Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 12: Fllay's Choice ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
A/N (Author's Notes):
Hello readers! I've decided to add this little author's note to various readers or reviewers who've taken their time reading this story. First off, I give my thanks to you all for support. Any kind of review (good or bad) encourages me to continue on with this story. I'd like to ask you all to lend me ideas, comments, or suggestions regarding this story. Feel free to pour in as much as you want!
Now for the following readers:
Warp Ligia Obscuria: Regarding Professor Aile Kato, I intended for his first name to be the same used in the Strike Gundam's Striker pack. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer for him to stick with that name, and because I had him being the creator and designer of the Striker packs.
As to the battle scene in episode 11 regarding the lapse of time Kira was on reaching the Blitz Gundam before it fired on the Archangel's bridge, uh… I've to admit, I kind of had a writer's block on that part, so I decided to have him make it in sync with Kenji, therefore the two reaching to the Blitz Gundam and driving it off from the Archangel together.
Well, as to Kenji being an Ultimate Coordinator participant… unfortunately I can't reveal about that. I'll leave it up to your conclusions about Kenji. I'll keep the story posted about it once it reaches a certain episode.
Ah, about Barry knowing Dearka and Yzak? Well, he personally knows them because he used to be classmates with them during their military academy days. He and Dearka get along well, but Yzak would always wear a scorn whenever meeting Barry (not that he hates the guy, but he also finds him friendly as Dearka, but would never show or tell it to him).
Barry fighting Orb's Barry Ho… that's a possibility, I'll keep that in mind.
Thomas Drovin: you're Australian? I'm surprised and pleased that other people from around the world would take a liking to this story! Thanks for your support.
Centurious: I plan for this story to be intense as the episodes go on, so I'm afraid I'll leave the story's rating to M.
Groove: Thanks for your support! I'm thinking Natarle deserves to have a love interest in Gundam SEED. I find her character quite intriguing.
Ominae: Same thing I said to Groove above. Enough said.
Bennett: Thank you for being a supporter of this story. I'll persevere writing it until finally reaching its end.
Forlorn Essence: Thanks for your kind and encouraging words. I'll continue on with this story, no doubt about it!
Sakota: I seriously won't let anyone bring me down, regardless of any criticism or flame brought (if there is one).
demon-kisses: Same thing I said to Centurious above. Enough said.
i love Athrun: Um, can you comment on something different here? You've been posting the same comments in your reviews!
Episode 12: Fllay's Choice
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback thought
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
-Word- denotes sound effect during flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +0800 hours
Location: The Vesalius
Inside the ship's hangar bay, Athrun escorted Lacus to a shuttle heading back to PLANTs. Near the shuttle's door, he waved her off, kissing her right hand then looking at her.
“Take care, ok? I'll try to visit your place when I'm off duty.”
-Giggle- Thank you, Athrun. You can visit me anytime.”
Giving her fiancé a smile and one last look, Lacus turned around stepping inside the shuttle, with its door closing after her. The shuttle slowly pulled away from its dock, being moved to the launching area of the hangar bay, making last preparations for launch.
Athrun watched sadly at the shuttle's retreating form, and turned around, folding his arms. He shook his head in dismay after hearing about Yzak from the Gamow's latest transmission to the Vesalius.
“Yzak… it must be another humiliation for him to bear,” he spoke to himself.
“Yes indeed… it's a shame he, Dearka, and Nicol weren't able to delay the legged ship for us to catch up with it, but they admirably performed their tasks well,” Rau commented from behind, catching his subordinate's attention.
The masked commander walked up to Athrun, placing a hand on his left shoulder, staring at him indifferently.
“I understand your worry, Athrun, but Yzak is a soldier, it'll take more to bring him down. But…”
Rau pulled back his hand, then turning around and walking a few steps away from the Aegis pilot, adjusting his mask.
“Remember what happened to Yzak. You could be the Strike's next victim.”
Athrun then realized something, correcting his commander.
“Commander… don't you mean also the unknown MS fighting alongside the Strike? I think it's mainly the one who helped the Strike drive us off.”
Rau glanced sideways at his subordinate, chuckling in slight embarrassment for being corrected.
“Hmm… yes, the unknown one known as the Seraph, piloted by Kenji Katsuragi. I guess we've been focusing too much on the Strike that we overlooked on the Seraph, who's been the one giving us trouble since it first interrupted our pursuit of the legged ship.”
Athrun then remembered a question concerning the Seraph pilot in his mind.
“Commander, now that you mention it, have you ever heard of that pilot? Somehow, his name seems familiar.”
The masked commander rubbed his chin, pondering on the last transmission received from the Seraph pilot. He tried focusing on his face, hidden beneath his pilot helmet.
How is it I could sense something from him? Yet, there's something about him that intrigues me.
He shook his head in honest reply, placing his hands behind his back.
“I'm afraid not, Athrun. I've formed some speculations about him, but none seem to be realistically feasible. But, one thing is for certain. Since he's the pilot of that MS, he has to be a Coordinator. A Natural obviously cannot hope to control a complex machine such as a MS. But I assume you've already established that fact then?”
The Aegis pilot folded his arms and nodded in reply.
“Yes indeed, until the Naturals could come up with similar MS technology and produce their first MS.”
Rau waved him off with his right hand in conclusion.
“Well, that's our sole objective, to capture or destroy the legged ship containing those two prototype MS. As to this Kenji Katsuragi, it's a shame that he wouldn't join us. According to your report on his returning Miss Clyne safely back to you, he's more likely in league with the EA legged ship and its crew, so that makes him an EA officer.”
Athrun's eyes narrowed, as he felt certain that he had made another enemy, this time a kind and honorable stranger aside his childhood best friend.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +0815 hours
Location: The Archangel
The ship finally made its rendezvous with the EA 8th Fleet, pulling up alongside the fleet flagship, the Menelaos, an Agamemnon-class.
Inside the ship's bridge, the bridge crew wondered about the 8th Fleet's commander.
“Admiral Halberton? The Admiral Halberton… in person!” Jackie exclaimed in amazement from his post in the CIC area.
“No need to get worked up, Jackie, jeez. But still, I share your feeling,” Dalida replied, glancing peculiarly at his crewmate's excitement.
“Yeah, but still, it's an honor meeting him! What's wrong with that?”
“Never mind, never mind. I've nothing much to say to you.”
“Admiral Halberton, huh. What's he like?” Romero wondered, swiveling his seat around, his back facing his terminal and placing his hands behind his head. Standing next him, Arnold shrugged his shoulders.
“Beats me. Maybe another one of those higher ups from the EA looking to push his buttons on this ship.”
“Mr. Chandra, what's this admiral like? I've never heard of him,” Sai asked, tapping Dalida's shoulders from behind. Miriallia chimed in, having a perplexed look, with Kuzzey and Tolle gathering around him.
Dalida rubbed the back of his head with his right hand nervously, trying to find the right words describing about Admiral Halberton. Before he could open his mouth to reply, Murrue answered for him instead, getting the rest of the bridge crew's attention.
“Admiral Halberton is the biggest supporter of the Archangel and the Gundam projects. He's the one who came up with the idea of EA advancing on its own MS development thanks to his proposal labeled “the G project”. He used to be my mentor during my days in the academy, personally noting. Well, I expect everybody gathering in the hangar in a few minutes, in preparation for meeting the admiral. So, get going people.”
Murrue stood up from her seat and turned around, leaving the bridge via the ship elevator. Natarle caught up with her before the elevator's doors closed. She pressed the button with a label next it “HANGAR BAY” as the intended destination. The elevator whirled to life proceeding to its passengers' destination.
Natarle folded her arms, looking at her workmate.
“Since we're meeting with the admiral, I've been meaning to ask you regarding pilots Kenji Hyne and Kira Yamato. We just can't let people with those abilities go, it'd mean losing our best chance for defense in this ship.”
Murrue sighed, shaking her head in disagreement at her statement. She glanced sideways at the CIC head and second-in-command.
“Natarle, I can't force them to fight for us. They came aboard to this ship due to circumstances, and were forced to fight for our sake because of them. Furthermore, they're civilians, and they have a right to lead normal lives.”
“But, captain…!”
“Natarle, enough! They're innocent teenagers who've been dragged into this conflict. Not a word from you about this when we meet with the admiral, clear?”
Natarle cursed deep down. Another internal conflict won by the “good cop” of the Archangel.
“Yes, ma'am.”
In the hangar, Kira wondered why Murdoch's team of mechanics/engineers was repairing the Moebius Zero very quickly after the recent battle. He approached close to the said machine, observing its detail. Murdoch suddenly popped in view from the other side of the machine, a bit surprised seeing the Strike pilot.
“Hey Kira, what's with that look on your face?” he greeted, breaking Kira's train of observation.
“Oh, Mr. Murdoch, it's you. I was wondering why the Moebius Zero was being repaired quickly.”
The gruff, kind-hearted head mechanic/engineer looked at the Moebius Zero he was repairing on, then to Kira.
