Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 21: The End of the Sand Cloud ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 21: The End of the Sand Cloud
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback dialogue
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 28; +1000 hours
Location: Africa, Libya --- ZAFT Banadiya Base
In the desert outskirts of the ZAFT Banadiya Base, several transport planes arrived on the base's few runaways, then taxing near the base's hangar bay. From a distance, Andy watched two ZuOOT units, the Duel, the Buster, and the Spawn Gundams being unloaded into the base's hangar bay. Folding his arms, Andy turned to his able-ready aide, DaCosta, who stood by his right side watching the new MS arrivals as well.
“Why couldn't we get more BuCUEs, DaCosta? Are these all the Gibraltar base could furnish us?” he asked concerned. In truth, he preferred a BuCUE MS than a new or standard ZAFT-issued MS. The BuCUE was more to his taste when it came to MS.
The dark-red haired junior officer shrugged his shoulders in reply.
“Sorry, commander, but the Gibraltar base couldn't spare any. I think they tried to make up for that by sending three Gundams instead.”
The `Desert Tiger' shook his head in disappointment.
“Gundams… so that's what those particular MS are called. But still, I don't like it. The three pilots of those MS only have space combat experience, save for one of my former students --- who was well versed not only in space, but air, land, and sea combat as well. I don't like where the other two have come from because they're from the Le Creuset unit.”
DaCosta glanced surprisingly at his commander.
“One of your former students… who might he be, commander? And the other two pilots you mentioned… you must mean Yzak Joule and Dearka Elsman?”
“Uh-huh… well, you'll soon find out who he is. Let's go out there and meet them, shall we?”
After disembarking from their Gundams, Eiji, Dearka, and Yzak proceeded to meet up with the oncoming `Desert Tiger' and DaCosta, with the former welcoming them with open arms. The three ZAFT Gundam pilots saluted their commanding officer immediately.
“Welcome to the Banadiya base, my stationed HQ. As you all know, I'm Commander Waltfeld. This here standing next me is my personnel aide, Martin DaCosta.”
The said dark-red haired ZAFT officer nodded affirmatively to the three Gundam pilots, offering a handshake to them, which they complied.
“It's a pleasure to meet all of you.”
Andy glanced particularly at Eiji with a wry smile, then offering a handshake to him.
“Well, well… I never thought I'd have one of my former students under my command. What brings you over here to the harsh deserts of Africa, Eiji?”
The Spawn pilot smiled back, accepting his handshake warmly.
“The legged EA warship is what brought me here to his place, Waltfeld-sensei. That and two of its prototype Gundams used onboard for their defensive purposes.”
Standing behind him, Yzak and Dearka looked at the friendly exchange with raised eyebrows.
Sensei…? No way… he had the `Desert Tiger' as a teacher before?
Damn, Eiji's lucky to have the `Desert Tiger' as a teacher during the academy! Lucky devil…
DaCosta scanned his eyes all over the Spawn pilot, gauging his character. But when his ears caught the mention of his name, he immediately did a double-take, pointing at him with his right forefinger and bowing respectfully to him.
“…You're… Eiji Shinonome, the `Red Reaper'! It's an honor to meet you!”
The said Gundam pilot merely shrugged off DaCosta's remark with the back of his left hand.
“Please, I'm not that cut out to be well-known, so enough with those kind of remarks. I'm getting a lot of them from any ZAFT officer I'm encountering.”
Andy smirked at his former student standing before him.
“…For the feared `Red Reaper', you're a modest type. You're still the same from the academy, eh?
Eiji rubbed behind his head with his left hand in slight embarrassment. He then prompted Yzak and Dearka to salute along with him.
“I'm not one to bask in fame, Waltfeld-sensei. Anyways, back to the regular introductions. Pilots Eiji Shinonome, Yzak Joule, and Dearka Elsman reporting for duty… we're temporarily under your command for this campaign on the EA legged-warship, the Archangel.”
Saluting back the three Gundam pilots, the `Desert Tiger' chuckled humouredly. He then noticed the scar etched on Yzak's face.
“Oh…? You know, when soldiers don't remove scars, it's because they've vowed something to them, and such example is you standing before me, Yzak Joule.”
Everyone turned their attention to the Duel pilot, as a light shade of red etched on his cheeks in embarrassment. Struggling to regain composure, he shrugged off his embarrassment and piped in a question to Andy.
“Where's the Archangel, Commander Waltfeld?”
“According to intelligence, it's about 180 km to the south at the resistance base.”
The Spawn pilot furrowed his eyebrows in thought.
“The resistance group known as the Desert Dawn, I believe?”
DaCosta turned to Eiji with an affirmative nod.
“That's correct, Commander Shinonome. We're planning to move out in about few hours time, until Commander Waltfeld here gives the order.”
“Once again, I'd be referred to my first name, rather than my rank, for I'm under temporary command of Waltfeld-sensei here. Please keep that in mind, officer DaCosta.”
“Oh, uh… right. My apologies…!”
Andy chuckled humouredly again, then beckoning his temporary subordinates to follow after him.
“Well, that's enough for the formalities, everyone. Please follow me to the base briefing room for the upcoming mission regarding the Archangel.”
Walking along with Andy, DaCosta, Dearka, and Yzak, Eiji found himself entering a winding corridor leading up to the base's briefing room. From the corner of his left eye, he caught sight of four particular ZAFT red-coat officers approaching him from an opposite corridor. He glanced up at their direction to find the Crusader Squad surrounding him with relief etched on their faces.
“Commander...! You're alive… that's well,” Ryu remarked with a smile.
“Commander Shinonome… you had us worried back there during the battle with EA 8th Fleet,” Lisa commented.
“It looks like the `Red Reaper' is built of leaner stuff than I thought, I never doubted you for a second since then,” Barry quipped, shrugging his shoulders.
“Commander… welcome back,” Miho greeted, bowing formally at him.
Andy, DaCosta, Dearka, and Yzak glanced at the scene before them with amusement. Noticing their amused looks on their faces, Eiji turned to the Crusader Squad and shrugged off their worry and concern for their fellow comrade with a wry smile.
-Chuckle- I share the same feeling, it's good to see you all. Have you heard word from Captain Aster lately?”
Ryu shook his head in reply, folding his arms.
“Unfortunately not... we've yet to await further contact from him since he assigned the squad to be temporarily under Commander Waltfeld's command.”
“Hmm… I see. Well, since you all dropped by to see me, why don't you join us for the mission briefing regarding the legged EA warship, the Archangel? The `Desert Tiger' will do the honors.”
Andy chuckled light-heartedly at his former student's remark, then glancing around everyone in the hallway.
It was then Barry noticed Yzak and Dearka standing by, and jovially walked up to them, getting their attention.
“Hey-hey…! If it isn't the two hotshots, Joule and Elsman, standing before me! How are you two doing?” he squeezed in between the two said Gundam pilots and snaked his arms around their shoulders, warmly patting them with a glad smile.
Yzak eyed Barry with annoyance, delivering a grunt of acknowledgment to him.
“Argh… of all the people to run into here, it had to be you, Walters. Don't get too touchy with me here!” the Duel pilot shrugged off Barry's hold, stepping next to the Buster pilot, who also pulled his arm away from his shoulder and shook hands with him instead.
“Ha, ha, ha… we're glad to see you, Barry. So that's your famed `Crusader Squad' standing around Eiji there, eh? Well, it looks like we'll be fighting buddies for an upcoming mission explained by Commander Waltfeld. You've heard of the Archangel?” Dearka asked.
The Crusader Squad member codenamed Crusader-02 nodded in reply.
“Uh-huh… I even had the pleasure to fight with one of its MS pilots, whom easily held us off during the last battle. Gah… you should have seen that guy… whenever he took on me, he'll always turned my GINN into mince sushi! Strange enough, he always leaves my GINN's cockpit intact.”
The Buster pilot widened little his eyes in amazement, recalling a similar experience. He snapped his right fingers to remember more.
