Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 20: On a Calm Day ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 20: On a Calm Day
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1200 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- Clyne Residence
Driving in an auto-car and stopping by the Clyne Residence's locked front gate, Athrun let himself be seen by the small id scanner, which ran a thorough scan on his face and both his retinas.
“PLEASE CONFIRM IDENTIFICATION,” the machine voiced out.
“Athrun Zala, military id code A10099Z,” the Aegis pilot remarked.
With an audible confirmation beep from the machine, the locked front gate opened, allowing him to drive inside the Clyne Residence. Arriving by the mansion's front door, he parked his auto-car, switching its ignition off, and exited the vehicle, grabbing a bouquet of flowers he left on the front seat next him. He walked up to the front door, pressing the doorbell. The front door then opened with the maid Marie inside, who instantly recognized him.
“Athrun-san…! Are you here to see Miss Clyne?” she greeted with a smile.
“Yes, Marie, is she in?”
“Yes, she is. Please come in!”
Closing the front door after beckoning the Aegis pilot to step inside, Marie proceeded to lead him to her female mistress, who walked by in view and approached them as they were inside the living room. Sporting a simple, elegant white dress with matching slippers, the pink-haired princess gave a small wave of greeting to her fiancée, adding a smile.
“Hello, Athrun! It's good of you to visit.”
Athrun gave a courteous nod and smile in reply. The pink-haired princess turned to Marie.
“That will be all, Marie, thank you. Can you prepare some tea for Athrun and me?”
The said maid formally bowed, complying with her request and leaving the two teens alone and heading for the kitchen.
Before Athrun could speak another word, several bouncing balls surrounded Lacus and him right away. Looking closely at one of them, he saw them to be his personal creation, the Haros. They came in different colors, sounding out their bouncy actions.
“ATHRUN…! ATHRUN…! WELCOME!” they exclaimed, flapping their `ears' in greeting.
Their creator grimaced little at them annoyed, before realizing the bouquet of flowers in his hand and handing it to Lacus, who accepted it warmly.
“My, such lovely flowers, Athrun, thank you!”
The Aegis pilot rubbed behind his head with his left hand, with his frown still evident on his face.
“Lacus, don't you think these Haros are a bit annoying? They must have given you a headache.”
The pink-haired princess waved off his concern with her left hand.
-Giggle- They're no trouble at all. I think they're just excited to see you, since it's been so long since your last visit. Come with me to the lawn, please.”
She then led her fiancé to her mansion's lawn and took her seat at a table provided, watching Athrun doing the same action. Just then, a robotic dog hovered by, walking up to Lacus's feet and getting her attention. Realizing the bouquet of flowers in her hand, she then gave it to the robotic dog.
“Please give this to Marie, Okapi. Thank you.”
The said robotic dog sounded out an affirmative beep in reply and then left, proceeding back inside its master's mansion with the bouquet of flowers lain atop of it. Before the two teens could continue their conversation, the pink-haired princess's Haros immediately swarmed her and her fiancée, bouncing up and down while flapping their `ears'. Taking a small brush dabbed with white paint lain on the table, Lacus caught hold of a blue Haro and painted a white mustache on the small mechanical ball, then tossing it away. The other Haros proceeded to chase the painted blue Haro, giving peace and quiet to Athrun and Lacus, with the former sighing relieved at the retreating forms of his creations.
The Aegis pilot brushed off some specks of dirt from the left shoulder of his ZAFT red uniform, after noticing it. He then folded his hands together, resting them on the table while maintaining eye contact with the pink-haired princess before him, who was her caring and cheery self.
“I'm sorry for not able to attend the memorial ceremony, Lacus,” Athrun started.
The said female teen shook her head in reply.
“There's no need to worry, I prayed for your mother on your behalf. In truth, more and more of our friends are enlisting in the military… I feel that the war between the EA and ZAFT is escalating. I wonder what Kira is doing now?”
At the mention of his childhood best friend, Athrun's eyes shimmered little, as he recalled the recent time seeing him during the battle with the EA 8th Fleet, taking place in the Earth's atmosphere. His last memory of him was that of witnessing the Aile Strike plummeting down to Earth.
