Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode11: The Awakening Sword ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 11: The Awakening Sword
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback thought
“Word” denotes flashback dialogue
-Word- denotes sound effect during flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 9; +0000 hours
Location: The Archangel
Inside Murrue's quarters, a military hearing was held with Murrue as the judge, Natarle as the prosecutor, and Mwu as the defense for Kenji and Kira. Peter served as a spectator, after hearing his nephew's involvement with Lacus from Mwu. He sighed quietly to himself, leaning against the wall, hands pocketed in his lab coat pockets, as he observed the hearing. He stared at his nephew, who stood next to Kira and Mwu, folding his arms and staring indifferently at Natarle.
Ha, ha, ha… so, it looks like you had a hand in returning Lacus back to the ZAFT units pursuing this ship. That's a bold move, Kenji.
Natarle listed down all the military rules the two Gundam pilots had violated. Having summed them up, she turned to them.
“You two have violated each and every military rule laid down before you. Plus, you have the nerve to place the ship in great jeopardy! What have you to say for your defense?” she inquired, pointing an accusing finger at Mwu.
“Well, ensign, I can the same thing to you with your plan holding Miss Clyne as hostage in this ship. Isn't it against the EA's laws to use civilians as hostages? Tsk, tsk, getting careless, no?” the Moebius Zero pilot wagged a finger at her accusation on his `clients'.
“Careless! You've the nerve to say that when these two…!”
Murrue slammed a fist on her desk, shutting her workmates up. She glanced at both, then to Kenji and Kira, propping her arms on her desk, folding her hands together.
“That's enough, lieutenant, and ensign! I've listened to both sides on this matter. I'm announcing my decision regarding this matter. Kenji Hyne, Kira Yamato, the punishment for your crimes is… execution.”
Peter widened his eyes, approaching to his nephew's side, at the verdict.
“That's out of line for their punishment, captain, I must protest!” he exclaimed.
Kira was shocked, his mouth agape at the captain's verdict. Kenji on the other hand, wasn't stunned as him, but just simply looked at Murrue, calm and composed.
Murrue, Mwu, and Natarle noticed his behavior, looking at him incredulously, and were astonished deep down.
How can Kenji be calm about this? Does he know what he's facing here?
Woah… I rarely see few officers back in the EA acting calmly as Kenji here. Either he's brave and willing to accept his punishment, or he's acting plain stupid.
How can he be acting this way? Doesn't he know the punishment suited for his crime?
Shaking off her amazement inside at Kenji's behavior, Murrue continued.
“However… that sort of punishment is used only for military tribunals, so it can't be applied to civilians like you two. From now on, I ask you both to think deeply about your actions. I hereby declare this case dismissed; you both are free to go.”
Kenji and Kira nodded to the Archangel Captain, and turned around. Mwu placed his hands on their shoulders, getting their attention.
“I advise you both to do nothing out of line from now on. You're lucky to have me defending you both, and the captain being kind enough to overlook your crimes. Go on, get going, guys,” he grinned little, motioning them to leave.
Accompanied by Peter, the two Gundam pilots exited the captain's quarters. The Archangel high-rank trio watched their retreating forms as the door slid close after them. Mwu shook his head and chuckled softly at himself, amused by the pilots' reaction.
-Chuckle- I didn't know these guys had it in them to pull off a stunt like that. They're really something, right captain?” he turned to Murrue.
“Yes… to think they've managed to pull this off right under our noses,” she scratched her left cheek, her eyebrows furrowing in thought.
Natarle folded her arms, looking at her comrade.
“But still… I can't quite put my finger on them… particularly Kenji.”
Mwu glanced casually at the ensign, shrugging his shoulders.
“Well, I think there's more to him than meets the eye, especially since he's an ex-ZAFT soldier, now helping us. I guess we should be thankful for him solving this little dilemma regarding Lacus Clyne.”
Outside Murrue's quarters, Sai and Miriallia stumbled upon Kenji, Kira, and Peter.
“Kenji, Kira, what did the captain say to you?” Sai inquired, adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
“There's nothing to worry about, Sai, Miriallia. She managed to let us off the hook, but with a warning. Ensign Badgiruel didn't sound pleased by her decision though,” Kenji replied, loosening up a bit after the formal military hearing.
Peter grinned little, lightly hitting his right arm.
“You're lucky she decided to overlook your little stunt regarding Miss Clyne. That's good enough for me. Kira, what's the matter? You look quite shook up,” he asked concerned, turning to the Strike pilot, who seemed worried and guilty.
“No… I guess you're right, Professor Hyne, Kenji. I was just worried and shocked by her initial verdict before,” he waved off the concerned looks directed at him.
“Relax, Kira, they wouldn't pull something desperate like that. Stop being such a worry-wart, you're better than that,” the Seraph pilot consoled, patting his back lightly.
“Well, anyway, we're glad to hear that. Unfortunately for us, Sai and I were assigned a week of toilet duty for our involvement with you guys,” Miriallia remarked gloomily. The yellow-tinted spectacled teen patted her shoulder for support.
“Cheer up, Mir; at least it wasn't that bad for us.”
“Yeah… but I'll never look at a toilet the same way again.”
The group shared a heartfelt laugh by the remark. Just then, Mwu stepped outside Murrue's quarters, overhearing little of it. He approached the group, looking at Kenji and Kira.
“Well, well, don't think you two are off the hook. I'm assigning you both to toilet duty for a day,” Mwu mischievously remarked, making his right hand turn into a gun firing off a `bang!' at the Gundam pilots.
“Just great… did you have to say that out loud, Miriallia?” Kira groaned, letting a tired sigh.
“I've got no problem with that, lieutenant,” Kenji replied casually, shrugging his shoulders.
The group shared another heart-felt laugh at the Gundam pilots' reactions. Mwu then left them, laughing amused.
“You seem to be positive in any situation, Kenji,” he commented to himself, heading to his quarters.
As they walked through the corridors, Peter realized something, prompting them to stop in their tracks. He turned to his nephew.
“Oh, I realized I was supposed to have a chat with Vice-Minister Allster. You all go on ahead,” the professor placed a hand on his nephew's shoulder giving one last look at him, then turned around to a different corridor, heading for the Allster's quarters.
The teens continued on their stroll, with Kenji catching up after wondering at his uncle's retreating form.
“Kira… Kuzzey told us that he overheard you saying about the pilot of the Aegis being your best friend. It must be hard for you to fight him,” Sai spoke, glancing at Kira.
The Strike pilot's face etched into a surprised look as he heard his friend's remark. He looked straight on with a sad feeling in his heart.
“He did, huh? Well, I'm surprised you two know by now.”