“That's right… now that you mention it I think I fought that guy before. He was fast… and deadly, to be exact. Ugh… whenever I think about him, I get the chills.”
“Whoa… you don't say! That's three times I had to fight him…”
Noticing his temporary subordinates in the midst of discussion, the `Desert Tiger' let out a loud whistle with his right finger, getting everyone's attention.
“Well, it seems all the necessary guests are here. Now, if we can simply continue on our way to the base briefing room, we'll have more time for further discussion.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 28; +1030 hours
Location: Africa, Libya --- Desert Dawn main camp
Meanwhile in the resistance base, the many able-bodied rebels began loading their army-standard 4x4 jeeps with weapons and ammunition, before leaving with the Archangel for the campaign `Operation Lesseps Breakthrough'.
Walking amidst the rebel jeeps, Kisaka spotted Cagalli standing alone on a secluded spot, staring at a piece of object held in her left hand. He walked up to her, getting her attention.
“What are you looking at, Cagalli?” he asked.
“Oh… Kisaka… it's a piece of malachite ore that belonged to Ahmed. His mother gave it to me because he was planning on doing so himself.”
Cagalli grasped the small ore tightly with shimmering eyes, as she recalled Ahmed's last moments during the previous battle. Noticing her emotional distress regarding the young male rebel, Kisaka placed his right hand on her left shoulder in support.
“It's ok… I'm sure he'll be happy to know and see that you accepted his gift,” he quietly spoke to her.
In the Archangel's mess hall, Mwu walked in to find Kira seated alone and eyeing his dish of kebab, unsure of what to eat it with. He walked up to him, getting his attention with a jovial wave of his right hand.
“Hey, Kira… you need to hurry up and eat before we go into battle soon.”
Noticing a small bottle of yogurt sauce provided on Kira's table, Mwu grabbed and handed it over to the Strike pilot.
“Speaking of which, yogurt sauce is the best for kebab.”
The remark caused Kira to recall the first words from the `Desert Tiger' regarding his kebab.
“Hey, yogurt sauce should go well on your kebab. Why don't you use it instead?”
Noticing the thoughtful look on Kira's face, Mwu pursed his lips, coming up with the right choice of words to reply.
“Well, the `Desert Tiger' obviously has good taste, but it's best not to know anything about your enemy. If you're going to fight an enemy, it's harder if you know them.”
Glancing up at the Moebius-Zero pilot surprised, Kira then recalled his first standoff with his childhood best friend, Athrun.
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 28; +1100 hours
Location: Africa, Libya --- ZAFT Banadiya Base
Inside the Lesseps's main bridge, a communications officer relayed the latest transmission from ZAFT intelligence to DaCosta, who quickly made his way into the land battleship's briefing room, finding Andy, Eiji, Dearka, Yzak, and the Crusader Squad inside, standing around a map display table.
“Commander, a latest transmission from intelligence… the EA legged warship, the Archangel, has been immediately launched!” the dark red-haired junior officer reported with a salute.
Andy laid his hands down on the map display table before him, looking at his personal aide with a hint of excitement in the thrill of a hunt.
“Ah… so it has finally made its move then, eh. It's time to move out! Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the mission briefing. Does anyone have questions on this matter? No…? Good.”
Everyone proceeded to exit the briefing room, save for Eiji, who was last to leave and was stopped by Andy, who placed a hand on his shoulder from behind to get his attention.
“Waltfeld-sensei…? What is it?” the Spawn pilot asked, glancing back at his former teacher.
The `Desert Tiger' narrowed his eyes seriously at the Gundam pilot.
“I'm letting you know that I had the pleasure to make acquaintance of Kenji Hyne a few days ago.”
“…What! How… was he doing when you met him at that time?”
-Chuckle- He seemed to be doing very well. His skills haven't diminished either, since his resignation from ZAFT two years ago.”
Recalling the previous MS fights he had with his best friend up to this point, Eiji gritted his teeth beneath a closed mouth, clenching his right hand into a shaky fist. His baby-blue eyes shimmered lightly at his former teacher standing before him.
“Then you know that he's with the EA forces now? I've discovered that fact when he was among the ones piloting the prototype mobile suits used by the legged EA warship, which I had chance to encounter many times.”
“Ah… yeah… he told me that his MS is called the Seraph, I believe. I've seen how he performed in battle after crossing swords with me for past few days, since the Archangel landed here in ZAFT territory.”
Folding his arms, the `Desert Tiger' looked at Eiji in the eye, demanding a real answer to his question posed for him.
Then… do you have no qualms in fighting him, not even trying to convince him joining back in ZAFT instead?”
Eiji's face etched in a resolute manner.
“I'm sure, Waltfeld-sensei. I have no regrets.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, February 28; +1200 hours
Location: Africa, Libya --- Banadiya territory
Back with the Archangel, it continued cruising through the endless, open desert dunes of the area. In the ship's main bridge, Murrue glanced from her seat at the main screen, which showed Kenji's image displayed. The said Gundam pilot was ready in his EA pilot suit and behind the controls of the Seraph.
“So… you believe he'll make the first move, Kenji?” the Archangel Captain asked worriedly.
“Yes. I studied under him back in my ZAFT academy days. Knowing his knack of recon and studying his intended enemy, I'm sure he'll want the first strike, captain.”
From her seat in the CIC area, Natarle furrowed her eyebrows, analyzing her own assumptions of the upcoming battle with the `Desert Tiger'.
“Well… I suppose we can put our faith in you, Kenji. It's our best shot, I guess. But still, I can't help but feel uncertain in your battle plan you explained back in the briefing room.”
The Seraph pilot gave a resolute look at the Archangel second-in-command.
“Don't worry, Ensign Badgiruel. I'll definitely ensure the success or failure of this operation; I'll take full responsibility. I just need your support.”
As the Archangel trekked through another enclosed desert area which housed a nearby abandoned factory, several explosions suddenly erupted from the ground beneath it, halting the EA legged-warship in its tracks.
Nearby the isolated area, several ZAFT soldiers belonging to the `Desert Tiger' quickly clamored out from their desert camouflages, abandoning several dynamite pumps, which were the ones to set off well-placed mines beneath the Archangel. They rushed to their parked attack helicopters, hopping aboard them and starting their ignition.
The Lesseps and an escort land battleship hovered in view, stopping within long-range firing distance. The attack helicopters began their quick approach on the Archangel.
Inside the Archangel, the deafening sounds of the ship's battle alert sounded throughout its interiors. Hearing it, the ship's occupants immediately leapt into action, rushing to their assigned posts and tasks to prepare the Archangel combat ready.
Rushing inside the said EA legged warship's hangar bay and clad in their EA pilot suits, Mwu and Kira spotted Murdoch hustling his team of mechanics/engineers to finalize preparations for the Strike/Seraph Gundams and Skygrasper-1/Skygrasper-2. The two pilots approached him hastily.
“Murdoch, have both Skygraspers be ready in case I have to switch!” Mwu exclaimed to the head mechanic/engineer, who rubbed his forehead with his right hand in utter disbelief.
“Ok, lieutenant, I'll have them both combat-ready. Which one will you take?” Murdoch inquired.
“Skygrasper-1… the Launcher Strike pack should also be retrofitted in it.”
“Alright… get right to it then while that pack is being attached to Skygrasper-1. Hey, Kira, the Aile Strike pack will be the default configuration for the Strike. Is that fine with you?”
Kira nodded affirmatively in reply.
“Ok… Kenji is ready inside the Seraph and waiting. He'll be first to launch. If you gents will excuse me,” Murdoch concluded, stepping past Mwu and Kira to rejoin his team in finalizing preparations for the Archangel's cadre of two MS and two fighter airplanes.
Watching his retreating form, the Strike pilot glanced at Mwu, piping in a question formed in his mind and getting his attention directed at him.
“Um, Mwu-san…? Can I ask you something?”
“Hmm…? Sure, kid, but shoot it right away, we're in a hurry now.”
What's a berserker?”