“He's probably down on Earth somewhere, I believe…”
Lacus looked curiously at the Aegis pilot, then remembering her previous encounter with Kira onboard the Archangel.
“Were you both friends for a long time?”
“…Yes, we've been, since we were around four or five years old. We lived in the lunar city of Copernicus on the Moon for a long time, but I had to come back to the PLANTs when my father asked me to.”
The pink-haired princess's mouth etched in a curious, small gaping mouth as she understood the remark describing the Aegis and the Strike pilots' cultivating friendship.
“Oh… when I met with Kira and told him about Haro, he told me his Torii, a small, mechanical bird, was also made by you.”
Athrun looked up at Lacus with surprise by her remark.
“He still has Torii with him? I… didn't know that.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1215 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- ZAFT Supreme Council
In a press conference held in the news room of the ZAFT Supreme Council, the National Defense Committee Chairman was currently giving a speech regarding the present escalating war between the EA and ZAFT.
“The war with the Earth Alliance has constantly grown moderately, after we received confirmed reports of them collaborating with unidentified sources to start off their own production of mobile suits. Worst of all, they held this top-secret MS project in the neutral colony of Heliopolis, which led to its inevitable destruction! This goes to show that they're amassing their forces for an all-out counterattack. However, the Supreme Council will hold a meeting to discuss for possible solutions to this dilemma. If all else fails, we will have no choice but to resort to a military campaign dubbed Operation Spitbreak,” he stated.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1220hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- Amalfi Residence
Watching Patrick Zala's speech on TV with his son in the living room, Yuri Amalfi folded his arms and sighed wistfully.
“It looks like the bill for Operation Spitbreak needs to be approved. This means for you going back into battle… but nonetheless, I'm proud of you, Nicol,” the Supreme Council member remarked, glancing next to his son.
The Blitz pilot nodded respectfully in reply, with his eyes filled with purpose and resolve.
“I understand, father. I shall do my best.”
Yuri ruffled his son's long, curly olive-green hair affectionately, knowing well that his son was serving under the respected Le Creuset unit. Soon later, his wife, Isadora Amalfi, walked in the living room, docked in house clothes with an apron. She placed a kiss on her son's left cheek, smiling lovingly at him, and then turned to her husband, who noticed the serious look on her face. He nodded understandingly at her.
“We'll leave you be, son, me and your mother have something important to discuss.”
With that said Yuri got up from the living room couch and beckoned his wife to follow after him, leaving their son alone. The Blitz pilot continued to watch Patrick's speech for a few more seconds, then decided he seen enough. He switched off the TV with its remote, placing it on the living room couch. He got up from the couch and went up to his family's medium-sized, black piano placed on the corner of the living room, and started playing it.
The gentle sounds of the piano echoed throughout the living room.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1230 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- ZAFT Supreme Council
After the recent half-hour press conference was finished, the ZAFT Supreme Council Chairman and the National Defense Committee Chairman met together in an undisclosed briefing room of the council building.
Glancing at his long-time friend with worry, Siegel Clyne walked up to him and began.
“The bill for Operation Spitbreak is likely to be approved, judging from the circumstances of the present situation. Yet, I don't want to drag this war on for much longer, Patrick.”
Patrick Zala placed his hands behind his back, smirking confidently to himself, not looking at the ZAFT Supreme Council Chairman.
“Humph we've evolved into a new species, Siegel. We don't need to co-exist with Naturals!”
“I strongly disagree with that. What about the decreasing birth rates of third-generation Coordinators? The facts about them have been much alarming.”
Patrick waved off his friend's worry with the back of his right hand.
“Bah, those problems will be solved, Siegel. We have our top scientists working on it as we speak! And besides, I don't want to de-evolve to the level of those pathetic Naturals.”
With that said, he then left the room, leaving Siegel behind staring at his retreating form with furrowed eyebrows and a sneer.
“You fool… we can't de-evolve if we never really evolved to begin with.”