Miriallia patted his back softly, comforting him as she stared at him with a relieved look on her face.
“Relax, Kira, we understand. Don't worry about it, we're friends, right? I'm sure even Kenji here understands your situation,” she replied, glancing at the Seraph pilot, whose hands were behind his back, walking behind them.
He turned to the worried Strike pilot, walking to his side, and lifted his chin up, slapping lightly his left cheek with the back of his right hand. The group stopped, startled by his action, and looked at him incredulously.
“What was that for?” Kira asked, confused, rubbing his left cheek.
Kenji shook his head, staring at him.
“One of the things I notice about you is that you're prone to worry a lot. It doesn't suit a guy like you. You may have a lot of issues in your mind… but, turn that frown of yours into a smile, even if it's small.”
Sai stared at him with a raised eyebrow, with Miriallia looking on quietly.
“I've been meaning to ask you… are you a Coordinator? I can't help but wonder how you wound up with a MS similar to the Strike. There's something about you I can't quite put my finger on…”
At the remark, Kenji closed his eyes briefly.
ZAFT's insignia flashed on his mind, followed by images of him and Eiji, with their first love embracing them in between, her arms around their necks.
Timeline: C.E. 69, February 21; +1900 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One; Aprilius City, ZAFT Military Academy
It's a special phase in a person's life when he/she has managed to overcome the challenges and obstacles in academic studies, not to mention also entering to their next phase of adulthood, facing life's many challenges.
This applied also to the 50 young men and women cadets, worn in graduation attire with hats. They were gathered and seated on the academy grounds in this memorable event. They each looked on to friends and family seated in the audience, who were beaming with pride and joy at them.
On the podium, the guest of honor, Captain Lloyd Aster, gave a speech to the crowd, talking through the microphone, with his voice booming all over the place thanks to 4 speakers posted on all corners of the area.
“We all have gathered here to witness these young men and women, who have overcome the difficulties involving military training and academics. These 4 tumultuous years has helped shaped them what they are today. And for this, they're about to enter a new phase in their life, as they are ready to take a step in ZAFT.
“To you 50 young men and women, your journey begins from here. I'm proud to see what fine soldiers of ZAFT you'll become in the years ahead.
The 50 cadets stood up from their seats in attention.
“Right face, salute!”
They turned to their right, synchronized, facing Lloyd, saluting him as he saluted them back.
“Front face!”
They returned facing towards the audience, as mixed emotions made them barely maintain their self-control, as they waited for their moment.
“Congratulations, cadets! You're now full-fledged soldiers of ZAFT!”
At cue, they removed their hats, tossing them up the air, rejoicing this moment. Many hugged each other, shedding few tears of happiness; others jumped up and down excitedly, while the rest let out screams and calls.
After the graduation ceremony ended, the cadets' friends and families gathered around them, sharing their private time. Cadet Kenji Hyne looked around himself, taking note of the people and their time together. He smiled to himself, his hat tucked under his left arm, as he stood upright.
I guess everybody's got his or her family to be with.
Kenji considered the military to be his second family. Raised by foster parents Takashi and Eleanor Raine during early childhood, he didn't have many friends. He was somewhat different from the normal kids, as he kept to himself.
At 8 years old, he went to a public school, for his elementary years. Like life's unknown surprises, he was the target of bullies, who picked him because of his scrawny body, thinking he was weak. After getting home, he showed his injured state to his foster parents. They didn't help much, Alicia nursing him back to health, worrying for his safety, and Takashi telling Kenji not to fight back.
The next day on his way to school, little Kenji met a masked man, dressed in black --- long-sleeve shirt, gloves, belted pants, leather shoes, and overcoat --- who noticed his injuries from the beatings he took the previous day. He stopped the boy in his tracks.
“Excuse me, boy; I can't help noticing your injuries. Are you alright?” he asked, his voice somewhat gentle and trusting.
“…Mom and dad told me not talk to strangers.”
“-Chuckle- Don't worry, boy, I'm not going to hurt you; I just want to help you out. Tell me what happened?”
The man placed his hand on the child's shoulder.
Little Kenji didn't feel scared as he innocently stared at the man. Some noticeable features he spotted on the man were his long, blonde hair, red eyes, and his mouth. He then punched his stomach.
The blow was like a tickle to the man, who smiled little.
“Oof… well, you quite pack a punch, boy. Let me guess, bullies?”
“Uh, huh. They picked on me because they think I'm weak. I tried fighting back, but they were too many for me.”
The masked man crouched down, lowering himself to the young boy's small height, as he maintained eye contact.
“How about I teach you the right way to defend yourself? If you want to, I can train you to fight.”
“Really, mister? I… I'd want to!”
“Ha, ha, ha… you're a spunky one, boy.”
At that night, he began teaching his little student Judo, Karate, and Kickboxing, starting with the basics.
He grew fascinated at his young student, who developed a liking to the fighting styles and continued training to develop himself during his spare time.
On another particular day at school, Kenji noticed two bullies picking on a girl from his class. She had long crimson hair, blue eyes, and an angelic face, and wore a school uniform. She was about to cry, feeling overwhelmed by them.
“Ha, ha, ha, that's right, cry, girl!” bully 1 exclaimed in delight.
“Aw… poor little princess going to cry?” bully 2 mocked.
Suddenly, a small rock was thrown at them, hitting directly behind bully 2's head.
He rubbed the back of his head, and turned around facing Kenji.
“What? Huh, so you threw this rock, kid! You're going to pay!” he exclaimed angrily.
“Let's get him!” his buddy chimed. The two bullies rushed at Kenji.
Moments later…
The two bullies lay face-first at the ground, their bodies stretched out, and knocked unconscious. They had swelled cheeks, broken noses, and broken teeth, with some pieces of them scattered about on the ground.
“Oh… my stomach… it hurts… it hurts…” bully 1 groaned in pain.
“He's… good… and… strong too… ouch…” bully 2 joined in, groaning.
Unscathed, Kenji wiped his hands together but sweating, taking quick breaths. He approached the girl with a concerned look.
“Hey, are you ok? Did they do anything to you?”
The girl shook her head, and smiled, thankful for his aid. Her blue eyes shimmered brightly.
“No, I'm not hurt. Thank you. Are you ok? Were you injured?”
“I'm… fine,just catching my breath.”
The girl held his hands over with hers, staring at him with her smile. The young hero blushed a bit under her gaze and touch.
“I'm Lunamaria, but you can call me Luna. What's your name?”
Kenji rubbed the back of his head and smiled.
“I'm Kenji.”
Amidst the crowd of friends and family of the other graduating cadets, the 15-year old cadet looked up the man-made sky in the colony, from where he was standing on the academy grounds.
