Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 13: Stars Falling through the Sky ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 13: Stars Falling through the Sky
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +1230 hours
Location: Earth, Atmosphere
Inside the EA 8th Fleet's flagship, the Menelaos, activity whirled to life as the battle alert sounded throughout the ship. Inside its bridge, radar operators reported incoming heat signatures of a small ZAFT fleet heading towards the 8th Fleet.
“Admiral, we're picking up heat sources of a small group of battleships… getting their id signatures!”
“What… they're ZAFT! 1 Laurasia-class ship Gamow, and 2 Nazca-class ships, Vesalius and Geneva!”
From his seat, Halberton furrowed his eyebrows in critical thinking after hearing the operators' reports. He cut the air with an outstretched right hand.
“Order the rest of the fleet to enter immediately into battle formation! Communication operators, contact the Archangel and inform Captain Ramius to move the ship staying in the rear of the Menelaos!” he commanded.
In the Archangel's bridge, Dalida received an incoming transmission from the Menelaos. From his post in the CIC area, he immediately reported to Murrue.
“Captain, there's a message from the Menelaos! They've ordered the Archangel to stay in the rear next to them.”
After him, Jackie reported his findings on the radar.
“Captain, heat sources detected from an incoming group of ships heading towards the 8th Fleet. They're… ZAFT! Scanning their id signatures… identified as 1 Laurasia-class ship Gamow, and 2 Nazca-class ships Vesalius and Geneva!”
Murrue was stunned at the mention of the reports. Shaking off her surprise, she immediately gave out her orders.
“Raise the battle alert in the ship! We'll be entering into battle immediately! Dalida, send a reply to the Menelaos stating that we'll comply with their orders!”
“Yes ma'am!”
As ZAFT's small MS force composing the Le Creuset Team (several GINNs, the Aegis, Blitz, Buster, and Duel Assault Shroud Gundams) and the Aster Team (the Crusader Squad and the Spawn Gundam) entered the battlefield, the EA 8th Fleet immediately deployed their Moebius MA units to engage them.
Thus, the battle began, after the first shot was fired by ZAFT.
The Le Creuset team and the Aster team immediately split up, taking on the numerous Moebius units from their side.
Noticing the Aegis, the Spawn suddenly approached it by its side. Eiji hailed Athrun via com-link, who was surprised seeing another G-Weapon at use by ZAFT and its peculiar design.
“This is Eiji Shinonome speaking. You must be Athrun Zala, correct?”
“Commander Shinonome… the “Red Reaper”…!”
Eiji briefly laughed, seeing Athrun's bewildered face on a small sub-window on the Spawn's CIS.
“Drop the “commander” part and forget that call-sign, just call me Eiji. I was with you in the previous battle with the legged ship, though we haven't had time to meet face-to-face.”
Athrun quickly rummaged through his mind, remembering his previous battle with the escort fleet sent by the EA 8th Fleet. He then recalled the Geneva's image backing up the Vesalius, along with the Crusader Squad and the Spawn deployed at one area in the battlefield.
“…Now, I remember. You were with the backup ship, the Geneva, then?”
“Commander Shinonome, watch out!” Ryu exclaimed to Eiji via com-link, forcing the Spawn pilot to notice a charging Moebius unit at him from his left side.
He quickly maneuvered the Spawn to fire its “Panzer Eisen” rocket anchor, mounted at its left forearm, at the Moebius MA, stopping it at its tracks.
Then, he immediately flung it towards another group of Moebius units heading towards the Aegis, toppling them like bricks.
Crusader-01 appeared on the Spawn's left side, its pilot hailing Eiji via com-link.
“Commander, this is no time for idle chat! We're in the midst of a battle here!” he exclaimed in disbelief.
The Spawn retracted its “Panzer Eisen”, then shrugging its shoulders at Crusader-01.
Athrun felt his mouth agape at the casualness and reaction time of the famed ZAFT ace pilot's attack in front of him. He quickly regained composure watching the small exchange between him and Ryu.
“I know, don't mind me, I was already done talking. Thanks for the warning though.”
“…-Sigh- Yes sir. Let's continue with the mission!”
Crusader-01 flew off, leaving the Aegis and the Spawn, joining the rest of the Crusader Squad in the offensive.
“He's too serious for his own good, can't blame him for that. It was nice meeting you, Athrun. Anyway, Captain Aster will help back up the Vesalius and the Gamow. That's his ship over there, the Geneva. The Crusader Squad and I will help mop up this area of these Moebius pests.”
Before Eiji could switch off his com-link, Athrun immediately brought up a question, stopping him.
“Wait! Where and how did you get that G-Weapon you're piloting? I don't remember seeing this back in Heliopolis!”
“…Sorry, I can't answer that. You best focus on the battle.”
With a hefty boost from its thrusters, the Spawn flew off, rejoining the battlefield, leaving the Aegis behind. Athrun raised a curious eyebrow as he watched the Spawn's retreating form on the Aegis's CIS.
The “Red Reaper”… it's really him. Regardless, I've to get going.
Athrun felt a small premonition sweeping through him as he moved the Aegis into the battlefield, his eyes narrowed. An image of his childhood best friend popped in his mind.
Kira… I know you're out there.
Next was an image of the mysterious stranger who returned his fiancé safely to him.
Kenji… I'll find out who you really are.
In the Archangel's bridge, Murrue heard its door open, prompting her to glance back at the visitors.
Surprise once again masked on her face, as she stared at the Heliopolis students (minus Kira and Fllay) assuming back in their posts with their EA uniforms worn.
The regular bridge crew (Arnold, Dalida, Jackie, and Romero) shared their captain's surprise as well, looking indifferently at the students while they continued working at their posts.
“What's this?” she asked.
Natarle approached by her right side, explaining the reason for their return.
“I authorized it, captain. Plus, they didn't want to leave ship anyway.”
Murrue looked amazed at her workmate then back at the Heliopolis students, amused. She shook her head and sighed.
“I guess it can't be helped then,” she remarked, rubbing the temples on her forehead with her right hand.
Hearing that, the Heliopolis students glanced back at her with smiles. Natarle couldn't help but share the feeling as well, smiling as well.
In the locker room, Kira quickly stepped in to change, but was slightly surprised seeing Fllay in an EA uniform waiting for him. The mentioned dark red-haired female teen shared his surprise as well.
As the door closed after him, the Strike pilot started, approaching her.
“Fllay, what are you doing here? I have to suit up for battle.”
A little nervous and playing with her hands, Fllay looked at the Strike pilot with concern, knowing well he was entering in another dangerous battle.
“Kira… I… I want to fight alongside you.”
Kira arched his left eyebrow at the remark, then noticing her standing next to his opened locker, containing his pilot suit. He placed his left hand on her right shoulder, shaking his head in reply.
“No… it's impossible for you to pilot the Strike Gundam. I'm going to fight and help end this war.”
Suddenly, Fllay pressed her lips against his, catching him off-guard. She then wrapped her arms around his head as her tongue prodded inside his mouth, flickering against his tongue. Kira felt a natural impulse to intensify the kiss, returning it full force while wrapping his arms around her body.
The two teens held the kiss for 15 seconds, then slowly breaking away from each other for air, leaving a small trail of their mixed saliva from the tips of their tongues dropping to the floor. Their faces felt flushed as they slowly looked back at each other.
