Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 19: Fangs of an Old Adversary ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 19: Fangs of an Old Adversary
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback speech
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 20; +1300hours
Location: Africa ---Libya
Two jeeps from the Desert Dawn entered a large city in Libya known as Banadiya. One of them carried a Desert Dawn rebel behind the wheel, Cagalli, Kenji, and Kira, while the other one carried Natarle, Jackie, Sahib, and Kisaka behind the wheel. The first jeep dropped off Cagalli, Kenji, and Kira docked in civilian attire. They received a word of warning from Natarle and Kisaka.
“Be careful, you three, we'll rendezvous with you later. You handle the food and supplies for the Archangel, ok?” the Archangel second-in-command warned. Seated behind her, Jackie glanced concerned at the three teens before him.
On the driver's seat of the second jeep, Kisaka gazed worriedly at Cagalli, then turning his attention at Kenji, feeling a sense of trust in his abilities of watching guard over her and Kira.
“Cagalli, heed caution at all times. Oh, Kenji is it? I trust you'll watch over them for us? I'm sure she'll provide no trouble at your expense.”
The Seraph pilot gave an affirmative nod at Cagalli's protector, with the expression of his face dormant, somewhat masking his emotions, save for dedication and seriousness.
“Rest assured, they're in good hands, sir.”
“See ya three later then. Be careful,” Sahib waved good-bye at the three teens.
With no more to be said from the group, Cagalli, Kenji, and Kira watched both jeeps driving them off for a few seconds. Folding his arms, the Seraph pilot then turned his attention at the Aile Strike pilot.
“Have you got the list of food and supplies we need to acquire, Kira?” he asked.
Wait… let me get it out of my pocket… there. You have the money with you?”
Yes let's get going then.”
With that said, the three teens started their shopping trek in the city, blending in with its bustling populace.
Meanwhile, the two jeeps from the Desert Dawn made their trek deep within Banadiya's few well-to-do suburbs. Natarle couldn't help but gather more info on the intended destination set before the group.
“Where are we going by the way?” she asked Sahib, who was seated behind Kisaka with his arms folded, glancing at her seriously.
“Well, we're going to meet up with a reliable source named Al Jairi. He's reliable alright, having some connections inside the city, that's for sure. Plus, he's a water and arms dealer, one we could count on for further supplies. Unfortunately, you may not trust him fully, since he's in the black market.”
Jackie widened his eyes in amazement by the mention of the last sentence. He gave a worried look at his commanding officer seated in front of him.
“Hmm… I suppose it can't be helped then. What? Don't be such a worry-wart, officer Tonomura, for we're running out of options. We'll have to make the most out of this,” Natarle remarked.
Back with the three teens, Kira looked around as he continued his stroll, taking notice of Banadiya's active, bustling civilian activity and the peaceful atmosphere blanketing him with a sense of security. Noticing his wandering gaze, Cagalli piped up a question.
“What is it, Kira? Why are you looking around all of a sudden?”
“Oh… well, I can't help but wonder how a city like this is active and peaceful for being occupied by ZAFT.
Looking down at the ground dismayed, Cagalli disagreed with his statement, then resuming eye contact with him.
“That's how it is on the surface… but, let me show you something else.”
Grabbing hold of Kira's left hand, she pulled him along with her, with Kenji following behind. The three teens arrived in a desolate area of the city, which showed crumbled and destroyed buildings. On the background of the area was a land battleship, the Lesseps, parked alone. Cagalli then pointed at it with her left hand.
“This is what runs the city,” she concluded with a steeled look on the Lesseps.
Kenji and Kira surveyed the damaged area, with the former reminded of his former organization's conflict with the EA, and the latter questioning the involvement of innocent lives in a meaningless war.
Horrible… somehow, I don't regret resigning from ZAFT. But yet, I'm a soldier working for the EA now… how ironic. Were all my contributions and efforts in my past battles all in meaningless and in vain?
I don't believe how far the war had spread throughout the entire Earth. Innocent lives were caught in the crossfire!
Kenji's eyes however, also caught sight of the Lesseps.
If the Lesseps is here in this city, then that means… sheesh, why didn't I notice this sooner? Banadiya… Waltfeld-sensei has a ZAFT base stationed here as well.
Inside the Archangel's hangar bay, Murrue and Mwu watched, from faraway at the rafters, Fllay and Murdoch cleaning all the garbage out of the Strike Gundam's cockpit. They also noticed the happy expression on the dark-red haired female teen's face, making them wonder about her relationship with Kira, after bumping into George, who explained the matter to them.
The Moebius Zero pilot glanced at the Archangel Captain in consideration.
“What's the matter, captain? You still have that disbelieved look on your face.”
“Erm… well, quite frankly, I'm surprised discovering that Kira and Fllay were on a relationship, and then having… sex.”
Noticing the faint blush of embarrassment on Murrue's cheeks as she mentioned the word `sex', Mwu couldn't help but chuckle lightly.
“Yeah… that was a real shocker indeed. It must have happened after we landed on Earth, because there wasn't any time before that for anything. Well, what can you do? Ah, young love, I say.”
Murrue rolled over her eyes, unaffected by the intended humor injected in his remarks. She folded her arms, pondering on her role as the Archangel Captain, blaming herself for the rash action Kira and Fllay committed.
-Sigh- Kira is such a good pilot, that I forgot he had no formal training, lacking discipline. Kenji, on the other hand, would make a good role model for him, seeing his dedication and diligence in protecting this ship. Mwu, is it possible if you can put some discipline into Kira? It wouldn't be much of a problem to you, would it?”