Kenji's lips curved upwards at the thought of his mentor who helped him defend himself.
Vann… thank you for teaching me how todefend myself.I wonder where you are now.
“Can you believe it? We made it, Kenji! Graduation!” an excited voice exclaimed to him, getting his attention.
He looked to see 15-year old cadet Eiji Shinonome, his best friend, rushing up to him, snaking his left arm around his shoulders, pulling him close to his side.
“Yeah… it still feels like a dream to me, though. But, we're finally ready for enlistment.”
“Hey! What are you both standing there for? Let's get our picture together!” Takashi Raine yelled to them from a distance, waving his arm at them. Behind him, his wife smiled, looking on at the two cadets.
Kenji and Eiji hurried over to them. They turned to see 14-year old Lunamaria Minami approaching them, shaking her head and giggling as she maintained eye contact. She was dressed in a light blue dress, matching white arm sleeves, short white socks, and brown leather shoes.
“Luna!” the two cadets exclaimed in unison, awed by the radiant beauty in front of them.
“Hello! Mr. and Mrs. Raine how are you?” Luna bowed courteously to Kenji's foster parents.
“Hello there, Luna. My, you look stunning in that outfit, doesn't she, Takashi?” Alicia complimented, nudging her husband at his side, prompting him to glance at the girl.
“Heh, heh… quite the looker, Luna, you've already turned these two heads right here!” Takashi pointed at the awed cadets with his left thumb. They regained composure, shaking off their embarrassment.
“Mr. Raine, I didn't know you feel that way!” Eiji exclaimed, smirking.
“Dad, please, you're embarrassing me!” Kenji stammered, looking shocked at his foster father.
“Alright, you two, let's get your picture together with Luna here!” Takashi remarked, crowding the three teens together.
“What about you and mom?”
We'll save the family picture for last. Right now it should be with you teenagers! Now, look best at the camera and give me your smiles… ready…!” Takashi waved off his foster son's question, and prepared his digital camera to take the teens' picture.
The two cadets stood upright next to each other, with Luna in between them, her arms holding them around their necks.
“-Giggle- Eiji, act mature for your age, you're not a child anymore!”
“Yeah, yeah… hey, Kenji, you're crowding the space! Move over a bit to the side!”
“-Sigh- Sure thing, Eiji.”
End Flashback
The Seraph pilot then opened his eyes, looking at Kira, Miriallia, and Sai. Unknown to them, Fllay passed by nearby from the side corridor, noticing them. She hid close to them, overhearing the conversation.
“…I suppose I can tell you. I'm a first-generation Coordinator same as Kira here. I was raised in PLANT Aprilius-One by foster parents, graduated from military academy, and enlisted in ZAFT when I was 15 years old. However, after two years serving in ZAFT, I resigned, deciding to live a quiet life.”
“Wow… really? Isn't it like your best friend, Kira? The pilot of the Aegis, like Kuzzey said?” Miriallia glanced at the Strike pilot, asking him.
“Well… yeah. Athrun was raised in PLANTs after we parted ways during prep school. I didn't think he'd serve in ZAFT… until I just recently met him,” the Strike pilot replied sadly.
“Then, why did you leave ZAFT the first place?” Sai inquired, adjusting his yellow-tinted specs.
Kenji folded his arms, and leaned against the wall, looking down the floor. His eyes shimmered little, as his lips turned into a scowl.
“I grew disgusted with ZAFT's methods… during one skirmish with a small EA fleet, one unit I was assigned to lead engaged them in battle. Half an hour later, we managed to gain victory. However, there turned out to be few ships in that fleet willing to surrender. I was about to approve their surrender when some zealous comrades decided to shoot them down at the spot, killing them.”
The three teens were stunned by the recount, their mouths agape.
“But why did they do that? They were willing to surrender!” Kira retorted, shaking a fist at Kenji, who remained his gaze down the floor.
“You must have known about the `Bloody Valentine' incident, yes? Apparently, it was a memory burned in every ZAFT soldier's mind. Those zealous comrades of my unit weren't that forgiving as I am; instead, they showed no remorse, no mercy. They simply wanted to kill any EA unit within their sights.”
“Horrible…” the three teens commented.
Fllay widen her eyes, sharing their reaction, keeping quiet to herself by covering over her gaping mouth with her right hand.
So, Kenji's was a ZAFT soldier before! Then… he's also a Coordinator like Kira. But, why is he helping us? I don't understand…
The Seraph pilot unfolded his arms, flexing his hands.
“Because of that… I had a different view on ZAFT. So I decided to resign, and left PLANT Aprilius-One, heading for Earth. I made up my mind staying over in Orb the following few months, since it was a neutral country; it was there I met my living family relative, uncle Peter, or better known as Professor Hyne. He introduced me to a small position as a researcher in Morgenroete Inc.'s facility in Heliopolis, where he was stationed. From there, I stumbled upon the G-project, managed by Professor Aile Kato.”
The three teens widen their eyes in realization.
“Professor Aile Kato? That's our professor back in Heliopolis!” they exclaimed in unison.
Kenji smirked a bit at their reaction as he looked back up at them.
“Well, well… this is certainly a small world we live in,” he jokingly commented.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 9; +0030 hours
Location: The Gamow
Meanwhile, the Laurasia-class ZAFT ship, reeling from the failed attack on the legged ship back in the Eurasia Federation's asteroid base Artemis, resumed on course full speed around the debris belt, pursuing the legged ship.
Inside the ship's briefing room, Yzak, Dearka, Nicol, and Captain Frank Zelman gathered around the overview map table near the CIC area, planning their next course of action.
Nicol traced his finger on the legged ship's expected route drawn to the moon, from there it traced to the Earth.
“Based from Commander Creuset's info, the legged ship was supposed to be on course to the moon, where the EA lunar base is located. However, according to the commander's latest run-in with the legged ship, he notes that there'll be only 10 minutes for us to attack it before it joins with the EA 8th Fleet. It seems the legged ship intends to meet up with the EA 8th Fleet instead of heading to the moon.”
Zelman rubbed his chin, pondering on the plan, as he stared the overview map.
“Hmm… then that means we'll only have little time to attack the legged ship.”
Nicol let out a worried sigh, folding his arms.
“I'm worried by that small window of attack. There isn't much time to accomplish that.”
Yzak snorted annoyed, and exclaimed to his worried teammate shaking a left fist at him.
“You're such a coward, Nicol! You'll bring us bad luck with that kind of mood!”
Dearka muffled a chuckle, folding his arms and glancing at the Blitz pilot, shaking his head amused.
Yzak slammed his hands down on the overview map, looking at everyone in the room.