“W-W-What… was that for?” Kira stammered, feeling his heart beating rapidly from the kiss.
Fllay reluctantly smiled, feeling her nervousness clearing away as she laid her eyes on the Strike pilot, and adding a mischievous grin.
“That's my good luck charm for you. Please come back alive… I'll protect you with my feelings.”
With that said, she embraced him, nestling her head on his chest and closing her eyes. Kira was awe-struck, suddenly having growing feelings for her as he embraced her back, smelling her hair and kissing the top of her head.
“Thank you.”
In the Vesalius, Ades and the masked Rau watched the ensuing battle on the main screen. Floating away from the ship's captain, the masked commander began a discussion on the battle, folding his arms.
“Well, well, the EA 8th Fleet. Admiral Halberton must know he can't win the battle with only ships and MA, yet he sends them out against us.”
Ades glanced at him.
“It's only natural for him to retaliate against us, commander.”
Rau grunted at the remark, then rubbing his chin with his right hand, analyzing the battle. His eyes focused on the Menelaos, then noticing the legged ship partly visible behind it. Hitting a realization, he looked back intently at the main screen with a frown.
“Halberton is hiding the legged ship in the rear lines, in order for it to escape to Earth via atmospheric re-entry!”
Ades stared at him stunned, then understanding his explanation.
Rau cut the air with an outstretched left hand.
“We must destroy the legged ship at all costs!
Back in the battlefield, the Buster and the Duel made quick work of 2 Drake-class EA battleships, the Seleukos and the Antigonos. Watching their explosion from the Buster's CIS, Dearka snickered to himself inside the cockpit.
“Heh, heh… target practice…!”
Unlike his cocky partner, Yzak was seething in built-up fury, gritting his teeth.
“Bah… they're hardly worth of our time. Dearka, to the other area, now!” he exclaimed to his partner via com-link. The Buster glanced at the Duel, nodding its head in reply. The two jettisoned to another area of the battlefield, looking for more Moebius unit kills.
On the other hand, the Aegis and the Blitz crippled 1 Nelson-class battleship, the Cassandros, and 1 Drake-class EA battleship, the Xerxes.
“Nicol, follow me. Let's leave those ships be, we already crippled them,” Athrun hailed his partner via com-link.
“Alright, Athrun, I'm with you,” Nicol replied.
Hesitant to make the kill, the Aegis and the Blitz flew off from the crippled EA battleships they inflicted, taking care of another group of Moebius units.
In the Vesalius's bridge, Rau watched his subordinates flying away from the crippled EA battleships. He shook his head in disappointment, folding his arms.
“Tsk, tsk… Athrun and Nicol are too soft. Ades, aim the Vesalius's main cannons at those crippled EA battleships and fire. We can't leave enemies behind alive.”
Ades felt a little chill creeping in his spine at the tone of the remark. He personally knew the masked commander's cold personality and dedication to duty, and understanding his philosophy of war. He nodded in reply, then giving orders to the bridge crew.
In seconds, the Vesalius turned facing the crippled EA battleships, destroying them with its main cannons.
Firing off several mini-missiles at another group of Moebius units, destroying them, the Duel Assault Shroud searched around the battlefield for the Seraph and Strike Gundams. Yzak watched intently on his CIS like a hawk waiting for its prey.
“Come out wherever you are… Seraph… Strike,” he remarked gleefully.
In the Archangel, Mwu was seated in his Moebius Zero, zipped up in his pilot suit and helmet. He contacted Murrue in the bridge via com-link, with his image appearing on the bridge's main screen.
“Why am I on standby, captain? Give me permission to launch!” he demanded.
From her seat, Murrue let out an exasperated sigh, glaring at the Moebius Zero pilot.
“We haven't been given orders by Admiral Halberton, Lieutenant La Flaga! We're awaiting further instructions!”
Mwu rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up the air.
“I insist on going out, even if I can't make much of a difference to the battle! Please, captain!”
Gritting her teeth and furrowing her eyebrows, Murrue signaled Dalida to contact the Menelaos. Halberton's image then replaced Mwu's on the main screen.
“Captain Ramius, what's the meaning of this?” the admiral inquired.
“Admiral, requesting permission to descend to Earth immediately,” Murrue remarked.
Seated next to Halberton, Hoffman stared at her in disbelief.
“What are you trying to pull, Captain Ramius? You just want to save yourself!”
Murrue glared at Hoffman, then looking at her mentor.
“The Archangel must leave because it's ZAFT's target. Please, admiral, give permission to descend!”
Halberton was at a loss, considering options. As his eyes strayed a bit from his former student back to the bridge's window showing the ensuing battle, a Nelson-class EA battleship, the Ptolemaios, exploded in a great ball of fire just a short distance from his ship's right side.
Deep down, he was aghast witnessing his fleet being decimated piece by piece. He then looked back at Murrue with a smirk.
“You're as reckless as ever, Murrue. Very well, permission granted. Now get out here! I'll make sure no enemies approach the Archangel while you begin atmospheric re-entry.”
Murrue saluted and nodded to the admiral. Her image then flickered off the main screen.
Hoffman stared stunned at the admiral. He let out a resigned sigh, plopping himself on his seat, shaking his head. Halberton chuckled at his workmate's behavior, then turning his face into a serious one as he stood up from his seat, getting the bridge crew's attention.
“Communication operators, relay my message to the surviving ships.”
The mentioned operators hastily complied, opening com-link channels to the remaining ships in the EA 8th Fleet, the Paris and the Belgrano.
“To all surviving ships of the 8th Fleet, this is Admiral Halberton speaking. I know that we're fighting a losing battle, and escape is impossible.
“But hear me out!
“We have a last mission to accomplish, and that's to prevent any ZAFT forces from disrupting the Archangel's atmospheric re-entry in Earth. The ship is vital to the EA's success in its war against ZAFT, so at all costs it must be safely ensured free from enemies!
“To the men and women of the 8th Fleet, I'm proud to fight alongside you all! Let our fleet's name go down in history! If we're to go down, then we shall do so with honor and dignity!
Cheers and cries from the survivors of the 8th Fleet resonated in the Menelaos's com-link. The bridge crew stopped their duties momentarily, turning around facing their admiral, saluting him with steel resolve in themselves. Halberton looked around each of them, then returning their salute with his. He glanced at Hoffman, who sheepishly smiled with a salute.
“You're determined as always, Lewis. What a time to stick with you now,” he sarcastically remarked.
Halberton smiled back at one of his close friends, seating back and staring at the approaching outcome of the battle happening in front of him. He crossed his hands forming a temple, and resting it on his lap.
Kenji Hyne, I wonder how you'll affect the outcome of this war.
He smiled at the thought.
“Humph… these Naturals don't know when to quit. Haven't they realized that they suck at quality rather than quantity?” Crusader-01 remarked, as it made quick work with its heavy sword of 5 Moebius units harassing him. He looked around to find Crusader-02 peppering rounds with its experimental armor assault rifle at another 5 Moebius units buzzing around him, trying to find an opening to attack.
“Heh, heh… I think they're just clueless idiots who simply rush head-on in battle, captain,” Crusader-02 hailed to his captain via com-link. It flew by Crusader-01's side, shrugging its shoulders and readying its experimental armor assault rifle.
Suddenly, they received an incoming transmission from Crusader-04, whose image appeared on a sub-window on their CIS.