“Well, most of the pilots in Admiral Halberton's 8th Fleet are rookies. I heard word that they were transferring some of them as extra manpower for this ship. I figured the Moebius Zero would be a good training machine for those rookies, so that's why I'm getting it fixed up and ready to go before the admiral arrives.”
Kira nodded to him, understanding his reply. His eyes suddenly caught Kenji typing inside the Seraph's cockpit.
Probably making more adjustments to the Seraph as I with the Strike. But still, he sure is working hard all the time.
Before the Strike pilot could move up to Kenji and get his attention, he felt a hand on his left shoulder, prompting him to turn around facing the person. It was Murrue.
“Hello, Kira. May I have a word with you in private?” she asked.
“Oh, Ms. Murrue. Um… sure.”
The two moved to a quiet spot up the rafters. Murrue then began her conversation with the Strike pilot with a bow, surprising him.
“I apologize for not having spoke much with you. I deeply thank you for all your hard work so far.”
Kira shook his head worriedly, clutching at her shoulders and moving her to face him. His eyes shimmered a bit as he felt being appreciated for his support in the Archangel.
“No need to be formal with me, Ms. Murrue. I'm glad I've been much help to this ship and its crew. But, you should really thank Kenji for this instead of me, he deserves the credit.”
Murrue looked at Kenji, who was inside the Seraph, then back to Kira, smiling pleased.
“But still, you're a big help to this ship and its crew. I won't forget that. If you'll excuse me, I'll have to say the same thing I told you to our other pilot as well.”
Looking at Kira one last time, she nodded to him, then floated up towards the other Gundam pilot. Kira placed a hand on his heart, letting out a sigh of relief.
Whew… for a minute there, I thought she was saying something else. But, I guess I somewhat owe her for having interfered with the Strike's activation back in Heliopolis.
I better wash up for now and get ready to meet Admiral Halberton.
Kira then left the hangar bay, proceeding to get ready for his meeting with the mentioned admiral.
Meanwhile inside the Seraph's cockpit, Kenji was checking up footage of his battle with the Spawn Gundam using the right CIS screen (he had discovered a feature in the Seraph's OS to record footage using the cameras mounted in the head). He relaxed about in his seated position, holding under his chin with his right hand in thought as he watched.
Eiji… you really managed to land a clean hit on the “Angelus” system mounted on the Seraph's left arm --- well, slicing half of it off that is.
Hmm… could his machine be the second prototype MS Professor Kato mentioned back in Heliopolis?
It has to be… its design is so similar to the Seraph's… and even the same armaments… the only thing distinguishing it from the Seraph is the black color.
Typing little on the keyboard interface, he changed the footage, this time showing the fight with the Duel. He felt a small weight on his shoulders as he watched slicing into the Duel's cockpit, then watching it explode.
Yzak… he's the type to really hold grudges when it comes to his pride being shattered. He'll sure look out for me first in battle, though Kira lent a hand damaging the Duel's cockpit.
“Kenji, are you busy?” Murrue chimed in, appearing in view.
Realizing her presence, Kenji quickly switched off the footage by typing in the keyboard interface. He quickly switched off the Seraph's OS, then folding the keyboard interface and setting it aside.
“What can I do for you, Captain Ramius?” he asked.
“You don't mind if I step in here?”
Murrue slowly went inside the cockpit, then finding a small spot near the front of the pilot seat, sitting down. She adjusted her EA uniform, wiping off creases, and gave attention to the pilot before her. She then bowed little due to the small space inside the cockpit.
“Thank you for your hard work protecting this ship and its crew. I deeply appreciate your effort.”
Kenji grabbed hold of her shoulders, moving her to face him.
“There's no need to be formal with me. I did it as a way of returning the favor when you accepted Uncle Peter and me aboard. In the future, just stick with a simple “thank-you” or a handshake. That's more suited for me.”
Murrue laughed little at the implied funny remark at his answer. She then offered her hand to him, who earnestly accepted, shaking it.
“Well, that's all I can say, so I just came to you to thank you. Well, you've heard word regarding Admiral Halberton?”
A pang of caution swept through the Seraph pilot's mind at the mention of the name. He kept his composure, feigning not hearing about him.
“What about him, captain?”
“A shuttle with him and his assistant, Captain Hoffman, will shortly arrive here in a matter of minutes. Everyone will be gathered here in the hangar bay to meet him.”
“I see. Well, good timing, I was just wrapping up checking the Seraph's OS here. I'll get my uncle as well, and we'll be here dressed for the meeting.”
“Good. Then, I'll see you later… oh, and one more thing, can you stick with wearing that EA uniform you're on now for the meeting? You look much suited for that than your civilian attire.”
With a wave of goodbye to Kenji, Murrue exited the Seraph's cockpit, not giving him time to protest. He looked down at the EA uniform he was in, and shrugged his shoulders in resignation.
“Maybe I'll stick to wearing this instead of my casual attire, even though it reminds me of my days back in ZAFT. For formalities' sake, then.”
Kenji hopped off the Seraph's cockpit, heading back to the Hynes' quarters. Along the way, he couldn't help but thought about Admiral Halberton.
The commander of the EA 8th Fleet… funny I'll be meeting him this way.
Timeline: C.E. 70, June 2; +2100 hours
Location: The Moon; an EA resource base in the Endymion Crater
ZAFT began an offensive whose ultimate target was the Ptolemaeus lunar base. A ZAFT base was established in the Lorentz Crater, and the moon was divided along what became known as the Grimaldi Front.
The initial battle of the Grimaldi Front began at May 3, C.E. 70. Ending at June 2, C.E. 70, the final battle of the Grimaldi Front took place at an EA resource base in the Endymion Crater.
Both the EA and ZAFT forces there were evenly matched in terms of troop numbers. However, as time passed on, it slowly became apparent that ZAFT's MS gained an edge over the numerous but low-quality Moebius units. Save for only one specialized team of Moebius Zero units, led by Lieutenant JG Mwu La Flaga, the EA force was barely holding on as it was being destroyed piece by piece.
The ensuing chaotic battle happening before his eyes reminded Kenji Hyne, call sign `Dark Avenger', of one thing.
“Hell,” he muttered to himself, as he directed his customized CGUE swiftly slicing apart 3 Moebius units in succession with its heavy sword.
Watching their explosions from a safe distance, he glanced back at his small team of 3 GINN High Maneuver Types.
“Avenger Team, disperse and cut down the enemy units!” he ordered, his CGUE motioning his team towards another oncoming group of Moebius units with its heavy sword pointed at them.
“YES SIR!” they exclaimed, engaging the enemy and charging past their team leader. `Dark Avenger' felt an ominous feeling coming from behind, alerting him of danger.
What the… this feeling... from behind!
The black CGUE barely turned around and dodged sideways at a Moebius Zero charging past by, firing away with its linear gun.
It flew back at a lazy arc and deployed its 4 wired Gunbarrel pods firing at the ZAFT MS.
Suicide runare you crazy?
The black CGUE fired off its vulcan-gun, on the shield mounted on its left arm, at the charging Moebius Zero.
“Quit playing around, and put him out of his misery!” an exasperated voice sounded through the black CGUE's com-link.
Unknown to his comrade radioing him before, `Dark Avenger' was actually aiming for the 4 wired Gunbarrel pods. He smirked to himself as he watched his fire land their mark, effectively crippling the Moebuis Zero.
Inside, the panicked pilot continued his desperate charge, firing off his only weapon, the Moebius Zero's linear gun.
“Take this, Coordinator scum!” he exclaimed, pulling the trigger on the control stick like a madman.
The black CGUE didn't need to dodge the enemy fire, as they couldn't make their mark. `Dark Avenger' looked coldly at the charging Moebius Zero in the CIS, gripping tightly the control sticks and preparing to floor the thruster pedals.
An unfortunate fellow… you leave me no choice.
­The Moebius Zero neared contact with the black CGUE, expecting to crash onto it. However, the CGUE pointed down its heavy sword in its path, as it gripped its weapon tightly with its left hand, and flipped upwards (imagine a person balancing himself on one hand. Okay, now imagine him balancing on a stick as he holds it with one hand).
The result was the Moebius Zero running through the CGUE's heavy sword, being sliced open in half.
At the same time, the CGUE fired off its heavy assault machine gun held in the right hand at the Moebius Zero.
The pilot barely had time to shriek in horror as his unit exploded in a ball of flames.
The black CGUE hovered in position after the explosion occurred behind it.
“A meaningless death…” `Dark Avenger' muttered sadly, pounding his right fist on his pilot seat's armrest.
A red CGUE then approached him, with its pilot's face appeared in a sub-window on the CIS.
“Touché, `Dark Avenger'. Always fighting with style,” he complimented, giving a thumbs-up at him.
`Dark Avenger' shrugged off his compliment given to him by Eiji Shinonome, call sign `Red Reaper'.
“It was nothing. How's your team handling?”