At +1300 hours, the PLANT Supreme Council commenced its daily meeting. Amongst the council members, Yuri Amalfi stood up from his seat, typing meticulously on his keyboard interface before glancing around the entire council.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby present the bill for Operation Spitbreak, now transferred to your display screens. Let's take some time to examine the details. Chairman Clyne, we'll leave the necessary decision-making to you.”
The Supreme Council Chairman nodded affirmatively at his fellow council member, then watching him sitting back down on his seat. He glanced around the rest of the council members, watching them immerse in crucial discussion. Before him, the holographic display screen showed the necessary bill for the dubbed military campaign. Sighing deep down, he folded his arms while beginning to read the contents of the bill.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1315hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- ZAFT Central HQ
Inside his personal quarters, the masked Rau was laid on his bed, beginning a light nap, when suddenly he felt his heart beating furiously than normal, causing him to clutch at his chest and writhing in agony. Clad only in white boxers for his sleeping attire, he flung his blanket off him and shakily fell off his bed, while reaching for a small drawer next him. Opening it which revealed a small box containing blue pills (similar to the one in his office on the Vesalius) he gingerly took a piece, throwing it in his mouth. He then went over to a mini-ref nearby and flung it open, taking a small, chilled water bottle from inside. Twisting off its cap, he took a hearty gulp of the liquid of life, downing the blue pill along in his throat.
-Gulg- -Gulg- Ah…”
The ringing of his phone lain on the drawer next his bed caught his attention, prompting him to answer the incoming call.
“I want you to meet me later to discuss some of the details of Operation Spitbreak, Creuset,” Patrick Zala's raspy voice sounded.
“Yes, Chairman Zala.”
“Ha, ha, ha… if we raise the stakes of Operation Spitbreak, those foolish Naturals will probably do the same thing as well. I'll see you then.”
Hearing him hang up, Rau's lips curled up in a devilish smile as he placed his receiver back in place, then eyeing it.
Humph… I'll let Chairman Zala be as arrogant as he wants for now.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1320 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- Clyne Residence
After having some freshly-brewed tea served by Marie, Lacus and Athrun ended their conversation, after the latter noticed the present time on his left wristwatch, needing to make his departure back to his quarters in ZAFT Central HQ. The two teens went outside the mansion's front door, where Athrun's auto-car was parked.
“I'm sorry that I have to end our meeting so soon. I'll see if I can arrange my schedule to meet you again, Lacus,” the Aegis pilot spoke, then giving a kiss on the pink-haired princess's left cheek.
“Please take care, Athrun.”
Nodding to her in reply, the Aegis pilot went inside his auto-car, starting its ignition and driving off to exit the Clyne residence. Lacus watched his retreating form in earnest, giving a hopeful smile, before entering back inside her home and closing the front door after her.
As Athrun's auto-car drove on a seaside road, the Aegis pilot kept his eyes focused on the road, while recalling witnessing PLANT Junius-Seven's destruction on TV, and his enlistment with the ZAFT military. His green eyes shimmered brightly, as he felt his spirit dampen with sadness.
Mother… I don't know when this war will end. I wish that you're still alive so I can see you again. Father hasn't been himself at all since you passed on…
Please tell me what to do… I… I'm not sure about all this.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1320 hours
Location: Africa --- Libya; Desert Dawn main camp
Meanwhile on the Archangel, Fllay followed from a short distance the Strike pilot accompanying Kuzzey, who was carrying a tray of food prepared by Chef Carte. The two male teens went over to Sai's locked quarters, with Kuzzey unlocking his door via keypad lock. He glanced warily at Kira.
“Umm… you wait here. I don't think it'll do any good for you to be seen by him.”
The Strike pilot sadly nodded in reply, looking down at the floor. Kuzzey then went inside, with Sai's automatic door opening before him. Inside the yellow-tinted spectacled male teen's quarters, it was almost pitch-black, but Kuzzey could make out the form of his quiet and gloomy friend sitting alone on his bed, with his chin propped on his legs drawn to his chest, clad in his EA uniform.