The Moebius Zero pilot raised a left eyebrow in interest upon hearing a particular term from the Gundam pilot. He folded his arms before replying.
“A berserker, huh… according to legend or myth, it's a demon warrior that's calm, but becomes very strong in battle.”
Taking in his words to heart, Kira remembered a certain remark spoken to him by the `Desert Tiger'.
You both may fight like berserkers, but you can't escape from a palace filled with Coordinators, try if you must. I don't know why you're fighting your own kind, but as long as you're piloting the Strike and the other unknown prototype MS, you're enemies.”
His amethyst eyes shimmed a hint of confusion and doubt seeping from his mind.
But why did he call me that? Am I such a strong fighter when I pilot the Strike?
Mwu gave a soft pat on Kira's left shoulder before running off to Skygrasper-1. As he ran, he quickly glanced back at the Strike pilot with a wry smile.
“Put up a happy face will you? There's no time for further dawdling like that!”
Kira looked up at his retreating form taken aback.
On the linear catapult, the Seraph Gundam was perched ready. The launch sequence window popped in view from above as the launch doors opened.
“Kenji Hyne Seraph, launching!” Kenji exclaimed, as his MS was shot off into the desert, with its PS armor kicking in.
Next to follow was Skygrasper-1, with Mwu behind its controls and retrofitted with the Launcher Strike pack, as it took up launching position.
“Mwu La Flaga… Skygrasper-1, going…!” Mwu exclaimed, as his fighter aircraft was shot off into the desert, following after the Seraph.
Last to leave was the Aile Strike, as it perched itself on the linear catapult.
“Kira Yamato… Aile Strike, taking off…!” Kira exclaimed while his MS was shot off into the desert, following after the Seraph. Inside its cockpit, Kenji picked up multiple heat signatures on his radar. He flipped on his com-link to Mwu and Kira.
“Kenji here… I'm picking up 15 heat readings on my radar. They're heading fast towards the Archangel they're attack helicopters!”
The Moebius Zero pilot chuckled amusedly.
“Heh, heh… well, let's take care of the small fry then!”
Skygrasper-1 fired off several rounds from its large-caliber machine cannon at the first three attack helicopters as it zoomed past them, taking them out instantly and drawing first blood. It then did a lazy turn-around and gunned down two more combat helicopters with its beam cannon, racking up a total of five kills.
“Woo-hoo…! 5 down and uh… 10 more to go…!” Mwu exclaimed, throwing his free hand up triumphantly while resuming piloting his assigned fighter aircraft.
The Aile Strike carefully took down 4 attack helicopters with precise, slow shots from its beam rifle while easily dodging machine-gun and missile fire from the ZAFT attack aircrafts.
“Make that 6 more to go!” Kira cried, tightening his grip on the control sticks as he resumed focus on the Strike's CIS.
The remaining ZAFT attack helicopters fired off a missile barrage at the Seraph, which barrel-rolled and weaved around them without a scratch. The Seraph crossed its arms while deploying its Gunbarrel pods aimed at the attack helicopters.
At that instant, they were annihilated. The Seraph's deployed Gunbarrel pods retracted back in place after a few seconds of use. The Seraph hovered about, with its arms and legs stretched ready.
“Humph… make that all of them,” Kenji remarked calmly, checking up his radar for further enemies.
Meanwhile, three BuCUEs, two ZuOOTs, and four GINN High-Maneuver Types were launched from the Lesseps. Inside the ZAFT land battleship's hangar bay, Andy received a latest battle report from DaCosta via com-link in the cockpit of his personal MS, the LaGOWE. The ZAFT MS was a commander's version of the BuCUE.
“Commander, all of our deployed attack helicopters have been shot down! But we managed to stop the legged ship,” DaCosta reported.
The `Desert Tiger' ran a right hand through his hair, exhaling a breath of expectation.
“Ah… the Crusader Squad has already been deployed, correct?” he inquired.
“Yes sir, they have already!”
“Commander Shinonome and I will head out as well. Have the Lesseps direct its main cannons at the legged ship and continue with bombardment. What's the status of the Henry Carter?”
“It'll arrive behind the legged ship within minutes, commander.”
“Good. As soon as the legged ship is within their range, order the Henry Carter to fire immediately at the legged ship. We'll engage the legged ship in a pincer attack.”
“Understood, sir…!”
With that said, DaCosta's image flickered off the LaGOWE's com-link. Andy then jumped from the LaGOWE's cockpit and down into the ground, landing smoothly on his two feet. He glanced up to find his lover Aisha approaching him, docked in her black-white colored pilot suit with her pilot helmet tucked under her left arm. He gave a sincere smile at her as she gave an affectionate kiss on his left cheek.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“As always, Andy dear… oh…? Well, if it isn't my third favorite guy coming along!” Aisha mischievously remarked as she turned around to find Eiji, with Yzak and Dearka behind him, approaching her and the `Desert Tiger'. The three pilots were dressed ready in their ZAFT red pilot suits, with their pilot helmets tucked under their right arms.
The Spawn pilot gave a raised right eyebrow at her with a small shade of pink on his cheeks.
“Third favorite guy…? Aisha, really now…!” he exclaimed embarrassed. Behind him, Yzak and Dearka looked at their temporary squad leader amused, the former having a smug look on his face while the latter chuckling quietly to himself.
Aisha then surprised Eiji with a chaste kiss on his right cheek, catching him further off-guard before returning back to her lover's side. She gave a playful left wink at him.
-Giggle- You're so fun to tease, just like Kenji! That's why I like you and consider you as my third favorite guy.”
Eiji looked down at the floor with a more heated flush on his face, speechless to reply.
Andy shook his head in amusement, glancing at his lover then to his former student.
“Now, now, Aisha, there's no time for such antics. So, are you prepped up to go, Eiji?”
Instantly regaining composure for a few seconds, the Spawn pilot glanced up at his former teacher with seriousness, giving an affirmative nod.
“Uh… yes, my squad is all set.”
“Before you deploy, may I say something to you before your subordinates' presence?”
“Hmm…? Of course, Waltfeld-sensei, so go ahead.”
The `Desert Tiger' glanced over Eiji's shoulders at Yzak and Dearka with a small hint of displeasure deep down. He cleared his throat briefly before speaking up.
“I'm afraid I must order pilots Joule and Elsman stay in their MS on the Lesseps's deck.”
The Duel and the Buster pilots looked shockingly at the `Desert Tiger' before retorting back.
“Hold on, now! Why do you say so?”
“What the… why ground us here on your ship's deck? We could more useful out there in the battlefield!”
Eiji glanced warily at his former teacher.
“Waltfeld-sensei, what's the purpose of that order?”
Andy dryly smiled while shrugging his shoulders.
“For me, I think their mobile suits are designed for long-range artillery. Plus, they wouldn't keep up with the speed of the BuCUEs.”
Yzak stepped forth with a clenched right fist and angry look on his face.
“We have experience fighting the Strike Gundam! Eiji here also has experience fighting against the other prototype MS known as the Seraph Gundam! Why do you intend to leave Dearka and me out, but not him?”
Aisha answered for her lover's defense instead.
“I'm afraid your experience is only in losing.”
“Why you…!”
Before Yzak could resort to physical matters after being angered by her statement, he was quickly restrained by Eiji and Dearka, who tried to calm him down.
Hold your horses now…!”
“No, it won't do, Yzak. Come now!”
The Buster pilot glanced displeasured at the `Desert Tiger' and his lover while laying a right hand on Yzak's left shoulder to keep a firm hold on him from doing anything rash.
We'll have a chance in the chaos of battle, Yzak. Eiji, we'll comply with his order.”
The Spawn pilot nodded understandingly at him in reply, then turning to his former teacher with a disappointed look on his face.
“There you have it, Waltfeld-sensei; they'll remain on the Lesseps's deck to provide cover fire against the legged ship. So, that leaves me to join along with you?”
“Yup… you'll join with me and Aisha. I'm sorry to have given such an order, but I hope you'll understand.”