“They're performing remarkably;I guess they didn't need my help. And I see yours didn't need your help as well.”
“…Come on, gather your team and I'll gather mine; together, let's coordinate our attacks on the 2ndand 4thEA Fleet.”
“Lead the way, comrade! Give me a minute calling my team here.”
Eiji's face then flickered off from the CIS.
6 GINN High Maneuver Types gathered near the two CGUEs, namely the Avenger Team and the Reaper Team. Three were led by the red CGUE, and while another three led by the black CGUE.
`Dark Avenger' respectively bellowed new commands to both teams.
“Avenger Team, Reaper Team, follow me! We strike at the 2ndand 4thEA Fleet! Destroy any enemy units along the way!”
The two ZAFT units trailed towards the 2nd and 4th EA Fleet, which were separated from the 1st and 3rd EA Fleet. Moebius MA scampered in their way, but were quickly disposed of and set aside by the battle-hungry ZAFT units.
“Ha, ha, ha! It's like taking out tomorrow's garbage!” `Red Reaper' laughed with delight inside his red CGUE.
As they finally neared the 2nd and 4th EA Fleet, the two teams split up. Reaper Team took on the 2nd EA Fleet while Avenger Team took on the 4th EA Fleet.
Meanwhile in the 4th EA Fleet flagship, the Menelaos, radar operators reported battle status.
“Two MSteams have split up taking on the 2ndand our 4thFleet! One is heading towards our fleet at high speed!”
“Verifying their heat signatures… they're identified as 3 GINN High Maneuver Types led by a… no… it can't be… a black CGUE!”
“B-B-Black CGUE! It's him, the `Dark Avenger'!”
“Ah! Admiral…!
Unfazed by the reports, Admiral Lewis C. Halberton stood up from his seat, cutting the air with an outstretched hand, looking on the main screen.
“Have that unit on the main screen! We need to get a look at them!”
By his command, the main screen instantly showed Avenger Team bearing down on them. The particular black CGUE caught his eye, as he rubbed his chin with his left hand.
So that's the black CGUE that's been feared about from the other fleets.
`Dark Avenger', eh? Interesting.
He looked towards the pilot operators, who were in charge relaying orders to pilots boarding their units and going off to battle.
“Deploy allofour Moebius units! Contact the Moebius Zero unit leader and ask for his assistance in driving off this ZAFT unit!”
“Y-Y-Yes sir!”
20 Moebius units deployed from the Menelaos, the remaining ones left. They headed towards the Avenger Team, hoping to drive them off.
From another area in the battlefield, ZAFT's cadre of GINN High Maneuver Types was outclassing the renowned Moebius Zero corps. Their numbers dwindled slowly minute after minute. Its squad leader, Lieutenant JG Mwu La Flaga was busy with one GINN High Maneuver Type piloted by a mysterious masked nemesis dubbed Rau Le Creuset.
Their machines danced with each other, trading fire and dodging the other's attacks.
“Tch… what do you want from me, Rau Le Creuset? I've got no bone to pick with you!” Mwu yelled at his foe via com-link.
“Ha, ha, ha… all in due time, Mwu La Flaga! You'll soon find out why I intend to finish you off here and now!” Rau cackled with glee, feeling his insides bursting with excitement at meeting his intended foe.
Just then a transmission was sent to Mwu. He quickly took a peek at it while focused on his piloting.
Mwu raised an eyebrow at the mentioned name in the transmission.
“No way… Admiral Halberton… shit, I'll take on this Rau Le Creuset some other time then!”
He flicked on his com-link to his Moebius Zero Corps team members.
“Guys, this is Mwu here. Abandon your attacks on the ZAFT forces in this area and follow me! We'll lend a hand driving off another mobile suit force attacking the EA 4thfleet flagship the Menelaos!”
Several transmissions buzzed on his com-link, not showing images of his teammates.
“L-L-Lieutenant La Flaga… I… can't… take much more of this! Ah…!”
“Mwu… Steve here, unfortunately I'm pinned down by enemy fire in my position. You'll have to go on your own… sorry…”
“I'm tired… I want to go home… mommy…”
“-Cough- -Cough- Bobby here. H-Hang on, I'm heading… your way… oh crap…”
“Sorry, Lieutenant… I… couldn't make it… Ugh…!”
“HEY… HEY! GUYS! DON'T BAIL OUT ON ME NOW! Damn it!” Mwu banged his free hand on the CIS in frustration. He gritted his teeth as he floored the thrusters to the max, jettisoning away from the attacking GINN High Maneuver Type.
“Where do you think you're going, Mwu? Running off?” Rau mocked his foe, his MS in pursuit of the Moebius Zero and firing off machine gun rounds.
The Moebius Zero weaved and barrel-rolled out of enemy fire, as it went full speed towards the Menelaos. Mwu cursed some profanities in frustration at the event happening before him.
Fuck… fuck… fuck! Chased by this weirdo, and now forced to lend aid to Admiral Halberton's flagship… how it can get any worse than this?
The Avenger Team began their assault on the EA 4th fleet, first disposing of the remaining Moebius units deployed in its defense.
`Dark Avenger' grinned little with pride at his teammates, who were clearly wiping off space of Moebius units. But making him more proud was that his teammates were rookies who were improving well as they continued sorties with him in any battle with the EA. He quickly took a peek at them on the left and right CIS.
“Good job guys. I'll leave them to you.”
Ignoring the Moebius units, the black CGUE went full speed towards one Drake-class escort warship, then flying just above its bridge, swiftly avoiding the ship's anti-flying fire, and sliced it apart in one stroke with its heavy sword.
As the warship's bridge exploded, the rest of it followed. The black CGUE made quick work of another Drake-class escort warship, doing the same style.
The black CGUE then turned its attention on 2 Nelson-class warships left guarding the Menelaos, firing off its heavy assault machine gun on 6 incoming Moebius units, destroying them and zooming past their explosions. It made quick work of the cannon and gun turrets in rapid succession using a combo attack with its heavy sword and vulcan-gun on the shield mounted on its left arm.
Then, it quickly dove in for the kill, slicing apart the bridges in one fell swoop.
`Dark Avenger' didn't bother waiting for their inevitable destruction as he focused on the big bird left standing in front of him.
“The big bird left… is that where Admiral Halberton is?”
Amidst the explosions from the 250m-class warships' end, the black CGUE hovered nearby the Menelaos. In the ship's bridge, the bridge crew was at their wits' end as they stared in horror at the black CGUE bearing down on them.
“My God… he took out the escort ships all by himself in that MS. I guess the EA needs to develop their MSto counter ZAFT's. We're seriously overpowered by them badly,” Halberton remarked quietly to himself in his seat as he stared at the black CGUE on the ship's main screen.
“Captain… excuse me for being frank and desperate here… but for the love of God, I suggest we retreat!” his assistant Captain Mark Hoffman pleaded, standing next him.
Halberton looked grimly at the black CGUE and sighed in defeat.
“All crew, we'll retreat from the battlefield! Send message to surviving pilots of the 4thFleet to follow suit in retreat!” the admiral ordered his bridge crew, who gladly complied.
“Sir, we're being hailed by the enemy MS! Shall I put transmission on the main screen?” a communication operator inquired.
Halberton nodded, motioning the transmission displayed on the ship's main screen. It showed a ZAFT pilot wearing a red pilot uniform with his arms folded, his face somewhat visible beneath his pilot helmet, staring coldly at him.
Halberton wasn't the least intimidated by his looks, and stared back at him. One thing he noticed were his eyes, which seemed to shimmer a bit. He could see a mixture of emotions in them, somehow making him reluctant to attack.
“Admiral Halberton of the EA 4thFleet, I presume?”
“Yes. You must be the `Dark Avenger'feared by some of men here, no?”
“…I didn't ask for that nickname. But now, I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life.”
“I seewhy did you hail us? It's very rare of you ZAFT pilots being hesitant.”
“...I did so to see you, after hearing much about you from my superiors... admiral, I've decided to let your ship escape. My apologies for taking out your escort ships and some of your pilots… but it was necessary.”
The bridge crew stared at the feared ZAFT pilot with gaping mouths. Letting them off like that? It must be a miracle!
Halberton stroked his moustache in wonder at the person he was talking to. He slowly found him to be interesting. A small smile crossed his face.
“Do you guarantee my ship retreating safely, `Dark Avenger'?”
It'd be insane letting an enemy off in war. War didn't have space for kindness.
Yet, the feared `Dark Avenger' banished all protest and logic in his mind, then remembering a crucifix necklace worn around his neck inside his ZAFT pilot suit.
Lunamaria… I hope I'm doing the right thing.
He nodded in reply.
“Very well, I'll trust you. Give us 5 minutes to make haste with the retreat. Oh, and one more thing. Why would you leave an enemy like me off?”
“It's… complicated. Now get going before I change my mind and regret my decision.”