“Here's your food, Sai. I'm afraid you'll have to be locked up in your room for a week, as Captain Ramius ordered.
After laying down the tray of food near his bed, Kuzzey waited earnestly for a reply from his yellow-tinted spectacled friend. Finding him in no mood to talk, he shook his head, pitying him, and left his quarters.
Hearing his door locked from outside, Sai continued to keep his eyes glued to the dim wall before him. In his mind, the personal conflict with his supposed-to-be fiancée loomed heavily.
Fllay… Kira… I… I don't know what I feel about you two anymore.
Watching Kira and Kuzzey then leave Sai's quarters, Fllay approached its locked door, looking ashamedly at it. She could picture her now estranged fiancée sitting alone, wallowing in despair over their break-up.
Sai… I'm sorry… but I think it's for the best.
Inside Murrue's office, she, Mwu, Natarle, Kenji, and Peter were discussing a battle plan with Sahib, the Desert Dawn leader. Leaning against the wall with folded arms, Mwu began with an important question.
“I'm worried about casualties among your men, Sahib. Will it be alright with you?”
The Desert Dawn leader stroked his grizzled beard with his right hand.
“A lot of the women from Tassil want them to just surrender, Lieutenant La Flaga. My people have been oppressed for over a hundred years, and are tired of it. We don't want to rule others, nor do we wish to be ruled ourselves. We'll need the Archangel's help, so don't worry about casualties.”
Mwu shrugged his shoulders in resignation.
“…I suppose it can't be helped then.”
Murrue turned to Kenji, who was specially invited by her to attend this briefing.
“Kenji, you might be wondering why I called you here to this briefing. After your run-in with the `Desert Tiger', we want to hear your opinion in this matter, since… you were a former ZAFT soldier as him. Have you any idea on the number of his forces stationed in Banadiya?”
Amongst the group, only Sahib was startled to hear the fact that the Seraph pilot was a former ZAFT soldier. He eyed warily at him, gauging his worth.
So he's a former ZAFT soldier? Then it must not have been hard for him to protect Kira and Cagalli when they all were taken to meet the `Desert Tiger'.
Kenji pocketed his hands in his EA pants, half-expecting for the Archangel high-rank trio to know about his previous occupation. He gave a quick glance to his uncle, who looked worriedly at him, shrugging his shoulders.
Sigh... Uncle Peter must have divulged my previous occupation as a ZAFT soldier to them. Oh well… I can't blame him, especially if they we're curious about my skill in piloting the Seraph.
Shaking off the distress of being found out in his mind, Kenji calmly shook his head in reply, earning disappointed looks on Murrue and Natarle's faces.
“I'm afraid I wasn't able to estimate the number of his forces stationed there in Banadiya, captain. It was only a chance meeting with him that led me there in his stationed base,” he remarked.
“How can you say that? It would be important to learn more about the enemy, Kenji!” the Archangel second-in-command exclaimed in disbelief.
The Seraph pilot pondered on his former teacher's words from their previous encounter.
“You both may fight like berserkers, but you can't escape from a palace filled with Coordinators, try if you must. I don't know why you're fighting your own kind, but as long as you're piloting the Strike and the other unknown prototype MS, you're enemies.”
“The name of my MS is the Seraph, Waltfeld-sensei. Remember that. On the plus side, I'd prefer to avoid bloodshed between us, knowing you might be considerate enough.”
“-Chuckle- Really now, Kenji… have you forgotten my motto? You know the one I always state in my class during the academy days?”
“…Of course, Waltfeld-sensei.”
“To know thy enemy, you must be the enemy.
His pocketed right hand clenched into a tight fist.
Waltfeld-sensei…then I must fight you. You're my enemy.
Noticing his nephew's thoughtful look on his face, Peter felt concerned and worried for him deep down.
Kenji… I'm sorry for not informing you about telling them your true identity. What are you possibly thinking now?
Murrue gave a hard look at the Seraph pilot, reaffirming a believed fact deep down.
He had met up with the `Desert Tiger', who's also from ZAFT. It must be hard for him, now deciding to fight against a former comrade.