“Listen up, everybody! Are we ready to attack the legged ship or not?”
Zelman, Nicol, and Dearka nodded their heads in reply. The Gamow Captain cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“Alright, everybody, prepare for battle! We'll have the ship increase speed in order to catch up with the legged ship.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 9; +0100 hours
Location: The Vesalius
Inside the ship's corridors, Lacus's robotic toy Haro bumped into Athrun, who was on his way to see his fiancé.
“Athrun, Athrun!” Haro exclaimed, bouncing up and down, flapping its `ears'.
Athrun smiled at his creation, patting it on the head.
“Now where did you go off to, Mr. Pink?” Lacus wondered, passing by from a corner of another corridor and stumbled upon the Aegis pilot. She waved at him, acknowledging his presence.
“Hello, Athrun!”
“Lacus, what are you doing out of your room? The ship is on battle alert,” Athrun placed his hands on her shoulders, concerned for her safety.
“I'm sorry, but Mr. Pink here likes to go out for walks, you see. I felt lonely back in my room, so I had to go out and get Mr. Pink,” the pink-haired princess gently grabbed hold of her robotic toy, which leapt and landed at her hands.
“Walk! Walk!” Haro exclaimed, closing its `ears'.
“Lacus… how did you feel when you were a hostage back in the legged ship? Were you treated well?”
“Oh… don't worry; I was well taken care of by Kenji and Kira. They helped looked after me, and even kept me company. You know, they're really nice people, and they were considerate and helpful too.”
At the mention of his best friend, Athrun perked up his ears, amazed at his fiancé meeting him on board the legged ship. He looked away from Lacus, staring at the wall, with sadness etched on his face.
“Kira… I think he's an idiot for letting Naturals use him. He's using his friends as an excuse and is with the Naturals onboard the legged ship, just because his parents weren't Coordinators!”
Lacus stared troubled at the Aegis pilot, shaking her head, disagreeing with his answer.
“I don't know… but to me, he seems sadder these days, not smiling a lot like Kenji.”
Athrun stared back at his fiancé, feeling suspicious of the honorable stranger who released her back to him before.
“Kenji? Who's he, Lacus? His name sounds familiar to me when I think about it.”
“I'm not sure about him, Athrun. He seemed to be part of the crew back in the Archangel,” Lacus fibbed, remembering the Seraph pilot's words when she was with him inside the Seraph's cockpit.
“-Giggle- Kenji Katsuragi? Wasn't your name Kenji Hyne?”
“…Well, circumstances like this are delicate. I don't want anyone from ZAFT to know my identity yet. Of course, I'm Kenji Hyne, Lacus. But, just keep your memory of me to yourself, ok? Don't let anybody else know.”
“I understand, Kenji. Oh dear, I'll have to get used to that name, huh?”
“I hoped you enjoyed your stay onboard the Archangel, Lacus.”
“Thank you very much for keeping me company, Kenji. I hope we meet again.”
Lacus smiled at the memory, placing a hand over her beating heart.
Athrun began to feel jealousy running through him as he noticed her behavior. He raised an eyebrow, feeling more suspicious about the honorable stranger, as he tried remembering his face partially hidden beneath his pilot helmet back then.
Kenji, Kenji, Kenji… I'm going nuts! If I keep thinking about him, it'll be very weird. But, I won't let my guard down if I meet him again.
He shook the thought off from his mind, staring back at Lacus while rubbing the temples of his forehead with his right hand.
“No one wears smiles during war, Lacus. Remember that.”
The Aegis pilot turned around, his back facing her.
“Please go to your room and stay there, ok?”
With that said, he headed to his quarters, needing some time alone. Lacus stared uncertain at his retreating form, with Haro in her hands.
“People do wear a smile when they can, at any time, Athrun.”
1 day passed by as the Archangel neared its course to rendezvous with the EA 8th Fleet.
Unknown to the ship's crew, the Gamow catches up to them in full speed. Half of the ZAFT Le Creuset unit --- Dearka, Nicol, and Yzak --- are gearing up for another battle with the legged ship.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 11; +0700 hours
Location: The Archangel
In the ship's cafeteria, Sai and Kuzzey were discussing the probable outcome when the ship meets up with the 8th EA Fleet and if they can leave their duties aboard, over their trays of food and drink.
-Gulg- -Gulg- Ah… I don't know about you, Sai, but I'm hoping if we can leave this ship once we meet up with the 8th EA Fleet.”
“Hmm… I'm not sure it's the right time to be discussing that, but I'm considering it.”
“Come on! Remember how we wound up here thanks to Captain Ramius?”
“Kuzzey, I don't blame her for forcing us in here. After all, we've actually got involved with one of the EA's top secret prototype MS, the Strike.”
Kuzzey propped his arms on the table, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand, after done with his meal. He stared at his friend seated in front of him gloomily.
“Don't give me that look. No use in getting my sympathy, you know,” Sai remarked jokingly, running a hand through his hair.
Just then, Kenji and Kira walked inside, with Fllay following them behind. Noticing Sai and Kuzzey, the two seated themselves next to them, but with Kira offering to get their tray of meals and drink.
He left for the mentioned items from the ship's cook, Chef Lowe Carte, a jolly man in his 40s, having short, grizzled green hair, black eyes, and a positive personality. He glanced at the Strike pilot behind the food counter, sliding to him two trays of meal and drink.
“Thanks, Mr. Carte. Me and Kenji were famished after the previous battle,” Kira smiled pleasantly to the cook.
Lowe waved him off his thanks, seeing no need to receive them, and chuckled.
-Chuckle- Relax, lad, I know you two have been working hard protecting this ship. It's the least I can do. Although, I have to say that our meal variety isn't much, until we can get supplies from the EA 8th Fleet.”
“Despite that, your meals are always tasty! I only wish you could add some more servings,” Kira stared at him disappointed.
“I wish I could do that, lad, but we've got to restrict the meals for a while, letting everyone in this ship have their portion. Go on, enjoy your meal!”
Waving him off with another smile, Kira turned and headed back to the group, handing Kenji's share of food and drink.
“Thanks, Kira. Ah, Mr. Carte's meals never cease to fill my stomach,” the Seraph pilot complimented, digging in.
Kira, Sai, and Fllay laughed at him, amused by his remark. Kuzzey didn't bother joining them, looking at Kenji suspiciously.
The Seraph pilot noticed his quiet behavior from the corner of his left eye, as he stole a quick glance at him before concentrating on his food.
Hmm… I get the feeling he doesn't like me. What's up with him?
Meanwhile inside the Allsters' quarters, Peter Hyne and George Allster were having a quiet, pleasant conversation over a cup of coffee. The two were seated gentlemen-style facing each other, taking sips of coffee in between.