With that said, `Dark Avenger' flickered off from the ship's main screen. Captain Hoffman breathed out a sigh of relief, looking worriedly at Halberton.
“Do you think he'll keep his word, Admiral?”
The mentioned admiral sat back in his seat, ordering his bridge crew to continue with the retreat. His eyes never left on the black CGUE displayed on the main screen. He folded his arms and laughed softly.
“Ha, ha, ha… yes, Hoffman, he'll keep his word. I can see trust in his eyes.”
With that said, the Menelaos made its retreat from the battlefield.
Minutes later, Mwu spotted it and approached by, flying by its side near the bridge. He noticed his radar not picking up the pursuing Rau. He looked behind him to verify his suspicions.
“Strange… he was at my tail minutes ago. Weirdo.”
He flicked on his com-link to the Menelaos.
“This is Lieutenant JG Mwu La Flaga of the Moebius Zero Corps. Admiral Halberton, how did your ship escape unscathed?”
Halberton's face appeared on Mwu's CIS.
“I'd call it a miracle. It seemed there was a kind soul in ZAFT letting my ship off, although he destroyed single-handedly the escort ships of my 4thFleet.”
On the other side where the Menelaos was previously at, the Avenger Team and the Reaper Team gathered.
“What the hell happened, Kenji? Did you take care of the 4thFleet?” Red Reaper asked.
“…Unfortunately, its flagship got away before I could do so. I guess the small fry took up my team's time to take care of it,” `Dark Avenger' fibbed.
Previously after the Menelaos made its escape, he ordered his teammates to lie and agree with his fib, after explaining little his reason for letting the enemy ship go. They understood and stuck true to their word.
“Captain Hyne was correct, Captain Shinonome, we were too busy taking care of the Moebius units.”
“Yup, I agree with him, those Moebius units were pesky flies, so they had to be dealt with first.”
“The escort ships gave Captain Hyne trouble, so he focused on them also.”
Inside the red CGUE, `Red Reaper' eyed the Avenger Team suspiciously with a raised eyebrow on his CIS.
Hmm… there's something not right about this… but… I suppose Kenji needed some back-up taking care of the fleet…
“Alright, I guess sometimes we lose our touch and need support to take out the enemy, no matter their size, eh, Kenji? Come on, we'll clean up the rest of the surviving enemy units,” he commented.
“Got it, Eiji. Avenger Team, let's move out!” `Dark Avenger' exclaimed, his team starting their advance onto a different area for surviving enemy units.
“Reaper Team, follow suit!” `Red Reaper' exclaimed, his team following behind.
The outcome of the final battle in the Grimaldi Front happened as follows.
The Alliance lost its 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fleet but was able to use a Cyclops System in the resource base to wipe out the ZAFT forces. Many Alliance forces were also sacrificed in the process.
End Flashback
Oh well… I guess it can't be helped then.
Kenji briefly smiled to himself at the irony of his flashback. Shaking off further thoughts on it, he headed back to the Hynes' quarters.
Minutes later, a shuttle landed in the hangar carrying Admiral Halberton and his assistant Captain Hoffman. The two stepped out of the transport to be greeted by two lines consisting of the Archangel high-ranking trio (with George Allster among them) and the bridge crew, and the Heliopolis temporarily enlisted teens and the Hynes.
They stood in line formation, saluting their superiors, who saluted them and nodded back. They approached first the high-ranking trio.
Halberton was briefly happy to see Murrue standing before him. He remembered having her as a student during his professor years in the EA Academy.
“Welcome aboard the Archangel, Admiral. We're pleased to have you, sir,” Murrue greeted with a smile, shaking hands with him and his assistant.
“Thank you, Murrue. I see you haven't changed much since the academy,” Halberton kidded, giving the Archangel Captain a small blush of embarrassment. He glanced back at his assistant, then to the high-ranking trio.
“This is my assistant, Captain Mark Hoffman, by the way.”
Hoffman, a short but wise man in his mid 30s, having short brown hair, brown eyes, looked to be a respectable figure as the admiral. He shook hands with Murrue, Natarle, and Mwu, nodding to them.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Murrue glanced at the bridge crew, introducing them.
“Admiral, these are the surviving crew members of the ship during the Heliopolis raid. Their efforts helped run the ship in due course.”
Halberton looked at all of them with a smile. With a nod, he commented to them.
“Ah, a fine-looking crew you have here, Murrue. I'm proud of your efforts in instilling life in this ship. Keep up the good work. As reward for your efforts, I'll be handing out your promotions to Captain Ramius later on, and she'll promote you instead of me. Forgive me, but my time here is limited. Thanks again.”
He turned to George Allster, who shook his hand.
“Vice-Minister Allster, glad to see you alive and well. I regret sending you aboard the Montgomery in the escort fleet, after hearing about their demise before their rendezvous with the Archangel.”
“Not at all, admiral, it's not your fault. I'm to blame for that, because of my anxiety in seeing my daughter here.”
Halberton then directed his attention on Kira and company, approaching them. The high-ranking trio, George, and Hoffman followed him behind.
“Murrue, are these the teens whom you mentioned to me about?”
Murrue smiled, nodding in reply. Glancing at her reply, the admiral looked back at them.
“I've heard about the Heliopolis incident. I'm pleased to say that your parents are alive and well, for they managed to escape and stay in Orb.”
At the mention of their parents' well being, the teens rejoiced happy.
“I'll want to speak with you again before I leave the ship. I've heard of your support and volunteerism for this ship, I appreciate that. Please excuse me.”
Halberton took a quick look particularly at Kira, as the group then turned to the Hynes, approaching them. Peter, dressed in his lab coat uniform, bowed formally while Kenji saluted, dressed in his EA uniform.
Halberton shook hands with Peter first.
“Professor Peter Hyne, it's a surprise meeting you here. I've heard of your contributions to the G-project when I last spoke with Professor Aile Kato. You specialized in electronic warfare, yes?”
Peter was pleased, being acknowledged for his specialty. He chuckled delightedly, nodding to the admiral.
“It's rare for anyone to remember my works on that field. Aile sometimes had a big mouth for that genius of his.”
“Ha, ha, ha… yes, I agree with you there, professor. Professor Kato surely deserved credit for his creation behind the Strike G-weapon and its design.”
Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle widen their eyes in slight surprise hearing that fact.
So it was Professor Aile Kato behind the Strike's design! No wonder…
Professor Aile Kato? Hmm… heard some stories about him. I thought he was a typical, old-geezer type research scientist.
Aile Kato… he's supposedly the most brilliant scientist existed in the EA!
Halberton then turned his attention to Kenji, who stared at him respectfully. He felt a sense of nostalgia creeping to him as he focused on the Seraph pilot's eyes.
That shimmer in those eyes… yes… no doubt, it's you all along, `Dark Avenger'.
He offered his hand to Kenji, who warmly shook it and added a nod.
“Kenji Hyne… your son, Peter?” the admiral glanced at Peter, who beamed at his nephew with paternal pride. The older Hyne considered the Seraph pilot more as a son than a nephew.
“I wish he was, but he's my nephew and only living relative. He was adopted by foster parents before we met.”
“I see… that's unfortunate. Well met, young lad.”
Kenji sensed his former enemy, now comrade, standing before him feeling pleased at making his acquaintance. He laughed to himself deep down at the irony of the situation.
Well, this sure is a surprise, meeting my former enemy in person, and wearing his army's uniform to boot. I never guessed it'd turn out like this. He still remembers me since that time.
“It's an honor meeting you, sir,” he saluted to the admiral.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +0900 hours
Location: The Vesalius
In the ship's briefing room, Rau and Ades were in discussion regarding the mistaken prediction of the legged ship heading for the EA lunar HQ. The two glanced at the overview map table displaying the legged ship's expected route to the Moon.
“It seems we're wrong about the legged ship heading for the EA lunar HQ, Ades. We sorely underestimated the ship and its crew, Ades,” Rau commented, hands behind his back.
Ades nodded in agreement, wearing a frown on his face.
“Yes, commander, it seems they have other tactics in their hands. What now?”
Rau traced his finger on the Earth, pointing it.
“I figure the legged ship will try an atmospheric re-entry and head for the Atlantic Federation's HQ in Alaska. We must destroy it before it attempts to do so. However, it has already rendezvous with the EA 8th Fleet, thanks to a latest report from Zelman in the Gamow.”
Ades scratched his head with his left hand, looking at the overview map with a raised eyebrow.
“Hmm… there's no choice but to go through them to reach the legged ship, then, commander?”
“Exactly. Contact Aster and Zelman, and notify them of our strategy. We shall begin final preparations before attempting battle with the EA 8th Fleet.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +0915 hours
Location: The Geneva
In the ship's briefing room, Lloyd, Eiji, and the Crusader Squad gathered about around the overview map table, displaying the same diagram shown in the Vesalius. Nearby the door, a small intercom was posted, its screen displaying the communication operator's image in the bridge.
“Captain, we've received a transmission from the Vesalius.”