“Of course, Waltfeld-sensei… I have no problem with that. Well, see you then.”
Eiji turned to the displeased Yzak and Dearka, taking them aside to another spot away from the `Desert Tiger' and his lover.
“I'm sorry it had to come to this, guys. Waltfeld-sensei can be an eccentric type sometimes. Personally, I'd rather have you both with me out there in the battlefield, but I think your MS are more suited to provide cover fire. Maybe next time, ok?”
The Duel pilot looked down at the floor with a huff of displeasure.
“Tch… I understand, Eiji. If you ever see the Strike, give it hell for me!”
The Buster pilot patted his displeased comrade's back, giving a smug look at Eiji.
-Chuckle- Thanks for the pep talk, Eiji. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Give us a call if you need our help out there in the battlefield.”
“Right… well, let's get going to our MS then. There's no time to dawdle further.”
The LaGOWE perched itself before the Lesseps's launch doors, with Andy and Aisha behind its controls inside its cockpit. The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
“Great…! Andrew Waltfeld… LaGOWE, launching!” the `Desert Tiger' exclaimed while his MS instantly geared into action and launched immediately into the desert.
Last to go was the Spawn Gundam, as it perched itself ready before the launch doors, with Eiji finalizing preparations behind its controls inside its cockpit.
“Eiji Shinonome… Spawn, let's go!” Eiji cried while his MS launched immediately into the desert, with its PS armor kicking in.
Back in the battlefield, the Aile Strike leapt up to the air avoiding a beam saber charge by the first BuCUE. At the same time, it brought out its left beam saber and threw it like a javelin at the BuCUE, nailing it directly on its cockpit and stopping its tracks.
Electricity cackled from the pierced cockpit as the Aile Strike took out its beam saber and ended the ZAFT pilot's misery with a shot from its beam rifle held by its right hand. It then flew away from the inevitable explosion of the ZAFT MS, thanks to its backpack thrusters.
Meanwhile Skygrasper-1 buzzed around a ZuOOT and dove in, barrel-rolling to avoid cannon and machine gun fire from it.
“Eh…! Take this!” Mwu exclaimed, pulling the trigger of the control stick.
A shot from the “Agni” cannon attached on Skygrasper-1 pierced through the ZuOOT's cockpit, taking it out. Mwu barely had time to rejoice his efforts when another round of cannon and machine gun fire trailed towards his fighter aircraft from behind.
“Tch…! That's not friendly, bud,” Mwu remarked, gritting his teeth while bringing hard the control stick to have Skygrasper-1 climb up and around, doing a loop and narrowly avoiding enemy fire. Warning alarms rang aloud in the cockpit as the Moebius Zero pilot brought up his sights lined up on the second ZuOOT firing at him from another spot below.
“Heh… nice try…!” he cried with a grin, pulling the trigger of the control stick as the targeted ZuOOT mirrored on his pilot helmet visor.
Having delivered a dual attack using the combo weapons pod and the “Agni”, Skygrasper-1 flew past by the now-crumpled ZuOOT, whose body was filed with bullets and had a big hole on its chest. The ZAFT MS was down on its knees as electricity cackled from its damaged chest area. In seconds, it erupted in a ball of flames, with its wreckage scattered throughout the desert ground.
In the Aile Strike's cockpit, warning sirens buzzed aloud, prompting Kira to take a seconds glance on his radar, which showed the second BuCUE heading straight towards him. He brought the Aile Strike to turn around to see the said ZAFT MS leaping at him with its dual beam saber drawn.
“I got you now!” the BuCUE pilot exclaimed triumphantly.
“Tch…!” Kira cursed, bringing up the control sticks hard and adjusting his MS's thruster speed with the floor pedals. With a hefty boost backwards, the Aile Strike barely sidestepped the BuCUE's charge. The BuCUE then turned around to find the Aile Strike bringing down its left beam saber hard on it.
Instantly, the BuCUE was beheaded and shot at the same time, thanks to the Aile Strike using a dual combo of its left beam saber and beam rifle. The shot however trailed through its chest, marking a fatal blow.
“Wah…!” the BuCUE pilot shrieked in fright as electricity from damage cackled through inside the cockpit.
With another heft boost from its backpack thrusters, the Aile Strike leapt up to the air, avoiding the impact of the explosion. However, multiple missiles trailed towards it, bringing up the warning sirens inside the Aile Strike's cockpit to ring aloud. Kira took another seconds glance at his radar to find the trailing missiles from behind.
“What the…! From behind…!” he exclaimed surprised.
The missiles had made their mark. Suddenly, amidst the smoke from the small explosions, the Aile Strike emerged unscathed with its shield brought up by its left hand. It spotted the missiles sources nearby, which turned out to be the third BuCUE.
“Shit…! How the hell could he survived that?” the BuCUE pilot exclaimed in disbelief, watching the Aile Strike on the BuCUE's CIS. The said Gundam boosted towards the ZAFT MS.
Gritting his teeth in frustration, the BuCUE pilot gripped tightly the control sticks.
“I'll take you down!”
The BuCUE then started running towards the Aile Strike in a mad charge, while bringing up its dual beam saber activated. As the two MS neared contact, the BuCUE made a frenzied leap at the Aile Strike.
Both MS were a distance away from each other. In seconds, the Aile Strike then turned around facing the BuCUE, which crumpled to the ground in two halves and exploded into oblivion.
Kira's senses kicked in as a white bolt flashed in his mind, prompting to glance at the direction of two beam shots trailing towards him. The Aile Strike brought up its shield, taking the shots. It looked over it to find the LaGOWE standing from a short distance, assuming attack position, with a dual beam cannon attached on top of its body.
An image of the `Desert Tiger' popped in Kira's mind as he watched it on the Aile Strike's CIS.
That MS… it's different from the BuCUE. Is it a commander type unit with that man inside?
Inside the LaGOWE's cockpit (which was a two-seater BTW), its pilot eyed the Aile Strike on its CIS with a smile.
“Well, well… we meet at last, Kira Yamato. Now, let's get right to it!” Andy exclaimed excitedly. He gave a loving glance at Aisha, who was seated in front of him and glancing back at him with an understanding nod.
Feeling his hands tingling with excitement, Andy gripped tightly on his control sticks, prompting his MS to make its move.
Meanwhile, things were heating up for Kenji, as he found himself facing familiar enemies in the form of the Crusader Squad. He glanced warily at the four GINN High-Maneuver Types rushing towards him in the Seraph's CIS.
“Tch… here we go again,” he tiredly remarked, flooring his MS's thrusters and pushing hard the control sticks, prompting the Seraph to charge at the four GINN High-Maneuver Types.
“Captain, it's the Seraph!” Lisa exclaimed, hailing her squad captain via com-link, as she spotted the Seraph on her GINN High-Maneuver Type's CIS.
Ryu pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows warily at the sight of the Seraph on his GINN High-Maneuver Type's CIS. He then recalled his squad's previous unsuccessful fights with the Seraph.
“Hmm… we'll have him lured back to Eiji and we can surround him from there!
At his cue, the entire Crusader Squad faked retreat, puzzling Kenji shortly as he saw their retreating forms on the Seraph's CIS.
Hmm… at first sight of me, they run off? No… they have something in mind. But still, they're a threat to the Archangel. I'll have to follow.
With a hefty boost from its thrusters, the Seraph hurried up to catch after the Crusader Squad.
Looking back at his GINN High-Maneuver Type's radar, Ryu smirked confidently.
“Good… that's it, come after us!”
On the Lesseps's deck, the Duel Assault Shroud and the Buster Gundams opened fire with their beam rifles at the Archangel, as soon as it was within their firing range.
Both pilots watched their shots dissipating in the atmosphere, as they were halfway to reach their intended marks.
“Damn it! What's wrong with our beam attacks?” Yzak cursed to his teammate Dearka via com-link.