“Captain, Miho here. There appears to be activity coming from the legged ship! It's hiding behind the enemy fleet's flagship. By the looks of it, it's…”
Before Crusader-04 could finish her sentence, another transmission came from the Geneva. Lloyd's image appeared on another sub-window on their CIS, his grim face telling a realization.
“According to Commander Creuset from the Vesalius, the legged ship is planning to make atmospheric re-entry to Earth right now!”
The Crusader Squad stared at their captain with slight surprise.
“You've got to be kidding… these Moebius pests are taking up too much of our time! Plus, we've still got to deal with the other EA ships in the fleet as well. I doubt we could launch a full assault on the legged ship,” Crusader-03 commented, as it stabbed and shot through 2 Moebius units with its heavy sword and experimental armor assault rifle in a brief moment, before flying off from the coming explosion.
“Jeez… why do we end up doing the dirty work?” Crusader-02 complained.
Lloyd glared at the Crusader Squad with a tone of seriousness in his voice.
“Crusader Squad, launch a full assault on the legged ship before it makes atmospheric re-entry now! We may never get the chance to pursue if it escapes!”
“But still… it's risky, captain. I suppose we have no choice…” Crusader-04 dejectedly remarked.
Crusader-01 shook off doubts from his mind, gripping tightly on the control sticks in the cockpit.
“Crusader Squad, assemble and follow my lead! We shall attack the legged ship! Captain, we'll do what we can, but fighting just outside the Earth's atmosphere is dangerous. Our MS weren't designed to take much heat from there.”
Lloyd nodded in reply, tipping his hat to the Crusader Squad.
“Very well… don't take unnecessary risks though. Crusader-01, where's Eiji by the way?”
Crusader-01 raised an eyebrow, shaking his head.
“We haven't been able to contact him, captain, but I'm sure he's well aware of the mission you gave us. Our radar is picking him up helping the Le Creuset team with the attack on the EA fleet.”
“I see. Continue with the mission!”
With that said, Lloyd's transmission was cut from the Crusader Squad. They quickly assembled in formation, heading towards the Archangel.
Arms folded and hovering a short distance away, the Spawn Gundam watched the last Drake-class EA battleship, the Belgrano, exploding in a matter of seconds after its bridge was destroyed by a well-placed shot from the Spawn's beam rifle. However, to add further damage, the Spawn fired off a shot of its “Agni” hyper-impulse cannon through the battleship's body from its front, intensifying its destruction.
“Bah… these Naturals are hardly worth the fight,” Eiji sneered to himself as he watched the EA battleship's destruction on the CIS. His eyes then caught sight of 3 EA battleships in radar --- the Paris, the Menelaos, and the Archangel.
“The legged ship… Kenji must be there. I'll just have to make him come out then!” he exclaimed, flooring the thrusters to the max. The Spawn extended its wings, then heading towards the Archangel.
Meanwhile, back in the Archangel, the ship was preparing itself for atmospheric re-entry. Inside its bridge, the crew made preparations for the descent, typing in their terminals.
“Have the ablative gel fired now!” Murrue exclaimed from her seat.
The mentioned substance was fired from the gel dischargers on the hull's underside. It slowly covered hull's underside, forming itself as a thin layer of shell. The gel was slowly evaporated bit by bit as the Archangel slowly descended in the Earth's atmosphere.
In the hangar, Mwu, Murdoch, and the ship's mechanics felt the sudden, shaky descent. Murdoch had to grab hold of the Moebius Zero for balance.
“Woah… what in the world?” he wondered.
Mwu felt his jaw dropping in disbelief as he figured out the reason.
“Jeez… I never imagined we'd be descending right now!”
The Moebius Zero pilot's eyes darted sideways to the hangar bay door, then widening in surprise as they caught glimpse of the familiar figure of Kira running inside the hangar bay, then scrambling up the rafters, going over to the Strike Gundam.
“What's Kira doing here?” he asked.
Murdoch arched his right eyebrow at the question, then following where Mwu was looking at --- the Strike Gundam, with Kira in its controls. He placed his hands on his hips, smirking.
“Well I'll be… looks like he didn't want to leave the ship at all.”
The head mechanic/engineer then glanced at Mwu.
“Alright, you're all set, Lieutenant La Flaga. All you need is permission to launch!”
“Thanks, Murdoch.”
With that said, the head mechanic/engineer left Mwu, heading up the rafters to meet Kira. Mwu wore his pilot helmet, then readying controls of his unit, whirling it to life. The cockpit hatch closed above him.
“Hey Kira, you're still here?” Murdoch exclaimed as he neared the Strike's cockpit, getting Kira's attention, forcing him to momentarily stop typing to activate the Strike's OS and controls. The head mechanic noticed the EA pilot uniform Kira was wearing and smiled.
“Mr. Murdoch… I've decided to stay in the ship and fight. I owe much to Captain Ramius.”
“I see, kid. Well, I guess you won't need my help readying the Strike. I'll let you launch first, followed by Lieutenant La Flaga's Moebius Zero.”
The Strike pilot nodded in reply. Suddenly, he caught sight of another familiar figure scrambling towards the Seraph Gundam --- Kenji.
“KENJI!” Kira shouted to the newcomer, flailing his arms to get his attention.
Kenji turned facing to direction where the loud shout came from, waving back at him. He made a gesture of typing, followed by a call from the com-link. Kira was puzzled by the action at first, but slowly understood the meaning behind it.
“ALRIGHT THEN!” he shouted once more. He then resumed his typing, activating the Strike.
Murdoch, who was just a short distance away from the Strike after leaving, heard the loud shout, turning around at Kira. He looked at him peculiarly, scratching his head with his right hand.
“What's up with him shouting all of a sudden?” he asked himself. He then glanced at the Seraph with Kenji inside its cockpit and activating its controls.
“Jeez… even Kenji too? Teenagers these days… I guess they're too stubborn to leave. I better get the launch catapult ready then.”
In the Archangel's main bridge, a transmission came from Mwu, his face, partly obscured beneath the pilot helmet worn, appeared on the main screen. He gave a right thumbs-up with a wink.
“Captain, we're ready for launch,” he remarked, startling Murrue, who stared back at him with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you mean `we', lieutenant?” she inquired with a raised eyebrow.
Suddenly, another transmission came from Kira, his image replacing Mwu's on the main screen.
“Captain Ramius, do you read me? This is Kira.”
Needless to say, Murrue was shocked seeing him inside the Strike's cockpit.
“What are you doing there, Kira? I thought you decided to leave the ship? Didn't you receive your discharge paper?”
The Strike pilot looked dubiously at her.
“Discharge paper? I didn't get anything like that. Well, anyways, according to the Strike's specs, I can survive an atmospheric re-entry. I need permission to launch right now! I have to help!”
Suddenly, Kenji's replaced Kira's image on the main screen, indicating a transmission from him. Natarle was shocked and relieved to see him back in the ship.
Kenji, you're back!
The thought made her face flush little. She shook off further thoughts of the Seraph pilot, regaining composure and her serious face.
Murrue had to fight another shock creeping in her as she stared at Kenji's image. She rubbed the temples of her forehead, trying to calm herself down.
“I'm surprised to see you still here, Kenji. I take it you changed your mind on leaving the ship?” she asked.
Kenji smirked at her, shrugging his shoulders.
“I've already made my decision, captain, and that's to stay. I owe you for letting Uncle Peter and I seeking refuge in this ship after Heliopolis was gone. Think of this as my way of re-paying you the favor.”