The Seraph pilot stopped tightening his right hand pocketed, and relaxed it. He glanced up at everyone in the room with a new resolve.
“I'm sorry for my reluctance. Ok… if we're to commence this operation against the `Desert Tiger', then I'll let you in what I know of him. Captain, if we're to engage his forces outside his base, we'll have to be wary of ambushes or traps. Knowing his curious nature of the enemy, he'll try to have the Archangel isolated in a remote area.
The rest of the group glanced at him with surprise by his statement, which seemed to imply their common foe's battle tactics. Mwu raised a left eyebrow in interest, wanting to hear more from the Seraph pilot. Natarle nodded understandably, placing her hands behind her back.
That's a good analysis of the enemy, Kenji. It shows the result of your military training, which seems very different from the EA.
“Hmm… if what you say is true, then how are we to engage the `Desert Tiger' then?” Sahib asked.
Kenji turned to the said Desert Dawn leader with a look of importance in his eyes.
“Have you a map of the surrounding desert areas near your resistance group's main camp?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Please lay it open here on this table. Captain, you wouldn't mind if we use it for this purpose?”
Murrue permitted the Seraph pilot's intended action with a wave of her right hand, beckoning him to continue. A large map detailing the surrounding desert areas near the Desert Dawn main camp was laid on another medium-sized table belonging to the Archangel Captain. The group gathered around it, observing the map.
Kenji then laid his right forefinger on the center of the map.
“Everyone… we shall commence this operation, which I dubbed as `Operation Lesseps Breakthrough', courtesy of my former sensei's land battleship. I'll begin laying down my plan, so please give your utmost attention.”
Murrue let out a surprised cry, prompting everyone's attention on her. Her cheeks flushing little with embarrassment, she turned to the Seraph pilot with a smile.
“That's quite a name for this operation, Kenji. I was actually thinking the same name too, but you beat me to it first.”
Kenji suppressed the urge to smirk at the Archangel Captain. Instead, he gave her an amused smile, acknowledging her remark before turning attention to the map lain before him.
In the Archangel's hangar bay, Arnold, Miriallia, and Tolle gathered around a mobile armor simulator lain on a clear spot on the corner of the room, which was manned by none other than Cagalli. The Desert Dawn female teen rebel jerked the control stick with both hands to maneuver her simulated mobile suit displayed on-screen.
“Heh… just a little more… ha, ha…! Take that! Woo-hoo… now's that a high score!” she exclaimed delightedly, releasing her grip on the control stick and throwing her hands up in victory. The simulated mobile armor (which was the Moebius-Zero) racked up an impressive number of kills, showing potential in her to pilot a mobile armor.
“Wow… you even beat my score! Way to go, Cagalli!” Tolle congratulated, patting her right shoulder.
“That's amazing… it seemed… flawless I think,” Miriallia commented, supporting the short blonde-haired female teen.
Arnold merely wondered about Cagalli's performance, furrowing his eyebrows and folding his arms in earnest. He opted not to voice out his comment.
Well… she's not bad from a glance. Still… I don't know.
The Desert Dawn female teen rebel embarrassingly took in the compliments coming to her, shrugging them off with her hands. She then got up from the MA simulator's seat, then leaving the audience and going over to look at Skygrasper-2, parked in another corner of the room. As her eyes trailed first on the aircraft's body, she felt compelled to lay her hand on it for a feel.
However, before she could do so, a panicked mechanic/engineer of Murdoch's quickly spotted her nearby the aircraft, and placed his body between her and Skygrasper-2, waving both hands in front of him to carefully beckon her to move away from the aircraft.
“Woah, woah, woah…! You can't actually use Skygrasper-2, even though you mastered the MA simulator I just saw you in now,” he stated with a panicked look on his face.
Cagalli let out a huff of disagreement, placing her hands on her hips and eyeing annoyingly at the mechanic/engineer standing before her.
“What's with you of all a sudden? I only wanted to check it out!” she exclaimed.