Murrue glanced at her comrade, finding him looking her over, feigning interest at what he was looking over her shoulder. Shaking her head in dismay, she rubbed her brow with her left hand, muttering sarcastically to herself how reliable Mwu was.
In the Archangel's main bridge, Sai, Miriallia, and Tolle were on their posts, doing their afternoon shift. Sai was deep in thought on his post, thinking of being reunited with his supposed-to-be fiancé and wanting to continue their relationship, if there had been one at all. Kira's words echoed in his mind from their last encounter.
“Sai… she was the only one who cared deeply for me during the last battle! I love her.”
Beneath his yellow-tinted specs, his eyes narrowed angrily. He gritted his teeth, letting out his emotional frustration. He clenched both his hands into shaky fists, gripping tightly the lap area of his EA uniform pants.
“Kira… what makes you so sure that you love her, anyway?” he quietly questioned to himself.
Swiveling her seat to face her boyfriend, who was seated a short distance in front of her, Miriallia let down her headset-mic, placing it on her terminal's keyboard of her post. She then called Tolle out, getting his attention.
“Hey, Tolle, do you think Kenji and Kira are ok, since they went with that girl, Cagalli? I can't help but worry for them.”
Shrugging his shoulders optimistically, Tolle waved off her worry with his left hand.
“Relax, Mir, they'll be fine. I doubt they'd get into trouble anytime soon. Plus, Kenji is with them, remember? He can watch over them.”
His girlfriend remembered the small chat she had with the Seraph pilot back in space.
“…I suppose I can tell you. I'm a first-generation Coordinator same as Kira here. I was raised in PLANT Aprilius-One by foster parents, graduated from military academy, and enlisted in ZAFT when I was 15 years old. However, after two years serving in ZAFT, I resigned, deciding to live a quiet life.”
Miriallia reluctantly shared her boyfriend's optimism, placing her right forefinger on her mouth in doubt.
“Hmm… yeah, you maybe right. If Kenji was a former ZAFT soldier, then I guess we can believe in him.”
Unfortunately for the said Seraph pilot, he found himself forced to balance four paper bags of food and basic supplies in his hands. Trudging along with Kira, who was in the same situation as he, they followed Cagalli, who had taken charge in shopping. With the shopping list in hand, her golden-brown eyes scanned the next piece of listed item to be purchased. Her lips twisted in a sneer at the listed item.
“You've got to be kidding… fancy creams and lotions? This is ridiculous! Don't tell me Fllay asked for this?” she annoyingly asked Kira, who glanced over the bags he was carrying, eyeing her with a small, embarrassed blush.
If there was one thing Kenji learned, it was not to get on one of Cagalli's mood swings, with one happening already before him. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the Strike pilot, as he watched him being admonished by her.
Ouch… I suppose having a girlfriend has its downs.But then again, I suppose a girl like Fllay is to his tastes.
As the three teens continued their shopping stroll, a particular man among the crowd on the other side of the street caught Kenji's eye, prompting the Seraph pilot to notice him with a raised eyebrow. Despite the wide distance between them, he could make certain of the man's attire --- a red tropical polo shirt with undershirt, light-blue belted jeans, and light-brown leather shoes. What caught his interest even more were his physical features --- unkempt, brown hair, steely brown eyes, and scruffy sideburns. He walked with a casual demeanor, with his hands pocketed in his jeans. He adjusted the black shades worn as he strolled on.
Kenji had to do a double-take as his eyes widen in recognition. Yet, deep in his heart, he was unsure of himself.
No, it can't be… Waltfeld-sensei…?
In contrast to the modest homes in the main part of Banadiya, the home screamed wealth as the two Desert Dawn jeeps stopped in front of it. Secured in an isolated area of alleys leading to it, it was home to the arms dealer Sahib explained about to Kisaka, Natarle, and Jackie.
“Well, for a wealthy house, it doesn't lack security, to say the least,” Natarle commented to herself as she noticed several armed guards asking for the group for identification. Sahib stepped forth, flashing out a small card from his vest. One guard took a glance at it and nodded, acknowledging their ID to the other guards. Two other guards then escorted the group inside.
The group was then led into a large living room. Seated on a comfy chair facing them, the mentioned arms dealer uncrossed his legs and stood up, greeting them amicably.
“Welcome to my humble abode, guests. Ah, Sahib, it's been a while since we last met. To what do I owe you this chance meeting?” Al Jairi inquired, flashing his pearly-white smile. He was docked in a light-beige business suit, with an Arabian headband covering his swanky, dark-blue long hair. Like Banadiya's populace, his skin was dyed a tan brown, signifying his desert heritage of an Arabian family.
The Desert Dawn nodded to him before going to business.
“I hate to dispense with the formalities, but my group here would like to discuss business with you. We're in need of fresh water and supply of munitions.”
The arms dealer titled his head in a nonchalant manner, rubbing underneath his chin with his left hand in consideration.
“My, that's quite hasty. Very well, let's discuss the terms in my underground factory then. This way please.”
After an exhaustive two hours worth of shopping, Kenji, Kira, and Cagalli decided to sit down for lunch, much to the two Gundam pilots' relief. Cagalli picked out a small fancy restaurant that caught her attention, after exiting from another grocery market. The three teens took their seats, placing down eight bags of grocery on the floor.
“Ah… that feels much better,” the Strike pilot sighed in relief, cherishing his seat.