Murrue couldn't help but sigh in defeat at him, allowing Kenji to continue on.
“Captain, please grant us permission to launch --- Lieutenant La Flaga, Kira, and I. We cannot just sit here and do nothing but wait.”
Before Murrue could ponder on her decision in giving the permission to launch, Natarle spoke out for her instead.
“Permission granted, Kenji. You three are cleared to launch!” she exclaimed.
The Archangel Captain yelled at her workmate in shock, stunned by her action.
“Natarle, that's out of line!”
“Captain, with all due respect, we can't let the 8th Fleet's sacrifice go to waste! Admiral Halberton is out there sacrificing his fleet to stop the enemy from interfering with our atmospheric re-entry to Earth!”
Taken back by Natarle's words, Murrue couldn't help but feel a mixture of worry, concern, and guilt in her, as she closed her eyes momentarily, trying to calm down.
Satisfied with her captain's silence, Natarle had to fight the urge to smirk, instead scoring herself a high-five deep down for a small victory earned.
Just then on the main screen, the EA soldier's image appeared (he was the one who served as a guide for the Heliopolis survivors ushered in the shuttle bounded for Orb). His face showed panic.
“Captain, the Heliopolis civilians are getting edgy. We can't hold them off any longer. We must launch the shuttle now!” he exclaimed.
Murrue rubbed the temples of her forehead trying to ease another problem creeping into her mind, before glancing reluctantly back at the EA soldier.
“Have the shuttle ready for launch immediately! We'll begin atmospheric re-entry to Earth in a few minutes!”
The EA soldier gave a nod in reply before his image flickered off from the main screen. Murrue reprimanded herself for not realizing about the Heliopolis civilians in the shuttle earlier.
In the ship's hangar, the Moebius Zero, the Strike Gundam, and the Seraph Gundam were all set for launch.
The Strike Gundam was first to launch, as its feet set on the launch catapult. Multiple robotic arms, holding the Aile pack for the Strike Gundam, popped out around the MS, attaching it with the Aile pack parts --- a beam rifle, anti-beam coated shield, and vernier thrusters containing 2 beam sabers.
The launch sequence window popped in view from above as the launch doors opened. Kira made last-minute system checkups inside the Aile Strike's cockpit, readying himself for launch. He then received a transmission from Kenji, whose face appeared on a sub-window on his CIS.
“Kenji! I'm glad to see you here!”
“Thank god you understood my sign language back there. I was also in a hurry to get my MS for launch like you, so I didn't want to shout back at you.”
Kira scratched his right cheek, feeling lost at the remark. He arched his left eyebrow.
Kenji rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh. He slapped his forehead, feeling a bit peeved for his awkward reply to Kira's shouting just a while ago.
“Never mind about that, Kira. For the meantime, let's just focus on the battle. I believe you're lucky number one to launch.”
With that said, Kenji ended his transmission, his image flickering off from his CIS. Kira shook off his amusement at the Seraph pilot's casual remark, then regaining his serious battle composure.
“Kira Yamato, Aile Strike… launch…!” Kira exclaimed, with his MS shot into space. After activating the vernier thrusters attached on the back, the Aile Strike instantly switched on its PS armor, emitting bright colors. It then headed towards the surviving ships of the 8th EA Fleet.
Next to go was the Moebius Zero. Inside, Mwu finalized system checkups, ready to floor in the thrusters.
“Mwu La Flaga, Moebius Zero… taking off!” he exclaimed before being shot off into space. He then headed towards the surviving ships of the 8th EA Fleet.
Last, but not the least, was the Seraph Gundam. Inside, Kenji finalized preparations and ran a quick system checkup. Satisfied finding no problems occurring in his MS, he flexed his fingers before wrapping them around the control sticks. His feet were poised to floor in the thrusters.
“Kenji Hyne, Seraph… is departing!” Kenji exclaimed before being shot off into space. The Seraph extended its 2 wings, clenching its fists and outstretching its body. A glimmering shade of white chromed all over the body, indicating its PS armor activation. It then boosted towards the surviving ships of the EA 8th Fleet.
Inside the Duel Assault Shroud's cockpit, Yzak felt his bandaged wound throbbing in pain, prompting him to clutch it with his right hand, releasing it from the right control stick.
“Ugh… my eye…! Damn, it hurts!” he cried, closing his left eye and gritting his teeth to bear the pain from his damaged right eye. As he regained composure, opening his left eye then, he spotted in his radar an incoming heat signature approaching the Menelaos. Its id signature then revealed itself to him --- GAT-X105 STRIKE.
“The Strike… you've finally come out… you're mine!” he exclaimed, flooring the Duel Assault Shroud's thrusters, charging at the incoming Aile Strike. Just after it left its original spot, the Buster approached there, looking for its partner.
“Where the heck is the hothead, now?” Dearka wondered, checking his CIS and flipping on between several camera views to search for his silver-haired teammate. He then found him engaging the Aile Strike from a distance.
I'll be a monkey's uncle… didn't take long for him to find the Strike. I better help him out… huh, what's this?
Dearka suddenly found another heat signature in his radar, rushing to the Aile Strike's aid. Its id signature then revealed itself to him --- TS-MA2mod.00 MOEBIUS ZERO.
“Oh no, you don't, not while I'm around!”
He immediately floored the Buster's thrusters, quickly catching up to the incoming Moebius Zero trying to interfere with the Duel Assault Shroud. The Buster brought up its gun-launcher and beam rifle, opening shots at the Moebius Zero.
“What the… incoming!” Mwu exclaimed, as he grabbed hold of the control stick and gave a hard pull to climb, evading the shots. Flying back at a lazy arc, he found their source.
“Tch… it's time for a little payback!”
The Moebius Zero then diverted its attention to the Buster, engaging it in battle. Mwu quickly glanced back to see Kira and Yzak slugging it out.
Damn… I can't help Kira with this guy around me! Sorry… you'll have to take care of him on your own, Kira.
Shrugging off his worry and concern for Kira, Mwu focused on his battle with Dearka. He fired a few shots from the Moebius Zero's linear gun.
The Buster barely made effort to dodge them, as it fired back with its gun-launcher/beam rifle combination.
“What, is that supposed to hit me, chump? You have to do better than that!” Dearka taunted his foe via com-link.
Immediately, the Moebius Zero deployed its 4-wired Gunbarrels, performing its multi-vector attack.
“Heh, you'll eat your words, hotshot!” Mwu retorted with a smirk, hailing his foe via com-link.
Meanwhile the Duel Assault Shroud pulled out its beam saber and took a quick swipe at the Aile Strike, which dodged the attack sideways just in time. The Aile Strike brought up its shield with its left hand, intent on blocking the beam saber.
“It's time that I repay you for my scar, Strike!” Yzak retorted heatedly.
Kira gritted his teeth as he focused on the battle, sweat pouring on from his forehead. He took quick breaths, maneuvering the Aile Strike to block the Duel Assault Shroud's attacks. He gripped tightly on the control sticks, looking pressured on his CIS.
I have to fight back!
Before the Duel Assault Shroud could attempt another beam saber swipe, it suddenly found itself deflecting a beam saber slash from the Aile Strike.
“Shit! Doesn't this guy ever go down?” Yzak exclaimed frustrated.