Lloyd approached the intercom, pressing the “RECEIVE” button to reply.
“Transfer it to the briefing room's display screen.”
“Yes sir.”
Then, a medium-sized display screen popped in view from above the overview map table. The group gathered around watching it showing Ades's image.
“Aster, Ades here. Sorry for keeping you waiting.”
The Geneva Captain shrugged off the apology with a wave of his right hand.
“Forget it, Ades, I'm used to waiting. Anyways, any developments?”
“Yes. Commander Creuset and I have already gone in discussion with a new battle plan regarding the legged ship Archangel.”
“Spill, my friend.”
“Ahem. It seems we're wrong to assume the legged ship heading for the EA lunar HQ. Commander Creuset pointed out that after its rendezvous with the EA 8th Fleet, it intends to make atmospheric re-entry and head for the Atlantic Federation's HQ in Alaska. He wants it destroyed before it can do so.”
Arms folded and staring back at the overview map table, Eiji pondered on the situation.
“It's a small window of time to attempt to destroy the legged ship. It can't be helped.”
Ryu threw his hands up in the air, staring at Ades.
“Captain Ades, what happened to the Gamow? Was it successful delaying the legged ship on its rendezvous with the EA 8th Fleet?”
Ades shook his head with a grim look.
“I'm afraid it wasn't able to. Despite the combined efforts of pilots Amalfi, Elsman, and Joule, in their acquired G-weapons, they were repelled off by the legged ship's small mobile suit force.”
Barry snickered to himself after hearing the news, pocketing his hands in his pant pockets.
The hotshots failed? Not like them to screw up but with Nicol by their side, they'll let it slide this time.
Lisa folded her arms, pondering on the news.
A small MS force… it must be the same ones we encountered before. The 5th prototype MS, the Strike, and the unknown one Commander Shinonome was fighting with… they're not to be underestimated.
Miho made a small prayer with concern.
Nicol… I hope you're faring well as much I am.
“No way… I guess they're not to be underestimated. I look forward meeting them in battle,” Ryu remarked, leaning against the wall with folded arms.
“No doubt about that, Ryu. So, Captain Ades, you're saying that with the Vesalius, the Gamow, and the Geneva, and counting our MS force, we rush up to the EA 8th Fleet and take them down, then hopefully destroying the legged ship before making its atmospheric re-entry?” Eiji inquired.
Ades nodded in reply, shrugging his shoulders.
“Yup, that pretty much sums up the battle plan.”
“When do we begin?” Lloyd asked.
“Have your ship and its units ready for battle. We'll be moving out in a few minutes.”
“Understood, old chum. Relay word to Commander Creuset we're sticking with that plan.”
With an understanding nod to the Geneva Captain, Ades's image flickered off from the display screen. It then folded back up from its stored position.
Lloyd eyed the group, cutting the air with an outstretched hand.
“Any questions before we begin mission?” he asked.
Eiji cracked both knuckles on his hands, flexing them. He ran his right hand through his hair, grinning.
“No need to ask. I'm itching to go, captain.”
“Very well, you're all dismissed. You all make preparations for battle.”
Eiji and the Crusader Squad exited the briefing room. Lloyd then grabbed Ryu's arm, pulling the squad leader to him, seeing him being last to leave.
“Captain?” he wondered.
With a quiet voice and a cautious look around the room, Lloyd began.
“Ryu, have you noticed anything strange about Commander Shinonome?”
“Hmm… well… now that you mentioned it, in the previous battle with the legged ship joining attack with the Vesalius, he was worked up with one of the enemy's MS.”
Lloyd gave a questioning glare.
“Worked up on one MS…? How so?”
Ryu coughed, clearing his voice, before resuming.
“That MS seemed familiar to Commander Shinonome's, in terms of design, firepower, etc. The only thing different about it was its painted scheme, which was white. My squad watched them fight it out with each other, not wanting to interfere. It was evenly matched… their skill seemed higher than ours.”
“…Interesting. The next time you encounter that MS, can you record footage of it? Get it long as much as possible. Afterwards, send it to my office.”
“Understood, captain. May I ask why?”
Lloyd furrowed his eyebrows in thought, as he recalled the masked informant's image in his mind.
“Nothing much, I just want to see its performance in battle. You're dismissed.”
Giving an affirmative nod, Ryu left the room, seeing Lisa waiting for him outside the hallway.
“Hey, what took you?” she wondered.
“Just small chitchat regarding the legged ship,” the Crusader Squad leader lied.
“Come on, let's get geared up then!”
The two rejoined the rest of the Crusader Squad and Eiji heading for the hangar bay.
Back in the briefing room, Lloyd closed his eyes, reflecting on the present situation.
Hmm… the legged ship Archangel, and with its small MS force it seems to be a slippery one to be destroyed.
Why is Eiji getting worked up on a particular mobile suit similar to his? That doesn't add up. How could the legged ship acquire it for its defense? Maybe one of those prototypes not accounted for back in Heliopolis.
Creuset must have overlooked it.
Why is the masked informant so intent having me pursuing Creuset? Something's not right.
Lloyd shook his head, clearing doubts inside.
All will be answered in due time, I hope. For now, just concentrate in destroying the legged ship.
Switching off the overview map table, he switched off the lights, exiting the room and heading for the bridge.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +0930 hours
Location: The Archangel
Inside Murrue's office, the important people (Halberton and Hoffman, Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle, Peter and George) were in amidst of discussion over cups of freshly brewed coffee served courtesy from the ship's cook, Lowe Carte.
With Hoffman standing by his side, Halberton narrowed down the present situation viewed by EA senior staff back in Alaska.
“Apparently, Murrue, the senior staff in Alaska doesn't think that the Archangel and the Strike Gundam were worth the destruction of Heliopolis and Artemis. Now regarding the Seraph Gundam, Professor Hyne, that's quite a coincidence it's in your hands.”
Peter corrected the admiral.
“You've got it wrong, admiral. It was actually entrusted to Kenji as a present by Professor Kato.”
Hoffman coughed slightly, getting everyone's attention.
“But what shall we do about Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne? According to Captain Ramius and Professor Hyne, those two are the only Coordinators onboard this ship.”
“Captain Hoffman, they're just civilians who've been forced by circumstances to fight for us. They should be free to leave,” Murrue remarked.
George and Natarle were thinking the same thing.
Yes… we could use them to our advantage. They're very valuable due to their abilities.
The Vice-Minister beat Natarle to the punch, who was about to speak out of turn, voicing out his opinion.
“Admiral, we just can't let people with their abilities go. It'd be best if they were enlisted, fighting for the EA.”
Halberton stroked his blonde moustache listening, while setting down his cup of coffee on Murrue's table. He shook his head, glancing at his student.
“I agree with Captain Ramius on this matter. Besides, what right do we have forcing these innocent youths to fight our war?”
Mwu and Peter nodded, agreeing with the admiral and finishing their coffee. The only ones disagreeing were George and Natarle, who wore scowls on their faces.
Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne shouldn't be allowed to leave. It'd be a big disadvantage to the ship and its crew should they do so. Their Gundams are a mighty force to reckon with.
I don't want Kenji Hyne to leave. I've rarely found someone attractive and mysterious as he.
Natarle stepped forth, outstretching her hand, getting everyone's attention.
“Admiral, how about taking Kira's parents hostage? That should prevent him from leaving this ship. As to Kenji, he should be enlisted in the EA. His services are much needed by the crew.”
Peter stared at Natarle astonished by the suggestion, and raising an eyebrow.
Oh? It's absurd of you suggesting that idea!
For Kira, that boy deserves a normal life. For Kenji, well, he only decided to fight in order to protect the ship and its crew, returning the favor to Captain Ramius for her letting us stay onboard after Heliopolis fell.
Halberton stared at Natarle in apprehension, at the sound of the suggestion. He waved off her suggestion with an outstretched hand.
“Silence, Ensign Badgiruel! Stop saying such nonsense, I won't allow it.”
Taken aback by his answer, Natarle regained composure, nodding to him. She cursed deep down having lost another internal conflict.
“My apologies, admiral.”
Damn it… defeated again! It's as if everyone's against me.
In the hangar, Murdoch chuckled delightedly to himself at the sight of 2 Skygrasper atmospheric combat units loaded inside, courtesy from the admiral. A support ship accompanying Halberton brought them.
“Yup… these babies will make a fine addition in this ship,” he commented.
Back in Murrue's office, the discussion continued with Hoffman speaking, setting down his finished cup of coffee on Murrue's desk.
“Captain Ramius, because the advance ships we sent to rendezvous with you were destroyed, we cannot provide additional crew to spare for the Archangel.”
Halberton placed his hand on Murrue's left shoulder, looking seriously at her.
“Murrue, you must get this ship and the Strike Gundam's data down to Alaska in order for the EA to continue the development of the Strike Gundam. ZAFT will continue to develop more MS, and we have to prepare for that.”
Murrue nodded, placing her finished cup of coffee down on her desk.