Seated next him, the Seraph pilot merely nodded in agreement, resting his weary feet. After presumably seeing the `Desert Tiger' back before in the bustling crowd, he tensed up in heightened alert, his eyes scanning the immediate surroundings.
Just then a waiter from the restaurant carried a tray filled with two dishes of skewered pieces of beef on a stick, approaching the teens and laying down the dish on their table. He then abruptly left, not giving Kira and Kenji time to protest for the sudden order laid before them. Cagalli eyed their dish.
“That's kebab, a local delicacy of the city. You should try chili sauce on it for a delicious taste!” she described, drawing the Gundam pilots' attention to it.
“But… it's small enough for two of us. Let's split it for our share,” Kira suggested, taking note of the small portion of the meal.
“I'm not hungry yet, so you can have it. It's ok with me,” Kenji remarked, waving off his offer. He folded his arms, continuing his cautious watching.
“Well… I could use a bite to eat. Try it, Kira!” Cagalli offered, then standing up from her seat to get a bottle of chili sauce provided on the table. As she was about to pour some chili sauce on her kebab, another person rushed in with a bottle of yogurt sauce in hand, catching the teens unaware.
“Hey, yogurt sauce should go well on your kebab. Why don't you use it instead?” he suggested. The small shade of the teens' table provided enough light for him to be recognized by Kenji, who narrowed his eyes warily, and almost stood up from his seat.
That's the guy I spotted before! There's no doubt about it…!
Before Kira could lay a hand on his kebab, the sight of Cagalli and the stranger arguing on which sauce was best for kebab made the Strike pilot unsure of what to do.
“I say chili sauce! It's mild enough to give a zesty flavor in the kebab!”
“No, no, no, yogurt sauce is the best choice! How can you forget the smooth, creamy texture that leaves a cool feeling in your mouth after taking a bite from your kebab?”
Kenji was slightly amused by the argument at least, as he smirked.
Yogurt sauce… that's Waltfeld-sensei for you… always thinking about that and brewing exotic coffee…
The said stranger took off his shades, tucking it under the left chest pocket of his red tropical polo shirt. He then faced Kira and was about to spray his yogurt sauce on his kebab.
“Oh no, you don't!” Cagalli exclaimed, diving in to spray her chili sauce on Kira's kebab.
The end result was a sudden splash of mixed yogurt and chili sauce covering the Strike pilot's kebab. The sight of it made Kira's stomach grumble with uneasy hunger, prompting him to rub it with his right hand.
“Um… thanks?” he nervously quipped.
On a nearby rooftop adjacent to the small restaurant where the three teens and the `Desert Tiger' were dining, several gruff-looking men made hasty preparations with machine guns and bazookas. One of them took out his standard binoculars, observing his group's intended target. His lips curved into a wicked smile.
“Ha, ha, ha… there's the `Desert Tiger'! That bastard Coordinator will think twice for messing with the Blue Cosmos! Alright, everyone, for a blue and pure world!” he cried, setting down his binoculars and readying his machine gun. At cue, he beckoned another comrade to take aim at the `Desert Tiger' with a bazooka.
Back below, Kenji suddenly had an ominous feeling ripping through his head. He quickly turned around, guided by that feeling, seeing an armed man on the nearby rooftop, adjacent to the small restaurant, taking aim with a bazooka. It was targeted at his friends' table.
In that instant, he fished out an automatic pistol holstered secretly on his khaki pants' right side pocket and yelled out his warning to Kira, Cagalli, and Andy.
Kenji then took a hasty, but accurate aim at the armed man, dispatching a single shot to his head as he was about to fire his bazooka.
At the same time he was dispatched, the man fired off his bazooka off-target, with the projectile making a side-winder trip to a small building near the teens' table.
His comrades were aghast by his instant death, but quickly shook off their mourning, leaping into action with their weapons drawn and opening fire at their intended target.
Andy kicked down the teens' table, making it as a temporarily cover against incoming bullets. Both Kira and Cagalli's kebabs went flying in the air, with their mixed sauce of yogurt and chili splattering the latter's hair. The `Desert Tiger' then knocked the said teens onto the ground, surprising them and fishing out his automatic pistol from behind his jeans. Kenji rolled out of enemy fire, retaliating with accurate pistol fire.
At the start of the gunfire, the bustling civilians quickly shrieked in fear, dispersing to find safety, not want to get caught up in the crossfire.
Andy glanced at his left, spotting two armed men rushing in with machine guns. He quickly dispatched them with his pistol, not bothering to watch their fallen forms. He then took cover behind the teens' table.
Kira's instincts went alive as he gazed his head up, looking around the carnage before him. Shock etched on his face as he realized he was in the midst of gunfire. He motioned Cagalli to keep lying still face-first on the ground, shielding her body.
“What's going on!” she demanded.
“A gun battle… we're under attack! But I don't know how!” the Strike pilot exclaimed, wondering what the hell was going on and shielding his face from broken glass scattered about near him.
“Blue Cosmos terrorists… I never figured they'd be more daring to attack me in broad daylight,” Andy answered the two teens' questions as he fired off another round of pistol fire at his said foes.
Dispatching three more Blue Cosmos terrorists with his last bullets, Kenji ejected his now-empty clip, replacing it with a fresh one he had brought with him for emergency. Giving his pistol a quick yank, readying the 15 bullets stored inside, he dived for cover, hiding behind another table belonging to the restaurant.