“I was surprised to find you here onboard this ship, Peter, after your nephew rescued me from the Montgomery.”
“Well, I can say the same thing to you, omitting my nephew's rescuing you part. I wondered why you were onboard that ship, after noticing you on the main screen in the bridge.”
“I was a special guest onboard that ship. Actually, the Atlantic Federation decided to dispatch me as an emissary to make an inspection in the G-project taking place in Heliopolis. I was stunned when intelligence reports reached to the Federation hours after my departure, stating Heliopolis's destruction by a small ZAFT force.”
“Hmm… the G-project huh… Aile had let me in on the project, noticing my specialty on electronic warfare. He was hoping to incorporate my skills on the prototype MS designed for the EA. Was the EA's real intention to mass-produce those prototypes, countering ZAFT's mass-produced MS?”
“Yes… it seemed the EA overlooked Halberton's G-project proposal before. But after getting a bitter taste from ZAFT's MS force, they decided to look into it, and approving the start of the project.”
George finished his cup of coffee, setting it down on a small tray laid on the desk behind him. He returned eye contact with his old friend.
“How's Aile doing by the way?”
Peter placed down his cup of coffee on his lap, holding it gingerly, as he looked away from him, staring at the door.
“…The last time I met up with him, he was well and meticulous as always. The surprising part was that he introduced one of his personal creations to Kenji and me.”
“Creations… what do you mean by that?”
“Remember the MS my nephew was on? He used it to rescue you in that escape pod. He apparently received it as a present from Aile. Its code name is the Seraph Gundam.”
George stared at the professor stunned, raising an eyebrow.
“What? You mean… it's a prototype MS?”
The Vice-Minister rubbed the temples of his forehead, finding it hard to believe the words.
“Good lord… but what happened to Aile?”
Peter stared back at the Vice-Minister intently.
“When Heliopolis was under attack, Aile had finished showing Kenji and I the Seraph Gundam, stored inside a research area at Morgenroete's research facility. He implored us to take it, and not let it fall under ZAFT's hands. We tried to get him to come along with us, but a GINN unit broke in, forcing Kenji to battle it out. He managed to destroy the GINN after.
“When we got back inside, there was no sign of Aile anywhere. I assumed he made his escape with the rest of the civilians aboard life pods. That was the last I've seen of him.”
“I see… I hope he made it out alive. He's too brilliant and dedicated to his work to die.”
-Chuckle- Amen to that, George, I share the same sentiments. I didn't know Fllay was your daughter, by the way.”
George smiled warmly at the mention of his daughter. He stood up from his seat, hands behind his back as he walked a bit near the bed, staring at it.
“Ah, her… yes… had your nephew not come in and rescued me Fllay would be an emotional wreck. She's my darling angel, reminding me much like her mother, who passed away when she born.”
“Sickness, I presume?”
George nodded his head, glancing at the professor.
“Yes… leukemia, I'm afraid. Ever since she passed on, Fllay had grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her tenacious personality lets her get what she wants. I've been a bad father to her, not seeing her lately, due to my career in the Atlantic Federation. When I finally laid eyes on her after my rescue, I was glad to see her alive.”
“I see… but don't blame yourself too much, it couldn't be helped. As for me, when I heard word about Kenji's existence, I was relieved to see him. I was more stunned when I noticed his physical features… it seemed…”
“…Perfect in some way, Peter?”
Peter let out a small gasp of shock, bug-eyed at his new friend.
“How can you be sure to say that?”
“…Not exactly… a contact of mine dumped info regarding the “Ultimate Coordinator Project”, headed by the renowned scientist, Ulen Hibiki.”
At the mentioned of the name, Peter unknowingly dropped his cup of unfinished coffee to the floor, its contents splashed around his seat, as the cup broke into pieces. George heard it, turning to his friend, rushing to his side.
“Peter! You dropped your cup of coffee!”
“…Huh? Oh my! I'm sorry, George, I don't know what got into me. A memory lapse ran through my head.”
George patted his shoulder, concerned for his friend.
“I understand. Well, let's get this mess clean up first. If Fllay sees this, she'll be complaining about it -Chuckle-.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 11; +0700 hours
Location: The Geneva
In the training room, Ryu and Lisa were sparring with each other during their spare time. Miho was reading a novel from her belongings in her quarters, while Barry decided to fill his hungry stomach in the cafeteria.
“Come on, Ryu, quit defending and fight back like a man!” Lisa taunted, delivering several punches at her squad leader, who blocked them with ease while keeping up his guard.
The two Crusader Squad members were dressed in their ZAFT red uniforms, signifying their status as elite soldiers and ace pilots, but with their coats removed and set aside, revealing their white undershirts.
“Ha, ha, ha… right, so that I can make it easy for you to take shots at me. Get real, Lisa,” Ryu smirked, ducking a kick delivered to him.
“You can be such a wise-ass, you know that?” Lisa remarked playfully, skipping back and forth, trying to break her opponent's defenses. Suddenly, she lost her footing, falling down towards her opponent, surprising him.
“Hey! Whoa!”
The two were down on the floor, with Lisa on top of Ryu. They blinked their eyes, staring at each other stunned. They felt their cheeks flushed by their close proximity to each other.
“Uh… Lisa… you ok? Not like you to lose your balance.”
“…Y-Yeah… thanks, captain.”
They continued their gaze at each other, unable to break the ice.
I… what's with her? She's usually perky. But… why am I feeling this way towards her?
Oh god, I'm so near to the captain! He's so dreamy up close… oh… wait, I'm acting like a high-school girl! He probably thinks I'm weird or something…
The ice was then broken when Eiji stepped inside the room, getting their attention. He raised an eyebrow as he saw the scene before him.
“…Officer Katsuragi, officer Sanada, I seem to be interrupting a private moment here.”
The two Crusader Squad members immediately stood up, regaining their composure. Lisa punched lightly at Ryu's arm, giving a wink and smile.
“Thanks for the workout, Ryu. I'll get you next time!”
Ryu rubbed the back of his head, chuckling to her. He then turned to Eiji.
“Anytime, Lisa… yeah right, you wish. Commander Shinonome, what brings you here?”
Eiji coughed briefly, hiding his urge to smirk at the two Crusader Squad members.
Ah… so that's how it is. Well, I suppose I'm happy for them.
“Captain Aster requested the rest of your squad and me to meet him in the briefing room.”
Ryu nodded in reply, walking to a small bench where his towel and Lisa's were laid. He grabbed both, tossing Lisa's towel to her, which she grabbed it with ease. He turned to Eiji, noticing him standing on the same spot.