The Duel Assault Shroud and the Aile Strike continued their exchange of beam saber attacks on each other, as its pilots were too consumed in the heat of their fight, not noticing their mobile suits plummeting slowly deeper in the Earth's atmosphere.
In the Archangel's bridge, Jackie detected an incoming heat signature heading towards the ship. Its id signature was revealed to be unknown.
“Captain, there's an incoming object approaching us from the front! I can't make out its id signature!” he reported.
Murrue and Natarle looked at him in wonder then on the main screen, which suddenly showed the image of the Spawn Gundam hovering outside the bridge. Everybody gasped with fright and shock at its form.
However, Sai was kind enough to point out one distinguishable feature of the MS, as he observed its design and quickly recalled his mind for a particular memory.
“Doesn't that look like the Seraph Gundam, everyone?” he spoke out, getting everybody's attention.
Miriallia gasped in horror, covering her mouth with her left hand.
“What's Kenji doing outside? We're in the midst of atmospheric re-entry!” Natarle exclaimed.
Murrue furrowed her eyebrows as she studied the Spawn's design. Her eyes widen in realization. She stood up from her seat, facing Miriallia.
“Miriallia, contact Kenji immediately! We need to verify his location!”
The mentioned crewman nodded in reply, complying with her command. She then started a transmission to the Seraph pilot, whose face appeared on the screen of her terminal.
“Kenji, where are you now? There's a MS that looks like the Seraph just hovering outside the bridge! We need your help!”
The Spawn then pointed its beam rifle stored inside the “Angelus” mounted on its right arm, at the bridge.
Eiji lined his targeting sights on the bridge, his thumb poised to pull the trigger on the right control stick. A targeting cyan reticule appeared on his CIS, lining up dead center on the bridge.
“Hmm… to shoot or not to shoot… that's the question,” he asked himself.
He glanced at his CIS and shrugged his shoulders.
“Nah… might as well get this done with.”
The entire bridge crew cowered in fear, bracing themselves for the inevitable. Murrue glared coldly at the Spawn preparing to fire, while Natarle held her breath, gritting her teeth and feeling her heart pounding faster at the tension and fear she was experiencing.
Suddenly, a white blur charged head-on at the Spawn, knocking it far away from the bridge.
“Tch… that's unbecoming of you engaging me like this, Kenji,” Eiji sneered, hailing his intended foe via com-link, and managing to steady the Spawn, facing its counterpart, the Seraph.
“What happened to the Eiji I knew back in the academy?” Kenji sadly asked, opening his com-link to his supposed best friend.
Eiji waved a shaky left fist at his former best friend's image shown in a sub-window on his CIS. His eyes turned into menacing slits, unearthing pent-up anger towards him.
“Unfortunately, I'm not the same you'd think at that time, Kenji. In my eyes, you're a traitor… not just to ZAFT, but to me and Luna's memory!”
The Seraph pilot could only rolled his eyes, letting out a dejected sigh.
“You still pissed off at my resignation from ZAFT? Now, it's also you and Luna's memory? You're just seeing this the wrong way!”
The Spawn aimed its beam rifle stored in the right “Angelus” at the Seraph.
“Enough talk… we fight now!”
“…I guess I have no other choice.”
Before Kenji and Eiji ended their face-off, the Crusader Squad stepped in, surrounding the Archangel, their GINN High Maneuver Types poised ready with their experimental armor rifles at hand.
“Captain, I must note that we'll be fighting dangerously near the Earth's atmosphere. If we fight anymore deeper, the planet's gravitational pull will drag us deep, and we'll risk burning our mobile suits into smithereens,” Crusader-04 cautioned to the rest of the squad via com-link.
Crusader-01 found her last sentence a bit amusing, and had to stifle a small laugh.
“Ha, ha, ha… you sound like Barry here at that last sentence, Miho. We'll take heed of that warning. Crusader Squad, begin attack!”
Pointing at the Archangel with its experimental armor rifle drawn in its right hand, Crusader-01 motioned the rest of the squad to begin their assault. It turned facing the sudden battle between the Seraph and the Spawn taking place a short distance from the ship.
“Here we go again… looks like Commander Shinonome has his hands full with that MS,” Crusader-01 commented, noting to himself.
Inside the Archangel's bridge, Jackie detected 4 incoming heat signatures in his radar. He typed feverishly in his keyboard terminal, getting their id signatures --- ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type.
“Captain, more incoming…! Identified as 4 GINN High Maneuver Types!” he reported.
Dalida did a quick radar scan on his terminal, gathering info on the new group of enemies.
“They appear to have us surrounded, and are commencing attack!” he reported.
Natarle was aghast at the reports from her seat in the CIC area.
“Are they insane to fight us in the atmosphere? We can't initiate counter-measures for we're still in the midst of atmospheric re-entry! Captain?” she asked Murrue.
The Archangel Captain cut the air with an outstretched left hand.
“Continue descent! We can't afford to start counter-measures!”
I was too focused on the atmospheric re-entry… now this battle…
Her mentor's image appeared next in her mind.
Admiral… why?
Inside the Seraph's cockpit, Kenji noticed from his left and right CIS 4 white-painted GINN High Maneuver Types surrounding the Archangel, starting a strafing run.
More enemies… those MS must be the ones from before!
He stared back at the Spawn facing him.
Looks like I'll have to take on Eiji and those guys at the same time. Kira and Lieutenant La Flaga are probably busy fending themselves with the other ZAFT units, probably the Le Creuset team.
Immediately, Kenji floored the thrusters, propelling the Seraph to back off and do a quick-turn around, diving head-on against the Crusader Squad.
Eiji was irritated by the action, barely containing his anger directed at his former best friend considered “traitor”.
“Running away again? You won't escape me this time!” he exclaimed, flooring the thrusters and jolting the control sticks forward, prompting the Spawn to chase after the Seraph.
The Crusader Squad peppered machine gun fire at the Archangel, as they continued their strafing runs. Crusader-01 and Crusader-03 strafed at the ship's front, while Crusader-02 and Crusader-04 strafed at the ship's back.
“Ha, ha, ha… now this is a rush!” Crusader-02 cried gleefully, never feeling so pumped up in a battle like this.
“Barry, please don't get too excited in the midst of battle, it makes me worry!” Crusader-04 cried out, concerned.
“Yeah, I know, Miho, but fighting an enemy ship in the Earth's atmosphere… man, that gives me such a rush! Quit being a worry-wart…”
Before Crusader-02 could finish his remark, he was kicked back on the body in an instant. He frantically regained control, prompting to steady itself in balance.
“What the hell? Who's the chump that did that?”
“Barry, look out!”
Several beam shots trailed towards Crusader-02 and Crusader-04, who started evasive maneuvers.
“This is as far as you go!” Kenji warned, hailing the Crusader Squad via com-link, and getting their attention.
In a fluid motion, the Seraph took out the “Swallow Edge” from both “Angelus” mounted on its arms, twirling them before darting past Crusader-02 and Crusader-04.
Amidst the deadly slashes from the Seraph's double-sided beam sabers, Crusader-02 and Crusader-04 suddenly found their experimental armor rifles sliced in half, destroyed, prompting them to discard their destroyed weapons.
“What the hell is that?” Crusader-02 stammered, feeling the blood drained from his face.
“I… I don't know… that's frightening,” Crusader-04 shakily replied.
