam rifles and two heavy swords, which can also turn into heavy beam swords. Notice the beam cylinder attached on the blades? The beam rifles have their own magazines, with the heavy beam swords having their own beam packs, as I'd like to call them.
“The one distinct feature is the Booster Pack, which is similar to the Guul sub-flight lifter. It gives the MS extra maneuverability, allowing it to also stay afloat in the Earth's atmosphere, but with limited energy. The MS can attempt atmospheric re-entry, thanks to a dual heat coating applied throughout its chassis. The coating acts a shield to negate the heat intensity of the atmosphere.”
Finishing the lengthy description of the prototype MS, the professor coughed slightly to clear his throat. Commander Falken patted his back, helping to ease his breath.
-Chuckle- Lengthy, accurate, and detailed descriptions, professor… I'd say you're like Professor Aile Kato.”
“Humph… I doubt he'd surpass my MS designs with his innovative, but far-fetched ideas. He's not in the same league as I… but after receiving the data from Commander Creuset regarding four prototype MS developed for the EA, he's ignited a fire in me. I'll have to strive higher than him.”
“From the tone of your voice, I take it that you don't like him.”
“Bah… many people compare his talents with mine. The rumors were true about him spearheading the MS project for the EA.”
The professor shrugged off the masked commander's attempts to ease his breath.
“Thank you, commander, it's appreciated. Do you know why I called you here in the first place?”
“Do try to amuse me, professor.”
“I'm offering this gray CGUE variant to you, courtesy from yours truly.”
Surprise filled deep down in Commander Falken, as his lips curved down, having been caught off-guard by the remark.
“…Why would I deserve this?”
The professor folded his arms, shaking his head. He stroked his brown mustache, stepping close to the masked commander and lowering his voice for him to hear.
“If you intend to back-up Chairman Clyne, then you'll need all the help you can get. He personally requested me to issue you this MS for your use.”
“Are you on his side, professor?”
-Chuckle- I'm only doing so because he's more reasonable and understanding than the National Defense Chairman Zala. He's a war-hawk, I tell you, and I can't bring myself to trust him one bit.”
The masked commander smirked with amusement at the remark. He glanced back at the gray CGUE DEEP Arms w Booster Pack, narrowing his eyes at it.
Chairman Clyne… you've placed your utmost trust in me?
He looked back at the professor once more, who was waiting for his response.
“...Very well, professor, I accept.”
Professor Asimalov rubbed his hands in anticipation, grinning with satisfaction.
“Well, let's get you zipped up and ready to take your MS for a test run, shall we?”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +1530 hours
Location: Earth, Atmosphere
Inside the Geneva's hangar bay, final preparations were made for the Crusader Squad, who was set for another mission given by Lloyd. They were each in their GINN High-Maneuver Types, re-supplied and activated. Their MS were placed in a large re-entry landing capsule, which was to shield them from the Earth's intense atmospheric heat.
In their CIS, Lloyd's face appeared.
“I'll go over with this mission one last time. Crusader Squad, you'll be dropped off in Earth and land on the country of Libya, which is ZAFT territory and located on northern Africa. There'll be a military base commandeered by Andrew Waltfeld, whose unit is stationed in the city of Banadiya.”
Barry did a double-take at the mention of the name.
“Andrew Waltfeld… the renowned `Desert Tiger' for his exploits on the African front! Holy cow… he's a living legend among ZAFT!”
Ryu nodded, agreeing with his squad mate.
“He's considered as a genius in the battlefield. He has the knack of observing his enemies up close, gauging their worth and ability, before engaging them in battle.”
Lisa and Miho declined to comment, but were intrigued at the mention of the name.
Lloyd coughed briefly, clearing his throat, before continuing.
“…As intrigued as you people will be at his name, there's no time for his autographs. Now, you all will have to rendezvous with his unit, which will try to search for the Archangel, or known as the `legged ship'. According to an analysis regarding the Archangel's expected landing course, the ship is in one particular area of the Libyan Desert.”
Barry interrupted, prompting him to pause the briefing.
“How can we be sure that it landed there?”
The Geneva Captain rubbed the temples of his forehead, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“The analysis is 90 percent accurate. There's a 10 percent chance that the Archangel would land on Alaska instead, reaching the EA main HQ. But our analyst operators are sure that it's in Libya instead. According to their hypothesis, our radar operators detected two faint heat signatures plummeting down towards Earth. The Archangel would probably change its atmospheric re-entry to intercept them before landing…”
Miho humbly concluded Lloyd's reply.
“The two heat signatures would be the MS assigned to the Archangel, correct, sir? That'd explain why there's a high chance the ship would land in Libya instead of Alaska?”
The Geneva Captain nodded, folding his arms.
“That's good, pilot Lenore. What an expert conclusion you formed.”
Miho blushed little with embarrassment at the praise given to her. Lloyd continued, not minding the small comments the rest of the Crusader Squad were giving to her.
“Don't worry about the Geneva being short-handed with MS after your departure. We have 3 more GINNs ready in the hangar bay, and the ship will head back to ZAFT for re-supply. Once you make contact with Commander Waltfeld's unit, you will then be assigned under his command until I say so, understood?”
“Sir!” the Crusader Squad nodded, saluting to Lloyd, who returned their salute with his.
“Ryu, notify me of any developments once your squad can find communications in a ZAFT military base. As to Commander Shinonome, I have faith that he's still alive down there in Earth. If you search for his whereabouts, that's appreciated. If not, it's understood if you're unable to.
“This ends the mission briefing. Are there any questions?”