Eiji shook his head in reply, and turned around, exiting the room. Ryu and Lisa wondered at his retreating form, as they wiped off their sweat with their towels.
“Whew… the `Red Reaper' sure is a strange one, don't you think, Ryu?”
“No, he seems to be the quiet, serious type. By his behavior, he seems to be dedicated to his duty.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“…Yeah. Take a look at his eyes, and you'll know what I mean.”
In the briefing room, the Crusader Squad and the Spawn pilot gathered around the overview map, which displayed the present situation regarding the legged ship. Lloyd paced back and forth, waving off his hand at one end of the map to the other, pointing out key areas.
“According to Commander Creuset, half of his unit is stationed in the Laurasia-class ship, the Gamow. The pilots under this unit consist of Dearka Elsman, Nicol Amalfi, and Yzak Joule,” Lloyd started.
Eiji raised an eyebrow at the mention of the Gundam pilots' names, folding his arms and staring at the overview map.
Elsman, Amalfi, and Joule…sons of the Supreme Council members; an A-list of a squad, I say.
Barry whistled amused at the mention of the pilots' names, grinning to himself.
“Well, well, Elsman and Joule… I wonder how they're doing…?”
Unfazed by his remark, Lloyd continued, “Having failed to stop the legged ship a few days ago, despite our combined efforts with the Vesalius, the Gamow seems to be the only hope to hold off the legged ship until the Vesalius and the Geneva manage to catch up with it. At present, the Gamow is catching up full speed with the legged ship in a matter of minutes.”
Lisa placed her hands on her hips, unimpressed.
“You called us here for this? What can we do then, just sit and wait?”
Lloyd stared at her indifferently, shaking his head and folding his arms. His face darkened a bit.
“Unfortunately, that's all we can do. This ship is already full-speed catching up with the legged ship. I just called you all here to brief you on the present situation.”
Ryu and Miho stared at each other, shrugging their shoulders and letting out a defeated sigh.
Eiji cursed deep down, maintaining his composure and running a hand through his hair.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 11; +0730 hours
Location: The Archangel
In the ship's bridge, Pal noticed the radar on his terminal filling up with static. He turned to Murrue, reporting his findings.
“Captain, the radar is being jammed!”
Murrue glanced back at Miriallia seated in the CIC area.
“Have you already called the pilots, Miriallia?”
“Yes ma'am, I've already notified them.”
Murrue propped her arms resting on her seat's armrests, looking at the main screen.
“What about sensors? What are they picking up?”
Jackie monitored four heat signatures, three heading towards the Archangel, while one standing by in the area, in his radar. Three small sub-windows labeled their id signatures as the Buster, Blitz, and Duel Gundams, and the Gamow.
“Sensors pick up 4 heat signatures. 3 of them are heading towards the ship! They're… the Buster, Blitz, and Duel! The other one is a Laurasia-class ship, the Gamow!” he reported.
Murrue stared focused at the main screen showing the 3 mentioned Gundams approaching. She cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“All hands, battle stations!” she exclaimed.
As the Buster, Blitz, and Duel approached the Archangel, armed and PS-armor intact, they flew in a triangle formation, covering up the fact the Gamow about to fire its cannons at the legged ship.
Inside their com-links, Captain Zelman's image and voice sounded on screen, appearing for few seconds before flickering off.
“Stick to formation, you three! Keep up with the charade long enough for the Gamow to fire its cannons at the legged ship; that should keep the enemy ship's attention on you all.”
Inside the Duel's cockpit, Yzak tightened his grip on the control sticks, feeling anxiety pouring in him.
“Of course, captain. Oh yeah… I can't wait to take on that guy in that unknown MS! He's mine!” he angrily exclaimed.
“Achoo!” Kenji suddenly sneezed while in the Hynes' quarters lying on his bed, head held with his two hands behind. He sat up, rubbing his nose with his right hand, looking around the room.
“Am I getting a cold?” he wondered.
Suddenly, battle alarms rang throughout the ship. Kicking off his legs and standing up, he looked up the ceiling.
“Pilots Kenji Hyne, Kira Yamato, and Mwu La Flaga, head over to your units in the hangar bay on the double. I repeat, pilots Kenji Hyne, Kira Yamato, and Mwu La Flaga, head over to your units in the hangar on the double,” Miriallia's voice sounded through the speakers scattered throughout the corridors in the ship.
A battle? Did the Geneva and the Vesalius catch up this quick? I better head out.
He exited the Hynes' quarters, heading over to the locker room to zip up.
As Kira rushed through the corridors leading to the locker room, he bumped into a little girl, apparently from the Heliopolis civilians he rescued before, who strayed away from the temporary quarters of the Heliopolis civilians. He knelt down to her height, helping her get up to her feet. The girl had long, black hair, brown eyes, and looked adorable, just like any other child.
“Hey, are you alright? What are you doing here?”
“Ouch… hey, mister, you're the one who rescued me and mama in the life pod back then, am I right?”
Kira nodded, smiling.
“Yup, I am. You shouldn't be here now, okay? Go back to your mama in your room.”
The girl took hold of his hand with her small ones, beaming at him.
“You'll beat all the bad guys up, right?”
“Uh huh, I definitely will.”
Kira stood up, about to push the girl gently aside, but she cut him off with another question.
“Um, what's your name, mister?”
“I'm Kira, Kira Yamato. What's yours?”
“My name's Yumi! Beat all the bad guys up for me, okay?”
Kira patted the girl's head, smiling.
“I will, Yumi.”
The little girl named Yumi watched the Strike pilot's retreating form. Just then, Fllay arrived, going up to her, and kneeling down to her height.
“What are you doing here, Yumi?” she asked.
Yumi pointed the direction she last saw the Strike pilot running off to.
“Kira's going to beat up all the bad guys!” she beamed, raising her hands up the air.
Fllay couldn't help but smile at her action, looking at the direction pointed out to her.
In the hangar, its launch doors opened, letting the Moebius Zero perch itself on the linear catapult. Inside the Moebius Zero, Mwu made last-minute checks, and was good to go. The launch sequence window popped out from above.
“Mwu La Flaga, Moebius Zero, taking off!” he exclaimed before being shot off into space.
Next to follow was the Aile Strike.
“Kira Yamato, Aile Strike, launching!” Kira exclaimed before being shot off into space. He activated the Strike's PS armor, its brilliant colors chromed all over the body, as the thrusters from his Aile Pack propelled him joining alongside Mwu.
Last, but not the least, was the Seraph.
“Kenji Hyne, Seraph, taking off!” Kenji exclaimed before being shot off into space.