The moment Crusader-02 and Crusader-04 turned facing the Seraph's charging figure, however…
…Both of their legs were instantly sliced off from their bodies, their sliced openings inside fizzling with electricity, initiating small explosions, their impacts knocking away the now leg-less Crusader-02 and Crusader-04.
Both pilots cried in horror and surprise at the event just now.
Meanwhile, Crusader-01 and Crusader-03 could only gaze in horror from their units at the sudden damage inflicted upon their teammates. They momentarily cease their strafing run after noticing their teammates.
“Barry, Miho…!”
“No… you've got some nerve doing this to them, bastard!”
Crusader-01 and Crusader-03 barely had little time to skillfully deflect the rushing beam sabers charge attack by the Seraph, as it finally neared them.
“Is that the same MS Commander Shinonome fought with before?”
“Quit asking questions, Ryu, let's pummel him!”
Inside the Seraph, Kenji noticed 3 incoming blips in his radar, heading towards him. One of them particularly outran the remaining two.
No sooner had his best friend's name popped in thought, prompting him to maneuver the Seraph do a quick turn-around and brought up both “Angelus” to shield itself from a charge by the Spawn, knocking it far away upon impact.
“No point in chickening out! It's time to die!” Eiji retorted, bringing the Spawn to fire its “Panzer Eisen”. The said projectile wrapped around the Seraph's left “Angelus”. As soon as it made its mark, the Spawn gave a hard tug, trying to pull the Seraph towards itself.
“Damn… no time to defend,” Kenji cursed, gritting his teeth while pulling the control sticks back in moving the Seraph to resist being dragged in by the Spawn. His eyes then widen in realization on his foe's next move.
He'll try to blow me apart from close-range!
The sight of the Spawn bringing up its “Agni” from behind its right arm and placing it in its right hand confirmed his thought. The Spawn aimed the “Agni” at the resistant Seraph.
Eiji couldn't help but smile. However, his smile was wiped off from his face as he saw the Seraph slicing off the cable of the “Panzer Eisen” with its right “Swallow Edge”.
“Nice try, Eiji!” he heard his former best friend hailing him via com-link.
Eiji cursed in frustration, the Spawn holstering the “Agni” back in place and bringing up both “Swallow Edge”.
Back to square one. I'll finish him off by close-range instead!
Crusader-01 and Crusade-03 quickly joined in, assisting the Spawn.
“Lisa, pepper that MS with your rifle, distracting it, while I charge at it from behind!” Crusader-01 remarked to his teammate via com-link.
“You got it, captain!”
Crusader-03 then started firing off shots from its experimental armor rifle at the Seraph, which brought up its now free left “Angelus” to block the shots.
From his radar, Kenji noticed Crusader-01 coming at him from behind, then suddenly the Spawn also coming at him from the front. He quickly floored the thrusters, leaping up and barrel rolling the Seraph away from the double team, while still blocking enemy fire from Crusader-03.
“He dodged?” Ryu wondered. He then spotted in his CIS the Spawn about to ram him. He floored the thrusters, shifting his control sticks to dodge the near collision with his ally.
Crusader-01 just nicked the Spawn a little close, then barreling wildly away from it. He quickly regained the controls and floored the thrusters once more, stabilizing his unit's balance.
“Captain…!” Crusader-03 exclaimed in concern via com-link, her unit about to approach his side.
“It was a near miss, Lisa, don't worry! Damn… that enemy pilot is way out of our league. He's as skilled as the “Red Reaper”. I don't know anyone else who could match to his piloting skills,” Crusader-01 replied worriedly.
Suddenly, an incoming transmission from the Geneva appeared on a small sub-window on his CIS, revealing Lloyd's face showing a grim look of concern for his squad and the present situation.
“Ryu, what's your team's status?” Lloyd inquired.
“No good, we're unable to attack the legged ship, the unknown MS has appeared and delayed our progress. It's the same one from the previous battle, captain. Crusader-02 and Crusader-04 have sustained heavy damages, as of the moment, Commander Shinonome is fighting with that MS now.”
Lloyd folded his arms, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“Retreat to the ship on the double. We can't afford casualties among our units.”
“What about Commander Shinonome? We can't leave him behind!” Crusader-03 exclaimed.
“He knows what to do in this situation. He's not stupid to recklessly continue on the mission! Ryu, get your squad back to the Geneva now! We're too late to stop the legged ship's atmospheric re-entry!”
Ryu banged a right fist on his seat's right armrest, not taking the news well. He then realized the hazardous environment where he and Lisa are now, just inside the Earth's raging atmosphere.
“Shit! Lisa, let's go and get Barry and Miho, they'll get pulled in by the Earth's gravity!”
-Sigh- Damn… and we were so close!”
Crusader-01 and Crusader-03 did a quick turn-around, leaving the Spawn and the Seraph duking it each other out and retrieving the damaged Crusader-02 and Crusader-04, before they plunged down deep into the Earth's atmosphere.
“Captain, you sure are a sight for sore eyes!” Barry exclaimed in relief.
“Forgive us, captain… we were completely taken by surprise. We failed you,” Miho guiltily remarked.
Ryu dismissed his teammates' response with a wave of his left hand, after hailing them via com-link.
“Save the witty remarks, Barry. No need for apologies, Miho, Lisa and I couldn't fare well against that unknown MS. Crusader Squad, we're retreating back to the Geneva!”
As the battle raged on near the Earth's atmosphere, the Buster and the Moebius Zero continued their exchange of fire at each other. Suddenly, both pilots realized the dangerous background they were currently fighting on.
“Holy… we're fighting in the atmosphere? I don't know how much longer I can keep up with this guy!” Mwu exclaimed.
“Uh oh… I'm not sure it's wise to fighting with this guy in the atmosphere,” Dearka shared the same feeling.
Suddenly, an incoming message from the Archangel was relayed to Mwu, appearing on a small sub-window on the CIS.
“Ok, I'm out of here!” Mwu exclaimed, flooring the thrusters for his unit to do a quick turnaround, catching Dearka off-guard and ditching him.
“Argh… man, this bites,” the Buster pilot groaned, holstering his unit's gun launcher and beam rifle behind its left and right shoulders. He floored the thrusters, trying to boost further upwards away from the atmosphere.
Unfortunately for Dearka, luck wasn't on his side for today.
Warning sirens buzzed inside the Buster's cockpit, as vibrations shook the Gundam. Dearka gripped hard on the control sticks, trying to regain altitude and balance.
“Oh no… I'm being pulled in by the Earth's gravity! No… must… regain altitude… ah crap!”
Slowly, the Buster was being dragged in by the atmospheric pull, engulfing it with its high heat. While the MS plummeted deep in the Earth's atmosphere, the Moebius Zero managed to make it to the Archangel in time. It fired a towing line on the small area near the ship's bridge, and towed in closer.
Mwu couldn't help but worry about Kira and Kenji though.
I hope they have the sense to return back to the ship!
Things were looking very hopeless to the battered EA 8th Fleet. An onslaught barrage of cannon fire from the Geneva and the Vesalius destroyed its remaining Nelson-class battleship, the Paris.
To Admiral Halberton, who was seated in his bridge of the Menelaos, he knew it was the inevitable. Yet, he didn't want to falter in the face of death. He was one not to go down without a fight.