“Tch… it's no good, our accuracy seems to be off! I knew we should have checked more carefully at our MS's target systems!” the Buster pilot reprimanded himself, bringing up his MS to unload its two missile pods targeted at the Archangel. At the same time, the Buster kept firing with its gun launcher and beam rifle for added attack effect.
Inside the Archangel's main bridge, activity was brimming throughout the room as the bridge crew braced themselves against bombardment attacks.
“Incoming missiles…!” Dalida reported from his terminal post in the CIC area as he spotted several missiles in his terminal's radar trailing towards the Archangel.
Natarle banged her right hand on her seat's right armrest with a determined look on her face.
“…Fire “Hell-Dart” missiles to intercept!” she barked.
Several SAMs (Surface-to-Air Missiles) were launched by the Archangel, intercepting the Buster's trailing missiles which neared the EA legged-warship. Several impacts from the missiles' explosions rocked the Archangel about, prompting its crew to hold onto something for support.
“Tch… that's it, I'm going! I can't take this anymore!” Yzak exclaimed angrily after noticing his attacks hardly registering his desired effect. He moved his MS to jump off the Lesseps's deck and into the sandy ground.
“Yzak, no…! Wait!” Dearka protested, noticing his comrade's action as he was left continuing his bombardment on the Archangel.
Seconds after the Duel Assault Shroud landed, it quickly sank into the sand.
“What the… I can't move! What's this?” Yzak wondered, trying hard to regain control of his MS by flipping and pressing buttons around him in his MS's cockpit.
On the other hand, the escort land battleship of the Lesseps appeared behind the Archangel, then opening cannon fire at it. Inside the Archangel's main bridge, Sai checked his findings from his terminal post in the CIC area, detecting the escort land battleship in radar.
“Enemy land battleship detected from behind…! Distance is within long range! I'm picking its id signature… identified as the Henry Carter!” the yellow-tinted spectacled male teen reported.
Murrue stared grimly at the main screen showing the Lesseps firing its dual cannons. Her eyes then caught sight of an abandoned factory nearby. She raised an outstretched pointed right hand at the factory's image.
“Increase thrust in order to fly over that abandoned factory nearby!” she ordered.
With a hefty boost from its thrusters, the Archangel flew over the said factory. However, another explosion from beneath it brought the EA legged-warship down, forcing it to crash onto the abandoned factory.
Arnold brought the steering wheel hard above, trying to have the Archangel climb. Seeing no result happening from his action, he glanced back at Murrue.
“It's no good! We're stuck! I can't get the ship to climb back up!” he exclaimed.
With her hands clutching her seat's armrests ends, Murrue pursed her lips as she considered new options to this dilemma before her.
Meanwhile, a buggy driven by Kisaka with Cagalli seated in it drove up to the crashed Archangel, parking near one of its side doors. Jumping off the buggy, Cagalli made a mad dash to the side door, while along the way glanced back at Kisaka, who was about to follow.
“Cagalli, wait!” he protested, outstretching his right hand to her.
“Just get inside the ship and follow, Kisaka! I have to go!” Cagalli replied, then forcing the side door to open using a lock pick and allowing herself in. Finding herself in one of the Archangel's corridors, she made her way to the ship elevator, heading for the hangar bay. Seconds after the ship elevator brought the short blonde-haired Desert Dawn female teen to her intended destination and its doors opening before her, she entered inside the hangar bay and spotted Murdoch checking up on Skygrasper-2. She approached him with hurried footsteps, getting a surprised look on his face as he noticed her.
“You have to let me board that fighter aircraft! I can fly it!” Cagalli exclaimed, her left hand pointing at Skygrasper-2.
Murdoch glanced back at Skygrasper-2 then at her in utter disbelief.
“What the…? How did you get in here? No matter… you can't! Hey… stop!”
Cagalli ignored his pleas and jumped in Skygrasper-2's cockpit, starting its ignition. As its cockpit hatch closed above her, she eyed desperately at the head mechanic/engineer of the Archangel.
“There's no time to be wasting units that can fight! Now open the hangar bay doors for me to launch right now! I won't take no for an answer!”
Backing away from the started Skygrasper-2, Murdoch gave a defeated look at it before sighing out his annoyance. He glanced back at one of his mechanics/engineers hurrying by his side, wanting to know why Skygrasper-2 was ignited.
“Chief, who's onboard Skygrasper-2?” the mechanic/engineer asked confusingly.
“Bah… have the hangar bay doors opened immediately for launch! Skygrasper-2 is moving out!” Murdoch bellowed at his mechanic/engineer, who complied further confused.
Retrofitted with the Sword Strike pack, Skygrasper-2 took position on the linear catapult. The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
“Here I go… wah---!” Cagalli exclaimed, as she lurched deep in Skygrasper-2's cockpit while it was shot off into the desert. Her hands gripping the control stick firmly, she switched on Skygrasper-2's radar and looked around for Skygrasper-1.
Ah… there you are!
Spotting her intended ally on radar, she then brought Skygrasper-2 to join along with Mwu, who was surprised to see her from Skygrasper-1's cockpit.
“What the… hey, it's you! What are you doing in that fighter aircraft?” he contacted Cagalli via com-link.
“Does it matter? I'm here to help! I can fight you know!”
“Argh… fine. But you better not slow me down, kid! Now follow me! We'll attack the Lesseps!”
Back in the Archangel's main bridge, Natarle was stunned hearing Miriallia reporting Skygrasper-2 on radar and in the battlefield.
“What! Who authorized to launch Skygrasper-2? And who's behind its controls?” she yelled at her.
Hearing her remark, Murrue glanced surprised from her seat at Natarle then at Miriallia.
“What's this? Miriallia… who's piloting it?” she inquired.
The said female teen in charge of MS/MA communications control verified her findings from a voice transmission delivered by Mwu. Her left hand pressing firmly on her left headset-mic, she glanced back at Murrue and Natarle.
“According to Lieutenant La Flaga, it's that girl Cagalli, the one from the Desert Dawn!” she answered.
At cue, the main bridge's doors opened, letting in Kisaka who hurriedly approached Murrue's side with a sheepish look on his face.
“Captain Ramius, you'll have to pardon the intrusion. Cagalli insisted on helping out.”
In the Allsters' quarters, George was seated down on a chair with his arms folded, staring blankly at the wall in front of him. As the rumbles from the ongoing battle continued shaking his quarters, he let out a despondent sigh.
I hope this battle ends soon. This is so boring, having to wait it out to finish. But, what I can do?
He glanced back at his daughter sleeping peacefully on her bunk bed, with her blanket tucking her in. George's expression changed from worry to concern.
In the Hynes' quarters, Peter was sharing the same feeling as the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister, as he watched outside his window the parts of the ongoing battle occurring. Hands behind his back, he narrowed his eyes in thoughtfulness as his mind was occupied on his nephew.
Kenji… don't you dare die on me. Every battle I see you go off to, I can't help but worry for your safety. If something happened to you, your late mother could never forgive me.
Inside the Seraph's cockpit, Kenji couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling deep down as he resumed piloting, chasing after the Crusader Squad.
This feeling… nah…
His thought was immediately broken as he heard the warning sirens alerting him of danger. His body immediately responded to it, pulling back the control sticks and stepping on the floor thrusters at once.
Multiple beam shots trailed towards the Seraph as the Crusader Squad immediately broke their retreat. The Seraph quickly barrel rolled to the side, avoiding enemy fire, then flying higher up to the air, narrowly dodging a large cannon shot.
“Tch… that was close! Wait… that cannon shot just now…” Kenji remarked. His eyes immediately widen at the sight of the Spawn displayed on the Seraph's CIS. Held in the Spawn's right hand was its “Agni”.
Eiji…! So, he survived that atmospheric re-entry after all!
The Spawn then holstered its “Agni” back in place, with its two-fold wings extended, making it an ominous figure. It outstretched its left arm, pointing its “Angelus” attached at the Seraph.
Inside the Spawn's cockpit, Eiji eyed his foe determined. He then switched on his com-link to him.