“Understood, admiral. I'll make sure we'll do our best in getting the Archangel and the Strike Gundam down to Alaska.”
The admiral pulled his hand away from Murrue's left shoulder, nodding to her with a small smile.
“Excellent. Oh, there's one more agenda to be resolved here. I've decided that you and your crew deserve promotions. The senior staff back in Alaska wouldn't think of rewarding your efforts in bringing a top-secret project back to EA territory. Hoffman here will give you official papers of promotion for you to distribute to your crew.”
The admiral's assistant stepped forth, handing a small bundle of signed papers, certifying promotions, to the Archangel Captain, who received it with a salute.
“Thank you sir. I'll be sure to have these distributed right away.”
Murrue glanced at Natarle, remembering discharge papers for Kira, Kuzzey, Miriallia, Sai, and Tolle. She went behind her desk, opening a drawer containing the mentioned items and handing them to Natarle.
“Can you make sure to hand these discharge papers for the teens? Thanks, Natarle.”
Receiving them, she nodded in reply, then turning to Hoffman.
“Excuse me, Captain Hoffman, but will you accompany me in distributing these?”
“Of course, Ensign Badgiruel, lead the way.”
The two left the room, looking for the Heliopolis students.
Mwu stifled a short yawn, trying to shake off drowsiness. He turned to the group.
“Excuse me, everybody, but I'm going to need some shut-eye. Admiral, captain, professor, and Vice-Minister.”
After saluting to his superiors, Mwu exited the room, heading for his quarters.
“Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you, admiral. Please excuse me as well. Captain Ramius, George,” Peter waved goodbye to the group, exiting the room and heading for the Hynes' quarters.
Halberton shook his student's hand warmly one last time, with a soft smile.
“Keep up the good work, Murrue. You'll make a fine captain, I know it.”
Murrue blushed little embarrassed by the remark, smiling back.
“Thank you, admiral.”
“I'll take my leave now. By the way, where are Kira and Kenji?”
“They should be in the hangar, working on their MS, the Strike and the Seraph.”
“I see. Take care, Murrue. Oh, Vice-Minister, will you be coming along with me later when I head back to the Menelaos? Or would you prefer to stay onboard this ship?”
George shook his head in reply.
“I'm afraid I'll stay onboard here in the Archangel, because of my daughter Fllay.”
“Oh? Ah, yes, the girl with the dark-red hair, among the Heliopolis students…?”
“Yes, she's the one. Besides this ship will be on route to Alaska, so I figured to make my reports regarding recent events happening with this ship and its crew to the EA central HQ.”
Halberton adjusted his hat, glancing one last time at George with a small smile.
“Well, good day to you, Vice-Minister. Please excuse me.”
Finding the Heliopolis students (minus Kira) on a quiet section of the hallway, Natarle and Hoffman called their attention, approaching them.
“Miss Badgiruel, what is it?” Sai inquired, adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
Natarle handed them their discharge papers, catching them surprised.
“Here are your discharge papers, signed and approved by Captain Ramius and Admiral Halberton. You're free to leave the ship.”
“What…? Are you serious?” Tolle asked, his mouth agape.
“Do you think I'd play around with you? Look at the papers closely, it's serious,” Natarle clicked her tongue annoyed by the question.
Suddenly, a mass of dark-red hair appeared in view, belonging to Fllay, who pushed her way through the small group, appearing in front of Natarle and Hoffman. She looked at them with a hint of determination in her eyes.
“Is… it possible for me to join the army?” she asked them.
The two EA officers were slightly surprised by the question, looking casually at her.
All was quiet back in the hangar after Murdoch ordered his team of mechanics/engineers to take some hours off from active duty, leaving the head mechanic/engineer noticing Kira gazing upwards at the Strike Gundam from the rafters.
That kid better not think a lot, it won't do him any good.
Giving one last look at the Strike pilot, he followed suit after his team, who left the hangar and were on their way to the mess hall for chow time. As the door closed after him, silence reigned in the room.
Thoughts of his first battle back in Heliopolis loomed in Kira's mind as he continued gazing at the Strike. His face slowly turned sad as he felt a sense of guilt washing in him.
That ZAFT pilot… I… I had no choice. He was trying to destroy the colony back then.
His hands clenched into shaky fists while his eyes closed, which seemed to shimmer little, and his teeth gritted in his mouth.
“Damn it… it's not fair…” he quietly remarked to himself.
“Thinking about your first battles in that MS… Kira was it?” a voice asked, getting Kira's attention.
The Strike pilot quickly regained composure, turning around to see Admiral Halberton walking to him slowly, hands held behind the back.
“You're… Admiral Halberton? It's nice to meet you, sir.”
“Same here. I take it you're feeling sorry parting with that MS?”
Kira turned around looking back at the Strike sadly. Halberton approached the railing of the rafter he and Kira were on, with his hands then gripping it as he kept his eyes at the Strike pilot.
What were his parents thinking, when they made him into a Coordinator?
The admiral continued the conversation.
“The Strike Gundam was designed and developed to counter ZAFT MS. However, after hearing much about your recent exploits with that from Captain Ramius, when you piloted it, it becomes more like a super weapon. -Chuckle- Although your abilities are tempting to have, one person alone can't win a war.”
Kira glanced back at him, expecting an answer to his questions about the Strike.
“Should I fight because I have the power to then?”
Halberton shook his head, letting go of the railing and resuming back in his regular position, hands held behind the back.
“Power means nothing if you don't have the will to fight.”
Kira looked back at the Strike, pondering on the admiral's remark.
Coughing little to clear his voice, the admiral asked a question, breaking Kira's train of thought.
“By the way, Kira, have you seen Kenji Hyne around? Captain Ramius informed me he was also around here with you.”
“Kenji? I saw him at the observation room a moment ago before I walked in here.”
Halberton placed a hand on the Strike pilot's right shoulder, patting it, and smiling at him one more time. He then left, heading for his next destination, leaving Kira alone to his thoughts.
In the observation room, the lights were off leaving one occupant standing, looking outside the window, showing the void of space decorated with infinite number of stars.
Kenji removed the crucifix necklace worn around his neck, clutching it with his right hand and staring at it. A sense of nostalgia crept into him as a particular memory flashed in his mind.
Timeline: C.E. 70, February 8; +1800 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Junius-Seven
PLANTs Junius-Seven through Ten were remodeled last year for agricultural production, as ordered by Chairman Clyne.
16-year old Kenji Hyne and 15-year old Lunamaria Minami were enjoying each other's company in a quiet location of an open field, alone. The two teens relaxed under a cool breeze of wind as they looked up at the manmade weather showing nightfall from their seated positions, thanks to the colony's weather control system. Kenji was in his red ZAFT uniform, symbolizing his status as an elite pilot, and laid down on the grassy ground with his hands holding behind his head. Lunamaria wore a pink jacket over a white blouse, white long skirt, pink socks, and brown leather shoes.
“Why didn't you call Eiji instead? He's always happy to spend time with you,” Kenji broke the silence as he continued gazing upwards.
Lunamaria felt a sense of pain and regret from his words, as she put on a fake smile, not wanting to reveal her conflicting emotions inside for the ZAFT ace pilot seated beside her.
All this time, Kenji… even after you rejected me ayear ago… I still love you. I know you're a kind and thoughtful person inside, that's why you let Eiji take my heart instead of you.
“I know that, Kenji. But… I wanted to see you mostly. I heard you were very busy in the military lately,” she glanced at him, who sighed looking down at the grassy ground.
“Yeah… work's been mostly a pain in the ass, pardon my language. I'm just taking it easy for a while, picking on routine missions. There's nothing serious thoughfor the time being.
“But you're regarded as one of ZAFT's top elite pilots! You should be happy you reached your goal after graduating from the academy.”
Kenji laughed at himself after hearing the remark, then glancing back at her with a smile.
“True, but after achieving that goal… my life's pretty much boring from here on. You didn't call me out here from Aprilius-One just for this conversation. Is something the matter?”
Lunamaria felt herself turn into goo at the sight of his smile. Her cheeks flushed little, as she fiddled with her hands. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, before producing a small crucifix necklace out from her jacket's left chest pocket. Kenji noticed it, interested about the object.
“What's this? A necklace?” he asked.
Lunamaria slowly took his left hand, opening it, and depositing the accessory on the palm of his left hand. She then closed his left hand, holding over it with hers, while looking at him.
“This is… for you to remember me by.”
The girl looked sadly away from her first love, withdrawing her left hand. She adjusted her seated position, sitting on her legs and resting her hands on her lap. The ZAFT pilot felt his heart sinking with hurt as he guessed her next words.
“Kenji… please promise one thing.”
That wasn't he'd expected though.
“Promise me… that you'll live the rest of your life without regrets. I want you to enjoy what your life offers to you. To me, I can see there's more to life than just the military.”
“…I'm not sure about that…”
“I love you, Kenji… always will, and always have. I know Eiji is a good person for me to love, but I'll always regard you as my first love.”