I never knew this pistol I brought with me and its extra three clips could be useful at a time like this. But still, I never expected that we'd be under attack.
He quickly glanced back at Kira, Cagalli, and Andy, checking on their condition, when he spotted another Blue Cosmos terrorist on the adjacent rooftop near them, ready to fire.
“WALTFELD-SENSEI, ABOVE YOU…!” Kenji yelled out to them, catching the said person's attention and drawing it to the terrorist above. The `Desert Tiger' immediately fired off few shots at him, taking him down as the terrorists clutched at his wounds and fell over to the ground, landing in a sickening thud.
Glancing at the Seraph pilot with widening eyes after, he immediately recognized his former student, giving a wry smile.
-Chuckle- Kenji Hyne…! This is a small world after all,” he thanked, giving a small wave of appreciation to him.
At the mention of Andy's name, Kira and Cagalli looked up at him with disbelief, now recognizing him.
“You're… the `Desert Tiger'!” the latter exclaimed, pointing to him with her right hand.
“COMMANDER…! WHERE ARE YOU?” another voice boomed out. Andy glanced around to find several of his men led by DaCosta rushing in the scene, dispatching the rest of the Blue Cosmos terrorists with machine guns.
“Ah, reinforcements, just in the nick of time… DaCosta, I want the rest of our men split up into search groups and survey the perimeter for any more Blue Cosmos terrorists. We'll be fine here,” he remarked to his junior officer, who appeared in view leading the cavalry.
“Understood, sir…!” DaCosta exclaimed, saluting back his commander and complying with his order. The tide of the battle shifted to the ZAFT unit's favor, forcing the remaining Blue Cosmos terrorists to beat a hasty retreat.
Seeing DaCosta leading the reinforcements to pursue the remaining Blue Cosmos terrorists in the area, Kenji switched on the safety lock of his pistol, then holstering it back in place. He then walked up to Kira, Cagalli, and his former sensei, eyeing the `Desert Tiger' with a small reflective smile.
“Waltfeld-sensei,” the Seraph pilot mouthed, pocketing his hands in his khaki pants.
Andy holstered his pistol back in place, then pocketing his hands back in his jeans. His eyes focused on his former student standing before him.
“Kenji Hyne…” he uttered quietly.
Inside his secret underground factory, Al Jairi showed several quantities of stolen EA munitions to his guests. Upon seeing them, Natarle and Tonomura made a beeline for them, examining their authenticity.
“It's authentic indeed, there's no doubt about it. What about it, officer Tonomura?” the Archangel second-in-command inquired her fellow crew mate standing next her, examining the stolen munitions in front of him.
“Yes… they're EA material, the writing and material matches those of the standard-issue ones,” Jackie nodded in reply.
Natarle glanced back at Al Jairi with speculation.
“How could you get your hands on so much contraband?”
The arms dealer wagged his right forefinger at her, flashing his pearly white teeth in reply. Behind him, two of his armed guards stood ready awaiting their boss's orders.
-Chuckle- There are many underground routes linking to strategic EA bases throughout parts of Banadiya that you EA people know nothing about. I'm afraid I'll leave it to that.”
Trusting on the two EA officers verifications, Sahib and Kisaka turned to the arms dealer.
“What's your price for these goods, Al Jairi?” the Desert Dawn leader inquired, beginning to discuss a payment plan.
“Hmm… I'll have to go for a half of a million on this one, Sahib.”
Kisaka widened his eyes in shock at the mention of the price, nearly choking on his own spit.
“I'm afraid we should reach to a more reasonable amount, Al Jairi.”
The arms dealer pondered on an agreeable price in his mind, stroking underneath his chin with his right hand.
“You also have to consider the fresh supply of water I'd furnish you. Water and munitions don't come cheap, you know.”
Amidst the payment discussion between the three people, Natarle and Jackie looked around the many stolen EA munitions stored inside.
“What's going on…?” the latter wondered, unable to comprehend how EA munitions could wound up in the hands of a wealthy arms dealer.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 20; +1600 hours
Location: Africa, Libya --- ZAFT Banadiya Base
After the Blue Cosmos's recent attack in the city, Kenji, Kira, and Cagalli were brought by the `Desert Tiger' to the ZAFT base assigned to him. Accompanied by two of his men, the `Desert Tiger' led Kenji, Kira, and Cagalli inside the entrance of his assigned base, which was a large palace styled in an `Arabian Nights' theme. They passed through several security checkpoints before proceeding inside the inner part of the base.
After proceeding through many hallways filled with doors leading to ZAFT officers' rooms, the group then arrived by the front door of the base commander's office. Andy then glanced at his two guards.
“Ok, we'll be fine here. You two guard the door for now.”
The guards gave a quick salute to their commander, complying with his instruction. One of them opened the base commander's door to his office.
“Please, step inside. You're all my guests,” Andy beckoned the two Gundam pilots plus the Desert Dawn rebel to proceed inside. The door closed after them by his guard from outside.
As soon as he stepped inside, Kenji darted his eyes left to right, surveying the base commander's room. Several pieces of furniture adorned the overall red carpet spread over, with a rug made from a tiger's fur lain on a wall in front of him, just below a window behind Andy's seat and desk.
“You three take a seat. You must be weary after that incident,” Andy offered, concerned for his guests' well-being.
The three teens reluctantly sat down on the guest furniture provided --- two red-yellow sofa chairs, a wide red leather couch, and a small glass table between them. Among the teens, Kenji felt most uncomfortable realizing he was inside a ZAFT base. He routinely and quickly scanned for possible escape routes inside Andy's office.