“It's good to see you well, Kenji. I would be disappointed if you died suddenly from the atmospheric re-entry before,” he stated.
-Chuckle- At least you had no hard feelings on that matter, Eiji.”
“Humph. This time, we'll resume where we left off. I brought some friends with me to get this job done.”
Kenji smirked at Eiji's image displayed on screen in the Seraph's CIS.
“I have to admit they're no pushovers at least. I give them credit for their persistence in pursuing the Archangel. Unfortunately, I can't allow it to be destroyed by you or them.”
The Spawn ejected its “Swallow Edge” out from both its “Angelus”, and held them instantly, switching the dual beam sabers on.
It then let its arms down, with both its “Swallow Edge” in hand.
“I suppose you can give a thought to re-enlisting in ZAFT?” Eiji inquired. Deep down, he wished for his best friend to wake up to his senses and fight him by his side once again.
“…I'm sorry. But, I refuse to rejoin ZAFT. I've made up my mind,” Kenji replied, feeling his breath with little regret.
The Seraph ejected its “Swallow Edge” out from both its “Angelus”, and held them instantly, switching the dual beam sabers on.
It then crossed its arms and extended its two-fold wings, making it look like an awakened being.
Eiji's face darkened for an instant. His hands gripped the control sticks firmly.
“I see. I'm sorry to hear that… you really are a traitor to me after all.”
The Spawn's eyes flickered bright yellow at its counterpart. At cue, the Crusader Squad joined in, surrounding the Seraph from all sides. Kenji moved his MS's head looking around its surroundings, then back at the Spawn.
“Five against one… I'm really starting to like the small odds against me,” he remarked with a glad smile.
The Spawn immediately leapt into action, charging head-on at the Seraph.
“CRUSADER SQUAD, ATTACK!” Eiji yelled out to his said comrades via com-link.
Skygrasper-1 and Skygrasper-2 converged attack first at the Lesseps, with the former firing off its “Agni” at the ZAFT land battleship, blowing a small section of it near its hull. Rumbles from the damage incurred shook the land battleship, knocking its crew off-balance. Inside its main bridge, everyone held on for dear life.
“Damage report…!” DaCosta demanded, holding onto his commander's seat for support.
“The ship's hull has been damaged! Thruster capacity down to 20 percent!” one bridge operator reported from his terminal post. His eyes widened in surprise as his radar registered another incoming heat signature.
“Incoming heat source…! It's another fighter aircraft from the legged ship!”
“What…!” DaCosta wondered, glancing towards the bridge operator.
Skygrasper-2 then dove down, firing off the Sword Strike pack's “Panzer Eisen” at a spot near the Lesseps's main bridge. Using the rocket anchor's pull, Skygrasper-2 deployed its “Schwert Gewehr” pointing downwards, while cruising fast. The anti-ship sword's blade instantly sliced off one dual cannon and several side gun turrets in its path, inflicting more damage. Skygrasper-2 then climbed up and retracted its “Panzer Eisen”, while flying above the Lesseps.
The explosions from the destroyed attached weapons produced another rumble coursing inside the Lesseps. In its main bridge, the room shook violently again, knocking the bridge crew off their feet. Regaining balance after a few seconds, DaCosta held onto his commander's chair for support.
Eh… two fighter aircrafts from the legged ship…? That's not what it was assumed to possess alongside its two MS!
“Dual cannon 3 and side gun turrets 4 to 6 have been destroyed! Engine crew reports that fire has spread throughout decks 3 and 4!” one of the bridge operators reported from his terminal post.
“Fire control has reported that the remaining dual cannons are experiencing a sharp decrease in accuracy! The present damage we've received is the cause of this!” another bridge operator reported from her terminal post, glancing back at DaCosta.
“Tch… continue firing at the legged ship! Have the remaining side gun turrets hold off the enemy fighter aircrafts!” the second-in-command of the Lesseps bellowed, cutting the air with an outstretched right hand.
“Great! Hey, kid, follow me, we'll attack the escort land battleship of the Lesseps!” Mwu contacted Cagalli via com-link, seeing the damage their tag-team effort produced on the Lesseps. He prompted Skygrasper-1 to do a quick turnaround, flying over the Lesseps.
“Hey… I have a name you know! It's Cagalli!” the Skygrasper-2 pilot retorted annoyingly, prompting her fighter aircraft to follow after Skygrasper-1.
Meanwhile, the Buster continued its bombardment from the Lesseps's deck. Inside its cockpit and watching Skygrasper-1 and Skygrasper-2's retreating forms on the Buster's CIS, Dearka was ticked off.
“Damn those guys! They disrupted my concentration on the legged ship! That's it, I'm pulling out all the stops now!” he remarked, gritting his teeth.
The Buster ceased firing and joined together its gun launcher and beam rifle, forming its hyper-impulse sniper rifle. It then targeted at the Archangel, charging up for a powerful shot.
Dearka smirked confidently while lining the target reticule on the Archangel displayed on the Buster's CIS for his shot before pulling the triggers of the control sticks.
“I won't miss this time… have a taste of this!” he exclaimed.
Inside the Archangel's main bridge, Romero picked up the streaking shot fired by the Buster on his terminal's radar.
“Incoming shot heading towards us!” he warned.
Murrue stared hard on the main screen showing the fired shot of the Buster heading fast towards the Archangel.
“Brace for impact!” she warned, prompting everyone in the main bridge to hold onto something for support.
A large rumble from the inevitable explosion shook the Archangel from beneath. Everyone in the main bridge gathered composure and resumed their tasks. Among them, Arnold was surprised as he felt the control wheel not stiff as it used to be before. Gripping it firmly, he then managed to climb the Archangel up into the air.
“Captain, I can feel the ship breaking free!” he remarked amazed as he continued on with his driving.
Natarle pursed her lips in quick consideration, arriving at a possible answer for this change of development happening presently.
“It looks like that shot from the Buster was a bit off and hit that abandoned factory we just crashed, captain,” she stated to the Archangel Captain, who stood up from her seat and cut the air with an outstretched right hand.
“We're in luck then, Natarle! Activate “Valiants” and “Gottfrieds”, target the Lesseps! Now, FIRE!” she shouted to the bridge crew.
At her cue, the Archangel's dual beam and linear cannons took aim at the Lesseps and fired simultaneously. A mixture of beam and electromagnetic projectiles streaked towards the Lesseps, which were seen by a stunned Dearka inside the Buster's cockpit.
“Shit…!” he cursed, pushing hard the control sticks and stepping on the floor thrusters wildly, able to bring his MS to jump off the Lesseps's deck and narrowly escape from enemy fire.
The ZAFT land battleship suffered heavy damage, with all of its possible weapons destroyed. Meanwhile the Buster found itself also sinking into the desert sand like the Duel Assault Shroud.
“Damn it… I'm sinking! I got to move!” Dearka reminded himself, trying hard to steady his MS and get out of the desert sand slowly pulling the Buster in.
On the other hand, the Duel Assault Shroud was currently stuck from its position. As it tried another failed attempt to get up, it fell down on its butt.
“ARGH…! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?” Yzak cried out in anguish in the Duel Assault Shroud's cockpit. The silver-haired ZAFT pilot then caught sight of several Desert Dawn rebels approaching him in 4x4 army standard jeeps on the Duel Assault Shroud's CIS. Most of them took out bazookas they had brought along and began peppering the ZAFT MS with mini missiles.
“Gah…!” Yzak winced as the Duel Assault Shroud's cockpit shook from the many harmless impacts of the fired bazookas. Despite the Desert Dawn rebels' combined attempts, their attacks proved to be useless against the Duel Assault Shroud, since its PS armor was currently activated.
“Annoying idiots… get away from me!” Yzak retorted, pressing the top triggers of the control sticks to fire off the Duel Assault Shroud's “Igelstellung” at the Desert Dawn rebels, staving them off.