Kenji was shocked by her words, leaving him speechless. He had explained his reasons for letting his best friend pursue her, and knew she understood. But after foolishly and regretfully rejecting her a year ago, he wanted her acceptance.
Do you know how much this is tearing me up inside when I rejected you ayearago? I didn't want to lose Eiji because of that.
He felt himself changing because of her. Since their first meeting when he was 8 years old, she was one of few friends he made. He was a quiet person who minded his own business, not wanting to invite social contact. But she and Eiji were the first ones to break that, entering in his life.
He shook off doubt and thought from his mind, carefully choosing his words for a reply.
“Luna… I love you too. I've really screwed up rejecting you before… but now it's too late, I guess. I didn't want to hurt Eiji and anger him by stealing you away from him. I value my friends highly.”
Lunamaria felt tears clouding up her vision as she heard those three special words she longed for from him. She faced back at him with a sad smile.
“Kenji… I waited so long to hear you say those words. And now… I've no regrets.”
The ZAFT ace pilot gently wiped off her tears with his right hand. He stared into those two blue pools shimmering with happiness. Snaking his right hand behind her back, he slowly drew her face close to his, sealing their lips against each other.
End Flashback
Luna… I'll never forget you… ever.
With a tear trickling down from his right eye, Kenji clutched Lunamaria's memento firmly.
His ears perked up, hearing the sound of footsteps approaching him, warning him of an arrival. He hurriedly wore the necklace back, and wiped off his tear with his right hand in one motion, before turning around facing the person.
He looked to find Admiral Halberton approaching him.
“Admiral Halberton, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?” the Seraph pilot asked, startled by his presence.
“Well, well… I guess fate was kind enough to let us meet face to face. There's no need to pretend any longer… `Dark Avenger',” the EA admiral spoke.
Kenji shook his head with an amused smile. He threw his hands up the air, defeated, before folding his arms and staring casually at him.
“I'm surprised you still remembered me back in the Grimaldi Front, admiral. I guess you were playing coy with me when we first met back in the hangar.”
The admiral smiled, sharing his amusement with his supposed enemy standing face him.
“I didn't want to cause a ruckus with the crew, you wouldn't have liked the attention given to you. What made you slip into an enemy uniform, friend?”
-Chuckle- I resigned from ZAFT months ago, admiral, so no need to worry. How I got into this EA uniform… well, it's a long story. My uncle and I got mixed with this ship's business when Heliopolis was destroyed.”
“Well… that's quite a story, Kenji Hyne. I take it it's your real name?”
“…You got me there, admiral, I won't deny that.”
Halberton laughed again at the casualness of his response.
“A legendary pilot feared by EA and admired by ZAFT alike… that doesn't do me the justice seeing you in person like this, and acting normal unlike that name.”
“Me, a legendary pilot…? Nah… I guess people see me in that light when I fight in my black CGUE.”
“There's no need for modesty, Kenji. You're full of surprises, and unpredictable too, so do EA pilots say when meeting you on the battlefield.”
“That's my style, admiral.”
Halberton shook his head impressed, then looking outside the window with hands behind his back, standing aside Kenji.
“Tell me one thing. Why did you spare my flagship back then? You pretty much decimated nearly the entire EA 4th Fleet, if it wasn't for the Menelaos being the only survivor.”
The Seraph pilot pocketed his hands in his EA uniformed pants, joining the sightseeing.
“I remembered making a promise to someone. She told me to live my life without regrets. I… couldn't bring myself to destroy your flagship after seeing you there. I slowly got fed up destroying more of your units, after the battle of Grimaldi Front ended. This war between EA and ZAFT… it seems pointless. That's why I left ZAFT on my own accord.”
The admiral smiled at his own reflection shown by the window, intrigued by the answer.
“I guess you're human after all. If you could bring yourself to lend your talents in helping end this conflict, I'll be glad to hear that. I see a potential in you to confirm my beliefs, just like Kira Yamato.”
Kenji raised an eyebrow at his own reflection.
“What did you tell him by the way? I can see he doesn't want to get mixed up in this war as I do.”
“Oh nothing much… I just mentioned him that one person alone can't win a war, despite having tempting abilities, and being a Coordinator.”
“Were you persuading him to fight his own people?”
“Preposterous, I just merely hinted him that it'd be a waste for him to not fully use his abilities for a purpose. If he can find that purpose, well, good for him.”
Just then, an EA officer stepped inside the room, getting their attention. He approached the admiral, saluting him first.
“Admiral, there's a message from the Menelaos requesting you and Captain Hoffman to return back.”
“I understand. Have the shuttle ready immediately.”
“Yes sir!”
The officer saluted him once more before turning around exiting the room. Halberton let out a defeated sigh, turning to Kenji and offering his right hand to him.
“Well, I shall take my leave. It's a privilege meeting you, Kenji.”
“Likewise, admiral… I trust you won't mention a word about me to your superiors?”
-Chuckle- Not at all. I hope we meet again.”
“I'm honored considering you a friend, admiral.”
The two warmly shook hands, smiling at each other. Retracting his hand back, Halberton tipped his hat to Kenji in courtesy, before exiting the room. As the Seraph pilot watched his retreating figure, he felt a newfound respect and a friend in him.
Back in the hallway, Fllay continued on as the group listened to her.
“I've thought a lot of things after noticing my father's near-demise and gladly seeing him alive back in this ship, thanks to Kenji. I realize that I must fight to bring peace in this conflict between Naturals and Coordinators. While I slowly learn to trust Kira and Kenji, it showed me that there's hope for peace between our two races.”
Unknown to the group, George passed by, noticing them and his daughter particularly. He quietly joined behind the Heliopolis students, catching the sudden attention of Natarle and Hoffman, who noticed the arrival. The Vice-Minister placed a finger on his lips, motioning them to remain silent. They nodded in reply, listening to his daughter's speech.
“I… I want to make my father proud of me, knowing that his daughter is trying her best to lend a hand in ending this war. So please… I want to join the army and fight… so that I can carry on his will.”
Fllay felt few tears coming out as she finished, looking determined at Natarle and Hoffman. The Heliopolis students were surprised by the dark red-haired teen's sudden change of attitude after listening to her speech.
Behind them, George smiled proudly at his daughter, beaming with parental pride for raising such a daughter standing before him. He clapped his hands, surprising everyone (minus Natarle and Hoffman) and particularly Fllay, who looked at him stunned.
“Daddy…? You were here the whole time?” she asked.
“Fllay… I didn't realize you've grown into such a mature young lady. I'm proud of you for putting up such a brave stand.”
“Ensign Badgiruel, Captain Hoffman, can I have a word with you, along with Fllay? Let's go somewhere private.”
The two mentioned EA officers nodded in reply, with Natarle approaching Fllay and pulling her gently along as they left for somewhere else in private, continuing a new conversation regarding the Vice-Minister's daughter.
The Heliopolis students watched their retreating forms, reeling from their stunned reactions just now. Sai looked at his discharge paper, with Fllay's words etched in his mind. With a grim look at it, he tore the paper up in half, crumpling it into a ball. His friends stared at him shocked at his action.
“Why did you that, Sai?” Kuzzey asked in disbelief.
“Sorry guys… I feel the same as Fllay. I couldn't just bring myself to bail out on the Archangel and its crew, especially Captain Ramius. I want to fight too,” the yellow-tinted spectacled teen replied.
Miriallia tore up her discharge paper, smiling in agreement.
“Well, I'm in with Sai at this one. I want to fight as well… what about you, Tolle, Kuzzey?”
The two mentioned teens tore up their discharge papers as well.
“Where my girlfriend goes, I'll follow. I got to do my share as well,” Tolle remarked, holding his girlfriend around by the waist with his left arm. This earned a small blush from her, as she playfully admonished him for his recent action.
­-Sigh- I hate being left out… I guess I want to repay Captain Ramius for her kindness letting us onboard this ship, that's all,” Kuzzey replied, dejected.
In the hangar, a shuttle was being loaded with the remnant Heliopolis refugees. An EA soldier carefully guided them one by one in a line near the shuttle's hatch. The shuttle was boarded specifically for Orb, in Earth.
With a small duffel bag, containing a few articles of clothes and other belongings, slung around by his left shoulder, Kira waited behind the line, wearing civilian attire. He looked around for signs of his friends, wondering if they planned on leaving the ship as he.
Where are Sai and the others? I don't see them around here.
He felt a small tug at his pants, forcing him to look at a familiar small girl beaming at him with a smile. His eyes widen little as he remembered bumping into her before his recent battle, while he crouched down to her height, returning her with his smile. The girl wore a yellow dress, covered with a small blue jacket, and white shoes. Her long, black hair swayed a bit as her brown eyes stared at the Strike pilot.
“Yumi, isn't it? What are you doing here?” he asked.
The mentioned girl giggled at his question, taking out a small, yellow origami flower from her pocket and giving it to him, who warmly accepted the gift.