No good… we're trapped like rats… unless, the window behind Waltfeld-sensei would do. But, is he considering having us prisoners? He probably would know our affiliation with the Archangel by now...
Noticing his guests' uncertain expressions on their faces, Andy deduced that they wanted to leave soon. He walked behind his desk, sitting down on his seat, eyeing his guests with a casual smile.
“I can tell you all want to leave, but I want to at least thank you for gracing me with your presence, especially you, Kenji, for covering my back during that attack in the restaurant.”
Crossing his legs gentleman style, the Seraph pilot shrugged off his former sensei's appreciation with a wave of his right hand, shaking his head.
“There's no need for that, Waltfeld-sensei, I did what I must. It was a dangerous situation we were in back then.”
Seated on the wide red leather couch facing their friend, Kira and Cagalli glanced back and forth at him and the `Desert Tiger' with interest.
`Sensei'…? Does this mean he was a former teacher of his when he used to bein ZAFT?
What's going on? How come they know each other well? Could Kenji be a former ZAFT soldier? Nah… it couldn't be. But still…!
The `Desert Tiger' laughed aloud at his former student's modesty, with his right hand pounding lightly on his desk humorously. He then clicked his tongue, resuming attention on the Seraph pilot.
“Same old Kenji… you're humble indeed. It was no joke that you and Eiji were among the few top graduates back in the academy. Oh, I see your skills haven't diminished, no? I saw you took down several of those Blue Cosmos terrorists swiftly with single bullet shots… straight to their heads, surprisingly. Now that's 100 percent accuracy.”
Kenji smirked lightly at him.
“Correction, 99 percent accuracy… I don't consider myself perfect, you know.”
Andy folded his arms and smirked back. The two then shared a heartfelt laugh, lightening the tense atmosphere in the room for a while.
Just then, his door opened, letting in a glamorous, coquettish young woman docked in all-blue jumpsuit, save for her upper arms and feet. He felt a sense of nostalgia as he noticed her physical features --- long dark-blue hair with two gold highlights at the front sides, blue eyes, pleasing mouth, and clear, white skin. Her eyes took notice of Andy's guests after greeting him.
“Oh...? These must be guests of yours, Andy?” she quipped.
“Yup… Aisha, you remember Kenji Hyne? That's him in person alright.”
The woman known as Aisha then instantly recognized the Seraph pilot and approached him, prompting him to stand up from his seat and greet her with a wry smile. She then gave him a warm hug, placing a soft kiss on his left cheek. The Seraph pilot blushed at her action as he watched her step back to check him.
-Giggle- You look so cute when you blush! It's been months since Andy and I saw your departure from ZAFT, Kenji. How have you been?” Aisha warmly asked.
“Must you shower me with your affection, Aisha? Really, now, it's embarrassing to me. I wouldn't want to upset Waltfeld-sensei,” Kenji nervously remarked, eyeing his former sensei smirking once again at him. It was no secret to him that the `Desert Tiger' and her were very close, knowing that fact during his ZAFT academy days when he had the former as his teacher in reconnaissance lessons.
Upon seeing the display of affection before them, Kira and Cagalli had gaping jaws with slight blushes of embarrassment on their faces. However, the latter felt a strange feeling developing in her while staring at Kenji then to the newcomer.
She has quite the nerve kissing him like that! Wait, why am I suddenly jealous of her? Kenji's just a friend to me! Argh…! What's wrong with me?
Cagalli decided to hold the sudden impulse to pull the Seraph pilot away from the flirty Aisha, gritting her teeth in frustration.
Kira on the other hand was astounded by his friend's connection with the `Desert Tiger' and the glamorous, coquettish young woman before him.
Is it just me, or is Kenji quite well-known?
Aisha giggled once more at the Seraph pilot's reaction, turning to her lover, who glanced at Cagalli and noticed the mixed chili/yogurt sauce stains on her hair. He snapped his fingers.
“That reminds me… can you see to it that this young lady before us gets cleaned up? She could also use some fresh clothes to change into. That outfit she's wearing now doesn't befit her for such a young lady,” Andy requested, having Kenji and Kira then realizing her disheveled state.
“Stop staring me like that!” Cagalli exclaimed embarrassingly, with a hint of blush on her cheeks.
-Giggle- Come with me now, don't be shy,” Aisha mischievously remarked, reaching for Cagalli's right hand and pulling the said young girl from her seat, and opened the door, exiting Andy's office along with her.
Watching their retreating forms and the door closing after them, Kenji and Kira turned to the `Desert Tiger', who abruptly stood up from his seat and went over to a small drawer, opening it. He then took out his coffee brewer filled with his recent brewing, laying it on top of the drawer, and three mugs. He glanced back at the two Gundam pilots.
“May I offer you two some coffee? You should try this blend, it's the Banadiya special, straight from this city but modified slightly by me.”
“Thank you, we'd like to try that, right Kira?” Kenji replied and glanced at the Strike pilot seated facing him.
“Uh… sure, I could try one, Waltfeld-san.”
The `Desert Tiger' chuckled lightly at Kira's addressing of him, while pouring coffee for himself, Kenji, and Kira on their mugs.
The two Gundam pilots then took the time looking around his office. Kenji went over to the office window with his hands pocketed in his khaki pants, watching outside the ZAFT base's inner perimeter, guarded by several ZAFT soldiers.