“Hiyah…!” Crusader-02 battle cried, as he brought his GINN High-Maneuver Type to make an overhead sword slash at the Seraph from behind, as it was busy fending off the Spawn and Crusader-01 at the same time, parrying their melee attacks and countering back with both its “Swallow Edge”.
“From behind…!” Kenji exclaimed to himself as the warning sirens inside the Seraph's cockpit buzzed aloud, warning him of more threats.
The Seraph brought up its right “Angelus” to deflect Crusader-02's overhead sword slash, then delivering a savage kick on its body, knocking Crusader-02 far away from it to the ground. Turning its attention back to Crusader-01 and the Spawn, it fired off its beam rifle of its left “Angelus”, forcing them to separate apart to dodge the beam shots.
“Oof…! Damn, he's quite a feisty one!” Barry commented mischievously to himself, as he got his GINN High-Maneuver Type standing up to its feet.
“There's no way out for you this time!” Lisa exclaimed, bringing her GINN High-Maneuver Type to rush towards the Seraph for a lunge.
“To the side…!” Kenji commented, noticing Crusader-03 approaching him at running speed with its arms outstretched for a grab.
With an immense boost from its thrusters, the Seraph narrowly sidestepped around Crusader-03, and noticed it lunging at empty air.
“I missed…? He's fast!” Lisa commented, stunned by the Seraph's reaction speed. As Crusader-03 was about to turn around facing its foe, the Seraph fired off its “Hell Fang” and whipped it around Crusader-03's right arm. In a few seconds electric shock coursed through the heat rod and straight to Crusader-03, then blowing its right arm off from its socket. The small explosion knocked Crusader-03 a few steps back, giving the Seraph a small moment to rush it head-on with both its “Swallow Edge” poised ready.
Landing a small distance behind Crusader-03, the Seraph dodged another round of beam shots, courtesy of the Spawn's Gunbarrel pods. As to Crusader-03, it fell to its knees with its head and arms sliced off.
AH----!” Lisa cried in disbelief.
“Lisa! Tch… Miho, pepper him with bullets!” Ryu exclaimed to his said squad mate via com-link. Crusader-01 then drew out its heavy sword, attempting another charge at the Seraph.
Crusader-04 began firing off its experimental armor assault rifle at the Seraph, hoping to land damage on it. Unfortunately, bullets ricocheted off from the Seraph's PS armor, barely nicking it.
“Fool…! Your weapons are useless against the Seraph's PS armor!” Eiji warned the Crusader Squad via com-link, then bringing the Spawn to fly up in the air and cross its arms. Its Gunbarrel pods were then deployed in an instant, firing off at the Seraph from different directions.
The Seraph hovered back and forth, dodging its counterpart's beam shots. It then turned to find Crusader-01 and Crusader-02 both going for a dual sword attack from both sides.
“PS armor… what's that?” Ryu wondered, bringing his GINN High-Maneuver Type to make a vertical sword slash.
“Huh…? I've never heard of that word!” Barry shared the same feeling, bringing his GINN High-Maneuver Type to deliver a horizontal sword slash.
Inside the Seraph's cockpit, Kenji narrowed his eyes warily, furrowing his eyebrows in deep concentration. He jerked the control sticks back and forth, stepping firmly on the floor thrusters.
Firing off its thrusters to propel itself to hover momentarily, the Seraph then bent down and brought up both beam rifles of its “Angelus” pointing at Crusader-01 and Crusader-02, whose attacks then connected against each other simultaneously.
“What the…!” Ryu and Barry exclaimed amazed at the same time.
At that moment, the Seraph then fired off its beam rifles at Crusader-01 and Crusader-02, one shot blowing off Crusader-01's head while the other blowing off Crusader-02's left arm. Both GINN High-Maneuver Types lurched backwards from the extent of the damage suffered, dropping their heavy swords in the process.
“I'm running blind here! My MS's head was shot off!” Ryu remarked to his squad mates via com-link.
“Of all the rotten luck, why me…?” Barry groaned, getting his MS to stand up to its feet.
Inside the Spawn's cockpit, Eiji cursed deep down at the damage the Crusader Squad suffered.
“PS armor renders any conventional attacks useless! Bullets, heavy swords, missiles, and other similar attacks are any form of conventional attack! Only beam weapons work well against the Seraph!” he reminded the Crusader Squad via com-link.
“Argh… no way…” Lisa yelped painfully inside her MS's cockpit. Crusader-04 ceased firing and headed over to the damaged Crusader-03, helping it up by its shoulders and eyeing the Seraph warily, which stood alone with its arms down and “Swallow Edge” in hand.
“Commander Shinonome… then what can we do against this MS?” Miho asked helplessly.
Inside Crusader-01's cockpit, Ryu gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows, clenching his right hand into a shaky fist.
“Damn it…! All this time we've been fighting it up until now… but… still! I'll not give up! Miho, take Lisa with you and head back to the Lesseps! Await further orders from there! Barry, can you still fight?”
Crusader-02 picked up its dropped heavy sword with its remaining arm. Electricity cackled from its left arm socket, indicating damage to that area.
“Heh… I'm no quitter. You sure you can fight too, captain? Your camera's disabled!” Barry warned.
Crusader-01 picked up its dropped heavy sword as well. Electricity cackled from its head socket, indicating damage as well.
“Tch… I…”
The Spawn then cut off Ryu's remark with an outstretched right hand, after landing by its side.
“What… but, Eiji!” the Crusader Squad leader protested.
“No… you've done all you could. I thank you for your assistance. Just leave him to me. Head back to the Lesseps instead and assist the ship! You can do no more in your damaged state,” Eiji reprimanded Ryu.
Inside Crusader-01's cockpit, Ryu's face darkened a bit before sighing resignedly.
“Tch… Crusader Squad, fall back! We'll assist the Lesseps instead! Barry, can you help me up here? Miho, carry Lisa with you!” he ordered.
“But, captain…!” Lisa objected inside Crusader-03's cockpit.
“That's a direct order from Eiji. We'll leave him to the Seraph. He can handle it.”
“Understood, captain, I'll comply,” Miho replied inside Crusader-04's cockpit. Before helping the damaged Crusader-03 up, Crusader-04 holstered its experimental armor assault rifle back in place.
“Well… you can't beat them all, I guess. It's a good suggestion from the `Red Reaper', captain. Ok, let me help you up there!” Barry replied enthusiastically, shaking off the bitterness of defeat from his mind.
Inside the Seraph's cockpit, Kenji watched the Crusader Squad carry their damaged MS and beating a forced retreat back to the Lesseps. It was now him and Eiji alone in the area.
“Eiji… the Lesseps will retreat soon. There's no way that and its escort land battleship would be able to take down the Archangel. Oh, I think it's going to be easily taken care of by the Archangel,” Kenji stated the possible outcome of the battle.
Eiji's face darkened a bit, gauging his possible options. Thinking of the EA legged-warship's sturdy structure, he had to admit it would take more firepower to bring it down. That and not hearing word from the `Desert Tiger' presently dampened his spirits. The biggest problem facing him was in the form of the Seraph, which always assisted the other prototype MS known as the Strike. He was now torn between fighting the Seraph and testing the Strike's capabilities.
Decisions, decisions… if I engage Kenji again, it'll just be the same outcome as the previous battles. Hmm… what if I try something else…
“Humph… Waltfeld-sensei isn't the type to back down from completing an assigned mission, as both of us know during our academy days. I can't let him down, not after having reached this far in pursuing the legged ship. You however are becoming a nuisance to me.”
Kenji's face etched serious by the mention of his former teacher's name.
Really now… I planned the battle strategy for this upcoming fight with Waltfeld-sensei, ever since I last encountered him in Banadiya. I… I didn't want to fight him at first, but if he's attacking my friends onboard the Archangel, then I'll stand firm to fight him!”
“Heh… just like one of his mottos he always reminded us… to defeat the enemy, you must be the enemy. I can see clearly that you've upheld that motto right now. But enough talk…”
The Spawn began walking towards the Seraph, but midway, it began running instead with both its“Swallow Edge” poised ready.