“This is for protecting everyone, Kira! Thank you!” she exclaimed happily.
“Yumi…! There you are! I've been worried about you running off like that!” a woman's voice spoke. Its source approached the little girl, grabbing her left hand, and looking at Kira. Wearing civilian attire, the woman had short, black hair, and green eyes; she looked to be around her early 30s, and was fairly beautiful.
“You must be Kira she talked to me about. I can't thank you enough for your help in protecting us in this ship. You have my gratitude,” she spoke, smiling at the teen.
“Ma'am… there's no need for thanks. I did my best protecting everyone here,” Kira replied, little embarrassed at being thanked.
The woman laughed, amused by his reaction. She looked at her daughter.
“Come on now, Yumi, we're leaving now.”
Yumi nodded, then giving one last smile and a wave of good-bye to Kira.
“Bye-bye, Kira…! Thank you!”
The Strike pilot watched their retreating forms joining the line of civilians entering the shuttle as he waved back at Yumi with a smile.
The EA soldier, serving as a guide, noticed the lone Strike pilot, calling him out loudly.
“Hey, are you coming or not? The shuttle leaves in a few minutes! You better make up your mind!”
Kira was struggling deep down whether to stay or leave the ship. He exclaimed back loudly at the soldier.
“I'm waiting for my friends! Give me some time!”
“You don't have all day here! Jeez… kids these days,” the soldier grumbled to himself, while shaking his head annoyed. He continued guiding the remaining civilians inside the shuttle.
A few hours passed by as a combined ZAFT fleet of the Le Creuset team (1 Nazca-class destroyer the Vesalius, 1 Laurasia-class the Gamow) and the Aster team (1 Nazca-class destroyer the Geneva) finally approached just outside Earth's atmosphere, where the EA 8th Fleet was stationed with the legged ship.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +1200 hours
Location: The Vesalius
In the ship's hangar bay, preparations where finally made and checked as the ship was geared up for an upcoming battle lying ahead. The remaining GINNs were already launched 5 minutes ago, leaving the remaining unit --- the Aegis Gundam. The ZAFT-owned Gundam perched itself on the linear catapult, with its back attached with the launch-suspension cable. The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
Inside the Aegis's cockpit, Athrun made a system check and finalized preparations of his unit. The MS operator's image appeared on his left CIS.
“Athrun, are you all set?” he asked.
“Yes, I'm launching now,” Athrun confirmed. The operator nodded in reply before his image flickered off from the left CIS.
“Athrun Zala, Aegis… launching!” the Aegis pilot exclaimed, with his unit shot into space and its PS armor kicking in immediately, coloring the Gundam in a brilliant shade of pink.
Nearby the Vesalius, the Gamow launched the Blitz and the Buster Gundams. The Blitz and the Buster joined the Aegis as they waited for the Duel to catch up with them.
Inside the Gamow's hangar bay, the remaining Duel perched itself on the linear catapult, with its back attached with the launch-suspension cable. It was fitted with an “Assault Shroud”, a set of extra equipment designed to increase its mobility and firepower.
Wearing bandages over his injured right eye, Yzak finalized his preparations inside the Duel's cockpit. He gripped the control sticks firmly, his teeth gritting and seething in gathering fury.
This time, I vow to get my revenge on that cocky Seraph pilot and the Strike pilot at once! They'll pay for this humiliation!
The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
“Yzak Joule, Duel Assault Shroud… launching!” the Duel Assault Shroud pilot exclaimed, with his unit shot into space. He quickly floored the thrusters, rejoining the other ZAFT Gundams.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +1205 hours
Location: The Geneva
Following suit with the Vesalius and the Gamow, the Geneva launched its respective unit, the Crusader Squad. Seconds after their launch, the 4 white-painted GINN High Maneuver Types arranged in a circle formation, then heading towards the EA 8th Fleet.
Meanwhile, the remaining unit, the Spawn Gundam, was about to launch from the hangar bay. The Spawn perched itself on the linear catapult, latching its back with the launch-suspension cable. Inside its cockpit, Eiji finalized his preparations of his unit. Then, the Geneva Captain's image appeared on his left CIS.
“Eiji, try to stick with formation with the Crusader Squad. Our sole objective is the capture or destruction of the legged ship. Since the EA 8th Fleet is holding it on the rear lines, there's no choice but to decimate that EA fleet guarding it. Are you clear with me?” Lloyd seriously asked, rubbing his temples on his forehead.
“…It'll be a piece of cake, sir, so put your worries aside,” Eiji confidently remarked.
“Alright, get your ass out there now!”
With that said, Lloyd's image flickered off from his left CIS. Smirking to himself, Eiji couldn't help but feel anticipation inside him, as he tightened his grip on the control sticks.
The launch sequence window popped in from above.
“Eiji Shinonome, Spawn… launching!” the Spawn pilot exclaimed, as his unit was shot off into space. Quickly activating the Spawn's PS armor, he floored the thrusters a bit, rejoining side by side with the Crusader Squad.
“Are we all set then?” he contacted Crusader-01 via com-link.
“You don't need to tell my squad that! Let's go, sir!” Crusader-01 replied.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 13; +1210 hours
Location: The Archangel
Back in the ship's hangar, Kira watched the last civilian stepped inside the shuttle boarded for Earth. He felt a hand on his left shoulder, prompting him to turn around seeing Sai, Miriallia, Tolle, and Kuzzey wearing their EA uniforms. He looked at them surprised by their appearance.
“What's this? How come you're all in uniforms?” Kira asked.
“Sorry, it looks we won't join you in leaving, Kira. We've decided to stay onboard and fight,” Sai replied with a smile.
“But… why?”
“I guess… something what Fllay told Ensign Badgiruel a moment ago convinced us to change our minds,” Miriallia answered, shrugging her shoulders at the Strike pilot. Next her and holding her around by his right side, Tolle grinned, shaking his head looking at his girlfriend.
“Where Mir goes, I'll follow. Anyways, we wish you a safe trip, Kira. Send us a letter or postcard once you get there, okay?” he added with a grin.
“I suppose it's good for us to stay here and fight. Well, if you're not staying here, I guess this is goodbye, Kira. Safe trip to you,” Kuzzey added also.
Suddenly, battle sirens rang out throughout the hangar, prompting a battle alert. The group looked up at the deafening sound, then back to Kira.
“Take care, Kira. We're off now to get ready for a battle,” Sai finished, tilting his yellow-tinted specs to his friend as a form of a good-bye, prompting the others to follow him.
“Bye Kira! Take care always!” Miriallia waved at Kira before following Sai.
Tolle and Kuzzey simply waved their friend off with a smile.
Kira watched their retreating forms with a heavy heart. His left hand clenched into a shaky fist as he considered his options. Behind him, the EA soldier-guide yelled at him.
“Hey kid, made up your mind? Are you joining or not?”
Kira turned around looking at him, then at the origami flower held in his right hand. He felt a new resolve growing in him, as he finally decided.
He shook his head and waved the soldier off with his right hand.
“Forget me, I'm staying here in this ship!”
The soldier-guide shrugged his shoulders, then closing the shuttle's hatch. He moved to another EA soldier, getting his attention.
“All civilians are inside. Get this shuttle ready for take-off!”
“Got it.”
Watching the shuttle one last time, Kira turned around, exiting the hangar and heading to the locker room to change.
I've decided to fight.
Inside the Hynes' quarters, Peter watched his nephew quickly changing into his EA pilot suit.
“So… you decided to stay and fight,” he remarked.
Kenji ran a hand through his hair, checking himself on a small mirror lain on a cabinet. Satisfied with his impression, the Seraph pilot grabbed his pilot helmet, tucking it under his left arm. He turned around facing his uncle, who was seated on his bed.
“Yeah… I thought about many things when we first came aboard this ship since Heliopolis. I want to protect this ship and its crew, that's all. We owe much to Captain Ramius.”
Peter smirked to him, satisfied with the remark.
“I suppose it's the least we can do, paying her favor back by lending our help. I presumed you'd change your mind when you spotted that shuttle boarded for Earth a while ago, remember?”
Kenji looked serious at his uncle.
“…Yeah. But I want to see what happens to this ship and its crew. I'm quite interested by how the Seraph and the Strike will change things in the battlefield.”
I've got another reason for staying as well. The connection between Kira's parents, Lord Uzumi Nara Attha, and the Ultimate Coordinator project… I have a feeling you're hiding something from me, uncle.
I intend to find out.
Shaking the thoughts off his mind, he waved his uncle a quick good-bye, exiting their quarters and adding a last remark.
“I won't let Professor Kato be disappointed in seeing that I haven't used his gift.”
As the door closed after him, Peter sighed to himself, then turning around watching space outside the window.
“Via… I don't know how much longer I can keep your son from not knowing the truth. He's so like his father… curious and determined to find out answers to his questions no matter what,” he guilty replied to his reflection shown outside the window.