If we escape through the window, it'll be a long drop below. There's no place where we could cushion our fall, plus on the downside, it's moderately guarded.
Kira meanwhile went over to a miniature display of a fossil lain on a nearby table, examining it. He pursed his lips, confused by the fossil's look.
What kind of creature was this?
As if to answer his question, the `Desert Tiger' approached him with a tray of three mugs filled with brewed coffee, getting his attention and offering his mug.
“Here you are. That's a fossil of a space whale identified as `Evidence-01 Whale Stone', an interesting piece. Though it looks like a whale with wings, why would it have wings? Now that's a puzzling question to consider.”
Glancing at Andy then back at the miniature fossil before him, Kira slowly took a sip of his coffee.
Seeing the Strike pilot perplexed at his observation of the said miniature fossil, Andy left him, heading towards the quiet Kenji watching outside his office window.
“Enjoying the view, my friend? Here's your coffee,” he offered his mug.
Looking at his former sensei from the corner of his right eye, Kenji nodded and accepted his mug of coffee, then taking a sip of it and tasting it, with his tongue running inside his lips.
“It has a crisp feeling in the texture, that's for sure. You could open up a coffee shop when you retire from ZAFT.”
The `Desert Tiger' shook his head amusingly at his former student's remark.
Meanwhile, in Aisha's quarter's bathroom naked, Cagalli was in a bathtub filled with bath-soap water, with her hands enveloping around her clear, shapely legs. She stared blankly at the soapy water her body was in.
“Are you done over there? I have a dress that should match you,” Aisha called her from outside.
Rising out of her blank state, she then blushed at the thought of wearing a dress. Unlike most normal girls, Cagalli grew up to be a tomboyish one, opting for male attire rather than women wear. At the instance of getting inside a dress, she would rather dig her own grave, rather than letting other people see on one.
Back inside Andy's office, the said person continued the discussion of the miniature fossil space whale, drawing the two Gundam pilots' attention to it while they drank their coffee.
But then again, that's at the root of the war between Naturals and Coordinators, wouldn't you agree, gentlemen?” the `Desert Tiger' asked.
Kenji and Kira opted not to comment, pondering on his question and giving him the silent treatment.
Now that he mentioned it, humanity has been fighting each other due to genetic alteration… clearly a defiled act of God stemming from curiosity and desire of knowledge and truth. But then again, we always are searching for the real truth behind all this.
Naturals and Coordinators fighting each other… they're both human! Why do they fight over evolutionary superiority? It… doesn't make sense.
Suddenly, Andy's door opened, allowing Aisha bringing in Cagalli sporting a nice, green sleeveless dress, accentuating her feminine side clearly. The two Gundam pilots were stunned by the sight before them.
“You look… like a girl in that outfit!” Kira blurted out, pointing his right forefinger at the Desert Dawn rebel.
“Stop saying that you idiot!” she exclaimed embarrassingly, waving a shaky left fist at him. She then glanced at Kenji, expecting his comment.
That dress emphasizes your beauty indeed. I like you better in that dress than in your previous attire,” the Seraph pilot finally commented with a smile.
Forgetting her annoyance on Kira, Cagalli took his words in heart. Her face flushed a beet red while looking down at the floor in further embarrassment.
The sight before the `Desert Tiger' and his lover was amusing, to say the least, earning a heartfelt laugh from them.
“Ah, you're quite the charmer indeed, Kenji. I bet any lady would swoon before you,” Aisha mischievously remarked, standing behind her lover and laying her hands on his shoulders affectionately.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 20; +1630 hours
Location: Africa --- Banadiya, Libya
Elsewhere in the city, Kisaka searched around the area for Kenji, Kira, and Cagalli, with the Desert Dawn rebel (the one who came along with Natarle, Jackie, him, and Sahib to meet up with Al Jairi) who accompanied him before. After asking the locals for their whereabouts, one of them pointed out their last known location in a small restaurant they previously dined in. Arriving hurriedly by the said location, he found a waiter cleaning up a mess of scattered chairs, tables, and umbrella shades.
“What happened here?” Kisaka inquired.
Glancing up from his clean-up job, the waiter pointed out the mess with his left thumb.
“Blue Cosmos attack. Those terrorists seemed after some customers of the restaurant. The bastards were finished off by ZAFT forces stationed in the city.”
“Did you have three customers who were around their teenage years? They were in civilian attire. Two of them are male, while one was female. The boys had spiked-up brown hair, while the girl had short, blonde hair,” Kisaka described the physical features of the three teens.
The waiter furrowed his eyebrows, rummaging in his mind for the said description of the people Kisaka was looking for.
“Hmm… now that you mentioned it, I did serve three teenagers before. Their table is the one with the eight fallen bags of groceries over there.”
He pointed out the three teens' table to Kisaka, who quickly approached it for observation and spotted the eight grocery bags scatted about. He knelt down and inspected one, with the other Desert Dawn rebel standing behind him for further instructions.
“There's no doubt… they were here before. But, where did they run off to?” he wondered. He dismissed the notion of the three teens being caught in the crossfire of the recent Blue Cosmos attack.
Kisaka went back to the waiter, interrogating him one more time.
“Did you see them run off when the attack occurred?”
“Huh…? Nope, I quickly fled for cover. I didn't have time to check back on them. When it comes to Blue Cosmos, your life's on the line now!”
Heading back to their jeep, Kisaka and the Desert Dawn rebel boarded it, with the former taking out a mini-com device from his pants pocket. He then contacted the Archangel. Within seconds, Murrue's face appeared on-screen.