The Seraph then charged at its counterpart with both its“Swallow Edge” poised ready.
“There's always a winner… and a loser in war!” Eiji shouted inside the Spawn's cockpit.
The Seraph and the Spawn neared contact.
Exchanging a deadly series of beam swipes at each other, the two MS dodged, parried, and countered each other's attacks, hoping either could control a small leverage over the other. After breaking another deadlock, the Seraph and the Spawn leapt up to the air and deployed their Gunbarrel pods, while shooting at each other with their beam rifles of both their “Angelus”.
Barrel rolling to avoid its counterpart's beam shots, the Spawn feigned shooting its “Panzer Eisen” and rushed towards the Seraph, which reactively shielded with its right “Angelus” to block the charge. It then fired off its “Hell Fang”, which wrapped around its left “Angelus”, and leapt above the Seraph, delivering it an electric shock.
“Gah…!” Kenji cried out in pain as electricity cackled throughout the Seraph's cockpit.
Seeing its opponent temporarily immobilized, the Spawn then fired off its “Panzer Eisen”, which wrapped around the Seraph's right “Angelus”, and flew behind its counterpart, seeing it held tightly by its grip.
-Chuckle- I didn't think you'd anticipate that move just now. Really now, Kenji, I'm quite disappointed. And Waltfeld-sensei used to tell me that your skills haven't diminished either,” Eiji remarked complacently to his foe.
The Spawn forced its counterpart's arms apart, leaving its body exposed. It then deployed its Gunbarrel pods, which surrounded their new target from all sides.
“This ends now.”
Amidst the dangerous condition he was in, Kenji forced open his eyes to see the Spawn's Gunbarrel pods aimed at him on the Seraph's CIS. Deep down, he felt an intense emotion rushing throughout him.
…DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE `DARK AVENGER'!” he yelled with widen eyes. Suddenly in his mind, a fallen amethyst seed bounced once before exploding in a shower of light.
With a surge from its thrusters, the Seraph flipped upside down facing the Spawn, bringing its arms close together to slice off the Spawn's “Hell Fang” and its “Panzer Eisen”.
“What…!” Eiji exclaimed amazed at the sudden turn of events happening before him.
Before the Spawn could fire its Gunbarrel pods, the Seraph crossed both its “Angelus” and firing off their beam rifles at the same time.
All the Gunbarrel pods sustained damage, rendering them useless, and forcing the Spawn to retract them back in place. The Seraph then charged head-on at its counterpart, uncrossing both its “Angelus” as it neared contact.
The next thing happening, the Spawn was kicked back awry, with its left “Angelus” sliced in half, revealing the attached beam rifle inside. Taking advantage of the moment, the Seraph quickly went behind its counterpart and delivered a stunning elbow smash on its right shoulder, tilting it towards its right side and flew away from a short distance, unleashing its “Panzer Eisen” wrapping around its right arm. It then tugged hard facing itself, while deploying its Gunbarrel pod circling all around the Spawn.
The Seraph then took out its “Agni” and aimed it at the Spawn, charging up a shot, while watching its counterpart being thrashed about from all directions.
“UWAH…!” Eiji cried out in pain as he lurched about inside the Spawn's cockpit and took the damage.
No words were needed to be spoken for Kenji, who was resolute in pulling the right trigger of the control stick to fire the “Agni”.
The immense cannon shot streaked towards the Spawn, taking out its right arm and leg while the Seraph's “Panzer Eisen” was retracted back in place. The huge explosive impact from the damage knocked the damaged Spawn plummeting down to the sandy ground.
Inside its cockpit, Eiji watched the Seraph's image on its counterpart's CIS growing smaller within each second, as he lurched deep into his seat due to sheer drop his MS was experiencing. The warning sirens buzzed aloud in his head as he gave a small calm smile at his foe, with his eyes shimmering and feeling weary from the intense standoff just now.
-Chuckle- Next time, Kenji… next time…”
In his mind, the image of the `Desert Tiger' appeared.
I'm sorry Waltfeld-sensei… I did… all that I could…
Watching the Spawn plummeting down to the sandy ground, the Seraph holstered its “Agni” and retracted its Gunbarrel pods back in place.
“I'm sorry it had to come to this, Eiji,” Kenji sorrowfully remarked in his SEED-induced state. He then remembered his former teacher.
Waltfeld-sensei… he must be battling with Kira!
The Aile Strike boosted backwards, narrowly avoiding another beam saber charge from the LaGOWE and dropping its left beam saber in the process. However, at the same time, it brought up its right beam saber with its right hand and switching its beam rifle to the left hand. It then sliced horizontally at the LaGOWE's left hind leg, cutting it off from its body while the LaGOWE landed hard on the other side, then turning quickly at the Aile Strike.
Inside the LaGOWE's cockpit, both Andy and Aisha continued eyeing their common enemy on the LaGOWE's CIS. The Aile Strike took aim at the LaGOWE with its beam rifle and pulled the trigger; unfortunately, it was shooting blanks.
Inside the Aile Strike's cockpit, Kira checked the current power levels of the power indicator. It was dropping dangerously low at 10 percent.
“No… out of power…? There's no use for this!” he stated, prompting his MS to discard its beam rifle.
“According to this prolonged battle, it's surely running out of power. Aisha, continue firing at him while I maneuver around his sides!” the `Desert Tiger' stated to his lover, who smiled in reply. He then checked up on DaCosta via com-link, making sure of the Lesseps's condition.
“DaCosta… gather up all the surviving men and retreat to Banadiya. What the status of the Henry Carter?” he inquired to his second-in-command, who looked at him gravely.
“It was destroyed by the legged ship's fighter aircrafts, which the Lesseps had just encountered momentarily and took damage from. Commander, please retreat as well!”
“I'm sorry… just follow my last order! I'll have no excuses from you!”
DaCosta's image looked at the `Desert Tiger' in resignation, then saluting him. Andy saluted back, and switched off his com-link to the Lesseps. Flexing his hands before gripping the control sticks, he then moved his MS into action, then activating his com-link to the Aile Strike.
“Heh… one leg missing doesn't slow this MS down. I'll fight until the end!” he exclaimed.
Watching the LaGOWE from the Aile Strike's CIS skating towards him on the desert sand, Kira was horrified.
“No! Stop! The battle is over! What's the use of prolonging this?” he asked.
“As long as we're enemies, I'll continue fighting!” Andy replied back determined.
Running low on power, the Strike Phase Shifted down, its form colored with a dull gray.
“Keh… no…” Kira sadly remarked to himself, seeing the obvious outcome happening before him. Suddenly he saw a falling amethyst seed in his mind bounced once and exploded.
At the next instant, the Strike ejected both its shield and Aile pack, while taking out both its “Armor Schneider” ejected out of its hip armor and unfolded for use. As the LaGOWE neared contact with another beam saber charge, the Strike immediately plunged its right “Armor Schneider” into the LaGOWE's cockpit, stopping its tracks.
By the damage incurred, electricity cackled throughout the LaGOWE's cockpit. Andy and Aisha stood up from their seats and embraced each other, bracing themselves for the inevitable.
“Oh, Andy…!”
The LaGOWE then exploded into its demise. The force of the explosion knocked the Strike back to the ground. Inside its cockpit, Kira felt tears clouding his SEED-induced eyes as he helplessly banged on the Strike's CIS showing the destroyed LaGOWE before him.
“No… No… NO! How could you do this to me? I didn't want to kill you at all!” he cried sadly, with his tears dripping inside his pilot helmet.
High up in the air and witnessing the event just now after hurrying to the Strike's aid, the Seraph let down its arms with its two-fold wings extended. Inside its cockpit, Kenji's eyes gleamed with small tears while his mouth was agape at the image of the destroyed LaGOWE displayed on the Seraph's CIS.
“Waltfeld-sensei… I'm sorry we had to part ways like this,” he mournfully spoke.
Closing his eyes briefly, Kenji allowed his tears to pour out, with his mouth shakily shut.