The Seraph extended its 2 wings, clenching its fists and outstretching its body. A glimmering shade of white chromed all over the body, indicating its PS armor activation. With a quick boost from its thrusters, it joined alongside the Moebius Zero and the Aile Strike.
The two Gundams flew on an arrow formation, led by the Moebius Zero.
“Ok, what's the agenda for today? Ah… those 3 again,” Mwu commented, as the Blitz, Buster, and Duel's images appeared on the CIS.
“Those guys again! How did they manage to catch up with us?” Kira wondered, getting the same images on the CIS.
Kenji flipped on his com-link frequency, contacting the Archangel.
Archangel, Kenji here. Can you provide the coordinates of the enemy's battle ship? It should be nearby in this area.”
Miriallia provided the enemy's positions analyzed by Jackie.
“Kenji, this is Miriallia. According to bridge officer Jackie, the enemy's battle ship is a Laurasia-class ZAFT ship, the Gamow. It's approaching the Archangel at a relatively slow speed; you should be able to see it in view.”
“Got it… thanks for the info, Miriallia… lieutenant, Kira, we'll have to engage those 3 MS first. Let's focus on driving them away from the Archangel,” Kenji suggested to his teammates.
Mwu felt a bit perturbed, noting Kenji taking on the lead role. He grinned to himself.
“Fine by me, Kenji. Let's show them what we got!”
Kira nodded to himself, acknowledging the suggestion.
“We'll back each other up, okay? Let's do it!”
Inside the Gamow's bridge, Captain Zelman cut the air with an outstretched hand.
“Now, fire all cannons at the legged ship!” he exclaimed.
At cue, the Gamow fired off its cannons at the Archangel, landing clean hits.
The Archangel rocked about from the impacts and explosions caused by enemy fire. Inside its bridge, Natarle motioned her CIC crew opening up the ship's weapon systems, firing back with the “Gottfried Mk.71” high-energy beam cannons and “Valiant Mk.8” linear cannons.
A mix of beam and cannon fire trailed toward the Gamow, hitting their mark halfway.
The Gamow rocked about from enemy fire. Inside its bridge, Captain Zelman motioned his bridge crew to continue firing at the legged ship.
As the battle between the two ships started, their units approached each other, each separating off with their common foe.
The Buster squared off with the Moebius Zero, trading fire as they strafed around each other.
The Duel engaged the Seraph, beginning their skirmish with their beam rifles.
Meanwhile the Blitz activated its “Mirage Colloid Shift”, going invisible, heading off to attack the Archangel.
“Huh? Where did the Blitz go?” Kira wondered, checking his radar for the said Gundam.
“It's heading for the Archangel, Kira! Go back to the ship at once! Lieutenant La Flaga and I will take care of these guys!” Kenji exclaimed to him via com-link, as he dodged beam shots from the Duel.
“Alright, but you guys be careful!” Kira replied, following suit back to the Archangel.
“You're good… I'll give you credit, pilot of the unknown MS!” Yzak retorted to Kenji via com-link.
“My MS's name is the Seraph Gundam, hotshot,” Kenji replied via com-link.
“You'll pay for my humiliation in the previous battle!”
“Talk is cheap. Prove yourself through your actions.”
“In fact I will!”
The Duel charged at the Seraph, throwing aside its beam rifle and bringing out its shield mounted on the left arm. It pulled out its beam saber mounted behind its right shoulder, activating it.
Yzak found himself slashing at open space as his foe dodged his attack sideways. He turned around finding the Seraph facing him from a small distance.
“Stand still and die!” he exclaimed.
“Sorry, but I'm afraid that's not possible,” Kenji replied with a smirk. The Duel pilot's voice was getting familiar with him.
This guy is sure hot-tempered. His voice seems familiar… could it be Yzak Joule?
“Yzak Joule, I presume? That hot-tempered tone of your voice definitely reminds me of you back in the academy.”
“How'd you know me? I'd like to know the name of the pilot I'll be sending to his grave please.”
The Seraph motioned its opponent a mocking gesture with its right hand.
“That's for you to find out, Yzak.”
Inside the Archangel's bridge, Jackie monitored enemy detection on his radar, spotting the Blitz heading towards the ship.
“Ensign Badgiruel, the Blitz is approaching us!” he reported to Natarle.
Seated, the CIC head rubbed her chin, pondering on the ship's previous battle experiences with the Blitz.
Since the Blitz uses its Mirage Colloid Shift to go invisible, it's hard to pinpoint its location on radar.
But… what about firing at its point of origin where his attacks come from? That's it!
Natarle slammed her right fist on the palm of her left hand in realization.
“Have the “Igelstellung” CIWS fire at the Blitz's point of origin where his attacks come from! That way, we can figure out where its exact location is!” she ordered.
Just outside the ship, the Blitz immediately de-cloaked and fired off its beam rifle at it, barreling around to dodge fire from the “Igelstellung” CIWS posted beneath and at the sides.
The Blitz ducked and weaved through machine gun fire.
“Not again! So much for a surprise attack,” Nicol groaned, monitoring the Blitz's power levels. The Mirage Colloid Shift was draining the batteries minute by minute.
I guess I've got no choice.
The Blitz blocked another round of machine gun fire with its “Trikeros” mounted on its right arm.
You think that will stop me? You're wrong!
Gritting his teeth in resolve, Nicol pushed hard the control sticks, flooring the Blitz's thrusters to approach the Archangel.
Meanwhile, Mwu and Dearka squared off from another area nearby the Archangel. The Moebius Zero performed its multi-vector attack using its weapons pods.
The hail of bullets, unfortunately, ricocheted off the Buster, barely making a scratch on it.
“Damn, my attacks are useless on this guy!” Mwu remarked, pressured by his opponent.
The Buster unleashed a flurry of missiles from the missile pods on its shoulders at close range.
“You make me laugh, chump, have some of this!” Dearka retorted.
At the nick of time, the Moebius Zero retracted its weapons pods and maneuvered out of the oncoming missiles' path. Mwu gripped the control stick with both hands as he mustered all of his experience and piloting skill to avoid enemy fire.
The Moebius Zero barely escaped unscathed.
“That's too close for comfort! You're really pushing it!” Mwu exclaimed to his opponent via com-link.
The Buster took out its beam rifle and gun-launcher, combining them to form its hyper-impulse sniper rifle.
“Don't you realize how futile your attacks are? I guess I'll have to teach you!” Dearka exclaimed back via com-link.
Meanwhile, the Duel and the Seraph were at each other through close combat, with the two pulling out their beam sabers. Yzak was growing slowly frustrated as his foe managed to skillfully parry or counter his attacks.
“Damn you! You're really pissing me off!” the silver-haired Duel pilot retorted.