“Captain Ramius, I'm unable to find Kenji, Kira, and Cagalli due to an attack done by Blue Cosmos hours ago,” he reported.
Murrue's face etched in a bothered, concerned look.
“Please keep looking for them. They wouldn't have gone far from the city.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 20; +1635 hours
Location: Africa, Libya --- ZAFT Banadiya Base
In the base's hangar bay, the Crusader Squad captain watched from the rafters all four of his squad's damaged MS being repaired by the base mechanics/engineers. Leaning against the railing with his arms on it, Ryu let out a tired sigh as he recalled his team's recent defeat by the Seraph.
Was my squad not good enough to take that unknown MS down? No… we did give our best, but it wasn't enough. There's something missing though… but what?
He felt a hand resting on his left shoulder, prompting him to glance with the corner of his left eye at its owner, who turned out to be Miho. She gave a hopeful smile.
“Miho… what is it?” he inquired, resuming attention on his squad's damaged MS.
“Captain… I know it's hard for you to swallow our squad's recent defeat. But, that doesn't give you the reason to just mope, thinking we have truly lost to the unknown MS.”
Miho gently patted behind his back in support.
Captain Aster would be truly disappointed to see you like this. And Commander Shinonome would simply hold you in low regard if he also heard that from you as well. Please remember… there are some people who believe in you.”
Ryu lightly smiled at her, feeling his brooding mood return back to normal.
“…Thank you, I never thought I'd hear you cheer me up. You're usually reserved and quiet.”
His squad mate fiddled with her fingers, reverting to her described nature. A small blush of embarrassment graced her cheeks.
“Eh? Really, captain… please!”
Back inside the base commander's office, a startling change of events was about to occur for his three teen guests. Motioning for Aisha to step away from him, the `Desert Tiger' went behind his desk and opened a small drawer, which housed an automatic pistol. His eyes glanced down at it momentarily, then back to his guests, most particularly at Kenji and Kira, who finished their coffee and placed down their mugs on the small glass table. They stood attentively, seeing the `Desert Tiger' coming up with another conversation.
“Kenji… Kira… as two MS pilots, how do you think this war between Naturals and Coordinators will end?” he finally started. In an instant he drew out his automatic pistol, pointing it at his guests, he was alarmed finding Kenji doing the same action, drawing out his pistol from his khaki right pocket instinctively, pointed back at him.
Cagalli let out a shocked gasp, clinging behind Kira for safety. Both teens clamored close to the Seraph pilot, threatened by the sudden standoff between the `Desert Tiger' and his former student. Aisha tensed herself up, a bit surprised by the same young man whom she developed a liking to and she last met with two years ago. She smiled mischievously, drawing close to her lover protectively.
My, my, Kenji… so, do you have the courage to turn onto my beloved Andy?
“Should a war end by killing all enemies? I've yet to test that question,” Andy remarked, his face reverting casual to serious, eyeing particularly at the two Gundam pilots, “I saw you both fighting in the battlefield, using those prototype MS. That and your skill in piloting those clearly show you both as Coordinators.”
Cagalli let out another shocked gasp at the mention of the Gundam pilots' real race.
It can't be… and I thought they're Naturals who've worked hard piloting their MS!
Kenji narrowed his eyes cautiously, trying very hard not to shoot his former sensei. In his mind, he was quickly forming possible escape routes for him and his friends.
Kira on the other hand sadly looked down at the floor with shimmering eyes, clenching his right hand into a shaky fist.
The `Desert Tiger' continued his dialogue, seeing his former student's reaction.
“You both may fight like berserkers, but you can't escape from a palace filled with Coordinators, try if you must. I don't know why you're fighting your own kind, but as long as you're piloting the Strike and the other unknown prototype MS, you're enemies.”
“The name of my MS is the Seraph, Waltfeld-sensei. Remember that. On the plus side, I'd prefer to avoid bloodshed between us, knowing you might be considerate enough,” the Seraph pilot calmly stated.
-Chuckle- Really now, Kenji… have you forgotten my motto? You know the one I always state in my class during the academy days?” Andy hinted.
“…Of course, Waltfeld-sensei.”
To know thy enemy, you must be the enemy,” both teacher and student remarked. The statement held a special meeting for them. They then cocked their pistols together, adding another ounce of tension in the atmosphere.
Kira and Cagalli were anxious and tense to witness the outcome of their standoff.
Seconds passed slowly by, as the constant tick-tocks of Andy's grandfather clock sounded them aloud in the room. The ZAFT base commander and the former ZAFT soldier exchanged steely gazes, waiting for the other's action. Both their trigger fingers slowly ached from the stiffness of their held position.
To think that I'd confront one of my former students like this…but he's also an elite soldier like me.
This has to be a cruel twist of fate, confronting my former sensei. I wouldn't want to go against him, but if it happens, I have no other choice.
The tense atmosphere held long, with a thickness that could be cut through with a knife.
The `Desert Tiger' then finally broke the standoff, putting away his pistol and holstering it behind his back. Next him, Aisha glanced worriedly at him.
The ZAFT base commander shook his head in reply at her, then resuming attention at his guests with a serious disposition. Seeing his former sensei's putting his gun away, Kenji holstered his back in place, switching on its safety lock. Behind him, Kira and Cagalli slowly regained composure, but still having a hint of nervousness deep down.