In Kira's quarters, he and his new love were lying down on his bed, with the former resting his head on his hands held behind it. Lying next to his left side, Fllay laid over her naked, slim leg on his, while nuzzling against the crook of his neck, with strands of her dark-red hair resting on Kira's pillow. Both teens were clad in their EA uniforms, but with exposed feet, having set aside their shoes and socks on the floor.
“Kira… what are you thinking about now…?” Fllay piped in, cherishing her boyfriend's warmth.
The Strike pilot kept his amethyst eyes on his quarters' dull-white ceiling, with his mind looming about Sai. His lips neither curved up nor down, but rather stayed in their neutral place, giving a passive expression on his face.
…I feel sorry for doing such a horrible thing to Sai.”
“Kira… I'm the one who should apologize, having brought you a burden to bear because of me.”
“Fllay… but…”
“Please… don't think too much about Sai. For the meantime, let's just enjoy this moment together.”
Before Fllay could place a kiss on her boyfriend's lips, he unexpectedly got up from his bed, struggling to get away from her grasp and earning a startled gasp from her.
Standing up with his hands clenched into tight fists, Kira's eyes narrowed and shimmered on the floor.
“I'm sorry… but I'm in no mood to be with you now. Please understand… I need to be alone for a while.”
With that said, the Strike pilot quickly wore his socks and shoes, and abruptly left his quarters, leaving behind a confused Fllay on his bed. Her face etched in a disappointed and sad look, as she sat up and rested her hands down on Kira's bed.
“Oh Kira… I'm sorry…”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1330 hours
Location: ZAFT-PLANTs, Aprilius-One --- ZAFT Central HQ
Inside the National Defense Committee Chairman's office, the masked Rau was called in, closing his door after him.
Seated behind his desk, Patrick glanced up at his expected visitor, with his hands folded in a temple and rested on the desk.
“Ah, Creuset, I assume you received my call earlier? No matter, I'm sorry to have suddenly called you in here. Anyway, I would like to ask for your… assurance… that you'll help me with the `real' Operation Spitbreak.”
Rau's eyebrows peaked up expectedly at his remark, with his lips curling slightly up in a mild-mannered smile. He placed his hands behind his back, standing attentively before Patrick.
“…Do tell, Chairman Zala.”
Ha, ha, ha… the gears of my plan are turning in motion…
Returning home to the ZAFT Central HQ, where his personal quarters were resided, Athrun closed his front door after him, locking it. He unbuttoned the top of his ZAFT red uniform, hanging it on a nearby coat racket in the narrow hallway leading to his living room.
After taking a step in the living room, he then glanced at a small clipboard with posted notes, tidbits, and pictures reminiscent of his glory days in ZAFT. His green eyes took notice of a certain picture showing him and Kira playing ball during their childhood years.
Kira… I don't know what to do with you…
Deciding to shake off further worry from his mind, Athrun proceeded to his bedroom, starting to prepare a fresh set of house clothes for him, before heading inside his bathroom for a much needed shower.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 22; +1800hours
Location: Earth --- Kingdom of Orb; Onogoro Island
Inside a Morgenroete Inc. secret factory hidden deep beneath one of Orb's islands, a mobile suit testing project was at progress held in a test area. A prototype MS, colored in chrome-gray, was performing basic movements, which was monitored by the area's control room. Many personnel staff inside the control room was seated behind their terminals, typing on their keyboard interfaces as they started initiation of data gathering.
In the center of the control room stood a senior female engineer, docked in a leather light-red jacket semi-opened (with a peculiar insignia etched on its left chest) with a white undershirt, belted light-blue jeans, and purple leather shoes. Twirling a lock of her long, light-brown hair with her right hand, she observed closely at the prototype MS taking slow baby steps.
“I can barely get this thing moving forward, Dr. Simmons!” a female voice sounded in the control room's speakers. It apparently belonged to the test pilot controlling the prototype MS.
The said senior female engineer adjusted her headset-mic before speaking in reply through it.
“Ok… just keep this up for a few more minutes, Asagi. How are your efforts in the controls?”