A damaged Gamow suddenly closed in on the Menelaos. From the start of the battle, it took the full brunt of the EA 8th Fleet's attacks. Inside its bridge, Captain Zelman implacably ordered his crew to perform a kamikaze run at the Menelaos.
Meanwhile, inside the Vesalius's bridge, Rau opened a transmission to Zelman, the main screen showing a determined and stubborn looking ZAFT captain, and mixed also with little static.
“Zelman, pull your ship back this instant!” the masked commander pleaded.
“No… I'm sorry commander, not after coming this far!” Zelman replied. His image flickered off from the main screen.
“Contact pilots Amalfi and Zala now!” Rau ordered the communications operators, who hurriedly complied.
After disposing of the last Moebius group, the Aegis and the Blitz turned seeing the Gamow's suicide run on the Menelaos.
“Captain Zelman…” Nicol sadly and shockingly remarked.
Athrun neglected to comment, feeling sorry for his teammate. While he didn't know personally the Gamow Captain, he surmised thinking his teammate having a newfound respect in him.
A transmission reached to them, bringing their attention. On a small sub-window on their CIS, the masked commander's image appeared.
“Athrun, Nicol, return back to the Vesalius. There's nothing more you can do.”
His image then flickered off from their CIS. The two ZAFT pilots decided to watch the Gamow's abrupt end.
Before the ZAFT battleship could make contact with its intended target, it was instantly burned up due to intense heat of the atmosphere, destroying it in a big explosion, taking the Menelaos as well.
Athrun and Nicol saluted respectfully and mournfully the Gamow's fallen captain.
Inside the Archangel's bridge, Murrue watched the main screen showing her mentor's ship sharing the same fate as the Gamow. As its explosion began, tears formed from her eyes as she motioned the entire bridge crew to stand up and having a moment of silence, saluting respectfully the admiral who was somewhat a father figure to her, and a genuine role model for aspiring EA soldiers.
Admiral, thank you for helping us. We'll never forget you.
From another nearby area in the atmosphere, Kira was too consumed in his fight with Yzak moments ago. But after receiving the Archangel's transmission and noticing it on his com-link just now, he decided to head back to the ship, abandoning his fight with Yzak by flooring the thrusters to charge head-on and kick the Duel Assault Shroud away on its chest before retreating.
“Argh… come back here! You're not getting away!” the Duel Assault Shroud pilot exclaimed angrily. He floored the thrusters, trying to pursue the Aile Strike, and holstering the Duel Assault Shroud's beam saber behind its back, deactivating it. It then brought up its beam rifle, pelting the fleeing Aile Strike with beam shots.
As the Duel Assault Shroud closed in on the Aile Strike, a shuttle appeared in view, impeding its path, forcing the chaser to stop on its tracks.
“How dare you cut me off? Fleeing EA soldiers… suits you Naturals right!” Yzak sneered, thinking the shuttle to be filled with EA soldiers. The Duel Assault Shroud brought up its beam rifle, held in the left hand, aiming at it.
The Aile Strike stopped in its tracks, then doing a quick turnaround facing the Duel. Kira widen his eyes at the sight of the shuttle on his CIS. It was the civilian shuttle he saw before in the Archangel's hangar.
“No… that's a civilian shuttle heading for Orb! Stop it! They're civilians!” he pleaded desperately, flooring the thrusters and shifting the control sticks forward, trying to reach the shuttle in time.
From another nearby area, the Seraph and the Spawn traded beam swipes from their “Swallow Edge” held by both hands. It was a grueling close combat battle, as Kenji noticed Eiji preventing him from engaging in long-range or mid-range attacks.
This'll never end… he sure isn't giving me room to get away from him. I've got to head back to the Archangel at once!
Like Kira, Kenji also just noticed the Archangel's transmission on his com-link moments ago, as his stand off with Eiji continued from the failed double-team attempt by the Crusader Squad.
Releasing control of the right control stick, he quickly rummaged through the Seraph's weapon system with the keyboard interface, showing it on the interface screen.
“Come on, come on… is there anything else I can use against Eiji now?” he wondered, waiting for the selection to finish appearing. His eyes scanned through the selection as they spotted one particular weapon.
“…Gunbarrel pods… I never saw this before. I might as well try it.”
He then made his choice, typing in the keyboard interface at rapid speed before minimizing the interface screen displaying the Seraph's OS. He then gripped the right control stick again.
Before the Spawn could land a piercing thrust at the Seraph, it unexpectedly deployed its 4 Gunbarrel pods, performing a multi-vector attack.
“What the hell? I never saw him use that type of weapon!” Eiji exclaimed surprised, taking on evasive maneuvers, and ceasing his offensive.
The Spawn found itself doing barrel rolls, dodging and weaving through the multi-vector attack. Unlike the Moebius Zero's, the Seraph's and the Spawn's Gunbarrel pods were beam type weapons.
“Serves him right, now for me to take the offensive,” Kenji remarked.
Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye and noticing it on the CIS, he caught a visual of a shuttle going on atmospheric re-entry as well. He magnified the visual, getting a closer look to see the Duel Assault Shroud pointing its beam rifle at it, about to shoot it down, while from the other side, the Aile Strike trying to make it to the shuttle in time.
Oh no… that shuttle might have civilians inside. I better help Kira out!
He suddenly floored the thrusters and shifted the control sticks forward, maneuvering the Seraph to flick out its heat rod, mounted on its right forearm, at the Spawn, wrapping it around by the head. At the same time, a jolt of electricity coursed through the whip-like rod, electrocuting the Spawn whole.
“Argh…! Damn it… not again!” Eiji exclaimed angrily, having to receive the same attack the second time.
Suddenly an image of a jewel-like seed, its color matching Eiji's eye color, dropped from above within his mind, then exploding in a shower of light just above his eyes. His pupils shrank and irises grew large.
Eiji suddenly entered into a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability. He found his reflexes and extremely quick information processing heightened.
The next minute, the Spawn sliced off the Seraph's heat rod with its right “Swallow Edge”, cutting off the electric shock. Then, it quickly fired off its beam rifles from both “Angelus” at the Seraph's Gunbarrel pods while barrel rolling, avoiding their beam attacks.
4 beam shots trailed towards them, landing their mark and crippling them.
Kenji felt a new change from his opponent while he retracted the damaged Gunbarrel pods back in place. He was impressed deep down, though.
What the? He's gotten more accurate and quicker!
The Spawn fired off 4 shots from both of its beam rifles at the Seraph.
“Damn!” Kenji cursed, immediately maneuvering his unit weaving back and forth, dodging the shots. However, he failed to notice the Seraph's head being wrapped by the Spawn's heat rod.
“Argh…!” the Seraph pilot exclaimed in pain, as a jolt of electricity coursed through his MS. His vision was slowly getting blurry as the cockpit was engulfed with cackling electricity.
Having immobilized his opponent, Eiji brought up the Spawn's “Agni” once more, held in its left hand. A targeting reticule appeared on his CIS at it lined up dead center on the Seraph.
“Now I won't miss this time,” he stated triumphant, pulling the trigger of the left control stick.
The “Agni” charged itself for a few seconds, before the fatal shot was fired.
In Kenji's mind he could only think of one thing, while his eyes trained on the Spawn's “Agni” pointed at him, ready to disintegrate his existence in one big shot.
The shuttle… those civilians…
He gripped tightly the control sticks while gritting his teeth, trying to let out the pressure exerted on him by Eiji. He closed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in pent-up anger.