“Thank you for your time, so please go home. The next time we meet in the battlefield, we're enemies, Kenji, and…?” he looked particularly at the Strike pilot, catching his name.
“…Kira. Kira Yamato, Waltfeld-san…”
“Very well… now please take your leave. Lucas!” the `Desert Tiger' exclaimed to one of his guards posted outside his door, prompting to come inside his office and report to his commander instantly with a quick salute.
“Sir…!” the guard known as Lucas exclaimed.
Andy then pointed his guests out to him.
“Escort these guests outside the base immediately.”
Saluting his commander again, Lucas beckoned the three teens to follow him out of Andy's office. Before leaving, Kenji gave one hard glance at the `Desert Tiger', who stared him back with Aisha.
“I'm sorry it had to turn out like this, Waltfeld-sensei. But… it was nice seeing you again,” the Seraph pilot remarked. He then gave a courteous nod and left, rejoining his friends.
As the three teens exited Andy's office, whose door was closed by the other guard posted, the `Desert Tiger' then sat down on his seat, letting out a dejected sigh. Aisha massaged his shoulders from behind, trying to comfort him.
“Andy, dear… at least it was nice to see him in person again,” she gently remarked.
Her lover reached for her left hand massaging his left shoulder, resting his left hand over it warmly. His lips curved slightly upwards into a smirk.
“Yes… it was indeed, Aisha.”
As the escorted three teens proceeded on another hallway leading outside of the ZAFT base, the Crusader Squad was in view, passing by them to the other direction.
“Jeez, you'd think the `Desert Tiger' would have more entertaining facilities here. It's fairly boring in here, just being on standby!” Barry complained, placing both his hands behind his head as he walked with his squad.
“Oh, you're being such a wheeze, Barry, so quit complaining,” Lisa remarked, folding her arms while walking.
“Besides, we're under Commander Waltfeld's jurisdiction, since it was an order from Captain Aster. Speaking of which, I wonder how he's doing... captain, did we get any word from him?” Miho inquired, resting her hands down overlapping each other as she strolled by.
“Hmm… I'm afraid not, Miho. I'll try to contact him later, once we meet up with Commander Waltfeld and discuss further regarding the EA legged ship,” Ryu replied, placing his hands behind his back as he walked on.
Cagalli glanced next to Kira, who was walking by her side.
“Kira… so that's your name. Are you and Kenji really Coordinators then? I'm surprised to find that out.”
“Oh… But I think that's not much of an issue, unless people keep bringing that up, Cagalli. That reminds me, are we going back to the camp with you wearing that dress?
The Desert Dawn female teen rebel lightly blushed in embarrassment, giving the Strike pilot's left shoulder a light annoyed punch.
“Idiot… I'm not wearing this because I like it, for I was forced to! Now I don't have any spare clothes to wear, thanks to that weird woman who had me cleaned up back there.”
“Ouch… ok, but you don't have to hit me so hard
Behind them, Kenji adjusted the collar of his short-sleeve white polo, with an undershirt worn beneath, then pocketing his hands in his khaki pants. He watched amusedly at the bickering teens (well actually Cagalli was the one mostly doing the bickering) before him, shaking his head understandably.
Cagalli sure is a feisty girl. Her behavior is totally unpredictable, to say the least.
From the corner of his right eye, Kenji locked his attention with the Crusader Squad leader, who also locked eyes with him as the two said persons passed by each other. Their eyes briefly met for the first time.
Hmm… he holds a degree of certainty, dedication, and respect, judging by his stature.A red ZAFT uniform… ah, he's ace pilot material. Those three people behind him are also wearing red ZAFT uniforms… they must be a squad, now that I recall from my experience in ZAFT two years ago.
This person passing by me... his eyes mirror experience of some sort. There's something mysterious about him that I can't quite figure out.Have we met before?
As their groups passed by each other from a wide distance, both young men resumed attention to their new task in hand.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 20; +1630 hours
Location: Africa --- Libya; Desert Dawn main camp
Back in the Archangel's hangar bay, where the EA legged ship was secretly stored in the rebel camp, the deactivated Strike Gundam suddenly broke free from its restraints, catching several of Murdoch's team of mechanics/engineers working on it in surprise. They quickly backed away from the MS, not wanting to get in its way.
“Chief, the Strike started moving!” one mechanic/engineer exclaimed to his chief officer from high up in one of the rafters. The head mechanic/engineer was checking a list of needed supplies written on a paper pad he was holding. He glanced up at the mechanic/engineer calling out to him, then directing his attention to the Strike, which seemed to stumble awkwardly after taking a few steps from its parked spot.
“What in the world? Who the hell is behind its controls? Kira isn't back yet!” he exclaimed, beckoning his team of mechanics/engineers to run after the Gundam with him leading.
After taking another step, the said MS amazingly crashed onto the hangar bay's ground, shaking the entire room momentarily. Inside the Strike's cockpit, the unknown pilot jerked forward and backwards the control sticks, pressing or banging buttons, in a desperate attempt to start the Strike's OS again.
Tears welled up in his eyes beneath his yellow-tinted specs worn. Now realizing his desperate attempts not bearing fruit, he let go of the control sticks, banging frustratingly on his seat's armrests.
“Damn… damn… DAMN! Why? Why? WHY CAN'T I GET THIS THING MOVING?” Sai Argyle cried out in anguish, banging on the Strike's CIS one last time.
Was it a good idea to follow one's example? Such was the case happening for the unfortunate young, yellow-tinted spectacled man right here.