-Sigh- I'm jerking the control sticks as hard as I can to move, but it's still barely responsive. Adding also my stepping moderately on the pedal thrusters, I'm sorry to disappoint you.”
Erica Simmons furrowed her eyebrows, with her blue eyes mirroring disappointment of her expectations in the prototype MS's test run. Rubbing her forehead to ease further disappointment from her mind, her right fingers clutched her headset-mic once again.
“Ok… that's enough for now. Thanks for your participation in this test run, Asagi. Try to park the prototype MS back near the test area's entrance door.”
“I understand, ma'am.”
The senior female engineer watched the prototype MS barely taking several steps back to the direction of the test area's entrance door. She glanced around the personnel staff seated behind their terminals, gathering the last amount of data from the prototype MS's test run.
“Well, everyone, I guess that concludes tonight's test run. We'll do another test run by Wednesday. Thanks for your time in gathering data from this run. Kathleen, can you store all the data in a MD disk and give it to me in my office later?”
The said female personnel staff nodded to her in reply from her terminal, before resuming her task in hand to begin compiling gathered data of the prototype MS's test run.
Erica's ears then picked up the sound of the control room's automatic sliding doors opening, indicating a visitor entering inside. She glanced back to find a senior scientist clad in researcher attire. He looked to be around 50-years old, sporting short, gray hair, azure eyes, and a gray beard.
Erica smiled at the visitor in greeting, giving a small wave to him with her left hand.
“Hello there, Professor Kato, you're looking mighty well. Have you come to observe the prototype MS's test run? If so, then you're too late.”
The said senior male scientist waved off her pleasant greeting with the back of his left hand, adding annoyed scowl on his face.
“Forgive my abrupt mood, I take it from the expression of your face, which I caught sight of for a second or two when I just came in this room, mirrored a disappointing result?”
Erica shrugged her shoulders in defeat, amazed deep down at the male scientist's keen perception.
“Well… it seems there's no use hiding from you, but yes it was.”
Aile Kato rubbed underneath his chin with his right hand, his face trained in thought for a few seconds before glancing up at Erica.
“How was the test pilot doing?”
“Well… she pulled at all the stops, but unfortunately her efforts couldn't bear fruit.”
“Hmm… I suppose the first problem regarding this has something to with the pilot… uh, not that I'm being judgmental on him/her, but I'm considering all the factors to arrive at a possible solution. Was the OS also difficult to use?”
“That's what I'm mostly thinking… the OS… to be the main problem, not the pilot. I suppose you could reconfigure it to a simpler format for the pilot?”
Aile placed his hands behind his back, shaking his head in disagreement.
“Huh… a simpler format for the pilot… you've got to be kidding! I maybe a well-versed research MS scientist, but I lack some refined programming skills to accomplish that task. I managed to create the OS based on the five main prototypes, four which are in now ZAFT's hands, and one whose fate is unknown.”
Erica let out a distraught sigh.
“Professor, the OS integrated in that prototype MS is well… clunky and sophisticated for a Natural to use. What about the ones from your personal project?”
Aile's eyes widen in alarm at the mention of his personal MS project. He placed a finger on his lips to silence further words spoken by the senior female engineer before him.
“…Shush! How on earth did you catch wind of that news?”
-Giggle- Come now, professor, I know you're a dedicated genius… even my curiosity can't be contained. It was only a rumor I heard by word of mouth.”
“…I suppose it has come to this then. May we step in my temporary office now?”
Erica playfully waved goodbye at him with an amused look on her face.
“Come now, professor, it's your new office and quarters now! You can consider yourself lucky to escape from Heliopolis before it was destroyed. You have Vann to thank for that.”
-Sigh­- Yes, yes… I know… sorry, I considered Heliopolis to be my first and only home, that's all. Of course I was grateful for that masked young man to have found my escape pod and brought me down here in Orb of all places. Enough needless rambling from you, Miss Simmons, let's be on our way now.”
“Lead on, professor.”
With that said, the two aforementioned people exited the control room, leaving behind the personnel staff finishing their assigned tasks.