I… won't GIVE UP!
At that thought, he suddenly found an image of a jewel-like seed, its color matching his blue eyes, dropping from above within his mind, and then exploding in a shower of light just above his eyes. His pupils shrank and irises grew large.
Kenji was becoming extremely aware of his surroundings, feeling a sense of rush flowing through his body. He could instantly form different scenarios of the battle he was facing on, processing their outcome on his mind.
What's happenening to me now? I remembered entering into this state in the previous battle!
Shaking off the questions from his mind, he regained the controls.
The Seraph quickly sliced off the Spawn's heat rod with its left “Swallow Edge”, cutting off the electric discharge. Then, it twisted its entire body and did a spinning right kick at the Spawn's “Agni”, knocking it off aside, just as it fired off the shot.
The shot's recoil effect knocked the Spawn off-balance, prompting it to retract its damaged heat rod and grip its “Agni” with both hands, trying to steady the weapon and wait for the discharged shot to finish. However, that action left it open to attack from its right side, which the Seraph took advantage of by charging head on and surprisingly wrapping its arms around it. This forced the Spawn to release its “Agni”.
“I won't let you have your way, Eiji!” Kenji exclaimed, flooring the thrusters and shifting the control sticks forward.
Suddenly, the entangled Gundams began boosting faster down the atmosphere, thanks to their thrusters. Slowly, they spiraled around… and around… and around …and around…
Until it can be seen to the naked eye as a swirling tornado plummeting deep down the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere's intense heat engulfed the two spiralling Gundams, making them look like a burning small comet.
Coincidentally, it also dropped down a familiar path.
Inside the Duel Assault Shroud's cockpit, Yzak's pilot helmet visor reflected the green targeting reticule mirrored on his CIS. It lined dead center on the shuttle.
“Cowards… fleeing in that shuttle! Not a chance!” he angrily retorted, pulling the trigger on the right control stick, where he controlled the Duel Assault Shroud's right hand pulling the trigger of its beam rifle.
Meanwhile the Aile Strike lunged forth with an outstretched right hand, trying to reach to the shuttle. Kira desperately floored the thrusters to the max, as he was aghast seeing the fatal shot fired from the Duel Assault Shrouda on his CIS.
“No, stop it!” he cried.
As the trailing beam projectile neared closer to its target, suddenly…
Out of nowhere, a burning comet plummeted down the projectile's path, taking the shot for the shuttle instead.
“What the hell!” Yzak cried in surprise, watching the comet on his CIS.
Kira shared the same feeling as his enemy, but finally reached the shuttle first. The Aile Strike laid its hands on the transport, its head peering down on the small windows. One of them showed the familiar face of a child, who looked up at it and smiled happily, pointing at it with her right forefinger.
“Mommy, mommy! That's the machine Kira is on! Look, he's there!” Yumi beamed giddily. Seated next her, Yumi's mom went to the window, her eyes following the direction her daughter was pointing. Her eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh dear!”
Kira let out a sigh and smile of relief, looking at his CIS which zoomed in on Yumi pointing at him, then waving. He felt his raging heart calming down slowly, as mixed emotions regarding the well-being of the civilians inside the shuttle etched in his mind. He moved the left control stick, motioning the Aile Strike to wave back at Yumi.
Then, an origami flower floated in front of him, prompting him to catch it softly. He stared at it with another small smile.
Yumi… I'll make sure you get down to Orb safely.
He opened up a quick transmission to the shuttle's pilots, their faces appearing on a small sub-window on his CIS.
“Hurry down immediately! I'll hold off the enemy!” he warned, then cutting off his transmission, not giving them a chance to reply.
Yzak shook off his surprise, then motioning the Duel Assault Shroud to bring up its beam rifle aimed at Kira.
“Grr… you've humiliated me enough! That's it… I'm fed up with you!”
Warning alarms buzzed throughout the Spawn's cockpit, as Eiji fought hard to regain control of his unit. He tried flooring the thrusters, then shifting forwards and backwards the control sticks, trying to break out from the Seraph's grasp. His world was spinning and vibrating around, as he struggled to catch his breath.
-Huff- -Puff- You're trying to take me down with you, then? Ha, ha, ha! I'm not done yet!” he retorted determined.
With a sudden burst of momentum, the Spawn managed to break out free, then gaining altitude, trying to escape the Earth's gravitational pull. It aimed both of its beam rifles stored inside both “Angelus” at the Seraph, expecting to see it plummeting further down.
Instead, Eiji could only stammer a word of shock as the Seraph appeared in front of him while he pulled both triggers of the control sticks.
The shots were immediately deflected, trailing upwards, after the Seraph grabbed hold of the Spawn's arms, forcefully raising them upwards.
“Nice try, Eiji!” Kenji retorted.
Suddenly, a trailing heated debris flung out of nowhere, crashing against the Seraph and the Spawn, knocking them apart.
Suddenly, both Gundams' PS Armor were deactivated, leaving them in dull gray colors. Their forms were like lifeless bodies plummeting deep down to their demise. Both pilots tried regaining control of their units, but to no avail. Rumbles jolted the Seraph and the Spawn's cockpits, as they plummeted helplessly deep inside the atmosphere.
“Out of power? What a time for this happen!” Eiji cursed, frantically flipping switches and hurriedly activating the Spawn's OS. Finding no result, he mentally slapped himself, and strapped the seat belt firmly around his body, then folded his arms and awaited the inevitable.
Luna, will I meet you up there?
“No good… the impact temporarily nicked the Seraph's startup power. I can't bring up emergency start,” Kenji noted the dire situation to himself, doing the same action as Eiji. He closed his eyes, expectant of his sudden demise.
I guess… this is it.
The intense g-forces of the atmospheric re-entry took its toll on both pilots, as they slowly blacked out, their bodies unable to withstand them any much longer.
Kira looked firmly and grimly at the Duel Assault Shroud pointing its beam rifle at him on his CIS. He flexed his fingers before gripping the control sticks, his feet poised to floor the thrusters. Sweat trickled down on his face as his constant breaths slowly fogged his pilot helmet glass visor.
I must stop him from firing at the shuttle then.
The Aile Strike moved a short distance away from the shuttle, facing-off the Duel Assault Shroud.
Suddenly the face off was broken when 2 beam shots appeared from below, cutting through the shuttle like a hot knife through butter. Kira and Yzak stared in amazement and shock at the shuttle, which slowly erupted in an explosion.
“No…!” Kira exclaimed in horror, moving the Aile Strike to reach for the shuttle.
It was too late.
The explosion's impact had enough force to knock away both the Duel Assault Shroud and the Aile Strike, sending them plummeting deep in the atmopshere.
“Oh shit…!” Yzak cursed under his breath, as he tried regaining control of his unit. Warning alarms buzzed throughout the Duel Assault Shroud's cockpit, as the intense g-forces of the atmopshere rocked his unit back and forth, whilst engulfing it in a shield of heat.
“Ah…!” Kira cried, staring upwards in the Aile Strike's cockpit, while his unit suffered the same fate as the Duel.
Pieces of debris from the shuttle rained down on the plummeting MS, which seemed to make them look like falling stars.
Ablative Gel
The ablative gel is a special heat-absorbing gel the Archangel uses to protect itself from the heat of atmospheric entry. This substance evaporates away as the ship descends, so the gel dischargers on the underside of the hull must continually replenish it.