In the Geneva's bridge, Lloyd stared at the Crusader Squad's images on the main screen, checking for further questions from them. Finding none, he nodded and stood up from his seat, cutting the air with an outstretched right hand.
“Commence mission `DESCENDING KNIGHTS'!”
At that instant in the ship's hangar bay, the re-entry landing capsule containing the Crusader Squad was loaded on the linear catapult, attached with suspension cables.
The launch sequence window appeared from above.
The re-entry landing capsule was then shot off into space, and towards the Earth's atmosphere. As it quickly plummeted deep down in the atmosphere, heat began to engulf it, causing rumbles. Inside, the Crusader Squad felt the rumbles shaking their MS.
Ryu folded his arms, his eyes closed, waiting out the atmospheric re-entry of his squad.
Commander Shinonome, I know you're still alive down there in Earth.
Barry flexed his hands, moving his fingers before gripping tightly the control sticks.
Finally, I'm taking on a real mission. Man, I can hardly wait for the rush!
Lisa placed her hands on her lap, watching her CIS showing the inside of the re-entry landing capsule.
I won't let our squad down. I'll devote my entire attention to this mission!
Miho had her hands formed in silent prayers.
Lord, please watch over us and pray for our success in this mission. I also pray that I get to see Nicol once more.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 14; +1600hours
Location: Europe --- Gibraltar, Spain
After traveling a long distance from their landing spots, the Duel Assault Shroud and the Buster Gundams neared a ZAFT military base, perched near the coastline. Inside the base's control tower, radar operators spotted the two MS fast approaching.
“Sir, two heat signatures detected on radar! They appear to be MS!”
“They're heading towards the base… arrival time is 5 minutes!”
The base commander, hands behind his back and glancing over the radar operators' terminals showing the two mentioned MS on radar, furrowed his eyebrows to ponder the next course of action.
“Prepare to sound out the battle alert throughout the base! Have our entire MS squad propped up and ready!” he exclaimed.
One of the communications operators raised his hand, getting the base commander's attention. With his other hand, he pressed the headset he was wearing firmly, trying to make out a sudden signal broadcasted from the two MS.
“Sir, the two MS seem to be broadcasting id signals!”
The base commander raised a left eyebrow in wonder, with the rest of the control tower personnel looking on him.
“What? Are they friendlies or the enemy?”
Stealing a few seconds hearing out the broadcasted signals, the communication operator nodded. He glanced back at the base commander.
“Sir, they're friendlies! Their id signatures are that of Yzak Joule and Dearka Elsman, from the Le Creuset Team!”
“What? The Le Creuset Team… have the battle alert cancelled! Have the ground crew ready to receive them!”
In seconds, speakers scattered all over the base sounded.
“Attention, ground crew! Prepare to receive the arriving MS, they're friendlies!”
Having listened that, the base ground crew immediately sprang into action, ferrying fire trucks and other necessary equipment before the arrival of the Duel and the Buster.
As the Buster and the Duel Assault Shroud neared the ZAFT military base, Yzak couldn't help but check up with his best friend.
“Are you ready for landing?” he hailed his best friend via com-link.
“I'll follow your lead,” Dearka replied, his image appearing on sub-window located on the lower left corner of the Duel's CIS.
Suddenly, a faint heat signature appeared on the Duel Assault Shroud's radar, trailing behind it and the Buster. Yzak blinked twice, surprised noticing it now.
What the? Someone's behind us?
Inside the Spawn's cockpit, Eiji shook his head, clicking his tongue annoyed.
“Damn, the Mirage Colloid Shift isn't responding very well. It must have something to do with the energy levels,” Eiji commented, little peeved at being spotted on radar by the Duel.
I'll have to send out my id signature to them and the base, otherwise I'll be mistaken as the enemy.
Moments ago, he spotted the Duel and the Buster, reconfirming his doubts that they'd EA scout units. But upon noticing them being MS, along with their design little similar to the Spawn, he decided to secretly follow them, cloaked with the Mirage Colloid Shift. But after approaching the outside perimeter of a ZAFT military base in view, he was facing the above mentioned problem, ruining his secret pursuit.
Eiji quickly brought the keyboard interface to him, typing out his id signature and transmitting them to Yzak, Dearka, and the military base. That task accomplished, he switched off the Mirage Colloid Shift, rendering the Spawn appearing in view and on radar.
Back in the ZAFT military base, the same radar operator who reported the arrival of the Buster and the Duel Assault Shroud now reported his new finding: the Spawn.
“Sir, there's a third MS behind pilots Joule and Elsman! I've received its id signature from the pilot… it's believed to be Eiji Shinonome behind its controls!”
The base commander did a double take upon hearing the latest report. The control tower personnel immediately entered into loud murmurs.
“Eiji Shinonome… isn't he known as the “Red Reaper”…?”
“Holy mother… as if having elite pilots Yzak Joule and Dearka Elsman aren't enough, there's a living legend approaching this base as well!”
“Wasn't he holding the rank of Commander like Rau Le Creuset?”
The base commander loudly clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.
“That's enough gossiping! Focus on your task in hand! Relay to the ground crew that 3 MS are landing on this base!”
“Yzak, there's a MS behind us!” Dearka exclaimed via com-link. He was surprised noticing the Spawn popping up instantly on his radar.
“Yeah, I know! What the… no way, it can't be…” Yzak stammered surprised upon receiving a transmitted id signature from the Spawn, which instantly appeared trailing behind them on his radar.
“What is it? And why the hell are you stammering about?”
“…It's the “Red Reaper”, Dearka! It's him behind us…!”