“Hmm… I guess you're a hotshot and an able soldier after all. I'm impressed,” Kenji remarked.
Suddenly, the Gamow let loose another barrage of cannon fire at the Archangel again, knocking it awry. Fortunately, the legged ship was built with such an extensive thick armor, so minimal damage was caused.
However, this gave the Blitz a chance landing on the ship's hull. Delighted by this turn of events, Nicol began his attacks by first firing off the 3 “Lancer Dart” from the Blitz's “Trikeros” at areas near the ship's bridge.
Small explosions sounded about, rocking the bridge.
In the Archangel's bridge, the bridge crew was terrified and astounded at the enemy MS attacking the bridge at close proximity. Murrue turned to Miriallia and urged her with a hurried and worried voice.
“Contact our pilots now! We need their support driving off the Blitz from the bridge!”
Miriallia contacted the pilots via com-link.
“Lieutenant La Flaga, Kira, and Kenji, please come back here to Archangel! We're in danger because the Blitz Gundam is close!”
Mwu cursed deep down as he received the transmission during the midst of battle with the Buster.
“No… not now! Shit… I can't shake him off!” he retorted.
Inside their Gundams, Kira and Kenji received the transmission, then thinking about the Montgomery's destruction in the previous battle, like a reminder to them.
The ship is in danger… the Blitz! I won't let it destroy the Archangel!
I won't let the Archangel suffer the same fate as the Montgomery!
Suddenly an image of a jewel-like seed, its color matching their eye colors, dropped from above within their minds, then exploding in a shower of light just above their eyes. Their pupils shrank and irises grew large.
Kira and Kenji suddenly entered into a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability. Their reflexes and extremely quick information processing heightened.
The Seraph suddenly out-maneuvered the Duel, slicing into its torso with its beam saber. This caught Yzak by surprise, not giving him enough time to block or dodge the attack.
“What the!”
“Ugh! Damn you!”
The Seraph turned around to the Archangel, flying back towards it with a hefty boost from its thrusters. Its wings extended, helping to add a dose of speed.
The Duel clutched at its wound with its left hand, and then followed the Seraph in hot pursuit, beam saber in its other hand.
“You're not getting away from me!” Yzak exclaimed heatedly, pushing hard the control sticks and flooring up the feet pedals to increase speed from the Duel's thrusters.
The Aile Strike also stepped up its speed, burning out its thrusters from the Aile pack latched onto its back.
Nicol aimed the beam rifle attached on the “Trikeros” at the Archangel's bridge. His right forefinger readied to pull the trigger of the right control stick, as his intended target was lined up on sight in the CIS.
“This will finish you off!” he exclaimed triumphantly. Suddenly his radar picked 2 incoming heat sources approaching him. He turned the Blitz around at them.
The Blitz found itself kicked at the chest, away from the Archangel's bridge, by the Aile Strike, as it landed on the ship's hull.
“Oof! And so close! Ugh!”
Another kick was delivered to the Blitz's chest.
Then a quick uppercut followed, sending it reeling upward by the Seraph. Nicol barely managed to take a glimpse of it in the CIS as he was flung away by the attacks.
“It can't be… that MS again! Ah…!”
The Duel approached the Aile Strike and the Seraph at full speed, swooping in with both beam sabers in hand.
“Nicol…! Why you… two… fall!!!” Yzak uttered a battle cry.
The Aile Strike and the Seraph turned facing the charging Duel. They pulled out their “Armor Schneider” combat knife from their hip armor respectively at the left and the right sides. They then budged forward little as the Duel approached them, slicing into its damaged torso.
They holstered their “Armor Schneider” inside their hip armor, then socking the Duel with a huge punch.
Electricity crackled inside the Duel's cockpit as warning buzzers rang throughout. Yzak flailed his arms shielding himself as he grimaced in horror at an incoming explosion.
Several pieces of shrapnel from within the cockpit exploded, cutting inside Yzak's helmet at his right side. Pain registered from his face's right side as he clutched his hands over his wounded, bloodied eye.
“Argh… my eye…! It burns, it burns!” the silver-haired Duel pilot yelped in pain.
The Buster and the Blitz approached the damaged Duel, carrying it by the shoulders. Its pilots noticed the damage in shock.
“Yzak, hey, talk to me, you idiot!” Dearka exclaimed via com-link, concerned for Yzak.
“Yzak, please respond!” Nicol contacted via com-link, sharing the same feeling.
“My eye, it… burns! Ugh!” Yzak stammered, yelping in pain.
The Buster and the Blitz took the Duel away, heading back to the Gamow, as they turned around noticing the EA 8th Fleet approaching the Archangel.
“It's no good… we must retreat! Captain Zelman, this is Nicol speaking. The EA 8th Fleet has arrived. We must regroup!” Nicol contacted the Gamow.
“…Damn. Very well, we'll do so. What happened to pilot Joule?” Zelman replied, his image appearing in a sub-window on the Blitz's CIS.
“Yzak seems to be injured. We need to treat him to the medics.”
The Aile Strike and the Seraph watched the retreating ZAFT-controlled Gundams, then turning their attention to the approaching EA 8th Fleet. Its pilots silently recovered their breaths, as their eyes returned to normal. They could feel a sense of rush left behind by their SEED mode.
Meanwhile, the Moebius Zero caught up to them, watching the EA 8th Fleet as well. Mwu smiled gladly at their quick action earlier.
Whew… those two kids give me quite a scare back there. Nice going, guys.
In the Archangel's bridge, the entire bridge rejoiced watching the EA 8th Fleet rendezvousing with them. Murrue let out a huff of breath from her seat, relieved by Kira and Kenji's efforts in preventing an attack on the bridge. She glanced at the Aile Strike and the Seraph, standing over like guardians on the ship's hull.
Thank you, Kira, Kenji. Your efforts never cease to gladden this ship and its crew.
Natarle also shared her friend's feeling, watching particularly at the Seraph. Her lips curved slightly upwards.
Kenji Hyne… you and Kira may be our ray of hope in this crisis.
The bridge's doors opened, letting in a panicked George Allster and worried Peter Hyne. They approached Murrue's side, noticing the EA 8th Fleet on the main screen, getting her attention.
“What happened to the battle, Captain Ramius? Is it over?” George asked.
The Archangel nodded in reply, then pointing at the Aile Strike and the Seraph standing just outside on the ship's hull.
“Thank to their help, we're able to rendezvous with the EA 8th Fleet right about now.”
Peter observed the Seraph, raising an interested eyebrow and pocketing his hands in lab coat. He shook his head, gladden by his nephew's efforts.
Another battle won, thanks to your help, Kenji. Now, what will become of the ship after meeting up with the EA 8th Fleet?